

2017-09-06 5页 doc 18KB 18阅读




我的作文~请大家帮忙看一下~谢谢谢谢~【已回复】考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 Directions: Study the following photos carefully and write an essay in which you should 1)describe the photos briefly, 2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them, and 3)give your point of view. You should writ...
考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 Directions: Study the following photos carefully and write an essay in which you should 1)describe the photos briefly, 2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them, and 3)give your point of view. You should write 160 – 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) As is shown in the pictures,we can see clearly that today more and more younger fall into the idol worship.In the first picture,we can see a younger who writes his idol`s name on the face.The caption reads:Write the worship on the face.In the second one,a man is having a haircut by his barber.The caption reads:Cost 300 yuan to make his hairstyle like Beckham. Why is there such a phenomenon? May be the reason can be list as follows.Firstly,as the economic growing,people`s incomes have increased day by day,Then the youngsters`families can afford the high cost of worship.Secondly,the mass media now planing a highly significant role to publicize idlo culture.Their advocacy about celebrity sometimes let youngsters become fans of so-called idols.Last but not least,the younger have not form a correct sense of worth.So they easy to have a sense of worship to celebrity. To my way of thinking, I don’t appreciate some behaviors such as cost 300 yuan to have a hairstyle like idol.Because we should pay our attentions to study or work rather than blind worship.We should regard the idol as model even if we very like a idol.Only we can deal properly with the problem of idol warship, a brighter future is wating us. 图片上我们可以清楚的发现,现如今越来越多的年轻人陷入 了偶像崇拜之中。在第一副图里,我们可以看见一个年轻人在自己的脸上写上偶像的名字, 下面的文字说明是,“把崇拜写在脸上”。第二幅图里,一位理发师在给一个年轻人理发,下 面的文字说明是,“花300元做个小贝头。” 为什么会有这种现象,原来可能是如下几点。 第一,随着经济的发展,人们的收入越来越高,所有他们能负担起追星所需要的高成本。第 二,大众媒体在宣传偶像文化上扮演了非常重要的角色。他们的宣传有时会让年轻人陷入偶 像崇拜之中。最后,现在的年轻人还没有形成一个正确的价值观,所以他们容易对偶像有一 种崇拜感。 我看来,我不赞成类似于花300元去追求和偶像同样发型的做法。因为我们 应该把精力放在工作或学习上而不是崇拜偶像上。假如我们非常喜欢一个明星,那么我们应 该把他(她)视作榜样。只要我们处理好偶像崇拜这个问题,那么光明的未来将等待着我们。 这是我刚刚写的~我的语法很差~所以还请大家帮忙修改一下~~谢谢~[ 本帖最后由 hope.27 于 2008-7-7 11:33 编辑 ] 为了鼓励交流和帮助他人,本青蛙宣布:纠错即有红包拿,讨论即有红包送欢迎各位热心 坛友积极参与讨论纠错 斑竹同志~~你可以起带头作用嘛~~ 楼主的作文倾向比较严重我觉得刚开始准备作文应该先自己写,不要一上来就套模 板,这样到了以后自己也就没有什么出彩的地方了,先自己写,然后在根据对自己的作 文进行改写,经过一定量的练习后就可以出自己的模板来了,这是我去年复习的体会, 呵呵 哈哈,我也有这种感觉,模板的痕迹太重。改卷老师也是久经沙场的,一眼就能看出一篇 专业提供提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课 考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 文章是否在套用模板,有了初步印象可能再想把分提上去除非中间句子非常出彩。我试试提 一些修改建议,当抛砖引玉了,希望大家能积极参与。偶像是idol ,崇拜是worship ,偶 像崇拜可以用idol 的衍生词idolatry第二段第二句follows 应为following,follow是动词, following才能作名词第三句day by day后面是逗号,可跟的then 却是大写,`families 感觉 也是多余倒数第二句,价值观的一般用法是values,还有种用法是merit view 但以values 最 为常见,使用时注意别漏写了s 。补充一下世界观的说法:world outlook 或world view, 人生观的说法:outlook on life 或philosophy of life 第三段第一句 some behaviors 改为the behaviors 好些。第三句的we very like a idol 是典型的中式说法,英语的very 要放在后面; idol 和model 都是可数名词,单复数不对;英文要避免重复,应当多使用代词;even if 是 即使的意思,不是假如。 整句修改如下We should regard a idol as a model if we like him very much. 最后一句:Only we can deal properly with the problem of idol warship, a brighter future is wating us. 句式太中国化了,尝试修改为:A great future is waiting us if we can deal with the problem of idolatry properly. 另:电脑上打英文的时候,标点符号后记得空一格。 第一段:As is shown--As shown younger--youngers或young people 第二段:Why is there such a phenomenon? 有点别扭 Secondly,the mass media now planing a highly significant role to publicize idlo culture.--……media now is playing a highly significant role to publicize idlo culture. So they easy to have a sense of worship to celebrity.--So they are easy to have a sense of worship to celebrity.第三段最后一句借鉴青蛙王子的建议~我英语学得不好,就改这些啦~ 同志们~我也不想套模板啊~可是我的英语语法实在是太差太差了~我没办法啊~我根本不 知道写作文该如何下手不知道该怎么训练~请同志们教我一下~我现在既痛苦又迷茫。。谢谢 大家帮我修改的作文~[ 本帖最后由 跨过俺的尸体 于 2008-7-6 11:24 编辑 ] 对于基础不太好的人来说,背模板是最快的提高手段建议你在除了背模板之外,首先准备 一本语法书好好的看看平时还要在做阅读和翻译的过程中注重一些英语的达方式这样多 管齐下,作文方可事半功倍。个人向你推荐两本我自己在用的书:新航道郝福合的考研英语 语法突破,新东方唐静的拆分组合翻译法作文的提高不是一朝一夕的事情,只要平时多记多 练多总结,最后一定会收到满意的效果的 谢谢斑竹及大家的帮助我会继续努力地~ 考研屋www.kaoyanwu.com :提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 专业提供提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课
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