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2010高考英语完型填空吴军精品学案To: 张译心 2009年 月 日 VIP学员补课专用 高考英语完型填空精品学案一 铁西区Peter精品高分英语家教:024-31688948 主编人:吴军 根据上下文语境来确定最佳选项 完形填空试题在选项的设置上越来越淡化语法结构,重在文意的干扰,即把具体的语言知识溶进具体的语言情景中去,考查我们通过上下文的前后提示或暗示,对整体文意进行把握的能力。这种考查方式所占的比例较大,且难度也大,若单纯从句子或个别段落来分析,或许所给的四个答案在语法和结构上都是正确的,若放在全局,则不一定正确。因此,快速浏览全文,领悟...
To: 张译心 2009年 月 日 VIP学员补课专用 高考英语完型填空精品学案一 铁西区Peter精品高分英语家教:024-31688948 主编人:吴军 根据上下文语境来确定最佳选项 完形填空试题在选项的设置上越来越淡化语法结构,重在文意的干扰,即把具体的语言知识溶进具体的语言情景中去,考查我们通过上下文的前后提示或暗示,对整体文意进行把握的能力。这种考查方式所占的比例较大,且难度也大,若单纯从句子或个别段落来分析,或许所给的四个答案在语法和结构上都是正确的,若放在全局,则不一定正确。因此,快速浏览全文,领悟文章主旨,通过上下文的语境来选择答案是解决这类题的关键。 Bob had just made a “motherhood contract()”—declaring that for 70 days this summer he would 37 the care of their four children and all the housework. Although he didn’t even know how to make coffee when he signed, he was very confident…. After 40 of the 70 days, he was ready to give up. “ I was beaten down, “ admits Bob. “Not only is motherhood a 40 task, it is an impossible job for any normal human being.”…. 37. A. stick to B. set about C. think about D. take over 40. A. strange B. pleasant C. difficult D. serious 根据词汇的意义及用法辨析词义从而确定答案 要做好这种题目,必须尽量将词语辨析与情节推理和逻辑推理结合起来,从词汇意义入手,抓住情节线索解决问题。 When the papers were , she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test. A. examined B. completed C. marked D. answered 由于许多词汇在上下文中以不同形式反复出现,请注意以下几点:   (1) 同一词上下文复现:很多正确选项常是上文或下文中出现的词。   (2) 同义词复现:and连接两同义的词或句子。happy and gay; unhappy and disappointed.   (3) 反义词复现: but 连接两个含义相对的词:small but neat; expensive but tasty; gave them reason to reflect on their past and plan for their future. (4) 词汇链即不同词类的联想:如:believe和belief;think和thought;repairman 和fix one's car.   (5) 词义深层内涵的区别:如:“普通的”在英语中有多词可用,但含义不同。common: 强调事情发生的频率,非罕见的,如common sense; ordinary: 强调事物的等级、一般和日常、平凡之含义,如:ordinary people ;usual:强调习惯;general:强调大多数,较少例外;normal:含义为标准的,常态的。 复现是完型文章中词汇的另一种衔接手段,即表达相同意思的词汇在文章的不同地方出现。复现可以是相同的词重复出现,也可以是用不同的词表达相同的意思。复现的解题意义在于:如果判断出一个未知填空与上下文的那些已知词汇有复现关系,只要从选项中选出与那些词汇意义相同的就是正确答案。看清上下文,找准定位词充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。这些词有时可能是同义词或反义词。 利用语法分析解题 完形填空题中也有考查语法知识的题目。对于他们,不仅要理解上下文的逻辑关系,更要有针对性地对语法结构、句式特点,对短文中所设空格中需填的词在句子里作什么成分,哪类词合适,应采取什么形式等等进行必要的分析思考,从而迅速解决问题。比如,选用动词就要考虑各种时态、语态、语气、谓语形式、非谓语形式、及物、不及物、持续性质、非持续性质、主谓搭配以及其如何与其它词类配合使用等一系列问题。熟练地掌握基础语法知识并运用其进行分析解答完形填空题是一种非常有效的解题方法。 I was leaving 49 several girls camp up to me. A. while B. when C. as D. since 利用语篇标志解题 语篇一般指比单个句子长的语言单位,如句群,段落、篇章等。语篇与语篇之间往往有表明其内在联系的词语,这些词语可称为语篇标志。如:表示结构层次的语篇标志语有:firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally等。表示逻辑关系的有:thus, therefore,so等;表示改变话题的有:by the way等 ;表示递进关系的有besides, what is more, further等; 表示时间关系的有 before, so far, yet, meantime, meanwhile, now, later等等。在做完形填空题时,如果能充分利用这些语篇标志语,就可以迅速理清文章的脉络,弄清上下文的关系。 The incomes of skilled workers went up. _____, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise 利用排除法解题 有时我们会遇上这样的情况:对某个题目的正确选项的含义、用法不甚明了、但发现其它选项却有显而易见的谬误,这时候我们可以试试排除法:将干扰项逐项检查验证,凡发现有错误的选项,立即剔除出选择范围。随着选择范围的缩小,选项的准确率就会不断提高。经过这样分析推敲弃误留正,便会水落石出,找出正确答案。排除法如果运用得好,可以收到事半功倍的效果。 Waiting above the crowded streets, on top of a building 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. This daring Frenchman was about to 31 a tightrope (绷索) between the two towers of the World Trade Center. A. throw B. walk C. climb D. fix 复习上次课内容: 在两句之间不能对答案做出选择,或四个选项都有可能正确。一定不能盲目做出决定。应该继续读下去,寻找信息词,做出相应的选择。或在文章中寻找直接与答案相同的词汇或短语。一些看上去明显和文章主题和中心主线毫无关系的选项基本上可以排除在正确答案之外。完型文章由于常常有明确的中心主线,所以往往会使用一些重点词汇围绕着中心主线贯穿全文。同现实际上就是一组具有相同倾向性的词语,这些词语所表现的倾向性往往与中心主线中的导向一致,或者说这些同现词语的任务就是对文章的导向进行展开支持。 关联的解题意义在于:出题人一般会将一个关联词语设置成已知,另一个是未知的,这样那个已知的词语便成为破解未知词语的关键线索。完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法的题目逐年增多,是完形填空题的主流。