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幼儿园教学论文幼儿园教学论文 浅谈幼儿美术教学 吕维芬 [摘要] 在幼儿园绘画教学中以指导方式的观察、分析,摸索了幼儿园绘画教学活动中教师应如何观察、发现、赞赏、肯定幼儿,才能有助于幼儿想象力、创造力的发展。 [关键词] 想象 创造 情感体验 模仿 一、 问题的提出(传统的美术教学模式的弊端): (一)《纲要》明确指出,艺术教育的目标要让幼儿能“初步感受并喜欢环境、生活和艺术中的美”“喜欢参加艺术教育活动,并能大胆地表达自己的情感体 验”“避免仅仅重视表现技能或艺术活动的结果,而忽视幼儿在活动中的情感体验和态度的倾向”。随着教育...
幼儿园教学 浅谈幼儿美术教学 吕维芬 [摘要] 在幼儿园绘画教学中以指导方式的观察、,摸索了幼儿园绘画教学活动中教师应如何观察、发现、赞赏、肯定幼儿,才能有助于幼儿想象力、创造力的发展。 [关键词] 想象 创造 情感体验 模仿 一、 问题的提出(传统的美术教学模式的弊端): (一)《纲要》明确指出,艺术教育的目标要让幼儿能“初步感受并喜欢环境、生活和艺术中的美”“喜欢参加艺术教育活动,并能大胆地表达自己的情感体 验”“避免仅仅重视表现技能或艺术活动的结果,而忽视幼儿在活动中的情感体验和态度的倾向”。随着教育改革的整体的推进,我园美术教育总体水平有了相当的提高,美术教育在发展孩子想象力和创造力发展中起着十分重要的作用。 (二) 绘画活动就是将眼睛所见,引起内心冲动而通过手的动作描绘出一个“无中生有”的艺术活动。表现对世界初步认识和表达真情实感的幼儿绘画以其纯朴、率真的特点也愈来愈受人们的关注,孩子在不能流利说话、顺畅地用文字表达自己的情感时,需要用另一种表现形式,而绘画就是一种好的表现形式,它可以让幼儿在绘画中获得满足感,感受到愉悦的情感体验。经过多方面的调查发现,现在许多幼儿园绘画教学普遍存在着一些问题: 1、教学中未能从孩子角度出发,重视绘画活动创造性环节。教师采用固定模式,提供的范例是只会模仿的样本,不需经过创造,只需模仿事例便可以直接地取得艺术成果。教师的示范只是展示了创作的动作过程,幼儿按照教师提供的样本来获得成果,使现有的指导方法不能构成一个完整的、有效的体系。当这种教育形式被摒弃时,大多数孩子只能坐在教室里,手握画笔,不能大胆地在纸上涂涂画画。幼儿的认知水平低,知识经验相对缺乏,教师未能选择一些幼儿熟悉的感兴趣的内容,激发表现的欲望和能力。 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 2、美术活动中,缺乏对孩子交流的情感反应。教学中采用固定的模式,忽视幼儿的心灵感悟,着重于作品的完成,缺乏表现美、创造美的过程。幼儿作画动机出于游戏的愿望,看重画的过程,从中得到愉悦,并通过画面使幼儿认知、情感等得到健康的发展。如有一节中班绘画教学活动,绘画教师通过设置某种情境,出示一幅热带鱼的范画(热带鱼有三角形、半圆形等几何图形组成),教师讲解示范后,幼儿悄无声息地照着示范画开始作画,其画面的构图、热带鱼的造型与色彩均与教师的示范图雷同,在这一活动中幼儿未能主动地参与,只是按照教师好式样,机械地模仿而已。 3、以成人的眼光、框框去评价幼儿的作品。不能读懂幼儿的画,对幼儿作品评价大而化之,不能激发再创造的欲望。只对少部分幼儿评介给予表扬的同时,挫伤了其他孩子的积极性,因而对绘画的热情降低,对作品丧失信心。如幼儿绘画活动时,教师按照备课计划,选几幅作品进行讲评,一部分幼儿画意未尽,一部分只好在教师的强令下停笔,一部分烦躁不已,。。。。。。。有谁在看在听呢,长此以往只会使绘画兴趣被淹没,影响今后的发展。 二、教育对策 由于担心阻碍孩子的发展,老师们就不敢去示范,不敢运用范例,结果造成某些技能上的目标无法得到落实,幼儿的技能也就无法得到提高,也就影响了孩子的表现力、创造力的发挥。以往的美术教学经验告诉我:科学有效的运用范例是幼儿园美术范例教学的重要前提。