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割杂草工程施工方案割杂草工程施工方案 14Y/储运/12#罐组杂草清理工程 施工方案 编 制: 施工技术审核: 安全保证审核: 质量保证审核: 批 准: 茂名华粤园林建筑工程有限公司 二O一四年十月三十日 1boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalhyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of cause...
割杂草 14Y/储运/12#罐组杂草清理工程 施工方案 编 制: 施工技术审核: 安全保证审核: 质量保证审核: 批 准: 茂名华粤园林建筑工程有限公司 二O一四年十月三十日 1boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalhyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laypertine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hliterature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocr about ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadetween quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube b integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 目 录 一、工程概况 ................................................................................................... 3 二、施工方案编制依据及标准 ......................................................................... 3 三、施工内容、范围及计划工程量 .................................................................. 3 四、施工前期准备 ............................................................................................ 4 五、施工顺序 ................................................................................................... 4 六、施工技术要求、技术参数 ......................................................................... 4 七、主要质量、安全控制点及检查方法 .......................................................... 5 八、质量保证措施 ............................................................................................ 6 九、HSE(健康、安全、环保)保证措施 ....................................................... 7 十、TNPM保证措施 ........................................................................................ 8 十一、急响应措施 ............................................................................................ 9 十二、施工机具安排表 .................................................................................... 9 十三、乙方施工组织、工种、人员安排表..................................................... 10 十四、甲方施工组织结构 ............................................................................... 11 十五、施工进度统筹 ...................................................................................... 12 十六、工作危害分析(JHA)表(附表一) ................................................. 13 十七、环境因素识别和评价及削减措施登记表 ............................................. 14 十八、质量控制及检查相关表格.................................................................... 16 十九、本方案有效期 ...................................................................................... 17 二十、其他说明.............................................................................................. 17 2boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalthe lahyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and rine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function endocabout literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadts (1ube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requiremennephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small t integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA 一、工程概况 本项目施工地点位于乙烯厂区六号路北面12#罐组罐区内。该地块杂草丛生,杂草高度大部分达到一米以上,存在严重的消防安全隐患,并且杂草所带来的危害正呈逐渐加重趋势。因此,本项目的关键工作是把现有杂草进行清除,对解决杂草的危害及所带来安全隐患意义重大。 清理杂草施工计划工期:2014年11月01日开工,2014年11月10日竣工,共10天。 二、施工方案编制依据及标准 1、中国石化茂名分公司检修任务委托书,工单号:5200070979。 2、施工管理规范、标准 (1)《工程测量规范》GB50026-2007 (2)《广东城市绿化工程施工和验收规范》(DB44T581-2009) (3)《园林绿化工程施工及验收规范》(CJJ/T82-2012) (4)《茂名石化承包商安全管理规定》 3、我公司IS09001质量手册、程序文件和施工作业指导书,以及施工质量、安全生产、技术管理、文明施工等有关文件。 三、施工内容、范围及计划工程量 化工分部14Y/储运/12#罐组杂草清理工程的主要内容:人工及机械割除12#罐组东面区域的杂草,面积约4500?。割除杂草后人工绑扎杂草、人工挑运杂草至路边归堆,人工挑运杂草平均运距100米。人工装车并外运杂草,运距10公里。 3nosis standard, and clinicald diagcauses learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laboratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, anatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of outp knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocrine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section d teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroad about literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinicalge, any failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) languadiabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidnePurpura sex nephritis integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 四、施工前期准备 1、组织参加施工技术人员充分熟悉施工现场,进行施工技术、质量及现场安全交底。 