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How to write Memo

2009-12-09 5页 doc 49KB 31阅读




How to write Memo1. How to write Memo 备忘录是在外交实践中指国家间或外交代表机关之间使用的外交文书,实际上是一种口头通知或谈话记录。用于说明某一问题在事实上或法律方面的细节,或明确外交会谈中的谈话内容;陈述、补充自己的观点、或反驳对方的观点。交涉中为使对方便于记忆谈话内容或避免误解,既可将谈话内容预先准备妥当,谈后面交对方,也可在事后送交。可作为照会的附件,也可单独使用。其郑重性仅次于照会。 备忘录用第三人称写成起首和结尾,不用致敬语,开头就叙述事实。面交的备忘录无抬头和落款,也无编号(送交的有),但有发文日期、地点。...
How to write Memo
1. How to write Memo 备忘录是在外交实践中指国家间或外交代机关之间使用的外交文书,实际上是一种口头通知或谈话记录。用于说明某一问题在事实上或法律方面的细节,或明确外交会谈中的谈话内容;陈述、补充自己的观点、或反驳对方的观点。交涉中为使对方便于记忆谈话内容或避免误解,既可将谈话内容预先准备妥当,谈后面交对方,也可在事后送交。可作为照会的附件,也可单独使用。其郑重性仅次于照会。 备忘录用第三人称写成起首和结尾,不用致敬语,开头就叙述事实。面交的备忘录无抬头和落款,也无编号(送交的有),但有发文日期、地点。说帖、非文件、工作文件,也属于备忘录。 写法 备忘录 一、概述 备忘录是一种录以备忘的公文。在公文函件中,它的等级是比较低的,主要用来提醒、督促对方,或就某个问题提出自己的意见或看法。在业务上,它一般用来补充正式文件的不足。它的内容可以分为以下几项: 书端(Heading); 收文人的姓名、头衔、地址(Addressee’s Name, Title, Address); 称呼(Salutation); 事因(Subject); 正文(Body) ; 结束语(Complimentary Close); 署名(Signature)。 二、注意事项 书端部分包括发文机关的名称、地址、发文日期,有的还包括电报挂号、电传号、电话号码等。许多机关有自己特制的信笺,在写书端时,其格式和标点符号的使用与一般信件的相同。收文人(或收文单位)的姓名、头衔、地址一项写在左上角编号处的下面,其格式与书信的写法相同。 称呼从左边顶格写起,对一般机关、团体的负责人一般用 Dear Sir, 对政府官员可用 Sir。 “事因”一项目前采用得较少。它可放在称呼语之前,也可放在其后,前面可加 Re或Docket, Subject。如果此项写在称呼语之前,多从左边的顶格写起;若放在称呼语之后,一般写在信笺正中。它多采用不完整的句子,只需很少几个词,甚至一个词,目的在于使收文人对文中的主要内容一目了然,便于及时处理。 正文、结束语和署名等项与一般信件的格式相同。 三、举例 例1 Directions: Write a memorandum of about 100 words to the student service department and ask them to fix a telephone for each dormitory. MEMO August 16,2004 To: The leader of student service department From: Li Ming Subject: Telephone Dear Sir, I would like to remind you that we are in want of a telephone for each dormitory. As a university student, we need to cope with the daily increasing communications with teachers, friends and people outside the campus. We need a telephone to get and send message, which is important for us. Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address, a telephone in the dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication. I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible. Regards. Yours, Li Ming 例2 Directions: You are supposed to write a Memorandom of about 100 words to the leader of the supply section to borrow one more microscope for your biological experiment. It should include: 1) Why you need the microscope. 2) When you need it. MEMO August 12,2004 To: Mr. Gates, leader of the supply section From: Li Ming of the biological laboratory Subject: Microscope Dear Sir, I’m a student of biology department and we are badly in need of an extra microscope in order to improve our experimental work. Our experiment will start on Friday, so please issue a microscope to us as soon as possible so that we can prepare better for the experiment. With kind regards. Yours sincerely, Li Ming *这是一封备忘录,在写备忘录的时侯,一定要注意它的格式,尤其要在开头写清楚是谁写给谁来备忘的,用From: To:两个单词即可。文中的“badly”是“非常的,迫切的”意思。短语“in order to”同下句的“so that”意思是一样的即:为了,目的是。不同的是前者后接动词原型而后者常跟目的状语从句 ,类似的短语还有“in order that”,用法与“so that”相同。 例3 Directions: If you are the teacher of the students’ Counseloris office: P: steelpes, and you have received a letter for requesting for paid education leave from a student. Write him a memo to reply him including details: 1) The result of his requirement. 2) The reason for rejecting. 3)some suggestions You should write about 100 words. To: Records Section From: P/ Steeples, Career Planning Subject: Request for Paid Education Leave Date: May 22, 2004 In response to your request for one year of paid education leave to take a degree in English literature, I have to inform you that we cannot authorize this leave. While we appreciate your desire to improve your knowledge, we feel that English literature is not directly related to your present position and to the goals of this organization. I am aware of your great interest in literature, and I would like to point out that you could gain advantage to apply for leave without pay. If you need another information on the above, do not hesitate to keep touch with me at any time. P. Steels * 首先要注意本篇备忘录的格式很标准。