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Enemy at the gate兵临城下

2013-06-21 23页 doc 222KB 33阅读




Enemy at the gate兵临城下Enemy at the gate I am a stone. I don’t move. Very slowly. I put snow in my mouth. Then he won’t see my breath. 我像块石头。纹丝不动。我慢慢地把雪塞进嘴里。不让它看见我的呼吸。 I take my time. I let him come closer. I have only one bullet. I aim at his eye. 我很有耐心,等他再靠近些。我只有一颗子弹,我缓缓地瞄准它的眼睛。 Ve...
Enemy at the gate兵临城下
Enemy at the gate I am a stone. I don’t move. Very slowly. I put snow in my mouth. Then he won’t see my breath. 我像块石头。纹丝不动。我慢慢地把雪塞进嘴里。不让它看见我的呼吸。 I take my time. I let him come closer. I have only one bullet. I aim at his eye. 我很有耐心,等他再靠近些。我只有一颗子弹,我缓缓地瞄准它的眼睛。 Very gently, my finger presses on the trigger. I don’t tremble. I have no fear. I’m a big boy now. 我非常轻地把手指抠在扳机上。我不发抖。也不害怕。我已经是个人了。 Ready, Vassili! 准备,瓦西里。 Now, Vassili. Fire! 现在,瓦西里,开枪。 Fire. Vassili! Fire! 开枪,瓦西里,开枪。 Come on, pick your feet up. Get on your feet. Prepare to board the train. 站起来,快!起来,准备上火车。 You there, come along with me now. This way, pal. 你,现在跟着我。这边。 All civilians, get out! Make way, let the civilians off. 老百姓,都下来! 让开,让老百姓下来。 This is a military convoy. No one stays on board but our valiant soldiers. 这是护送军队的列车。除了英勇的军人,其他人不许呆在车上。 This is a convoy to Stalingrad… only for the soldiers of the Red Army. 这是运送红军战士前往斯大林格勒的专用列车。 All aboard! 全体上车! Autumn, 1942. Europe lies crushed beneath the Nazi jackboot. 1942年秋季,纳粹的铁蹄践踏了整个欧洲。 The German Third Reich is at the height of its power. 德意志第三帝国的势头正盛。 Hitler’s armies are charging through the heart of the Soviet Union------towards the oil fields of Asia. 希特勒的军队穿过苏联的心脏--------向亚洲的油田挺进。 One last obstacle remains a city on the Volga…where the fate of the world is being decided:Stalingrad. 只剩下最后一道屏障了,世界的命运系于伏尔加河上的一座城市,斯大林格勒。 1942.9.20. 同志们,神圣的使命等待着我们去完成。大家准备下车。赶快下车。 Glorious comrade Stalin…has ordered another step backwards. The people of the Soviet Union shall be free. 光荣的斯大林同志命令我们,不要再后退一步。苏联人民要争取自由。不能作奴隶。 Go forward, comrades. 前进吧,同志们。 Not a step backwards! 不能再后退一步! 前进吧,同志们。不能作奴隶。 快!前进! Listen to these letters sent by Russian mothers…to their sons on the front. 请听苏联母亲给她们在前线的儿子的信: Volodya, my child, I know that it’s for our motherland ----- I know that it’s for our motherland that you are giving your life. 瓦洛亚,我的孩子,我知道,为了我们的祖国…我知道为了祖国,你准备献出生命。 Everyone here knows that you will not fall back. Everyone here is proud of you. 我们都知道你不会退缩的。我们都为你感到骄傲。 Your father is dead. Your brothers are dead. Avenge us on the hordes of fascists. 你父亲死了,你的兄弟们死了。得向法西斯们讨还血债。 Nobody move! Stay on the boat! Get back or I’ll shoot! Back from the rails, or we shoot. Shoot the traitors! 趴下!…找掩护!不准动!留在船上!回船上,否则开枪!从栏杆上下来,否则开枪!枪毙叛徒。 City of Strlingrad Docks. 斯大林格勒码头 Come on, come on! Move! Come on, comrades, come on! Move, or you’ll be shot! 准备上岸!上岸!过来,同志们,过来!上岸,否则你将被击毙! Over here, stretcher! 过来,抬担架! The one with the rifle shoots! 凡是拿到枪的人,射击! One out of two gets a rifle. 