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东华英语二级考试东华大学英语学业考试 Ⅱ 大纲及样题 Donghua University English Achievement Test Ⅱ Syllabus and Sample 东华大学英语学业考试大纲 总则 大学英语类课程的教学目的是:培养学生具有较强的听、说、阅读能力和一定的写、译能力,使学生能用英语交流信息;帮助学生掌握良好的语言学习方法,打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。 为了加强大学英语类课程的课堂教学,促进教学质量上一个新台阶,提高学生的英语实际掌握能力和综合运用能力,学校对大学英语类课程...
东华大学英语学业考试 Ⅱ 大纲及样题 Donghua University English Achievement Test Ⅱ Syllabus and Sample 东华大学英语学业考试大纲 总则 大学英语类课程的教学目的是:培养学生具有较强的听、说、阅读能力和一定的写、译能力,使学生能用英语交流信息;帮助学生掌握良好的语言学习方法,打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。 为了加强大学英语类课程的课堂教学,促进教学质量上一个新台阶,提高学生的英语实际掌握能力和综合运用能力,学校对大学英语类课程实行目标管理。学校对学生学习大学英语类课程的基本要求是:取得大学英语类课程不少于20学分(04级开始改为16学分),并通过相当于大学英语四级的东华大学英语学业考试Ⅱ(艺术类学生通过相当于大学英语三级的东华大学英语学业考试Ⅰ)。 考试目的在于全面考核学生修读大学英语类课程是否达到教学要求和大纲所确定的各项目标,考试范围主要是教学大纲所的内容,主要考核学生运用语言的能力,同时也考核学生语言掌握程度。 本考试于第三学期第五周举行,以后安排在每学期第五周。具体事宜见《大学英语类课程的学习要求及选课说明》。 考试内容 本考试包括六个部分:听力理解、阅读理解、词汇和结构、词形变化、完形填空和短文写作。 第一部分:听力理解 共20题。考试时间20分钟。这一部分包括两小部分,第一小部分有10题,听对话和问题后,要求考生从四个选项中选出最佳答案;第二小部分为听写,把段落中听到的空缺词填上。 第二部分:阅读理解 共15题,考试时间30分钟。要求考生阅读3篇短文,每篇短文后有若干问题,要求考生根据文章内容从每题四个选项中选出最佳答案。 第三部分:词汇和结构 共30题,考试时间20分钟。要求考生从每题四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 第四部分:词形变化 共10题,考试时间10分钟。每题有个空白,要求考生根据上下文和已给的原词,在空白处填上一个合适的词。 第五部分:完形填空 共10题,考试时间10分钟,在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文中留有10个空白, 每个空白处给出第一个字母,要求考生填出一个合适的词。 第六部分:短文写作 共1题,考试时间30分钟。要求考生根据要求写出一篇不少于120词的短文。 答题及计分方法 多项选择题用机器阅卷, 要求考生在答题卡上用铅笔在相应部分划线。 主观性都答在答题纸上,按科学的评分评分。整个试卷按百分制计分,以60分为及格标准。达到及格标准,准予毕业。 东华大学英语学业考试Ⅱ 试卷各部分题数、计分和考试时间 序号 题号 各部分名称 题目数 计分 考试时间 I 1-10,S1-S10 听力理解 20题 20分 20分钟 Ⅱ 11- 25 阅读理解 15题 30分 30分钟 Ⅲ 26 - 55 词汇结构 30题 15分 20分钟 Ⅳ 56 - 65 词形变化 10题 10分 10分钟 Ⅴ 66 - 75 完形填空 10题 10分 10分钟 Ⅵ 76 短文写作 1题 15分 30分钟 合计 86题 100分 120分钟             College English Achievement Test II DH 2002.sample Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension ( 10 points, 10 minutes) Section A (10 points) Directions: In this section you will hear ten short conversations. After each conversation, you will hear a question. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices given. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1 a. The woman wants to borrow some rare books from the man. b. The man wants to have a look at her books. c. The woman rarely reads her books. d. The man rarely reads his books. 2 a. He is uncomfortable. b. He can not talk. c. He can not hear. d. His legs hurt. 3 a. At a concert. b. At a violin shop. c. At a movie theater. d. At a library. 4 a. He makes a lot of money. b. He has just been left some money. c. He doesn't believe three hundred dollars is enough. d. He can't afford to spend that much. 5 a. He's unhappy about his life. b. He's thinking of taking exercise class. c. The classes have improved his health. d. He should not have attended the classes. 6 a. No one believes he won the scholarship. b. He's surprised that he got the scholarship. c. It isn't true that he won the scholarship. d. He's glad to award the woman the scholarship. 7 a. She wishes she had a different kind of job. b. She meets with her supervisor regularly. c. She is not used to the new job. d. She'd like to have her supervisor's opinion of her work. 8 a. Turn up the volume. b. Close the door. c. Play the music more softly. d. Play different music. 9 a. Read the newspaper while he waits. b. Help the woman with her correspondence. c. Mail the letter from the lobby. d. Get some stationery for the woman. 10 a. The students should return to classes. b. Last night's meeting was badly managed. c. There should be issues to vote on. d. More students should have come to the meeting. Part II Reading Comprehension ( 30 points, 30 minutes) Directions: In this section there are some passages. Each passage is followed by some comprehension questions. Read the passages and answer the questions. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. In 1954 a turning point in medical history, resulting from applied bionics (仿生学), was the first “open heart” surgery done in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Dr. C. W. Lillehei. Dr. Lillehei’s techniques for the first time allowed the patient to be operated upon while blood was supplied to the patient from a donor (输血者). Today “open heart” surgery, using more sophisticated methods and bionic devices, is common in the United States. Significant technological advances such as those already mentioned have encouraged scientists to develop the artificial heart. Early in 1983, in its first use by a human patient, a medical team at the University of Utah Medical Center replaced the diseased heart of Dr. Clark with a mechanical pump. Clark