

2017-09-30 10页 doc 32KB 113阅读




物业一级服务标准物业一级服务标准 类别内容 综 合 标 准 1、根据业主需求,提供物业服务合同之外的特约服务和代办服务等有偿便民服务的,并公示服务项目和服务标准。 2、设有服务接待中心,公示24小时服务电话,及时处理物业管理服务合同范围内的公共性事务,受理客户的咨询和投诉。 3、对项目及房产档案、物业管理服务、特约服务、设备档案和日常办公进行管理,建立档案资料库,各项安全检查、管理做到有章可循、有据可查。 4、甲方支持和配合物业管理的各项工作,每年进行两次以上对物业管理服务满意度抽样调查,满意率达90%以上,及时改进薄弱环节。 ...
物业一级服务 类别内容 综 合 标 准 1、根据业主需求,提供物业服务之外的特约服务和代办服务等有偿便民服务的,并公示服务项目和服务标准。 2、设有服务接待中心,公示24小时服务电话,及时处理物业管理服务合同范围内的公共性事务,受理客户的咨询和投诉。 3、对项目及房产档案、物业管理服务、特约服务、设备档案和日常办公进行管理,建立档案资料库,各项安全检查、管理做到有章可循、有据可查。 4、甲方支持和配合物业管理的各项工作,每年进行两次以上对物业管理服务满意度抽样调查,满意率达90%以上,及时改进薄弱环节。 5、物业管理人员应全部持有物业管理人员职业上岗证书,特种作业人员应100%持有政府或专业部门颁发的有效证书上岗。 6、全体员工统一着装,佩戴标志,服务意识高,敬业精神高,业务素质强,行为语言规范,服务主动,热情。员工不得将头发染成明显怪异的颜色,女员工应着淡妆,禁止浓妆艳抹,男员工不得蓄须、留长发、剃光头。不准佩带形状明显怪异的饰物。 7、定期对服务人员进行物业管理业务知识培训、消防培训及其他服务培训。 维 修 养 护 1、主要出入口设有房屋、道路平面示意图、宣传栏,主要路口设有路标;各组团、栋、及单元(门)、和公共配套设施场地的标识齐全、规范、美观。 2、房屋外观(包括屋面、连廊)完好、整洁;公共楼梯间墙面、地面无破损;外墙及公共空间无乱张贴、乱涂、乱画、乱悬挂现象;室外招牌、广告牌、霓虹灯按规定设置,整齐有序。 3、每日巡查3次房屋单元门、楼梯通道以及其他共用部位的门窗、玻璃等,做好巡查记录,并及时维修养护;检修记录和保养记录齐全。 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 4、每年一次对房屋及设施设备进行安全普查,根据普查结果制定维修,中大修需申报甲方批准后,组织实施。 5、急修半小时内、其他保修按双方约定时间到达现场,建立有完整的报修、维修和回访记录。 6、建立24小时值班记录制度,用户投诉少于3%。 7、制定年维修保养计划,并按计划规定时间、内容组织实施,做到预防检修,定期保养、检修,并做好记录备案。 8、如发生设备故障,接到故障报修20分钟内到达现场,运行维修人员应正确执行《设备应急预案》,故障解除后应及时填写事故报告。 9、加强系统设备的日常巡视检查和维护保养,以确保系统设备完成好率达99%以上。 10、设备保持外观清洁,保持机房整体卫生做到每月彻底清洁。 11、对共用设施设备进行日常管理和维修养护(依法应由专业部门负责的除外)。 12、公共配套服务设施完好,标志、标识齐全、规范,不随意改变用途,共用设施设备按照项目配套建设管理责任分工运转正常,日常的管理和维修养护情况良好。建立有设备档案(设备台帐)、运行记录、检查记录、维修记录、保养记录,对设备故障及重大或突发性事件有应急方案和现场处理措施、处理记录。 13、维修养护制度健全并在工作场所明示,工作标准及岗位责任制明确,操作维护人员严格执行设施设备操作规程及保养规范;设施设备运行正常,无事故隐患。 14、对共用设施设备定期组织巡查,做好巡查记录,需要维修,属于小修范围的,及时组织修复;属于大、中修范围的,及时编制维修计划、更新改造计划,向甲方提出报告与建议,根据甲方的决定,组织维修或更新改造。 15、园区道路平整,主要道路及停车场交通标志齐全、规范;区域内公共娱乐设施、水池等部位,设置有明显的安全警示标志。 16、路灯、楼道灯、景观灯等公共照明设备完好率98%以上,按约定时间定时开关。 17、设备用房整洁、通风,无跑、冒、滴、漏和鼠害现象,危及人身安全隐患处有明显标志和防范措施,对可能发生的各种突发设备故障有应急方案。 18、消防设施设备完好,可随时启用,消防通道通畅;有健全的消防,建立消防责任制及火灾消防预案。 绿 化 养 护 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 1、有专业人员实施绿化养护管理。植被存活率达到95,以上,春秋两季充分浇水,每周一次。夏季勤浇水,每周两次,宜早、晚浇。春秋季每两周一次,冬季可不浇水。 2、根据气候状况和季节,适时组织浇灌、施肥和松土,花草树木生长良好,无枯死、无树挂,适时修剪、疏密得当,有良好的观赏效果;树形符合自然特征,整形植物保持一定形状。发现死树在一周内清除,并适时补种。 3、草坪生长整齐,及时进行修剪,草坪长到70mm,80mm时,应予修剪草坪修剪后高度为60mm。及时清除杂草,有效控制杂草孳生;无垃圾、无烟头纸屑。 4、绿篱枝叶较茂密,适时进行修剪,绿篱根部无死枝枯叶及杂物,当天清除修剪废弃物。 