要做好这类题,首先要有较大的词汇及在语句中准确理解词义的能力,做题时应结合上下文的意思线索,确定用词的意义。 I was sleeping for over a week after a traffic accident. The only sounds that could be heard were coming from the machines that were 36 me alive. All my family members were 37 ways to wake me up from my silence. Greg, my brother – in – law, 38 to take some of my songs I had recently recorded to a local radio station, 39 he explained about my illness. He told them he was 40 I could hear what was going on around me and that he knew having my own songs 41 on the radio had been a huge dream of mine. This would definitely 42 me and do more than any medicine or machine could. 36.A.keeping B.remaining C.protecting D.saving 37.A.sending for B.making for C.searching for D.calling for (代入) 38.A.hesitated B.refused C.settled D.decided 39.A.which B.that C.where D.when 40.A.sure B.absolute C.doubtful D.determined 41.A.performed B.played C.done D.acted 42.A.approach B.fetch C.spread D.reach The radio station agreed to help and gave him a specific date and time 43 he could have a radio “ 44 ” at my hospital bed. Greg’s decision had filled everyone with 45 and now the moment arrived. Nervous from expectation, all my family members 46 hands and watched over me hoping for a 47 . The DJ made a pre – song announcement about my 48 to the general audience, and then spoke directly to me. “Shelly, this is for you. I want you to really listen now. This is not just 49 song we’re playing, but your family’s song of hope. All of us at KKDJ wish you a speedy 50 .” 43.A.now that B.in that C.so that D.such that 44.A.by hand B.on hand C.on his hands D.at his hands 45.A.amazement B.hope C.possibilities D.scare (代入) 46.A.connected B.combined C.joined D.took 47.A.action B.reaction C.performance D.reflection 48.A.mind B.scene C.situation D.status 49.A.Greg’s B.his C.your D.our 50.A.concert B.recovery C.rescue D.return Everyone in the room held their breath and watched 51 as the music began. Later they all witnessed the tears 52 down my pale cheeks. Though still not awake, it was obvious I heard my song. Just a few days later, hope turned into 53 . I did in fact awake. Though not 54 unscathed (未受伤的), I did not suffer from the disabilities that had been predicted. Hope is the part of us that makes us pick up the pieces and try again. 55 hope where would we be? 51.A.anxiously B.assuredly C.differently D.confidently 52.A.falling B.breaking C.streaming D.putting 53.A.deeds B.doubt C.practice D.reality 54.A.completely B.incompletely C.normally D.generally 55.A.At B.Of C.With D.Without It was a five-cent Chinese Yuan coin that gave Tan Yuanyuan the chance to dance. Tan Yuanyuan was born into a traditional family in Shanghai, and the obstacles she broke 16 to become one of today’s most critically acclaimed ballerinas (芭蕾舞女演员) 17 at home. Her mother, who had wanted to be a ballerina, saw that her daughter’s physique, looks and determination fitted 18 into a ballerina’s profile and encouraged Tan to become one. “She wanted me to 19 her dream,” Tan told CNN’s Talk Asia. 20 her father, an engineer, had a different plan for his daughter. “He wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer, because I was a good student in school,” Tan said. 16. A) in B) through C) out D) away 17. A) originated B) set C) dated D) began 18. A) certainly B) beautifully C) perfectly D) definitely 19. A) fulfill B) make C) come D) approach 20. A) And B) But C) So D) Hence Her father saw ballet 21 a Western art form inappropriate for a traditional Chinese girl and as a career that is 22 and short. The two settled their 23 with a flip of a coin that landed in favor of her mother’s wishes, and her father accepted the 24 as a matter of fate. The 25 between ballet and Tan began at the age of five, when Tan was attracted by the beauty of a performance of Swan Lake on TV. 26 from the fairy queen’s crown, the music and the ballerina’s movements 27 her. At age 11, Tan began her formal training at Shanghai Dance School and 28 four years later. But 29 Shanghai Dance School a year later than the other pupils made 30 difficult for Tan to catch up.