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6种癌症早期信号李叔的牙龈不刷牙时也常出血,本来他不当一回事,可子女催他去医院看看。在口腔科遇到一位经验丰富的医生,该医生问到李叔有慢性肝炎病史时,怀疑其牙龈出血可能是肝癌的早期表现,让其查肝癌的肿瘤标记物———甲胎蛋白,结果偏高,进一步诊断,确诊是肝癌,幸好是早期。专家称,牙龈出血排除口腔的问题,常常可能是肝癌或血癌的信号。   癌症虽然无声无息在身体里生长,但往往也会露出各种蛛丝马迹,多留心,多掌握相关知识,不放过小症状,癌症就可能早发现。   专家称,70%~80%的新发现癌症患者都是在身体出现各种症状后到其他科室就诊时才发现的。看来...
李叔的牙龈不刷牙时也常出血,本来他不当一回事,可子女催他去医院看看。在口腔科遇到一位经验丰富的医生,该医生问到李叔有慢性肝炎病史时,怀疑其牙龈出血可能是肝癌的早期现,让其查肝癌的肿瘤标记物———甲胎蛋白,结果偏高,进一步诊断,确诊是肝癌,幸好是早期。专家称,牙龈出血排除口腔的问,常常可能是肝癌或血癌的信号。   癌症虽然无声无息在身体里生长,但往往也会露出各种蛛丝马迹,多留心,多掌握相关知识,不放过小症状,癌症就可能早发现。   专家称,70%~80%的新发现癌症患者都是在身体出现各种症状后到其他科室就诊时才发现的。看来,除了定期体检和必要的防癌检查外,对于身体发出的癌症信号我们也不能忽视。   ■新快报记者 陈艳 通讯员 林洁茹 许咏怡   肺癌———干咳、咳血   广州医学院第二附属医院肿瘤科主任曾波航称,肺癌患者大多在呼吸科被发现,因为其早期症状往往表现为干咳、咳血等。   不明原因的长时间的刺激性干咳或气促。这除了慢性支气管炎症、肺气肿等外,就可能是肺癌的表现。   突发性痰中带血或少许鲜血丝、咳血。年纪大的人出现这种情况要警惕肺癌,年轻人则可能是肺结核等病引起。   弥漫不固定的胸疼,或背痛、肩痛、上腹痛等;固定部位反复发生肺炎。应及时去医院检查。    预防对策:戒烟,主动吸烟者患肺癌的危险性为不吸烟者的20-30倍,被动吸烟者可增加患肺癌危险性的30%-50%;改善家庭厨房油烟环境也是很重要的预防措施。   肝癌———肝区疼痛   李爷爷长期右肋下疼痛,一直认为是胃痛,就到药店买点胃药对付,后来疼痛加剧,他不得不到医院就诊,发现已经是肝癌晚期。   曾波航称,肝癌与其他癌症不同,几乎90%的肝癌都是由乙型或丙型肝炎病毒感染后引起。因此,乙肝、丙肝患者注意积极预防肝癌,长期监控。   肝癌的首发信号是食欲不振、消化不良,继而恶心呕吐、腹部胀饱,约有1/3的患者自己在其右胁可摸到肿块,多数自述肝区疼痛,这是肝癌的第一个信号。   由于消化能力降低,营养缺乏,很快会出现贫血、消瘦等症状。因癌细胞侵蚀肝内胆管,约1/3的患者可发生黄疸,脸上皮肤、眼睛等发黄。因门静脉压增高,可出现腹壁静脉曲张,继而出现腹水、发热等,这些信号说明肝癌已是中晚期了。   预防对策:对35岁以上乙肝表面抗原阳性,患慢性肝炎者,每半年或一年做一次肝脏的防癌检查,包括甲胎蛋白和肝脏B超,是早期发现肝癌的最有效。   胃癌———胃痛黑便   刘海鹰称,多数胃癌患者发病初期都有胃痛症状,开始仅仅感到上腹部不适或有膨胀沉重感,有时心窝部隐隐作痛,常被误认为是胃炎或溃疡病来治疗,开始时服用一般胃药有可能缓解;随后,这些药物也不能缓解了。其次是食欲不振、消瘦、乏力,这常是胃癌的首发症状。这也是一组常见而又缺乏特异性的胃癌早期信号。第三是经常有恶心和呕吐的现象出现;无胃病史的人一旦出现黑便应立即引起警惕,小量胃内出血的表现是大便潜血阳性,出血量多时可出现呕血和黑便。缺铁性贫血的患者也可能是患有消化道癌症,因为消化道癌症常常会有慢性出血,长期的出血常导致缺铁性的贫血。   预防对策:相当一部分早期胃癌病人的主要症状就是消化不良、烧心及上腹不适,与消化性溃疡极易混淆。抗消化性溃疡药物能掩盖早期胃癌,甚至给胃镜诊断造成困扰,因此,在应用抗消化性溃疡药物之前应注意排除早期胃癌。   肠癌———大便异常   张先生大便出血一年了,一直认为是痔疮,隔三差五的用点痔疮栓对付。最近,大便出血越来越厉害,还老觉得大便拉不干净,检查时,发现是直肠癌晚期。   广州医学院附属肿瘤医院胃肠外科主任刘海鹰称,肠癌的早期信号最主要的就是大便异常:一是大便习惯改变,譬如每天早上准时大便,突然改了时间;二是大便次数改变,一天一次变成一天几次或出现便秘、腹泻交替;三是大便性状改变,出现粘液便、血便、黑色大便或大便变细。其中任何一项改变都可能是肠癌早期症状。   预防对策:从正常肠粘膜发展到腺瘤性息肉(特别是绒毛状腺瘤,癌变几率达到25%-85%)再到肿瘤,一般需要5-10年的漫长历程。其间,在没有症状的前提下,40岁开始做肠镜检查,能起到早发现肠癌的作用。在普查中如发现长了息肉,切除后要定期复查。   乳腺癌———乳房肿块   曾波航称,与其他癌症不同,乳腺癌患者自己主动求诊的多,一方面是因为宣传较多,患者比较了解,另一方面是因为乳腺比较容易摸到包块。   早期症状:乳腺乳头溢液,溢液呈血性,若出现浆液血性时,应特别注意;乳头糜烂、乳头不对称;乳房肿块,肿块较硬,可活动,一般无明显疼痛,少数有阵发性隐痛、钝痛、刺痛感;乳头近中央伴有乳头回缩,乳房皮肤有轻度凹陷;腺体局限性增厚、局部皮肤轻度水肿等。部分早期乳腺癌患者虽在乳房部尚未触摸到明显肿块,但常有局部不适感,特别是绝经后的女性,有时会感到一侧乳房轻度疼痛,或一侧肩背部发沉,有酸胀不适感,甚至牵及该侧上臂。    预防对策:做乳房自我检查的周期最好为一个月,并定期做B超或钼靶检查。    鼻咽癌———鼻涕带血   孙姨最近总感到耳鸣,早上起床回吸鼻涕吐出,发现带有血丝,她忙到耳鼻喉科就诊,检查后被确诊为鼻咽癌二期。专家称,这算是比较早的癌症,一般鼻咽癌一期、二期的五年生存率达到90%以上,如到中晚期五年生存率连一半都不到。   广州医学院附属肿瘤医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科主任医师郑珺称,鼻咽癌的早期症状最常见的就是:鼻涕带血。主要表现为鼻涕中带有少量的血丝,特别是晨起鼻涕带血。   鼻咽癌的第二个信号,就是鼻塞。与感冒时鼻塞截然不同,多为一侧肿物压迫,鼻塞一天比一天严重。肿物还压迫邻近的耳咽管,出现耳鸣,或耳闷、听力障碍,这是第三个信号。癌肿向深处侵犯颅底,会出现头痛,特别是一侧性偏头痛;向下移到颈部会在耳后、耳朵下部长有无痛包块,这是癌症转移的信号。   预防对策:80%以上的鼻咽癌病人的血清中含有EB病毒抗体,因此血液检查可以作为鼻咽癌诊断的一种方法;广东地区为鼻咽癌的高发区,如果家族中有人发病,后代要特别注意。 