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太平洋鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型) 条款

2018-03-18 19页 doc 50KB 76阅读




太平洋鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型) 条款太平洋鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型) 条款 太平洋鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型) 条款 (2010年4月呈报中国保险监督管理委员会备案) “鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型)”简称“鸿鑫人生”。在本保险条款中,“您”指投保人,“我们”指中国太平洋人寿保险股份有限公司,“本合同”指您与我们之间订立的“鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型)合同”。 1( 您与我们订立的合同 1.1 合同构成 本合同是您与我们约定保险权利义务关系的协议,包括本保险条款、保险单、投保单及其他投保文件、合法有效的声明、批注、批单及其他您与我们共同认可的书面协议。 1...
太平洋鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型) 条款
太平洋鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型) 条款 太平洋鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型) 条款 <中国太平洋人寿保险股份有限公司> (2010年4月呈报中国保险监督管理委员会备案) “鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型)”简称“鸿鑫人生”。在本保险条款中,“您”指投保人,“我们”指中国太平洋人寿保险股份有限公司,“本”指您与我们之间订立的“鸿鑫人生两全保险(分红型)合同”。 1( 您与我们订立的合同 1.1 合同构成 本合同是您与我们约定保险权利义务关系的,包括本保险条款、保险单、投保单及其他投保文件、合法有效的声明、批注、批单及其他您与我们共同认可的书面协议。 1.2 合同成立与生效 您提出保险申请、我们同意承保,本合同成立。 合同生效日期在保险单上载明。保单年度、保险费约定支付日、合同生效日对应日均以该日期计算。 1.3 投保年龄 指您投保时被保险人的年龄,本合同接受的投保年龄范围为出生满30天至60周岁。 1.4 犹豫期 自您签收本合同之日起,有10日的犹豫期。在此期间,请您认真审视本合同,如果您认为本合同与您的需求不相符,您可以在此期间提出解除本合同,我们将在扣除人民币10元的工本费后退还您所支付的保险费,但是,若受益人已领取过保险金,我们将在受益人退还所领取的保险金后,按上述约定退还保险费。解除合同时,您需要填写申请书,并提供您的保险合同及有效身份证件。自我们收到您解除合同的书面申请时起,本合同即被解除,对于合同解除前发生的事故,我们不承担保险责任。 2( 我们提供的保障 2.1 基本保险金额 本合同的基本保险金额按份计算,每份为人民币1,000元。 2.2 未成年人身故保险金限制为未成年子女投保的人身保险,因被保险人身故给付的保险金总和不得超过国务院保险监督管理机构规定的限额,身故给付的保险金额总和约定也不得超过前述限额。 2.3 保险期间 本合同的保险期间为被保险人终身。 2.4 保险责任 在本合同保险期间内,且本合同有效的前提下,我们按以下约定承担保险责任: 祝福金 自本合同生效日起,如被保险人生存,我们每年按基本保险金额的9%给付一次祝福金,直至被保险人身故。