

2017-09-18 24页 doc 72KB 109阅读




有教育意义的电影有教育意义的电影 下面介绍的电影,都非常有教育和励志意义。我看过一大半, 觉得都是精品。 1. 心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting 导演 : Gus Van Sant 主演 : Robin Williams/Matt Damon/Ben Affleck/Stellan Skarsgård/Minnie Driver/Casey Affleck/Cole Hauser 评语 : 我的最爱,有关天才、伯乐和真正意义的心灵 捕手。 2. 死亡诗社 Dead Poets Society 导演 : 彼...
有教育意义的电影 下面介绍的电影,都非常有教育和励志意义。我看过一大半, 觉得都是精品。 1. 心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting 导演 : Gus Van Sant 主演 : Robin Williams/Matt Damon/Ben Affleck/Stellan Skarsgård/Minnie Driver/Casey Affleck/Cole Hauser 评语 : 我的最爱,有关天才、伯乐和真正意义的心灵 捕手。 2. 死亡诗社 Dead Poets Society 导演 : 彼德•威尔 Peter Weir 主演 : Robin Williams/Robert Sean Leonard/Ethan Hawke/Josh Charles/Gale Hansen 评语 : 中学课堂教育的典范,从内心激发你对知识的 渴求,高中的精英教育往往带着一些刻板,活力四射而极富** 的老师会给压抑的孩子们带来受益终身的影响,让学习不再是枯 燥的文字和符号,而变成青春中最跳跃的音符 3. 皇家俱乐部 The Emperor's Club 导演 : 迈克尔 霍夫曼 (Michael Hoffman) 主演 : 凯文•克莱恩Kevin Kline/埃米尔•赫斯基Emile Hirsch/安贝斯•大卫德兹Embeth Davidtz weather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closed 评语 : 每位老师都有自己最宠爱的学生,甚至不惜违背自己公平公正的准绳而偏心他们。 4. 弦动我心 Music of the Heart 导演 : 韦斯 克雷文 (Wes Craven) 主演 : Meryl Streep/Aidan Quinn/Gloria Estefan/Angela Bassett/Cloris Leachman 评语 : 真实故事改编,曾被拍成纪录片并荣获奥斯卡最佳纪录片提名,(是否获奖忘记了)。贫民区的孩子也可以热爱贵族般高雅的古典音乐,如果有罗伯塔这样的恩师更是三生修来福分。 5. 蒙娜丽莎的微笑 Mona Lisa Smile 导演 : 迈克•纽维尔 Mike Newell 主演 : 朱莉娅•罗伯茨 Julia Roberts/朱丽娅•斯黛尔斯 Julia Stiles/克莉斯汀•邓丝特 Kirsten Dunst 评语 : 女校版的“死亡诗社”,虽然剧本安排的不是很好,但是对五十年代女子名校生活的描绘是相当到位的,可以称得上是一部佳作 6. 铁腕校长 Lean on Me 导演 : 约翰 G. 艾维尔森 (John G. Avildsen) 主演 : 摩根•弗里曼/罗宾•巴利特/迈克尔•比奇/Steve Adrianzen/Todd Alexander 评语 : 黑人学校往往问题学生比较多,有了这么好的 stances (such as open, closedf production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumline o1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first he people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (y to tmer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibiliters, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the sumf workristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health oction to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteinspe he rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensiveation ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of temand organizweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project d2 一个铁腕校长,改变了很多孩子的人生,为数不多的细致描绘校长形象的电影 7. 唱诗班 Les Choristes(内地译作放牛班的春天) 导演 : Christophe Barratier 主演 : Gérard Jugnot/François Berléand/Jean-Baptiste Maunier/Marie Bunel 评语 : 法国电影有着一种独特的浪漫和诙谐,即使身处怎样的苦难,寄宿学校的小可怜们也是小鬼头,面对他们,马修老师也道高一丈 8. 跳出我天地 Billy Elliot (这部音乐剧版的更好看) 导演 : 斯蒂文 德奥瑞 (Stephen Daldry) 主演 : Jamie Bell/Julie Walters/Gary Lewis 评语 : 有梦就去追,对于少年,追梦有时候是要突破许多羁绊的,这部电影可以看作家庭教育,Billy的爸爸作为家长就很有代表性 9. 上一当 导演 : 刘宝林 何群 主演 : 葛优/剧雪/耿歌 评语 : 葛优,中字舞那段非常有趣,“大海航行靠舵手......” 老张承认,作文课刘彬比自己教得好。 , to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closedutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soupsing nress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increapeople, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progthe prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and diseasection i area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construng protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhaightniinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lhit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm 3 10. 四百击 Quatre cents coups, Les 导演 : 弗朗索瓦•特吕弗 (François Truffaut) 主演 : Jean-Pierre Léaud (Antoine Doniel)/Albert Rémy (M. Doniel)/Claire Maurier (Mme Doniel) 评语 : 少数以教育题材的纯文艺电影,特吕弗的名作,有关寄宿教育 11. 十月的天空 October Sky 导演 : 乔 约翰斯顿 (Joe Johnston) 主演 : Jake Gyllenhaal/Chris Cooper/Laura Dern 评语 : 兴趣是最好的老师,沿着少年时的梦想可以使你成为科学家 12. 