Often bleeding gums when brushing your teeth, not Li Shu, was he wrong,may have a look. He went to the hospital for children. Have an experienced doctor in the Department of Stomatology, the doctor asked Li Shuyouhistory of chronic hepatitis, doubt the bleeding gums may be an early manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma, -- - fetoprotein, higher results,further diagnostic tumor markers to check liver cancer, diagnosis is cancer,fortunately, is the early. Experts say, www.wxjy568.com gingival bleeding excluded oralproblems, often may be a sign of liver cancer or leukemia. Although the soundless and stirless cancer growth in the body, but oftenalso can show various traces, more carefully, more knowledge, do not letminor symptoms, cancer may soon discovered. www.hp-cts.com Experts say, 70%~80%'s new found that cancer patients are found various symptoms appear in the body to the other department visits. It seems, in addition to the regular physical examination and necessary for cancercancer screening, the body's signal we cannot ignore. www.gutewang.com ■ new express reporter Chen Yan correspondent Lin Jieru Xu Yongyi Lung cancer --, dry cough, hemoptysis Director of oncology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College Zeng said, most patients with lung cancer was found in the Department of respiration, because the early symptoms are oftenmanifested as dry cough, hemoptysis. Long time unexplained irritating cough or shortness of breath. This in addition to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, etc., may be the performance of lung cancer. Sudden blood in the sputum or a little blood, hemoptysis. Older people whohappen to be alert to lung cancer, young people may be caused by tuberculosis and other diseases. Diffuse irregular chest pain, or pain, shoulder pain, upper abdominal pain;fixed location recurring pneumonia. Should go to a hospital in time checking. Preventive measures: to give up smoking, the risk of active smokers canceris 20-30 times that of non-smokers, passive smokers can increase the riskof lung www.nhstm.net cancer 30%-50%; improve the family kitchen environment is also very important preventive measures. Hepatocellular carcinoma -- liver pain Grandpa Li Long under right rib pain, always think that is the stomach, and went to the drugstore to buy medicine for stomach pain, later, he had to go to hospital for treatment, has been found in advanced liver cancer. Zeng said, liver cancer and other cancers, almost 90% of liver cancer are caused by hepatitis B or C virus infection. Therefore, hepatitis B, hepatitis C patients pay attention to preventing HCC, long-term monitoring. The first sign of liver cancer is loss of appetite, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension and full, about 1/3 of patients can feel bump on the right side, the majority of self-reported liver area pain, this is the firstsign of liver cancer. Due to reduced ability to digest, lack of nutrition, will soon have anemia,weight loss and other symptoms. Because of the erosion of intrahepatic bile duct cancer cells, about 1/3 of the patients