首期祝福金于本合同生效日给付,以后每年于合同生效日对应日给付。 祝寿金 若被保险人生存至70周岁的合同生效日对应日,我们按您根据本合同约定已支付的leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 保险费总额给付祝寿金。 身故保险金 (1)若被保险人在70周岁的合同生效日对应日零时前身故,我们按以下两项中金额较大者给付身故保险金,本合同终止: 1被保险人身故时您根据本合同约定已支付的保险费总额; 2被保险人身故时保险单的现金价值。 (2)若被保险人在 70周岁的合同生效日对应日零时后身故,我们按以下两项中金额较大者给付身故保险金,本合同终止: 1基本保险金额; 2 被保险人身故时保险单的现金价值。 2.5 责任免除   因下列情形之一导致被保险人身故的,我们不承担给付保险金的责任: (1)投保人对被保险人的故意杀害、故意伤害; (2)被保险人故意犯罪或抗拒依法采取的刑事强制措施; (3)被保险人自本合同成立或合同效力恢复之日起2年内自杀,但被保险人自杀时为无民事行为能力人的除外; (4)被保险人主动吸食或注射毒品; (5)被保险人酒后驾驶,无合法有效驾驶证驾驶,或驾驶无有效行驶证的机动车; (6)战争、军事冲突、暴乱或武装叛乱; (7)核爆炸、核辐射或核污染。 发生上述第(1)项情形导致被保险人身故的,本合同终止,您已交足2年以上保险费的,我们向被保险人的继承人退还保险单的现金价值。发生上述其他情形导致被保险人身故的,本合同终止,我们向您退还保险单的现金价值。 3( 保险金的申请 3.1 受益人 您或者被保险人可以指定一人或多人为身故保险金受益人。 身故保险金受益人为多人时,可以确定受益顺序和受益份额;如果没有确定份额,各受益人按照相等份额享有受益权。 被保险人为无民事行为能力人或限制民事行为能力人的,可以由其监护人指定受益人。 您或者被保险人可以变更身故保险金受益人并书面通知我们。我们收到变更受益人的书面通知后,在保险单或其他保险凭证上批注或附贴批单。 您在指定和变更身故保险金受益人时,必须经过被保险人同意。 被保险人身故后,有下列情形之一的,保险金作为被保险人的遗产,由我们依照《中华人民共和国继承法》的规定履行给付保险金的义务: (1)没有指定受益人,或者受益人指定不明无法确定的; (2)受益人先于被保险人身故,没有其他受益人的; (3)受益人依法丧失受益权或者放弃受益权,没有其他受益人的。 受益人与被保险人在同一事件中身故,且不能确定身故先后顺序的,推定受益人身故在先。 受益人故意造成被保险人身故、伤残、疾病的,或者故意杀害被保险人未遂的,该受益人丧失受益权。 除另有指定外,祝福金和祝寿金的受益人为被保险人本人。 3.2 保险事故通知 您、被保险人或受益人知道保险事故后应当在10日内通知我们。 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 如果您、被保险人或受益人故意或者因重大过失未及时通知,致使保险事故的性质、原因、损失程度等难以确定的,我们对无法确定的部分,不承担给付保险金的责任,但我们通过其他途径已经及时知道或者应当及时知道保险事故发生或者虽未及时通知但不影响我们确定保险事故的性质、原因、损失程度的除外。 3.3 保险金申请 在申请保险金(包括祝福金、祝寿金及身故保险金)时,请按照下列方式办理: 祝福金和祝寿金申请 申请人须填写保险金给付申请书,并提供下列证明和资料: (1)保险合同; (2)申请人的有效身份证件; (3)所能提供的与确认保险事故的性质、原因等有关的其他证明和资料。 祝福金和祝寿金留存于我们的生存给付累积账户,按我们每年确定的生存给付累积利率以年复利方式累积生息,并于祝福金、祝寿金受益人申请时或本合同终止时给付。在同一保单年度内,若我们改变累积利率的,本合同在该 保单年度内仍适用改变前的累积利率。 祝福金、祝寿金受益人可以通过我们的服务热线或服务场所工作人员查询生存给付累积利率。 