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2017-06-09 2页 doc 6KB 22阅读




孟买恐怖袭击:一周年纪念孟买恐怖袭击:一周年纪念   Ceremonies are being held in Mumbai to mark the first anniversary of a series of devastating attacks on the Indian city by militants.   孟买举行各种仪式,标示去年由好战者策划的破坏性袭击事件。   A police parade, the inauguration(开幕仪式) of a memorial, and a candle-lit prayer servi...
孟买恐怖袭击:一周年纪念   Ceremonies are being held in Mumbai to mark the first anniversary of a series of devastating attacks on the Indian city by militants.   孟买举行各种仪式,标示去年由好战者的破坏性袭击事件。   A police parade, the inauguration(开幕仪式) of a memorial, and a candle-lit prayer service are among the events.   The attacks, which began on 26 November 2008 and lasted nearly three days, left 174 people dead, including nine gunmen.   The only surviving attacker, Pakistani Muhammed Ajmal Qasab, is currently facing trial in India.   On Wednesday, a court in Pakistan charged seven people in connection with the attacks, including alleged mastermind(操纵,策划) Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi - head of the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba.   The Mumbai gunmen staged co-ordinated attacks at a number of sites, including the CST railway station, two luxury hotels and the Nariman House Jewish community centre.   'Points of light'   On Thursday, Mumbai's policemen and commandos(突击队,民兵) marched in a parade and displayed the force's newly acquired equipment, including amphibious(两栖的) patrol boats and "rapid intervention" vehicles, says the BBC's Prachi Pinglay in the city.   The equipment has been purchased under a $26m modernisation plan to strengthen resources.   The security forces were criticised over their handling of the attacks, and have been using the anniversary to demonstrate their improvements - including the launch of an anti-terrorism commando unit.   Local people have also been lighting candles in front of the Oberoi-Trident hotel, which was targeted during the attack, our correspondent says.   Ceremonies marking the anniversary began on Wednesday, with groups around the city holding vigils(值夜,警戒).   In southern Mumbai, diplomats and local faith leaders attended a service at a synagogue(犹太会堂), where candles were lit for the victims.   Six people were killed in the attack on the Jewish Chabad Lubavitch community centre, including its rabbi(法师,先生), Gavriel Holtzberg, and his pregnant wife, Rivki.   Rabbi Avraham Berkowitz, head of a relief fund for the victims at the centre, spoke of the community's resolve.   "We will turn the horrific memories of a year ago into thousands of points of light and we will continue with faith in God that He will protect us," he said.   Dozens of people painted slogans(口号,标语) on a wall in southern Mumbai, where the attacks were concentrated.   One read "We want to make sure 26-11 is not just forgotten."   On Wednesday, a small group of people who were gathered for a vigil outside the Taj Mahal Hotel - one of the attackers' targets - called for more police reform.   On Thursday, a candle-lit prayer service is planned at the Gateway of India monument, near the hotel.   Services are also being held at other sites of attacks, including CST and Nariman House.   The attacks led India to suspend peace talks with Pakistan. In July Indian PM Manmohan Singh said talks would not restart until the Mumbai attacks suspects were brought to justice.   Following Pakistan's announcement on Wednesday of charges, he said he welcomed "every step" by Pakistan to rein in(严加管束) the attackers.                
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