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小麦草的营养成分小麦草的营养成分 小麦草里究竟含有什么营养, 以下数据取自C(F(施纳贝尔医生向美国化学学会提交的报告~描述研究所得的小麦草,七,十吋长,的营养成分。 养分 每磅小麦草含量 叶绿素 5000毫克 胆碱 4000毫克 维生素C,抗坏血酸, 2000毫克 维生素A,胡萝卜素, 360毫克 维生素E 120毫克 维生素F 120毫克 维生素K 120毫克 烟碱酸 120毫克 维生素B2,核黄素, 24毫克 维生素B1,硫氨素, 12毫克 维生素B3,泛酸, 8毫克 维生素B6 4毫克 ?维生素C 从...
小麦草的营养成分 小麦草里究竟含有什么营养, 以下数据取自C(F(施纳贝尔医生向美国化学学会提交的报告~描述研究所得的小麦草,七,十吋长,的营养成分。 养分 每磅小麦草含量 叶绿素 5000毫克 胆碱 4000毫克 维生素C,抗坏血酸, 2000毫克 维生素A,胡萝卜素, 360毫克 维生素E 120毫克 维生素F 120毫克 维生素K 120毫克 烟碱酸 120毫克 维生素B2,核黄素, 24毫克 维生素B1,硫氨素, 12毫克 维生素B3,泛酸, 8毫克 维生素B6 4毫克 ?维生素C 从营养分析的角度而论~小麦草汁所含的维生素C份量跟大部分水果不相上下~但比番茄、马铃薯等常吃的蔬果为多。 维生素C对人的皮肤、牙齿、牙龈、眼睛、肌肉、关节都非常重要~它帮助身体发育及维持整体健康~也发挥防止氧化的作用。 appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening ?维生素A 小麦草汁所含的维生素A与深色蔬菜,例如菠菜、美国花菜,份量相若~但比大部分水果为多。 维生素A是身体发育及整体生长不可少的东西~尤其是对视力及生殖系统功能至为重要。但如果我们从动物肝脏、鱼肝油、肉类及大部分维他命丸那儿吸收维生素A~它会大量积存在我们的肝里~引发中毒。 ?维生素E 维生素E也有抗氧化作用~加强人的生殖力~又保护心脏~人体如果缺少了它~会肌肉退化~不育、伤口痊癒缓慢。 小麦草里所含的维生素E~比任何人造的产品易吸收十倍。 ?钙 小麦草含有丰富的钙质~帮助人体长出强壮的骨骼及牙齿~令心跳正常~又帮助平衡血液的酸碱度。 时下流行的营养学主张由牛奶及奶类产品吸收钙质~这是危险的做法~因为奶类含有太多动物脂肪及胆固醇,再者~牛奶经过高温或低温消毒、经过科学处理“均质化”,即是令其中的油脂均匀分布,~再加进人造的维生素D~变成非常难以消化吸收~原来食物中必须有其他的微量元素物质同时存在~我们的身体才容易吸收。小麦草妙在含有各式各样的维生素与矿物质~而且份量比例理想~因而人体特别容易吸收其中的养分~尤其是钙质。 ?钠 人体不但需要钠来协助消化及排泄,钠还可以帮助调节体内液体的份量。可是~现代都市人日常吃进大量的钠~远远超出身体所需~主要是因为我们吃了太多的盐和味精,食盐和味精都是钠盐,。 小麦草含钠量不多~刚好与人的血液相同~因此即使要减少吃盐的病人,例如糖尿病、血压高等,~也不怕多喝小麦草汁。 ?铁 人体需要足够的铁质~才能精壮有活力~否则会容易疲倦、贫血~妇女月经期间铁质不足~正是如此。 appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening 如果我们吸收无机的铁质~往往因此便秘~小麦草和蔬菜时果所供应的铁质并没有这个问题。小麦草的铁质含量比例~约为最多铁质的蔬菜,例如菠菜,的一半,可是~人体由菠菜及其他蔬菜或肉类吸收到的铁质~也同时会吸收到草酸~这种化学物质会把人体无法吸收使用的钙质结成一块~也可能由牙齿骨骼处吸取钙质~引发肾结石~小麦草不含草酸~所以是最安全的铁质来源。 ?镁 小麦草含镁量与美国花菜、芹菜、红萝卜份量相当。镁对于肌肉运作与人体排泄功能非常重要~其亦负责把脂肪由肝部抽出来~送往体外。 