

2017-09-21 19页 doc 59KB 28阅读




肝功能检查项目有哪些肝功能检查项目有哪些 肝功能检查项目有哪些,肝功能检查项目怎么看?肝功能指标正常值是多少,肝功能指标有什么临床意义, 常见肝功能检查项目、肝功能指标、肝功能正常指标及临床意义汇总 一、肝功能检查项目-谷丙转氨酶(ALT)正常值指标: 参考值为男5-40 U/L,女5-35 U/L是诊断肝细胞实质损害的主要项目,其高低往往与病情轻重相平行。 临床意义:在急性肝炎及慢性肝炎与肝硬化活动,肝细胞膜的通透性改变,谷丙转氨酶就从细胞内溢出到循环血液中去,这样抽血检查结果就偏高,转氨酶反映肝细胞损害程度。但谷丙转氨酶(ALT)缺...
肝功能检查项目有哪些 肝功能检查项目有哪些,肝功能检查项目怎么看?肝功能指标正常值是多少,肝功能指标有什么临床意义, 常见肝功能检查项目、肝功能指标、肝功能正常指标及临床意义汇总 一、肝功能检查项目-谷丙转氨酶(ALT)正常值指标: 参考值为男5-40 U/L,女5-35 U/L是诊断肝细胞实质损害的主要项目,其高低往往与病情轻重相平行。 临床意义:在急性肝炎及慢性肝炎与肝硬化活动,肝细胞膜的通透性改变,谷丙转氨酶就从细胞内溢出到循环血液中去,这样抽血检查结果就偏高,转氨酶反映肝细胞损害程度。但谷丙转氨酶(ALT)缺乏特异性,有多种原因能造成肝细胞膜通透性的改变,如:疲劳、饮酒、感冒甚至情绪因素等等。上述原因造成的转氨酶增高一般不会高于60个单位,转氨酶值高于80个单位就有诊断价值,需到医院就诊。另外需要注意,谷丙转氨酶(ALT)活性变化与肝脏病理组织改变缺乏一致性,有的严重肝损患者谷丙转of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 氨酶(ALT)并不升高。所以肝功能损害需要综合其他情况来判断。 二:肝功能检查项目-谷草转氨酶(AST)正常值指标: 谷草转氨酶的正常值为:8-40 U/L,当谷丙转氨酶(ALT)明显升高,谷草(AST),谷丙(ALT)比值>1时,就提示有肝实质的损害。 临床意义:谷草转氨酶(AST)在肝细胞内与心肌细胞内均存在,心肌细胞中含量高于肝细胞,但肝脏损害时谷草转氨酶(AST)血清浓度也可升高,临床一般常作为心肌梗塞和心肌炎的辅助检查。 三、肝功能检查项目-碱性磷酸酶(ALP)正常值指标: 正常参与值为成人40-150 U/L 临床意义:碱性磷酸酶(ALP)主要用于阻塞性黄疸、原发性肝癌、继发性肝癌、胆汁淤积性肝炎等的检查。患这些疾病时,肝细胞过度制造碱性磷酸酶(ALP),经淋巴道和肝窦进入血液,同时因为肝内胆道胆汁排泄障碍,反流入血而引起血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)明显升高。但因为骨组织中此酶of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 亦很活跃。所以,孕妇、骨折愈合期、骨软化症。佝偻病、骨细胞癌、骨质疏松、肝脓肿、肝结核、肝硬变、白血病、甲状腺机能亢进时,血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)亦可升高,应加以鉴别。 四、肝功能检查项目-谷氨酰转移酶(GGT)正常值指标:男 11-50 U/L,女 7-32 U/L 临床意义:主要来自肝脏,少许由肾、胰、小肠产生。GGT在反映肝细胞坏死损害方面不及谷丙转氨酶(ALT),但在黄疸鉴别方面有一定意义,肝脏内排泄不畅(肝内梗阻)和肝外梗阻(如胆道系统阻塞)等疾病,急、慢性病毒性肝炎、肝硬化:急性肝炎时,GGT呈中等度升高;慢性肝炎、肝硬化的非活动期,酶活性正常,若GGT持续升高,提示病变洁动或病情恶化;急、慢性酒精性肝炎、药物性肝炎:GGT可呈明显或中度以上升高(300,1000U/L),ALT和AST仅轻度增高,甚至正常。酗酒者当其戒酒后GGT可随之下降。其他如中毒性肝病、脂肪肝、肝肿瘤均可升高。 of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 五、肝功能检查项目-总蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(A)、球蛋白(G)正常值指标: 总蛋白(TP)正常值为成人坐立位:64-83 g/L,成人卧位:60-78 g/L,白蛋白(A)为35-52 g/L,球蛋白(G)为22-38 g/L,白蛋白(A)/球蛋白(G)为1.3-2.5 临床意义:慢性肝炎、肝硬化时常出现白蛋白减少而球蛋白增加,使A/G比例倒置。