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基于PLC饮料灌装生产流水线控制系统设计摘 要 本 科 毕 业 论 文 论文题目 基 PLC饮料灌装生产 流水线的控制系统设计 学生姓名 李昕 学 号 12010247764 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 机械及自动化1班 指导教师 丁莉君 2014年5月6日 摘 要 本文主要介绍的是基于三菱FX2N-40MR PLC的饮料灌装生产流水线的控制系统的...
摘 要 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题目 基 PLC饮料灌装生产 流水线的控制系统设计 学生姓名 李昕 学 号 12010247764 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 机械及自动化1班 指导教师 丁莉君 2014年5月6日 摘 要 本文主要介绍的是基于三菱FX2N-40MR PLC的饮料灌装生产流水线的控制系统的设计。该系统的设计包括硬件设计和软件设计。其中硬件设计包括三菱FX1N-40MR PLC外部电路的设计与安装;软件部分包括程序的设计与调试。 所设计系统最终能够实现以下功能:(1)能对空瓶进行运送、灌装,灌装量可根据空瓶大小设定;(2)对满瓶进行运送及计数,计数值包括累计计数、单位包装计数,单位包装计数量可根据包装大小设定;(3)能够实现手动复位。该系统主要运用了三菱PLC、传感器、继电器、行程开关等器件,利用PLC良好的自动控制性能,实现饮料罐装生产过程的无人控制。 a) 关 键 词:PLC;饮料灌装;生产流水线;无人控制 ABSTRACT This paper mainly introduces the control system of beverage filling production line based on Mitsubishi FX1N-40MR PLC.The system design consists of hardware and software design. The hardware design includes Mitsubishi FX2N-32MR-001 PLC’s external circuit design and installation; software design includes the design and debugging of program. The system can achieve the following functions: (1) The bottles can be transported and filled and the filling volume can be set according to the size of bottles; (2) the full bottles can be transported and counted, the count includes total count and the count of unit package and the total number of unit packaging can be set according to package size; (3) the system can achieve manually reset. The system mainly uses the Mitsubishi PLC, sensors, relays, switches and so on and uses the good automatic control performance of PLC to achieve the no control of beverage filling production line . KEY WORDS: Mitsubishi FX2N-32MR-001 PLC; Beverage filling; Production line; No contro 目 录 11 绪论 11.1 课题研究背景 11.2 课题研究内容 32 饮料罐装生产流水线总体设计 32.1 任务的分析 32.2 硬件方案设计 32.3 软件方案设计 42.3.1 经验设计法 42.3.2 逻辑设计法 53 系统元件的选择 53.1 PLC的选型 53.2 电动机的选型 63.3 接触器的选型 63.4 热继电器的选型 63.5 开关电器、熔断器的选型 63.6 传感器的选型 94 系统的硬件电路实现 94.1 系统硬件结构框图 94.2 主电路的设计 104.3 控制电路的设计 104.4 操作面板的设计 135 系统程序的设计 135.1 控制要求和控制过程分析 135.2 I/O端口分配 155.3 梯形图 155.3.1 初始化程序 155.3.2 装箱选择程序 165.3.3 流水线主控程序 185.3.4 闪烁报警程序 185.3.5 记数程序 195.3.6 数据传送程序 216 程序调试 216.1 装箱选择程序的仿真 216.2 主控制程序的仿真 246.3 闪烁报警程序的仿真 246.4 记数程序的仿真 257 结论与展望 26致 谢 27参考文献 28附 录 即可): 1 绪论 1.1课题研究背景 我国的饮料灌装自动化相对于西方发达国家来讲还有很大的差距。设备陈旧,技术落后,成为阻碍我们灌装行业发展的一个严重问题。鉴于这些问题,我国企业不断发展自身的实力,逐步朝着生产高速化、设备结构合理化、设备的多功能化、设备的绿色化、控制的智能化等方向发展。 plc(可编程控制器)是一种专门为在工业环境下应用而设计的数字运算操作的电子装置。它采用可以编制程序的存储器,用来在其内部存储执行逻辑运算、顺序运算、计时、计数和算术运算等操作的指令,并能通过数字式或模拟式的输入和输出,控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。PLC及其有关的外围设备都应该按易于与工业控制系统形成一个整体,易于扩展其功能的原则而设计。  随着工业自动化水平日益提高,众多工业企业均面临着传统生产线的改造和重新设计问题。PLC(可编程序控制器)是以微处理器为核心的工业控制装置,它将传统的继电器控制系统与计算机技术结合在一起,近年来在工业自动控制、机电一体化、改造传统产业等方面得到普遍应用。作为通用工业控制计算机,其实现了工业控制领域接线逻辑到存储逻辑的飞跃,在世界工业控制中发挥着越来越重要的作用. 几年前,自动化技术只占包装机械设计的30%,现在已占50%以上,大量使用了微电脑设计和机电一体化控制。提高包装机械自动化程度的目的:一是为了提高生产率;二是为了提高设备的柔性和灵活性;三是为了提高包装机械完成复杂动作的能力。  饮料灌装机用于灌装各种各样的瓶装饮料,适合大中型饮料生产厂家,早期的灌装机械大多数采用容积泵式、蠕动泵式作为计量方法。这些方法存在一些缺点。例如:灌装精度和稳定性难以保证、更换灌装规格困难等。本系统采用的饮料分装计量是通过时间和单位时间流量来确定的,计量精度由可编程控制器(PLC)控制确定。PLC控制具有编程简单、工作可靠、使用方便等特点,在工业自动化控制领域广泛应用。专为PLC应用而实际的触摸屏集主机、输入和输出设备于一体,适合在恶略的工业环境中使用. 饮料灌装装置主要包括两部分:恒压储液罐灌液和计数部分。在恒压储液罐灌液不封,里面有上限液位和下线液位传感器,它们淹没时是1状态。液面低于下线液位时恒压储液罐为空。饮料通过进液电磁阀流入恒压储液罐,液面达到上限位时进液电磁阀断电关闭,使液位保持恒定。  鉴于PLC可靠性高、耐恶劣环境能力强、使用极为方便三大特点,利用plc技术平台自主开发创新,将机械、电气和自动化等技术有机结合,将传统的继电器-接触器控制功能用PLC代替,构成实用、可靠的饮料灌装生产线PLC控制系统。该控制系统可节省大量电气元件、导线与原材料,缩短设计周期,减少维修工作量, 提高加工零件合格率,进而提高生产率,而且程序调整修改方便灵活,提高了设备的柔性和灵活性。具有整体技术经济效益。 随着工业自动化水平日益提高,众多工业企业均面临着传统生产线的改造和重新设计问题。目前,饮料的灌装伸长已经实现自动化,为了提高产品质量,缩短生产周期,适应产品迅速更新换代的要求,产品生产正向缩短生产周期、降低成本、提高生产质量等方面发展。因此,饮料厂的自动化灌装生产线中有越来越多的及其在使用先进的灌装技术来提高及其的自动化电气控制水平和生产效率。PLC(可编程序控制器)是以微处理器为核心的工业控制装置,它将传统的继电器控制系统与计算机技术结合在一起,近年来在工业自动控制、机电一体化、改造传统产业等方面得到普遍应用。作为通用工业控制计算机,其实现了工业控制领域接线逻辑到存储逻辑的飞跃,在世界工业控制中发挥着越来越重要的作用。鉴于此,设计者利用PLC的功能和特点设计出了一款饮料灌装生产流水线控制系统 目前饮料灌装生产线的控制过程主要是继电器接触控制,但这种电路接线复杂,可靠性低,使得工业生产的效率得不到提高[3-4]。不过,随着时代的发展,饮料灌装生产线的控制过程正朝着智能化和自动化的方向发展。PLC是微机技术与传统的继电接触控制技术相结合的产物,它克服了继电接触控制系统中的机械触点的接线复杂、可靠性低、功耗高、通用性和灵活性差的缺点,充分利用了微处理器的优点,又照顾到现场电气操作维修人员的技能与习惯,特别是PLC的程序编制,不需要专门的计算机编程语言知识,而是采用了一套以继电器梯形图为基础的简单指令形式,使用户程序编制形象、直观、方便易学;调试与查错也都很方便。用户在购到所需的PLC后,只需按说明书的提示,做少量的接线和简易的用户程序编制工作,就可灵活方便地将PLC应用于生产实践[5-12]。 1.2课题研究内容 本课题对饮料罐装生产流水线的硬件和软件进行了设计。其中硬件设计包括三菱FX1N-40MR PLC外部电路的设计与安装;软件部分包括程序的设计与调试。根据系统的要求对PLC、电动机、传感器等外部设备进行选型。设计好的饮料灌装生产流水线能够实现以下目的:(1)系统通过开关设定为自动操作模式,一旦启动,则传送带的驱动电机启动并一直保持到停止开关动作或待灌装的饮料瓶被传送至灌装设备下时停止;瓶子装满饮料并上盖后,传送带驱动电机必须自动启动,并保持到下一个待灌装的饮料瓶被传送至灌装设备下或停止开关动作;(2)当瓶子定位在灌装设备下时,停顿1s,灌装设备开始工作,对于大瓶灌装8秒钟,小瓶则灌装5秒钟,待灌装过程完毕再对饮料瓶进行上盖,上盖时间为2秒钟。整个灌装和上盖过程应有报警显示,待上盖完毕后不再显示报警;报警方式为红灯以0.5s间隔闪烁;(3)包装上,对于小瓶:40瓶为一大包,30瓶为一中包,20瓶为一小包;对于大瓶:20瓶为一大包,15瓶为一中包10瓶为一小包;(4)能够实现对生产产品进行自动记数并可以手动对计数器清零。 2 饮料罐装生产流水线总体方案设计 2.1任务的分析 本次设计的任务是以三菱FX1N系列PLC作为处理核心,用行程开关、传感器将生产过程中的信号(如空瓶的运行的位置、饮料瓶的大小等等)处理后送给PLC处理器,由PLC对数据进行运算,然后输出驱动信号(如接触器、电磁阀等等)来完成饮料罐装生产过程的流水线操作。 该系统的总体思路:此生产线为全自动控制的,生产线一旦上电,PLC将通过软件对生产线进行自动控制:通过输出继电器控制传送带的停转和对饮料瓶灌装的控制,实现对系统状态的显示,并且通过PLC内部的计数器对所生产的产品进行计数。 2.2硬件方案设计 饮料的灌装是采用了饮料灌装机,饮料灌装机将灌装装置以及封盖装置集合在一起,使饮料的灌装稳定、高效的完成。对于饮料瓶大小的区别是通过反射式光电传感器工作来实现的。利用辅助继电器对计数器进行正电平触发来实现对所生产产品的计数。生产流水线结构如图2-1所示。 系统的工作原理:系统一旦上电,传送带驱动电动机运转,待空饮料瓶行至行程开关,行程开关闭合,电动机停转,灌装设备通过阀门的关断来控制饮料灌装的时间,待饮料灌装过程完毕后电动机恢复转动,如此循环实现生产线上的自动控制。对于传送带上的饮料瓶大小的区分,是通过下图中所在位置的反射式光电传感器工作来实现的。 图2-1生产流水线结构图 2.3软件方案设计 PLC软件方案设计的方法有经验设计法,逻辑设计法等。 2.3.1经验设计法 梯形图的经验设计法是比较广泛的一种方法。这种方法没有普遍的规律可以遵循,具有很大的试探性很随意性,最后的结果不是唯一的。该方法的核心是输出线圈。以下是经验设计方法的基本步骤: 1.了解和熟悉被控设备的工艺过程和机械的动作情况。 2.确定PLC的输入信号和输出负载,画出PLC的外部接线图。 3.确定与继电器电路图的中间继电器,时间继电器对应的梯形图中的辅助继电器(M)和定时器(T)的元件号。 4.根据前面的对应关系画出梯形图。 2.3.2逻辑设计法 逻辑设计法的理论基础是逻辑代数。而继电器控制系统的本质是逻辑线路。看一个电气控制线路都会发现,线路的接通和断开,都是通过继电器等元件的触点来实现的,故控制线路的种种功能必定取决于这些触点的开,合两种状态。因此电气控制电路从本质上说是一种逻辑线路,它符合逻辑运算的基本规律。具体步骤如下图3-1所示: 图2-2PLC逻辑设计步骤图 3系统元件的选择 3.1PLC的选型 根据饮料罐装自动生产线的工艺流程图,PLC控制系统的输人信号有9个,且均为开关量。PLC控制系统的输出信号有10个。 FX1N系列的PLC只有继电器输出方式和晶体管输出方式两种, 继电器输出方式其特点是:可使用交直流电源,其动作慢,但安全隔离效果好,可靠性高;晶体管输出方式其特点是:只能使用直流电源,其响应速度最快——场效应管输出模块的工作频率可达20kHz,但过载能力较差。 综合以上信息,并结合经济实用性的考虑,控制系统选用FX1N-40MR-001型号的PLC:继电器输出,输人点数输出点数均为16点,可以满足工艺要求,且留有一定的余量。便于以后的修改和扩展。根据系统的性能与要求,PLC输入/输出端口地址的分配如表3-1所示。 表3-1 PLC I/O端地址编号对照表 输入信号 输出信号 名称 功能 编号 名称 功能 编号 SB0 启动按钮 X0 KM1 传送带电动机 Y0 SB1 停止按钮 X1 YV1 灌装电磁阀 Y1 ST0 行程开关 X2 YV2 小瓶封盖 Y2 S0 光电传感器 X3 YV3 大瓶封盖 Y3 SB4 大包 X4 HL4 大包 Y4 SB5 中包 X5 HL5 中包 Y5 SB6 小包 X6 HL6 小包 Y6 SB7 散装 X7 HL7 散装 SB10 手动复位 X10 HL10 系统上电显示 Y10 HL11 灌装过程显示 Y11 3.2电动机的选型 目前市面上的电动机类型多种多样,用于驱动传送带传送的电动机的类型也数不胜数[13-14]。基于该系统的控制要求与各类型电动机的结构特点和工作场合,并考虑到经济性和实用性,本系统选择的电动机型号为Y132M-4,其性能参数如表3-2所示。 