以下是我对幼儿美术教学的一些见解: (一)有价值的范例,可以为幼儿的创作提供强大的支持。 范例可以是儿童的,也可以是成人的;可以是平面的,也可以是立体的;可以是完整的,也可以是局部的。其选择的重在紧紧围绕活动目标,以帮助孩子主动学习、积极探索为标准,能给幼儿更多想象力发展的空间才好。我在实际教学中通过实践摸索总结出: 1、选择来源于幼儿生活,又高于幼儿生活的审美对象,能拓展幼儿作画的视角。 幼儿受其认知发展水平的限制,他们往往对自己日常生活中经常接触的、熟悉的和感兴趣的事物更容易产生绘画或制作的兴趣。所以我们选材时要关注孩子的兴趣点。例如中班孩子在体育活动时,我在旁边记录了幼儿活动画面,返回活n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 动室后我播放了他们体育活动片段的录像,孩子们的激情立刻被再次点燃,于是我进一步引导孩子寻找记录这次活动的方法,孩子们经过讨论最终选择了绘画的方法。接着出示典型的活动照片启发孩子们确立绘画的主题,引导他们观察近大远小的视觉效果等,在此基础上鼓励他们用自己喜欢的画法表现自己最喜欢的活动内容。孩子们开心极了,因为范例的出现引发了他们对已有经验的回忆,扩展了他们的认知广度,并帮助幼儿了解了表现的技能。 2、选择儿童作品能调动幼儿的绘画情绪。 对于年龄较小的幼儿,绘画技能技巧相对较弱,所以一般选择成人作品较多。主要体现了教师的示范指导作用,能帮助幼儿很快学会操作,解决绘画重点。经验证明:恰到好处的运用儿童作品,教学效果更明显,更能调动孩子的作画情绪。因为孩子的心智是相同的,同伴的作品更容易引起共鸣,激励孩子去主动创作。例如:大班在美术活动中,我会在大班选取了几张有代表性的幼儿的作品做范例,引导孩子学习各种不同的画面。此时的范例就来源于孩子,我们班的孩子看到大班小朋友的画很受鼓舞,激发了他们的成功感。 (二)在幼儿园美术教学中,范例呈现的时机直接关系到幼儿的有效学习。 适时适量的呈现范例,会起到画龙点睛、指点迷津的作用,可以更好的促进幼儿审美能力的发展,帮助幼儿开阔视野: 1、把握范例呈现的有利时机。 有些范例呈现不适时,会影响、限制孩子的创作。如果出示过早,他们便会不知不觉得跟着模仿,出现“如出一辙 ”的局势。所以活动前教师必须进行认真思考范例应该在何时呈现?呈现的范例能帮助老师解决什么问题?例如在小班美术活动:“手印画”中,孩子能想一些东西但表现不充分,一开始直接出示范画肯定约束孩子的思维,得不偿失。放在孩子添画后较好,可之前又怎么解决孩子技能技巧的学习呢?考虑再三,我决定请孩子尝试添画后,又出示范画。此时选择的范画是老师的作品、是高于幼儿水平、提升其欣赏水平的作品,起到了提升孩子已有经验的效果。 2、把握范例呈现的数量。 幼儿美术活动中,范例对幼儿创作的作用毋庸置疑是巨大的,但是范例过多会干扰和影响幼儿使他们不着边际的盲目表现;范例过少则幼儿不能领悟重点造成表现不到位、甚至根本不会表现。那到底多少才适中呢?这要依据活动的目标、n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 内容的不同斟酌而定,需要我们教师在实践中不断摸索、反复尝试。例如在中班美术活动《秋天的花》先用大屏幕给孩子呈现3,5种秋天里常见的花的图片,引导孩子观察后,再出示几幅儿童范画,引导孩子猜想说出绘画的方法后请幼儿尝试自己动手再现自己心中的《秋天的花》,课后呈现给大家的是一幅幅生动形象的幼儿作品。可见多动脑子把范例的作用发挥得恰到好处是教师很重要的一课。 (三)充分利用身边的教育资源,鼓励幼儿大胆表现。 在教学活动中,结合教学主题活动,根据建构式教材课程的特点,提供美术活动机会和丰富的,可通过主题活动,开展相应的美术教学。如主题活动“落叶飘飘”“有趣的石头”“小小蛋儿把门开”,可让孩子把玩树叶、石头、鸡蛋的过程中,选择不同绘画材料(棉签、颜料、油画棒)进行涂色,绘画图形、线条、图案,提高了孩子绘画技能,培养了学习兴趣,整个活动孩子身心轻松、愉快。 (四)提供线索,诱发幼儿思考、发现、塑造。 在教学中,寻找“桥”和“船”的关系,制造悬念,诱发幼儿想看、想知、想做的好奇心,去发现、思考、完善、改造、塑造丰富多彩的美术形象,随机向孩子提供作画的线索:可向幼儿而展示一完整事物的某一部分,引导想象其他部分;或向幼儿提供抽象的线条和图形,帮助幼儿把握经验现象与相似事物的作用,或向幼儿提供一群相互联系的事物中最具代表性的一个标志,刺激幼儿想象与它相互联系的事物并表现出来;可根据主题创作,向幼儿提供语言符号的刺激,从而与幼儿已有的经验相关联;通过各种方式激活孩子创造的灵感,使孩子进入良好的创造状态。 (五)善于利用多种条件,培养幼儿想象力。 1、根据主题创设浓郁的美术欣赏氛围,形成良好的欣赏环境,发动家长收集相关的图片、实物,布置相应的活动区域,让幼儿随时摸、看、玩,加强美的视觉感受。 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 2、在绘画活动中,可尝试提出疑问让幼儿改变思路,肯定幼儿的想象,避免形成僵化、固定不变的思维模式。如绘画“太阳”时,可提出“太阳都是红色的吗”“太阳一直是圆的吗”让幼儿戴不同的墨镜观察太阳、感知颜色、形状变化,通过教师设问、肯定,幼儿展开丰富的想象画出夸张、与众不同的物象。教师肯定孩子的想象,孩子就一定会更加夸张,想象会随之出现扩张。在绘画活动中,教师多提问、多肯定幼儿,可引导幼儿将现实的物象任意夸张、错位、变形、组合、打乱、改动,萌发每个孩子的想象意识。他们天真的乐趣、独特的想法往往给人以新的启迪。 (六)调动各种感官增强幼儿感知能力,培养幼儿创造力。 罗恩菲尔德说:通过触觉、视觉、听觉的直接体验,可以发展幼儿观察力和想象力。在幼儿绘画教学过程中,可通过调动幼儿各种感官。通过观察物象、再现物象,添画、装饰、想象、涂色,让幼儿表现他们摸到的、听到的、尝到的、闻到的事物,将模糊稍纵即逝的表象变成清晰的具体的、永久保存的图象,而不能用教师的手来代替孩子把它说出来、想出来、画出来,引导孩子看事物,帮助他们观察、领悟同一类物象不同,让孩子了解到正是这些不同,才赋予各个物象的特色。教师给予他们充分的信任,让他们快活地、自由地表达感受,大胆地用画笔表现他们的内心世界,并给予恰当的辅导,促进想象力、创造力进一步发展,美术教育才会达到硕果累累。如表现绘画“鸡”的主题,让孩子看鸡、摸鸡、逗鸡、逐鸡,观察鸡活泼、欢快的神态、悦耳的叫声、优雅的舞姿、柔和的绒毛,孩子通过细致观察、思考、体验、创新绘画过程,给幼儿的创作活动带来永恒的乐趣。 (七)运用多种材料和方法,师幼互动,营造快乐教育的氛围。 在绘画教学中,借助于剪纸、实物、喷画、撕纸、布贴的表现手法,尝试各种方式绘画,增强幼儿绘画兴趣。如撕纸画可将画面的主要形象用纸撕出来,贴在背景图上,再用油画棒添画鸟、鸡、河,点缀装饰。在区域活动中,结合建构教材主题“香香的蔬菜”“落叶飘飘”,用树叶粘贴树林、房屋,用油画棒、颜料涂色天空、草地、添画人物、动物,藕、蔬菜拓印花卉等,将画面表现得清晰且富有表现力,自始至终沐浴着温暖快乐的气氛。 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 总之,我将在今后的美术教学活动中不断的探索尝试,积累更多更有效的教 育教学经验,让幼儿在美术活动中更好地感知美、表现美、创造美~从儿童的角 度去欣赏,注意发现幼儿画面上每一根线条、图形、色彩,赞赏幼儿点点滴滴的 创造,提供机会与它们分享、交流,去了解孩子,让他们在有趣的艺术活动中张 开想象的翅膀,快乐健康的成长。 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of
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