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生日快乐歌生日快乐歌 第6課 生日快樂歌 教學目標 1. 了解〈生日快樂〉歌的由來及其概況簡介。 2. 精熟不完全及物動詞的用法。 3. 活用被動語態。 4. 欣賞英語老歌 “Sad Movies” 及掌握代名詞的用法。 5. 學會主詞與助動詞或be動詞縮寫的唸法。 6. 熟悉生日派對的會話。 教學時數建議表 表格請參照高職多媒體光碟,若有不便之處,敬請見諒。 寫作練習活動 提示說明:今天是Mia的16歲生日,可是她的運氣不大好;早上沒搭上公車而上學遲到, 白天小考成績也不好。回到家後,沒想到家人為她準備了一桌好...
生日快乐歌 第6課 生日快樂歌 教學目標 1. 了解〈生日快樂〉歌的由來及其概況簡介。 2. 精熟不完全及物動詞的用法。 3. 活用被動語態。 4. 欣賞英語老歌 “Sad Movies” 及掌握代名詞的用法。 5. 學會主詞與助動詞或be動詞縮寫的唸法。 6. 熟悉生日派對的會話。 教學時數建議表 表格請參照高職多媒體光碟,若有不便之處,敬請見諒。 寫作練習活動 提示說明:今天是Mia的16歲生日,可是她的運氣不大好;早上沒搭上公車而上學遲到, 白天小考成績也不好。回到家後,沒想到家人為她準備了一桌好菜及蛋糕,當他們為她唱著 〈生日快樂〉歌時,Mia感到開心又感動。請根據下列圖片寫一篇約50,80字的短文。 , , , 參考一: thIt’s Mia’s 16 birthday today. However, she didn’t have luck this morning. First, she missed the bus and got to school late. And then she didn’t do well on her math test. She felt kind of bad and went home frustrated after school. To her surprise, her family didn’t forget her birthday but prepared delicious food and a birthday cake for her. When they sang the “Happy Birthday” song for her, Mia felt touched and very happy. 參考答案二: It’s a big day for Mia—she turns 16 today. However, she didn’t have luck. First, she didn’t catch the bus and arrived at school late. And then, the poor scores on her math test frustrated her very much. When she finished a hard day and went home, she felt hopeless. But much to her surprise, her parents, brother, and sister waited for her home with her favorite dishes, a birthday cake, and presents. They never forgot Mia’s Birthday! While her family were singing the “Happy Birthday” song for her, Mia’s heart was filled with joy and happiness. 補充資料 一、〈生日快樂〉歌簡介 根據《金氏世界紀錄》,〈祝你生日快樂〉是三首最流行的英語歌曲之一,其餘兩首分別是〈友誼地久天長〉“Auld Lang Syne” 和〈他是一個愉快的好夥伴〉“For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”。這首歌曲被翻譯成多國語言,在一些英語不是主要語言的國家,人們也經常唱這首歌曲的英語歌詞。〈祝你生日快樂〉的旋律出自於〈大家早安〉,其最早在1893年發表於幼稚園使用的Song Stories《歌曲故事》一書中,它記載著Patty Hill作詞,Mildred Hill作曲。 後來,〈祝你生日快樂〉的歌詞和Hill姊妹發表的旋律合為一首歌,出現在舞臺表演中。百老匯的音樂劇The Band Wagon於1931年使用了〈祝你生日快樂〉。那時候,〈祝你生日快樂〉的歌詞還沒有版權。〈祝你生日快樂〉的歌詞於1935年被潔西卡?希爾及Summy公司登記了版權,該版權將於2030年過期。這是第一首有版權的歌詞。人們還不清楚到底是誰寫了〈祝你生日快樂〉的歌詞,雖然它在1935年登記了版權。然而,〈大家早安〉是1893年出版的,根據美國法律,它現在屬於公有財,也就是〈大家早安〉並沒有版權的問題。除了其旋律的第一個音符被分成兩個,以適合「Happy」:快樂:這個詞的兩個音節之外,〈祝你生日快樂〉和〈大家早安〉的旋律是一樣的。 〈祝你生日快樂〉一次最著名的演出是瑪麗蓮?夢露於1962年五月為美國總統約翰?F?甘迺迪演唱的。阿波羅9號太空船的成員於1969年三月八日也演唱了這首歌,或許它可以被認為是第一首在太空演唱的歌曲。許多餐館在為顧客上蛋糕的時候,演奏他們自己創作的歌曲,而不是〈祝你生日快樂〉。這些歌曲創作的目的是為了避開〈祝你生日快樂〉的版權問題。 :摘自。: 二、〈祝你生日快樂〉作者生平 蜜德莉?希爾 (June 27, 1859,June 5, 1916) 是三個姊妹中最大的姊姊。她從她們的父親那兒學音樂,所以她不只是作曲家、表演者,也對黑人靈魂歌曲有特別的研究。她還是幼稚園的老師,她們姊妹對進步主義教育 (progressive education) 的推動不遺餘力。 派蒂?希爾 (27 March, 1868 , 25 May, 1946) 排行老二,潔西卡排行老三。派蒂也是位幼稚園的老師,且是園長。她是國家幼兒教育協會 (National Association Nursery Education) (NANE) 的創始人。在1924年時,她自行研發出一套大型積木 (Patty Hill blocks)。在1893年芝加哥世界博覽會上,她與Mildred同時因推動進步主義教育而獲頒獎項。 三、百老匯音樂劇 從第一次世界大戰以後,真正原創的音樂喜劇開始在百老匯蓬勃發展起來,成了當時美 國都會人士最主要的娛樂,也正是因為如此,百老匯便成了音樂喜劇的代名詞。百老匯的音樂喜劇在四?年代和五?年代達到最高峰,可是隨著二次世界大戰的結束,戰後新生代有了新的價值觀,發展出他們自己所熱愛的搖滾樂。