was sixty-one years old when his diseased heart was replaced by a Jarvik-7. The world watched amazed as television pictures of Dr. Clark showed he improved steadily after the surgery. His continued life demonstrated that a bionic device could imitate the action and function of a healthy heart. Dr. Clark lived for 112 days. Life-like or bionic machines have existed for centuries. The development of tools by man’s ancestors is a good example of the application of bionics to extend human capabilities. Modern bionic research is especially involved in prosthetics (修复学) --- devices that substitute for, or replace, lost or diseased body parts such as arms, legs, and eyes. Recent advances in electronics have enabled scientists to make better use of electrical impulses (脉冲) in the control of prosthetic devices. One interesting research project is the development of an artificial eye in which video signals are translated into light patterns that are sent into nerve receptors in the patient. The future for applied bionics appears to be promising. Existing bionic devices will become smaller, faster, and more effective. The artificial heart used for Dr. Clark is only one of experimental replacement devices. It is likely to be joined in the future by replacements for other internal systems or organs. Bionic livers, stomachs, and lungs are not impossibilities! 11 Which of the following does this passage mainly discuss? a. The application of bionics. b. The first “ open heart” surgery. c. The development of the artificial heart. d. The future of applied bionics. 12 According to the passage, it was Dr. C. W. Lillehei that ________. a. first developed applied bionics b. was the first to operate on the heart of a patient c. developed the artificial heart d. used more sophisticated methods to do “open heart” surgery 13 By “ Dr. Clark lived for 112 days”, the author most probably means that ______. a. the replacement of Dr. Clark’s heart was a failure b. there was still a long way to go in applied bionics c. applied bionics was promising d. the first artificial heart was most effective 14 The control of artificial devices is improving because ___________. a. video signals can be translated into light patterns b. bionic machines have existed for centuries c. artificial devices such as arms, legs, and eyes require better control than bionic machines d. science has made great advances in electronics 15 The author’s attitude towards applied bionics is _________. a. critical b. approving c. objective d. questioning Two years ago, conventional wisdom still laughed at the World Wide Web as an amusing toy with little practical application. No more. With striking speed, the business that Yahoo (or, as the company formally calls itself, Yahoo!) has been pioneering has grown into nothing less than a new economic order, a Net Economy! Want to get a $900 suit for $150? Try Countryroadfashion.com. Looking for that hard-to-find book? Amazon. com is your best bet. Yearn(向往) to have groceries delivered to your door? For Americans, Peapod.com exists to make grocery shopping easier --- and it even lets you specify how ripe you like your bananas. Carpoint. com, the Microsoft website, lets you look at 3D, interactive pictures of the inside of dozens of sports cars---something you can't do anywhere in the real world. And that's the feature for this new electronic world: faster, cheaper, better. It lets you do things better and do things you couldn't even dream of doing before. But for hundreds of front-line businesses, this revolution has become very unpleasant. The 230-year-old Encyclopedia Britannica(大英百科全书), two years ago, shed its entire home sales force in North America after the arrival of the Internet at $8.50 a month made the idea of owning a $1,250, 32-volume set of books seem less appealing. Kids, everyone knew, were just happy to get their information online or from a CD-ROM. In fact, they preferred it. When discovering advertisers were discarding the paper in favor of the Net, the 170-year-old Journal of Commerce, which made most of its money from publishing shipping logs(航运日志) every week, has been forced to set sail on a new digital ocean in order to survive. 16 What's the author's main purpose in writing the passage? a. To illustrate the Internet's impact on commerce. b. To encourage consumers to shop through the Internet. c. To describe the features for the new electronic world. d. To reveal that the Internet has brought misfortune to some businessmen. 