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music genre音乐类型

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music genre音乐类型1. Folk music is music that has been transmitted and evolved by a process of oral transmission or performed by custom over a long period of time.  The music was often related to national culture. They commemorate historical and personal events. The songs have been p...
music genre音乐类型
1. Folk music is music that has been transmitted and evolved by a process of oral transmission or performed by custom over a long period of time.  The music was often related to national culture. They commemorate historical and personal events. The songs have been performed, by custom, over a long period of time, usually several generations. Non-commercial. (1). 诗经  国风  (2) 雪球花-俄罗斯民歌  啊,朋友(意大利民歌) (3)  campus folk 民间音乐(Folkmusic),又称民间歌谣、民俗音乐、民间短篇诗歌等,简称民谣、民歌、民乐或民曲,于国际民间音乐协会(IFMC)之解释定义为「经过口传过程发展起来的普罗大众音乐」,也就是该音乐散布过程,纯粹是由演奏者或音乐接收者记录教习,并亲自相传所得。 2. Country music is a genre of American popular music that originated in the rural regions of the Southern United States in the 1920s.[1] It takes its roots from the southeastern genre of American folk music and Western music. Blues modes have been used extensively throughout its recorded history.[2] Country music often consists of ballads and dance tunes with generally simple forms and harmonies accompanied by mostly string instruments such as banjos, electric and acoustic guitars, fiddles, and harmonicas. 乡村音乐(Country Music),一种具有美国民族特色的流行音乐,于20世纪20年代兴起于美国南部,其根源来自英国民谣,是美国白人民族音乐代表。乡村音乐的特点是曲调简单,节奏平稳,带有叙事性,具有较浓的乡土气息。多为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。 (1). 肯尼·罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers)    talor swift 3.  Classical music is art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western music (both liturgical and secular). It encompasses a broad period from roughly the 11th century to the present day.[1] The central norms of this tradition became codified between 1550 and 1900, which is known as the common practice period 古典音乐有广义、狭义之分。广义是指西洋古典音乐,那些从西方中世纪开始至今的、在欧洲主流文化背景下创作的音乐,主要因其复杂多样的创作技术和所能承载的厚重内涵而有别于通俗音乐和民间音乐。狭义指古典主义音乐,是1750-1820年这一段时间的欧洲主流音乐,又称维也纳古典乐派。此乐派三位最著名的作曲家是海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬。 (1) Baroque music Baroque music is characterized by the use of complex tonal counterpoint and the use of a basso continuo, a continuous bass line. 巴洛克时期是古典音乐早期的一个重要形式,这个时期的音乐以复调音乐为主,华丽且复杂。 巴洛克时代最重要的人物应该是亨德尔、维瓦尔第、巴赫三位音乐家 (2) Classical period music  The Classical period, from about 1750 to 1820, established many of the norms of composition, presentation, and style, and was also when the piano became the predominant keyboard instrument. 这个时期的音乐继承了欧洲传统的复调音乐和主调音乐成就,确立了奏鸣曲、协奏曲、交响曲等重要的音乐形式      在古典音乐时期,最重要的三位代表人物是海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬。莫扎特的音乐充满着华丽感,总是带给人一种亲和力,这种亲和力来自于莫扎特为了创作音乐的纯真心态。而贝多芬相对于莫扎特来说,则经历了更多的生活困苦,以及长年病痛的缠绕。他将自己生活中的种种不幸写入音乐中去,所以贝多芬的音乐带给人们的更多的是一种愤怒、一种激情、一种与生活抗争的态度。 (3) Romantic era music  The music of the Romantic era, from roughly the first decade of the 19th century to the middle 20th century, was characterized by increased attention to an extended melodic line, as well as expressive and emotional elements, paralleling romanticism in other art forms浪漫主义音乐已经更加注重人的精神境界和主观的情感表达,对于自然景物的表现更加突出了,对于民族和民间的音乐利用也更加频繁  舒曼、肖邦. 