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提升白细胞食物提升白细胞食物 凡白细胞减少的病人,宜食用以下食物,有升高白细胞的作用. 意见建议: 丁香黄芪 蜂王浆 具有滋补,强壮,健脾的功效,尤其适宜癌症病人治疗后白细胞减少者食用.有报道说:一位70多岁的老妇胡某,因乳房癌,后又发生肺癌,年高体弱,白细胞仅1000,毫升,既不能手术,又不能化疗,老人只得试服鲜蜂王浆,10多天后,白细胞升至5000,毫升. 灵芝,紫河车 ,羊骨髓,大枣 ,香菇 ,黄芪 ,参,小茄香,丁香,牛髓 ,牛肉,羊肉,狗肉,鹿胎,鹿茸. 生活护理: 此外,白细胞减少症患者还宜选食羊肚,羊奶,乌骨鸡,海参...
提升白细胞食物 凡白细胞减少的病人,宜食用以下食物,有升高白细胞的作用. 意见建议: 丁香黄芪 蜂王浆 具有滋补,强壮,健脾的功效,尤其适宜癌症病人治疗后白细胞减少者食用.有报道说:一位70多岁的老妇胡某,因乳房癌,后又发生肺癌,年高体弱,白细胞仅1000,毫升,既不能手术,又不能化疗,老人只得试服鲜蜂王浆,10多天后,白细胞升至5000,毫升. 灵芝,紫河车 ,羊骨髓,大枣 ,香菇 ,黄芪 ,参,小茄香,丁香,牛髓 ,牛肉,羊肉,狗肉,鹿胎,鹿茸. 生活护理: 此外,白细胞减少症患者还宜选食羊肚,羊奶,乌骨鸡,海参,牛肚,阿胶,鸡肉,鸡蛋,鸽肉,鸽蛋,白鳝,甲鱼,太子参,山药,冬虫夏草,银耳,燕窝,猴头菇,枸杞子,黄精,胡桃肉,花生仁等. 可以提高白细胞的食物: 蜂王浆:具有滋补、强壮、健脾的功效,尤其适宜癌症病人治疗后白细胞减少者食用。 灵芝:《神农本草经》中载:灵芝“益精气,坚筋骨”。《本草纲目》认为灵芝能“疗虚劳”。 紫河车:有很好的补益强壮作用,能补气、养血、益精。《本草蒙筌》说它“疗诸虚百损。”《本草再新》认为紫河车“大补元气。”白细胞减少症是属传统医学中的“虚损”症范畴,常食紫河车,对提高白细胞数,颇有效益。 contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, liver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism 羊骨髓:羊的脊髓或骨髓,能补阴补髓,对虚劳羸弱之人可以起到食疗食养的作用。现代还有用以治疗再生障碍性贫血者。 大枣:有补脾、益气、养血的功效,凡血虚、贫血、血小板减少、白细胞减少者,均宜食用。 香菇:据报道,从人工栽培的鲜香菇中提取的多糖类,对白细胞减少症有明显疗效。民间对白细胞减少症,可用鲜香菇适量煮食或作菜常食。香菇还有提高自身免疫功能的作用。 黄芪:有补中益气、治虚弱病症的作用。历代医家认为,黄芪为补气诸药之最,是以有耆之称。《本经逢原》载:“黄芪能补五脏诸虚”。《日华子本草》说它:“助气壮筋骨,长肉补血”。白细胞减少症多属中医气虚症候,近代有些医家创立了“补气升白汤”,即从补气人手来达到升高白细胞的目的。黄芪为补气之最,故白细胞减少者宜食之。 党参:有补气、健脾胃、养气血的作用,为气虚之人常用之品。小茴香:性温,味辛,为民间常用的五香调味品。《伤寒蕴要》中说它“暖丹田”。元代名医李杲认为茴香“补命门不足”,这都说明它有补肾气的作用。现代研究认为,小茴香中所含的茴香醚有升高白细胞的功效。 丁香 :为常用的五香调味品之一。性温,味辛,有温中暖肾之功。《医林纂要》中还说它能“补肝,润命门”。现代医学研究认为,丁香内服吸收入血后,能刺激中枢神经使之兴奋,心跳加快,并能使白细胞增加。因此,对白细胞减少症患者来说,吃些丁香等五香粉,也contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, liver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism 颇适宜。 牛髓:能补肾益髓。《神农本草经》中即有记载,说它“补中,填骨髓,久服增年”。白细胞减少症多属中医精血亏损,虚劳之病,因此,常食颇宜,可收到补虚劳,益精血的功效。 