17 If you are writing a paper on a little-known 14th century poet, you may try ______ to find relevant reference materials. a. Countryroadfashion.com b. Amazon.com c. Peapod.com d. Carpoint.com 18 The sales of Encyclopedia Britannica decreased, because _______. a. fewer kids were interested in the information provided by the set of books b. its home sales force in North America was not competitive c. people could get their information from the Internet at a much lower cost d. kids preferred to get the information they needed from the computer 19 It can be inferred that in order to survive the revolution, the Journal of Commerce ______. a. started up a new business b. started to establish a website c. had to publish shipping logs every week d. tried to get more customers by means of advertisements 20 The word "shed" in the second sentence of the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______. a. criticized b. reorganized c. reinforced d. dismissed What are the comparative results --- measured in student achievement --- of machine courses and the conventional, "live teacher" courses? In a majority of controlled experimental cases, where identical material has been presented by machine and live teacher, average final grades for machine students were superior to those for conventional students. Needless to say, many more tests must be made, and with each test many more questions will appear in need of answers. But contrary to our unconcern thirty years ago, today we must push energetically to find the answers, because now there are not enough teachers --- and now, for the same reason, greater emphasis than ever is being placed on the effectiveness of our educational systems. This does not mean that there are no criticisms of and objections to the concept and implications of teaching machine instruction. But all sides of the story must be heard. Last year, for example, a very simple machine for teaching elementary arithmetic was placed in a state institution for mentally handicapped children. The experimenter began to show each child how to work (or play) with the machine. It soon became the most sought after object in the play room. Finally there were so many quarrels among the children in competing for the teaching machine that it was set in a corner and the privilege of "playing" with it became a reward to the children who merited it for other unrelated work done in the institute. Before it was removed at the end of the experiment, many children, earlier considered hopeless, could add and subtract. 21 The writer argues for more interest in machine teaching because ______. a. teachers are scarce b. teaching machines are not subject to human error c. teaching machines overcome psychological problems in teaching d. teaching machines are cheaper than human teachers 22 Which of the following statements agrees with what the writer says? a. Some machines can learn faster than humans. b. We need to develop more effective teaching systems. c. Many people accept teaching machines in theory but not in practice d. Students trained by machines usually do worse than students trained by teachers. 23 What was the attitude of the mentally handicapped children towards the teaching machine? a. They resented it. b. They regarded it as a toy. c. They preferred their teacher. d. They ignored it. 24 The author feels that after more tests of teaching machines are made, _______. a. students will become more accustomed to using teaching machines b. the cost of the machines will drop c. resistance to teaching machines will grow less d. more problems will need to be solved 25 When the writer says that "all sides of the story must be heard", he is really suggesting that _______. a. we should seek the opinion of experienced educators b. parents have a right to say what kind of education their children should have c. there are some valuable criticisms of teaching machines d. we should not allow criticisms of teaching machines to obscure their value Part III Vocabulary & Structure ( 15 points, 20 minutes) Directions: Each of the following sentences is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 26 The doctor decided that he could not _______ the truth from the old man any longer. a. mask b. disguise c. conceal d. deceive 27 ________, a Barbary dusk is a cross (杂种) between a wild duck and an ordinary duck. a. As I understand it b. As understood c. Understanding that d. I understand it 28 You should _______ to play with knives. a. know better b. know well c. know better than d. know well and 29 Pauline's stupid, but it's different ______ Mary; she is just lazy. a. in case b. in the case of c. in any case d. in case of 30 Senior members of the staff _______ eagerly for the honor of representing the