为什么小麦草里的蛋白对人体特别好, 人体的重量,不计液体,有一半以上是蛋白质~因此我们需要多吃与自己身体结构一样的蛋白质。 此时此地很多人的蛋白质来源主要是奶类产品和肉类~这是很不妥当的~因为奶类、肉类和蛋白质结构与人体的蛋白质大不相同~而且经过加热消毒或煮熟之后~差别更大。我们的身体碰上这类不熟悉的麻烦客人~要特别辛苦应付来适应及使用。这些蛋白质有大部分用不着~变成废料~以脂肪及毒物残余的形式储藏在体内。久而久之~人体消化这类蛋白质不胜负荷~就开始衰弱~导致免疫系统崩溃~各器官及纤维亦大受损害。 小麦草里的蛋白质是最适合人体的蛋白质。 为什么小麦草里的氨基酸对人体特别好, 蛋白质是由许多小小的链状物组成的。它们叫做氨基酸。它们就好像一间砖屋的一块块砖头。而酶就好像是建屋的工人和建筑材料~负责细胞重建~调节身体各部分千百种功能~包括生产激素、制造肌肉、血、器官等。 氨基酸对于人体各部分的功能运作~影响至大~简单一点说~没有它们~人体无法正常消化吸收、失去抗病能力、伤口不易复原、肝脏功能出现毛病、智力大有问题。也许最重要的~是氨基酸令细胞更替的功能~会使我们精力充沛~延年益寿。身体里只要缺少了一种氨基酸~就可能引起过敏症、体力衰竭、消化不良、对传染病失去抵抗力、未老先衰~若是有办法补充该种氨基酸~整个人往往马上回复正常。总之~身体获得大量氨基酸供应~自然会身壮力健~头脑灵活~百病不侵。 氨基酸是非常复杂的有机体~不容易在实验室里研究清楚~以今天生物化学的水平~更无法深入了解它们。可以肯定的是~人体需要备齐种种所需的氨基酸~appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening 并且各类氨基酸比例必须合适~若某些氨基酸过多而另一些又太少的话~过多的那些会变成毒物~伤害身体。 小麦草汁能备齐人体所需的八种主要氨基酸~并且份量比例平衡: ,l,赖氨酸 科学家正开始证实这种物质是防止衰老的重要秘密~它加强身体发育~增加血液循环。缺少了它~我们的免疫力下降~视力减弱~还会长期疲劳。 ,2,异亮氨酸 对人体发育最重要~尤其是婴儿更不可少,它也维持成年人体内的蛋白质平衡。缺少了它~我们的智力就会减退~因为它会影响其它氨基酸的生产。 ,3,亮氨酸 又称为白氨酸~它令人清醒、警觉提高。任何人想过精力充沛的生活~必须吸收足够的亮氨酸。 ,4,色氨酸 令人血色红润~皮肤健康~头发漂亮。它又与各类维他命B一起运作~令人宁神又消化良好。 近年有人以吃大量药丸的方式吸收这种物质~结果中毒。可见大自然的安排自有道理~氨基酸若不平衡吸收~只会弄巧成拙。 ,5,苯丙氨酸 协助甲状腺生产甲状腺素。甲状腺素是一种激素~作用是维持精神平衡~保持情绪稳定。 ,6,苏氨酸 帮助消化器官运作~好好吸收食物中的营养。它也令身体新陈代谢正常。 ,7,缬氨酸 激动脑部运作~协助肌肉协调~亦令神经平静。我们体内缺少了它~会精神紧张、心智疲劳、情绪大起大落、失眠。 appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening ,8,蛋氨酸 它清洗肾和肝部~令这些器官内的细胞更新。它也加强身体发育~抒缓神经。 它的作用几乎跟亮氨酸相反~令我们心平气和~安宁舒服。 除了八种主要的氨基酸之外~小麦草汁另外含有多种其它的氨基酸: ,9,丙氨酸 负责制造血液。 ,10,精氨酸 男性特别需要~精中含有大量此种物质。 ,11,天冬氨酸 协助把血液转化为力量。 ,12,谷氨酸 令我们精神平衡更妥当~新陈代谢正常。 ,13,甘氨酸 又叫氨基乙酸~协助细胞利用氧气生产力量。 ,14,组氨酸 影响听觉及神经系统的运作。 ,15,脯氨酸 又叫氮茂氨酸~在人体内变成谷氨酸~功能一样。 ,16,丝氨酸 激动脑部~加强神经系统的运作。 ,17,酪氨酸 协助生产毛发~防止细胞衰老。 appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening
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