

2018-07-11 13页 doc 41KB 40阅读




关于要求审批乡镇机构改革的实施方案的请示1关于要求审批乡镇机构改革的实施方案的请示1 关于要求审批《XX镇机构改革实施方案》的 请 示 县编委: 遵照县委办、县政府办[2010]82号文件精神~结合我镇实际~经镇党委、政府研究~制定《XX镇机构改革实施方案》~现呈报审批~不妥之处请予指正。 附:《XX镇机构改革实施方案》 中共XX镇委员会 XX镇人民政府 年月日 XX镇机构改革实施方案 为认真贯彻落实《中共XX县委办公室 XX县人民政府办公室转发的通知》~为进一步深化我镇机构改革~现结合本地实际~制定如下实施方案: methods of the ...
关于要求审批乡镇机构改革的实施的请示1 关于要求审批《XX镇机构改革实施方案》的 请 示 县编委: 遵照县委办、县政府办[2010]82号文件精神~结合我镇实际~经镇党委、政府研究~制定《XX镇机构改革实施方案》~现呈报审批~不妥之处请予指正。 附:《XX镇机构改革实施方案》 中共XX镇委员会 XX镇人民政府 年月日 XX镇机构改革实施方案 为认真贯彻落实《中共XX县委办公室 XX县人民政府办公室转发》~为进一步深化我镇机构改革~现结合本地实际~制定如下实施方案: methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates production templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cable channel, u-channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management required from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electricity given this project of welded steel and concrete construction 一、指导思想 高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜~以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~深入贯彻落实科学发展观~坚持以人为本、执政为民~按照建设社会主义新农村和构建社会主义和谐社会的要求~坚持加强和改善党对农村工作的领导~在巩固农村税费改革、农村综合改革成果~减轻农民负担的基础上~进一步转变政府职能~理顺职责关系~创新体制机制~优化、机构和岗位设置~严格控制人员编制~建立精干高效的行政管理体制和运行机制~建设服务型镇政府~促进我镇农村经济社会又好又快发展~努力为科学发展、进位赶超、绿色崛起提供体制机制保障。 二、基本原则 (一)坚持理顺关系、权责一致的原则。进一步理顺乡镇与县的权责关系~把赋予乡镇履行职能必要的事权和财权落到实处~完善乡(镇)与派驻乡镇机构的协调配合机制~促进乡镇更好地发挥功能。 (二)坚持精简统一、高效运行的原则。进一步规范机关和站所机构设置~改进工作方式~完善运行机制,加强和完善机构编制管理~确保机构编制只减不增~实有人员控制在编制总额内。 (三)坚持统筹兼顾、积极稳妥的原则。统筹兼顾各项改革工作~确保各项改革之间的紧密衔接和协调配合~妥善处理 set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of rage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and nd stored from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse aituation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management requitual s. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the ache construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1struction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to tchannel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) con-cable channel, uling, formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, raiment in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates production templates using large pieces of shaped steel methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforceicity given this project of welded steel and concrete constructionelectr- 1 - 好改革发展稳定的关系~切实维护农村社会稳定。 三、主要任务 (一)转变乡镇政府职能 乡,镇,政府职能定位为:促进经济发展、增加农民收入~强化公共服务、着力改善民生~加强社会管理、维护农村稳定~推进基层民主、促进农村和谐~突出小城市管理~充分发挥城关镇的辐射作用~促进县域经济发展。 (二)规范机构严控编制 严格按照精简统一效能的要求~镇党政机关设5个综合性办公室~事业站所设7个~根据工作实际和职能重点~合理规范地进行机构设置。 1、党政机构 (1)保留党政办公室。 (2)将社会治安综合治理办公室(挂安全生产监督管理办公室、司法所牌子)调整为社会治安综合治理办公室(挂安全生产监督管理办公室牌子)。司法所按省规定已调整为司法部门的派出机构。 (3)保留经济发展办公室(增挂镇林业办公室、环境保护办公室牌子)。 (4)撤销财经办公室~调整为村镇规划建设办公室(挂新农村建设领导小组办公室牌子)。 (5)将社会事务办公室(挂农村经营管理办公室、防汛抗旱指挥部办公室牌子)~调整为社会事务办公室(挂民政所、防汛抗旱指挥部办公室牌子)。农村经营管理办公室职能已经消失~不ty given this project of welded steel and concrete constructionclosed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electriciwall e and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and setnear, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storagfrom ation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management requiredction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situonstruconstruction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. cart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow ch-le channel, uand bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cabproduction templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates - 2 - 再挂牌。 保留镇人口和生育办公室~仍为县人口和计划生育委员会的派出机构。 