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中学英语教学法杨晓钰二 如何提问是作为教师的一项基本教学技能,但在日常教学中却极易被教师们忽略。在大量的教学观摩中我们发现,课堂上教师们提出的问题,有的不能很好地引导学生积极思考,帮助他们理解所学知识,有的问题甚至可能会误导学生,因此掌握一定的提问技巧对一个教师来说是必不可少的。在平时的教学中,你是否思考过以下问题:为什么要提问?怎样提问?怎样要求学生回答?怎样针对不同层次和性格的学生提问?本单元我们将一起解决以上问题,使教师更加明白自己的教学行为,更有效地组织课堂教学,创设良好的课堂氛围。 In this unit we are going ...
如何提问是作为教师的一项基本教学技能,但在日常教学中却极易被教师们忽略。在大量的教学观摩中我们发现,课堂上教师们提出的问题,有的不能很好地引导学生积极思考,帮助他们理解所学知识,有的问题甚至可能会误导学生,因此掌握一定的提问技巧对一个教师来说是必不可少的。在平时的教学中,你是否思考过以下问题:为什么要提问?怎样提问?怎样要求学生回答?怎样针对不同层次和性格的学生提问?本单元我们将一起解决以上问题,使教师更加明白自己的教学行为,更有效地组织课堂教学,创设良好的课堂氛围。 In this unit we are going to discuss the following questions: 1、To make students aware of basic question types and to show how they can be used for different purposes. 2、To show students how to elicit short and long answers from students in a natural way. 3、To make students aware of different possible strategies for asking questions. 1、Why Do Teachers Ask Questions in Class? 1)To check students’understanding. When we present new vocabulary or structures,we can check that students have understood by the new language in a question. When we present a text,we can use questions to check that students have understood it. 2)To give students practice. If we want students to use a certain structure,one way to do this is to ask a question that requires a particular answer. 3)To find out what students really think or know. We can use questions to encourage students to talk about themselves and their experiences. In class,it’s possible to ask many different kinds of question,and to ask questions in many different ways. 4)To organize the class. 2、Basic Question Types(基本题型) 1)Yes/No questions The reply can be “Yes” or “No” alone or with short forms. 2)“Or” questions/Alternative questions The reply is usually a word or phrase from the question itself. 3)WH-questions/Information questions With most WH-questions,it is natural to give a short answer. 当前位置:Module 2 Preparation and Evaluation Skills >> Unit 2 Asking Questions 3、Questions with Short Answers 1)Checking questions An important use of questions is to check that students understand a new word or phrase. Here is a demonstration. T:Look(pointing to blackboard)– is this made of wood? Ss:Yes. T:(pointing to wall)What about this? Is it made of wood? Ss:No,it isn’t. T:What is it made of? Ss:Stone. Task 1Discuss why the students only need to give short answers? Feedback There are two reasons:because it is more natural,and also because at this stage the teacher only wants too check that they understand. Later they can be asked to produce the new language themselves. Many situation which naturally arise in the classroom give an opportunity to ask real questions of the three types practised in this unit. If the teacher ask such questions in English,it will help students feel that language is real,not just something in textbook. 教师课堂用语的使用是学生大量接受英语刺激的一个非常好的途径,因此,除了课本上必须学习的语言外,教师应尽可能多地使用课堂用语,抓住每个机会给学生更多的英语刺激。 2)Real Classroom Questions task 2What questions could you ask in these situations? A. It’s a hot day, and all the windows are closed. B. One of your students looks pale and tired. C. You set homework last lesson. Today you are going to check the answer with the class. D. Several students are absent today. E. When you come into class, you find a bag on your desk. F. When you come into class, you find a face drawn on the blackboard. A. Are you hot? Do you feel hot? Do you want the window open? B. Do you feel ill? Do you feel all right? Are you tired? C. Have you all done the homework? D. Who is absent today? Is (Mary) here today? E. Whose bag is this? F. Who drew this? It’s a beautiful job, isn’t it? 当前位置:Module 2 Preparation and Evaluation Skills >> Unit 2 Asking Questions 4、Questions with Long Answers 不同的教学目的,教师会要求学生用不同的方式回答:简要回答或用完整的句子回答。请看下面的例子,简要回答显得更为自然。 Write this question on the blackboard. What time do you get up? What do you have for breakfast? At six o’clock. Cake and milk. 