两个人一支枪。 The one without follows him! 没拿到枪的跟在后面。 When the one with the rifle gets killed, the one who is following picks up the rifle and shoots! 一旦拿到枪的人牺牲了,跟在那个人后面的人捡起枪,继续射击! The one with the rifle shoots! The one without follows him! 凡是拿到枪的人,射击!没拿到枪的跟在后面。 When the one with the rifle gets killed, the one who is following picks up the rifle and shoots! 一旦拿到枪的人牺牲了,跟在那个人后面的人捡起枪,继续射击! The one with the rifle shoots! 凡是拿到枪的人,射击! This way, now. 现在这边。 The one without follows him! 没抢的跟着有枪的走! 向前进,同志们。向前进,去争取胜利。 Soldiers of the glorious Red Army, from now on…it is either victory or death! 光荣的红军战士们,从现在起,不是胜利就是死亡。 Those who retreat will be shot. 临阵退缩的人会被枪毙。 I need a rifle. 我需要枪。 There will be no mercy for cowards and traitors! Achtung! 懦夫和叛徒绝不宽待! Aah! It’s hopeless, comrades. Get back! Pull back! Pull back! Get back! Get back! 没用的,同志,回去吧!退回去…回去…回去! In the name of the Soviet Union, not a step backwards, or we shoot. No retreat! Not a step back! 我以苏联的名义,谁退后一步我们就开枪。不准撤退!不准撤退! No mercy! Deserters will be shot. Fire! Shoot the traitors! Cowards will be shot! No mercy for cowards! 绝不宽待!逃走的人将被枪毙。开枪!枪毙叛徒!决不宽待! Russians, surrender. You will see your home again. This is not your war. 俄国人,投降吧。你能重返家园。这不是你的战争。 Join your German comrades, they understand your suffering…and will care more for you than your own officers, who are only sending you to your death. 加入你德国同志的阵营,我们了解你的苦难,比你们的长官更关心你们。你们的长官只会让你们去送死。 The Third Reich is not your enemy. The enemy is bloodthirsty Stalin and his Bolshevik camp, who have stolen your land, who have deported your father ------ 第三共和国不是你们的敌人。你们的敌人是吸血的斯大林和他的布尔什维克党,他们抢你的土地,驱逐你的父亲------- Fire! 开枪! Never will the enemy put his foot on the soil of Stalingrad. 决不让敌人踏上斯大林格勒 You’ll get us caught, comrade Commissar. With your permission, comrade Commissar. 这样我们会被抓到的,政委同志。同志,请准许我… Which one should I aim at first? 你认为我该先杀哪个? You should wait…till there’s an explosion. 你要等到有爆炸声才能动手。 Do you know how to shoot? 你会用枪吗? A little. 略懂一点儿。 妈的! Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot. He’s looking at us. 先别开枪,他正在朝这边看。 Thank you, comrade Commissar. 政委同志,谢谢你。 Danilov, political officer, second class. Twenty-first infantry. 我是政教管丹尼奥夫,21军团,二级军官。 Vassili Zaitsev. 瓦西里 扎伊采夫 On this day, September the 20th, 1942, a young shepherd boy from the Urals…arrived in the city of Stalingrad, on the banks of the Volga. His name is Vassili Zaitsev. 在1942年9月20日,乌拉斯来的年轻牧人来到伏尔加河畔的斯大林格勒,他名叫瓦西里 扎伊采夫。 Like thousands before him, he came to answer comrade Stalin’s call. 像无数的先辈一样,他响应斯大林同志的号召。 Armed with a rifle, he quickly made the fascist invader realize that…from now on he would be punished for every step he took in the motherland, that from here on, the only way was back. 只拿着一只枪,很快让法西斯侵略者了解到,从现在起,他将为入侵我国而受到严惩,而且从此终将节节败退。 What do you think? 你觉得怎么样? I think comrade Commissar’s been over generous. 我觉得政委同志你太夸张了。 1942.9.22. Let me go! Let me go! 让我过去!让我过去! 