

2017-09-17 2页 doc 13KB 15阅读




昨日歌、今日歌、明日歌昨日歌、今日歌、明日歌 昨日歌 佚名 昨日兮昨日,昨日何其好~昨日已过去,今日徒懊恼。 世人但知悔昨日,不觉今日又过了。水流日日去,花落日日少。 成事立业在今日,莫悔昨日弃今朝~ A Song on Yesterday By an Unknown Person Yesterday,yesterday and what a good day yesterday! But it's already gone and no use feeling sorry. The world only know regrett...
昨日歌、今日歌、明日歌 昨日歌 佚名 昨日兮昨日,昨日何其好~昨日已过去,今日徒懊恼。 世人但知悔昨日,不觉今日又过了。水流日日去,花落日日少。 成事立业在今日,莫悔昨日弃今朝~ A Song on Yesterday By an Unknown Person Yesterday,yesterday and what a good day yesterday! But it's already gone and no use feeling sorry. The world only know regretting the wasted yesterday But don't sense that today is quietly going away. The water flows and the flowers discolour every day. Today you should accomplish something useful Not regret the gone yesterday but abandon today! 今日歌 【明】文嘉 今日复今日,今日何其少~今日又不为,此事何时了, 人生百年几今日,今日不为真可惜~若言姑待明朝至,明朝又有明朝事。 为君聊赋(《今日诗》,努力请从今日始~ A Song on Today By Wen Jia Today and today, how few it is today! When can it be done if not do the work today? Today is so few in one's one-hundred-year lifetime, That it is a pity that you do nothing today. If leave your work done till tomorrow, Tomorrow has tomorrow's work to be done. Today I have written the poem about today for you, Wishing you work energetically fron today! 明 日 歌 【明】文嘉 明日复明日,明日何其多~日日待明日,万事成蹉跎~ 世人皆被明日累,明日无穷老将至。黄昏滚滚水东流,今古悠悠日西坠。 百年明日能几何,请君听我《明日歌》。 A Song on Tomorrow By Wen Jia Tomorrow after tomorrow, so many hours for us? Oh,no! Nothing can be accomplish if today's work is put off till tomorrow! The world are all trouled with tomorrow, Waiting for countless tomorrow, they will quietly old grow. At whether dawn or dusk the water flows east forever, And at all times the sun sets west. Lifetime is short for everybody, Please listen to my Song on Tomorrow.
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