百老匯由於無法吸引年輕的觀眾,逐漸地沒落。直到七?年代,幾個新生代作家把搖滾樂及一些新的概念帶進百老匯,才總算又開始讓歷史悠久的百老匯音樂劇找到了第二個春天。 百老匯音樂劇兼具了古典與流行的特色,它和爵士樂一樣,都是非常「美國」的產品,它吸收了來自世界各地的根源,再和美國本土文化融合在一起,對美國的流行音樂有著深遠的影響。 百老匯音樂劇,或者是某些人口中俗稱的「歌舞劇」,它正式的名稱應該是「音樂喜劇」(Musical Comedy)。而雖然名為喜劇,不過有時候它卻可能與一般人定義中的「喜劇」頗有差距,甚至還有可能近似於悲劇。在1866年,紐約市出現一齣綜合了歌劇、鬧劇與芭蕾舞特點的戲The Black Crook《惡騙子》,立刻造成轟動。它締造空前的票房,連續演出二十五年之久。儘管它雜耍的成分居多,也沒有真正完整的故事,甚至連音樂和插曲都是撿現成的,卻被後人公認為有史以來第一齣音樂喜劇。 :摘自: 四、著作權的基本認識 1. 著作的原創性 著作需具有原創性,才受著作權保護。所謂原創性是指作者在創作過程中,其精神作用已 達到相當程度,足以表現作者個性與獨特性。如:照片取景角度、燈光效果的獨特性等。 2. 著作權的生效 所有著作從完成那刻起,就受到著作權法的保護,不用註冊、不用公告。但是,著作權是 否遭到侵害,著作權人要自行主張,屬告訴乃論,而且要自行舉證自己的著作完成時間早 於抄襲或翻印的著作。 3. 保護期限 (1) 著作人格權:著作人死亡:指自然人:或消滅:指法人:,對於其著作人格權之保護仍 存續,任何人不得傷害。著作人格權沒有期限,所以不論著作是否為公共產,都應「註 明出處」。 (2) 著作財產權:保護期限內享有著作權,過了期限就屬公共產,不需取授權。 著作權類型 保護期間 終身享有,死後繼續五十年。 自然人 著作人死亡後四十年至五十年間首次公開發表者,著 作財產權之期間自公開發表日起存續十年。 語文著作及電腦程式 公開發表後五十年。 法人 著作創作完成時起算五十年內未公開發表者,著作權 存續至創作完成時五十年。 攝影、視聽、圖形、錄音及表自然人 公開發表後五十年。若創作完成時起算五十年內未公 演著作 法人 開發表者,著作權存續至創作完成時五十年。 存續至著作公開發表後五十年,但可證明其著作人死亡已逾五別名或不具名著作 十年者,著作權消滅。 共同著作 存續至共同著作人最後一位死亡後五十年。 上述存續時間以該期間屆滿當年之末日:十二月三十一日:為期間之終止。 課前活動 臺灣人如何慶祝生日,勾選出你所知道的方法。 ? 上KTV。 ? 送禮物。 ? 吃麵線。 ? 上教堂做禮拜。 ? 舉辦派對。 ? 看電影。 ? 放鞭炮。 ? 送生日卡片。 教學建議 慶生時,大家總會唱〈生日快樂〉歌,但它的起源可能很少人知道。藉由本文可讓學生了解這首令人感到愉悅的歌的由來。另外,文中還有一個更為重要的議題??「著作權」。老師可以藉此教導一些「使用者付費」的觀念。 教學私房菜 熱身活動:大家都是音樂家 活動時間:10分鐘 活動目的:提高學生學習興趣,激發創造力。 活動方法: (1)將學生分組,約3,4人為一組。 (2)請學生就〈祝你生日快樂〉的曲調,自行譜上不同的歌詞。 (3)請學生整組一齊合唱自己作的詞給全班欣賞。 (4)評比大致可依詞的完整度、流暢度及優美與否等方面進行。 教學補給站 1. 此網站蒐集很多歌曲的由來,像是寫歌動機、歌詞的意義等,還有歌曲評論。 2. 此為一個寫歌教學的網站,裡面有作詞及作曲的小技巧、軟體應用、設置錄音室等資訊,甚至還有歌詞回饋的分享。對於想創作歌曲的人非常實用。 3. 此為一音樂網站,內含音樂新聞、音樂評論、音樂教學及音樂討論區。此篇介紹作詞的24個tips。 課文翻譯與重點解析 Q: What’s the most popular English song? A: It’s “Happy Birthday to You.” 你知道最受歡迎的英文歌嗎,不,不是〈聖誕鈴聲〉。那是〈祝你生日快樂〉。 1 因為英文歌曲很多,故用最高級形容詞。popular為多音節的字,最高級用法為前加the most。 2 in English意為「以英文所……的」,in + 語言指「用……語言」。 ?Can you read the story in French? ?The direction is written in Spanish, not in English. Q: When was the “Happy Birthday” song written? 1 A: It was written over one hundred years ago. 1 Q: Who wrote the song? 2 A: Mildred J. Hill and Patty Hill wrote the song. 2 這首歌是一百多年前,兩位美國肯塔基州路易斯維耳市的姊妹所寫。她們的名字為蜜德莉?希爾和派蒂?希爾。她們兩人都是老師,想要寫一首教室內可唱的問候歌。她們叫那首歌〈大家早安〉。她們創造了我們現在會聯想到〈生日快樂〉歌的旋律,但歌詞是像這樣: 你們早安,你們早安,親愛的孩子們早安,大家早安。 3 more than = over 超過 ?Can you imagine there are more than ten thousand people in the department store? ?An elder over 65 years old can visit the museum for free. 4 both為一代名詞,指前文所提到的複數名詞,譯為「兩者」,後接複數動詞。both亦可為形容詞,後接名詞,如:both hands。 5 :請見課文: (1) that是關係代名詞受格,作melody的同位語,that we... song為形容詞子句,修飾melody。 (2) words在此指歌詞,亦可用lyrics。 (3) go like this常指音樂或歌詞是「這樣唱的」。 ?I know the song. It goes like this. Q: Why did the Hill sisters apply for a copyright? A: They wanted to protect their ownership. 那首歌變得很受歡迎,且在其他教室被廣泛地使用。所以希爾姊妹在1893年申請了著作權以保護她們的所有權。 6 become + adj. 變得……的 句型、文法 連綴動詞及感官動詞 (become, go, get, keep, remain, lie, look, feel, sound, taste, smell, seem, appear) 後接形容詞作補語用。 ?The little girl remained silent until she got familiar with other children. ?I don’t feel comfortable in this mini-skirt. 7 widely adv. 廣泛地,修飾後面used。 ?Grace has been to France, Italy, Holland, America, and Japan. She has traveled widely. 8 :請見課文: (1) in 1893是過去的時間,故句子用過去簡單式描述。 (2) to protect = in order to protect,表「目的」,指「為了要保護……」。 Q: What was the greeting song changed into? 1 A: It was changed into a song which celebrated a person’s birthday. 1 Q: When was the song published with the new lyrics? 2 A: In 1924. 2 不知何時,那首歌的歌詞被改成慶祝一個人的生日,但它在1924年以新歌詞出版。這些是 9 :請見課文: (1) It is not known中的it為虛主詞,真主詞是when the song’s lyrics... birthday。此句亦可寫 成Nobody knows when the song’s lyrics....。 (2) 此it是指這首歌。 (3) with prep. 在此指「有著……;以……」。 今天大家都熟知的歌詞。 Q: Which song was more popular, the classroom greeting song or the “Happy Birthday” song? 1 A: The “Happy Birthday” song is more popular. 1 Q: Why did Jessica Hill go to court? 2 A: She wanted to protect the legal rights to the song. 2 這個版本的歌甚至比原版更受歡迎,且在生日派對上常被唱到。所以,另一個希爾姊妹,潔西卡,上法院告訴法官她的姊姊擁有這首歌的合法版權。她勝訴了。 10 even adv. 甚至,修飾比較級more popular。 句型、文法 修飾比較級亦可用much, far, a little, a lot等副詞。 ?The price of the coat is far more expensive than I thought. 11 :請見課文: (1) another adj. 另一個的:不指定:,此指希爾家族中,除了Mildred及Patty外的第三 個姊妹。三者以上時,用one..., another..., the other...。 (2) tell sb. + that cl. 告訴某人某事 句型、文法 動詞 + that cl.為名詞子句當受詞用,Jessica told the judge that....,子句部分為Jessica告訴 法官的內容,作told的受詞。 ?The teacher asked a difficult question, and lots of students answered her that they didn’t know. Q: What happened if the “Happy Birthday” song is played for profit? 1 A: Those who play it must pay royalty to the copyright owners. 1 Q: How much is the average royalty a year the legal owners of the “Happy Birthday” song get? 2 A: It’s between one and two million US dollars. 2 今天,每當〈生日快樂〉歌以營利為目的被播放時,希爾的子孫們仍會拿到錢。這包含了唱片、電視及收音機節目、戲劇和電影。例如,百老匯戲劇的製作人必須支付那些法定版權人每星期25美元,為了在他們的戲劇中使用〈生日快樂〉歌。據報導,這首歌每年賺進一百萬到兩百萬美元之間的版稅。那可比在音樂史上很多歌曲賺得多了。 12 :請見課文: (1) get paid 得到付款 句型、文法 get + p.p.常表「主詞使自己處於……的狀態」,get代替了be-V。其他如:get tired, get lost, get stuck, get elected等。 ?The kids got lost in the market and started crying loud. (2) each time 每次,其後省略了修飾時間的關係副詞when,在此當連接詞用。each time 亦可用every time或whenever替代。而the “Happy Birthday” song... profit為一副詞子 句,修飾get paid的時機。 13 It is reported that + S + V. 據報導……,此句型亦可寫成S + be reported + to V.。本句可改 寫為The song is reported to earn between....。 14 more A (N) than B (N) A比B多,其中more為比較級形容詞。 Q: When can “Happy Birthday” song be sung for free in public? A: People can do so when its copyright comes to an end. 然而,所有的版權都會結束。當〈生日快樂〉歌也到了這一天時,任何地方的任何人都能公開地唱這首歌??而且是免費地。但不論是否免費,〈生日快樂〉歌或許將一直是全世界的人們以音樂慶祝某人生日的方式。 15 代名詞that代替上一句「所有版權都會結束」。 16 anyone為主詞,而anywhere為修飾主詞的地方副詞。 17 whether... or not 不論是否……,此句原為But whether the song can be sung for free or not。 字彙 I. 應用字彙 1. celebrate (1) celebrated adj. 著名的;有名的 ?Jeter is a celebrated baseball player of USBL. (2) celebration n. [C] 慶祝 ?We had a quiet celebration for sick grandpa. (3) celebrity n. [C] 名人 字詞搭配 celebrate A with B 用B:方式:來慶祝A ?We celebrate the victory with a party. 