不准越线! By order of comrade Stalin, no civilian can leave the city. 奉斯大林同志之命,民众不得离城。 Get back! Stand away, or we will open fire. Get back! Get back or we shoot! Back! Keep back! 回去!让开,否则我们就要开枪了。站开!回去!回去,否则开枪!退后,回去! Make way for comrade Stalin’s envoy! 给斯大林同志的特使让路! I carried out my orders. I sent in all of my boys. But the Germans engulfed us. 我执行了命令。派遣了所有的士兵。但武力强大的德军压倒了我们。 They have artillery, aircraft, tanks. And me, what did I have? 他们有大飞机、坦克…而我们,我们有什么? The sacred duty to resist! I have to report to the boss. Perhaps you’d prefer to avoid the red tape. 死守的神圣任务!我必须报告给上级。或许你不需要交接仪式了吧。 My name is…Nikita Sergeyevich Kruschev. I’ve come to take things in hand here. 我叫尼克塔 塞格耶维奇 赫鲁晓夫。我来接管这里。 This city is not Kursk…nor is it Kiev, nor Minsk. The city is Stalingrad. Stalingrad! 这里不是库斯克…不是基辅、明斯克。这个城市叫斯大林格勒。斯大林格勒! This city bears the name of the boss. It’s more than a city, it’s a symbol. 它冠以领袖的名字。不只是城市,它是个象征。 If the Germans capture this city, the entire country will collapse. Now, I want our boys…to raise their heads. 如果让德国人攻陷这里,整个国家都会瓦解。现在我要我们的士兵抬起头来。 I want them to act like they have balls! I want them to stop shitting their pants! 我要他们拿出勇气!我要他们不要再尿裤子! That’s your job. As political officers, I’m counting on you. You, what’s your suggestion? 这是你们的工作。你们是政教管,这个任务就交给你们了。你,你有什么建议? Shoot all the other generals who have retreated…and their chiefs of staff too. 枪毙退却的将领和他们的参谋长。 M---Make some examples. D—D—Deport families of the deserters ----- 给其他人作榜样。放逐逃兵的家人------- Yeah, that’s all been done. 已经这么做了。 Give them hope! 给他们希望! Here, the men’s only choice is between German bullets and ours. 大家只能选被德军或我军杀死。 But there’s another way. The way of courage. The way of love of the motherland. 但还有一条路。选择勇敢和对祖国的热爱。 We must publish the army newspaper again. 我们要再度发行军报。 We must tell magnificent stories. Stories that extol…sacrifice, bravery. 报道英勇伟大的事迹,歌颂牺牲和勇气的故事。 We must make them believe in the victory. We must give them hope, pride, a desire to fight. 要让他们相信胜利在望。给他们希望、自尊和战斗的欲望。 Yes, we need to make examples. But examples to follow. What we need…are heroes. 对,我们要树立榜样。让大家追随的榜样。我们需要的是…英雄。 Do you know any heroes around here? 你认识什么英雄吗? Yes, comrade, I know one. 是的,同志!我认识一位。 That’s me! Vassili Zaitsev. That’s me! 那是我!瓦西里 扎伊采夫。那是我! No, you’re not dreaming. It’s your name. We made the front page. They haven’t changed a word. 不,你不是在做梦。的确是你的名字。我们被登在头版。他们一个字也没改动过。 Do you have any idea what this means? It’s not the back page, it’s not the second page, it’s the front page. 你知道这代表什么?这不是背面,不是第二版,是头版。 The front page! 头版! They’re going to reprint our article everywhere. In the Caucasus, in the Crimea, even in the Urals. 他们打算到处转载这篇文章。在高加索、克里米亚,甚至在乌拉斯。 Tomorrow morning, Stalin himself will be sitting over breakfast, reading my words, memorizing your name. 明天早晨斯大林坐着吃早餐,读着我的文章,记着你的名字。 We’re famous, Vassili. Kruschev loved the article. 我们出名了,瓦西里。赫鲁晓夫很喜欢这篇文章。 He’s promoted me to the general staff. And you to sniper division. 