
realtek HD声卡调麦克风

2017-12-10 17页 doc 68KB 13阅读




realtek HD声卡调麦克风realtek HD声卡调麦克风 在HD声卡音量控制的“播放”里面,有的用户有“麦克风音量”这一项, 这就是以前常用声卡的“麦克风”,相关设置方法与以前一样,没什么特别的;但有的用户根本就没有任何“麦克风”或者“Mic”之类的字眼,这种情况下如何设置,就是本文所要强调与详细介绍的问题与内容。 存在两个难点: A、音量控制的“播放”里面,找不到常规声卡那样一目了然的“麦克风”,结果造成不能同时讲话与播放音乐。“录音”部分,与以前常规声卡没有本质区别,麦克风、立体声混音都有。在“播放”里面的麦克风问题没解决的情况下,要么只能...
realtek HD声卡调麦克风
realtek HD声卡调麦克风 在HD声卡音量控制的“播放”里面,有的用户有“麦克风音量”这一项, 这就是以前常用声卡的“麦克风”,相关设置方法与以前一样,没什么特别的;但有的用户根本就没有任何“麦克风”或者“Mic”之类的字眼,这种情况下如何设置,就是本文所要强调与详细介绍的问与内容。 存在两个难点: A、音量控制的“播放”里面,找不到常规声卡那样一目了然的“麦克风”,结果造成不能同时讲话与播放音乐。“录音”部分,与以前常规声卡没有本质区别,麦克风、立体声混音都有。在“播放”里面的麦克风问题没解决的情况下,要么只能播放音乐,不能同时讲话;要么只能讲话,不能同时播放音乐。 B、与以前不同的音量调整问题,即使音量控制部分调整到最大了,但实际音量依然比较小。 掌握四个要点: 1、麦克风、音箱或者耳机默认接线插入要正确(主要接在机箱后面); 2、明白HD声卡音量控制的“播放”与“录音”属性选择,分别在音量控制属性的“混音器”里面选择“Realtek HD audio output”与“Realtek HD audio Input”,这是与以前一般声卡完全不同的地方;原来的常规声卡,“混音器”里面只有一个设备,而HD声卡则分输出、输入两个设备; 3、明白音量控制中,播放属性(混音器:Realtek HD audio output)里面,Rear Pink In(后面板粉红色插孔)就是以前常规声卡的“麦克风”,选择调整这里,就是调整麦克风; 4、明白不同于以前声卡的音量大小的调节问题,需要结合“Realtek高清晰音频配置”中的“混频器”调节、设定“重放”与“录制”的总音量。有的朋友说,音量控制中的相关项目的音量已经调到非常大了,但播放出来的音量还是很小,问题可能就在这里:没有调整“混频器”界面总音量的那个圆圈旋钮到合适的音量位置。 音量控制界面各项目的含义: 软件合成器:软效果器插件音量 Front: 前置音箱音量 Rear: 后置音箱音量 Subwoofer: 环绕音箱音量 Center: 中置音箱音量 Side: 旁置音箱音量 (适用于7.1音箱) SPDIF: 数字接口音量控制 Front Green In:前面板绿色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) Rear Pink In: 后面板粉色插孔 (默认为话筒、麦克风) Rear Blue In: 后面板蓝色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) HD声卡设置图文介绍: (说明:图片来自百度空间他人的文章,图片下面的说明文字为荞麦撰写) from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order “播放”与“录音”直接在这里选择设置。 伴奏设置:打开音量控制小喇叭,依次点:选项、属性、录音,在“显示下列音量控制”里面,只选择麦克风(mic)和立体声(stereo)或波形(wave),点“确定”以后再选立体声或波形即可。 一点说明:以上只是简要说明。比如:“mic”是指英文显示的麦克风“Microphone”;“stereo”是指立体声混音“Stereo Mix”;“wave”是指波形输出混音(Wave Out Mix)。因为声卡和驱动程序的不同,有的音量控制显示的是中文界面,有的则是英文界面,有的中英文都有。“录音”控制那里,混音显示的有的是“立体声”,而有的则是“波形”。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order output对应“播放”,input对应“录音”。 与麦克风。我们一般不使用前面板的插孔,而是把耳麦、音箱固定接入到机箱分别是 绿色插孔的音箱或耳机,粉红色插孔的麦克风。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 然后选择在机箱后面插入麦克风与音箱或耳机所对应的“Rear Pink In”与“Rear Green In”,其他的都不用选择。 HD声卡音量控制设备的选择与设置 HD声卡音量控制的“播放”里面,往往看不到常规的“麦克风”字眼。这种情况下,下面的两项就是默认的麦克风,前后面板上都有对应颜色与图标的: ......音量控制“播放”部分的设备选择...... 打开右下角音量控制小喇叭,依次点:选项/属性/播放(混音器:Realtek HD audio output),在“显示下列音量控制”里面,只选择如下5项常用的设备,其他的都不用选择: 主音量 波形 Front Green In 前面板绿色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) Front Pink In 前面板粉色插孔 (默认为话筒、麦克风) Rear Green In 后面板绿色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) Rear Pink In 后面板粉色插孔 (默认为话筒、麦克风) Rear Blue In 后面板蓝色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) 说明:上述项目中,如果你只使用前面板插入耳麦或麦克风、音箱,那就把后面板“Rear”开头的3项静音;如果只使用后面板插入耳麦或麦克风、音箱,那就把前面板“Front”开头的两项静音。后面板选择使用两个音箱设备(插孔),其目的在于方便同时使用耳麦与音箱:一个插入耳麦的听筒,比如“Rear Green In”绿色插孔,另一个接入音箱,比如“Rear Blue In”蓝色插孔。 ......音量控制“录音”部分的设备选择...... 打开右下角音量控制小喇叭,依次点:选项/属性/录音(混音器:Realtek HD audio Input),在“显示下列音量控制”里面,只选择如下两项常用的设备,其他的都不用选 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 择: 说明:这两项只能同时勾选使用一项,而不能同时勾选的。如果要在QQ语音聊天时给对方播放音乐,或者在UC与碧聊等语音聊天室卡拉OK唱歌时播放伴奏,或者播放歌曲、音乐与大家分享,那就必须勾选“立体声混音”。否则,如果勾选的是“麦克风音量”,那么你播放的声音对方是听不到的。