鲁冰花 导演 : 杨立国 主演 : 黄坤玄 评语 : 少儿是最具创造力的时期,看看他们的画就知道了,这是一部影响我们整个童年的电影,不仅是那感人至深的鲁冰花,还有可敬可爱的郭老师 13. 力争上游 The Paper Chase 导演 : 詹姆斯 布里奇斯 (James Bridges (I)) 评语 : 教育题材的电影很多,但多是文学、音乐和美术,对于法学院的师生来说,这是个难得的佳作,尤其是看看三十年前的哈佛法学院的精英们是经受怎么样的历练和洗礼的,同 stances (such as open, closedf production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumline o1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first he people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (y to tmer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibiliters, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the sumf workristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health oction to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteinspe he rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensiveation ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of temand organizweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project d4 类题材在韩剧《哈佛恋人》也有涉及。 14. 霍兰先生的乐章 Mr. Holland's Opus 导演 : 斯蒂芬 赫里克 (Stephen Herek) 主演 : Richard Dreyfuss, Glenne Headly, Jay Thomas, Olympia Dukakis, William H. Macy 评语 : 音乐小教,这电影同样涉及到了美国教育经费大幅缩减、许多术科被砍掉的那段历史,另外,这里提到教师面对学生与自己子女的教育的冲突的处理。 15. 凤凰琴 导演 : 何群 (Qun He) 主演 : 李保田/剧雪/王学圻 评语 : 山区孩子是那么渴望知识,代课老师们是那么艰辛 16. 二十四只眼睛 二十四の瞳 导演 : 木下惠介 (Keisuke Kino**a) 主演 : 高峰秀子/月丘夢路/田村高広 评语 : 每个学生都是老师的孩子,都是宝贝 17. 孩子王 导演 : 陈凯歌 主演 : 谢园/杨学文/陈绍华 评语 : 麻杆似的谢园来演乡村教师孩子王还别有一番风味 , to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closedutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soupsing nress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increapeople, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progthe prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and diseasection i area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construng protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhaightniinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lhit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm 5 18. 美丽心灵 A Beautiful Mind 导演 : Ron Howard(朗•霍华德) 主演 : Russell Crowe/Jennifer Connelly/Ed Harris/Christopher Plummer/Paul Bettany 评语 : 看看天才是怎样学习的,感受一下普林斯顿大学 和高等研究院的学风 19. 没有最后的一课 Lengua de las mariposas, La 导演 : José Luis Cuerda 主演 : Fernando Fernán Gómez/Manuel Lozano/Uxía Blanco 评语 : 社会的专制,望祖的纯真,高老师的可敬可爱,以及望祖父亲的软弱,构成一部引人深思的电影。最爱望祖被取笑尿裤子那一段。 20. 为你写日记 The Harmonium in My Memory 导演 : Young-Jae Lee 主演 : 全度妍 Do-yeon Jeon/李秉宪 Byung-hun Lee/李美妍 Mi-yeon Lee 评语 : 偏僻的小山村,汉城来的英俊的金老师,年龄 差异悬殊的学生们,康俞青涩的初恋,悠悠淡淡,象一副深远的水墨山水画。 21. 音乐之声 The Sound of Music 导演 : 罗伯特•怀斯 (Robert Wise (I)) 主演 : Julie Andrews/Christopher Plummer/Richard Haydn stances (such as open, closedf production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumline o1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first he people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (y to tmer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibiliters, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the sumf workristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health oction to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteinspe he rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensiveation ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of temand organizweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project d6 评语 : 家庭教育的经典范例,国人最缺乏的系统而富有创造性的家庭教育。 22. 老师你好 Seonsaeng Kim Bong-du 导演 : Gyu-seong Jang 主演 : 车胜元 评语 : 肮脏的世俗在单纯的小山村变得滑稽可笑,贪婪的金老师最终被五个纯真的孩子洗涤了心灵。韩国教育成长电影似乎很热爱乡村教育这个题材,和国内一样。 23. 黑板 Takhté siah 导演 : 莎米拉 玛克玛尔巴夫 (Samira Makhmalbaf) 主演 : ( Said Mohamadi) ( Behnaz Jafari) ( Bahman Ghobadi) ( Mohamad Karim Rahmati) ( Rafat Moradi) ( Mayas Rostami) 评语 : 战乱的国家,黑板的教益职能转变成单纯的谋生手段,引人深思 24. 危险游戏 Dangerous Minds 导演 : 约翰 N. 