補充例句 th?The party is planned to celebrate the 85 birthday of Mr. Johnson. 2. popular (1) popularity n. [U] 大眾化;聲望 ?The actor won growing popularity among the youth. (2) popularize vt. 使普及;使通俗化 字詞搭配 (1) popular with 受到……的歡迎 ?Jannet is popular with many young men. (2) popular as 以……身分受歡迎 ?The star is popular as a club singer. 補充例句 ?The tropical isle is a popular spot for many Westerners. 3. greeting (1) greet vt. 問候;迎接 SYN welcome ?The child greeted his dear uncle with open arms. (2) greetings n. [always pl.] 祝賀詞;問候語 字詞搭配 (1) greeting card 賀卡 (2) extend a greeting 給予問候 (3) respond to a greeting 回應問候 ?The guests responded to the host’s greeting cheerfully. (4) exchange greetings 交換問候語 (5) send/extend greetings 給予問候語 (6) receive greetings 收到祝賀詞 (7) return greetings 回應祝賀詞 4. create (1) creation n. [C] 創立;孙宙萬物;創作品 ?All those touching works are the creations of the artist. (2) creativity n. [U] 創造力 ?Bob is really a man of little creativity. (3) creator n. [C] 創造者;造物主 (the Creator) ?The creator of Micky Mouse, the most recognized cartoon character in the world, is Walt Disney. (4) creature n. [C] 生物;產物 ?That little plant is also a living creature. 補充例句 ?The newly-built factory creates hundreds of jobs. ?Lee-hom Wang is a creative musician. He writes many kinds of songs. 5. melody melodic = melodious adj. 旋律優美的;悅耳的 ?The father composed a melodic nursery song for his baby. 字詞搭配 hum/play/sing a melody 哼,演奏,唱一曲 ?I don’t know the song you said. Can you hum the melody? 補充例句 ?The foreigner played an old Taiwanese melody with his guitar. 6. protect (1) protector n. [C] 防禦者;保護者:器: ?Soldiers are the protectors of the country. (2) protectionism n. [U] 貿易保護主義;貿易保護 字詞搭配 (1) protect against/from 保護免於……的傷害 (2) give/offer/provide protection 提供保護 (3) under one’s protection 在某人的保護下 (4) overly protective 過度保護的 (5) feel protective of/toward 對……有保護之心 補充例句 ?Wearing a helmet can protect you from harm in case of an accident. ?Everyone has to do his part in environmental protection. 7. ownership (1) own vt. 擁有 ?The rich old man owns a luxury house. (2) owner n.[C] 物主;所有人 ?Patty is the lawful/rightful owner of the flower shop. 字詞搭配 (1) public ownership 公共所有權 (2) joint ownership 共同所有權 補充例句 ?This piece of land seems to belong to private ownership. 8. change vt. 更改;互換;換車,change ,n. [C] [U] 替換; 零錢, ?Could I change ten dollars into quarters? ?“Here’s your change,” said the salesclerk. 字詞搭配 (1) change A for B 把A換成B (2) change from A to B 從A變成B (3) change with A 與A互換 (4) change into A 轉變成A的樣子 (5) change of/in 在……方面的變化 (6) make/bring about a change 改變 (7) change hands :交易:易手 (8) change for place 轉車:船、飛機:到某處 (9) have a change of heart = change one’s mind改變心意 9. original (1) origin n. [C] 起源;由來;血統 ?The word “soccer” has an origin in England, first appearing in the 1880s. (2) originate vi. 