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法国近代最杰出的雕塑家罗丹的法国近代最杰出的雕塑家罗丹的 加莱义民 加莱义民(The Burghers of Calais ),青铜,208.5×239×190.5厘米,法国雕塑家罗丹创作于1884,1886年,现存法国加莱市。 1简介 《加莱义民》分为两组,前边三个一组,后边三个一组,他们身材相似,站立在 一起。中间一个头发稍长,眼睛向下凝视的,是最年长,最有声望的欧斯达治,他迈着沉着的步伐向前走去,不看四周,也不迟疑和恐惧,他那刚毅的神情,显示了他内心的强烈悲愤与牺牲的决心。由于他的坚强,鼓动着其余的人。最右边站立的一个稍为年轻的人,...
法国近代最杰出的雕塑家罗丹的 加莱义民 加莱义民(The Burghers of Calais ),青铜,208.5×239×190.5厘米,法国雕塑家罗丹创作于1884,1886年,现存法国加莱市。 1简介 《加莱义民》分为两组,前边三个一组,后边三个一组,他们身材相似,站立在 一起。中间一个头发稍长,眼睛向下凝视的,是最年长,最有声望的欧斯达治,他迈着沉着的步伐向前走去,不看四周,也不迟疑和恐惧,他那刚毅的神情,显示了他内心的强烈悲愤与牺牲的决心。由于他的坚强,鼓动着其余的人。最右边站立的一个稍为年轻的人,皱起的双眉和紧抿的嘴流露着悲愤,两手紧握着城门钥匙,他茫然望着前方,似乎感到命运的不公平,在心中无声地抗议着。右边第三个义民,死亡使他恐怖,他用双手遮住眼睛,似乎想驱散恶梦,但仍不能避开这个悲剧的命运。左边第二个,内心表现出无比的愤怒,那举手向天的手势,不是祈祷,而是对上帝未能主持正义的谴责。他目光向下凝视,半开着的口似乎要说着什么。他身边的一个义民,年纪较轻,他似乎被迸发出的爱国热情所冲动,但由于想到转瞬间将离开人世,不免引起生离死别的悲愤情感,他蹙起眉头,摊开双手,表示无可奈何的神态。在他们身后的一个义民,两手抱头,陷入无比的痛苦之中。虽然后面的三个义民没有前面的那么坚定勇敢,但他们 [1]仍然为了全市人民作出自我牺牲,这种壮举同样值得尊敬。 群像富有戏剧性地被排列在一块象地面一般的低台座上。这六个义民的造型各自独立,然而其动势又相互联系着。组雕是一个整体,是一种充满着可歌可泣的义举形象的整体。罗丹以彻底逼近真实和深入探索的精神,尖锐的心理刻画和强烈的性格表现在震撼着人民的心。这件作品不论其结构,和就其对纪念性形象 [1]的理解,以及对英雄人文的阐述,都具有革新的意义,显示了罗丹艺术的辉煌不凡。 2背景 1884年,当罗丹正埋头于《地狱之门》的创作时,加莱市当局邀请他制作一座忠魂碑。义民赴难这一事件,源出于法国的历史年鉴:14世纪百年战争时期,英国军队即将攻陷法国的加莱市,加莱市被英军围困将近两年,市民的生命危在旦夕。经过双方的谈判,英王爱德华三世提出残酷的条件:加莱市必须选出六个高贵的市民任他们处死,并规定这六个人出城时要光头、赤足、锁颈,把城门钥匙拿在手里,才可保全城市。这是法国人民永难忘怀的历史悲剧。加莱市本要求罗丹制作义民中的一个,但罗丹了解到历史后,答应只 [2]收一个雕像的报酬而塑造六个雕像。 3轶事 英法百年战争(1337-1453)爆发后,法军节节败退。1347年8月,英王爱德华三世指挥大军在克雷西大败法军,受伤的法王腓力六世率领残军落荒而逃。英军乘胜追击,北上包围了港口城市加莱,断绝了进城的粮草。加莱人奋勇抗战,拼死守城,但是腓力六世不愿派兵增援。在坚持了11个月后,弹尽粮绝的加莱 [3]人被迫乞降——加莱市长约翰?德维耶纳(John de Vienne)爬上城垛举起了英国国旗。 加莱人乞降,终于让爱德华三世松了口气,不禁窃喜,便派他的手下沃尔特?曼尼和巴西特前往恰谈. 约翰?德维耶纳对他们说:“尊敬的先生,你们是非常勇敢的骑士,应该知道我们是作为法王的臣民,奉旨守卫这座城市,我们已经竭尽全力了。没有得到增援的希望,我们已陷入绝境;如果你们的主人,仁慈的国王,不怜悯我们,我们必定饥饿而死。因此,我恳请你们在你们国王面前为我们求情,请他同情同情我们,给我们一条生路;我们愿意交出这座城市及其所有的一切。” 加莱自古就是海盗的根据地,英国商船常遭掠夺,英王一直对加莱人有很深的敌意。这次围困加莱,不仅军事上损失惨重,而且惹得国内怨声载道,军队差点还发生哗变。因此,爱德华三世并不想轻易放过加莱人,要好好羞辱他们一番。他提出:“如果加莱市长让六名有声望的加莱市民身着衬衣,光头赤脚,颈套绳索,带着加莱城门的钥匙前来,并任由我们处置,其他人则可饶恕。” 约翰?德维耶纳来到市场,敲响了集合的钟声,全城男女老少蜂拥而至。他向市民宣布了英国人提出的条件。听罢这种屈辱的条件,人们无不悲伤和绝望,就连市长也泣不成声。不一会儿,尤斯塔斯?德?圣皮埃尔,全市最富有的市民,站起来说:“先生们,如果我们本来能找到办法使市民不因饥饿而大量丧生,我们却没有去做,那将是最大的遗憾;如果我们能够避免这种悲剧的发生,在吾主耶稣基督眼里也将是值得称道的。如果我的牺牲能拯救我的同胞,我愿成为六人中的第一个。”尤斯塔斯话音刚落,人们全体起立,向他表示敬意。接着,富有而又受人尊敬的约翰?戴尔站起身说,他愿 [3]意成为第二个。此后,又有四人相继报名。 悲痛欲绝的市民护送六位勇士到了城门口,约翰?德维耶纳带着他们六人出了城。他对沃尔特?曼尼说:“作为加莱市长,在市民的同意下,我把这六人交给你;我向你发誓,他们过去、现在都是加莱最富有、最受人尊敬的居民。我恳求你哀求你们的国王不要处死他们。” 当六人由沃尔特?曼尼带到爱德华三世面前后,他们双腿下跪,双手高举,说道:“英武无比的国王,在您面前的是六位加莱市民,我们都是富有的商人,给您带来了城门的钥匙。我们完全遵照您的意愿投降,是为了拯救饥寒交迫的加莱市民。因此,恳求仁慈的国王慈悲为怀,宽恕我们吧。” 目睹此情此景,在场的所有男爵、骑士、护卫无不流下了同情的泪水。爱德华三世怒目而视,命令砍下六人的头。在场的所有人乞求国王慈悲为怀,宽恕他们,可是国王根本不听。这时,沃尔特?曼尼力谏道:“仁慈的陛下,请息怒。陛下有伟大而高尚心灵的美誉,不能因此事而受损,陛下也不要因此事让他人鄙视。