他升我为将军参谋。而你则调到狙击组。 Well, that’s good. It’s very good. It’s very good. It’s great. It’s very great! It’s great! For us because we did it together. Together! 我们两个都不错,因为我们一起做的。 Although I did all the hard work. 我比较辛苦。 Oh, yeah? You know, you’re very lucky I can’t fight back. 你很幸运,因为我不会还手。 Why’s that? Because Kruschev told me to make sure nothing happens to you. You’re too important. 因为赫鲁晓夫要我好好照顾你。你现在太重要了。 I’m too valuable. 我太有价值了。 Yes, careful of my ---- careful of my glasses, please. They’re new. 对,小心别碰到我的眼镜。新的。 Sorry, sir. I’m famous! We’re famous! I’m famous! I’m famous! Vassili, the young shepherd from the Urals, killed his 12th German officer today. 瓦西里,乌拉斯来的年轻牧人,今天杀死了第12位德国军官。 He used to hunt wolves, now he shoots fascists. Today, Vassili Zaitsev shot his 23rd German officer. 以前杀狼,现在杀敌。今天,瓦西里杀死了第23位德军军官。 再有一名上校毙命… He is an example to us all. 瓦西里是我们的榜样。 Vassili shot his 32nd German officer. 今天,他杀了第32位德军军官。 他又猎人的耐性,他有俄国人的耐性 今天杀了第46位德军军官。 Count only the Germans you have killed. Today, Vassili Zaitsev ---- 别算日子,算他杀了几个德军军官。今天瓦西里杀了第35位德军军官。 Here is the evidence ---- 11 dog tags retrieved by sniper Vassili Zaitsev. 这就是证据,瓦西里三天内摘下11面军牌。 瓦西里不仅在俄国士兵中声名显赫,德军更闻之胆寒。 More and more men and women, fighters from all branches of our armed forces, join the sniper division and learn the skills of Vassili Zaitsev. 越来越多来自各部队的人自愿加入狙击组,向瓦西里学习射击技术。 I am a stone. I am a stone. I breathe slowly. I aim at the eye. 我是石头…我是石头…我慢慢地呼吸。眼镜对准目标。 So it is you, the great Vassili Zaitsev. My mother makes potatoes with bacon. 真的是你,伟大的瓦西里 扎伊采夫。我妈妈做的洋芋熏肉最棒。 Sounds good. When she sees you, she won’t believe her eyes. 如果让她看见你,她会发疯的。 How many today? 今天杀了几个? Only two. And the last one, why didn’t you shoot him? 最后那个,你为什么不杀他呢? He was only a foot soldier. Wasn’t worth giving away my position. 他只是个步兵,不值得为他而暴露行踪。 Bless you. We know how much we owe you. We pray for you every day. 祝福你。你为我们做得太多了。我们每天为你祈祷。 Every evening, we listen to them talk about you on Radio Moscow. 每晚听莫斯科广播电台说你的故事。 Thanks. You’ve certainly managed well down here. 谢谢。你把这里弄得很有条理。 My parents used to store furniture down here before the war. 战前我的父母曾在这里储藏家具。 Sacha, drop that right now. 沙夏,快把那个放下。 It’s loaded. 里面有子弹的。 This way, comrade Commissar. 政委同志,这边请。 Thank you, comrade. 谢谢你,同志。 Good evening. Comrade Zaitsev? 晚上好。扎伊采夫同志? My God, where does all this mail come from? 老天,哪来这么多的信件? From all over the country, Mrs. Filipov, from all over. 全国各地来的,费太太。 This one’s from the workers of the Kouzbass. They want to name their mine after Vassili. 这封是库斯贝斯的工人寄来的。他们想把矿场命名为瓦西里。 Right, let’s start with the miners. Come on, let’s get to work. 好,先从矿工的信开始。来吧,开始工作。 Dear comrades from the Kouzbass, 亲爱的库斯贝斯的同志们。 Kouzbass. 库斯贝斯 I thank you for your letter of praise. 谢谢你们寄来的赞美信。 Praise? “称赞”怎么拼? RAISE. And…I hope that I can live up…to your expectations ---- 还有,但愿我不会辜负你们的期望----- ATIONS. Expectations. 期望。 You’re interested in German literature, Mrs. Filipov? 