表3-2 Y132M-4型电动机的性能参数 电流 电压 堵转转矩 最大转矩 额定转速 极数 频率 额定功率 15.4 A 380V 2.2 n.m 2.3 n.m 1440 r/min 4 50 Hz 7.5KW 3.3接触器的选型 接触器是一种用来接通或断开带负载的交直流主电路或大容量控制电路的自动化切换器,主要控制对象是电动机。通用接触器可大致分以下两类。 1)交流接触器。主要有电磁机构、触头系统、灭弧装置等组成。常用的是CJ1、0CJ12、CJ12B等系列。 2)直流接触器,一般用于控制直流电器设备,线圈中通以直流电,直流接触器的动作原理和结构基本上与交流接触器是相同的。 接触器的选型有诸多因素外与负载密切相关一般三相异步电机的起动电流为额定电流的3-5倍。所以接触器的额定电流为: 4IN=36A (3-1) 综上所述,本系统选用CJ10-40接触器:额定电流为40A,额定电压为380V。 3.4热继电器的选型 热继电器由两部分组成,每一部分安装的位置不同。一部分是主触点,接在电动机与接触器KM之间。另一部分是接在控制电路中,与接触器KM的线圈电路相串联。热继电器在控制线路中起过载保护的功能。热继电器是采用双金属热元件,动作机构,常闭触头和常开触头,复位按钮及整定电流调节旋钮等构成。根据双金属热元件的数目可分为两极和三极型热器,而三极型又分带断相保护和不带断相保护两种。 主电动机M1的额定电流15A,FR1可以选用JR16,热元件电流为20A,电流整定范围为14-22A工作时将额定电流调整为15A。 3.5开关电器、熔断器的选型 行程开关是一种由物体的位移来决定电路通断的开关,选用型号为LXK2-131型。 熔断器选用RL1-15型熔点器,熔体的额定电流为30A。 3.6传感器的选型 系统中运用传感器对饮料瓶的大小进行区别,根据设计需要选择反射式光电传感器[15]。反射式光电传感器的工作原理如图3-1所示。 图3-1反射式光电传感器原理图 该系统选择的反射式光电传感器型号为PM2-LF10,其性能参数如表3-3所示。 表3-3 PM2-LF10反射式光电传感器的性能参数 性能 参数 检测距离 2.5~8mm(中心:5mm)白色无光泽纸(15×15mm) 最小检测物体 φ 0.05mm铜线(设定距离:5mm) 应差 使用白色无光泽纸(15×15mm)工作距离的20%以下 重复精度 (垂直于检测轴) 0.08mm以下 电源电压 5~24V DC±10% 脉动P-P5%以下 消耗电流 平均:25mA以下,峰值:80mA以下 输出 NPN开路集电极晶体管 ·最大流入电流:100mA ·外加电压:30V DC以下(输出和0V之间) ·剩余电压:1V以下(流入电流为100mA时) 0.4V以下(流入电流为16mA时) 短路保护 装 备 反应时间 0.8ms以下 4系统的硬件电路实现 4.1系统硬件结构框图 系统的硬件分为主电路、控制电路、辅助电路三大部分,控制电路控制主电路,辅助电电路起辅助信号显示的作用,它们之间的关系如图4-1所示: 图4-1硬件电路关系图 4.2主电路的设计 传送带用电动机M1来运行,并用接触器KM1来控制电动机的运行与停止。由热继电器FR1实现过载保护。断路器QF1、QF2、QF3将三相电源引入,同时QF1、QF2、QF3为电路提供短路保护。饮料罐装生产的主控制电路如图4-2所示。 图4-2主控制电路图 4.3控制电路的设计 PLC控制系统的输人信号有9个,且均为开关量。其中各种单操作按钮开关6个,分别 SB0 启动按钮、SB1 停止按钮、SB4 大包、SB5 中包、SB6 小包、SB7 散装、SB10 手动复位按钮。行程开关1个,传感器开关1个。 PLC控制系统的输出信号有10个,其中1个用于驱动传送带电动机的接触器KM1, 3个电磁阀分别用于大瓶和小瓶的封盖及饮料罐装,6个用于生产线上的状态显示。如图4-3所示。 图4-3三菱PLC外部接线图 4.4操作面板的设计 操作面板本着操作简单,直观明了的,对饮料罐装自动生产线的每一步都能准确显示,方便工作人员的工作为原则而设计。如图4-4所示。 面板中的按钮有停止、启动和手动复位按钮,以及选择大包、中包、小包和散装的按钮。显示灯有大包、中包、小包和散装的显示灯,还有上电显示和灌装过程显示。 本系统还设置了两种灌装模式即大瓶、小瓶灌装,四种包装方式即大瓶的大、中、小包装和散装及小瓶的大、中、小包装和散装 。这样做有利于不同层次的需要。 图4-4操作面板外形图 5系统程序的设计 5.1控制要求和控制过程分析 系统通过开关设定为自动操作模式,一旦启动,则传送带的驱动电机启动并一直保持到停止开关动作或灌装设备下的传感器检测到一个瓶子时停止;瓶子装满饮料后,传送带驱动电机必须自动启动,并保持到又检测到一个瓶子或停止开关动作。当瓶子定位在灌装设备下时,停顿1s,灌装设备开始工作,灌装过程为小瓶装5s钟,大瓶装8S钟,然后均上盖时间为2秒,灌装和上盖过程应有报警显示,上盖过程停止并不再显示报警;报警方式为红灯以0.5s间隔闪烁。与此同时对生产的饮料进行打包并计数,对于小瓶:40瓶为一大包,30瓶为一中包,20瓶为一小包;对于大瓶:20瓶为一大包,15瓶为一中包,10瓶为一小包。在生产过程中可以对各计数器手动清零,系统每8小时将所记数据送入指定的存储器中,然后将记数器清零。在电动机运转时按下停止按钮,系统会马上停止工作:而在系统进行灌装和加盖时按下停止按钮,系统不会马上停止工作,而要待加盖工作完成后,系统最终停止工作。系统过程流程图和顺序功能图分别如下图5-1和图5-2所示。 5.2I/O端口分配 X0:启动    Y0:驱动电动机转动 X1:停止 Y1:灌装饮料 X2:行程开关 Y2:小瓶上盖 X3:传感器 Y3:大瓶上盖 X4:选择大包包装 Y4:显示大包包装 X5:选择中包包装 Y5:显示中包包装 X6:选择小包包装 Y6:显示小包包装 X7:选择散装 Y7:显示散装 X10:手动复位 Y10:系统上电显示 Y11:灌装和上盖过程显示 图5-1过程流程图 图5-2顺序功能图 5.3梯形图 5.3.1初始化程序 初始化,启动时、按下复位钮和8小时将程序中用到的计数器置零 5.3.2装箱选择程序 对生产好的饮料进行装箱选择:X4 X5 X6 X7所对应的按钮SB4 SB5 SB6 SB7分别用于选择包装的类型:大包 中包 小包 散装。 5.3.3流水线主控程序 生产流水线主控电路的自动控制:系统通过开关设定为自动操作模式,一旦启动,则传送带的驱动电机启动并一直保持到停止开关动作或灌装设备下的传感器检测到一个瓶子时停止;瓶子装满饮料并上盖后,传送带驱动电机必须自动启动,并保持到又检测到一个瓶子或停止开关动作;当瓶子定位在灌装设备下时,停顿1s,灌装设备开始工作,对于大瓶灌装8秒钟,小瓶则灌装5秒钟,待灌装过程完毕再对饮料瓶进行上盖,上盖时间为2秒钟。当系统正在运行装罐时,按下停止按钮,系统并不会马上停止运行,待上盖工作结束后,系统最终停止运转。 5.3.4闪烁报警程序 罐装和上盖过程中闪烁报警 5.3.5记数程序 对于小瓶:40瓶为一大包,30瓶为一中包,20瓶为一小包;对于大瓶:20瓶为一大包,15瓶为一中包10瓶为一小包。并且对所装箱和所生产饮料的数量进行计数。 5.3.6数据传送程序 设定8小时传输一次数据,将各记数器中所记数据存储到指定的存储器中。 6 程序调试 利用软件三菱PLC编程软件GX Developer8.86进行仿真运行调试。 6.1装箱选择程序的仿真 X4 X5 X6 X7分别对应大包 中包 小包和散装的按钮,选择不同的按钮按下,在控制面板上会显示出相应的包装。 6.2主控制程序的仿真 X0(对应启动按钮)上电后Y0(对应继电器线圈)上电并自锁,传送带运行,待写X2(对应行程开关)上电后,Y0失电,传送带停止,Y1(对应灌装电磁阀)上电,加饮料5秒钟后,Y1失电,停止加料,Y2(对应上盖装置)上电,上盖时间为2秒。 在传送带运转时,X2X3(对应光电传感器)同时上电,表示检测到大瓶,此后灌装加料过程为8秒。 在传送带运转时,按下停止按钮(即X1上电)系统马上停止工作。 在灌装加料和上盖时按下停止按钮,系统不会马上停止工作,而是待灌装和上盖工作结束后,最终停止运转。 6.3闪烁报警程序的仿真 系统灌装加料(Y1上电)和上盖(Y2上电)时,发光二极管报警器(Y11)会闪烁报警。 6.4记数程序的仿真 对于小瓶,每大包可装40瓶,并且最后对所装包数进行记数。 7结论与展望 本文介绍了基于三菱FX1N-40MR PLC的饮料灌装生产流水线的控制系统的设计。该系统的设计包括硬件设计和软件设计。硬件设计方面,根据系统的控制要求对各硬件设备进行了选型并对三菱FX1N-40MR PLC外部电路接线进行了设计;软件设计方面对软件设计的方法进行了概述,根据要求设计出梯形图并对它进行仿真调试。仿真调试后的控制系统基本上满足以下控制要求:(1)能对空瓶进行运送、灌装,灌装量可根据空瓶大小设定;(2)对满瓶进行运送及计数,计数值包括累计计数、单位包装计数,单位包装计数量可根据包装大小设定;(3)能够实现手动复位。 利用PLC良好的自动控制性能,本文所设计的饮料灌装生产流水线的控制系统基本上实现了饮料罐装生产过程的无人控制。但对于大型的生产流水线来说,该系统就无法满足其更加复杂、准确、智能的控制要求。该系统需要在传送速率,次品检测等诸多方面作出改进。 基于PLC的饮料灌装生产流水线的控制系统为饮料罐装生产提供了极大地便利,在各种饮料罐装生产行业迅猛发展。随着生产社会化水平的不断提高,基于PLC的饮料灌装生产流水线的控制系统不仅仅局限于饮料罐装生产行业,它在现代的芯片封装,产品包装等流水线作业生产方面也有着相当广阔的前景。 致 谢 首先感谢宁夏大学新华学院四年来对我的精心培养,这四年是我的一段比较快乐的时光,也是人生中一段宝贵的经历。 在本次课题设计中,指导老师丁老师对我的帮助很大,虽然这段时间我的毕业设计进程“停滞不前”可老师没有将我放弃,一直不厌其烦的督促我,还不时地指导我,这让我很感动。周老师对我的悉心帮助为我打下坚实的理论基础知识,提高个人能力都非常有益,在此我对丁老师表示忠心的感谢和崇高的敬意。 参考文献 [1] 孔凡真.饮料无菌冷灌装生产线的应用是大势所趋[J].饮料工业,2007,10(12) [2] 刘军.国外饮料灌装机现状为我国灌装机指明发展方向[J]. 中国包装工业,2009.9(10) [3] 袁任光.可编程序控制器(PLC)应用技术与实列[M].华南理工大学出版社,2001:8-10. 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[15] 陈杰、黄洪.传感器与检测技术[M]高等教育出版社,2008 附 录 指令表: 中文翻译 可编程控制器技术 随着时代的发展,当今的技术也日趋完善、竞争愈演愈烈;单靠人工的操作已不能满足于目前的制造业前景,也无法保证更高质量的要求和高新技术企业的形象. 人们在生产实践中看到,自动化给人们带来了极大的便利和产品质量上的保证,同时也减轻了人员的劳动强度,减少了人员上的编制.在许多复杂的生产过程中难以实现的目标控制、整体优化、最佳决策等,熟练的操作工、技术人员或专家、管理者却能够容易判断和操作,可以获得满意的效果.人工智能的研究目标正是利用计算机来实现、模拟这些智能行为,通过人脑与计算机协调工作,以人机结合的模式,为解决十分复杂的问题寻找最佳的途径 我们在各种场合看到了继电器连接的控制,那已经是时代的过去,如今的继电器只能作为低端的基层控制模块或者简单的设备中使用到;而PLC的出现也成为了划时代的主题,通过极其稳定的硬件穿插灵活的软件控制,使得自动化走向了新的高潮。 PLC的最大特点在于:电气工程师已不再电气的硬件上花费太多的心计,只要将按钮开关或感应器的输入点连接到PLC的输入点上就能解决问题,通过输出点连接接触器或继电器来控制大功率的启动设备,而小功率的输出设备直接连接就可以。 PLC的内部包含了具有中央处理器的CPU,并带有外部I/O口扩展的I/O接口地址和存储器三大块组成,CPU的核心是由一个或者多个累加器组成,它们具有逻辑的数学运算能力,并能读取程序存储器的内容通过计算后去驱动相应的存储器和I/O接口;I/O口将内部累加器和外部的输入和输出系统连接起来,并将相关的数据存入程序存储器或者数据存储器中;存储器可以将I/O口输入的数据存入存储器中,并在工作时调转到累加器和I/O接口上,存储器分程序存储器ROM和数据存储器RAM,ROM可以将数据永久的存入存储器中,而RAM只能作为CPU计算时临时计算使用的缓冲空间。 PLC的抗干扰是极其优秀的,我们根本不用去关心它的使用寿命和工作场合的恶劣,这些所有的问题已不再成为我们失败的主题,而留给我们的是关心如何来利用PLC的内部资源为我们加强设备的控制能力,使我们的设备更加的柔性。 PLC的语言并不是我们所想象的汇编语言或C语言来进行编程,而是采用原有的继电器控制的梯形图,使得电气工程师在编写程序时很容易就理解了PLC的语言,而且很多的非电气专业人士也对PLC很快认识并深入。 以上仅仅是PLC的优点之一,这也是人们比较容易理解的一部分,在很多的设备中,人们已不再希望看到太多的控制按钮,它们不但容易损坏而且极易产生人为的失误,小的并不是主要的失误也许你还能够接受;但过大的甚至是致命的失误是我们无法容忍的。新的技术总是为了给我们带来更安全和便捷的操作,使得我们面临的一大堆问题一扫而光,你有了解过HMI吗?这里说HMI你根本不清楚它是什么,也没有兴趣了解,换一个中文把它说明为触摸屏或者人机界面你就知道了,它和PLC的结合给了我们更大的空间。 HMI控制不仅仅是减少了控制按钮,增加控制的灵活性,更主要的它是可顺序性的,而且在能够改变数据输入和数据输出反馈,在温度控制曲线的模拟也能直观的显示出来。并且能够通过编写功能帮助程序来提供各种力所能及的帮助,使得操作者减少不必要的失误。HMI的厂商目前也越来越多,功能也越来越强,价格也越来越低,使用的面越来越广。HMI的前景可以说十分的看好。 在很多场合,单靠单机的控制是无法保证设备的顺畅运行,而通过设备与设备的信息交流达到我们想要的效果。比如在前包装和后工序的检测,我们就要将包装的信息反馈到检测处,而检测处的信息也要反馈到包装来。这样通过信息共享来使得两者之间链接起来,形成一个共体,从而使的两者间的配合更加的紧密,在彼此间达到映影相挥的效果。 PLC的通信已经愈来愈体现它的价值,在PLC与PLC之间的通信,能够通过信息的沟通和数据的共享来保证设备之间的相互协调,已达到互补的效果。PLC之间的数据转换采用RS232接口来传送数据,而RS232接口只能保证10米的传输距离,如果在1000米的距离内我们可以通过RS485来进行通信,更长的距离只能通过MODEL来进行传输。 PLC的数据传送只是将内部的数据传送到对方的一块连续的地址中,我们把它称为一个表,对方的PLC通过读取表中的数据来进行操作。如果表中的数据是一个一般设置的数据的话,那只是一般的数据传送,比如今天的油价上升了,我要把油价的价格传送到所有的输油机上,那就是数据的共享;而当表中的数据是一段控制PLC的指令程序,那就很有难度了,比如你要控制一台机器人来按你想象的动作工作,你会给它编制一段程序并以数据的形式发送过去。 