然后注意这个备忘录的个别词的用法,譬如:be aware of 注意到、当心的意思,point out 指出,request for 要求,in response to 反馈。 例4 Directions: You are a supervisor of a big company. The chief of operations wants to adopt the“punch-in”system to increase productivity. Write a memo to talk about this: 1) Does the “punch-in”system benefit the company? 2) If the company doesn’t adopt it, what else can we do to increase productivity. You should write about 100 words. To. David Green, Chief of Operations From: Tony. Party , Supervisor Subject: Comments on the “Punch-in” System Date: March. 22, 2004 This is further to your memo dated March. 20, 2004, in which you proposed that employees adopt the “punch-in” system. I fully agree with you that we must increase productivity. As far as your proposal that if the “punch-in” system is adopted, we would have a tighter control over the employees is concerned. However, I don’t think so. I personally think that, to accomplish this, we should give the employees more incentives to work faster. I feel that if we ( the supervisors) could meet with you , we could discuss different possibilities to create such inventiveness. Your consideration of this suggestion would be appreciated. Tony Party * 此篇是对一篇备忘录的回复。生产主管认为实行打孔考勤(“punch-in”system),有利于增加生产效率。但督察却不这样认为。他认为“should give the employees more incentives to work faster”。 例5 Directions: You are a manager of administration office naming Vera. M. Bradford. The board of directors have decided to anew the Fitness Center. Write a memo to tell all the employees that: 1) How long will this project be last for? 2) Welcome the employees to provide suggestions. You should write about 100 words. To: Every Employees From: Brian Aponte Date: November 18, 2004 Subject: Fitness Center The board of directors approved the idea for anew Fitness Center at its meeting yesterday. Work on the Fitness Center will begin right now and should be completed within 90 days. An employee representative from each division will be appointed to determine the type of equipment and programs that will be made available. We are happy to be able to provide a facility that will contribute to the physical fitness of all our employees. Your representative on the task force will contact you soon for your suggestions about activities and equipment. 二 Translate the letter into Chinese: Dear Mary, My visit to Guangzhou was a memorable occasion, made all the more so by your thoughtful hospitality. Your certainly know how to make a guest feel at home. Your delicious meals were a treat and your flexibility in adapting to my irregular schedule made many things possible. I hope your travels will soon bring you our way, plan on staying with us, and we will look forward to more hours of stimulating discussion and just plain fun. Sincerely yours, ××× 2. Letter of Invitation Letter 1 发信人: 张玲 内容: 1. 邀请Jane暑假期间到北京来玩 2.陪同她游览长城,故宫,颐和园等 3.请回信告知是否能来 Letter 2 回信: 内容: 1. 感谢并接受张玲的邀请 2决定7月初来北京 回信日期: 2009年11月26日星期四 Letter 1 Dear Jane, How are you getting along? The summer vacation is approaching. I’d like you to Beijing during the summer vacation. I will accompany you to visit many scenic spots in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace and so on. I wonder if you are interested in my plan. Please let me know whether you will come or not. I look forward to your early reply. Your truly Zhang ling Letter 2 Dear Zhang Ling, Thank you for your kind invitation. I’m willing to spend my summer vacation with you in Beijing. I have decided to go to Beijing in the early July. I can’t wait for that moment. Thanks a lot and best wishes for you. Your faithfully Jane 3. Application Letter 1. Application for Admittance /Scholarship 应写明下列几点: 1. 