“I wasn’t very good. I was always in the corner crying,” said Tan. Things took a 31 for the better in her third year when Ms. Ling, a new teacher, took 32 the class and “put her full time into our ballet training,” Tan added. 21. A) to B) as C) in D) on 22. A) unstable B) stable C) unlimited D) limited 23. A) opinions B) battles C) differences D) fights 24. 25. 26. 27. A) success A) relationship B) consequence C) management D) defeat B) connection C) relative D) combination A) Apart B) Besides C) Beside D) Except A) shocked B) annoyed C) impressed D) frustrated 28. A) attended B) graduated C) abandoned D) worked 29. A) joining B) join C) entering D) enter 30. A) everything B) that C) this D) it 31. A) round B) turn C) measure D) move 32. A) over B) in C) up D) on When asked about her 33 to be an incredible performer, she explained, “It is in Chinese blood to always try your best, and no matter 34 happens today, for example, even if your back 35 out or your foot is in pain or your toe is bleeding, you should always give the audience a perfect show.” 33. A) goal B) direction C) motivation D) aim 34. A) however B) how C) whatever D) what 35. A) runs B) goes C) gives D) tries My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I can’t help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I _36_ to some degree, though I sometimes do want to _37_ them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his _38_ and how much they know about football apart from _39_ goals. It seems funny that we are _40_ for things, with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are _41_, but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of life’s _42_ . 36. A. like B. agree C. hope D. think 37. A. ask B. tell C. teach D. doubt 38. A. skills B. fame C. team D. appearance 39. A. kicking B. hitting C. scoring D. controlling 40. A. thankful B. crazy C. curious D. anxious 41. A. uncertain B. unhappy C. displeased D. careful 42. A. aims B. qualities C. pleasures D. truths We need these pleasures to _43_ our lives. But that doesn't _44_ to craziness or nonsense. As an old saying goes: “Don't judge a book by its cover.” We _45_ not judge anything from its appearance. We should all know, it is one’s good _46_ and great contribution that make one a star and unforgettable. Therefore we’d better say _47_ about Beckham’s good looks. 43. A. keep up B. brighten up C. find out D. bring about 44. A. come B. increase C. amount D. rise 45. A. dared B. would C. could D.should 46. A. thinking B. character C. looks D. ability 47. A. more B. something C. less D. nothing If we close our eyes, falling in deep _48_, we can find that the things that move us to be really happy or sad have a _49_ meaning. If we don't go deeper and are just satisfied with _50_ things, sooner or later we will find that we have not really gained anything because our first _51_ has blinded and misled (误导) us, and we’ll remain ignorant _52_ we realize that and make some changes. 48. A. love B. sleep C. sence D. thought 49. A. clear B. puzzling C. moving D. valuable 50. A. material B. deep C. surface D. pleasant 51. A. conclusion B. experience C. lesson D. impression 52. A. since B. although C. unless D. before It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is a _53_ of great progress. If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it _54_ us, we will finally prove how much we have _55_ up, how much more sensible, mature, and intelligent we have become. 