信息输送的形式有单工位、半双工位和全双工位的分别。单工位的意义也就是说两者之间,一个只能发送,而一个只能接收,比如一个特务他只能接收上司的指示,而无法给上司回复;半双工位也就是两个能都能发送和接受数据,但不能同时发送和接受,比如你打电话时是不能接电话,对方也一样;而全双工位是两者之间都能发送和接受数据,并可同时发送和接受。像互联网就是典型的例子。 信息输送的过程也有同步和异步之分:同步的意义在于发送数据时数据线和时钟线是同步的,也就是数据信号和时钟信号同时由CPU进行发送,这需要彼此都要专门的时钟信号来进行传送和接送,并且是强制性的,这种方法的特点在于它的速度极快、但相应占用CPU的工作时间也相对的要长、同时技术难度也非常的大。它的要求在于在一帧的数据传送中不能有一位的误差,不然的话整个数据将发生错误,这在硬件上是一个比较大的难度。在一些专用的设备中应用的越来越广泛,像专用的医疗设备、数字信号设备等,在比较单一数据的传输中,它的效果非常的好。 而异步是应用范围最广泛的,这得益于它的技术难度相对要小、同时不需要配制专门的时钟信号、它的特点在于,它的数据是间隔性的,离散性的发送和接受,当CPU太忙的时候可以停顿性去工作,在硬件上也减少了难度,同时数据的丢失相对要少,我们可以通过数据的检测来观察我们发送的数据是否有错误,像奇偶法、累加法和八位效验法等,都可以用来帮助我们检测发送的数据是否有错误发生,通过反馈来进行辨别。 信息的传送口线有串口和并口之分:通常的PLC是8位机,当然也有16位机。我们在发送数据的时候可以是一位一位的发送给对方,也可以8位8位的将数据发送到对方,一位和8位区别也就是我们所说的串口发送数据和并口发送数据。串口速度比较慢,但只要两条或者三条口线就能解决问题,并能借用电话线来进行远程控制。而并口的传送速度是极快的,它是串口的256倍,在短距离占有优势,由于是TTL电平,一般限于1米的范围,它并不适用于长距离的数据传送,这样成本太昂贵了。 很多的情况下我们总喜欢采用串并转换芯片来进行传输,这种情况下不需要我们进行过于复杂的寄存器设置了,而直接通过数据传送指令进行数据交流,但在通信中并不是一个十分可行的办法,因为在发送数据的时候对方的PLC必须一直等待你的数据输出,它不能去做其他的工作。 当你在看书的时候,你听到有人敲门、你停下手上的事情、去打开门、并同敲门者对话、这个时候电话响了、你示意接个电话、在接完电话后、回过头来同敲门者继续对话、对话完毕后、你再继续看你的书,这种情况我们把它称为中断,它具有权威性,也具有优先性,PLC具备了这样的功能。它的特点在于我们在设备的操作过程中可能会遇到紧急的突发事件,我们要立刻的停下手上的工作,去处理更重要的事情,这种情况是我们经常所遇到的,PLC在去执行紧急的任务时,总会先保存目前的状态,比如程序的地址,CPU的累加器数据等,就像我们去开门时要记下我们看的书在第几页了或者干脆作个记号,因为我们待会还要继续接着看后面的书。CPU总是按照我们的意愿去做应该做的事情,但你错误的给它一件事情,它也会同样的去做,这一点我们必须注意。 中断并不是只有一个,有时会同时存在几个中断,中断具有优先的级别,他们会根据人的要求去执行更高级别的中断。这种中断中的中断也就形成了中断嵌套。当然中断的级别根据各种PLC内部CPU的资源有关,同时也跟堆栈的容量大小也有关系。 中断的内容有很多种,比如外部中断、通信中的发送和接受中断、定时和计数的时钟中断、还有WDT复位中断等,它们丰富了CPU在处理各种事务时响应种类。这样讲也许你并不能完全理解中断的内部结构和操作顺序,我们做一个小小的例子来说明. 每一个设备总是不会忘记有一个按钮,它也是在我们遇到紧急情况时使用的,那就是急停按钮。当我们遇到人身事故和意外情况时我们只要按下它,机器立即停止所有的操作,并等待处理完意外后再恢复操作。急停按钮连接PLC内部CPU的内部I/O接口上,当按钮给CPU一个外部触发信号时,CPU对I/O进行再次检测,当确认有外部触发信号时,CPU保护现场并将程序计数器自动转到相应的外部I/O中断程序中去,当外部中断程序处理完毕,程序计数器返回到主程序继续工作。有一点可以说明的是我们一般会把急停按钮的外部中断升至最高级别,从而保证安全。 当我们在工作完一个工件时,给PLC一个信号,将PLC的内部计数器加1来计算我们一天的工作量时,一个简单的计数器能解决问题,当然它们也能够在掉电的情况下保持数据,促使数据不丢失,这也是我们所渴望的。 PLC还具有高级计数器的功能,当我们在接受一些高速的数据时,这里所说的高速是在在微秒级的数据,比如条码扫描机在不断的扫描数据,数据处理器DSP计算的高速信号等,我们就要采用到高级计数器来帮助我们进行计数。它在PLC执行程序时一旦发现高级计数器对应的中断,就会立即放下手上的工作。经过再次编程的梯形图程序说明我们在执行程序时高级计数器会自动的执行对应的工作,从而将高级计数器的级别升至高一级别。 你也许听过太多的这个词:“死机”,大致的意思是CPU工作量过大,内部资源不足等情况造成程序无法运行。PLC也有类似的情况,在PLC内部有一个看门狗WDT,我们可以设置WDT一个程序运行的时间,当程序运行过程中出现程序跳转错误时或者程序繁忙时,程序的运行时间超过WDT的设置时间,CPU转而WDT复位状态。程序重新开始运行,但对中断不会进行破坏。 PLC的发展已经从单一的模式进入了通信的网络时代,并同其它的工控网板和I/O卡板轻易的进行共享。组态软件可以将所有的这些硬件连接起来,通过更直观的动画图片来进行控制,并可以通过互联网在异地进行控制,像神舟五号的发射就是采用这种办法来使飞船升空。 更高层次的发展需要我们不断的努力来取得。PLC的出现已经足足影响了几代人,我们也从上一辈的经验中获取了更多的知识和教训,来不断的发展PLC技术,将它推向更高浪潮。 了解可用的PLC网络的最佳选择,其应用将确保有效率和灵活的控制系统设计。可编程逻辑控制器(PLC的)能够支持多种通信方法的范围,使之成为一个理想的控制和工业自动化和控制应用各种设施数据采集装置。然而,有一些混乱,因为这么多的可能性存在。为了帮助消除这种混乱,让我们的通讯名单,可什么时候他们会是最好的应用。 为了了解PLC的通信多功能性,让我们首先定义描述的各种的用语: ASCII码:这代表着信息交换。1,当字母“A”是传播,例如,它会自动编码为“65由发送设备”。接收设备转换的“65”回答。因此,不同的设备可以相互通信既是使用ASCII代码的其他长。 ASCII的模块:这个智能PLC模块是用于连接到PLC的通信也使用ASCII码作为车辆等设备的能力。 总线拓扑结构:这是一个线性局部区域网络(LAN)的安排。 A条,其中个别节点成为窃听通讯电缆主要在单点和广播消息。这些消息对旅游的连接点从两个方向的巴士,直到它们被消耗在每个终端的巴士底。 CPU:这代表“中央处理单元”,这其实就是一台计算机,可编程控制器,智能设备或其他地方的算术和逻辑运算的执行和指令被解码和执行的一部分。 菊花链:这是对单个设备中的PLC网络,连接描述在那里,每个设备连接到下一个和通信信号从一个单位传递到下一个顺序的方式。 分布式控制:这是一个自动化的概念,即一个自动化系统的部分是由单独的控制器,这是在位于其附近地区的直接控制(控制分散控制系统及遍布出)。 主机电脑:这是一个被用来转移的PLC /计算机网络的数据,或接收从一个PLC数据的计算机。 智能设备:这个术语描述了自己的CPU配备任何设备。 I / O:这代表“输入和输出”,这些模块处理数据到PLC(输入),或从PLC(输出信号)至外部设备。 Kbps:这代表“千比特每秒”,这是一个衡量的电子数据传输速率。 Mbps:这第一个字母。“百万比特每秒” 节点:本术语适用于任何立场或在网络电台之一。每个节点包含一个装置,可以与网络上的所有其他设备。 议定书:数据的定义是怎样安排的编码和传输网络上。 环形拓扑结构:这是一个局域网的安排,其中每个节点连接到两个其他节点,在一个连续的,封闭的,圆形的路径或导致邮件循环流通,通常在一个方向。有些环拓扑结构有一个特殊的“环回”功能,让它们继续发挥作用,即使主缆斩断。 RS232:这是描述具体的线路连接,电压等级的串行通信IEEE,和其他经营通信电子数据参数。此外,还有其他一些遥感的标准。 串行:这是一个电子数据传输,信息传输一次一个位。 串行端口:这通讯上,它被设置为串行通讯设备接入点了。 星型拓扑结构:这是一个局域网的安排方式,节点连接到彼此通过一个中央枢纽,它可以主动或被动。活跃的中心执行诸如路由和维护信息网络的职责。中央枢纽只是一个被动的传递沿线的所有连接到它的节点的信息。 拓扑:这涉及到一个节点的具体安排在彼此的关系网络。 透明:这个术语描述事件或过程的自动成一个系统,不需要特殊的编程或操作员提示兴建。 现在,我们正在与这些条款熟悉,让我们看看它们是如何在现有的描述PLC网络选项。 PLC网络方案 PLC的网络提供一个网络方案,以满足特定的控制和通信需求的各种你。典型的方案包括远程I / O,同辈对同辈,和主机通信,以及局域网。这些网络可以提供可靠和成本之间的有效沟通少两个或几个100的PLC,计算机很多,和其他智能设备。 许多PLC的厂商提供的专用网络系统,是独一无二的,不会与另一作出的PLC。这是因为不同的通信协议,命令序列,错误检查计划,并通过传播媒介每个制造商使用。 但是,它有可能使不同的PLC的“交谈”彼此;什么是需要的,是为连接(第ASCII码接口),以及与软件的大量工作。 远程I / 0系统 一个远程I / O配置,如图所示。4A条,已实际投入一些从控制器和CPU的距离和产出。这种类型的系统,它可以作为一个“主人和奴隶式”的配置描述,使许多遥远的数字和模拟点,由一个单一的PLC控制。通常情况下,远程I / O的连接到CPU通过双绞线或光纤电缆。 远程I / O配置可以极具成本效益的控制,是只有少数的I / O点是在分离领域需要广泛的解决方案。在这种情况下,它并不总是必要的,或与此有关的实际,在每个站点有一个控制器。它也不是不切实际的个别硬线交回给长途跋涉的CPU每个I / O点。例如,远程I / O系统可用于购置设备或设施从远程位置的数据。信息,如周期时间,计数,持续时间或事件等则可以被送回PLC的维护和管理报告。 在远程I / O配置,主控制器民调苦练的I /目前我的O / O状态。远程I / O系统响应,然后与主PLC的信号,远程I / O来改变输出状态,由在PLC的内存控制程序决定。这整个周期出现每秒数百次。 对等点对点网络 同行的对等网络,如图所示。4B条,加强协调控制分散在不牺牲可靠性的控制功能。在这种类型的网络,众多的PLC连接到彼此在一个菊花链的方式,和共同的记忆表中的每个内存复制。这样,当任何PLC的数据写入到这个内存区,该信息会自动转移到网络中的所有其他的PLC。然后,他们可以使用他们自己的经营方案此信息。 同侪对同侪网络,每个网络中的PLC是为自己负责控制现场,只需要为它自己的责任领域编程。这大大降低了网络方面的编程和调试的复杂性;因为所有通信发生对用户透明,通讯编程是减少到简单的读取和写入报表。 在点对点的对等系统,有没有主人的PLC。但是,它可能指定作为掌握PLC的一组作为一个控制器类型使用。这可用于PLC的然后接受来自运营商输入端子输入信息,例如,把所有必要的参数到其它PLC和协调各种活动测序。 主机电脑联系 也可连接的PLC与计算机或其他智能设备。事实上,大多数的PLC从小到非常大的,可直接连接到电脑或下降一个多主机通过RS232C或RS422端口的计算机网络的一部分。这种电脑组合,最大限度的控制功能的PLC控制和数据采集,以及计算机,数据处理,文件和操作界面。 在一个PLC /计算机网络,所有通信都是由主机电脑,它是连接在一个菊花链方式对所有的PLC。这台计算机的网络地址单独的PLC和每一个具体的信息要求。该处理的PLC然后发送该信息的存储和进一步分析的计算机。这个周期发生每秒数百次。 主机电脑也可以帮助编程的PLC;强大的编程和文档软件方案可供开发。然后程序可以写在接力阶梯逻辑的PLC电脑并下载。这样,你可以创建,修改,调试,并通过计算机终端显示器PLC程序。 除了主机,PLC的接口往往必须与其他设备,如大型建筑物的安全和管理系统操作界面终端。虽然很多智能设备可以通过传统的RS232C通信端口和串行ASCII码的PLC直接,一些没有能力的软件接口与个人的PLC型号。相反,它们通常在固定的传送和接收的数据格式。它的PLC程序员有责任提供必要的软件接口。 最简单的方法来提供这种接口的固定格式的智能设备是使用PLC的一个ASCII /基本模块。这个模块基本上是一个小型计算机插入PLC的巴士。配有RS232端口和基本程序,该模块可以很容易处理与周边设备的ASCII通讯,数据采集功能,编程序列,“数字运算,”报告生成和显示,和其他要求。 访问,协议和调制功能的局域网 通过使用标准的接口和协议,允许局域网的设备组合(可编程控制器,个人电脑,电脑主机,操作界面终端等),从许多不同的供应商进行通信与网络上的其他人。 访问:局域网的接入方法可防止在网络上的时间超过一个消息的发生。有两种常见的访问方法。 碰撞检测是其中的节点“听”到网络和传输只有当网络上有没有其他消息。如果两个节点同时传输,碰撞检测和两个节点转发,直到他们的消息通过正常。 令牌传递允许每个节点传送只有当它在一个特殊的电子称为令牌信息占有的。令牌传递从节点到节点,使每个有机会传送不受干扰。令牌通常有一个时间限制,以防止绑了很长时间的道理一个节点。 议定书:网络协议的方式界定和安排的信息在局域网上传输编码。下面是两种常见的类型。 专有的协议是唯一的消息的安排,并由他们与该供应商的产品只能使用特定的供应商开发的编码。 开放的协议是根据行业标准,如TCP / IP协议或ISO / OSI的模型,并公开发表。 调制:调制是指网络邮件的方式传输编码的电缆进行测试。两种最常见的类型是宽带和基带。 网络传输接口 PLC的通信绝大部分都是通过RS232C及双绞线电缆。大多数的PLC有一个RS232端口,并处理与东道国电脑,打印机,终端通信能力,以及其他设备。最大传输速度为19.2 Kbps。 距离和数据传输率是各种接口标准。他们的实际表现是传动装置制造商之间的功能和显着变化。因此,你应该征询实际距离和数据传输速率能力的制造商的规格唯一的限制是真正的RS232C 50英尺的距离设备之间的建议。虽然RS232C装置往往可以达到比这更大的布线距离的“不平衡”在更大的敏感性结果的界面设计,周围的电噪音和降低数据完整性。尤其是这样的地方电磁干扰(EMI)和射频干扰(RFI)是已知的存在。 当传输距离更长,还需要的RS422是一个更好的选择。不同的是RS232C接口,RS422接口,是“平衡”。其主要方面包括各信号的信号地面两条电线是在相反的逻辑电平始终。因此,该接口可以实现更长的传输距离(4000英尺)和更高的数据(90 Kbps)的传输速率。运行在较短(少于50英尺),数据传输可以达到10 Mbps的。 光纤通信正在赢得更多人的接受,并正在越来越多的设备使用。光纤电缆是几乎不受恶劣的环境条件和电气噪声。此外,这些链接可以跨越很长的距离和传输数据非常高的速度。例如,在一些局域网系统中,这些链接可以在相对高的传输速度和范围之前,需要一个中继距离长。