史密斯 (John N. Smith) 主演 : Michelle Pfeiffer 评语 : 一个有过军人背景的女老师来管理一群混乱的学生,铁腕需要,柔情也有 25. 花儿怒放 导演 : 毛小睿 主演 : 刘 烨/童正维/奚美娟 , to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closedutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soupsing nress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increapeople, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progthe prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and diseasection i area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construng protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhaightniinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lhit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm 7 评语 : 刘烨饰演的初三老师中规中举,这是一部主旋律影片 26. 卡特教练 Coach Carter 导演 : 托马斯•卡特 Thomas Carter 主演 : Channing Tatum 评语 : 本片根据1999年对于卡特教练和他的常胜不败的篮球队的新闻报道改编,关于体育教练的电影很多,体育和文化老师不一样,但也各有千秋,卡特的教法很不错。 27. 真情电波 Radio 导演 : Michael Tollin 主演 : 小古巴古丁 评语 : 一个黑人智障少年,一台总是随身携带的晶体管收音机,一个慈父般的橄榄球队的主教练,在教练的帮助下,黑人孩子肯尼迪变得越来越开朗了。他的乐观向上感染了橄榄球队的每一个队员,为球队带来了一次又一次的胜利。 28. 光荣之路 Glory Road 导演 : 詹姆士•加特纳James Gartner 主演 : 乔什•卢卡斯Josh Lucas/韦斯•布朗Wes Brown/德雷克•卢克Derek Luke 评语 : 这是一位白人教练,但他带出一队优秀的黑人运动员,在篮球场上书写美国大学篮球联赛的传奇。别忘了,那是一个种族歧视异常严重的时代。 stances (such as open, closedf production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumline o1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first he people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (y to tmer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibiliters, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the sumf workristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health oction to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteinspe he rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensiveation ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of temand organizweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project d8 29. 亚特兰蒂斯之心 Hearts in Atlantis 导演 : 斯科特•希克斯 Scott Hicks 主演 : 安东尼•霍普金斯/Anthony Hopkins 评语 : 鲍比11岁生日那天,妈妈却只送给他一张免费的图书卡,鲍比伤透了心,妈妈可以三天两头地给自己买各种漂亮衣服穿,却不愿意花钱满足儿子一个小小的愿望。不过,一个神秘房客的到来,使鲍比的愿望不再那么渺茫了。这个租住他家阁楼的怪老头名叫泰德(安东尼•霍普金斯),他答应每个星期给鲍比一美分,条件是每天为他读报纸,因为他的眼睛不好。鲍比为了梦中的自行车欣然接受了这个交易。在泰德那里,鲍比得到了知识、勇气、友谊以及其他很多能够使他成长为一个男子汉的东西,在鲍比的情感世界里,泰德也许已经填补了父亲留下的空白...... 30. 寻找佛罗斯特 Finding Forrester 导演 : 格斯 范 山特 (Gus Van Sant) 主演 : Sean Connery 评语 : 劳勃布朗是一位领奖学金的体育系学生,他是个天生的运动家,大家都认为他有潜力成为篮球界的明日之星。但冥冥之中,劳勃总对写作有着浓厚的热情,由于体育生和黑人学生的特殊身份,他掩藏着自己的这份偏爱,只有当他与神秘的佛瑞斯特结识后,佛瑞斯特发现他在写作方面的天份,以潜移默化的方式教导劳勃并激发出他潜藏的写作长才。我总是认为电影 , to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closedutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soupsing nress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increapeople, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progthe prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and diseasection i area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construng protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhaightniinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lhit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm 9 标题中的Forrester是在暗中向大诗人Frost致敬,象高佃勋那么钟情芭蕉一样,导演也爱在影片中悄悄流露对诗人们的喜爱,不过不管我的感觉是否正确,有一点肯定是真的,那就是我们如此热爱文学 31. 果岭争雄 The Greatest Game Ever Played 导演 : 比尔 帕克斯顿 (Bill Paxton) 主演 : Shia LaBeouf/Stephen Dillane 评语 : 这是我今年看过的最感动的电影,追梦是年轻人的梦想,这个真实事件改编的电影是表达怎样追梦以及如何处理爱好与事业的关系的一面旗帜,小球童如此快速的成长为高尔夫明星不只是个神话故事,也应该得到意义深远的影响和启迪。关于这些,老虎伍兹就是个最亲切的例子,也许你也该看看他的传记或者纪录片。 32. Bobby Jones, Stroke of Genius 导演 : 鲁迪赫林顿 (Rowdy Herrington) 主演 : Jim Caviezel 评语 : 对高尔夫不了解的,大概也知道老虎伍兹,但了解的,一定知道Bobby Jones的传奇故事,其实Bobby不是天才,他只是太热爱了,甚至远远超过历史上其他著名的职业球手 33. 