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2014年catti三级综合能力口译试题(三) catti三级综合能力口译试题(三) 一、Part Ⅰ(A)(共10小题,共20.0分)Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, tick the circle of "True" on the answer sheet if you think the statement is true, or tick the...
catti三级综合能力口译试题(三) 一、Part Ⅰ(A)(共10小题,共20.0分)Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, tick the circle of "True" on the answer sheet if you think the statement is true, or tick the circle for "False" if it is false. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, with 1 point each. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this part. 第1题  The Erie Canal joined the Great Lakes with the Hudson River. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]1-10 Today I'm going to discuss transportation and communication in the early 19th century in the United States. At that time, inland waterways provided North America's most popular form of long-distance transportation. Travel by rivers was often more convenient than taking a wagon over primitive country roads, especially when shipping heavy loads of farm products or household goods. Where the natural waterways were inadequate, shallow canals were built. The Erie Canal, opened in 1825, connected the Great Lakes with the upper Hudson River. It allowed settlers in the Great Lakes region to send their crops eastward to New York City at the mouth of Hudson at a much lower cost. From there, crops could be shipped to other Atlantic ports. The construction of the Erie Canal also encouraged westward migration along inland waterways and helped populate the frontier. The City of Detroit grew up between two of the Great Lakes. Later a canal joined the Great Lakes with the Mississippi river system and Chicago became a thriving city. Politically the waterway system united the nation in a way few had imagined possible, by the mid-1800s, faster and cheaper railroads became more popular and the canal system declined. Railroads could be used year round whereas canals were often frozen in the winter. During the first third of the century, however, transportation on rivers, lakes and canals aided greatly in the growth of the United States. [分析] 特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据题干中地名专有名词定位到原文相关信息The Erie Canal…connected the Great Lakes with the upper Hudson River即Erie运河将Great Lakes和Hudson River上游联接起来,而题干说Erie运河和Hudson River汇入Great Lakes,由此可知题干的说法与原文不符,该题的说法是错误的。 [解题关键] 理解关键词汇含义是解题的关键。原文中connect“联接”与题干中join“加入”,意思不符。 第2题  Settlers and manufactured products were usually transported from west to east. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据原文可知1825年Erie运河的开放使得大湖区的定居者们可将粮食运到东部纽约城,而且该运河also encouraged westward migration along inland waterways and helped populate the frontier即鼓励了人们沿内陆水道向西部移民。由此可见,当时的运输是东西双向进行的。因此题干的说法与原文不符,是错误的。 [解题关键] 根据题干特点,对有关方向的信息留心倾听是解题的关键。 第3题  Shallow canals were built for transportation when natural waterways were inadequate. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 语义理解题。 根据原文Where the natural waterways were inadequate,shallow canals were built可知哪里的天然水路不够,哪里就有浅的运河修建。由此可见题干的说法与原文意思相符,是正确的。 [解题关键] 掌握语句结构是解题的关键。本题需理解带有where引导的状语从句的复合句的句义。 第4题 New York City had a deeper harbor than other Atlantic seaports was one reason for its prosperity during the early 19th century. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 因果关系的找寻和判断。 根据原文It allowed settlers in the Great Lakes region to send their crops eastward to New York City at the mouth of Hudson at a much lower cost.From there,crops could be shipped to other Atlantic ports可知,当时大湖区的定居者们将谷物经水道东运至Hudson河口的纽约城,其运费比其它方式便宜许多。在那里,货物再用船运到大西洋沿岸其它港口。由此可推断,纽约城繁荣的原因应该是因为该地是货物的集散地。而题干说纽约城有比其它大西洋诸港都深的港口在原文中并未提到,因此题干的说法是错误的。 [解题关键] 正确理解语句含义并作出正确的推断是解题的关键。 第5题  The construction of the Erie Canal encouraged westward migration and helped populate the frontier. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据原文The construction of the Erie Canal also encouraged westward migration along inland waterways and helped populate the frontier可知Erie运河的开通鼓励了沿内陆水道向西部的移民,帮助了西部边疆的移民定居。由此可见题干的说法与原文相符,是正确的。 [解题关键] 根据题干关键词正确定位原文相关信息。 第6题 It takes longer time to travel by river is one of the major reasons that the inland waterway system was unable to compete with other forms of transportation. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 因果关系的找寻和判断。 根据原文by the mid-1800s,faster and cheaper railroads became more popular and the canal system declined.Railroads could be used year round whereas canals were often frozen in the winter可知到19世纪中期,更为快捷、便宜的铁路运输日益流行,运河水运衰落了。铁路运输可终年使用而冬天结冰使运河无法使用。由此可判断内陆水运系统无法与其它运输形式抗衡的原因在于速度、价格和自然条件的限制,因此题干将耗时列为主要原因,与原文不符,是错误的。 [解题关键] 能够根据语句内在逻辑关系判断因果关系。 第7题  Though inland waterways were important transportation system, they were soon replaced by the more convenient railroads. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 推理判断题。 根据原文Politically the waterway system united the nation in a way few had imagined possible,by the mid-1800s,faster and cheaper railroads became more popular and the canal system declined可知,从政治角度看水运系统将全国联系起来,这几乎没人能想到。到 19世纪中期,更为快捷、便宜的铁路运输日益流行,运河水运衰落了。由此可推断该句前半部分说明了水运系统的重要性,而后半句则表明其衰落的必然性。因此题干的说法与原文相符,是正确的。 [解题关键] 能够根据语句意思进行正确推断。 