發源;產生 ?The proposal originated from an entry-level worker. (3) originality n. [U] 獨創性;新穎 ?The artwork shows its originality of Chinese figures. 字詞搭配 (1) originate from/with sb. 源自於某人 ?The theory of relativity originated from Albert Einstein. (2) originate in time/place 發源自何時,何處 ?Woodblock printing originated in China as a method of printing on paper. 補充例句 ?The original of the book was destroyed in the war. ?You are going to feel more touched about the story in the original. ?Is the skirt sold at its original price? Any discount? 10. judge judge n. [C] 裁判;鑑賞家 ?Kevin is not only a good judge of the latest fashions but also a costume designer. 補充例句 ?Mr. Lin is a fair, harsh judge. 11. legal 字詞搭配 (1) legal age 法定年齡 (2) legal holiday 國定假日 (3) legal proceedings 法律訴訟程序 (4) legal system 司法制度 (5) legal profession 司法界 (6) legal tender 法定貨幣 補充例句 ?Is it legal to buy a fake wallet? 12. perform (1) perform vt. 執行;完成 SYN achieve, carry out (2) performance n. [U, C] 履行;成果;績效 ?The van has high engine performance. (3) performer n. [C] 表演者;執行者 字詞搭配 (1) perform in 在某場合演出 (2) perform on 表演某項目 (3) perform for 為了誰而演出 ?The singer performed for live audiences in the stadium. (4) deliver/give/put on a performance 表演 (5) performance art 舞臺表演藝術 (6) performance management 績效管理 13. profit (1) profit vi. 對……有利;獲利 ?Can you profit by selling that car? (2) profitable adj. 有利的;有益的 SYN beneficial, advantageous OPP profitless, unprofitable ?It’s profitable to invest in property. 字詞搭配 (1) bring (in)/yield a profit 產生利潤 (2) clear/net profit 淨利 (3) gross profit 毛利 (4) make/earn/realize a profit on 因……賺取利潤 (5) profit by/from 因……獲利 14. recording n. [C] 紀錄;錄音:影:,(1) recording ,adj. 錄音的, 字詞搭配 a. play a recording 播放錄音:影: b. a tape/video recording 錄音,錄影帶 ?It took a month to make the recording of these songs. vt. 記錄,(2) record ,n. [C] 紀錄;唱片, 字詞搭配 a. record A from B 從B錄下A ?I recorded the song on my new tape recorder from TV. b. set/establish a record 創下紀錄 c. tie/equal a record 打平紀錄 d. break/beat a record 打破紀錄 e. hold a record 維持紀錄 f. academic records 成績單 g. criminal records 犯罪紀錄 ?The talk was secretly recorded. 15. producer (1) product n. [C] 產品;成果 (2) production n. [U] 生產;:電影、戲劇:製作 SYN manufacture (3) productive adj. 生產的;多產的;有成效的 SYN fruitful, fertile ?The art academy is productive of modern artists. 字詞搭配 (1) an executive producer 執行製作人 (2) a film/movie producer 電影製作人 (3) a stage/theater producer 舞臺製作人 (4) a TV producer 電視製作人 (5) produce for 為了……:目的:生產 (6) produce from 從……:材料:生產 16. earn 字詞搭配 (1) earn one’s living 謀生 (2) earn an honest penny 用正當手段掙錢 (3) annual/yearly earnings 年收入 (4) net/gross earnings 淨,毛利 補充例句 ?Brown’s great accomplishment in medicine earned him respect. 17. probably (1) probable adj. 可能成為事實的 OPP improbable (2) probability n. [U] 可能性;:數:機率 SYN possibility, likelihood 字詞搭配 (1) highly/very probable 很有可能的 (2) hardly probable 幾乎不可能的 (3) a little/strong probability of ……的可能性很低,高 補充例句 ?Tim’ll probably not come over tonight. 