2、按施工工期要求,组织充足的劳动力参加各阶段的施工,进场施工前,施工技术人员就本项工程的特点技术、质量要求和安全措施向操作人员交底,并办理好甲方要求的所有必要手续。 3、按要求配备充足的、安全性能良好的施工机具进行施工。 4、组织施工作业人员到生产车间进行安全教育培训。 五、施工顺序 清理场地杂乱物?人工、机械割杂草?人工挑运杂草归堆?人工装杂草、自卸汽车外运杂草。 六、施工技术要求、技术参数 1、作业前,首先要进行场地清理,清除工作区域内的铁线、石头、金属物体等障碍物,对有可能致使机体反弹的障碍物,不能清除的要设置警示标志,或先人工割除周围的杂草使其显露出来,避免机具碰触。 2、场地平整,无障碍物、安全环境许可的尽量使用机械割除杂草,无法使用机械的地方用人工进行割除。 3、机械割草有遗漏或留茬高度过高的要用人工进行修整,应尽量做到将杂草除净、除了。 4、杂草要做到当天割除当天清理,不能堆放在罐区内过夜,以免干枯后 难以收集或引发火灾。 4boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalthe lahyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and rine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function endocabout literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadts (1ube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requiremennephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small t integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA 七、主要质量、安全控制点及检查方法 1、主要质量、安全控制点 序 控制点 控制方法 依据 检查人员 检查方法 检查表 备注 号 检查外观、零部件 机具准备 机具使用说明书 施工单位 现场查看 1 试运转 机具使说明书、机具安全 机具使用 过程监督 施工单位 现场查看 2 操作规程 施工单位 目测、卷尺量度 机具割草 目测,对比 甲方的要求 3 车间、施工单位、机 杂草清理 抽查、监督 甲方的要求 现场查看 4 动处项目工程师 车间、施工单位、机 抽查、监督 现场查看 5 装车外运 甲方的要求 动处项目工程师 5boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalhyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laypertine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hliterature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocr about ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadetween quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube b integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 八、质量保证措施 1、施工前做好现场技术交底,提出施工的具体要求、质量标准及注意事项,严格做到按甲方的要求组织施工。 2、施工过程中质检员要随时工程质量情况,每个分项工程施工完成后,要及时进行检查评定施工质量,自始至终把好质量关。 3、挑选熟练有技术的施工人员参与施工,配备性能良好的施工机具。 4、质量保证体系: 项目经理: 技物 术资工质综管供程量合理应管监 管:: 理督理 :: 施工班组 施工人员 5、工程的主要质量控制点及质量要求如下: 序 号 项 目 主 要 控 制 内 容 等级 草头留茬高度 草头留茬高度?10cm 1 C 杂草清理 杂草及时清理,无遗漏,按指定地点堆放 B 2 杂草外运 及时清运、运输途中无洒落、遗漏 B 3 A 4 交工验收 经有关各方检查合格验收。 A级:施工单位、机动处和车间代表检查确认。B级:施工单位、车间备注 代表检查确认。C级:施工单位代表全查。 6boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalhyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laypertine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hliterature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocr about ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadetween quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube b integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 九、HSE(健康、安全、环保)保证措施 1、坚持“安全第一,预防为主”的方针,强化施工现场安全监督管理,严格执行茂石化《安全生产监督管理规定》及《安全生产禁令》。 2、按规定开展班前安全讲话,对施工管理及作业人员进行安全教育,并做好各分部分项工作的安全技术交底,提高作业人员的安全意识,确保实现安全文明施工。 3、施工前,必须按规定办理用火作业许可证,并逐一落实各项安全措施。 4、施工现场配备符合安全生产法律、法规、标准和规程要求的安全防护用具、施工机具及配件。 5、督促施工人员正确使用劳动防护用品,严格执行安全操作规程和施工 现场的,禁止违章指挥、违章作业。 6、严禁作业人员随意进入与施工无关的装置、区域或随意乱动各种阀门 开关,以免造成人身意外伤害。 7、施工过程中,严格控制“三废”,施工完毕,必须立刻清理现场,达到环保要求。 8、严格按照HSE管理体系要求进行风险评价与控制措施(见附表)。 9、HSE管理体系 公司经理: 主管安全领导: 项目安全员: 一组安全员: 二组安全员: 7nosis standard, and clinicald diagcauses learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laboratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, anatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of outp knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocrine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section d teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroad about literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinicalge, any failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) languadiabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidnePurpura sex nephritis integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 安全员 安全员 十、TNPM保证措施 为了加强TNPM模式管理,结合本项目的施工特点,抓好6S:整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、安全、素养,六源:污染源、清扫困难源、故障源、安全隐患源、缺陷源、浪费源。将每天割除的杂草及时运送到甲方指定的地点,做到工完料净场地清。 