费太太你看德文的书吗? It’s all right, it’s our neighbor. 没关系,是我们的邻居。 Right. Where were we? 对…写道哪儿了? 期望。 Tania, we have guests. 塔尼娅,有客人。 Your offer to name ---- 以我名字… I ---- I ---- I recognize you. 我认识你啊。 He’s Vassili Zaitsev. 他是瓦西里 扎伊采夫。 I saw your picture in the paper. Thank you for everything you’re doing. 我在报上看过你的照片。谢谢你所做的一切。 And this is his friend, Commissar… 这是他的朋友,政委… Danilov. 丹尼奥夫。 Danilov. 丹尼奥夫… Tania is like a daughter to me. She used to take care of Sacha when I worked at the factory. 塔尼娅就像我的女儿。我到工厂上班时,她替我照顾沙夏。 She even taught him German. All these books are hers. 还教他德文。书都是她的。 Oh, they’re yours? 是你的吗? She studied German at the university. 她在大学读德文。 Which university? 哪个大学? Moscow. 莫斯科大学。 Moscow. Moscow. Shouldn’t we, uh --- 我们要不要… Yes, let’s continue. 对,继续。 Your offer to name your mine after me…is…a great honor. 你们说矿场要以我的名字来命名对我是很大的荣幸。 HON. Yes, I know. Honor. 我会写这个字。 Very good. 很好。 Shouldn’t we make the point that I’m not the only one fighting? 是不是该写…不是只有我在战斗? That ---- That’s excellent ---- excellent idea, Vassili. Next. We can take it even further though. 这建议很好,瓦西里,非常好。下面,可以更强调地说明。 Oh. We can take it further. 我们可以更强调地说明。 Your battle for the production of coal…is as worthy as mine. 你们挖煤的工作跟我的工作同样重要。 There’s no “K” in coal. Just --- Just one “L.” 煤这个字的拼写没有K。只有一个L,对了。 Oh, tell me if I’m going too fast. 如果我说得太快了就提醒我。 No, you’re not going too fast. 不,不会太快。 You sure? 真的吗? I just thought is there any other improvements? 我希望自己有进步。 Why don’t you get some rest? These letters can wait until tomorrow. 休息一下吧?信可以明天再写。 We should carry on. We’re not tired. Thank you, Mrs. Filipov. These people…took the trouble to write to us. 我得继续写。我们不累,谢谢你,费太太。这些人是冒险写信给我们的。 Tomorrow, we may not be around to write back. 明天也许没机会回信了。 German Headquarters 1942. 10. 21. 1942年10月21日 德军总部 Major Konig, Herr General. 将军,康尼少校到。 I was expecting someone…else. Certainly not someone so prestigious. 我以为会派别人来。没想到你鼎鼎大名的你。 I imagine you have your reasons…for getting yourself involved in this hellish situation. 你自愿担任这样艰巨的任务一定有你的理由。 My army is not designed for this kind of fighting. 我的军队不擅长这种作战。 Yesterday, yet again, I had to promote…25 sergeants to replace the officers shot down by their sharpshooters. 昨天我要晋升25名士官代替之前被敌军的神枪手刺杀的职位。 Those snipers are demoralizing my people. This city is no more than…a heap of ruins. 这些狙击手使我军的士气大挫。这个城市根本就是一堆残垣废瓦。 But the fuehrer’s persisting. He has made it a personal matter between Stalin and himself. 但是元首坚持要攻下。他把这场战争看成是他和斯大林之间的私事。 We should trust the fuehrer’s instinct. He always managed to lead us to victory. 我们要相信元首的直觉。他总是带领我们走向胜利。 We shall be back home for Christmas. How are you going to go about finding this young Russian? 我们应该可以回家过圣诞节。你打算怎么去找这个俄国人呢? I’ll fix it so that he’s the one who finds me. 我会想让他来找我。 Vassili. Vassili. Come on, time to get up. 快,起床了。 What? 什么事? They have a problem in the department store sector. They need us. Come on. 百货公司那里出事了。要我们去,快走吧。 