如果陛下处死了这六位令人尊敬的人,全世界会说陛下残酷无情,因为他们是自愿向仁慈的陛下投降,是为了拯救他们的同胞。”爱德华三世还是无动于衷,说道:“朕意已决。”并下令处死他们。 这时,身怀六甲的王后亲自下跪,泪流满面地哀求说:“仁慈的陛下,既然我冒着千难万险渡海来看陛下,我以前从未求过陛下什么事,现在我恳求陛下,为了仁慈的圣母玛丽亚之子耶稣基督,为了陛下对我的爱,宽恕这六个人,以作为陛下送给我的礼物吧。” 国王看着王后,沉默良久,然后说道:“哦,亲爱的,朕真希望你在别处而不是在这里;既然你以这种方式求朕,朕怎么能拒绝;就把他们交给你吧,由你全权处置。”王后把这六位市民带到她下榻处,让人解开套在他们颈上的绳索,给他们换上新衣服,为他们做了一顿丰盛的晚餐。然后,给他们每人六个金币,由护卫送他们安全离开了营地。 六位义民英勇赴难的精神感动了整个加莱市,被市民奉为加莱的城市英雄。他们的故事也一代一代地被人们传颂。1884年,为了纪念这六位义民,加莱市市长邀请雕塑家罗丹制作一座忠魂碑。罗丹兴奋地接受了这一任务,创作了不朽的《加莱义民》群雕。这组雕像于1895年揭幕,如今仍矗立在加莱市的里席尔广场。 也许有人会说,这是一次投降,一次屈辱的投降,这六人代表加莱屈辱地投降,怎么能算义民,但是,我们也不能说只有那些宁死不屈者才是真英雄吧。投降不是好事,是屈辱,却也不应一味反对。如果是竭尽全力仍不敌而降,又有什么可值得指责的呢,再说,中国不是还有句老话:留得青山在不怕没柴烧。 THE BURGHERS OF CALAIS In 1347 the French port of Calais was captured by the army of the king of England, Edward the Third, after a year-long siege. Calais was important to the English, not only because of its position just across the English channel, but because it had been a base for French pirates who made regular raids on the English. King Edward hated Calais and its citizens. The siege had left the people of Calais starving to death, and the French army could not get close enough to the city to try to rescue them: the marshy land and the presence of English troops made that impossible. In desperation the governor of Calais, Jean le Vienne, asked to parley with the enemy. King Edward sent two of his barons to hear what he offered. The governor told them how the people were dying of hunger, and asked that the citizens be allowed to leave the city in order to survive. Then the English troops could occupy it and its castle. The barons went back and told Edward about Jean le Vienne’s proposal, but he would have none of it: Calais must surrender unconditionally, and that was that. The barons tactfully pointed out that the king might find it wise to set an example of mercy: if he did not, there might be retaliation by enemies in the future, with no mercy showed to English citizens. Edward gave this some thought and made a decision. ‘You can tell the governor of Calais that six of its chief citizens must walk barefoot from the town to my camp, with rope halters round their necks and the keys to the city and the castle in their hands. On them,’ he said darkly, ‘I will do my will. The rest of the citizens will be pardoned.’ Jean le Vienne ordered the city bell to be rung, and when they heard it the people gathered at the city centre to hear what they hoped would be good news. But when they heard what the king had decreed, they were soon groaning and weeping in despair. Then one of the chief burgesses of Calais stepped forward. His name was Eustace de St. Pierre. He said he was prepared to give himself up to the English king, and was happy to do this and so save the citizens of Calais. One after the other, five more men joined him. Barefoot, and with ropes round their necks, they set out on the painful walk to the king’s tent. Edward was waiting for them, and with him was his much-loved wife, Philippa. The six burghers of Calais knelt before the king and queen. Then Eustace de St. Pierre said: ‘We are six men of the old bourgeoisie of Calais, and we bring you the keys of the city and the castle. We entreat you to show compassion to our suffering townsfolk.’ Many of the English lords present shed tears of pity – and of respect for the men’s bravery – as they listened. But king Edward was still angry with Calais, which had cost him so much in English lives and money, and ordered that the six men were to be beheaded at once. One of the barons who had talked with the governor of Calais now came forward. ‘Sire, you have a reputation for being noble and generous. I urge you to restrain your anger and not tarnish your reputation for fairness by a vengeful act of cruelty.’ The king would not listen, but called for the executioner to come with his axe. ‘The people of Calais have caused the death of so many of my men, now these men must die.’ Queen Philippa came closer to her husband. She was expecting a baby very soon, but despite the bulk of her pregnancy she dropped on her knees in front of the king. ‘My lord,’ she said, ‘I risked great danger by sailing from England to be with you, and have asked for nothing in return. Now I humbly ask for one gift: for God’s sake, and for the sake of your love for me, be merciful!’ And she too broke down in tears. The king looked down at her in silence for a long time. Then he said, ‘ I could say I wish that you had not been here! Then I would not have had to listen to a request I cannot refuse. I give these six burghers of Calais into your care: do what you like with them.’ Queen Philippa led the six men to her own part of the camp. Here her attendants took the rope halters from their necks, provided clean clothing, and made them a good meal. The queen then gave them some money and saw that Eustace de St Pierre and his friends were escorted safely out of the camp and back to Calais. From time to time after that the English and French tried to make treaties and peace agreements. Sometimes they were successful, but the truces did not last. The ‘Hundred Years War’ did not end until 1453 – and, some say, not even then. They name the year 1558, when the English were finally forced out of Calais for good.
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