第8题  The decline of Atlantic seaports was a result of the inland waterway system in the United States. 【正确答案】: X 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据原文by the mid-1800s,faster and cheaper railroads became more popular and the canal system declined可知,运河系统的衰落是由于铁路运输的兴起。原文并未提到大西洋各港口的衰败。由此可见题干的说法与原文不符,因此是不正确的。 [解题关键] 根据题干中关键词decline正确定位原文相关信息,将其与题干比较可得出正确答案。 第9题  According to the passage, inland waterway travel was most popular in the early 1800s. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 数字信息的找寻和判断。 根据原文…in the early 19th century in the United States.At that time,inland waterways provided North America's most popular form of long-distance transportation可知在19世纪早期内陆水运系统是北美最流行的长途运输方式。由此可见题干的说法与原文相符,因此是正确的。 [解题关键] 正确掌握代词的指代关系是解题的关键。原文中that time便指前面的the early 19th century。 第10题  The speaker talks about the role of inland waterways in the nation's growth of America. 【正确答案】: √ 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 主旨题。 原文一开始便提出主题,指出19世纪早期内陆水运系统是北美最流行的长途运输方式,接着以事实为例进行说明。最后进行总结During the first third of the century,however, transportation on rivers,lakes and canals aided greatly in the growth of the United States,即在19世纪前三分之一段的时间内,美国内陆水运对国家发展做出了重大贡献。由此可见题干的说法与原文中心意思相符,因此是正确的。 [解题关键] 掌握文章首尾处内容,有助于正确判断全文主题。 二、Part Ⅰ(B)(共10小题,共20.0分)Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement by blackening the corresponding circle. There are ten questions in this part of the test, one point for each question. You will hear both the statement and the question only once. 第1题 Which of the following is true according to the speaker? A Joe bought this for her. B Joe did not have money for shirts and ties. C Joe had money for shirts, ties and her. D Joe bought a shirt and a tie. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] Joe went to the store to buy shirts and ties, but he still had enough money for her. [分析] 语义理解题。 原文意思是“Joe去商店买衬衫、领带,他还有足够的钱给她。”由此可见选项C“Joe有钱买衬衫、领带,还给她一些钱”与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 理解并列连词but的用法,根据上下文这里but起并列作用,将钱所指向的目标并列。 第2题 How did the speaker comment on Gerome's speech? A Gerome spoke last but not best. B Gerome spoke last but the best. C Although last, Gerome spoke fast. D Gerome spoke at a speech. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] Although Gerome's speech was the last one on the program, it was the best one. [分析] 语义理解题。 原文意思是“虽然Gerome的演讲安排在最后进行,但他讲得最好。”由此可见选项B的内容与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 掌握although引导的让步状语从句的意思是解题的关键。 第3题 Which of the following statements is true according to the speaker? A It will be in orbit on March 15. B Fleas are infesting the pets. C Yours is a position of great honour. D March 15 is the last day to submit a petition. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] Please file your petitions on or before March 15. [分析] 词义理解题。 原文意思是“请将请愿于三月十五日或之前提交。”由此可见选项D“三月十五日是提交请愿书的最后一天”与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 理解file的含义,该词可用作法律术语,意为“正式提交”,与选项D中 submit“提交”意思相同。 第4题 How many people came? A Only ten people came. B We expected 10. C Twenty people showed up. D We expected 20 people to come. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] We expected ten people, but twice as many showed up. [分析] 数字信息的判断。 原文意思是“我们预期有十人来,但结果来了预期的两倍。”经简单计算可知选项C“共有二十人来”与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 理解倍数表达。文中twice as many意思是“是……的两倍”。 第5题 Which of the following is true? A Alex will help you in a half hour, with your English. B English takes about half my spare time. C Studying English one half hour per day is good. D Half the paper was in English. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] Alex will be able to help you with your English assignment in half an hour. [分析] 语义理解题。 原文意思是“Alex能在半小时后帮你写英语作业。”由此可见选项A“Alex半小时后帮你学英语”与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 能够根据搭配理解词义的对等关系。本题中English assignment是English的一部分,但根据两词与help的搭配,可粗略将两词关系对等理解。 第6题 Which of the following is true about Gloria? A Gloria was the manager of a sporting goods store. B The manager never got a call from Gloria. C Gloria never got a satisfactory response from the manager. D The manager was running around the store when Gloria called. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] Gloria kept getting the runaround every time she called the store manager. [分析] 词义理解题。 原文意思是“每次Gloria打电话给商店经理,总是被搪塞一通。”由此可见选项C“Gloria无法从经理那里得到满意答复”与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 理解单词runaround的含义,该词意为“拖延、搪塞、欺骗”。 第7题 What does he want to do? A He wants to make a business trip. B He would like to borrow the book next week. C He would like to have the book by next week. D He wants to take a business trip next week. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] I would appreciate it if you could return the book to me before I leave on a business trip next week. [分析] 词义理解题。 原文意思是“非常感激,如你能在我下星期出差前把书还给我。”由此可见选项C“他希望下星期前拿到书”与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 理解与时间短语搭配的介词by的含义。这里by意为“在……之前”,与选项C中before意思相同。 第8题 When did the James leave? A The James left that afternoon. B The James didn't get away until afternoon. C The James left in the evening. D The James were supposed to leave in the evening. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] The James were supposed to leave in the afternoon, but they couldn't get away until evening. [分析] 语义理解题。 原文意思是“James一家应在下午离开,但他们直到晚上才走。”由此可见选项C“James一家晚上走的”与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 理解not…until的含义。该短语意为“直到……才……”。 第9题 Which of the following is tree about Susan? A Susan needed $ 2. B She was short changed. C She had $ 2. D Susan lost $ 2. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] Susan counted her change and realized she was $ 2 short. [分析] 语义理解题。 原文意思是“Susan数了数找零,发现少了两美元。”由此可见选项C“她的找零少给了”与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 理解short的含义。该词在不同上下文中含义不同。这里根据前面单词 change(找零)可知,short意为“短,缺”。 第10题 What does the speaker suggest doing? A People should get a reasonable amount of exercise regularly. B People should moderate the exercise they get. C People should be in good health before exercising. D It is important to have good health in this modem age. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] Regular, moderate exercise is important for good health. [分析] 词义理解题。 原文意思是“有规律的适度运动对身体健康十分重要。”由此可见选项A“人们应有规律地适量运动”与原文意思相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 同义词替换。原文中moderate“适度的”与选项A中a reasonable amount意思相同。 三、Part Ⅱ(共15小题,共30.0分)Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are three passages in this part, each with five questions. And each question carries two points. You will hear the passages only once. 第1题 Long, long ago, people didn't know what the Milky Way was, so they explained it ______. A as we do today B as they imagined C as they studied D as the Bible says 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]21-25 There is probably nothing more mysterious and wonderful-looking in the sky than the Milky Way, stretching like a band of jewels from one end of the sky to the other. Long, long ago, when people gazed at this sight, they were filled with wonder just as you are today. But since they didn't know what it was, they made up all sorts of strange and beautiful conjectures of the Milky Way. For example, in early Christian times, people thought it was a way along which the servants of God went up to heaven. Some imagined it was an opening in the heaven, so that we here on earth could have a glance of the magnificent inside. Knowing the facts about the Milky Way, as we do today, doesn't take away any of the wonder of it. The facts are just as amazing as any "made-up" idea! Our galaxy is roughly like a watch, round and flat. If you could get above it and look down on it, it would look like a very large watch. But we are inside the galaxy, and when we look up we are looking towards the edge from inside the "watch". So we' see that edge around us. And since there are millions of stars in it, they appear to us as the Milky Way. Do you know that there are at least 3,000,000,000 stars in the galaxy? And here is an idea of its size. It takes eight minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth. For light from the middle point of the galaxy to reach the sun, it takes about 27,000 years! The galaxy turns about its center like a wheel. From our position in it, it takes about 200,000,000 years just to make one round. [分析] 因果关系的找寻和判断。 根据原文But since they didn't know what it was,they made up all sorts of strange and beautiful conjectures of the Milky Way可知由于当时人们不知道银河是由什么构成的,他们便给银河编造了各式各样瑰丽奇妙的故事。由此可见,选项B的说法与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 1)根据表原因的信号词since判断答案信息处;2)掌握同义词替换。本题原文中conjectures(猜测)与选项B中imagined意思相同。 第2题 In early Christian times, people thought the Milky Way to be an opening in the sky for ______. A the servants of God to enter heaven B the people on earth to have a look at the magnificent sight in it C people on other stars to take a look at the beauty of it D the Christian to go up to heaven 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据题干中关键词In early Christian times定位到原文相关信息Some imagined it was an opening in the heaven,so that we here on earth could have a glance of the magnificent inside即当时人们以为银河是天堂的开口,这样地上的人们便可有机会瞥一眼天堂里壮观的景象,由此可见B项内容与原文意思相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 掌握同义词替换。文中have a glance与选项B中have a look同义。 第3题 What does the galaxy look like? A If you were above it and look down on it, it would look like a flat and round watch. B If you looked at it from its edge, it would look like the Milky Way. C If you looked at it from its inside, it would look like a large watch. D If you looked up, it would look like a night sky. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据原文Our galaxy is roughly like a watch,round and flat.If you could get above it and look down on it,it would look like a very large watch可知我们的星系大致像块表,又圆又平。如果你从星系上方向下看,它就像一只巨大的表。由此可见A项内容与原文相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 根据选项方位特点正确定位原文相关信息。 第4题 For light ______, it takes about 27,000 years. A from the earth to reach the sun B from the sun to reach the earth C from the middle point of the galaxy to reach the sun D from the moon to reach the middle point of the galaxy 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据原文For light from the middle point of the galaxy to reach the sun,it takes about 27,000 years可知从星系中点到太阳,光要走上两万七千年。