施工作业区域: 8boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalthe lahyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and rine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function endocabout literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadts (1ube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requiremennephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small t integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA 十一、急响应措施 1、如发生火灾,现场发现人员应立即向乙烯消防支队火警调度(2233119)报告、向施工班长报告,施工班长立即向车间、乙烯厂区及本单位领导报告,同时启动应急处理系统。 2、疏散现场危险区域人员,并清点查看现场作业人员是否齐集。 3、设置警戒线保护现场,维持现场秩序,禁止无关人员进入。 4、如有人员受伤或被困,施工班长应组织在场人员在确保自身安全的情况下按正确的救护方法先将伤者或被困人员转移到安全地带,打急救电话2238120求救。 5、当救护车未到达时,对伤者实施人工呼吸、心脏复苏等必要的处理,待救护车到达后立即将伤者送医院进行抢救。 6、在消防队救援人员未到达事故或灾害现场前,当班班长应结合实际情况在确保人员安全的情况下组织力量设法切断或控制火源,如出现易燃易爆、有毒有害物质泄漏,有可能发生爆炸或人员中毒时,立即人员撤离。 十二、施工机具安排表 1、施工机具表 机 具 名 称 单位 数量 序号 备注 1 5T自卸车 辆 3 割灌机 台 6 2 3 扁担 根 43 4 镰刀 把 60 5 油桶 个 2 9nosis standard, and clinicald diagcauses learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laboratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, anatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of outp knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocrine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section d teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroad about literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinicalge, any failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) languadiabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidnePurpura sex nephritis integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 十三、乙方施工组织、工种、人员安排表 1、施工组织管理机构 公司经理: 项目经理: 现场代表: 质检员: 安全员: 设备员: 人 工 装人人车工工 、、挑自机运 卸 械杂汽割草车 杂归外草堆运 : : 杂 草 : 2、劳动力配置 项次 工 种 人 数 1 绿化工 20 2 司机 3 3 辅助工 2 4 后勤工 1 合计 26 10boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalthe lahyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and rine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function endocabout literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadts (1ube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requiremennephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small t integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA 十四、甲方施工组织结构 分项工程负责人: 工程管理负责人: 技术负责: 质量负责人: 安全负责人: 车间现场代表: 11nosis standard, and clinicald diagcauses learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laboratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, anatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of outp knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocrine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section d teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroad about literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinicalge, any failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) languadiabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidnePurpura sex nephritis integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 十五、施工进度统筹 14Y/储运/12#罐组杂草清理工程施工统筹表 施工单位签字: 天数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 工序 人工割杂草 人工挑运杂草归堆 人工装杂草、 自卸汽车外运杂草 验收 12boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalhyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laypertine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hliterature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocr about ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadetween quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube b integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 十六、工作危害分析(JHA)表(附表一) 工作危险性分析(JHA)记录表 记录编号:MMSH-R3.06.001-2011 项目名称::14Y/储运/12#罐组杂草清理工程 ------园林建筑工程单 位: 区域/工艺过程: 设施名称及位号: 14Y/储运/12#罐组 14Y/储运/12#罐组 有限公司 日 期: 2014.10.29 检查/分析人员及岗位: ---/项目经理 ---现场代表 ---/安全员 审核人员及岗位: ---/监安全部部长 以往发生频率及现有安全控制措施 建议改进/ 序号 工作步骤 危险或潜在事件 主要后果 员工胜任程度L S 风险度(R) 确认人 控制措施 发生频率 管理措施 / 安全设施 设备设施现状 使用不正常,可能会设备性能经检验试用1 准备工作 进场设备性能不完好 偶尔发生 专人监护 胜任/良好 2 3 6 发生事故 合格方可进场 专人监护、督促作业人安全帽、防护作业现场设警戒线,过去曾发物体打击 人身伤害 员按要求穿戴劳保用胜任/良好 眼镜、劳保3 3 9 作业人员保持足够安 生 品,保持足够安全距离 服、劳保鞋、 全距离 安全帽、防护2 机械割草 严格遵守安全操作规加强机具检查,确保机械伤害 人身伤害 偶尔发生 胜任/良好 眼镜、劳保3 3 9 程 性能良好 服、劳保鞋、 按要求办理用火作业落实用火安全措施,火灾、爆炸 人身伤害、财产损失 极少发生 胜任/良好 灭火器 2 3 6 许可证 现场配备灭火器 及时清理杂草并挑运 到指定地点,及时装3 作业完工后 杂草未及时清理 污染环境、引发火灾 极少发生 专人监护 胜任/良好 1 3 3 车外运。