但在课堂上,为了练习语言,教师往往会让学生用完整的句子进行回答,下面我们来看一看,如何能引导学生用完整的句子进行回答。 However,in class we often want students to produce longer answers,so that they practise making complete sentences. There are three possible ways of eliciting long answers: 1)We could ask a question and insist on a long answer. T:Answer with a complete sentence. What time do you get up? S:I get up at six o’clock. 要求学生用完整的句子回答。这种方式能有效地练习语言,但“强迫”学生用完整的句子回答显得不够自然。 2)We could ask a more general question which would naturally lead to a longer answer. T:What do you do in the morning? S:Well,I get up at seven o’clock,then I have breakfast. 问一个较概括的问题,这样显得更自然。 3)We could give a short ‘prompt’,instead of asking a complete question. T:Tell me about your day. S:Well,I get up early,at about sis o’clock,… T:What about breakfast? S:I have quite a small breakfast,usually just a piece of bread and some tea... 给学生一个“提示句”,是一种让学生练习语言更容易、更有效的方法。 再如: Tell me about your family. Describe your bedroom. What kind of things do you like? What about books? How about music? 当前位置:Module 2 Preparation and Evaluation Skills >> Unit 2 Asking Questions 5、Questioning Strategies(询问策略) As well as knowing what questions to ask,teachers also need to know how to organise question and answer work in class. There are many different ways of asking questions:Teacher can ask each student in turn round the class; they can let any student call out the answer; they can choose a student to answer; they can get the class to answer in chorus,and so on. These are called questioning strategies. 我们已经知道为何提问,提什么样的问题,我们还应知道在课堂上如何组织问答活动,如:教师轮流问每一个学生;让学生自由回答;让一人回答;让全班集体回答等等,这些方法被称为“提问策略”。 task 3 Work in groups. Look at the following pictures and discuss what questioning strategies they show. Which of these strategies do you use in your own class?Which do you use most often?What are the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy? A、The teacher asks questions and simply lets students call out answers. If students call out different answers at the same time,the teacher chooses one student to give the answer again. Advantages:With a large class,strategy A can be effective for simple questions with Yes/No answers. Disadvantages:It is likely to be too noisy and uncontrolled. It would be suitable for a small class where there are no discipline problems. 教师提问,学生自由回答,如学生同时给出不同答案,教师可选一人回答。这种技巧适合使用一般疑问句。 优点:大班使用Yes/No question,能节约时间。 缺点:太吵,不易控制。 B、The teacher asks a question,then pauses to give the whole class a chance to think of the answer. Then the teacher chooses one student to answer. Students are not allowed to call out the answer or to raise their hand. Advantages:Strategy B keeps the class involved but still under control. It enables the teacher to give a chance to weaker students as well as more confident ones. In general,it is a good strategy for routine,fairly easy questions. 教师提问,停一会儿让学生思考,然后选一人回答,学生不允许喊出答案或举手。这种方法适合问一些比较简单且有规律的问题。 优点:让全班参与,给优秀生和差生平等的机会,而且学生注意力容易集中。 缺点:如果问题太难,提问时,学生可能有一定压力。 C、The teacher first chooses a student,and then asks the student a question. If the student cannot answer it,the teacher passes it on to the next student. Advantages:Strategy C is highly controlled. Disadvantages:It is not a good way of keeping the attention of the class,as all the students except the one answering the question can ‘switch off’. In general,it is better to ask the question first and then choose who is to answer it. 教师先叫一学生,然后提问,如果该生答不上,则可另叫一人。一般情况下应避免此种方法(除非教师想提醒某个不专心的学生),最好先提问,然后再叫学生站起来回答问题。 优点:课堂可得到严格控制。 缺点:先选一学生,再提问,被叫的学生会感到紧张,而其他学生注意力容易分散。 D、The teacher asks a question and lets students raise their hand if they think they know the answer. The teacher chooses one of the students with their hands raised to answer. Advantages:It encourages bright students and makes the class seem to be successful because students are volunteering answers. Disadvantages:It makes it easy for students to avoid answering questions. In general,it is a good strategy to use for difficult questions that only some students will be able to answer. 