牛肉:能补脾胃,益气血,强筋骨。《韩氏医通》认为:“黄牛肉补气,与绵黄芪同功。”《医林纂要》中还说:“牛肉味甘,专补脾土,脾胃者,后天气血之本,补此则无不补矣。”因此,白细胞减少症者,多属中医脾气虚弱,多食牛肉则补气健脾,故常食颇宜。 羊肉:为温补性食物,能益气补虚,有补益强壮作用。元代医家李杲曾说:“羊肉,甘热,能补血之虚。”尤其是白细胞减少症兼有阳虚怕冷者,食之尤宜。 狗肉:能补中益气,温肾助阳。唐代食医孟诜认为狗肉“补血脉,填精髓”。白细胞减少症可属中医“虚劳”范畴,狗肉有补脾气,益肾气的作用,因此,对白细胞减少之人兼有脾肾两虚,无力腿软,四肢欠温者,食之最宜。 鹿肉:性温,味甘,能补五脏、调血脉,中医常用以治疗虚劳羸瘦之人。《别录》谓:“补中,强五脏,益气力。”《医林纂要》亦说:“补脾胃,益气血,补助命火,壮阳益精。”凡白细胞减少症患者,兼有脾肾两亏,阳气不足之人,食之最为适宜。 鹿胎:为鹿的胎盘和胎兽,能益肾壮阳,补虚生精。《本经逢原》中说:“鹿性补阳益精,男子真元不足者宜之。”故凡肾精亏虚,元contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, liver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism 阳不足的白细胞减少症患者,宜食之。鹿茸:能壮元阳、补气血、益精髓、强筋骨。明?李时珍认为它“治一切虚损”。 提问人的追问 2009-06-12 08:42 谢谢h?: ,唸ɡ的答案.之前我听人说公鸡、鲤鱼、羊肉、狗肉、鹅肉、鳝鱼不能吃,所以请问您所列举的食物对于容易上火的人能不能吃啊? 回答人的补充 2009-06-12 08:48 可以吃但不要多吃,适量吃是没有问题的 白细胞减少者忌食下列食品: 柿子:大凉之果,极易损伤脾胃阳气。《随息居饮食谱》就曾告诫:“凡中气虚寒者忌之。”更不宜与蟹一同服食,凡白细胞减少者,慎勿服之。荸荠:性寒,破积耗气之品,体弱之人白细胞减少者,忌食之。《本经逢原》中曾说:“虚劳咳嗽切禁。”《随息居饮食谱》亦云:“中气虚寒者忌之。”白细胞减少的虚劳之人,切勿多食。 槟榔:为破气伤正之果。《本草蒙筌》有告诫:“槟榔,久服则损真气。”《本草正》中还说它“破气极速”。体质虚弱的白细胞减少者,切勿服食。 薄荷:辛凉之品,疏风散热,只泻不补。《本草从新》中说:“辛香伐气,多服损肺伤心,虚者远之。”《本经逢原》中还说:“多服久服,令人虚冷。”故凡虚弱之病,包括白细胞减少症者,皆当忌食。 芥菜:又称雪里蕻,民间多视之为发物,有耗气伤正之弊。《本草纲目》中就曾指出:“久食则积温成热,辛散太甚,耗人真元。”故体contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, liver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism 弱者白细胞减少之人,不宜多食。此外,白细胞减少症者还应忌食生萝卜、萝卜缨、地骷髅、苦瓜、金橘等耗气伤正之品;也忌食胡椒、辣椒、桂皮、食茱萸、草豆蔻、荜澄茄等辛辣温燥伤阴的刺激性食物;还忌食生瓜、茼蒿、香蕉、螃蟹、蚌肉、田螺等寒凉损阳、生冷伤脾食品。 外周血白细胞计数持续低于 4×109/ 升 时称为白细胞减少症。 用料 ] 当归 20 克,羊肉 500 克。 制作 ] 将羊肉用沸水洗去膻味、切条;将当归洗净。同入砂锅,放适量水及生姜调味煮沸,除去汤面上的泡沫,用文火炖 1 小时,待羊肉熟后,便可食用。 功效 ] 补血暖脏。 香菇牛肉粥 用料 ] 水发后的香菇 60 克,牛肉 30 克,粳米 50 克。 制作 ] ? 将水发香菇去梗洗净,挤干切丝;牛肉洗净切丝;粳米淘洗干净。? 将香菇、牛肉、粳米共同放入锅内,加水适量,用小火熬至肉烂粥熟。? 加调料再煮 3 分钟即可。 食用 ] 每日 1 剂,早晚空腹分食,连食半个月;亦可隔日 1 剂,1 个月为 l 疗程。 备注 ] 火热生疮者不宜食用。 功效 ] 益气养血,用于贫血及白血球减少等症状。常见的增加白细胞的食物 ? 