对于生存给付累积账户中的余额,祝福金、祝寿金受益人可以申请直接领取,也可以申请由我们每年在其指定日期按指定金额以转账方式给付到指定的银行账户。祝福金、祝寿金受益人的领取金额不能超过祝福金、祝寿金在上一个合同生效日对应日的累积余额。发生身故给付、合同解除等合同终止情形的,我们一次性给付祝福金、祝寿金在上一个合同生效日对应日的累积余额,但若祝福金、祝寿金受益人在上一个合同生效日对应日至合同终止期间已经领取过祝福金、祝寿金,我们将予以扣除。 身故保险金申请 申请人须填写保险金给付申请书,并提供下列证明和资料: (1)保险合同; (2) 申请人的有效身份证件; (3)卫生行政部门认定的医疗机构、公安部门或其他相关机构出具的被保险人的死亡证明; (4)所能提供的与确认保险事故的性质、原因等有关的其他证明和资料。 保险金作为被保险人遗产时,必须提供可证明合法继承权的相关权利文件。 以上各项保险金申请的证明和资料不完整的,我们将及时一次性通知申请人补充提供有关证明和资料。 3.4 保险金给付 我们在收到保险金给付申请书及合同约定的证明和资料后,将在5个工作日内作出核定;情形复杂的,在30日内作出核定。对属于保险责任的,我们在与受益人达成给付保险金的协议后10日内,履行给付保险金义务。 我们未及时履行前款规定义务的,除支付保险金外,应当赔偿受益人因此受到的损失。前述“损失”是指根据中国人民银行公布的同时期的人民币活期存款基准利率计算的利息损失。 对不属于保险责任的,我们自作出核定之日起3日内向受益人发出拒绝给付保险金通知书并说明理由。 我们在收到保险金给付申请书及有关证明和资料之日起60日内,对给付保险金的数额不能确定的,根据已有证明和资料可以确定的数额先予支付;我们最终确定给付保险金的数额后,将支付相应的差额。 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 3.5 宣告死亡处理 如果被保险人在本合同有效期内失踪,而且被法院宣告死亡,我们以法院判决宣告死亡之日作为被保险人的死亡时间,符合本合同约定的身故保险金给付条件的,按本合同的约定给付身故保险金,本合同终止。 如果被保险人在宣告死亡后重新出现或者确知其没有死亡,保险金申请人应于知道或应当知道后30日内向我们退还已给付的身故保险金,本合同的效力由双方依法确定。 3.6 诉讼时效 受益人向我们请求给付保险金的诉讼时效期间为,年,自其知道或者应当知道保险事故发生之日起计算。 4( 保单红利 4.1 保单红利的确定 本合同为分红保险合同,您有权参与我们分红保险业务可分配盈余的分配。 在本合同有效期间内,我们每年根据分红保险业务的实际经营状况确定红利分配。保单红利是不保证的。 我们每个保单年度会向您提供分红报告,告知您分红的具体情况。 4.2 保单红利的领取 红利留存在我们的红利账户,按我们每年公布的红利累积利率以年复利方式累积生息,并于本合同终止时或您申请时给付。 在本合同终止前根据您的申请给付红利的,给付金额不超过累积到上一个合同生效日对应日的累积红利。发生身故给付、合同解除等合同终止情形的,给付累积到上一个合同生效日对应日的累积红利,但若您在上一个合同生效日对应日至合同终止期间已经领取过红利,我们将予以扣除。 在同一保单年度内,若我们改变红利累积利率,本合同在该保单年度内仍适用改变前的累积利率。 申请领取红利,须凭保险合同和您的有效身份证件办理。 4.3 保单红利派发日期 本合同保单红利派发日期为合同生效日对应日。 5( 保险费的支付 5.1 保险费的支付 本合同的保险费采用趸交(即一次性支付)或限期年交(即在约定的交费期间内每年支付一次保险费)的方式支付。本合同提供的交费期间有3年、5年、10年和20年四种。您在投保时与我们约定交费方式和交费期间,并在 保险单上载明。 选择限期年交交费方式的,在支付首期保险费后,您应当按照约定,在每个保险费约定支付日支付其余各期的保险费。 5.2 宽限期 分期支付保险费的,您支付首期保险费后,除本合同另有约定外,如果您到期未支付保险费,自保险费约定支付日的次日零时起60日为宽限期。