

2017-09-28 45页 doc 123KB 32阅读




无公害蔬菜生产安全标准无公害蔬菜生产安全标准 无公害蔬菜生产安全标准 1 范围 本标准规定了无公害蔬菜生产的术语与定义、技术要求、产品质量要求、标志、标签、包装、运输与贮存。 本标准适用于哈尔滨市行政区域内无公害蔬菜生产、加工和销售。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 GB 3095 环境空气质量标...
无公害蔬菜生产安全 无公害蔬菜生产安全标准 1 范围 本标准规定了无公害蔬菜生产的术语与定义、技术要求、产品质量要求、标志、标签、包装、运输与贮存。 本标准适用于哈尔滨市行政区域内无公害蔬菜生产、加工和销售。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 GB 3095 环境空气质量标准 GB 4285 农药安全使用标准 GB/T 5009.12 食品中铅的测定方法 GB/T 5009.15 食品中镉的测定方法 GB/T 5009.11 食品中总砷的测定方法 GB/T 5009.17 食品中总汞的测定方法 GB/T 5009.20 食品中有机磷农药残留量的测定方法 GB 8172 城镇垃圾农用控制标准 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste GB 8321.1 农药合理使用准则(一) GB 8321.2 农药合理使用准则(二) GB 8321.3 农药合理使用准则(三) GB/T 8855 新鲜水果和蔬菜的取样方法 GB/T 8868 蔬菜塑料箱的取样方法 GB 14877 食品中氨基甲酸酯类农药残留量的测定方法 GB 14878 食品中百菌清残留量的测定方法 GB/T 14929.4 食品中氯氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯和溴氰菊酯残留量测定方法 GB/T 14973 食品中粉秀宁残留量的测定方法 GB 15063 复混肥料 GB/T 15401 水果、蔬菜及其制品 亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐含量的测定方法 GB 15618 土壤环境质量标准 GB/T 17419 含氨基酸叶面肥 GB 18406.1 农产品安全质量 无公害蔬菜安全要求 GB/T 18407.1 农产品安全质量 无公害蔬菜产地环境要求 GB 18877 有机,无机复混肥料 NY 227 微生物肥料 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste NY/T 397 农区环境空气质量监测技术规范 NY/T 496 肥料合理使用准则 NY/T 5010 无公害食品 无公害农产品标志管理规定 3 术语和定义 无公害蔬菜 是指产地环境、生产过程、产品质量符合国家有关标准和规范的要求,经认证合格获得认证证书并允许使用无公害农产品标志的未经加工的蔬菜;也就是使用安全的投入品,按照规定的技术规范生产,产地环境、产品质量符合国家强制标准并使用特有标志的安全农产品。 4 技术要求 4.1 环境 4.1.1 无公害蔬菜产地生态环境 无公害蔬菜生产用地应选择在不直接接受工业“三废”及农业、城镇生活、医疗废弃物污染,生态条件良好的农业生产区域。 生态区域的灌溉水源上游没有对产地环境构成威胁的污染源,包括工业“三废”、农业废弃物、医院污水及废弃物、城市垃圾和生活污水等。 基地选点应远离工矿区和公路铁路干线,产地必须距离公路主干线不少于 100 米。 土壤重金属背景值高的地区、与土壤、水源环境有the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 关的地方病高发区不能作为无公害蔬菜产地。 4.1.2 无公害蔬菜生产环境质量要求 蔬菜产地环境空气质量应符合 1 的规定。环境空气质量监测的采样防范按照 NY/T 397 执行。 表 1 指标 项 目 日平均 1h平 均 总悬浮颗粒数(标准状 0.30 3态),?/,? 二氧化硫(标准状态), ? 0.15 0.50 3/,? 氮氧化物(标准状态),?/ 0.10 0.15 3,? 氟化物(标准状态),?,/, 7.0 3? 3铅(标准状态),?,/,? 1.5 无公害蔬菜农田灌溉水中各项污染物含量不应超过表 2 所列指标的要求,做到灌、排水分渠,避免串灌。 表 2 项 目 指 标 PH 5.5,8.5 总汞,?0.001 /L ? 镉,?0.005 /L ? 总铅,?0.1 /L ? the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 砷,?0.05 /L ? 铬(六价),?0.1 /L? 