教师提问,让学生自愿举手;教师只叫举手的学生回答。一般较难的问题可用此方法提问。 优点:让优秀的学生有更多的机会展示自己。 缺点:很容易让学生偷懒。 黑板的有效使用是教师的一项基本技能,它的有效使用能较好地激发学生学习的兴趣,引导学生积极参与课堂活动,有效地进行课堂教学。但在实际的教学过程中,教师们常常忽略此项技能,如:随意在黑板上书写;在进行板书时未能积极引导学生参与等。本单元我们将从以下几个方面进行讲解,以引导教师更有效地使用黑板。 In this unit we are going to discuss some general matters about how to use the blackboard. We are going to discuss four questions in particular: 1、To improve students’ basic technique in using the blackboard effectively. 2、To show students ways of using the blackboard as aid in presentation and practice. 3、To show students how to do simple drawings on the blackboard. 4、Classroom language of using the blackboard. 1、Aims of Using the Blackboard 1)To make things clearer to the class 2)To help students to focus their attention 2、What Are the Basic Uses of the Blackboard? The blackboard is one of the most useful of all visual aids. It is always available and can be used for various purposes without special preparation. 1)Presenting new words and structures 2)Writing tables and prompts for presentation and practice 3)Showing spelling 4)Giving models of handwriting or for practice in reading or copying 5)Doing simple drawings of people, places and objects. 3、How to Use the Blackboard Effectively? 1)Considerations when using Three basic prerequisites: —To start with a clean board or with a board that only has on it what you have just put on; —To write legibly; (write clearly and in a straight line) —To use the right implement. 2)Increasing student participation A、To talk as you write, saying the words and making any necessary comments —Talk to the students as you are writing and turn round frequently to face them. —Ask the students what to write as often as possible and get examples from them. —Ask them what they think this word or picture is going to be. —Get them to read things as you write them. B、To stand in a way that does not hide the board When writing, try standing on the right of the board as the students see it. This has the advantage of forcing you to write in straight lines; you are facing the class, and what you write is revealed to the class as it goes up. 3)Planning your blackboard work It is essential that you plan the board in your lesson plan and decide which part you are going to allocate to which use. The development area is likely to be the largest so that will probably command the most central part. The ‘permanent’ area is the most predictable area and should be easy to plan for. You might start by dividing off one side for that purpose. The remaining two areas need separation from the rest of the board so give them the other side. Therefore: —separate the different parts of the board by drawing lines:it reduces confusion. —decide beforehand what is going to go into each section and how much space to leave. The blackboard can be sectioned off into areas: A、Permanent or reference material This may not go on the board at the beginning of the lesson but once it’s up it will probably stay until the end. Things that might come into this category are new vocabulary items, model sentences and reminders or items that students persistently get wrong. The permanent part of the blackboard also serves at the end of the lesson to refresh the students’ memory of the different activities that have been done and the language which arose out of them. B、Material for the development of the lesson This will be the material that relates to the stage of the lesson that you are at any one moment. It could be a dialogue the students are rehearsing, a substitution table you want the students to copy down, a model sentence, a picture, an outline of a grammar rule or even the score for a team game you are playing. Some of them may be transferred to the permanent section of the board. C、Impromptu work This is the work you use to illustrate or exemplify the answer to an unpredicted question or to back up an alternative explanation when the planned one doesn’t work. It