当中继器的使用,几乎无限的距离可以达到。 外文文献 PLC technique discussion and future development Along with the development of the ages, the technique that is nowadays is also gradually perfect, the competition plays more strong; the operation that list depends the artificial has already can't satisfied with the current manufacturing industry foreground, also can't guarantee the request of the higher quantity and high new the image of the technique business enterprise. The people see in produce practice, automate brought the tremendous convenience and the product quantities for people up of assurance, also eased the personnel's labor strength, reduce the establishment on the personnel. The target control of the hard realization in many complicated production lines, whole and excellent turn, the best decision etc., well-trained operation work, technical personnel or expert, governor but can judge and operate easily, can acquire the satisfied result. The research target of the artificial intelligence makes use of the calculator exactly to carry out, imitate these intelligences behavior, moderating the work through person's brain and calculators, with the mode that person's machine combine, for resolve the very complicated problem to look for the best path We come in sight of the control that links after the electric appliances in various situation, that is already the that time generation past, now of after use in the mold a perhaps simple equipments of grass-roots control that the electric appliances can do for the low level only; And the PLC emergence also became the epoch-making topic, adding the vivid software control through a very and stable hardware, making the automation head for the new high tide. The PLC biggest characteristics lie in: The electrical engineering teacher already no longer electric hardware up too many calculations of cost, as long as order the importation that the button switch or the importation of the sensors order to link the PLC up can solve problem, pass to output to order the conjunction contact machine or control the start equipments of the big power after the electric appliances, but the exportation equipments direct conjunction of the small power can. PLC internal containment have the CPU of the CPU, and take to have an I/ O for expand of exterior to connect a people's address and saving machine three big pieces to constitute, CPU core is from an or many is tired to add the machine to constitute, mathematics that they have the logic operation ability, and can read the procedure save the contents of the machine to drive the homologous saving machine and I/ Os to connect after pass the calculation; The I/ O add inner part is tired the input and output system of the machine and exterior link, and deposit the related data into the procedure saving machine or data saving machine; The saving machine can deposit the data that the I/ O input in the saving machine, and in work adjusting to become tired to add the machine and I/ Os to connect, saving machine separately saving machine RAM of the procedure saving machine ROM and dates, the ROM can do deposit of the data permanence in the saving machine, but RAM only for the CPU computes the temporary calculation usage of hour of buffer space. The PLC anti- interference is very and excellent, our root need not concern its service life and the work situation bad, these all problems have already no longer become the topic that we fail, but stay to our is a concern to come to internal resources of make use of the PLC to strengthen the control ability of the equipments for us, make our equipments more gentle. PLC language is not we imagine of edit collected materials the language or language of Cs to carry on weaving the distance, but the trapezoid diagram that the adoption is original after the electric appliances to control, make the electrical engineering teacher while weaving to write the procedure very easy comprehended the PLC language, and a lot of non- electricity professional also very quickly know and go deep into to the PLC. Is PLC one of the advantage above and only, this is also one part that the people comprehend more and easily, in a lot of equipments, the people have already no longer hoped to see too many control buttons, they damage not only and easily and produce the artificial error easiest, small is not a main error perhaps you can still accept; But lead even is a fatal error greatly is what we can't is tolerant of. New technique always for bringing more safe and convenient operation for us, make we a lot of problems for face on sweep but light, do you understand the HMI? Says the HMI here you basically not clear what it is, also have no interest understanding, change one inside text explains it into the touch to hold or man-machine interface you knew, and it combines with the PLC to our larger space. HMI the control not only is reduced the control press button, increase the vivid of the control, more main of it is can sequence of, and at can the change data input to output the feedback with data, control in the temperature curve of imitate but also can keep the manifestation of view to come out. And can write the function help procedure through a plait to provide the help of various what lies in one's power, the one who make operate reduces the otiose error. Currently the HMI factory is also more and more, the function is also more and more strong, the price is also more and more low, and the noodles of the usage are wide more and more. The HMI foreground can say that think ° to be good very. At a lot of situations, the list is a smooth movement that can't guarantee the equipments by the control of the single machine, but pass the information exchanges of the equipments and equipments to attain the result that we want. For example fore pack and the examination of the empress work preface, we will arrive wrapping information feedback to examine the place, and examine the information of the place to also want the feedback to packing. Pass the information share thus to make both the chain connect, becoming a total body, the match of your that thus make is more close, at each other attain to reflect the result that mutually flick. The PLC correspondence has already come more body now its value, at the PLC and correspondence between PLCs, can pass the communication of the information and the share of the dates to guarantee that of the equipments moderates mutually, the result that arrive