柴可夫斯基  (4) 朗朗  李云迪 4. Blues is a musical form and genre[1] that originated in African-American communities in the "Deep South" of the United States around the end of the 19th century from spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants, and rhymed simple narrative ballads.[2] The blues form, ubiquitous in jazz, rhythm and blues and rock and roll, is characterized by specific chord progressions, of which the twelve-bar blues is the most common. The blue notes that, for expressive purposes are sung or played flattened or gradually bent (minor 3rd to major 3rd) in relation to the pitch of the major scale, are also an important part of the sound. 蓝调(Blues)为爵士、摇滚及福音歌曲(Gospel)的老祖宗,原本只是美国早期黑奴抒发心情时所吟唱的12小节曲式,演唱或演奏时大量蓝调音(Blue Notes)的应用,使得音乐上充满了压抑及不和谐的感觉,这种音乐听起来十分忧郁(Blue)。但就是这么一股〝反骨〞气息,使得它后来在叛逆的摇滚乐中发扬光大。蓝调以歌曲直接陈述内心想法的表现方式,与当时白人社会的音乐截然不同。 (Country Blues)  跳跃蓝调(Jump Blues)  节奏蓝调Rythm Blues 口琴蓝调(Harmonica Blues)  电子蓝调(Electric Blues)  三角洲蓝调(Delta Blues) 德克萨斯(Texas Blues)  芝加哥蓝调Chicago Blues    经典女性(Classic Female Blues)    综艺蓝调(Vandeville)    沼泽蓝调(Swamp Blues) 灵魂蓝调(Soul Blues)  钢琴蓝调(Piano Blues)  纽约蓝调(NY Blues) 新奥尔良蓝调(New Orlean Blues)  孟菲斯蓝调(Memphis Blues) 爵士蓝调(Jazz Blues)  民谣蓝调(Folk Blues  原声蓝调(Acoustic Blues) 现代蓝调(Modern Blues) 6. Jazz is an American musical art form which originated in the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States from a confluence of African and European music traditions. The style's West African pedigree is evident in its use of blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation, and the swung note. 爵士乐(Jazz),于19世纪末20世纪初源于美国,诞生于南部港口城市新奥尔良,音乐根基来自布鲁斯(Blues)和拉格泰姆(Ragtime)。爵士乐讲究即兴,以具有摇摆特点的Shuffle节奏为基础,是非洲黑人文化和欧洲白人文化的结合。20世纪前十几年爵士乐主要集中在新奥尔良发展,1917年后转向芝加哥,30年代又转移至纽约,直至今天,爵士乐风靡全球 Louis Armstrong(路易斯阿姆斯特朗    大陆的刘索拉、刘元、崔健,台湾的翟黑山、钟三九、罗大佑  如陶喆、王力宏莫文蔚等王若琳 7. Hip hop music, also called hip-hop,[1][2] rap music,[2][3][4] or hip-hop music,[2][5] is a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.[2] It developed as part of hip hop culture, a subculture defined by four key stylistic elements: MCing/rapping, DJing/scratching, break dancing, and graffiti writing hip-hop是起源于20世纪六十年代源自于美国街头的一种黑人文化,也泛指rap(说唱乐)。hip-hop 文化的五种表现方式包括rap (有节奏、押韵地说话)、b-boying(街 舞)、dj-ing(玩唱片及唱盘技巧)、graffiti writing(涂 鸦 艺 术)、beat-box(口 技)。 因此rap (说 唱 乐)只是hip-hop 文化中的一种元素,要加上其它舞蹈、服饰、生活态度等才构成完整的hip-hop文化。 rap (有节奏、押韵地说话)、b-boying(街 舞)、dj-ing(玩唱片及唱盘技巧)、graffiti writing(涂 鸦 艺 术)、beat-box(口 技) 周杰伦,苏醒,幼稚园杀手,光光,龙井说唱,欧阳靖,宋岳庭,MC Hotdog,大囍门,爽子,隐藏组合,阴三儿,天津饭,费尼克斯,郝雨,新街口组合。 Emineim niki 8. Soul music is a popular music genre that originated in the United States in the 1950s and early 1960s. It combined elements of African-American gospel music, rhythm and blues, and often jazz. Soul music became popular for dancing and listening in the United States – where music such as that of the Motown, Atlantic and Stax labels was influential during the period of the civil rights movement – and across the world, directly influencing rock music and the music of Africa.  