may be a drawing or it may be the written word. Space must always be left on the board for such work. D、Notes and reminders In low-level classes it is worth writing the full date(Monday 20th May 2002)in a top corner at the beginning of a lesson; it is a good way of helping the students learn the days of the week and the dates. Also, questions that are answered with Ask me later and things that you don’t want to or can’t answer on the spot are well worth noting in a corner. It shows that you are not just fobbing off the student and when you clean the board at the end of a lesson, it will act as a reminder to you to prepare something for the next lesson. The development of a board through a lesson, then, might look like this: 4、Blackboard Drawing 1)Introduction Many teachers are reluctant to try their hand at blackboard drawing,saying that they can’t draw,often without ever having tried. However,with a little practice,every teacher can learn enough to draw simple pictures for drills or picture compositions. Make these general points about blackboard drawings: —Many teachers use the blackboard only for writing. But simple pictures drawn on the blackboard can help to increase the interest of a lesson,and are often a good way of showing meaning and conveying situations to the class. —Blackboard drawings should be as simple as possib1e,showing only the most important details. It is not necessary to be a good artist to draw successfully on the blackboard -- a lot of information can be conveyed by means of very simple line drawings and ‘stick figures’,which are easy to draw. —It is important to draw quickly,so as to keep the interest of the class. It also helps for teachers to talk as they draw: in this way the class will be more involved,and will understand the picture on the board both from seeing it and from listening to the teacher. 2)Simple blackboard drawings In this section,you will demonstrate how to draw faces,stick figures and other simple pictures. Draw examples of each type on the board,and encourage teachers to copy the drawings onto paper. Try to involve the teachers as much as possible: ask them to give their own ideas and examples,and discuss possible variations. Use the ideas below as a guide. —No necks,no shoulders —No hips,no hands —The head and body are equal in length to the length of the legs. —The arms are as long as the body. —Don’t bother with hands unless you want him to hold something or point. —Elbows are halfway down the arms and point backwards. —Knees are halfway down the legs and point forwards. —Bending the legs and arms indicates actions. Faces Heads should be large enough to be seen from the back of the class. Show how you can indicate expression,especially by changing the shape of the mouth: (Adapted from Adrian Doff,1992) 3)How to speed up your blackboard drawing? The obvious way of speeding up our blackboard drawings is to practise until we can do them very fast,but there is one other way of speeding up drawing. In other words it is much easier to draw pictures of objects which symbolize the action. “错误”是学习的一部分,而“纠错”则是教学的一部分。多语言和语言学习的理解不同,会采取不同的纠错态度。有些教师认为学生的错误必须纠正;而有的教师则认为没有必要纠正,其实这两种态度都不完全正确。重要的是教师要充分了解“改什么?”“何时改?”“怎样改?”“改多少?”。本单元将介绍“错误”的类型,帮助教师提高对错误认识的敏感性,鼓励教师从积极的角度正确地看待学生学习过程中所犯的错误,同时介绍几种纠错的方法。 This unit sets out to help student teachers develop sensitivity in correcting errors; it encourages them to develop a positive attitude towards their students’ errors, and suggests ways of correcting errors that will help, rather than hinder, the learning process. We will focus on the following: 1、To make students more aware of the significance of learners’ errors. 2、To help students develop positive strategies of error correction. 3、To show students a range of techniques for correcting oral and written errors. 