company. a. excelled b. fought c. competed d. struggled 31 I have used familiar English names _______ scientific Latin ones. a. rather than b. owing to c. out of d. except for 32 ______ what is generally assumed, the adjustment to this kind of work is relatively easily made. a. Apart from b. Contrary to c. Instead of d. Even if 33 The newly built 30-story hotel in front ______ the value of the house. a. cuts into b. drops c. falls d. slips into 34 We _______ much time and energy in writing this book. a. conceived b. consumed c. assumed d. resumed 35 His speeches ______ as often to the heart as to the head. a. moved b. turned c. appealed d. transferred 36 The _____ of this government official prevents him from doing anything wrong. a. deception b. credulity c. corruption d. integrity 37 The manager asked all his men to keep him _______ of the programme's progress. a. required b. deprived c. accused d. informed 38 The neighbor's windows _______ our garden. a. overtake b. overlook c. overhear d. overgraze 39 But that I saw it, I ______ it. a. could not believe b. can't believe c. did not believe d. could not have believed 40 About one sixth of them ________ shoe-making and watch repairing. a. are engaged in b. was engaged in c. engages in d. is engaged in 41 It is a pity that we have to stay home when we have _______ weather. a. such a fine b. so fine c. such fine d. so fine a 42 Dogs possess hearing abilities far superior to ________. a. that of their owners b. which of their owners c. their owners d. those of their owners 43 He was ______ admittance to the classroom for not being properly dressed. a. rejected b. denied c. declined d. deprived 44 _______, her suggestion is of greater value than yours. a. All things considered, b. Considering all things c. All things considering, d. Considered all things, 45 But for friction, people _______ neither walk, nor even stand up. a. could b. were able to c. can d. will be able to 46 There is an undesirable ________ nowadays to make films showing violence and sex. a. direction b. trend c. tradition d. phenomenon 47 We can't understand _______ a decision until it is too late. a. his postpone to make b. his postponing making c. him to postpone to make d. him to postpone making 48 Don't forget to practice the piano while I am away, ______? a. do you b. can you c. will you d. shall you 49 The goods ______ when it began to rain. a. were just been unloaded b. were just loading c. were just being unloaded d. had just unloaded 50 It's high time you _______ some solid work. a. get down to b. got down to c. get down for d. got down for 51 ________, the fans went away disappointedly. a. All the football tickets have sold out b. While sold out all the tickets c. Having sold out all the tickets d. All the football tickets having been sold out 52 John desires that Lucy ______ the game. a. join in b. joins in c. joins d. join 53 Mary hasn't ______ yet and I doubt _______ she will now. a. come up ... that b. turned out ... when c. come out ... if d. turned up ... if 54 It suddenly _____ me that if we want to go on a picnic tomorrow we had better do some preparations this evening. a. hit on b. occurred c. struck d. dawned at 55 You must have met John last night, _____ you? a. needn't b. must c. haven't d. didn't           Paper Two Part I Word Building( 10 points, 10 minutes) Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word given on the left of the sentence. Write the correct word on the Answer Sheet.   56 (acquire) Some people are only interested in the ______ of the wealth. 57 (increase) It is becoming ______ difficult to get unpolluted water in the neighbourhood. 58 (advise) It is not _______ to swim after a meal. 59 (anxious) Her son's illness caused her great _______. 60 (apply) As the wages were low, there were few _______ for the job. 61 (assume) Our _______ that we would win was wrong. 62 (behave) I've been studying the _______ of certain elements at high temperatures. 63 (benefit) Swimming is _______ to one's health. 64 (depart) I saw Simon shortly before his _______ for Russia. 65 (courage) Don't be _______ by their attitude---you're doing very well.       Part II Cloze ( 10 points, 10 minutes) Directions: Read the following passage and fill in each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word.(The first letter of the word is given.) Write the word on the Answer Sheet. 