这就是所谓声卡的“内放”伴奏。只有在同时选用“播放”里面的麦克风与“录音”里面的立体声混音的时候,才能同时讲话与播放歌曲音乐。所以,你在QQ语音或者在语音聊天室的时候,就需要经常检查它们的设置情况。 这就是该声卡的“控制中心”或称“控制面板”,在这里设置声卡的众多选项。 一般不要使用音效、均衡器,以免改变了播放与收听的原始声音效果;也不要使用卡拉OK,该功能只是削弱mp3等歌曲中某些原声的,效果并不理想。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 输入(比如麦克风)设备,一般用户不会搞得那么复杂而接入很多设备,所以只要使用默认标注的绿色(音箱、耳机)、粉红色(麦克风)即可。有需要的,可以再接入一对有源音箱,以便放下耳麦的时候使用音箱来监听。这样,就相当于接入了4个音箱了。 图8 插孔“接头设置”,启用“禁用前面板插孔检测”,也就是在前面打勾,这样就不用自定义前面板两个插孔的含义,使用其默认设备的音箱、耳机(绿色插孔)与麦克风(粉红色插孔)即可。HD声卡可同时使用前、后面板的麦克风、音箱,而AC97等声卡是不能同时使用的。另外,可以去掉“当插入设备时,开启自动弹出对话框”前面的勾,以便使用系统默认的插孔设备功能,不用自己定义插孔。比如在电脑后面板上,就默 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 认了如下插孔,我们对应插入设备即可: Rear Green In 后面板绿色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) Rear Pink In 后面板粉色插孔 (默认为话筒、麦克风) Rear Blue In 后面板蓝色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) 图9 “混频器”选项的设置:这里的混频器,相当于有些朋友使用过的“方塘音控”软件,相当于UC语音的“高级调节”功能,是把“播放”与“录音”设备属性布置在一个界面上的,我们可以直接在这里选择、设置它们的属性:选择需要使用的设备项目,调节它们的音量大小等。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 图10 录音属性的设置:这与以前使用过的一般声卡没啥区别,我们只须选择“麦克风”与“立体声混音”两项即可。这其实就是我们经常检查、设置的“音量控制”的“录音”部分,只要最后选择使用“立体声混音”这项(所谓伴奏设置、内放设置),就可以把自己播放的声音传送到聊天室等语音场所。 图11 “麦克风”设置:可选择使用“噪音抑制”,但不要使用“回声消除”,否则,据说自己讲话就不能传送出去。本人理解:因为该选项是用于录音的,可能是让播放部分的麦克风“静音”的情况下来录音,当然就不能使用麦克风讲话了。 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order 图12 最后,让我们再来看看“混频器”设置界面,加深对“重放”(播放)与“录制”(录音)属性的选择与设置。明白如下几点:1)“重放”里面,“Front”开头的设备,是电脑前面板上的,一般不使用,在点开左侧那个小扳手图标打开“混音器工具箱”选择音量控制设备的时候,不要选择它们,就不会显示在重放界面上。2)“Rear”开头的项目,是电脑后面板上的,我们只要选择需要使用的绿色和粉红色分别接入音箱与麦克风插孔所对应的“Rear Green In”与“Rear Pink In”两项,其他的都不用选择。3)“录制”这部分,就是常说的“录音”属性,我们只须选择“麦克风音量”与“立体声混音”两项即可,其他两项一般不会使用的。4)音量调节问题:除了在各选项比如“波形”等那里调整音量大小之外,一定要了解与记住还必须在左侧的那两个音量调节旋钮上调节总音量,“,”与“+”分别对应最小与最大音量。据说,“重放”那里的音量旋钮应该放在最大位置,否则音量会很小;而“录制”旋钮的音量则不要最大,否则出现爆破音与失真现象。 音 量 控 制 界 面 各 项 目 的 含 义 Front: 前置音箱音量 Rear: 后置音箱音量 Subwoofer: 环绕音箱音量 Center: 中置音箱音量 Side: 旁置音箱音量 (适用于7.1音箱) SPDIF: 数字接口音量控制 Front Green In:前面板绿色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order Rear Pink In: 后面板粉色插孔 (默认为话筒、麦克风) Rear Blue In: 后面板蓝色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) Front Green In 前面板绿色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) Front Pink In 前面板粉色插孔 (默认为话筒、麦克风) Rear Green In 后面板绿色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) Rear Pink In 后面板粉色插孔 (默认为话筒、麦克风) Rear Blue In 后面板蓝色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) Rear Green In 后面板绿色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) Rear Pink In 后面板粉色插孔 (默认为话筒、麦克风) Rear Blue In 后面板蓝色插孔 (默认为音箱、耳机) from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should be set aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost, electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measures preparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliance with specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for corrective actions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4 installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual, total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order
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