already to repair with each other. Data conversion the adoption RS232 between PLC connect to come to the transmission data, but the RS232 pick up a people and can guarantee 10 meters only of deliver the distance, if in the distance of 1000 meters we can pass the RS485 to carry on the correspondence, the longer distance can pass the MODEL only to carry on deliver. The PLC data transmission is just to be called a form to it in a piece of and continuous address that the data of the inner part delivers the other party, we, the PLC of the other party passes to read data in the watch to carry on the operation. If the data that data in the watch is a to establish generally, that is just the general data transmission, for example today of oil price rise, I want to deliver the price of the oil price to lose the oil ally on board, that is the share of the data; But take data in the watch for an instruction procedure that controls the PLC, that had the difficulty very much, for example you have to control one pedestal robot to press the action work that you imagine, you will draw up for it the form that a procedure combine with the data sends out to pass by. The form that information transport contain single work, the half a work and the difference of a workers .The meaning of the single work also is to say both, a can send out only, but a can receive only, for example a spy he can receive the designation of the superior only, but can't give the superior reply; A work of half is also 2 and can send out similar to accept the data, but can't send out and accept at the same time, for example when you make a phone call is to can't answer the phone, the other party also; But whole pair works is both can send out and accept the data, and can send out and accept at the same time. Be like the Internet is a typical example. The process that information transport also has synchronous and different step cent: The data line and the clock lines are synchronous when synchronous meaning lie in sending out the data, is also the data signal and the clock signals to be carry on by the CPU to send out at the same time, this needs to all want the specialized clock signal each other to carry on the transmission and connect to send, and is constrained, the characteristics of this kind of method lies in its speed very quick, but correspond work time of take up the CPU and also want to be long oppositely, at the same time the technique difficulty also very big. Its request lies in canting have an error margins in a dates deliver, otherwise the whole piece according to compare the occurrence mistake, this on the hardware is a bigger difficulty. Applied more and more extensive in some appropriative equipments, be like the appropriative medical treatment equipments, the numerical signal equipments...etc., in compare the one data deliver, its result is very good. And the different step is an application the most extensive, this receive benefit in it of technique difficulty is opposite and want to be small, at the same time not need to prepare the specialized clock signal, its characteristics to lie in, its data is partition, the long-lost send out and accept, be the CPU is too busy of time can grind to a stop sex to work, also reduced the difficulty on the hardware, the data throw to lose at the same time opposite want to be little, we can pass the examination of the data to observe whether the data that we send out has the mistake or not, be like strange accidentally the method, tired addition and eight efficacies method etc., can use to helps whether the data that we examine to send out have or not the mistake occurrence, pass the feedback to carry on the discriminator. A line of transmission of the information contains a string of and combine the cent of: The usual PLC is 8 machines, certainly also having 16 machines. We can be an at the time of sending out the data a send out to the other party, also can be 88 send out the data to the other party, an and 8 differentiations are also the as that we say to send out the data and combine sends out the data. A speed is more and slowly, but as long as 2 or three lines can solve problem, and can use the telephone line to carry on the long range control. But combine the ocular transmission speed is very quick of, it is a string of ocular of 25600%, occupy the advantage in the short distance, the in view of the fact TTL electricity is even, being limited by the scope of one meter generally, it combine unwell used for the data transmission of the long pull, thus the cost is too expensive. Under a lot of circumstances we are total to like to adopt the string to combine the conversion chip to carry on deliver, under this kind of circumstance not need us to carry on to deposited the machine to establish too and complicatedly, but carry on the data exchanges through the data transmission instruction directly, but is not a very viable way in the correspondence, because the PLC of the other party must has been wait for your data exportation at the time of sending out the data, it can't do other works. When you are reading the book, you hear someone knock on door, you stop to start up of affair, open the door and combine to continue with the one who knock on door a dialogue, the telephone of this time rang, you signal hint to connect a telephone, after connecting the telephone through, return overdo come together knock on door to have a conversation, after dialogue complete, you continue again to see your book, this kind of circumstance we are called the interruption to it, it has the authority, also having sex of have the initiative, the PLC had such function .Its characteristics lie in us and may meet the urgently abrupt affairs in the operation process of the equipments, we want to stop to start immediately up of work, the whereabouts manages the more important affair, this kind of circumstance is we usually meet of, PLC while carry out urgent mission, total will keep the current appearance first, for example the address of the procedure, CPU of tired add the machine data etc., be like to stick down which the book that we see is when we open the door the page or simply make a mark, because we treat and would still need to continue immediately after book of see the behind. The CPU always does the affair that should do according to our will, but your mistake of give it an affair, it also would be same to do, this we must notice. The interruption is