宽限期内发生的保险事故,我们仍会承担保险责任,但在给付保险金时会扣减您欠 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 交的保险费。 如果您宽限期结束之后仍未支付保险费,则本合同自宽限期满的次日零时起效力中止。 6( 现金价值权益 6.1 现金价值 指本合同保险单所具有的价值,通常体现为解除合同时,根据精算原理计算的,由我们退还的那部分金额。现金价值见本合同相应栏目。 6.2 保单质押贷款 在本合同有效期内,您可以申请并经我们审核同意后办理保单质押贷款。贷款金额不得超过保险单的现金价值扣除各项欠款后余额的80,,每次贷款期限最长不超过6个月,贷款利率按您与我们签订的贷款协议中约定的利率执 行。 自贷款本金及利息加上其他各项欠款达到保险单的现金价值的当日24时起,本合同终止。 7( 转换年金 7.1 转换年金 您或受益人可通过以下方式申请订立我们届时提供的转换年金保险合同,我们审核同意后按转换当时该转换年金保险合同的约定给付年金: (1)您将留存于我们红利账户中的保单红利及相应利息全部或部分转换为年金; (2)受益人将留存于我们生存给付累积账户中的祝福金、祝寿金及二者相应利息、身故保险金全部或部分转换为年金。 参加转换的总金额不得低于转换当时我们规定的最低限额。 8( 合同效力的中止及恢复 8.1 效力中止 本合同效力中止期间,我们不承担保险责任。本合同不参加红利分配,已分配的红利不予计息。已留存在生存给付累积账户的祝福金和祝寿金不予计息。 8.2 效力恢复 本合同效力中止后2年内,您可以申请恢复合同效力。经我们与您协商并达成协议,自您补交保险费及相应利息的次日零时起,合同效力恢复。前述补交保险费的利息按我们参照1年期流动资金贷款基准利率作相应浮动后宣布的利率计算。 自本合同效力中止之日起满2年您和我们未达成协议的,我们有权解除合同。 我们解除合同的,向您退还合同效力中止时保险单的现金价值。 9( 合同解除 9.1 您解除合同的手续及风险 如您在犹豫期后申请解除本合同,请填写解除合同申请书并向我们提供下列资料: (1)保险合同; (2)您的有效身份证件。 自我们收到解除合同申请书时起,本合同终止。我们自收到解除合同申请书之日起30日内向您退还保险单的现金价值。 您犹豫期后解除合同会遭受一定损失。 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 10( 说明、告知与解除权限制 10.1 明确说明与如订立本合同时,我们应向您说明本合同的内容。 如实告知 对保险条款中免除我们责任的条款,我们在订立合同时应当在投保单、保险单或者其他保险凭证上作出足以引起您注意的提示,并对该条款的内容以书面或者口头形式向您作出明确说明,未作提示或者明确说明的,该条款不产 生效力。 我们就您和被保险人的有关情况提出询问,您应当如实告知。 如果您故意或者因重大过失未履行前款规定的如实告知义务,足以影响我们决定是否同意承保或者提高保险费率的,我们有权解除本合同。 如果您故意不履行如实告知义务,对于本合同解除前发生的保险事故,我们不承担给付保险金的责任,并不退还保险费。 如果您因重大过失未履行如实告知义务,对保险事故的发生有严重影响的,对于本合同解除前发生的保险事故,我们不承担给付保险金的责任,但应当退还保险费。 我们在合同订立时已经知道您未如实告知的情况的,我们不得解除合同;发生保险事故的,我们承担给付保险金的责任。 10.2 我们合同解除权的限制本保险条款“10.1 明确说明与如实告知”规定的合同解除权,自我们知道有解除事由之日起,超过30日不行使而消灭。自本合同成立之日起超过2年的,我们不得解除合同;发生保险事故的,我们承担给付保险金的责任。 11( 其他需要关注的事项 11.1 年龄错误 您在申请投保时,应将与有效身份证件相符的被保险人的出生日期在投保单上填明,如果发生错误按照下列方式办理: (1)您申报的被保险人年龄不真实,并且其真实年龄不符合本合同约定投保年龄限制的,在保险事故发生之前我们有权解除合同,并向您退还保险单的现金价值。