1、Types of Mistake Slips If the teacher thinks that a student could self-correct a mistake,we shall call this type of mistake a slip. Errors If a student cannot self-correct a mistake in his or her own English,but the teacher thinks that the class is familiar with the correct form,we shall call that sort of mistake an error. Attempts When the teacher knows that the students have not yet learned the language necessary to express what they want to say,we can call their mistakes attempts. When it is not clear what the students want to mean,or what structure they are trying to use,we can also call these mistakes attempts. 2、Causes of Mistakes Mistakes of linguistic form can be caused by the influence of the first language,by misunderstanding a rule,by a decision to communicate as best one can,by lack of concentration,and by a mixture of these and other factors. 3、The Importance of Mistakes 1)A lot of the things that we call mistakes and sees as problems are in fact signals that our students are successfully learning the language. They are taking the important and necessary learning steps. We should be pleased to see them. 2)Students should be encouraged to experiment with language so that they can take more learning steps. 3)Unless students make mistakes,they can’t work out better rules for how to express what they want to say. 4)Students’errors are a very useful way of showing what they have and have not learnt. So instead of seeing errors negatively,as a sign of failure(by the student or the teacher),we see them positively as an indication of what we still need to teach. Obviously,if we try to prevent students from making errors we can never find out what they do not know. 5)Correction must aim to support learners by giving feedback. 4、Basic Principles of Positive Error Correction 1)As far as possible,encourage the students,focussing on what they have got right,not on what they have got wrong. 尽可能鼓励学生,应注重“对了多少”而不是“错了多少”。 2)Praise the students for correct answers,and even for partly correct answers;in this way,they will feel they are making progress. 学生给出正确答案应及时表扬,哪怕是部分正确,让他们感到自己在不断进步。 3)Avoid humiliating students or making them feel that making a mistake is‘bad’. 避免纠错时伤害学生的自尊心,让他们感到“出错”是一件丢人的事,而使他们不再愿意开口。 4)Correct errors quickly;if too much time is spent over correcting errors,it gives them too much importance and holds up the lesson. 错误的纠正节奏应快,否则会影响教学进度。 5、Different Ways of Correcting Spoken Errors Task 1 Here are three teachers'approaches to correcting errors. Think of yourself as a learner. Which teacher would you prefer?Why? Teacher A:I never let my students make mistakes. If they say anything wrong,I stop them and make them say it correctly. I don’t want them to learn bad English from each other. Teacher B:I correct students sometimes,but not all the time. If we’re practising one particular language point,then I insist that they say it correctly. But if we’re doing a freer activity then I try not to correct too much. If I do correct students,I try to do it in an encouraging way. Teacher C:I try to correct errors as little as possible. I want my students to express themselves in English without worrying too much about making mistakes. Sometimes I notice points that everyone gets wrong,and deal with them later- but I never interrupt students to correct them. 学生错误的纠正既要考虑错误的类型、教学目的,又要考虑学生的能力、个性以及总的课堂气氛,从而采取不同的方法。改错时,教师应从以下四个方面考虑:改什么?何时改?怎么改?改多少? 1)改什么?What to correct? 教师首先应确定学生所犯“错误”的类型,是slips,errors,还是attempts。 2)何时改?When to correct? 这要根据教学活动的类型和教学目的而定。若要求学生用英语自由表达,提高流利程度,所出现的错误,则没有必要立即纠正;如果是操练某一句型,则应纠正。 