氟化物,?3.0 /L ? 氯化物,?250 /L ? 氰化物,?0.5 /L ? 石油类,?1.0 /L ? 土壤耕层内无有毒离子和倾倒物富集,土壤中有机氯、有机磷化物残留较少,土壤PH值适中,以中性和稍偏酸性为宜。各项污染物含量不应超过表 3 中所列指标的要求。 表 3 项 目 指 标 PH值 <6.5 6.5>7.5 ,7.5 镉,?/0.30 0.30 0.60 ? ? 总汞,?/0.30 0.50 1.0 ? ? 总砷,?/40 30 25 ? ? 铅,?/100 150 150 ? ? 铬(六价),?/150 200 250 ? ? the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 铜,?/50 100 100 ? ? 六六六,?/0.50 0.50 0.50 ? ? 滴滴涕,?/0.50 0.50 0.50 ? ? 4.2 农药 农药使用应符合GB 4285 的要求 4.2.1 禁止使用的农药 在无公害蔬菜生产中严格禁止使用无生产许可证、农药登记证、产品合格证的化学农药和国家明令禁止使用的表 4 所列的剧毒、高毒、高残留或具有三致(致癌、致畸、致突变)的农药。 表 4 种类 农 药 名 称 六六六、DDT、氯丹、毒杀酚、五氯酚 有机氯类 钠、三氯杀满醇、杀螟威、赛丹、林丹 甲基一六零五、一六零五、一零五九、 甲胺磷、乙酰甲胺磷、久效磷、磷胺、 异丙磷、三硫磷、高效磷、氧化乐果、 蝇毒磷、高渗硅硫磷、马甲磷、乐安 有机磷 磷、速胺磷、水胺硫磷、甲拌磷 (3911)、大风雷、治螟磷、叶胺磷、 克线丹、克线磷、磷化锌、氟乙酰胺、 达甲、敌甲畏、久敌、敌甲治、敌甲 速灭畏、呋喃丹、速扑杀、铁灭克、灭氨基甲酸酯类 多威 磷化铝、氯化苦、二溴氯丙烷、二溴乙 熏蒸剂 烷 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 砒霜、苏化二零三、杀虫眯、西力生、其它杀虫剂 赛力散、益舒宝、氧乐氰、氢化物、 401抗菌素、普特丹、汞制剂 4.2.2 限量使用的农药 在无公害蔬菜生产中,必要时允许有限度地使用部分有机合成化学农药,并严格按表 5 中规定的方法使用。 表 5 最多 使用常用药安全隔最高药 次数量 离日 农药名称 剂型 量 (每 (亩) (亩) (天) 季作 物) 氯氰菊酯 10%乳油 20ml 30ml 3 2,5 2.5%乳 溴氰菊酯 20ml 40ml 3 2 油 15ml, 氰戊菊酯 20%乳油 40ml 3 5 25ml 喹 硫 磷 25%乳油 60ml 100ml 1,2 9 50%可湿10mg, 抗 蚜 威 30mg 3 6 性粉剂 20mg 毒 死 蜱 48%乳油 50ml 75ml 3 7 优杀硫磷 35%乳油 130ml 190ml 2 7 顺式硫氰 10%乳油 5ml 10ml 3 3 菊酯 2.5%乳 功 夫 25ml 50ml 3 7 油 氯氰菊酯 25%乳油 12ml 16ml 3 3 农药名称 剂型 常用药最高药最多使用安the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 量 量使用全期 (亩) 次数 (亩) (天) (每 季作 物) 来 福 灵 5%乳油 10ml 20ml 3 3 马扑立克 10%乳油 25ml 50ml 3 7 虎胶肥酸30%胶悬 150ml 300ml 4 3 铜 剂 杀毒矾锰64%可湿 110g 130g 3 3 锌 性粉剂 顺式氯氰 10%乳油 5ml 10ml 2 3 菊酯 甲霜灵锰58%可湿 75g 120g 3 1 锌 性粉剂 75%可湿 百 菌 清 145g 270g 3 7 性粉剂 联苯菊酯 10%乳油 5ml 10ml 3 4 4.2.3 推荐使用的农药 大力推广使用农用抗生素、微生物农药和植物性农药。推荐使用表 6 所列中低毒农药,提倡化学农药合理轮换、交替使用。 表 6 被替代品 推荐替代品种 防治对象 种 克百威40%辛硫磷乳油、地下害虫(地老(呋喃10%益舒宝颗粒剂、虎、蝼蛄、韭 丹) 3%米乐尔颗粒剂 蛆)、线虫 40%辛硫磷乳油、地下害虫(地老甲拌磷 10%益舒宝颗粒剂、虎、蝼蛄、韭蛆) the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 3%米乐尔颗粒剂 10%吡虫啉可湿性粉 剂、48%乐斯本乳蚜虫、潜叶蝇、红氧化乐果 油、1.8%杀虫素乳蜘蛛 油 拟除虫菊阿维菌素、BT、抑 小菜蛾、菜青虫 酯类 太保 氟乙酰胺 溴敌隆 老鼠 4.3 肥料 肥料选用应符合 GB 15063、GB/T 17419、GB 18877、NY 227、NY/T 496 的要求。 4.3.1 推荐使用的肥料种类 在无公害蔬菜生产中,推荐使用表 7 所列肥料。 