53. A. sign B. cause C. value D. willingness 54. A. worries B. pains C. satisfies D. offers 55. A.given B. sent C. built D. grown One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited 21 for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became 22 . When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had 23 . He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage, which was not 24 in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that 25 even him. He wrote his wife’s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a 26 behind the desk in the booth. “ 27 you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, obviously 28 someone, would you please give her this?” he said. He then 29 his office in Morrison Building, 30 that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a good 31 ! He sat down with a smile. His wife 32 those pictures. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if she is married … How are you with 33 ? One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that there is always something we are 34 . We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school. We wait for someone to change his or her mind. Patience is an important 35 of a happy and rewarding life. 36 , some things are worth waiting for. 37 presents many opportunities for wait training. We can hate waiting, 38 it or even get good at it! But one thing is 39 --- we cannot avoid it. How is your 40 coming along? 21. A. proudly B. respectfully C. patiently D. curiously 22. A. angry B. hungry C. frightened D. thirsty 23. A. a question B. a reason C. an opinion D. an idea 24. A. serious B. difficult C. regular D. convenient 25. A. hurt B. encouraged C. attracted D. shocked 26. A. clerk B. secretary C. passer-by D, friend 27. A. Since B. Before C. As D. If 28. A. looking for B. working for C. sending for D. paying for 29. A. called up B. returned to C. visited D. left 30. A. worried B. disappointed C. satisfied D. surprised 31. A. description B. preparation C. excuse D. lecture 32. A. Tore B. Saved C. Developed D. destroyed 33. A. your wife B. your family C. patience D. determination 34. A. hoping for B. waiting for C. ready for D. fit for 35. A. lesson B. experience C. purpose D. quality 36. A. For example B. After all C. Right now D. So far 37. A. Every age B. Every shop C. Every day D. Every office 38. A. accept B. control C. change D. improve 39. A. certain B. interesting C. precious D. easy 40. A. photo taking B. job hunting C. decision making D. wait training 21-25 CADBD 26-30 ADABC 31-35 DBCBD 36-40 BCAAD I returned to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, after college graduation. I had been there before my mother became a minister. Two weeks later, I told my mother I was bored. She said. “Here’re the car keys. Go and buy some fruit.” 36 , I jumped into the car and speeded off. Seeing me or rather my 37 ,a boy sprang up(跳起来). 38 to sell his bananas and peanuts. “Banana 300 naira. Peanut 200 naira!” Looking at his black-striped bananas, I 39 to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. He 40 .I handed him a 500 naira note. He didn’t have 41 .So I told him not to worry. He was 42 and smiled a row of perfect teeth. When, two weeks later, I 43 this same boy. I was more aware of my position in Nigerian society. I should 44 this country as the son of a 45 .But it was hard to find pleasure in a place where it was so 46 to see a little boy who should have been in school selling fruit. “What’s up?” I asked. He answered in 47 English, “I…I no get money to buy book. ” I took out two 500 naira notes. He looked around 48 before sticking his hand into the car 49 the bills. One thousand naira means a lot to a family that 50 only 50,000 each year. The next morning, security officers told me, “In this place, when you give a little, people think you’re a fountain of opportunity(机会).” 