3)怎么改?How to correct? Task 2 This is a dialogue between a teacher and a student. Comment on this technique first,then try out strategies which could be used to correct errors? T:Tom – what do you do in the morning? S:I… am…get up…at half past six. Feedback A、Comment on this technique. a)The teacher was very discouraging,although the student tried to give a good answer. b)The teacher did not give the student a chance to say the sentence correctly. c)Although the teacher asked a real question,he or she showed no interest in the student’s answer. B、Strategies which could be used to correct errors. a)Self-correction The teacher could help the students to correct himself,by showing where the error was in the sentence,e.g.: T:Yes,OK,nearly. What should it be? I g... S:I get up at half past six. T:That’s right – good. b)Peer correction The teacher could pass the question to another student,and then come back to the first student again,e.g.: T:Well,nearly. Anyone else? What do you do in the morning? Yes – Mary? S2:I get up at seven o’clock. T:Yes,that’s it. I get up. Now,Tom – again. S1:I get up at half past six. T:Yes. Well done. c)Teacher correction The teacher could correct the student in a more positive way,and give him a chance to say the sentence correctly,e.g.: T:Well,all right,but – I get up. Again. S:I get up at half past six. T:Good. 4)改多少?Whether to correct? Task 3When it is important to correct students’errors depends on the kind of activity we are doing and the aim of the activity:whether we mainly want students to produce accurate language or whether we want them to express themselves freely and develop fluency. Here are two examples? Example one You have just presented a number of verbs with irregular past tense forms. Now you are practising them using a simple picture story. Feedback The aim of this activity is to check that students can use the verbs correctly. You have to correct any major errors,especially those involving the verbs you have taught,or the activity will lose its point. 当学生学习新的语言现象,即在呈现和操练环节,如果学生出现错误,往往需要纠正,但应注意方法。 Example two There is some vacant land near your school. You are discussing with your students (in English)what should be done with it. You want them to give interesting ideas. Feedback In this activity,you want students to use English freely to talk about real life. You want them to express their ideas as fluently as possible,so you should be careful not to correct too much or you will interrupt the activity. It would be best either to correct only the most serious errors,and to do so quickly and quietly,or to remember the commonest errors and deal with them afterwards. 当教师让学生用所学的语言进行自由表达,即巩固环节时,一般不需要打断学生的谈话纠正错误,如果出现共同性的错误,教师可作好记录,事后统一改正。 6、Different Ways of Correcting Written Errors A basic procedure for correcting simple written work in class: Many of the things that we said about the correction of spoken language are also true for the correction of written language. We can certainly keep in mind the following two points: ★ Correction should mean helping people to become more accurate,not insisting on completely standard English. ★ Involving learners in judgements about correctness helps them become more accurate in their own use of the language. 1)Self-correction and slips Concentrate on the main point of an exercise,or on one or two types of mistake in less controlled writing. The teacher can make self-correction easier in two ways: —by marking only one particular kind of mistake,one which would be useful for a particular student, e.g.It is fascinating to see how a spider spin its web. —by giving the students some information about what kind of mistake they have made. If there is a spelling mistake,you can write S in the margin; if it is a mistake of word order,you write WO. Here is an example: More than tow million people come to this city every year S and always we wonder how we can cope with them. WO So,by underlining mistakes,or by giving clues in the margin,or by using both together,the teacher can help students see and correct mistakes in their own writing. These are some other signals that I have found useful: 书面作业批改中常用的符号 S spelling wo word order Ppunctuation voerror in voice T error in verb tense vb error in verb form A article /\something missing here wwwrong word ||start a new paragraph CE Chinese English 〔〕delete red redundant run-onrun-on sentence abfaulty abbreviation agrerror in agreement awkawkward capuse capital letter colerror in collocation d error in diction div incorrect word