表 7 类别 主要品种 磷酸铵、尿素、硫酸钾、磷酸二 无机肥 氢钾、不含硝态氮的专用复混肥 堆肥、沤肥、厩肥、沼气肥、饼有机肥(农肥) 肥、绿肥、秸秆肥(麦秸、稻 草、玉米秸、豆秸)、草木灰 磷素活化剂、生物钾等含有二种生物肥、微生物 以上有益微生物、互不拮抗的微 肥 生物制剂 氨基酸、腐殖酸、微量元素等不 叶面肥 含化学合成的生长调节剂 4.3.2 使用准则 肥料施用应遵循下列准则。 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste ——合理施肥,培肥地力,改善土壤环境,改进施肥技术,因土、因菜平衡协调施肥,以地养地。 ——所有有机肥或无机肥料,尤其是富含氮类的肥料,应对环境和作物(营养、味道、品质、植物抗性)不产生不良后果方可使用。 ——化肥必须与有机肥配合施用,有机氮与无机氮之比不超过 1:1.5 ,最后一次追肥必须在收获前 30 天进行。 ——城市生活垃圾要经过无害化处理,质量达到 GB 8172 中 1.1 的要求后才能使用。每年每公顷农田限制用量,粘性土壤不超过45吨,沙性土壤不超过 30 吨。 ——严禁在蔬菜上浇不腐熟的人粪尿。腐熟的达到无害化要求的沼气肥水及腐熟的人、畜尿可用做追肥。 ——叶面肥料,喷施于作物叶片,可施用一次或多次,但最后一次必须在收获前20天喷施。 5 质量要求 5.1 无公害蔬菜重金属限量 无公害蔬菜重金属限量应符合表 8 规定 表8 氟 铬(以砷(以铅(以镉(以汞(以(以项 目 CrAsPb Cd计) Hg计) F 计) 计) 计) 计) 指标 ?0.5 ?0.05 ?0.01 ?0.5 ?0.2 ?1.0 (mg/kg) 5.2 硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐限量 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 无公害蔬菜的硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐限量应符合表 9 规定 表 9 项 目 指 标(mg/kg) 亚硝酸盐(NaNO) ?4.0 2 ?600 果菜类 硝酸盐(NaNO) ?1200 根茎类 3 ?3000 叶菜类 5.3 农药残留限量 5.3.1 无公害蔬菜中不得检出农药各类 无公害蔬菜中不得检出的农药品种应符合表 10 要求。 表10 商品名 农药名称 毒性 最高残留(mg/kg) 称 三九一 甲 拌 磷 高 不得检出 一 马拉硫磷 马拉松 低 不得检出 一六零 对 硫 磷 高 不得检出 五 久效磷 纽瓦克 高 不得检出 克百威 呋喃丹 高 不得检出 涕灭威 铁灭克 高 不得检出 甲胺磷 高 不得检出 氧化乐果 高 不得检出 5.3.2 最高农药残留限量 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 无公害蔬菜中农药最高残留限量应符合表 11 的规定 表11 毒最高残留限量通用名称 商品名称 作物 性 (mg/kg) 六六六 中 蔬菜 0.2 毒最高残留限量通用名称 商品名称 作物 性 (mg/kg) 滴滴涕 中 蔬菜 0.1 敌敌畏 中 蔬菜 0.2 乐果 中 蔬菜 1.0 杀螟硫磷 中 蔬菜 0.5 倍硫磷 百治屠 中 蔬菜 0.05 辛硫磷 肟硫磷 低 蔬菜 0.05 乙酰甲胺 高灭磷 低 蔬菜 0.2 磷 二嗪农,地 二嗪磷 中 蔬菜 0.5 亚农 喹硫磷 爱卡士 中 蔬菜 0.2 敌百虫 低 蔬菜 0.1 亚胺硫磷 中 蔬菜 0.5 叶菜 毒死蜱 乐斯本 中 1.0 类 抗蚜威 辟蚜雾 中 蔬菜 1.0 西维因,胺 甲萘威 中 蔬菜 2.0 甲萘 二氯苯醚氯菊酯,除 低 蔬菜 1.0 菊脂 虫精 叶菜 0.5 类 溴氰菊脂 敌杀死 中 果菜 0.2 类 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 灭百可,兴叶菜 1.0 棉宝 类 氯氰菊脂 中 赛波凯,安番茄 0.5 绿宝 块根 0.05 类 果菜 氰戊菊脂 速灭杀丁 中 0.2 类 叶菜 0.5 类 氟氰戊菊保好鸿,氟 中 蔬菜 0.2 脂 氰菊脂 快杀敌,高黄瓜 0.2 顺式氯氰效安绿 中 叶菜菊脂 宝,高效1.0 类 灭百可 联苯菊脂 天王星 中 番茄 0.5 三氟氯氰叶菜 功夫 中 0.2 菊脂 类 顺式氰戊来福灵,叶菜 中 2.0 菊脂 双爱士 类 叶菜 甲氰菊脂 灭扫利 中 0.5 类 氟胺氰菊叶菜 马扑立克 中 1.0 脂 类 粉锈宁, 三唑酮 低 蔬菜 0.2 百理通 苯并咪唑 多菌灵 低 蔬菜 0.5 44号 百菌清 低 蔬菜 1.0 噻嗪酮 优乐得 低 蔬菜 0.3 五氯硝基 低 蔬菜 0.2 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 苯 叶菜 除虫脲 敌灭灵 低 20.0 类 灭幼脲三 灭幼脲 低 蔬菜 3.0 号 5.3.3 蔬菜外观 叶菜类 鲜嫩、均匀、粗壮,无老叶、病叶,无泥和杂草。 