蜂王浆:蜂王浆具有滋补、强壮、健脾的功效,尤其适宜癌症治contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, liver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism 疗后白细胞减少的病人食用。 ? 大枣:大枣有补脾、益气、养血的功效,凡血虚、贫血、血小板减少、白细胞减少者,均宜食用。对肿瘤病人经放疗或化疗后引起白细胞减少者,民间习惯用红枣同赤小豆、糯米煮粥服食。 ? 香菇:据报道,从鲜香菇中提取的多糖类,对白细胞减少症有明显疗效。一般家庭可用鲜香菇适量煮食或做菜常食。香菇还有提高自身免疫功能的作用,可以用来增强恶性肿瘤病人化疗、放疗的效果,预防由此所致的白细胞下降等免疫功能低下症。 ? 人参:人参能大补元气、强壮身体,对现为气虚及阳气不足、体虚气短、怕冷乏力的白细胞减少症患者尤为适宜。 ? 花生米:花生米有“长生果”的美誉,是家庭日常待客的果品之一,它营养丰富,药用价值也不容忽视。最新实验研究表明,食用花生能增加白细胞,尤其是对肿瘤病人因放疗、化疗引起的白细胞减少症有明显的疗效。安利B族维生素 安利蛋白质粉 ?2 倍用量: 安利铁质叶酸片 安利维生素C ?1 倍用量: 安利紫锥花片剂 安利紫锥花喷剂 安利紫锥花滴剂 安利蛋白质粉:增强机体的免疫力,以增强机体的造血功能。 安利维生素C:促进机体内铁质的吸收 contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the principles of basic theory and application of Interventional Radiology, the basic techniques of Interventional Radiology, interventional surgical indications and contraindications, and perioperative management of various types of interventions. (2) Department of internal medicine and related: require regular visits and physical examination techniques, and familiarity with the clinical diseases listed in the following table, physical signs, laboratory testing and diagnosis, in particular, to master a variety of first aid. Learning disease species requirements: System disease species breathing, and circulatory system bronchial expansion, bacteria sex pneumonia, Lung abscess, tuberculosis, lung cancer rheumatic heart valve disease, coronary heart disease, pericarditis Digest, and urinary system endocrine system Digest road Ulcer (stomach, and duodenal ulcer), Digest road tumor (gastric cancer, and knot rectal cancer), cirrhosis, liver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism
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