18. musical adj. 悅耳的;擅長音樂的,(1) musical ,n. [C] 歌舞劇;音樂片, (2) music n. [C] 音樂;樂譜 字詞搭配 (1) musical chairs 搶椅子遊戲:大風吹: (2) musical instrument 樂器 (3) compose/write music 作曲 (4) background music 背景音樂 (5) light/soft music 輕音樂 (6) music box 音樂盒 補充例句 ?Heidi was born in a musical family. II. 認知字彙 1. copyright 字詞搭配 (1) own/hold the copyright on 擁有……的版權 (2) register a copyright 登記版權 (3) a copyright expires/runs out 版權終止 補充例句 ?Who owns the copyright on this painting? 2. lyrics (1) lyric adj. 抒情的 ?You can tell from its words that it’s a lyric poem. (2) lyricist n. [C] 抒情詩人;抒情歌曲作者 補充例句 ?I love those romantic lyrics in the pop song. 3. publish publisher n. [C] 出版商;發行者 補充例句 ?The novelist has published his sixth book. 4. version 補充例句 ?Did you read Harry Potter in the English version? 5. descendant descended adj. 為某人的後裔的 ?That guy said that he was descended from Queen Victoria. 補充例句 ?Mr. Kong is a descendant of Confucius. 6. royalty 字詞搭配 earn/receive/get royalties 收到版稅 補充例句 ?The publisher paid me lots of royalties on my new book. III. 專有名詞 1. Jingle Bells 補充資料 “Jingle Bells” 又名 “One Horse Open Sleigh”,為美國作曲家James Lord Pierpont (1822 — 1893)所寫。其版權在1857年以 “One Horse Open Sleigh” 為名登記。歌詞如下: Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh O’er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob tails ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to laugh and sing A sleighing song tonight ,,,,, Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh 2. Louisville, Kentucky 補充資料 路易斯維耳市是肯塔基州最大的城市,也是全美排名第27大的城市。路易斯維耳市以「最刺激的2分鐘運動」的老本營而著名,該運動稱為Kentucky Derby,是美國傳統馬賽之一。更多相關資料可連結至:,_Kentucky。 3. Broadway 補充資料 以「時報廣場」(Time Square) 為中心的百老匯,在紐約市開埠初期,原本只是一條平凡的道路,住著一些墾荒者。他們在那裡開設農場,經營牲口的相關行業。隨著都市的開發,房舍愈建愈多,畜牧業也逐漸遷移到別的地方,變成了商店、學校與教堂林立的地區,同時也是馬車業的中心。後來,汽車取代了馬車,百老匯大街也跟著改變了面貌。一些原本在紐約其他地區的劇場業者逐漸開始進駐這個地區。百老匯大街,特別是在時報廣場一帶,成了美國娛樂業的中心。在它的全盛期,該地區的劇場總數多達將近八十家。根據紀錄顯示,在1893年的時候,美國人每年在這一帶「貢獻」的娛樂費用就已經高達六百萬美元。 片語 1. associate with 字詞辨異 (1) associate with sb. 與某人打交道、交往 ?John often associates with those who like gambling. (2) associate oneself with sth. 某人贊同某事物 ?Grandpa never associated himself with my brother’s marriage. 補充例句 ?Mary usually associates that gentleman with the most wealthy businessman. 2. apply for 字詞搭配 (1) apply to sb. for sth. 申請 ?Ivy tried to apply to her college for a scholarship. (2) apply A to B 把A運用在B上;把A塗抹在B上 ?You had better apply your intelligence to your work, not to play. ?The girl applied glue to the bottom of the pages. (3) apply oneself to sth. 集中精力做某事;專心 ?Apply yourself to completing the job; there are only two days left. 補充例句 ?After graduation, I want to apply for a job in the restaurant. 3. go to court 字詞搭配 (1) take sb. to court 起訴某人 ?The prosecutor took the thief to court. (2) laugh sb./sth. out of court 藐視某人,事;不予理會 ?Most of us laughed Joe’s idea out of court. (3) court-house 法院:指建築物: 補充例句 ?The neighbors went to court over a parking space. 