division dmdangling modifier f compfaulty comparison fragsentence fragment grerror in grammar idunidiomatic expression inc compincomplete comparison ital Italicize ll faulty parallel structure log faulty logic mmmisplaced modifier mngmeaning unclear no capunnecessary capital letter nsw no such word numerror in use of numbers 2)Peer correction and errors The simplest way of doing peer correction is to proceed in the ways described above for self-correction,but to have students work together in pairs or groups. There are two great advantages to this: —When two students work together on correcting each other’s work,the discussion helps each one to learn from his or her own errors. Two heads are better than one. —We all have difficulty in seeing our own mistakes,even if a teacher has given us a signal as to what sort of a mistake it is. Cooperation helps develop an ability to see our own mistakes. —Another way of using peer correction is to organise a correction group. a)Correction groups —Divide your class up into four or five groups. If,for example,you have forty students in your class,you can divide your class into four groups of ten. The groups then take it in turns to be the correction group for a writing class. —While the rest of the class gets on with this week’s writing task,the correction group is given last week’s piece of work which the teacher has marked,as described above,but not corrected. This means that three quarters of your class do the new writing task each week. —Each student in the correction group,then,has his or her own paper and two others to look at. The students in the correction group work in twos or threes to correct the important mistakes that the teacher has marked. —For the last part of the lesson,the students from the correction group return the papers to the students who wrote them and explain the corrections that they have made. The teacher goes round the class and helps where there are any disagreements or questions. b)Whole class correction The teacher can make a collection of mistakes from a class’s writing and put them on the board for discussion. Obviously,you choose mistakes that you think it would be useful for the students to think about and correct. Make sure that you give the mistake in enough context,at least a sentence,so that the learners can see where something went wrong. You can correct unimportant mistakes before you write up the examples in order to concentrate attention on what is important. It is also probably best to change any details which might give away which student has written any one mistake. This activity then allows the teacher to use actual student writing for class correction without embarrassing any individual student. Another possibility is to mix in with the mistakes examples of writing which you think are particularly good. In this way,students are being invited first to evaluate what they read rather than just look for mistakes. It also means that the teacher can make positive comments on the class’s writing while giving useful models and encouragement. You can sometimes turn the last activity into a competition. c)Correction competitions —With forty students in the class,the teacher can put ten mistakes on the board,or ten sentences of which seven or eight contain mistakes. —The class is divided into ten groups of four. —The groups work to correct the sentences. —Then the teacher calls out one of the sentences on the board and asks one of the groups to say if something is wrong. —If so,they must say what is wrong,and what a suitable correction would be. For each of these steps,the group gets one point if they are right. —Other groups can challenge their answer and win points for themselves. —Eventually,the mistake is corrected on the board and the class moves on to another item and another group. —Finally,the points are counted to find the winning group. 