我们行使合同解除权适用本保险条款“10.2我们合同解除权的限制”的规定。 (2)您申报的被保险人年龄不真实,致使您实付保险费少于应付保险费的,我们有权更正并要求您补交保险费。若已经发生保险事故,在给付保险金时按实付保险费和应付保险费的比例给付。 (3)您申报的被保险人年龄不真实,致使您实付保险费多于应付保险费的,我们会将多收的保险费退还给您。 (4) 您申报的被保险人年龄不真实,致使本合同保险单的现金价值以及每年分配的保单红利及累积利息与实际不符的,我们有权根据被保险人的实际年龄调整。 11.2 未还款项 我们在给付各项保险金、红利、退还保险单的现金价值或退还保险费时,若存在欠交保险费、保单质押贷款或其他未还款项及相应利息,我们会在扣除上述欠款后给付。 11.3 合同内容变更 在本合同有效期内,经您与我们协商一致,可以变更本合同的有关内容。变更本合同的,应当由我们在保险单上批注或者附贴批单,或者由您与我们订立书面的变更协议。 11.4 联系方式变更 为了保障您的合法权益,您的住所、通讯地址或电话等联系方式变更时,leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 请及时以书面形式或双方认可的其他形式通知我们。若您未以书面形式或双方认可的其他形式通知我们,我们按本合同载明的最后住所、通讯地址或电话 等联系方式发送的有关通知,均视为已送达给您。 11.5 争议处理 本合同履行过程中,双方发生争议时,可以从下列两种方式中选择一种争议处理方式: (1)因履行本合同发生的争议,由双方协商解决,协商不成的,提交本合同约定的仲裁委员会仲裁; (2)因履行本合同发生的争议,由双方协商解决,协商不成的,依法向人民法院起诉。 12( 释义 12.1 保单年度 从本合同生效日或合同生效日对应日的零时起至下一个合同生效日对应日前一日的24时止为一个保单年度。 12.2 保险费约定支付日 指保险费交费期间内每个合同生效日对应日的前一日。 12.3 合同生效日对应日 指本合同生效日在合同生效后每年的对应日,不含合同生效日当日。如果当月没有对应的同一日,则以该月最后一日为对应日。 12.4 周岁 指按有效身份证件中记载的出生日期计算的年龄,自出生之日起为零周岁,每经过一年增加一岁,不足一年的不计。 12.5 有效身份证件 指由政府主管部门规定的证明其身份的证件,如:居民身份证、按规定可使用的有效护照、军官证、警官证、士兵证、户口簿等证件。 12.6 毒品 指中华人民共和国刑法规定的鸦片、海洛因、甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)、吗啡、大麻、可卡因以及国家规定管制的其他能够使人形成瘾癖的麻醉药品和精神药品,但不包括由医生开具并遵医嘱使用的用于治疗疾病但含有毒品成分的处方药品。 12.7 酒后驾驶 指经检测或鉴定,发生事故时车辆驾驶人员每百毫升血液中的酒精含量达到或超过一定的,公安机关交通管理部门依据《道路交通安全法》的规定认定为饮酒后驾驶或醉酒后驾驶。 12.8 无合法有效驾驶证驾驶 指下列情形之一: (1)没有取得驾驶资格; (2) 驾驶与驾驶证准驾车型不相符合的车辆; (3)持审验不合格的驾驶证驾驶; (4)持学习驾驶证学习驾车时,无教练员随车指导,或不按指定时间、路线学习驾车。 12.9 无有效行驶证 指下列情形之一: (1)机动车被依法注销登记的; (2) 未依法按时进行或通过机动车安全技术检验。 12.10 机动车 指以动力装置驱动或者牵引,上道路行驶的供人员乘用或者用于运送物品以及进行工程专项作业的轮式车辆。 12.11 情形复杂 指保险事故的性质、原因、伤害或损失程度等在我们收到保险金给付申请书及合同约定的证明和资料后5个工作日内无法确定,需要进一步核实。 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and
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