白蛋白主要在肝脏中制造,一般白蛋白量越多,人体越健康。球蛋白大部分在肝细胞外生成,球蛋白与人体的免疫力有关系,球蛋白要保持一定的量,球蛋白值偏高说明体内存在免疫系统的亢进,偏低说明免疫力不足。 六、肝功能检查项目-血清总胆红素和直接胆红素正常值指标: 血清中的胆红素大部分来源于衰老红细胞被破坏后产生出来的血红蛋白衍化而成,在肝内经过葡萄糖醛酸化的叫做直接胆红素,未在肝内经过葡萄糖醛酸化的叫做间接胆红素,二者的和就是总胆红素。 总胆红素的正常值为3.0-20.0 umol/L of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 直接胆红素的正常值为:1.7-8.0 umol/L 间接胆红素的正常值为:3.4-13.5 umol/L 临床意义:临床上主要用于诊断肝脏疾病和胆道梗阻,当血清总胆红素有很大增高时,人的皮肤、眼睛巩膜、尿液和血清呈现黄色,故称黄疸。当肝脏发生炎症、坏死、中毒等损害时均可以引起黄疸,胆道疾病及溶血性疾病也可以引起黄疸。以直接胆红素升高为主常见于原发性胆汁型肝硬化、胆道梗阻等。以间接胆红素升高为主常见于溶血性疾病、新生儿黄疸或者输血错误等。肝炎与肝硬化病人的直接胆红素与间接胆红素都可以升高。 特别说明:一般来说小于34μmol,L的黄疸,视诊不易察出,称为隐性黄疸;34,170μmol,L为轻度黄疸;170,340μmol,L为中度黄疸;,340μmol,L为高度黄疸。完全阻塞性黄疸 340,510μmol,L;不完全阻塞者为170,265μmol,L;肝细胞性黄疸为17,200μmol,L;溶血性黄疸,85μmol,L。 of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 七、肝功能检查项目-总胆固醇(Ch)正常值指标: 总胆固醇包括游离胆固醇和胆固醇酯,正常值是: 成人胆固醇2.86,5.98毫摩,升(110,230毫克,分升) 儿童胆固醇3.12,5.20 mmol,L(120,200mg,dl)。 肝脏是合成和贮存胆固醇的主要器官。胆固醇是合成肾上腺皮质激素、性激素、胆汁酸及维生素D等生理活性物质的重要原料,也是构成细胞膜的主要成分,其血清浓度可作为脂代谢的指标。国内外专家推荐成人理想胆固醇值为<5.2mmol/L。 临床意义: 增多:见于高脂血症、动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病、肾病综合征、甲状腺功能减退、胆总管阻塞、高血压(部分),以及摄入维生素A、维生素D、口服避孕药等药物。 减少:见于低脂蛋白血症、贫血、败血症、甲状腺功能亢进、肝病、严重感染、营养不良、肺结核和晚期癌症,以及摄入对氨of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 基水杨酸、卡那霉素、肝素、维生素C等药物。 八、肝功能检查项目-甲胎蛋白(AFP)正常值指标: 甲胎蛋白是一种糖蛋白,英文缩写AFP。主要在胎儿肝中合成,分子量6.9万,在胎儿13周AFP占血浆蛋白总量的1/3。在妊娠30周达最高峰,以后逐渐下降,出生时血浆中浓度为高峰期的1%左右,约40mg/L,在周岁时接近成人水平(低于30μmg/L)。 临床意义:甲胎蛋白在产妇羊水或母体血浆中AFP可用于胎儿产前监测。如在神经管缺损、脊柱裂、无脑儿等时,AFP可由开放的神经管进入羊水而导致其在羊水中含量显著升高。胎儿在宫腔内死亡、畸胎瘤等先天缺陷亦可有羊水中AFP增高。AFP可经羊水部分进入母体血循环。在85%脊柱裂及无脑儿的母体,血浆AFP在妊娠16-18周可见升高而有诊断价值,但必须与临床经验结合,以免出现假阳性的错误。 在成人,AFP可以在大约80%的肝癌患of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 者血清中升高,在生殖细胞肿瘤出现AFP阳性率为50%。在其它肠胃管肿瘤如胰腺癌或肺癌及肝硬化等患者亦可出现不同程度的升高。 九、肝功能检查项目-血氨正常值指标: 正常人体内游离血氨含量极低(血氨正常值20,60μmol/L)。 