茄果类 新鲜、成熟度适中,大小均匀、无畸形、无虫斑、病斑,色泽光亮。 甘蓝类 球紧实、花球无毛花,无灰心,叶球均匀,无病虫卵、病叶。 瓜类 鲜嫩、色泽光亮、无畸形果、无病虫斑。 葱蒜类 新鲜粗壮,不抽苔,无病虫斑。 豆类 新鲜、荚大小均匀,无虫蛀荚,无锈斑荚。 根菜类 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 大小均匀,表皮光滑、无病斑、无虫眼、无裂痕。 5.4 试验方法 5.4.1 外观质量检测 品种特征、腐烂、冻害、病虫害及机械伤害等。病虫害有明显症状或症状不明显而有怀疑者,应取样瓜剖开检验。异味用口尝和鼻嗅的方法检测。 5.4.2 卫生指标检测 敌敌畏、乐果、乙酰甲胺磷 按GB/T5009.20规定执行。 溴氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯 按GB/T14929.4规定执行。 抗蚜威 按GB14877规定执行。 百菌清 按GB14878规定执行。 三矬酮 按GB/T14973规定执行。 铅 按GB/T5009.12规定执行。 镉 按GB/5009.15规定执行。 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 亚硝酸盐 按GB/T15401规定执行。 5.5 检验规则 5.5.1 检验分类 无公害蔬菜的检验分为产地检验(采摘上市前的检验)和市场检验(批发或零售)。 5.5.2 货批 产地检验以同一品种、同一田块、同期采收的蔬菜,以 1 小时为一抽样批次,不足 1 小时也视为一个货批。 市场检验以同一产区、同一品种、同一销售单位为一个货批。 5.5.3 抽样方法 产地检验对每一货批按5点抽样法取样,将样品缩分后抽取 2 ?。取 1 ?样品作为制备实验室样品,1?样品作为备样。备样应低温冷冻保存。 市场检验从每一货批中随机抽取2?样品。取1?样品作为制备实验室样品,1 ?样品作为备样。备样应低温冷冻保存。 5.5.4 检验项目 产地检验或申请使用无公害蔬菜标志时,应对5.1、5.2、5.3所列的项目做全项检验。 市场检验根据蔬菜病虫害发生情况,农药使用特点等情况对5.2.3所列项目做抽样检验。 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 5.5.5 判定规则 按 GB 18406.1 规定的色谱测定方法进行测定时,测定的结果符合本部分要求的,则判该批产品为合格品,测定的结果不符合本部分规定的,允许对不合格项目进行加倍取样复测,复测结果仍不合格的,则判该批产品为不合格品。 农药残留量按简易方法进行测定时,从每一货批中随机抽取 3 个样品进行现场测定。对于一次检验出阳性时,允许进行复测。若复测仍呈阳性的,应进行色谱测定,以色谱测定法测定的结果为判定依据。 6 包装、标志、标签、运输与贮存 6.1 标志 无公害蔬菜应在产品或包装上加贴无公害蔬菜标志,符合《无公害农产品标志管理办法规定》的要求。 6.2 标签 无公害蔬菜可使用标签,标明产品名称、产地、采摘日期或包装日期、保质期、生产单位和经销单位。 6.3 包装 无公害蔬菜的包装应采用符合食品卫生标准的包装材料。 6.4 运输 无公害蔬菜的运输应采用无污染的交通运输工具,不得与其他有毒、有害物品混装混运。 6.5 贮存 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste 贮存场所应清洁卫生,不得与有毒、有害物品混存 混放。 the real implementation of the "quasi, ruthless. Tough," requirement, carry forward the spirit of a nail, and the corrective measures The implementation of the nerve endings, do not let the rectification is not in place, not to retreat, the people are not satisfied. Pin four is to adhere to the reform and innovation. To reform the way of thinking and innovative courage to turn style, against four winds, the courage to face the contradictions, good at solving the chronic