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跟单员工作职责跟单员工作职责 跟单员工作职责说明 跟单员是联系销售与生产之间的桥梁,对公司生产的顺利、有序进行直接负责,跟单员的工作内容主要包括:外贸业务跟单、内销产品跟单、物料采购跟单、生产过程跟单、货物运输跟单及客户联络跟踪(客户接待及信息反馈)等。其工作流程大致概括如下: 1、 跟单员接到业务员订单后,首先确认订单本身的正确性,核实 产品尺寸、品名、原材料配备等订单基本信息填写无误,经过 财务、销售经理签字确认后,生产订单才确认有效,方可安排 生产计划; 2、 在确认生产通知单有效前提下,首先查看仓库库存,如仓库有 现货可直接按...
跟单员工作职责 跟单员工作职责说明 跟单员是联系销售与生产之间的桥梁,对公司生产的顺利、有序进行直接负责,跟单员的工作内容主要包括:外贸业务跟单、内销产品跟单、物料采购跟单、生产过程跟单、货物运输跟单及客户联络跟踪(客户接待及信息反馈)等。其工作流程大致概括如下: 1、 跟单员接到业务员订单后,首先确认订单本身的正确性,核实 产品尺寸、品名、原材料配备等订单基本信息填写无误,经过 财务、销售经理签字确认后,生产订单才确认有效,方可安排 生产; 2、 在确认生产通知单有效前提下,首先查看仓库库存,如仓库有 现货可直接按交货期安排交货,在没有库存或库存不够情况下, 下生产通知单安排生产,在生产前首先要确认原材料,查看订 单是否有特殊原材料要求,我们的生产工艺能否达到客户要求, 在原材料确认后,再确认包材,如包装袋需重新制版的要随时 跟进制版进度,在原材料、包材都大致了解后及时与生产部、 包装部沟通,安排生产计划,确定生产单的交货时间; 3、 跟单员在订单中主要负责的采购任务包括包装袋与纸箱的订 购,包装袋订购数量要按照生产通知单,常规包装袋浮动比例 不得超过20%,新版包装袋采购时,浮动比例不得超过5%, 纸箱订购数量要严格按生产订单控制,不得出现纸箱的浪费, 在订购纸箱时要特别注意纸箱埋头、品质、装法、箱规等,其 埋头、装法、纸箱品质要事先与业务员沟通,在业务员确认无areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 误后方可下订单,箱规有跟单员负责,如果跟单对箱规无法保证准确前提下,可以要求纸箱厂家提供尺寸样箱,跟单再根据样箱尺寸来确认最后的箱规,若因箱规而出现的问题或经济损失有跟单自行负责,所有包材的订货数量有跟单员按生产单决定,若生产订单有特殊原材料要求的,跟单要负责特殊材料的订购,跟单员必须保证包材、特殊原材料的到位时间,以保证生产的有序、顺利进行;在生产过程中,由于包材原因导致的生产延误及其经济损失由跟单员承担相应经济责任; 4、 跟单员在生产订单的跟进过程中要时时、事事跟踪到位,以避免生产的脱节,若原材料、包材等出现突发情况,要马上与生产部、包装部沟通,提前做好生产计划的调整,一般来说,跟单员与生产部、包装部制定生产计划时间为每周一制定当周主要生产排程,每天下午自定时间一般为下午3-4点,由跟单员与生产主任、包装主任碰头制定第二天的具体工作计划,跟单员要时刻关心生产的进度,并向业务员反应,如交货期有问题的,要提前告知业务员,由业务员与客户沟通,以沟通结果来确定我们的生产排程; 5、 一个生产订单刚生产时,特别是新客户、新订单或大批量订单正常开机时,跟单员要跟踪到位,首先从机台拿取生产小样,再次与业务员沟通,确认生产出来的产品其外观、品质符合订单描述要求,在业务员确认无误后方可大批量生产,如果中间出现偏差,首先通知生产部,由生产部自己沟通解决,如果生 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 产部无法解决前提下,再有业务员与客户沟通,确定解决; 6、 跟单员在整柜产品或方数较多的产品出库时,要在旁边起到监 柜作用,保证整个集装箱不存在空间浪费以及所装产品的正确 性,避免货物错装导致的客户退货、投诉等,跟单员兼负责点 数工作,由于跟单员疏忽,装柜数量出错导致的返工,其损失 由跟单员负责,一般为200元/次,如果装柜数量出错在装柜时 没有发现,而有客户提出,并导致客户投诉的,责任有跟单员 承担,视情节轻重给予适当处罚; 7、 跟单员由于手上订单多而杂,每天必须抽出10~15分钟时间来 整理规划,每个单子都要做到心中有数,以免遗漏耽误交货期; 8、 跟单员负责公司日常的车辆调度,在车辆调度时需注意:第二 天要发的货须提前一天确定,这个跟单员可以与业务员做好沟 通,业务员当天通知发货的有权拒绝,跟单员至少提前一天确 认好第二天待发的货物,跟单员凭借业务员的出运通知单及财 务开的出库单安排装货工作,出运通知单一式三联,其中一联 到仓管手中,跟单员要监督仓库人员提前一天做好第二天的车 辆装货工作,保证第二天司机上班时不用等货出发; 9、 跟单员对店面订单、内销部分订单要特别注意,跟单员要对店 面订单负责,配合好店面业务员的销售工作,及时为店面提供 样品,对公司新产品,如湿巾、口水围兜等要积极、主动准备 样品,并向公司店面提供; 10、 对公司客户的维护,跟单员手上可能会有一部分公司零散客户,areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 跟单员的工作要维持这批客户,但他们需要我们产品,而仓库 有现货前提下,要主动做好这部分客户的维护工作; 11、 跟单员要做好司机的考核工作,根据司机现如实考核,并将 考核结果上报; 12、 跟单员是计划部的重要一份子,要协助计划部经理做好计划部 的其他工作,及时提供相应资料; 13、 跟单员是公司保持生产正常进行的关键,跟单要随时、随机巡 视车间,看到问题要及时解决,将问题杜绝在源头,若无法解 决或有其他想法的,随时上报上级,共同解决生产中存在的问 题。 areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 质量事故追查责任范围划分 业务员:1、业务员下单错误(生产通知单参数填写错误、遗漏等)、 2、生产部门出现问题与业务员沟通时,业务员作出错误指 示或决定; 3、业务员自己采购原材料或包材出现的错误,责任由业务 员承担; 4、与客户沟通错误,导致的进仓、定船等后期出货事故; 5、包材、原材料制版时制版错误导致的质量事故,业务员 负主要责任; 跟单员:1、生产通知单未经审核下达,出现的产品事故,责任有业 务员、跟单员承担,业务员负主要责任,跟单负连带责任; 2、包材跟踪不到位,包括包材错误、包材延期耽误生产等 因包材原因出现的问题责任有跟单承担; 3、沟通不及时,生产部有产品质量问题要求跟单与业务员 沟通时,跟单未及时沟通,或沟通过后不把结果告知生产部 产生的质量事故由跟单负责; 4、跟单不做生产计划,或计划调整未通知业务员、生产部 而产生的产品未能按时交货问题,跟单要负责; 5、车辆调度未按要求,出运通知单填写错误导致无法正常 交货,或随意调度影响送货效率的,责任有跟单员承担, 6、由于跟单原因导致生产无法正常进行的其他情况,跟单 均负相应责任; areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 原材料仓管:1、未按生产订单发料,发错料未及时修正导致的产品 事故,原材料仓管负主要责任,开机工、质检负连带责任; 2、对进入仓库的原材料未检验,麻木入库,因原材料表面 质量原因(宽幅、印刷颜色、印刷方向、亲水、据水效果简 单检验)造成的产品质量事故,仓管负主要责任; 3、仓管与跟单员沟通后,因仓管信息提供错误原因,到期 材料未到导致生产的延误或生产排程的打乱,仓管负全责; 包材仓管:1、包材仓管未检验包材质量、数量,麻木入库,导致的质 量问题有包材仓管负主要责任、包装主任和质检负连带责 任; 2、未按生产订单要求打码,出现的打码错误或打码格式错 误,导致的质量事故,有包材仓管负主要责任,包装主任 和质检负连带责任; 3、包材仓管未做好账面工作,账面与实际数量不符,包装 过程中出现包材不够,包材仓管负全责; 4、发错包装袋出现的质量事故,包材仓管与包装主任负对 半责任; 开机:1、未按照生产订单开机,出现的质量事故; 2、开机过程中出现的问题未及时与质检沟通,或出现问题后 不按照质检指示,继续开机,出现质量事故,开机负全责; 3、开机新产品,未进行套袋,盲木开机,导致产品与包材不 符,质检负主要责任,开机负连带责任; areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management. 4、开机过程中有原材料原因出现的其他问题,因开机未复查, 将错的原材料用上去,因此均负有连带责任; 质检:1、包材、产品不符,质检未套袋试包装袋和纸箱出现的质量 问题质检负主要责任; 2、产品有问题,未及时发现或发现后未及时解决或上报的, 出现质量事故,质检负主要责任; 3、质检对开机工所领原材料为进行复核,出现的质量事故, 质检负连带责任; 包装:1、包装出现包材使用错误,包装主任与包材仓管负对半责任; 2、包装过程中有多片、少片等情况的,包装主任负主要责任, 质检负连带责任; 3、包装过程中,未挑出废次品,将废次品装入成品区,造成 的质量事故,包装主任负主要责任,质检负连带责任; areas of the introduction of social capital, improve urban management efficiency and effectiveness. Third, we must adhere to the "concerned about face saving" and "the importance of lining" combined. Premier Li Keqiang once pointed out: "the face is the style of the city, and the lining is the conscience of the city. In the improvement of the urban environment, not only to attention to face, we should pay more attention to the lining. To do a good job of environmental health, Jeeves, traffic order rectification, and built underground pipe network, combined underground road network, underground parking, enhancing the overall image of the city. Fourth, we must adhere to the combination of "scientific planning" and "fine management". City "building, seven in charge". To continue to improve the urban development planning and the overall layout, coordinate and promote the construction of the new, transformation of the old city, center city by the pull framework to improve the function, dominated by government oriented society, by laying a solid foundation to gather popularity change. At the same time, to adhere to excellence to grasp the management. The establishment of headquarters specifically a technical standards group, is responsible for this thing catch. Including street lighting design and plaque size, elevation brush what color should be careful planning, elaborate design, careful management.
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