

2018-02-21 23页 doc 251KB 31阅读




别克荣御自动变速器为何没有倒档和空档别克荣御自动变速器为何没有倒档和空档 薛庆文 关键词:倒档 空档 5档 运动干涉 动力传递 一辆2005年款上海通用别克荣御轿车搭载使用V6 2.8L发动机同时配备使用GM公司生产的型号为5L40E型5速自动变速器。 故障现象:初期没有见到车之前送修厂通过电话对故障现象进行了描述及初检情况。该车主要故障现象体现在没有倒档和空档,当选档杆挂在倒档和空档时车辆依然还是往前走,也就是倒档和空档都变成了前进档,而选档杆挂在“D”位置所有前进档又是正常的。送修厂初步检查了ATF润滑油的情况,据他们讲油的颜色品质很好并没有烧损迹象...
别克荣御自动变速器为何没有倒档和空档 薛庆文 关键词:倒档 空档 5档 运动干涉 动力传递 一辆2005年款上海通用别克荣御轿车搭载使用V6 2.8L发动机同时配备使用GM公司生产的型号为5L40E型5速自动变速器。 故障现象:初期没有见到车之前送修厂通过电话对故障现象进行了描述及初检情况。该车主要故障现象体现在没有倒档和空档,当选档杆挂在倒档和空档时车辆依然还是往前走,也就是倒档和空档都变成了前进档,而选档杆挂在“D”位置所有前进档又是正常的。送修厂初步检查了ATF润滑油的情况,据他们讲油的颜色品质很好并没有烧损迹象,所以他们初步怀疑是阀体液压油路出现了故障,这样他们将车开到我们厂进行进一步的检修。 接车后我们通过试车得到真实的故障现象是:选档杆在空档时车辆缓慢前行似乎就是一档的速度;挂倒档时有接合感觉但松开刹车有运动干涉感觉车不走,加油门后车辆开始也是缓慢前行但走起来以后明显感觉速度很快似乎达到了三、四档的速度;于是挂“D”位置进行前进档的道路试验,首先我们发现变速器在升降当时均有很硬的冲击感觉,其次在加速行驶过程中根据发动机转速及实际车速进行对比似乎并没有最高档5档,虽然通过故障诊断仪的监控指令上看电脑已作出换5档的命令,也有升5档的感觉(干涉一下)但速度并不是5档的车速,为了验证是否有5档我们通过选档杆来进行手动换档试验,当拉到一定车速时将选档杆来回在“D”位置和“4”位置切换,in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 此时观测发动机转速的波动以及实际车速的明显变化。通过手动换挡试验确定该变速器并没有5档也就是说只有1-4档和4-1档的切换。利用诊断仪仅得到一个故障代码P0742变矩器离合器(TCC)卡滞接通。 图1别克荣御选档杆功能 故障:根据该变速器换档执行元件分配表的功能以及动力传递路线首先看空档,当选档杆置于空档位置时所有换档元件都不参与工作过程,因此正常情况下输入轴与输出轴之间不会形成动力连接,如果此时的空档变成了前进档只能说明前进档的某个元件参与了工作过程,但从实际动力传递路线中分析确定一个动力档位至少需要两个换档执行元件,那么即便有路出现了故障也不应该同时有两个元件参与的可能,再加上实际情况(空档时可实现一档速度)所以只有前进档离合器CC或FC在空档工作后才能致使车辆前行实现一档功能。in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 接下来我们在分析一下倒档:挂倒档后车辆有接合感觉并有倒车趋势说明倒档元件确实参与了工作,松开刹车后明显感觉到车辆处于干涉状态有说明变速器内部除了倒档元件参与工作外前进档的某个元件也参与到工作中,加油门后车辆前行且速度还很快,这又说明两个输入元件(倒档离合器和前进档某一离合器)工作后可实现直接档功能但肯定会对倒档的制动元件带来伤害,再根据动力传递路线进行分析又是只有前进档离合器CC或FC工作后分别与倒档离合器RC形成的另外一个前进档。最后咱们再来分析没有5档的原因:5档是超速档因此当电脑指令换5档时离合器CC和FC应停止工作取而代之的是制动器OB,这时出现的运动干涉感觉其实就是OB参与工作后带来的,而车速并没有变化依然还是4档时速度又说明离合器CC和FC还在工作中。结合以上分析争议最大的焦点就是离合器CC和FC为什么在不该工作的时候工作了(空档、倒档和5档)。因此故障的可能原因就在于:一个是液压控制单元(阀体)故障始终打开离合器CC和FC的油路,二是两个离合器的机械故障导致它们像焊接一样粘连在一起不会形成第三种可能。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 图2别克5L40E变速器换档元件分配作业表 图3一档动力传递简图 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 图4倒档动力传递简图 图5超速5档动力传递简图 维修过程:维修步骤还是按照先简后难的流程进行,大家还是想先看看阀体是不是真正出现了问。当维修工排放ATF润滑油时大家都惊奇的发现油是黑乎乎的且有很浓的焦糊味,并不像送修厂人所说的那样油质非常好,另外当把油底壳拆下来时又发现其内存有黑色粉末状的细小颗粒(见图6),看来变速器需解体维修了。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 图6油底壳内的黑色粉末 解体变速器后发现正如前面我们分析那样,共用一个离合器鼓的CC和FC离合器粘连在一起不能分开且使输入轴与该离合器内转鼓间不能分离(见图7),强行打开后发现FC离合器烧得最严重摩擦片与钢片间死死的粘在一起很难把它们撬开(见图8),同时低倒档制动器L/R和超速档制动器OB也已烧损(纯粹是干涉导致烧损的)见图10。 图7粘连在一起的输入轴和CC/FC离合器内转鼓 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 图8难以撬开的离合器摩擦片和钢片 图9撬开部分的摩擦元件但摩擦早已磨光 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 图10烧损的低倒档制动器 故障排除:按照大修更换了CC和FC离合器鼓总成、PC和TCC电磁阀及大修包等并维修了变扭器故障得以彻底排除。 总结:机械故障导致的特殊故障现象的出现,维修容易分析难。通过该案例再一次说明当前维修工作中诊断分析环节的重要性。倒档和空档在什么情况下可能会变成前进档,两个档位所形成的前进档传动比为什么会不一样,5档的指令虽有为何不能正常运转等,我们都可以通过实际现象并结合理论进行科学化的分析最终形成结论性的判断。也最终使故障顺利解决。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds
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