ills, dare to break the outdated customs and bad habits Hensha unhealthy tendencies, trees, fresh healthy. The five is to adhere to tackling the problem. That is the wind Su Ji and the education supervision combined, in order to establish a new system to promote the normalization of style building, long-term, to enhance the party spirit of honest and pragmatic people thought conscious action. The six is to insist on the completion of the third grasp the overall situation. Activity and end This year the goal of safety production work plan for next year, work together, to promote the activities and the work of production safety with both hands, two promotion, two not mistake. Two, rectification of the overall objectives and specific objectives: (a) the overall path around the "four focus", carried out the outstanding problems of the special rectification, the full implementation of the central and provincial Party committee clear the rectification task, effectively curb the "four winds", realize the overall improvement of Party and government. The point is: focus on the people, the people, convenience, and resolutely curb the bureaucratic style of work; looking to stimulate grassroots vitality, resolutely curb the Wenshan sea; focus on the cadres honest, clean government, politics, and resolutely curb exceed the standard Quasi occupied office space, Gongjusiyong, public funds, extravagance of the wind; focus on establish a correct view of achievements, the concept of power, and resolutely curb acts against the interests of the masses. Accelerate the system reform and construction, improve the people honest and pragmatic normalization system, constantly consolidate and expand educational practice achievements, make people satisfied. The recent reform goal: Political Quality Bureau and all Party members and cadres, further improve the quality of the business; the "four winds", "two" problem has been effectively solved. The middle goal of the reform: "opposition party and government austerity waste
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