申请学校和所学专业 2. 提供申请人的个人资历 3. 索取申请学校相关的申请表等 Dear Sir , I am pleased to learn that my application for admission to graduate study at your University has been approved. From your recent information, I realize that I need to submit a Certified Sources of Support Form before an 1-20 form can be issued. My problem now is that my financial resources are still somewhat short of the amount required. Under this condition, I hope to obtain some additional financial assistance. Would you kindly advise me if there is such possibility? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Wang Hong 二 Translate the letter into Chinese: Dear Mary, My visit to Guangzhou was a memorable occasion, made all the more so by your thoughtful hospitality. Your certainly know how to make a guest feel at home. Your delicious meals were a treat and your flexibility in adapting to my irregular schedule made many things possible. I hope your travels will soon bring you our way, plan on staying with us, and we will look forward to more hours of stimulating discussion and just plain fun. Sincerely yours, ××× 4. The Telephone in Business Dialogue 1 Liu Ying received a call from an English caller. L: Beijing Trading Corporation, Miss Liu speaking. C: Good afternoon. My name is Carter and I work for Standard Cars Ltd. of Shanghai. I’d like to speak to Mr. Ma, please. L: I’m afraid Mr. Ma is not here at the moment. Can I help you, or would you like to speak to someone else in the Export Department. C: Could I make an appointment? L: I’ll just check Mr. Ma’s diary, and see if I can arrange an appointment for you. Just a moment, I won’t be long. Yes, Mr. Ma doesn’t seem to be busy on Tuesday morning, Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. C: Could I make an appointment at Wednesday afternoon, please? L: Would 2:30 be convenient ? C: Yes, that’ll be fine. L: I’ll make a note of that. Would you like me to confirm the appointment ? C: Yes, please. You can contact me any day at Shanghai, 021-43701786. L: Fine. I’ll do that. C: Thank you very much. Good-bye! 2. Making a dialogue about being a secretary 应聘秘书职务   A:What sort of responsibilities does this secretary\'s job involve? Q:This job is handling routine tasks, such as typing letters and documents, receiving visitors, answering phone calls and so on. A:I think I'll get familiar in no time. Q:Moreover, how is your English ability? Do you think you could handle telephone calls in English? A:I think I can. My English scores were always on the top three of my class of 40 at school. A:I am afraid you can't file in English. A:But I\'d be glad to learn, sir. Q:I see in your application that you've several years' experience in secretarial work. What kind of work were you doing at your previous employer's company? A:I was in charge of the office in a general way. I supervised three other girls and also took care of the company's correspondence. Q:Did you take shorthand and do all the typing? A:I typed all the letters that went out of the office. I was the only one there who could take shorthand. Q:How is your shorthand? A:I can take dictation at ordinary speed. Q: What course have you taken in English Secretarial Studies? A:I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office administration, business English, public relations, etiquette study, psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography, and file-keeping. Q:Can you operate any office machines? A:I can type 60 words per minute, and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute. A:I can operate a facsimile machine and a Photostat. Q:Where have you learned how to operate these machines? A:I learned how to operate them at ABC Company. I worked there for nearly two years. PS:以上内容中,“A:”代表应征者,“Q:”代表主考官。
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