4. win one’s case 字詞搭配 (1) in no case = in/under no circumstances 無論如何絕不 ?Even though the parents are poor, they would in no case allow their children to drop out of school. (2) make out a case for 對……有利的論證 ?The statistics make out a case for building a hospital in the city. 補充例句 ?The old lady burst into tears when she learned that she had won the case. 5. come to an end 字詞搭配 (1) bring/draw to an end 結束 ?The meeting today finally brought/drew to an end. Everyone felt exhausted. (2) come to a bad/sticky end 遭到報應;惡有惡報 ?The bad guy will come to a bad end some day. (3) put an end to sth. 廢止某事物 ?The local government takes action to put an end to motorbike racing. 補充例句 ?The singer took off his shirt and pants as the concert came to an end. 6. for free free adj. 免費的;自由的;:道路:順暢的;鬆弛的;有空閒的 字詞搭配 (1) fat-free 不含脂肪的 ?Please buy me a bottle of fat-free milk. I am on a diet. (2) free will 自由意志 ?You chose it of your own free will. Don’t blame me. ?I’m usually free on Sunday mornings. 補充例句 ?The cookies in the café are served to customers for free today. 句型練習 重點練習一 不完全及物動詞 不完全及物動詞後面接受詞後,句意仍不完整,故需再接受詞補語,來補充說明受詞的性質、狀態或特徵。補語可為名詞、形容詞、不定詞片語、現在分詞或過去分詞。此類動詞有: 1. 表認為、覺得 (believe, consider, find, think) ?Winnie found her son a genius. ?I thought David very lucky on the test. 2. 表稱呼 (call, name) ?They named their baby Tommy. 3. 表任命、選舉 (appoint, choose, elect, name, nominate) ?We elected John our chairman. ?The teacher appointed me the class leader. 4. 表處於……狀態 (keep, leave) ?I’m sorry to keep you waiting. ?Bob left the door open. 5. 使役動詞 (have, let, make) ?Let’s make the Earth a better place. 6. 感官動詞 (see, hear, feel) ?I saw your aunt walking down the street. ?Everybody heard the song sung. 教學建議 在黑板寫出不完全及物動詞及一些補語,將學生分組,比賽哪一組造出的句子正確且快速。 提示字參考: 動詞 find, call, elect, leave, choose, feel 補語 the president of the country, crying loudly, warm and true, Lucky Kitty, to be class representative, a foolish guy 建議答案: 1. I finally found Mark a foolish guy. 2. We called our new cat Lucky Kitty. 3. People elected Obama the president of the America. 4. Mom left the baby crying loudly. 5. We chose Joe to be class representative in the speech contest. 6. I felt Windy’s handshakes warm and true. 重點練習二 被動語態 英文中有兩種語態,一為主動語態,另一為被動語態。只有及物動詞才有被動語態,目的在強調接受動作的人或物。 1. 簡單被動式 (1)現在式被動:S + am/is/are + p.p. (2)過去式被動:S + was/were + p.p. ?All the tickets were sold out. (3)未來式被動:S + will be + p.p. ?The party will be held by Peter’s parents. 2. 進行被動式 (1)現在進行式被動:S + am/is/are being + p.p. ?A new highway is being built. (2)過去進行式被動:S + was/were being + p.p. ?The game was being played while I was driving home. (3)未來進行式被動:S + will be being + p.p. 3. 完成被動式 (1)現在完成式被動:S + have/has been + p.p. (2)過去完成式被動:S + had been + p.p. ?The walls had been painted before I bought the house. (3)未來完成式被動在英文中非常罕用。 教學建議 給予學生主動語態的句子,讓學生多練習改成被動語態。 