灵魂乐是1950年代发源于美国的一种结合了节奏蓝调和福音音乐的音乐流派。紧扣节奏、拍掌、即兴形体动作,是其重要特征。 方大同  吉杰 9. Heavy metal (or simply metal) is a genre of rock music[1] that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and the United States.[2] With roots in blues rock and psychedelic rock, the bands that created heavy metal developed a thick, massive sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, and overall loudness. Heavy metal lyrics and performance styles are often associated with masculinity, aggression and machismo.[3] Heavy metal is traditionally characterized by loud distorted guitars, emphatic rhythms, dense bass-and-drum sound, and vigorous vocals Doom Metal    Power metal  Black metal(以邪恶、异教崇拜以及撒旦思想为其主要诉求,通常在歌词含有反基督、反宗教的倾向即被归为黑金属,除了传统重金属固定乐器之外,经常会使用其他乐器如钢琴、小提琴,或歌剧的女高音,在歌曲中营造出一股诡异又吓人的恐怖气氛。“)  Death metal(乐风以“鞭击金属”或“碾核”为其背景演化而成。电吉他快速的反复,几无旋律的和弦,速击狂踩的双大鼓,主唱咬牙不清的低吟狂吼,歌词以死亡仇恨为主题,充满了尸体、内脏、肢解、分尸、奸尸、恋尸癖、食尸、虐待等变态字眼。“死亡金属”以来自佛罗里达州的重金属乐队最具代表性。) 10  Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production, an electronic musician being a musician who composes and/or performs such music  电子音乐(Electronicmusic,也称TECHML),简称电音。广义而言,只要是使用电子设备所创造的音乐,都可属之。任何以电子合成器、效果器、电脑音乐软件、鼓机等“乐器”所产生的电子声响,都可合理地称为电子音乐。 电子乐巨星Tricky    尚雯婕 11  Rhythm and blues, often abbreviated to R&B or RnB, is a genre of popular African-American music that originated in the 1940s.[1] The term was originally used by record companies to describe recordings marketed predominantly to urban African Americans, at a time when "urbane, rocking, jazz based music with a heavy, insistent beat" was becoming more popular. R&B,也称RNB,它的全写是Rhythm and Blues,译作“节奏蓝调”或“节奏布鲁斯”。融合了爵士乐,福音音乐和蓝调音乐的音乐形式。广义上, r&b可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源於黑人的blues音乐,是现今西行流行乐和摇滚乐的基础。 王力宏  周杰伦  陶喆  方大同 碧昂斯  蕾哈娜  玛利亚凯利 12. New age music is downtempo music intended to create artistic inspiration, relaxation, and optimism. It is used by listeners for yoga, massage, meditation,[1] and reading as a method of stress management[2] or to create a peaceful atmosphere in their home or other environments, and is often associated with environmentalism and New Age spirituality.[1 新世纪音乐,也有译作新纪元音乐的。是一种在上个世纪70年代后期出现的一种音乐形式,原本的用途在于帮助冥思及作心灵的洁净,但后期的创作者不少已不再抱有这种出发点。有一种说法,由于其丰富多彩、富于变换,不同于以前任何一种音乐:它并非单指一个类别,而是一个范畴,一切不同以往,象征时代更替、诠释精神内涵的改良音乐都可归于此内,所以被命名为New Age,即新世纪音乐。其实,正确的原因,在于提倡这种利用音乐洁净心灵,源自新纪元运动。 林海  久石让  理查德 13. Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock 'n' roll) is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s,[1][2] primarily from a combination of African-American genres such as blues, jump blues, jazz, and gospel music,[3] together with Western swing and country music.[4] Though elements of rock and roll can be heard in blues records from the 1920s[5] and in country records of the 1930s,[4] the genre did not acquire its name until the 1950s. 摇滚乐,英文全称为Rock' N' Roll',兴起于20世纪50年代中期,主要受到节奏布鲁斯、乡村音乐和叮砰巷音乐的影响发展而来。早期摇滚乐很多都是黑人节奏布鲁斯的翻唱版,因而节奏布鲁斯是其主要根基。摇滚乐分支众多,形态复杂,主要风格有:民谣摇滚、艺术摇滚、迷幻摇滚、乡村摇滚、重金属、朋克等, 埃尔维斯·普莱斯利(猫王)、鲍勃·迪伦、披头士乐队、滚石乐队等,是20世纪美国大众音乐走向成熟的重要标志。 中国摇滚乐兴起于80年代初,1986年崔健以一首《一无所有》喊出了中国摇滚第一声。90年代中期为中国摇滚的高峰期。  唐朝乐队  汪峰  许巍
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