5、适时组织防冻保暖,预防病虫害,病虫害无明显迹象。 6、园林建筑和辅助设施完好,整洁无损。 7、绿化地设有提示爱护绿化的宣传牌。 保 洁 服 务 1、根据实际情况合理布设果皮箱或垃圾桶,垃圾清运日产日清,无垃圾桶、果皮箱满溢现象,保持垃圾设施清洁、无异味;垃圾袋装化。 2、有健全的保洁制度,道路、广场、停车场、绿地等公共区域设专人保洁,每天清扫2次;一层共用大厅每日拖洗1次;楼梯扶手每日擦洗1次;共用部位玻璃每周清洁1次;室外标识、宣传栏、信报箱等共用部位设施设备每周擦拭2次;路灯、楼道灯每月清洁1次。 3、共用雨、污水管道每年疏通1次;雨水井、化粪井、污水井每月检查1次,视检查情况及时清掏,保持通畅,无堵塞外溢;化粪池每月检查1次,每半年清掏1次,发现异常及时清掏。 4、二次供水水箱按规定清洗,定时巡查,水质符合卫生要求。 5、进行保洁巡查,楼道内无乱悬挂、乱贴乱画、乱堆放等现象。 6、建立消杀工作管理制度,根据园区实际情况开展毒和灭虫除害工作,适时投放消杀药物,有效控制鼠、蟑、蚊、蝇等害虫孳生。 7、公共通道每日定时清扫,楼梯扶手每日定时清擦不少于1次,公共部位门、内窗每周实时清擦不少于2次,外窗视情况急时清擦。 8、一层共用大厅、电梯候梯厅每日清洁不少于3次,电梯轿箱墙每日清擦不少于3次,电梯轿箱地面保持清洁,视天气情况及时保洁一层共用大厅、电梯候梯厅、果壳箱并配备专人不间断的清洁、保洁,并对过往顾客有礼貌避让。 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 9、对园区内设置的垃圾桶、果壳箱做到日产日清,保持垃圾桶、果壳箱周边清洁,定期进行卫生消杀,消杀每周不低于3次。 秩 序 1、为加强办公楼、园区及人员的安全管理,物业公司要成立专业的安保机构,具体负责对治安、消防工作安全的各项管理工作。门岗室整洁,公共秩序维护人员统一着装,佩戴有明显的标志。 2、设专人24小时值勤,其中主出入口昼夜有专人站岗值守,对进出小区的车辆实施有效管理,引导车辆有序通行、停放。 3、要制定各种突发事件的应急预案,并从人员、设备、物资、车辆等方面给予保障。建立档案资料库,各项安全检查、管理做到有章可循有据可查。配合公安机关打击各种破坏治安和刑事犯罪活动。 4、按照规定路线和时间24小时进行有计划、不间断的巡逻,每天不少于8次;对重点区域、重点部位每1小时至少巡查1次,并做好巡查记录;夜间对服务范围内重点部位、道路进行不少于两次的防范检查和巡逻;配有安全监控设施的,实施24小时监控并做有完备 的记录。 5、对火灾、治安、公共卫生等突发事件有应急预案,事发时及时报告甲方和有关部门,并协助采取相应措施。 6、建立健全安全防范组织机构,签订安全生产责任书,落实各项安全责任。在办公楼内,设置门禁系统、防火监控室、安监室、24小时有人值班,对岗内发生的情况做详细记录。 7、 楼内防火设施齐全,对消防管理人员定期培训,做到人人会使用报警和灭火设施设备。 8、 车库实行24小时保安人员值班,对各种意外情况都做详细记录。 9、 大厦监控器系统随时记录各种情况,按规定保存各项纪录,并建立专业档案。 10、管理处保安员对大厦内的大堂、楼道、楼梯、电梯及死角进行定期定时巡视,并将检查时间、地点、巡视次数作详细记录,保安员巡视次数每天不少于四次。 11、发现问后要及时处理并上报。如遇紧急情况必须及时采取紧急措施。 12、保安人员在巡视时,必须按照即定巡视路线进行巡视。 13、车场管理员必须24小时有人值班,不得空岗。 14、车场管理员熟悉车场管理系统一般性故障的处理程序,停车场管理系统发生故障时,立即通知工程部人员到场维修.平时主机显示器保持在实时监控界面。物业公司应根据相关要to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 求,制作停车证和专用车位牌。车场管理员要如实详尽地记录当天发生的事件,发现问题及时向上级报告。 15、车场管理员工作时应着装整洁,举止文明、礼貌待人、服务热情周到、努力化解工作中的各种矛盾,对外避免发生冲突。 16、发生任何车辆事故时,及时上报看管好事故现场,疏导其它车辆绕行,确保道路通畅。接到火警报警信号时,值班员要按照制定的火警处置预案的程序报警,并通知有关人员到火警地点扑救。 17、停车场内停放的车辆发生丢失,由车主报公安部门处理,管理处将配合公安部门为破案提供线索,不负责赔偿。 18、 物业管理实行危险品专业化管理,对危险品的保管、出入、使用实行登记,建立健全危险品管理档案。 危险品、易燃物品领用采取用多少、领多少,工作场地不得过量存放。 19、安全部们应定期对危险品和易燃物品进行监督、检查,发现隐患及时整改。 20、 严禁易燃易爆物品进入大厦。 21、腐蚀、有害气体类危险品应放置在专用仓库(箱柜),仓库(柜)由专人保管。 22、 购买危险品应在保安部备案并由专人采购、验收入库。 23、易燃类危险品限量购买,对存放易燃物品仓库、箱、柜应保证遮光、干燥、通风和排风,且安设阻燃防爆开关和防爆灯。 24、存放易燃物品仓库、箱、柜处应有明显"禁烟标志"和"闲人莫入"标志。 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides
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