參考例句: 1. Bettina spent two hundred dollars on the book. Two hundred dollars were spent on the book by Bettina. , 2. The typhoon damaged a village. A village was damaged by the typhoon. , 3. Dad is repairing the refrigerator. The refrigerator is being repaired by Dad. , 4. Mom will clean the room. The room will be cleaned by Mom. , 5. James has finished the job already. The job has been finished by James already. , 語言活用 解析 「悲劇電影」由Sue Thompson所唱,她於1925年7月19日在密蘇里州出生。而這首歌是由美國歌手及作曲家John D. Loudermilk所寫的,他於1934年3月31日出生於加州。其中文歌詞如下: 他說他得上班,於是我自己一個人去看電影。燈光熄了,放映機亮了起來。 正當全球新聞開始播放:註:,我看到我的情人和我最好的朋友走了進來。 雖然我坐在那裡,他們卻沒有看見,因此他們正好坐在我前面。 當他吻著她的唇時,我傷心欲絕。中場的彩色卡通時間,我哭了起來。 我起身慢慢地走回家裡。媽媽看見淚水,問我:「怎麼了,」 而為了不對她撒謊,我只說:「悲劇電影使我傷心落淚。」 註:在電視機剛發明不久還不普及的年代裡,電影才是人們主要的娛樂。電影院通常會在片 子開始前放映最近的全球新聞集錦。中場休息時間則放映一段卡通。 :摘自 。: 語言百寶箱 發音練習 縮寫(II) 助動詞及be動詞縮寫及其讀法。 其他常見的縮寫還包括助動詞did, has, have, had, would的縮寫及be動詞連接否定詞、其他名詞、代名詞或疑問詞所形成的縮寫情況。例如: ?I didn’t see Mr. Wang today. ?Jessie wouldn’t come home tonight, I thought. ?Mary’s gone to the store. ?Who’s been invited? ?提醒同學,正式寫作時儘量避免使用縮寫。 補充 1. this is不可縮寫。 2.主詞 ’s可能是主詞的所有格或主詞與is, was, has的縮寫。雖然讀音都一樣,但需提醒同學 注意該句子後有無動詞及其時間副詞,以確認縮寫為所有格、現在式動詞、過去式動詞或 完成式動詞。 縮寫音標 Group 3 Group 4 I’ll don’t you’ll doesn’t he’ll Others she’ll there’s we’ll that’s they’ll what’s More didn’t it’d hasn’t he’d haven’t she’d hadn’t you’d wouldn’t we’d isn’t they’d aren’t 聽力測驗 一場生日派對 聽以下關於一場生日派對的對話並回答問題。 聽力腳本及中譯 M: So, are you going tonight? :所以,你今晚要去嗎,: W: Going where? :去哪兒,: M: To Lisa’s birthday party! :去麗莎的生日派對啊,: W: Oh! Is it tonight? :噢,是今天晚上嗎,: M: Yeah! Didn’t you get the invitation? :是的,你沒收到邀請函嗎,: W: I did, but I thought it would be next week! :我有,但我以為是下禮拜,: M: No! It’s tonight. So, are you going? :不是,是今晚。所以,你要去嗎,: W: Are you kidding? Of course I am! What time is the party? :你在開玩笑嗎,我當然會去,派對是幾點,: M: It’s at 6:30. :六點半。: W: It’s at Lisa’s house, right? :在麗莎家,是嗎,: M: No. It’s at her best friend Rachel’s house. :不是,是在她的好朋友瑞秋家。: W: Where’s that? :那在哪裡啊,: M: Actually very close to your house, next to the convenience store. :事實上,離你家很近,就在便利商店旁。: W: Oh. I’m glad I asked. Is there a dress code? :噢,我很高興我有問。有沒有規定穿什麼衣服,: M:They didn’t say. I guess nice casual dress is okay. :他們沒說,我猜好一點的休閒裝就行。: W: That sounds good. Now I just have to go to the department store and get her a present. :聽起來不錯。現在我只必須去百貨公司給她買個禮物。: M: Don’t worry. They said not to bring any presents. :別擔心,他們說不要帶任何禮物。: W: Really? Nothing at all? :真的嗎,什麼都不要,: M: Yeah. They said they just wanted all their friends to enjoy the cake together. :是啊,他們說他們只想要所有的朋友一起享用蛋糕。: W: That’s nice. How old is Lisa going to be anyway? :那很好,麗莎要滿幾歲啦,: M: I’m not sure. I think she’s 15, so she must be turning 16. :我不確定,我想她現在是15歲,所以她是要滿16歲了吧。: Question 1. Where is the party? :派對在哪裡,: 2. What time is the party? :派對是幾點,: 3. What is the man probably going to wear to the party? :那男子可能會穿什麼衣服赴宴,: 4. What is the woman going to buy as a present? :那女子要去買什麼當生日禮物,: 5. How many candles will probably be on the cake? :蛋糕上可能會有幾支蠟燭,:
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