Look, Vassili, he’s hiding in the department store. Over there. 看,瓦西里,他就躲在百货公司里面,在那里。 So far this morning, he’s knocked off five officers, plus two machine gunners. 一个早上就干掉了5个军官,外加两名机枪手。 Look, third floor, fourth window from the left. 你看!三楼…左边第四扇窗。 Fourth window from the left. 左边第四扇窗。 See him? Yeah, I see him. There, you got him! Great shot. 打中他了!好准! Let’s go get his dog tag. 去摘他的狗牌。 Good-bye, comrade Commissar. 政委同志,再见了。 Thank you for your hospitality, Mrs. Filipov. 谢谢招待,费太太。 You can borrow whatever you like. 要借尽管拿去。 I’m not sure what they would say to me at headquarters…if I came back with an armful of Goethe and Schiller. 如果我拿着满手的《歌德》和《许勒》回去,不知总部的人会怎么说。 There’s some Marx too. 还有《马克思》。 You were assigned to civil defense at the 12th district? 你被选派到第12区的民防队去了? No, I volunteered. 不,我自愿加入的。 It’s such a coincidence meeting you like this. 这次会面实在很巧。 Comrade Kruschev was telling me just yesterday…how desperately we’re in need of operators who speak German 赫鲁晓夫昨天才跟我说…及其需要会说德文的通讯员。 I can’t. Our militia’s responsible for all the people in this neighborhood. We’re already desperately short of men. 我不行。民兵要负责保卫这个社区的安全。我们人手本来就不足。 We can take it. We’ll give you a dozen soldiers for every one that speaks German. 这好办。我用12个士兵来换一个会说德文的人。 I’d rather stay and fight. 我宁愿留下来打仗。 Serving at headquarters is fighting. You’d be far more useful there. 在总部服务也是打仗。你去那边的作用更大。 You stay here. You cover us. All right. We go. 你留在这里。你掩护我们。好,我们走。 Take care. 小心点儿。 Ludmilla, come on. 卢德米拉,过来。 Check the stairway. 检查一下楼梯。 It’s a trap. 是个陷阱。 I know. Move back. He’s still here. 我知道。退回去。他还在这里。 They’re coming straight for us! 他们朝这里冲过来了! Ludmilla, stay where you are, he’s over there somewhere. 卢德米拉,呆在那里别动,他就在外面。 We have to get out of here! We have to get out of here! 我们快点儿离开这里!我们要快点儿走! Just stay where you are! 呆在原地别动。 What are we gonna do? 现在怎么办? Ludmilla, stay where you are! 卢德米拉,呆在原地别动! Fuck this, I’m going. 我要走了。 Ludmilla, no! 卢德米拉,不! What does this mean? 报上写的是什么意思? The little shepherd from the Urals receives a new sniper’s rifle, a Mosin-Nagant 7.62, with its 3.5-power P.U. telescope. Pride of precision of Soviet production. 乌拉斯来的年轻牧人收到新型的聚集枪,莫辛7.62型步枪配备3.5型的望远镜。苏联制造的精良武器。 I’ve seen that rifle close up. 我看过那支枪。 Have you? 是吗? I’ve even touched it. I know him well, Vassili Zaitsev. 我还摸过。我跟瓦西里很熟。 Soviet Headquarters Landing Area 苏联总部登陆区 Ludmilla and Anton were killed today, and it was my fault. 卢德米拉和安东今天死了,是我的错。 No, I’m sure that’s not true. 不,我知道不是这样的。 There was a German sniper. I walked them right into his trap. 有一个德国的狙击手。我让他们跌入他的陷阱。 What else can you tell me? 你还知道什么? He didn’t relocate. A sniper who doesn’t relocate isn’t normal. 他不改换位置。狙击手不变换位置不太常见。 He was very good. It wasn’t just his shooting, it was his instinct. He was a step ahead of me all the time. 他非常棒。不仅是他的枪法还有他的直觉。他的行动总比我快一步 That’s because he knows everything about you. His name is Konig, Major Konig. 因为他知道你的一切。他叫康尼,康尼少校。 