由此可见C项内容与原文相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 根据题干数字迅速定位原文相关信息。 第5题 The galaxy turns ______like a wheel. A round the sun B from our position C from the middle point D round the middle point 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据原文The galaxy turns about its center like a wheel可知星系围绕中心转,就像车轮。 由此可见D项内容与原文相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 掌握同义词替换。文中turns about its center与选项D中turns around the middle point意思相同。 第6题 For a long time people believe that ______. A men and women have exactly the same brains in their heads B men and women have quite different brains in their heads C men are better at mathematics while women better at languages D men and women see the world around them in different ways 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]26-30 Do you believe that men and women think differently? Many people say no. They say men and women are born with exactly the same abilities to think and learn. They think social life affects their ways of thinking. In the past ten years, many scientists have studied the differences between men and women and they all got the same conclusion: men and women are different because their brains are different and this makes men and women see the world in different ways. Boys, for example, are generally better than girls at mathematical ideas involving objects and their relationships. Boys also are generally faster in response than girls of hand and eye movements in ball games. Girls, on the other hand, generally start speaking earlier and can see better in the dark and are better at learning foreign language than boys. What makes men and women better at one thing or another? The answer is the brain. The brain has two sides. The nerves on the left side are for mathematics, speech, reading, etc. , while those on the right side are for artistic creation and other senses. In men and women, different areas in each side of the brain develop differently. In boys, for example, it is the area for mathematics; and in girls it is the area for language learning that develops better. Another interesting difference is that the two sides of a man's brain are interconnected by a smaller number of nerves than in the case of a woman, so the flow of information between them is more limited. Scientists think this affects some of our abilities. [分析] 推理判断题。 根据原文开篇可知人们通常认为男人和女人生来具有相同的能力去思考和学习。直到过去十年科学家们通过研究才发现men and women are different because their brains are different由此可判断人们长久以来认为男人女人的大脑是一样的。因此A项的说法“男人女人的大脑是一样的”与原文意思相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 根据上下文时间线索判断相关信息处。本题问人们长久以来的想法,原文并未明确提出。但根据开篇介绍的人们通常对男女的认识和后面In the past ten years科学家的发现可推断出题干的答案信息处。 第7题 Generally speaking, men play ball games much better than women because A men play ball games more often than women B men love ball games more than women do C men's hand and eye movements are quicker in response D men have a smaller number of nerves in their brains than women 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 因果关系的找寻和判断。 通常情况下男人球类运动比女人玩的好,其原因根据原文Boys also are generally faster in response than girls of hand and eye movements in ball games可知在球类运动中男孩子手眼运动通常反应比女孩子快,由此可见选项C的说法与原文意思相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 根据句内逻辑判断因果关系。 第8题 When you pass information onto your brain, for a boy ______. A you get more information than a girl B you get less information than a girl C you collect information faster than a girl D you collect information more slowly than a girl 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 因果关系的找寻和判断。 根据原文...the two sides of a man's brain are interconnected by a smaller number of nerves than in the case of a woman,so the flow of information between them is more limited可知由于男人大脑内部起联接作用的神经数量比女人少,脑部神经间的信息流量会受到更多限制。由此可见,男孩子比女孩子接受到的信息少,因此B项内容与原文意思相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 根据表结果的信号词so判断上下文因果关系。 第9题 From the whole passage, we know that ______. A men and women have exactly the same brains in their heads B men and women have quite different brains in their heads C men think of mathematical problems while women think of languages D men and women see the world around them in just the same way 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 主旨题。 本文首先提出传统观点,而后以科学家的研究为证提出自己观点,即男女大脑并不相同。接着讲话者详细阐释说明,论证本文主题。因此B项内容与原文主要内容相符,该项是正确答案。 [解题关键] 把握全文基本结构和脉络是解题的关键。 第10题 Why is a woman better at learning foreign languages than a man? A The area of the left side of a woman's brain for language learning develops better than that of a man's. B The right side of a woman's brain for language develops better than that of a man's. C The area of the left side of a woman's brain for feelings develops better than that of a man's. D The area of the right side of a woman's brain fit for seeing in the dark develops betterthan that of a man's. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 因果关系的找寻和判断。 根据题干中关键词learning foreign languages定位到原文相关信息处The nerves on the left side are for mathematics,speech,reading...In men and women,different areas in each side of the brain develop differently.In boys,for example,it is the area for mathematics;and in girls“is the area for language learning that develops better可知人类大脑左部发展数学、言语、阅读等,男女左右半脑不同区域发展情况不同。