

2013-08-09 3页 doc 25KB 28阅读




催眠疗法催眠疗法 Patient(男):刘香成David(精神分裂症,出现幻觉,总觉得女朋友背叛他) Pass-by(一对情侣):肖睿(Jack)和田程(Serena) Mother:李玥锟 Girlfriend:刘敏(Catherine) Doctor(男):曲铭 剧情前言: the patient suffers from schizophrenia(精神分裂症),always see snakes(出现幻觉)。He loves his girlfriend very much,but doubt his gi...
催眠疗法 Patient(男):刘香成David(精神分裂症,出现幻觉,总觉得女朋友背叛他) Pass-by(一对情侣):肖睿(Jack)和田程(Serena) Mother:李玥锟 Girlfriend:刘敏(Catherine) Doctor(男):曲铭 剧情前言: the patient suffers from schizophrenia(精神分裂症),always see snakes(出现幻觉)。He loves his girlfriend very much,but doubt his girlfriend cheats on him(对他不忠)。 剧本正文 David:【我为你们讲一个故事。这个故事是关于爱、坚持和勇气,现在请听我讲故事……】I will tell a story for you, it’s a story about love、perseverance and courage ,let’s begin…… Three months ago Act one Place:street characters:the patient and his girlfriend Catherine:【David,我有件事觉得有必要和你商量一下,公司有意派我出国进修半年,我也想好好把握这个来之不易的机会,半年的时间很快就会过去,我想你的想法是……】David,I’d tell you one thing. The company is disposed to send me abroad engaging in advanced studies for half a year. David:【为什么你非要去国外呢,国内也有很好的条件要你去发展】why must go abroad to promote your ability. You can also make it at home. Catherine:【但我觉得出国能更好地提升我的能力,实现我的梦想,那是我从小的愿望,做我的男朋友应该支持我而不应该阻止我】but I can make it better overseas,don’t you know, that’s my dream since childhood, you are my boyfriend, what you should do is stand by me, rather than against me . David:【什么出国进修都是借口,你根本就是不爱我,想要离开我,你以为我不知道吗】cut the crap, studying abroad is the excuse to break up , you already do not love me, do you make a fool of me Catherine:【David,你在说什么啊,我这是为了工作】David ,how can you say such silly words, I’m just for work David:【工作?别找这么冠冕堂皇的理由,你是怕我养不起你吗——你外面有人了想和我分手就直说——(Catherine生气地给了David一巴掌)】work? What modest excuse! Are you afraid that I can’t afford to you, you just want to part because of affairs Catherine:【你居然说出这种话,难道你对我们之间的爱情就这么没有信心吗?——好了,现在这个场面不适合再说下去,我们还是彼此都冷静一段时间吧(Catherine生气悲伤地离开)】how can you say such fucking words! What a lack of faith in the love between us! ok it’s not suitable to talk anymore,let’s cool off for a period of time Act two place:street characters:patient、the couple Serena:【啊!色狼】Lothario! David:Catherine! Jack:【(推开David),神经病!】fucking! David:【你不要离开我,你为了他(指着Jack)而离开我,我有什么不好的吗,你为什么背叛了我】don’t leave me ,please! You leave me just for him? I have done something wrong? Why do you cheat on me? Serena:【你有病啊,你认错人了】sir, you are mistaken! Jack:【这种人不要理他,走吧】 ignore such crazy guy! let’s go David:【(穷追不舍)Catherine,不要跟这个男人走(情急之下想拳打Jack,突然晕倒在地) Serena:怎么办,他晕倒了,我们——】Catherine,don’t go with him—— Jack:【这种疯子不用管他,走吧】just leave this madman alone! Serena:【如果他出事了和我们也脱不了关系啊,还是(看看四周)——那里有个诊所】What if he had an accident, en——a hospital over there! Act three Place:hospital characters:patient、the couple、doctor、mother (Serena和Jack把David送到诊所,离开。David躺在病床上已经苏醒过来但是沉默不语,他妈妈关切地冲进来) Mother:【医生,我的儿子怎么了?】what’s the matter with my son? Doctor:【病人在街上由于认错人而对女路人动手动脚后来情绪激动晕倒了,我想了解一下病人近况】he fell in the faint for mistaking ,can you tell me more about his abnormal manners recently? Mother:【哎!着说来话长,自从他女朋友Catherine因为事业出国进修后,他就一直神情恍惚,以为Catherine是因为在外面又有喜欢的男人了,嘴里不时的还经常念叨Catherine的名字】it’s hard to say——I think it’s out of his girlfriend, who went abroad for her work, but before she left ,they had a quarrel——David thought Catherine have affairs outside, but he always called Catherine’name in quiet Doctor:【初步,认为你的儿子有轻度的精神分裂症,之所以出现骚扰女路人的现象可能是有幻想症,错认为Catherine和其他男人在一块。】from my primary judge, your son probably Suffer from mild schizophrenia, the reason why he harass the female pass-by is much likely that he saw snakes Mother:【Oh!天啊,医生,怎么办……】oh! My god!what should I do, he is so young, doctor ,please! Help him! Doctor:【还好现在病情发现的早,尽早治疗找出症结所在是可以恢复。】fortunately, it’s not too late , as long as we could find out the crucial reason, it’s possible to recover (进入催眠疗法过程:doctor对躺在床上的David进行催眠) Doctor:【现在,你慢慢的闭上眼睛,想象自己站在一望无际的大草原上,阵阵凉风吹来,你觉得舒服极了,这时看到一个长发飘飘身着一袭裙子的女孩向你走来,她对着你微笑……现在你慢慢地睁开眼睛——你看见的人是谁?】now,close your eyes lightly! Imagining that you are standing in a endless prairie, gentle breeze blow on your face, you feel quite comfortable, at this time, you see a girl with long hair approaching you ,smiling at you. ——now, you can open your eyes slowly——who did you see just now? David:——Catherine—— Doctor:【我想你病因的症结所在就是你的女朋友Catherine,我想应该是她的暂时离去让你觉得她是因为不爱你而离开你】the crucial reason is your girlfriend Catherine, I think, maybe her temporary leave makes you feel that she don’t cherish the relationship between yours David:【我只是很怕失去她,失去这份爱情】I’m just in fear of losing her Doctor:【爱是建立在彼此的信任上,如果你真的爱他,你就应该相信她,支持她,而不是一味的占有和怀疑。想想你们的曾经,想想你们快乐的过去,看着你们一路走来所经历的种种,相信你的选择,同时也相信她的选择——有一种爱叫做放手——现在你躺在床上好好想想吧,接下来我会为你制定一系列的心理疏导过程】love is based on the trust between each other, if you really love her, what you should do is to trust her and support her, rather than possession and doubt. Recall the happy time you shared in the past, you have come so far! Believe in you choice, so does her. ——Set love free instead of tightening it——now, you just need think it over, next, I will set a detailed therapeutic process for you Three months later Doctor:【(对David)这段时间你恢复的很好,情绪已经好多了。明天就可以出院了。】you have recovered very well during this period, you can leave hospital tomorrow! David:【现在我的故事已经讲完了。现在我要休息了】now, my story is over, it’s time to have a rest! Catherine:【(轻轻的推门而进)亲爱的!我回来了】darling! I’m back
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