流氓教师 导演 : Charles Winkler 主演 : David Andriole/Mark Berry stances (such as open, closedf production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumline o1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first he people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (y to tmer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibiliters, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the sumf workristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health oction to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteinspe he rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensiveation ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of temand organizweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project d10 评语 : “谁敢挑战流氓教师,”很多黑人学生脾气火爆,一些优秀的黑人教师的教法更是独特,在学校里打伤毒贩的学生,被学校开除,并被分发到监狱任教。他克服万难,把监狱学校办的有声有色,并一边教导监狱里的少年。看完此片,还可以看看同一类型的黑人教师电影《铁碗校长》 34. 热血强人 Remember the Titans 导演 : Boaz Yakin 主演 : Denzel Washington 评语 : 又是一个关于体育和奋斗的电影,可以看看教练的教育方式 35. 师恩难忘 Conrack 导演 : 马丁 瑞特 (Martin Ritt) 评语 : 师恩难忘乡村教师 36. 引人入性 Kinsey 导演 : 比尔 康登 (Bill Condon) 主演 : Liam Neeson/Laura Linney/Peter Sarsgaard 评语 : 这是一个特别的教师,或者说是一个特别的学者,他很坚持,为了科学。片中有出现了四十年代大学课堂的场景。 37. 天才雷普利 The Talented Mr. Ripley 导演 : Anthony Minghella 主演 : 马特.戴蒙 Matt Damon/裘德.劳 Jude Law/格温妮丝. , to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closedutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soupsing nress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increapeople, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progthe prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and diseasection i area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construng protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhaightniinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lhit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm 11 帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow/凯特.布兰切特 Cate Blanchett/菲利普.西摩.霍夫曼 Philip Seymour Hoffman 评语 : 天资用于邪道,最是让人扼腕叹息的,但我们还是可以分析这个案例,剖析人物性格,看为什么会使一个如此优秀的人走上不归路。本片由马特达蒙主演,他确实很擅长演极具天分的人 38. 证据 Proof 导演 : John Madden 主演 : Anthony Hopkins/Gwyneth Paltrow 评语 : 天才数学家,一份神秘的数学笔记,看看他们学习和研究数学的方式,还是对教学会有一些启发 39. 独领风潮 Take the Lead 导演 : Liz Friedlander 主演 : Antonio Banderas/Rob Brown/Dante Basco 评语 : 根据真实故事改编,中学里,一位舞蹈老师执著地教育三流中学学生们学习高雅的摩登舞 40. 真情永在 mohabbatein(情字路上) 导演 : Aditya Chopra 主演 : Amitabh-Bachchan/Shahrukh-Khan/Uday Chopra 评语 : 印度电影,歌舞片居多,不怎么深刻 41. 出位教师 ZZANG 导演 : 梁允河 stances (such as open, closedf production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumline o1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first he people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (y to tmer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibiliters, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the sumf workristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health oction to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteinspe he rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensiveation ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of temand organizweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project d12 主演 : 车仁表/宋允儿/张赫 评语 : 当一群在家长,以及老师眼中坏到不可救药的孩子们,遇到刚分来的音乐老师时 42. 不一样的天空 What's Eating Gilbert Grape 导演 : Lasse Hallström 主演 : Johnny Depp/Leonardo DiCaprio/Juliette Lewis 43. 苍蝇王 Lord of the Flies 导演 : 哈里 虎克 (Harry Hook) 主演 : 巴萨扎•盖提 Balthazar Getty/James Badge Dale/Vincent Amabile 44. 伟大的辩手 The Great Debaters 导演 : Denzel Washington 主演 : Denzel Washington/Forest Whitaker/Columbus Short 评语:这样训练演讲与口才,一定有效果~ 45. 小孩不笨 I Not Stupid 导演 : 梁智强 (Jack Neo) 评语 : 关注孩子的体验,关心和鼓励很重要 46. 