男孩数学区域,女孩语言区域发展都优于对方。由此可判断,对于女孩,左半脑司掌语言的区域发展优于男孩。因此A项内容与原文意思相符,是正确答案。 [解题关键] 掌握比较级的用法是解题的关键。 第11题 What would happen to some countries if tourism stopped? A Their economies would be ruined. B It would keep their economies going. C There would be no more environmental pollution there. D People have no chance to travel there. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]31-35 Most countries in the world now welcome tourists because of the money they bring in. Many countries make great efforts to encourage tourism, and many also depend on what the yearn from it to keep their economies going. People who like adventure will even try to visit countries where travel is difficult and costs are high. Companies regularly arrange trips through the Sahara desert, or to Himalayas for whoever enjoys such trips, but the numbers of visitors are small. Most tourists try to choose whichever places have fairly comfortable, cheap hotels, quite good food, reasonable safety, sunny weather and plenty of amusements or unusual things to see. Their choice of a place for a holiday also depends very much on when they can get away; it is not very pleasant to go to a place when it is having its worst weather. One of the big problems of a nation wishing to attract a lot of tourists is the cost of building hotels for them. Building big hotels swallows up a lot of money, and many of the countries that 'need the tourists are poor. What they spend on building has to be borrowed produces only chains of ugly hotels wherever there are beauty spots supposed to attract tourists. Another problem is that more and more big international companies are building hotels all over the world, so that the profits from a hotel often do not stay in the country in which it has been built. And there is also the question of training staff, teaching them foreign languages, how to cook the kind of food that the foreign tourists expect, and so on. In many countries, special colleges and courses have been set up for this. Crime can also be a problem. Seeing tourists who seem to be much richer than themselves, the local inhabitants are often tempted to steal from them. Sometimes tourists resist and get killed, and then other tourists refuse to come to the country. [分析] 推理判断题。 关于旅游业,原文说许多国家depend on what they earn from it to keep their economies going,由此可推断,如果没有了旅游业,这些国家的经济会崩溃。因此A项内容与原文意思相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 理解关键短语的内涵是解题的关键。文中depend on表明旅游业对某些国家经济的重要程度。因此如果没有旅游业,该国的经济状况应该是be ruined(被毁)。 第12题 A trip to the Himalayas is ______. A comfortable but expensive B hard but cheap C comfortable and cheap D hard and expensive 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 事实细节的找寻和判断; 根据题干专有名词可定位到原文相关信息People who like adventure will even try to visit countries where travel is difficult and costs are high.Companies regularly arrange trips...to Himalayas for whoever enjoys such trips可知有些公司专门为爱冒险的人安排去诸如喜马拉雅山之类的地方,游程辛苦,费用高昂。由此可见D项内容与原文意思相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 掌握同义词替换。本题原文中difficult、costs are high分别与D项中hard和expensive对应。 第13题 Countries sometimes spoil their beauty spots because ______. A they are too poor to build beautiful hotels on them B they have to cut down trees to build hotels on them C they have to sell them to borrow money from foreign banks D they are lacking experience in building hotels 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 因果关系的找寻和判断。 根据原文What they spend on building has to be borrowed produces only chains of ugly hotels wherever there are beauty spots supposed to attract tourists可知一些风景优美的国家很穷,他们需要借钱盖旅馆吸引游客前来赏景,但结果却是丑陋的旅馆横亘景区。由此可判断,这些旅馆毁了那些国家的优美风景。因此A项的内容与原文意思相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 根据句内逻辑判断因果关系。 第14题 The profits from some hotels unfortunately go ______. A to the local government B into the country in which they have been built C abroad D to the local inhabitants 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 推理判断题。 关于一些旅馆的利润,原文说越来越多的国际公司在世界各地修建旅店so that the profits from a hotel often do not stay in the country in which it has been built,由此可推断这些利润既然不属于旅店所在国的,就应属于这些国际公司的。因此C项说法与原文意思相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 根据表结果的信号词s。that正确定位相关信息并进行简单推断。 第15题 The local people sometimes kill tourists when ______. A the tourists are much richer than themselves B the tourists are robbed C the tourists do not enjoy local customs and habits D the tourists resist attempts to rob them 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:2.0分 【答案解析】 [分析] 因果关系的找寻和判断。 根据原文Seeing tourists who seem to be much richer than themselves,the local inhabitants are often tempted to steal from them.Sometimes tourists resist and get killed…可知当地居民见游客比他们富得多便起歹心去偷去抢,有时若游客抗拒便遭杀害。由此可见D项说 法与原文意思相符,该项为正确答案。 [解题关键] 理解句间语义内在逻辑关系是解题的关键。 