3)Teacher correction and attempts Let us now turn to the correction of attempts -- where the student is trying to say something,but really doesn’t know how to express that meaning,and when the teacher is not always sure what the learner was trying to say. Sometimes,the teacher can leave these parts alone and concentrate the student’s attention on mistakes in the writing which the student can correct,and which will help the student’s learning because the student is ready to learn that particular point. Remember,correction doesn’t mean making everything absolutely correct; correction means helping people learn to express themselves better. Sometimes,however,the student’s attempts are an important part of what the student is trying to mean,and then the teacher should not ignore them. In these cases,it’s usually too complicated to try to change or underline bits of what the student has written. The teacher can provide a correct way of writing what he or she thinks the student wanted to write,and ask if this is what the student meant. Here,I use a big question mark as a signal: Later he thought and thought until he found the solution -- to share his properties with poor people in his town. All people were appreciated,in a ? few months there were no more poverty in his town. If the teacher is right about what the student wanted to write,this gives the student a clear model of one way of saying it. If the teacher is wrong,it makes clear to the student that a higher level of accuracy is needed if communication is to take place. It also encourages the student to try again to explain to the teacher what he or she did want to write. This explanation can take place at the beginning of the lesson while students try to correct their mistakes and the teacher walks round the class talking to individuals who want special help. Students often like this type of correction,because it concentrates on what they want to say,not on grammatical detail. As with oral correction,we must not let the correction of linguistic detail discourage the students from wanting to express meanings that are important to them. (Adapted from Julian Edge,1990) 如何更有效地进行英语课堂提问 过去英语课堂教学中,教师往往提出答案明了的问题让学生操练。如,教师手拿一张图片,指着图片里书桌上的一本书,问学生:“What’s this?”要求学生回答:“It’s a book.”继而又问:“Where’s the book?”要求回答:“It’s on the desk.”这种操练在初学句型时固然不可缺少。但从交际教学的观点看,这种明知故问、缺乏信息沟通的问答训练只是通过直观的手法,呈现语言的形式和意义,是机械性的、低层次的操练。 课堂提问,作为英语课堂教学中的至关重要的方法,同时还是一种很重要的交际手段。提问对启发和推动学生积极思维,促进加深理解知识,培养良好的思维品质具有十分重要的作用。提问有许多讲究,在课堂教学中,正确把握提问时机,正确运用提问技能显得尤为重要。 一、提问的目的(为什么提问) 英语课离不开提问,许多教学环节都与提问紧密相关,提问贯穿于整个英语课堂教学的始终。在课堂教学的不同时间的提问有不同的功能。 1、讲授新知识前提问:这类提问是为新知识的学习铺路搭桥启发学生运用旧知识去获取新知识,实现知识的正迁移。 2、学习新知识时提问:可以抓住知识的重点和难点,引导学生思考解惑,逐一突破。在指导学生运用、综合、比较、概括等思维方法的同时,教给学生举一反三,融会贯通的学习方法,也就是说,通过提问,提供学生思维的空间。 3、强化新知识时提问:这时的提问,能抓住知识的疑难点。在强化新知识的教学过程中,学生常会碰到这样或那样的疑难问题,这时教师巧设问题可以让学生由疑惑不解,进而积极思考,最后豁然开朗。 4、交际操练时提问:可以引导学生运用己学的语言知识和语言进行交流,达到语言教学的目的。 二、问题的分类(提什么样的问题) 我们的英语教学,从某种程度上说,有时还不能真正达到培养学生的语言交际能力。除了客观环境因素外,我以为很重要的一点是教师课内的提问缺乏交际意识,表现在:1)提问缺乏真实的交际情景(设计的情景也是套用句型);(2)问与答之间缺乏信息沟(更多的是明知故间的问答训练)。在英语课堂教学活动中,充分发挥问答法的优越性,不仅可使课堂教学生动、活泼,激发学生学习积极性,而且还可以把枯燥、机械性的训练变为具有实际语言功能的交际活动。根据实际生活中人们相互间交流的需要,我们一般把课堂内的问题设计成以下几类: 1、记忆问题:问题比较简单、机械,答案可在所学的材料中找到。这类问题的训练一般安排在语言实践活动的初级阶段。 2、理解性问题:学生在理解了语言材料的基础上,用自己的话加以叙述,答案一般在所学材料中有线索可寻。 3、启疑式问题:教师提这类问题目的在于设疑启思,但设疑不可难,启思只暗示。如果问题要求直接提出是否的答话,就不属于启疑式问题。 4、创造性问题:要求学生对所学材料进行全面、综合的分析,作出自己的结论。 5、评价性问题:要求学生运用自己的判断力对文中人物、事件或观点发表自己的看法。 前两类问题比较简单,学生也容易回答,后三类问题需要学生开动脑筋,用学过的语言来表达自己的观点,而且更重要的是要和交流者之间进行真正的交流。正如Hanner(1998)在《The Practice of English Language Teaching》-《英语语言教学实践》一书中对交际本质之一阐述的那样“说话者想说,听话者想听,两者之间就有了交际的目的。” 三、提问的技巧(怎样提问) 1、掌握难度:教师在提问时,要掌握问题的难度,过难的问题学生不能回答,过易的问题又不值得回答。在考虑大部分学生能力接受的基础上,适当照顾两头,使个体发展得到满足。 2、切中要害:提问的目的是为了让学生操练英语,但教师的问题须切中要害,问题要具体。明晰。表达清楚,学生一听就懂。问题还要落到实处,能使学生操练到语言技能或运用己学的语言材料。 3、激发兴趣:教师的提问最好从学生感兴趣的事物入手。除了直观性兴趣之外,还可以给学生以暗示或疑点,抓住有助于学生开拓思维的问题进行提问,启发思考也能激发学生的学习兴趣。 总之,教师的问题要以问制答,问答不能太大,要逐级而进,要顺着学生的思维走势,要使学生收益。 适时、恰当的课堂提问就是为了充分调动学生学习英语的积极性、李动性和创造性,使学生有较强的口头交际欲望,给他们提供运用语言的机会。英语课堂教学的最终目标就是使学生获得交际技能,促进学生在课堂内外真正的口语交际。
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