领导职数配备:镇领导职数按2003年乡镇机构改革有关规定和乡镇换届有关要求~结合工作实际核定,镇行政机构领导职数按每个综合性办公室主任1名(由党政班子副职兼任)、副主任1名进行配备~考虑便民服务中心日常管理需要~另增设党政办副主任职数1名(兼便民服务中心主任)。 2、事业站所 (1)将镇劳动保障事务所更名为人力资源和社会保障事务所(挂新型农村合作医疗管理所牌子、挂农村社会养老保险管理所牌子)。 (2)保留镇农业技术推广综合站(挂动物防疫检疫站牌子)。 (3)保留镇财政所。 (4)保留镇水务站。 (5)镇文化站更名为文化和社区服务站。 (6)镇计划生育服务所(与人口和计划生育办公室合署办公)。 (7)撤销镇经营管理站~设立农产品质量监管站。 站、所领导职数配备按原规定不变~即:编制10名以上(不含10名)的配1正2副~6,10名的配1正1副~5名以下(含5名)的配1名。 icity given this project of welded steel and concrete constructionelectrset wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of rage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and nd stored from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse aituation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management requitual s. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the ache construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1struction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to tchannel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) con-cable channel, uling, formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, raiment in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates production templates using large pieces of shaped steel methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforce- 3 - 在调整和规划机构设置的过程中~人员编制总量不得突破上级核定的数额~坚持进人核编和实名制管理~守住只减不增的底线。 (三)理顺权责关系,规范管理体制 1、理顺镇与条管部门的关系。对上级部门派驻或设在本镇的机构~由镇党委、政府统一指导和协调~派驻机构党的工作实行属地管理~领导干部提名必须事先书面征求镇党委意见。 2、理顺镇与村民委员会的关系。要充分发挥村民自治组织的作用~不能把属于镇政府的行政职能交给村民委员会~也不能包办代替村民委员会的事务。 3、规范块管体制。按照有关规定~农业技术推广综合站、水务站~实行以条管理为主~人力资源和社会保障事务所、文化和社区服务站、农产品质量监管站以块管理为主。 4、完善条管体制。计划生育服务所、财政所(均为双重领导、县主管部门管理为主)、国土资源管理所、动物防疫检疫站、林业工作站(均为条管)维持其管理体制不变。与上述站所的主管部门进行协调~要进一步完善管理体制和运行机制~要求其在工作中服从镇党委、政府的统一指导和协调~促进其更好地为乡镇发展服务。 5、健全服务体制。强化镇事业站所的公益性服务职能~重点健全农业技术推广、动植物疫病防控、农产品质量监管三个方面的公共服务体系。对从事社会服务和为农服务的事业站所ty given this project of welded steel and concrete constructionclosed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electriciwall e and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and setnear, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storagfrom ation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management requiredction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situonstruconstruction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. cart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow ch-le channel, uand bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cabproduction templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates - 4 - 要加强财政保障。 6、创新服务体制。积极探索农村公益服务的有效实现形式~按照“养事不养人”的原则~探索试行政府出资购买公共服务制度~将一部分农村公益性事务逐步推向市场化、社会化~节约管理成本~提高公共服务质量和效率。 (四)创新工作运行机制 认真总结深化乡镇机构改革工作的成功经验~借鉴外地好的做法~结合本地实际~积极探索为“三农”服务的新机制。进一步加强乡镇便民服务中心建设~完善服务平台~并创新应急服务网络~健全管理考核机制~提高运行效能。 1、完善便民服务平台。积极探索完善镇便民服务中心的功能~通过整合人员编制资源、权力下放、精简办事程序、工作流程再造等方式~将与群众生产生活息息相关的民政、医保、社保、农保、计生、就业、农技、林业、水务、交通、供电、公安户籍、农产品信息、土管、村镇规划、广电网络、村帐乡代理、纳税、信贷以及公共资源交易、招投标、信访(矛盾纠纷调解)~打造方便、快捷、高效的“一站式”服务行政“超市”~实现“便民办事、为民理财、帮民致富、促进和谐”的功能。 2、创新应急服务网络。为使窗口服务向窗外服务延伸~快速高效地处理好突发事件和重大服务任务~进一步建立健全应急处理和统一调度机制~设立联动应急服务指挥中心~下设若干应急服务小组~为议事协调组织。负责防汛抗旱、抢险救灾、 icity given this project of welded steel and concrete constructionelectrset wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of rage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and nd stored from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse aituation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management requitual s. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the ache construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1struction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to tchannel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) con-cable channel, uling, formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, raiment in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates production templates using large pieces of shaped steel methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforce- 5 - 生产生活和社会稳定突发事件及重大服务任务的统一指挥和处置。中心由镇党委书记负总责~各小组分别由镇党政领导班子成员负责~遇有突发事件和重大任务及时整合镇机构、站所和村组(社区)人员资源。设置应急服务专线电话~建立快速反应和问题处置机制~形成党政领导~各机构、站所和村组(社区)协同配合的联动工作网络~提高行政效能和服务质量。 3、健全管理考核机制。探索健全便民服务中心和联动应急服务指挥中心科学管理考评激励机制~进一步完善“统一受理、集中办理、限时办结”的服务模式~完善直接办理制、承诺办理制、联合办理制、统一收费制、跟踪考核制、责任追究制等管理考核机制,把群众需求与提供服务情况、工作任务与工作目标完成情况紧密联系在一起~进行定性与定量相结合的科学管理和考评~把考评结果与干部的使用和年终奖励紧密挂钩~形成一套较为完善的科学管理考评激励机制。 四、实施步骤 镇机构改革工作从X年X月开始~X月底前结束~分三个阶段进行: 第一阶段:宣传动员~制定方案(X年X月X日前)。 第二阶段:组织实施~新机构挂牌运作(X年X月X日前)。 第三阶段:总结经验~迎接检查验收(X年X月底前)。 五、组织领导和纪律要求 (一)加强组织领导。全镇要站在促进农村改革发展稳定的ty given this project of welded steel and concrete constructionclosed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of electriciwall e and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and setnear, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse and storagfrom ation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management requiredction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the actual situonstruconstruction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1. cart) construction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to the channel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow ch-le channel, uand bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, railing, cabproduction templates using large pieces of shaped steel formwork methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforcement in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates - 6 - 高度~充分认识这次镇机构改革的重要性的紧迫性~把镇机构改革摆在当前工作的重中之重~切实加强组织领导~成立XX为组长~XX为副组长~XX为成员的改革领导小组~确定专人负责~制定详细的实施方案~做好具体安排和组织实施工作~按时完成改革任务。 (二)严肃工作纪律。镇政府在机构改革过程中~要严肃政治纪律、机构编制纪律、干部人事纪律、财经纪律~做到人员不散、工作秩序不乱、国有财产不流失~人员妥善安排~各项工作正常运转。 主题词:乡镇机构改革 实施方案 请示 XX镇党政办公室 XX年X月X日印发 共印X份 set wall closed. 3, construction water water in situ dewatering wells, water tanks and bottled water. 4, the construction of rage and the template field, and fire facilities as required. Separation of work zones, work area, living area settings, and nd stored from near, and to meet the normal production and life in the Office, housing and steel processing facilities, warehouse aituation, in accordance with the specification requirements, established in the site layout construction and management requitual s. construction general layout. 2, temporary works combined with the devoted section personnel and machinery equipment, the ache construction design requirement, Foundation placed in the North of the line. Construction site layout as shown in Figure 1struction process flow chart3.2. construction site layout 3.2.1. construction site layout 1, layout according to tchannel and other ancillary works construction. 3.1.4. the construction process (see the construction process flow chart) con-cable channel, uling, formwork and bamboo glue formwork methods. Bridge jacking of 500t hydraulic top picks, roof is complete, edge angle wall, raiment in Foundation pit West of a steel processing plant concentrates production templates using large pieces of shaped steel methods of the poker vibrator vibrating, steel reinforceicity given this project of welded steel and concrete constructionelectr- 7 -
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