none、四(共Part Ⅲ小题,20共分)40.0 第1题 As always, I am pleased to be here at the National Press Club for my (1) Speech. This is the seventh time I have had the (2) to give this speech, and over the years I have talked about a wide range of issues: (3) , reading, setting high expectations, improving the teaching profession, and (4) the American high school -- to name just a few. I have just returned from a five-day, (5) tour of schools in rural America. We started in Monroe, Louisiana, and finished (6) later in Paducah, Kentucky. What I noticed most about the trip was the weather. Every time I (7) my Success Express School Bus, the local people who came to greet me (8) that the record for (9) had just been broken in their community. In each place, the temperature was always between (10) degrees. Now, I have very good people on my staff. But the next time we plan a (11) , I'm going to have a (12) on my staff. I took this bus trip through rural America to make an important point that the (13) of children in our nation's small towns cannot be ignored. Twenty-five percent of all our school children live in (14) all over America. When it comes to our children, let's always remember that children everywhere have (15) and (16) . Yet, schools in small towns too often have to (17) because of limited resources and a (18) . On my trip I put a strong focus on the issues that matter in rural America, with a particular emphasis on (19) schools, reducing class size, and overcoming the (20) . 【正确答案】: 答案:Annual Back-to-School [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [听力原文]1-20 As always, I am pleased to be here at the National Press Club for my Annual Back-to- School Speech. This is the seventh time I have had the opportunity to give this speech, and over the years I have talked about a wide range of issues: family involvement, reading, setting high expectations, improving the teaching profession, and reforming the American high school -- to name just a few. I have just returned from a five-day, seven-state tour of schools in rural America. We started in Monroe, Louisiana, and finished 20 stops later in Paducah, Kentucky. What I noticed most about the trip was the weather. Every time I stepped off my Success Express School Bus, the local people who came to greet me announced that the record for heat had just been broken in their community. In each place, the temperature was always between 103 and 112 degrees. Now, I have very good people on my staff. But the next time we plan a bus trip, I'm going to have a weatherman on my staff. I took this bus trip through rural America to make an important point that the education of children in our nation's small towns cannot be ignored. Twenty-five percent of all our school children live in small towns all over America. When it comes to our children, let's always remember that children everywhere have big dreams and great ambitions. Yet, schools in small towns too often have to struggle because of limited resources and a shrinking tax base. On my trip I put a strong focus on the issues that matter in rural America, with a particular emphasis on constructing schools, reducing class size, and overcoming the digital divide. [解题技巧] 完形填空是对应试者听的能力、拼写能力、记笔记能力和书面表达能力的综合测试。它要求应试者不仅听懂内容,熟练而准确地拼写单词,更重要的是将一些短语、句子结构正确理解并表达出来,是对英语综合运用能力的考查。 在答题时注意: 1.预览文章,找出线索。文章的话题规定了用词范围;利用词汇的同现和复现关系;根据上下文推测词汇的运用。 2.听写结合,双管齐下。听音贯穿着期待、预知、分析、综合、推理和判断等一系列过程。听的同时应快速记下关键词;而在记笔记时,又要能有效、,专注地去听,获取全文信息。 3.提高记笔记的效率。首先,使用缩略语;字母较少的单词,可完整写出该词;字母较多的单词只写该词的几个字母。其次,有选择地记笔记,应重点记下句中的中心词和实词。 [分析] 形容词短语。 本题考查短语作定语。句中要求定语修饰speech。该短语意为“年度返校的”。这里注意短语用作前置定语时,单词之间用连字符分隔。 第2题 【正确答案】: 答案:opportunity [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词。 本题考查演讲常用短语。have the opportunity to do“有机会……”常用于演讲开场白中。 第3题 【正确答案】: 答案:family involvement [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词。 本题考查并列结构。句中列举一系列已演讲过的内容,被列举的内容除空格外均为名词性结构,因此,此处也不例外。这里注意involvement意思为“参与”,是动词involve的名词。 第4题 【正确答案】: 答案:reforming [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 动名词。 该词意思为“改革”。本题考查并列结构。句中列举一系列已演讲过的内容,被列举的内容除空格外均为名词性结构,因此,此处需将动词变为名词性形式。 第5题 【正确答案】: 答案:seven-state [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 短语作前置定语。 本句tour前空格要求填一前置定语。这样有数字和名词构成的短语作前置定语时,单词之间应用连字符,且数字后的名词应用单数形式。 第6题 【正确答案】: 答案:20 stops [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词性短语。 本句要求所填内容作finished的宾语。这样在由数字和名词构成的短语用作了宾语,且数字和名词之间不能使用连字符,名词若被大于1的数字修饰,则应用复数。 第7题 【正确答案】: 答案:stepped off [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 动词词组 本题考查上下文语义关系。本句意思是“我每次从成功特快校车上下来时……”,step off意思是“从……上下来”。这里注意step一般过去式的拼写及防止将off错写为of。 第8题 【正确答案】: 答案:announced [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 动词。 本题考查句子结构。本句中动词较多,但要求此处填入主句中的谓语动词,根据上下文可知,该动词应为一般过去式。 第9题 【正确答案】: 答案:heat [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词。 该句中介词for后面要求名词性表达作介词宾语。这里注意勿将heat写为hot。 第10题 【正确答案】: 答案:103 and 112 [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 数字判断。 本题考查温度表达法。本句中degree前要求填入数字,表示多少度。 第11题 【正确答案】: 答案:bus trip [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词短语。 该短语意为“汽车旅行”。本句中不定冠词a要求接名词性表达。注意这里bus和trip之间没有连字符,且有空格,为两个单词,bus是名词作定语修饰另一名词trip。 第12题 【正确答案】: 答案:weatherman [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词。 本句中不定冠词a要求接名词。注意这里weather与man之间没有空格,是一个单词。该词意为“天气预报员”。 第13题 【正确答案】: 答案:education [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词。 本题考查主题中心词的重复或对应。本文讨论的主题就是education。空格所填单词是主题单词的重复,起到强调主题的作用。 第14题 【正确答案】: 答案:small towns [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词短语。 本题考查上下文呼应。