not only a, sometimes existing jointly with the hour several inside break, break off to have the preferred Class, they will carry out the interruption of the higher Class according to person's request. This kind of breaks off the medium interruption to also became to break off the set. The Class that certainly break off is relevant according to various resources of CPU with internal PLC, also following a heap of capacity size of also relevant fasten. The contents that break off has a lot of kinds, for example the exterior break off, correspondence in of send out and accept the interruption and settle and the clock that count break off, still have the WDT to reset the interruption etc., they enriched the CPU to respond to the category while handle various business. Speak thus perhaps you can't comprehend the internal structure and operation orders of the interruption completely also, we do a very small example to explain. Each equipment always will not forget a button, it also is at we meet the urgent circumstance use of, which is nasty to stop the button. When we meet the Human body trouble and surprised circumstances we as long as press it, the machine stops all operations immediately, and wait for processing the over surprised empress recover the operation again. Nasty stop the internal I/ O of the internal CPU of the button conjunction PLC to connect up, be to press button an exterior to trigger signal for CPU, the CPU carries on to the I/ O to examine again, being to confirm to have the exterior to trigger the signal, CPU protection the spot breaks off procedure counts the machine turn the homologous exterior I/ O automatically in the procedure to go to also, be exterior interruption procedure processing complete, the procedure counts the machine to return the main procedure to continue to work. Have 1:00 can what to explain is we generally would nasty stop the button of exterior break off to rise to the tallest Class, thus guarantee the safety. When we are work a work piece, giving the PLC a signal, counting PLC inner part the machine add 1 to compute us for a day of workload, a count the machine and can solve problem in brief, certainly they also can keep the data under the condition of dropping the electricity, urging the data not to throw to lose, this is also what we hope earnestly. The PLC still has the function that the high class counts the machine, being us while accept some dates of high speed, the high speed that here say is the data of the in all aspects tiny second class, for example the bar code scanner is scanning the data continuously, calculating high-speed signal of the data processor DSP etc., we will adopt the high class to count the machine to help we carry on count. It at the PLC carries out the procedure once discover that the high class counts the machine to should of interruption, will let go of the work on the hand immediately. The trapezoid diagram procedure that passes by to weave the distance again explains the high class for us to carry out procedure to count machine would automatic performance to should of work, thus rise the Class that the high class counts the machine to high one Class. You heard too many this phrases perhaps:" crash", the meaning that is mostly is a workload of CPU to lead greatly, the internal resources shortage etc. the circumstance can't result in procedure circulate. The PLC also has the similar circumstance, there is a watchdog WDT in the inner part of PLC, we can establish time that a procedure of WDT circulate, being to appear the procedure to jump to turn the mistake in the procedure movement process or the procedure is busy, movement time of the procedure exceeds WDT constitution time, the CPU turn but the WDT reset the appearance. The procedure restarts the movement, but will not carry on the breakage to the interruption. The PLC development has already entered for network ages of correspondence from the mode of the one, and together other works control the net plank and I/ O card planks to carry on the share easily. A state software can pass all se hardwires link, more animation picture of keep the view to carries on the control, and cans pass the Internet to carry on the control in the foreign land, the blast-off that is like the absolute being boat No.5 is to adopt this kind of way to make airship go up the sky. The development of the higher layer needs our continuous effort to obtain. The PLC emergence has already affected a few persons fully, we also obtained more knowledge and precepts from the top one experience of the generation, coming to the continuous development PLC technique, push it toward higher wave tide. Knowing the available PLC network options and their best applications will ensure an efficient and flexible control system design. The programmable logic controller's (PLC's) ability to support a range of communication methods makes it an ideal control and data acquisition device for a wide variety of industrial automation and facility control applications. However, there is some confusion because so many possibilities exist. To help eliminate this confusion, let's list what communications are available and when they would be best applied. To understand the PLC's communications versatility, let's first define the terms used in describing the various systems. ASCII: This stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange." As shown in Fig. 1, when the letter "A" is transmitted, for instance, it's automatically coded as "65" by the sending equipment. The receiving equipment translates the "65" back to the letter "A." Thus, different devices can communicate with each other as long as both use ASCII code. ASCII module: This intelligent PLC module is used for connecting PLCs to other devices also capable of communicating using ASCII code as a vehicle. Bus topology: This is a linear local area network (LAN) arrangement, as shown in Fig. 2A, in which individual nodes are tapped into a main communications cable at a single point and broadcast messages. These messages travel in both directions on the bus from the point of connection until they are dissipated by terminators at each end of the bus. CPU: This stands for "central processing unit," which actually is that part of a computer, PLC, or other intelligent device where arithmetic and logical operations are performed and instructions are decoded and executed. Daisy chain: This is a description of the connection