小孩不笨2 导演 : 梁智强 Jack Neo 主演 : 梁智强 Jack Neo/向云/黄奕良 评语 : 这部更好,可以看看新加坡的华文教育,对比一下我们的语文教育 , to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closedutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soupsing nress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increapeople, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progthe prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and diseasection i area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construng protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhaightniinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lhit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm 13 47. 录取通知 Accepted 导演 : Steve Pink 主演 : Justin Long/Adam Herschman/Jonah Hill 评语 : 年轻没有失败。青春是用来挥霍的。这些**,这些梦想,这些勇于冒险,这些无边的伟大想象,这些大胆的举动,这些创造,这些自由开放,这些不顾世俗,这些兼容并包,这些激扬的青春,这些热血的冲动,这些独一无二和独立自由,这些渴望上路的年轻人,这些对传统的讽刺,这些身体力行的求学,这种提高自我放纵行事,这种just do it的伟大精神,这才是我们的青春,顺带着也是教育的目的。 影评里,看到有人说,如果我早,,年看这部电影,也许就不是今天的我了。 48. 花季雨季 导演 : 戚健 主演 : 颜丹晨/张超/旸资白云/李晨 评语 : 80后的高中生活,真正反映90年代中期中国中学教育的特点,从这个年代开始,中国的高中生的眼界开始宽阔、才华纵情展露,个性是最突出的关键词,得益于改革开放,造就了这么有特别的一代人。郁秀的这部作品非常经典,很有代表性,我也同样喜欢她的另一部作品《太阳鸟》,隆重推荐 49. 摇摆少女 导演 : 矢口史靖 主演 : 竹中直人/上野樹里/平岡祐太/貫地谷詩穗梨/豐島由 stances (such as open, closedf production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soup, to ensure safety and health. In special circumline o1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increasing nutrition to workforce (especially a first he people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progress of the project. concrete measures (y to tmer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to the people, careful supervision, responsibiliters, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and disease prevention. preparations during the sumf workristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construction process, to ensure the safety and health oction to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhai area in summer high temperatures, the characteinspe he rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lightning protection, and conduct a comprehensiveation ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of temand organizweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm hit. (5) according to the project d14 佳梨 50. 我的大学 My universitety 导演 : Mark Donskoy 51. 淘气天使 Mirakel 导演 : Natasha Arthy 主演 : Stefan Pagels Andersen/Sidse Babett Knudsen/Peter Frödin 52. 给坏小子的歌 Song for a raggy boy 导演 : Aisling Walsh 评语 : 男童院的阴暗。《放牛班的春天》与《死亡诗社》的综合版 , to ensure safety and health. In special circumstances (such as open, closedutrition to workforce (especially a first line of production and post staff) provide cool summer drugs such as mung bean soupsing nress of the project. concrete measures (1) during the summer season, put an end to common disease epidemic. In increapeople, careful supervision, responsibility to the people, and effective measures, ensure employee health and the smooth progthe prevention. preparations during the summer season construction site management and staff management responsibility to process, to ensure the safety and health of workers, ensuring smooth construction, focus on work safety, cooling, and diseasection i area in summer high temperatures, the characteristics of long duration, high temperatures in the summer season, the construng protection, and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure mine safety. High temperature construction measures for Zhuhaightniinery and spare parts, for the smooth start of the rainy season to provide physical protection. (6) do lightning protection lhit. (5) according to the project demand organization ahead in rainy season construction materials used and the entry of machweather information in order to advance prevention of inclement weather such as rainstorm 15
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