They’ve sent him here to ki ----- to find you. 他们派他来这里来杀…来找你。 At first we weren’t sure if the information was reliable. It seems he’s come all the way from Berlin to stop you. 起初我们不知道这消息是否可靠。似乎他远从柏林来就是为了制服你。 You’ve caused them so many sleepless nights, they sent their top marksman. 你让他们寝食难安,所以他们要拍顶尖的高手来对付你。 What do we know about him? 他是什么人? He’s a major in the Wehrmacht. He’s director of their sniper school in Zossen. 他是一名威玛特的德军少校,是左森狙击学校的校长。 Koulikov studied under him at Zossen before the war. 战前库利寇夫就在左森跟他学习。 He knows all his tricks. From now on, he’ll go with you everywhere. 他知道他的所有伎俩。从现在起他会跟着你走。 A nobleman from Bavaria who hunts deer…against a shepherd boy from the Urals who poaches wolves. 巴伐利亚猎鹿的贵族配上乌拉斯的猎狼牧人。 It’s more than a confrontation between two nations. It’s the essence of class struggle. 不仅是两个民族的较量,更是一种阶级斗争。 I’m glad you’re so happy. 很高兴你如此开心。 He had all the advantages. Next time you’ll be even. No one shoots like you, Vassili. 他占尽优势。下回你也有优势。没有人像你一样射得那么准,瓦西里。 She’s been transferred. I’ll see if they’re ready for you next door. 她被调到这里来了。我去看他们准备好了没有。 Hello. You look smart in your new uniform. Make sure they don’t take it back once you’ve finished. 你穿起新制服很帅啊。结束后别让他们拿回去。 Yeah, they probably will. 可能要交回去的。 I’ve heard the rumor about the German, and I wanted to wish you luck. 我听说了那个德国人的事情,我祝你好运。 Thank you. I’ll need it. 谢谢。我需要你的祝福。 From what comrade Danilov tells me, you’re going to win. 丹尼奥夫同志告诉我,你会赢的。 Hmm. It’s time. 是时候了。 Vassili! Vassili! Come to my arms. 瓦西里…来拥抱一下。 Look in my direction. 看我这里。 Put your cap back on, you look more heroic. 帽子往后戴,看起来更英勇。 This way, comrade Zaitsev. 看这边,瓦西里同志。 I love this little fellow. 我喜欢他。 Vassili, is it true that you volunteered for the front? 瓦西里,你是自愿到前线的吗? How old are you, Vassili? 你几岁了,瓦西里? Do you know what this duel means for our country? 你了解这个在我们国家的意义吗? Is it true you killed your first wolf when you were five? 你真的在5岁时杀了第一只狼吗? Are you proud to be challenged by the best sharpshooter in Germany? 告诉我们你今天杀了几个德军? 德国高手来挑战你,你自豪吗? The Germans are starting to shit their pants. 这表示德军开始尿裤子了。 Go on, my boy, tell us how you’re going to deal with him. 告诉大家你会怎眼对付他。 Or rather, no. Tell it to the boss. 或…不…。跟领袖说。 One more question, please. 再一个问题… He likes good hunting stories. 他喜欢听打猎的故事。 Look at him with pride, because he’s looking at you. The whole country is looking at you. 骄傲地看着他,因为他正在看着你。全国人民都在看着你。 Forgive me, forgive me, Grandfather. 爷爷,原谅我。 1942.10.23. So, it’s not the wolf that chooses the hunting ground…but the hunter. 狩猎的地点不是由狼群选择的,而是由猎人选择的。 But I’m sure your grandfather taught you that. 你爷爷一定跟你说过。 Except in this case. I’m the game. 但这次,我成了猎物。 However, today what we’re going to do…is Iure the wolf out of his lair…to where we want him to be. 我们今天要引狼出穴,到我们要他去的地方。 You’re the one whose life is valuable. You go first. 你的命比较值钱。你先走。 No, no. We take it in turns. Next time
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