本句是对上句的解释,因此其中关键词small towns反复出现。 第15题 【正确答案】: 答案:big dreams [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词短语。 句中要求空格处填入名词性表达作have的宾语。此处注意dream应为复数形式。 第16题 【正确答案】: 答案:great ambitious [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词短语。 该短语意为“远大志向”。本题考查并列结构。本句中and后要求填入名词短语与其前面的big dreams形式并列,意义相同。 第17题 【正确答案】: 答案:struggle [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 动词。 本句中have to 要求其后接动词原形,struggle意为“挣扎”,符合上下文语义。 第18题 【正确答案】: 答案:shrinking tax base [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词性短语。 该短语意为“萎缩的税基”。本句中不定冠词a要求接名词性短语。 第19题 【正确答案】: 答案:constructing [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 动名词。 本题考查平行结构。本句中emphasis on后均使用动名词形式的动宾短语,作介词on的宾语,形成平行结构。此处construct也不例外。 第20题 【正确答案】: 答案:digital divide [本题分数]: 2.0 分 【答案解析】 [分析] 名词。 本句中定冠词the后要求接名词短语。这里注意divide的拼写形式。 五、Part Ⅳ(本大题1小题.每题40.0分,共40.0分。Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you English summary at the end of the rec ) 第1题 【正确答案】: 整篇共有4个主要点和7个次要点:下划线部分为4个主要点;斜体部分为7个次要点。 The term "globalization" has acquired considerable emotive force. Some view it as a process that is beneficial -- a key. to future world economic development -- and also inevitable and irreversible. Others regard it with hostility, even fear, believing that it increases inequality within and between nations, threatens employment and living standards and thwarts social progress. This brief offers an overview of some aspects of globalization and aims to identify ways in which countries can tap the gains of this process, while remaining realistic about its potential and its risks. Globalization offers extensive opportunities for truly worldwide development but it is not progressing evenly. Some countries are becoming integrated into the global economy more quickly than others. Countries that have been able to integrate are seeing faster growth and reduced poverty. Outward-oriented policies brought dynamism and greater prosperity to much of East Asia, transforming it from one of the poorest areas of the world 40 years ago. And as living standards rose, it became possible to make progress on democracy and economic issues such as the environment and work standards. By contrast, in the 1970s and 1980s when many countries in Latin America and Africa pursued inward-oriented policies, their economies stagnated or declined, poverty increased and high inflation became the norm. In many cases, especially Africa, adverse external developments made the problems worse. As these regions changed their policies, their incomes have begun to rise. An important transformation is underway. Encouraging this trend, not reversing it, is the best course for promoting growth, development and poverty reduction. The crises in the emerging markets in the 1990s have made it quite evident that the opportunities of globalization do not come without risks -- risks arising from volatile capital movements and the risks of social, economic, and environmental degradation created by poverty. This is not a reason to reverse direction, but for all concerned -- in developing countries, in the advanced countries, and of course investors -- to embrace policy changes to build strong economies and a stronger world financial system that will produce more rapid growth and ensure that poverty is reduced. How can the developing countries, especially the poorest, be helped to catch up? Does globalization exacerbate inequality or can it help to reduce poverty? And are countries that integrate with the global economy inevitably vulnerable to instability? These are some of the questions covered in the following sections. Economic "globalization" is a historical process, the result of human innovation and technological progress. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows. The term sometimes also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across international borders. There are also broader cultural, political and environmental dimensions of globalization that are not covered here. At its most basic, there is nothing mysterious about globalization. The term has come into common usage since the 1980s, reflecting technological advances that have made it easier and quicker to complete international transactions -- both trade and financial flows. It refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity -- village markets, urban industries, or financial centers. [听力原文] The term "globalization" has acquired considerable emotive force. Some view it as a process that is beneficial-a key to future world economic development-and also inevitable and irreversible. Others regard it with hostility, even fear, believing that it increases inequality within and between nations, threatens employment and living standards and thwarts social progress. This brief offers an overview of some aspects of globalization and aims to identify ways in which countries can tap the gains of this process, while remaining realistic about its potential and its risks. Globalization offers extensive opportunities for truly worldwide development but it is not progressing evenly. Some countries are becoming integrated into the global economy more quickly than others. Countries that have