of individual devices in a PLC network, where, as shown in Fig. 3, each device is connected to the next and communications signals pass from one unit to the next in a sequential fashion. Distributed control: This is an automation concept in which portions of an automated system are controlled by separate controllers, which are located in close proximity to their area of direct control (control is decentralized and spread out over the system). Host computer: This is a computer that's used to transfer data to, or receive data from, a PLC in a PLC/computer network. Intelligent device: This term describes any device equipped with its own CPU. I/O: This stands for "inputs and outputs," which are modules that handle data to the PLC (inputs) or signals from the PLC (outputs) to an external device. Kbps: This stands for "thousand bits per second," which is a rate of measure for electronic data transfer. Mbps: This stands for "million bits per second." Node: This term is applied to any one of the positions or stations in a network. Each node incorporates a device that can communicate with all other devices on the network. Protocol: The definition of how data is arranged and coded for transmission on a network. Ring topology. This is a LAN arrangement, as shown in Fig. 2C, in which each node is connected to two other nodes, resulting in a continuous, closed, circular path or loop for messages to circulate, usually in one direction. Some ring topologies have a special "loop back" feature that allows them to continue functioning even if the main cable is severed. RS232. This is an IEEE standard for serial communications that describes specific wiring connections, voltage levels, and other operating parameters for electronic data communications. There also are several other RS standards defined. Serial: This is an electronic data transfer scheme in which information is transmitted one bit at a time. Serial port: This the communications access point on a device that is set up for serial communications. Star topology. This is a LAN arrangement in which, as shown in Fig. 2B, nodes are connected to one another through a central hub, which can be active or passive. An active hub performs network duties such as message routing and maintenance. A passive central hub simply passes the message along to all the nodes connected to it. Topology: This relates to a specific arrangement of nodes in a LAN in relation to one another. Transparent: This term describes automatic events or processes built into a system that require no special programming or prompting from an operator. Now that we're familiar with these terms, let's see how they are used in describing the available PLC network options. PLC network options PLC networks provide you with a variety of networking options to meet specific control and communications requirements. Typical options include remote I/O, peer-to-peer, and host computer communications, as well as LANs. These networks can provide reliable and cost-effective communications between as few as two or as many as several hundred PLCs, computers, and other intelligent devices. Many PLC vendors offer proprietary networking systems that are unique and will not communicate with another make of PLC. This is because of the different communications protocols, command sequences, error-checking schemes, and communications media used by each manufacturer. However, it is possible to make different PLCs "talk" to one another; what's required is an ASCII interface for the connection(s), along with considerable work with software. Remote I/0 systems A remote I/O configuration, as shown in Fig. 4A, has the actual inputs and outputs at some distance from the controller and CPU. This type of system, which can be described as a "master-and-slave" configuration, allows many distant digital and analog points to be controlled by a single PLC. Typically, remote I/Os are connected to the CPU via twisted pair or fiber optic cables. Remote I/O configurations can be extremely cost-effective control solutions where only a few I/O points are needed in widely separated areas. In this situation, it's not always necessary, or practical for that matter, to have a controller at each site. Nor is it practical to individually hard wire each I/O point over long distances back to the CPU. For example, remote I/O systems can be used in acquiring data from remote plant or facility locations. Information such as cycle times, counts, duration or events, etc. then can be sent back to the PLC for maintenance and management reporting. In a remote I/O configuration, the master controller polls the slaved I/O for its current I/O status. The remote I/O system responds, and the master PLC then signals the remote I/O to change the state of outputs as dictated by the control program in the PLC's memory. This entire cycle occurs hundreds of times per second. Peer-to-peer networks Peer-to-peer networks, as shown in Fig. 4B, enhance reliability by decentralizing the control functions without sacrificing coordinated control. In this type of network, numerous PLCs are connected to one another in a daisy-chain fashion, and a common memory table is duplicated in the memory of each. In this way, when any PLC writes data to this memory area, the information is automatically transferred to all other PLCs in the network. They then can use this information in their own operating programs. With peer-to-peer networks, each PLC in the network is responsible for its own control site and only needs to be programmed for its own area of responsibility. This aspect of the network significantly reduces programming and debugging complexity; because all communications occur transparently to the user, communications programming is reduced to simple read-and-write statements. In a peer-to-peer system, there's no master PLC. However, it's possible to designate one of the PLCs as a master for use as a type of group controller. This PLC then can be used to accept input information from an operator input terminal, for example, sending all the necessary parameters to other PLCs and coordinating the sequencing of various events. Host computer links PLCs also can be connected with computers or other intelligent devices. In fact, most PLCs, from the small to the very large, can be directly connected to a computer or part of a multi drop host computer network via RS232C or RS422 ports. This combination of computer and controller maximizes