做到工完场 地清 13nosis standard, and clinicald diagcauses learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laboratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, anatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of outp knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocrine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section d teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroad about literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinicalge, any failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) languadiabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidnePurpura sex nephritis integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 十七、环境因素识别和评价及削减措施登记表 环境因素识别和评价及风险削减措施登记表 作业内容: 危害识别人员: 作业地点: 作业时间: 序号 作业内容 主要危害或潜在事件 主要后果 关键控制措施 确认人 14boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalthe lahyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and rine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function endocabout literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadts (1ube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requiremennephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small t integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA 装置工艺处理、检修过程环境因素调查及控制措施登记表 记录编号:MMSH-R3.06.015-2011 项目名称:14Y/储运/12#罐组杂草清理工程 产生污染物的活动、 序号 环境因素 污染因子 时态 状态 排放量 排放浓度 排放频次 排放方式 控制措施 产品或服务过程 作业人员佩戴机械噪声机械启动、噪声 现在 正常 ,,(,,,(,) 少量 6h/天 耳塞 的排放 运转 1 机械割除杂草 作业人员佩戴机械废气机械启动、烟尘、废气 现在 正常 32.6-41.5CC 0.15mg/m3 6h/天 防尘口罩 的排放 运转 汽车运输将杂草绑扎 途中遗漏杂草 现在 正常 极少 极少 6h/天 遗漏 好,严禁车辆 杂草 超载 2 汽车外运杂草 一氧化碳、碳氢CO(0.1%-0.8%) 汽车尾汽汽车启动、现在 正常 1.78g/km 8h/天 化合物、颗粒物 HC:220 的排放 运转 审核人:--- 分析人员:---------- 15nosis standard, and clinicald diagcauses learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laboratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, anatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hyperthyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of outp knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocrine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section d teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroad about literature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinicalge, any failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) languadiabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube between quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidnePurpura sex nephritis integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 十八、质量控制及检查相关表格 割草质量控制表 工程名称:14Y/储运/12#罐组杂草清理工程 施工区域:14Y/储运/12#罐组 确认人签字 序号 质量控制点 质量标准 现场检修记录 机动部门 施工单位 生产装置 (监理单位) 一 施工前检查 施工机具 性能良好,满足施工需要,符合安全使用要求 1 工作区域内无电缆、铁线、石头、金属铁块等妨碍施施工环境 2 工的杂物, 二 施工过程中检查 草头留茬高度?10cm 1 草头留茬高度 杂草及时清理,无遗漏,按指定地点堆放 2 割除杂草清理 及时清运、运输途中无洒落、遗漏 3 杂草外运 三 竣工后检查 杂草全部割除并清理干净无遗漏,草头留茬高度符合杂草地外观 1 要求 16boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalhyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laypertine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hliterature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocr about ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadetween quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube b integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex 十九、本方案有效期 二十、其他说明 17boratory performance; diabetes classification, and causes, and diagnosis standard, and clinicalhyroidism syndrome and thyroid function decrease syndrome of causes learn, and clinical performance, and treatment and the laypertine metabolism section 2 months (containing endocrine section outpatient 2 week) 1. Rotary purpose master: thyroid function hliterature reviewed or reading report 1 article (3) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: kidney puncture (six) endocr about ) learning disease species: radical sex nephritis. (2) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: abroadetween quality sex disease acute kidney failure chronic kidney failure requirements at least 30 cases 3. high requirements (1Purpura sex nephritis diabetes nephropathy urinary tract infection kidney small tube b integrated levy nephropathy integrated levy no symptoms urine check exception IgA nephropathy Lupus sex nephritis allergy sex
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