with jaundice, the skin on the face, eyes are yellow. Because of portal vein pressure, can appearabdominal varicose veins, and ascites, fever and so on, these signals thathave been in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. www.maka-jn.com Preventive measures: positive for more than 35 years of hepatitis B surface antigen, chronic hepatitis, do a liver cancer screening every six months or a year, including alpha fetoprotein and liver B-mode ultrasonography is the most effective method, early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastric cancer -- stomach pain melena Liu Haiying said, the majority of patients with early gastric cancer have astomachache, only feel abdominal discomfort or expansion of heaviness,sometimes heart nest ministry is aching, is often mistaken for gastritis orulcer disease to treat, began to take the general stomach medicine are likely to ease; subsequently, these drugs also can't ease. The second is the loss of www.makjn.comappetite, weight loss, fatigue, which is often the first symptom of gastric cancer. This is a group of common and the lack of early gastric cancer signal specificity. Third is often have nausea and vomitingphenomenon; no history of stomach diseases who once appear blackimmediately aroused the vigilance, a small amount of gastric bleedingmanifestations are positive fecal occult blood, bleeding volume for a long time can appear haematemesis and melaena. Also may be suffering from digestive tract cancer patients with iron deficiency anemia, because thedigestive tract cancers often have chronic bleeding, prolonged bleedingoften lead to iron deficiency anemia. Preventive measures: the main symptoms of a considerable part of early gastric cancer patient is indigestion, heartburn and epigastric discomfort,and peptic ulcer easily confused. Anti peptic ulcer drugs can cover theearly gastric cancer, endoscopic diagnosis even to cause trouble,therefore, before the application of anti peptic ulcer drugs should pay attention to rule out early gastric cancer. www.vdesignco.com Cancer -- abnormal stool Mr. Zhang stool bleeding for a year, always think that is haemorrhoid,regularly deal with point suppository for hemorrhoids. Recently, bowel bleeding more and more severe, old feel that shit is not clean, inspection,found to be advanced rectal cancer. Gastrointestinal surgery Tumour Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou Medical College director Liu Haiying said, early colorectal cancer by the main signalis abnormal stool: one is the change in bowel habits, such as every morning on time defecate, the sudden change of time; two is the stool frequency change, once a day to several times a day, alternating diarrheaor constipation; three is the change of character of stool, appear mucous stool, stool, or black stool stool thinning. Any one of these changes may beearly symptoms of cancer. Preventive measures: from normal mucosa to adenomatous polyps(especially a villous adenoma canceration