51 it’s right, but this happens everywhere in the world. I wondered if my little friend had actually used the money for 52 . After six months’ work in northern Nigeria, I returned and saw him again standing on the road.“Are you in school now?”He nodded. A silence fell as we looked at each other, then I 53 what he wanted. I held out a 500 naira note. “Take this.” He shook his head fiercely and stepped back 54 hurt. “It’s a gift.” I said. Shaking his head again, he handed me a basket of bananas and peanuts, “I’ve been waiting to 55 these to you.” 36.A.Encouraged B. Disappointed C. Delighted D. Confused 37.A.car B. mother C. driver D. keys 38.A.willing B. afraid C. eager D. ashamed 39.A.got down B. bargained down C. put down D. look down 40.A.explained B. promised C. agreed D. admitted 41.A.change B. notes C. checks D. bills 42.A.troubled B. regretful C. comfortable D. grateful 43.A.ran after B. ran into C. ran over D. ran to 44.A.proteet B. enjoy C. help D. support 45.A.minister B. headmaster C. manager D. president 46.A.lucky B. amazing C. funny D. common 47.A.old B. broken C. traditional D. modern 48.A.proudly B. madly C. curiously D. nervously 49.A.for B. with C. at D. upon 50.A.spends B. pays C. makes D. affords 51.A.Possibly B. Actually C. Certainly D. Fortunately 52.A.joys B. nuts C. books D. bananas 53.A.asked B. imagined C. reminded D. realized 54.A.when B. as if C. even if D. after 55.A.send B. provide C. sell D. give Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend? Now you 36 do both at the same time. Home shopping television networks(网络) have become a 37 for many people to shop without 38 having to leave their homes. Some shoppers are 39 of department stores and supermarkets— 40 the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes 41 of finding anything they want to buy. They’d rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and 42 a friendly announcer describe a product 43 a model shows it. And they can 44 around the clock, buying something 45 by making a phone call. Department stores and even mail-under companies are 46 to join in the success of home shopping. Large department stores are busy 47 their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future. 48 can ask questions about products and place 49 , all through their TV sets. Will shopping by television 50 take the place of shopping in stores? Some industry managers think so. 51 many people find shopping at a 52 store a great enjoyment. And for many shoppers, it is still important to 53 or try on dresses they want to buy. That’s 54 specialists say that in the future, home shopping will 55 together with store shopping but will never entirely replace(取代) it. 36.A. must B. should C. shall D. can 37.A. programme B. way C. reason D. purpose 38.A. ever B. never C. still D. once 39.A. proud B. fond C. tired D. careful 40.A. fighting B. striking C. treating D. stopping 41.A. sense B. doubt C. hope D. feeling 42.A. see B. watch C. let D. notice 43.A. until B. since C. if D. while 44.A. shop B. wait C. turn D. deliver 45.A. suitably B. cheaply C. simply D. hardly 46.A. nervous B. lucky C. equal D. eager 47.A. putting up B. making up C. setting up D. looking up 48.A. Guests
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