been able to integrate are seeing faster growth and reduced poverty. Outward-oriented policies brought dynamism and greater prosperity to much of East Asia, transforming it from one of the poorest areas of the world 40 years ago. And as living standards rose, it became possible to make progress on democracy and economic issues such as the environment and work standards. By contrast, in the 1970s and 1980s when many countries in Latin America and Africa pursued inward-oriented policies, their economies stagnated or declined, poverty increased and high inflation became the norm. In many cases, especially Africa, adverse external developments made the problems worse. As these regions changed their policies, their incomes have begun to rise. An important transformation is underway. Encouraging this trend, not reversing it, is the best course for promoting growth, development and poverty reduction. The crises in the emerging markets in the 1990s have made it quite evident that the opportunities of globalization do not come without risks -- risks arising from volatile capital movements and the risks of social, economic, and environmental degradation created by poverty. This is not a reason to reverse direction, but for all concerned-in developing countries, in the advanced countries, and of course investors-to embrace policy changes to build strong economies and a stronger world financial system that will produce more rapid growth and ensure that poverty is reduced. How can the developing countries, especially the poorest, be helped to catch up? Does globalization exacerbate inequality or can it help to reduce poverty? And are countries that integrate with the global economy inevitably vulnerable to instability? These are some of the questions covered in the following sections. Economic "globalization" is a historical process, the result of human innovation and technological progress. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows. The term sometimes also refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across international borders. There are also broader cultural, political and environmental dimensions of globalization that are not covered here. At its most basic, there is nothing mysterious about globalization. The term has come into common usage since the 1980s, reflecting technological advances that have made it easier and quicker to complete international transactions-both trade and financial flows. It refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity -- village markets, urban industries, or financial centers. [解题技巧] 在写综述时,应特别注意文章的开头段落和结尾段落,在每个段落中,要特别注意主题句,即开头句和结尾句。要抓住文章的逻辑发展关系,了解文章的结构,并注意连词的使用。同时在听的过程中,做好笔记。 一、主干内容表达部分:这部分内容为文章的主干内容,是综述的主要点信息。 1. This brief offers an overview of some aspects of globalization and aims to identify ways in which countries can tap the gains of this process,while remaining realistic about its potential and its risks. [分析] 本句位于段落结尾,是全段的中心句。此外,根据This brief offers…结构可判断该句高度概括全文的主题,是全文框架性内容。 2.Globalization offers extensive opportunities for truly worldwide development but it is not progressing evenly. [分析] 本句位于段落首,是全段中心。该句提出全球化是全球发展的机遇,这是全文讨论的重要内容之一,是全文框架性内容。 3.This is not a reason to reverse direction,but for all concerned to embrace policy changes to build strong economies and a stronger world financial system that will produce more rapid growth and ensure that poverty is reduced. [分析] 本句位于段落结尾,是全段的总结。该句表达了讲话者对全球化的认识和展望,是全文重要内容之一,为全文框架性内容。 4.Economic“globalization” is a historical process,the result of human innovation and technological progress. [分析] 本句位于段首,是全段中心。该句简明扼要地概括了全球化的本质,是全文重要内容之一,为全文框架性内容。 二、支持性细节表达部分:这部分内容为主要点的重要支持性细节,是综述的次要点信息。 1.Some view it as a process that is beneficial.Others regard it with hostility. [分析] 本句简单概括了人们对全球化的普遍态度,为全文主题的展开奠定了基础,是重要的支持性细节。 2.Countries that have been able to integrate are seeing faster growth and reduced poverty. [分析] 本句紧接该段中心句,进一步解释了中心句的内容,以例证支持了全文重要观点,为综述提供了重要信息,因此是重要的支持性细节。 3. And as living standards rose,it became possible to make progress on democracy and economic issues such as the environment and work standards. [分析] 本句为该段结尾句,深化了该段主要内容,因此是重要的支持性细节。 4.By contrast,in the 1970s and 1980s when many countries in Latin America and Africa pursued inward-oriented policies,their economies stagnated or declined,poverty increased and high inflation became the norm. [分析] 本句位于段首,是该段中心句。通过表示对比的信号词by contrast可判断,该句从采用典型事例,从反方面证明了全文的主要观点,因此是重要的支持性细节。 5.The crises in the emerging markets in the 1990s have made it quite evident that the opportunities of globalization do not come without risks——risks arising from volatile capital movements and the risks of social,economic,and environmental degradation created by poverty. [分析] 本句位于段首,点明本段讨论的主题。本句与全文重要内容相呼应:全球化既带来机遇又带来危险。该句平衡了全文观点,并为说者在该段结尾处的全文重要见解起了铺垫作用,因此是重要的支持性细节。 6.It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world,particularly through trade and financial flows. [分析] 本句是对全段中心,亦全文主要内容的进一步阐释,因此是重要的支持性细节。 7.The term sometimes also refers to the movement of people(labor)and knowledge (technology) across international borders. [分析] 本句是对全段中心,亦全文主要内容的进一步阐释,因此是重要的支持性细节。 跟多试卷请访问《做题室》www.zuotishi.com
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