rate, 25%-85%) to the tumor,generally require 5-10 years of long history. In the meantime, withoutsymptoms of -- breast masses of breast cancer Zeng said, unlike other cancers, breast cancer patients on their own initiative, partly because more publicity, compared with patients withunderstanding, on the other hand, because the breast more easilypalpable mass. Early symptoms: nipple discharge, discharge is bloody, if www.jich.netappearserosanguineous, special attention should be paid to the nipple; nipple erosion, asymmetric; breast mass, mass is hard, movable, generally nopain, there are a few paroxysmal pain, dull pain, tingling; papillary nearCentral with nipple retraction, breast skin with mild depression; localized thickening, local mild edema skin glands. Some patients with early breast cancer is in the breast has not yet touch the obvious mass, but often localdiscomfort, especially postmenopausal women, sometimes feel side breastmild pain, or one side shoulder heavy, acid bilges unwell feeling, and even led and the lateral upper arm. Preventive measures: do periodic breast self examination is best for one month, and regularly do B ultrasound or mammography. www.maka7.com Nasopharyngeal carcinoma -- a bloody nose Sun aunt recently always feel tinnitus, get up in the morning to sniffle spit,found with bloodshot eyes, she hurried to the Department of ENTexamination, was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma two. Experts say, this is a relatively early stage cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma,general two five year survival rate reached more than 90%, as of late five years survival rate of less than half. Tumour Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou Medical College otolaryngology head and neck surgery chief physician Zheng Jun said, is the most common early symptoms of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a bloody nose.Mainly for the nose with a small amount of blood, especially since morning nose with blood. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma second signal, is blocked. And when the coldstuffy nose is different, for the side of tumor repression, stuffy nose serious every www.jintongkaxiu.comday. Tumor oppressed the adjacent eustachian tube, tinnitus, aural fullness, or hearing impairment, this is the third signal. To the depths oftumor invasion of skull base, there will be a headache, especially the side of migraine; downward shifts to the neck on the ears, ears minister a painless mass, which is the signal of cancer metastasis. Preventive measures: containing EB virus antibodies in sera of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma by more than 80%, so the blood tests can be used as a method for diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma;Guangdong area for nasopharyngeal carcinoma incidence area, if someone in the family offspring morbidity, special attention should be paid to.
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