窗体顶端 Knowing how English people always look for an empty compartment and are reluctant to talk to strangers, I thought I was going to have a q 66 ___ trip up to Scotland. That suited me as I had a lot of work to do in preparation f 67 ____ my business meeting the following day. I always travel long d 68 ____ by train. I can sit down and work at a table and in any case I find both driving and flying very nerve-racking and exhausting. The j 69 ___ turned out to be s 70_____ of a nightmare. Our train was blocked by heavy snowfalls. When it became clear that rescue would t 71 ______ some time, everybody piled into one carriage to huddle together for w 72_______ . So I spent the night singing and telling and l 73 _____ to stories. We were airlifted out by helicopter in the morning. Despite my ordeal I am g 74 _____ I took the train. Some of my c 75 ______ , travelling by car, never arrived at the meeting. 窗体底端   Part III Writing ( 15 points, 30 minutes) Directions: For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about Social Practice in Education. Your part of composition should be no less than 120 words. The following points should be included. 1. 学生往往对社会现实缺少认识。 2. 社会实践是学校教育的一个重要组成部分。 3. 参加社会实践的好处。(理论联系实际,加强对社会的责任感)   Part IV Spot Dictation ( 10 points, 10 minutes) Directions: In this section you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Then listen to the passage again. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. The United Nations family -- the United Nations itself and the various S1____________ related to it -- is united in an global effort for the S2___________ development of the developing countries, through programmes ranging from S3_________________ to the convening of S4___________________ and from comprehensive development planning to S5__________________ in individual fields such as trade, industry and agriculture. To help governments establish a more effective framework for growth, the United Nations offers aid in the preparation of S6____________________ to ensure balanced economic and social growth and S7___________________ available financial, physical and S8__________________ . It helps developing countries mobilize the funds needed to pay for development programmes, both by increasing their own S9____________________ and by attracting outside capital at terms S10__________________ .                                                                                                                                                                                           Key to College English Achievement Test II DH  2002.sample Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension ( 10 points, 10 minutes) 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 c 6 b 7 d 8 c 9 a 10 d Part II Reading Comprehension ( 30 points, 30 minutes) 11 a 12 b 13 c 14 d 15 b 16 a 17 b 18 c 19 b 20 d 21 a 22 b 23 b 24 d 25 d Part III Vocabulary & Structure ( 15 points, 20 minutes) 26 c 27 a 28 c 29 b 30 c 31 a 32 b 33 a 34 b 35 c 36 d 37 d 38 b 39 d 40 a 41 c 42 d 43 b 44 a 45 a 46 b 47 b 48 c 49 c 50 b 51 d 52 a 53 d 54 c 55 d                                         Paper Two Part I Word Building ( 10 points, 10 minutes) 56 acquisition 57 increasingly 58 advisable 59 anxiety 60 applicants/applications 61 assumption 62 behaviour 63 beneficial 64 departure 65 discouraged Part II Cloze ( 10 points, 10 minutes) 66--75 quiet, for, distances, journey, something, take, warmth, listening, glad, colleagues. Part III Writing ( 15 points, 30 minutes) Social Practice in Education 范文 It is a common weak point among today's college students that the majority of them have little knowledge of social reality. Social practice is a bridge between their theory and reality. Timely participation in social practice will benefit them all throughout their life. Social practice must become an organic component of the nation's higher education. Students must learn more than their textbooks teach. Their participation in social practice and the knowledge of society and the national conditions might strengthen their sense of social responsibility; their close contact with the working people might help them to apply their knowledge to the solution of the practical problem. In recent years, many college students have been sent to the basic level to keep in contact with workers and farmers. The process has proved effective in enriching their knowledge of reality. They have learned a great deal from social practice. Part IV Spot Dictation ( 10 points, 10 minutes) S1. organizations and agencies S2. economic and social S3. technical cooperation, surveys and studies S4. international conferences S5. specific projects S6. national development plans S7. the best use of S8. human resources S9. export earnings S10. they can afford                      
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