临床意义:血氨值偏高可能影响肝病患者肝昏迷的发生。其根据主要是:?本病发作时患者血氨及脑脊液中氨浓度明显升高;?给某些肝硬变或慢性肝病患者大量高蛋白饮食或含铵药物,可诱发本病;限制蛋白质摄入和采取降血氨治疗后,病情有好转,可使患者从昏迷中清醒。?给动物喂食大剂量铵盐可使门静脉血氨浓度升高,当超过肝脏处理氨的能力时,体循环血氨升高,动物出现神经症状及昏迷。 氨对中枢神经系统的毒性作用,目前认为主要是造成脑能量代谢障碍,以及直接干扰神经细胞膜的正常功能而造成。但是氨中毒不是肝性脑病的唯一发病机制。由于部分患者血氨并不增高,另一些血氨增高的肝病of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 患者并不出现肝性脑病,昏迷程度也不与血氨升高呈平行关系,降低血氨措施并不对每个病例都有效。 十、肝功能检查项目-凝血酶原活动度(PTA)和凝血酶原时间正常值指标: 凝血酶原活动度正常值75%,100%。 凝血酶原时间正常值为12-14秒。 凝血酶原时间主要反映外源性凝血是否正常。 临床意义:凝血因子大部分均在肝细胞内合成。在肝脏功能正常时,凝血因子的含量和活动度在正常范围。当肝脏实质受到损伤,凝血因子的含量和活动度可呈不同程度的减低,机体可表现有出血倾向。 急性肝炎患者的PTA降低并不明显,与正常值相比无明显差异。而PTA下降最为明显的则是病情急剧、肝脏实质细胞严重广泛坏死的重症肝炎患者,其次为肝硬化及慢性肝炎患者。国内外学者已公认,PTA小于40%为肝细胞坏死的肯定界限。PTA降低显著是重症肝炎发展至晚期的标志和预后不良的征兆。所以,临床应重视肝炎患者凝血of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 酶原活动度的动态变化,用以作为判断肝炎患者病情轻重及预后的一十分敏感的指标。 十一、肝功能检查项目-甘胆酸(CG)正常值指标: 正常人血清甘胆酸含量:1.3?0.8mg/L,范围0.4~2.98mg/L,肝炎诊断低限值为<3.18mg/L。 临床意义: (1)急性肝炎、慢性活动性肝炎、原发性肝癌、肝硬化、慢迁肝患者血CG均明显高于正常人,且呈递性增高。 (2)胆石症伴黄疸患者胆管、胆囊排泄功能障碍引起血清CG显著升高。 (3)肝硬化、梗阻性肝病、肠—肝循环障碍血清CG水平高于正常人。 十二、肝功能检查项目-铁蛋白(SF)正常值指标: 正常人血清中含有少量铁蛋白,但不同的检测法有不同的正常值,一般正常均值男性约80,130ug/L(80-130ng/ml)女性约35,55ug/L(35-55ng/ml) 临床意义:血清铁水平在妊娠期及急性of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 贫血时降低,急慢性肝脏损害和肝癌时升高,国内报道肝癌患者阳性率高达90,,可能有助于早期诊断。 十三、肝功能检查项目-前白蛋白(PA)正常值指标: 正常值:25-38ug/dl 由肝细胞合成,在电泳分离时,常显示在白蛋白的前方,其半衰期很短,仅约12小时。所以,测定其在血浆中的浓度对于了解蛋白质的营养不良、肝功能不全、比之白蛋白和转铁蛋白具有更高的敏感性。病越重,值越低。 临床意义:除了作为一种灵敏的营养蛋白质指标,前白蛋白(PA)在急性炎症、恶性肿瘤、肝硬化或肾炎时其血浓度下降。 (1)(肝脏疾病时前白蛋白更敏感,有人认为有30,白蛋白正常的肝病患者的前白蛋白减少,坏死后肝硬化几乎是零。肝硬化肝细胞坏死较轻,前白蛋白变化不大,预后较好,当病情改善时,前白蛋白亦迅速升高; (2)(亚急性肝坏死前白蛋白一直在低of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 值,故前白蛋白可用作判断肝病预后指标。肝癌以及阻塞性黄疸患者均可降低,其降低程度与病情有密切关系; (3)(结合转氨酶、胆红素检测对不同类型肝脏疾病和非肝脏疾病有鉴别意义,如前白蛋白、转氨酶、胆红素均增高,多属急性肝脏疾病,如前白蛋白不增高,仅转氨酶、胆红素增高则应考虑非肝脏本身疾病; of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of
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