the capabilities of the PLC, for control and data acquisition, as well as the computer, for data processing, documentation, and operator interface. In a PLC/computer network, as shown in Fig. 4C, all communications are initiated by the host computer, which is connected to all the PLCs in a daisy-chain fashion. This computer individually addresses each of its networked PLCs and asks for specific information. The addressed PLC then sends this information to the computer for storage and further analysis. This cycle occurs hundreds of times per second. Host computers also can aid in programming PLCs; powerful programming and documentation software is available for program development. Programs then can be written on the computer in relay ladder logic and downloaded into the PLC. In this way, you can create, modify, debug, and monitor PLC programs via a computer terminal. In addition to host computers, PLCs often must interface with other devices, such as operator interface terminals for large security and building management systems. Although many intelligent devices can communicate directly with PLCs via conventional RS232C ports and serial ASCII code, some don't have the software ability to interface with individual PLC models. Instead, they typically send and receive data in fixed formats. It's the PLC programmer's responsibility to provide the necessary software interface. The easiest way to provide such an interface to fixed-format intelligent devices is to use an ASCII/BASIC module on the PLC. This module is essentially a small computer that plugs into the bus of the PLC. Equipped with RS232 ports and programmed in BASIC, the module easily can handle ASCII communications with peripheral devices, data acquisition functions, programming sequences, "number crunching," report and display generation, and other requirements. Access, protocol, and modulation functions of LANs By using standard interfaces and protocols, LANs allow a mix of devices (PLCs, PCs, mainframe computers, operator interface terminals, etc.) from many different vendors to communicate with others on the network. Access: A LAN's access method prevents the occurrence of more than one message on the network at a time. There are two common access methods. Collision detection is where the nodes "listen" to the network and transmit only if there are no other messages on the network. If two nodes transmit simultaneously, the collision is detected and both nodes retransmit until their messages get through properly. Token passing allows each node to transmit only if it's in possession of a special electronic message called a token. The token is passed from node to node, allowing each an opportunity to transmit without interference. Tokens usually have a time limit to prevent a single node from tying up the token for a long period of time. Protocol: Network protocols define the way messages are arranged and coded for transmission on the LAN. The following are two common types. Proprietary protocols are unique message arrangements and coding developed by a specific vendor for use with that vendor's product only. Open protocols are based on industry standards such as TCP/IP or ISO/OSI models and are openly published. Modulation: Network modulation refers to the way messages are encoded for transmission over a cable. The two most common types are broadband and baseband. Network transmission interfaces The vast majority of PLC communications is done via RS232C and twisted pair cables. Most PLCs have an RS232 port and are capable of handling communications with host computers, printers, terminals, and other devices. Maximum transmission speed is 19.2 Kbps. The distance and data transmission rates are standards for the various interfaces. Their actual performance is a function of the driving devices and varies significantly between manufacturers. As such, you should consult the manufacturer's specifications for actual distance and data transmission rate capabilities. The only real limitation on RS232C is the 50-ft recommended distance between devices. While RS232C installations often can achieve cabling distances greater than this, the "unbalanced" design of the interface results in a greater susceptibility to surrounding electrical noise and reduced data integrity. This is particularly true where electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio-frequency interference (RFI) are known to exist. When longer transmission distances are needed, RS422 is a better choice. Unlike the RS232C interface, RS422 is "balanced." Each of its primary signals consists of two wires that are always at opposite logic levels, with respect to signal ground. As a result, the interface can achieve longer transmission distance (4000 ft) and higher data transmission rates (up to 90 Kbps). In shorter runs (less than 50 ft), data transfer can reach 10 Mbps. Fiber optic communications are gaining greater acceptance and are being used in more and more installations. Fiber optic cable is virtually impervious to harsh environmental conditions and electrical noise. Also, these links can span extremely long distances and transmit data at very high speeds. For example, in some LAN systems, these links can transmit at relatively high speeds and span long distances before requiring a repeater. When repeaters are used, virtually unlimited distances can be achieved 29 _1334611910.vsd � � � 3 M1 _1335683373.vsd 启动 大包 小包 上电显示 灌装闪烁 启动 复位 散装 小包 中包 停止 大包 中包 SB0 SB7 SB6 SB5 SB1 SB4 SB10 _1335683728.vsd � � � � � AC� � � X10 Y0 FX2N-32MR-001 PLC X7 X6 X5 X3 X4 X2 X0 X1 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 24V COM COM2 COM1 Y11 Y10 Y7 Y6 Y5 传 感 器 启动SB0 停止SB1 手动复位SB10 保险丝 行程开关ST0 光电传感器S0 24V 电机继电器线圈KM1 大包指示灯HL4 散装SB7 小包SB6 中包SB5 大包SB4 灌装电磁阀YV1 大瓶封盖YV3 小瓶封盖YV2 中包HL5 散装HL7 小包HL6 上电显示HL10 灌装闪烁HL11 _1334624947.vsd � 是否按下停止按钮 是否装满 上盖2秒 灌装饮料 停顿1s 上盖2秒 灌装饮料 停顿1s 初始化 传送带运行 检测饮料罐大小 装罐和上盖时是否按下过停止按钮 是否到灌装位置 是否装满 是 是 是 大瓶 小瓶 是否按下启动按钮 是 是 否 是 否 否 否 否 否 _1334676116.vsd _1334676350.vsd _1334672367.vsd M8 T2 K80 Y1 T4 K20 Y3 M6 M4 T3 K20 Y2 T1 K50 Y1 M5 M3 M2 M1 Y0 T0 K10 X0 T3 T2 T1 T0X3 T0X3 M7X2 M8002 T4 M7 M7 M7 _1334616238.vsd 反射式光电传感器 发光 反 射 物 接收 _1334571896.vsd � � 明确设计任务和技术条件� 修改软件,硬件� 联机调试 局部模拟运行� 安装PLC� 程序检查调试� I/O配线� 编制程序� 制作控制区� 系统总体设计� PLC机型选择� 是否满足要求?� 交付使用� 整理系统文件� 系统试运行� 程序备份� 否 是 _1334603113.vsd 控制电路 主电路 辅助电路 _1334598085.vsd _1334571516.vsd � � � � � � � � �
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