

2017-10-13 27页 doc 84KB 11阅读




重庆市中医院解说词重庆市中医院解说词 重庆市中医院消防安全 “四个能力”建设现场会解说词 ,基本情况, 自构筑社会消防安全“防火墙”工程以来~重庆市中医院突破以往工作格局~大胆创新、分级管理、细化职责、整合资源~提升火灾隐患自查自纠、初起火灾扑救、组织疏散逃生自救及宣传教育培训能力~建立健全消防安全五大机制~形成了以护士站为中心的集“安全隐患检查站、消防安全宣传站、疏散引导起点站”为一体的“一站式”打造模式~构建了全方位、多格局的消防安全体系~大力推动医院“四个能力”建设向纵深方向发展。 一、建立“3+4”创新宣传教育培训机制 建立...
重庆市中医院解说词 重庆市中医院消防安全 “四个能力”建设现场会解说词 ,基本情况, 自构筑社会消防安全“防火墙”工程以来~重庆市中医院突破以往工作格局~大胆创新、分级管理、细化职责、整合资源~提升火灾隐患自查自纠、初起火灾扑救、组织疏散逃生自救及宣传教育培训能力~建立健全消防安全五大机制~形成了以护士站为中心的集“安全隐患检查站、消防安全宣传站、疏散引导起点站”为一体的“一站式”打造模式~构建了全方位、多格局的消防安全体系~大力推动医院“四个能力”建设向纵深方向发展。 一、建立“3+4”创新宣传教育培训机制 建立“3+4”宣传培训机制~即由医院对各部门“明白人”培训、各部门“明白人”对本部门一般医务人员培训、医院对全院医务人员普训的消防安全三级培训机制和医院四项常态化的宣传机制。 ,一,消防安全三级培训机制 1、医院在医务人员业务培训中增加医院防火、疏散逃生等消防安全知识~并纳入护理部、医务部每季度全员业务考核内容。同时~医院制作了含医院火灾危险性及特点、院内消防设施认知、日常隐患,消防安全,检查方法、疏散逃生、初起火灾扑救等内容的《医务人员安全》发放给the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight 每一位医务人员作为培训资料~并在医院内网上增加安全指南板块~将近年全国医院火灾警示资料、院内消防安全培训课件、消防安全常识等资料挂在网上供医务人员学习。,展示《医务人员安全手册》, 2、医院每年三月和九月由院消防安全领导小组牵头~保卫处具体负责对全院各部门、科室、护士站消防安全宣传员、疏散引导员开展消防安全集中培训~使受训人员熟悉掌握本院消防安全基本情况~达到消防安全“四懂四会”~做一个消防安全“明白人”。,在宣传栏处展示培训图片资料, 3、由各部门经过培训的消防安全“明白人”在本部门每月例会、每周工作安排、每日交班会上~对一般医务人员进行消防安全培训~要求每名医务人员熟悉掌握医院基本消防设施、疏散逃生方法、常见消防隐患、初起火灾报警扑救等知识。,任意抽取医务人员提问报警疏散逃生方法, ,二,建立四项常态化消防宣传机制 1、医院充分利用门诊大楼中庭LED电子显示屏穿插播出“全民消防、生命至上”等消防警示标语及“四个能力”宣传图片,在院内门诊、住院部各处明显位置张贴消防安全宣传“四个能力”海报,在门诊大门入口处设立宣传专栏~重点围绕疏散逃生方法、初起火灾扑救措施、防灾应急小常识、参与火灾、地震抢险救护风采等打造了具本院特色的消防文化长廊,在护士站设立放有多种消防宣传资料的宣传资the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight 料栏等向医患人员进行宣传。通过以上宣传手段~提高全体医患人员消防安全意识~了解掌握一定的逃生自救技能。,展示抗震救灾文化长廊、宣传海报、LED电子屏、护士站宣传资料栏, 2、医院每年组织医务人员开展消防知识竞赛、消防趣味运动会~并由院团委发动各部门、科室青年骨干申请成为青年志愿者、消防志愿者~在“119”宣传周期间积极参加团委及消防支队组织的消防宣传活动~通过参与活动~提高医院业务骨干的消防安全认知度~除了在本职业务上是骨干外~在院内消防工作中继续发挥骨干作用~进而带动全院形成人人参与消防、了解消防、重视消防安全的氛围。,文化长廊前展示消防志愿者宣传图片, 3、以各护士站为中心建立消防安全宣传站~由护士在日常护理病人~询问情况时~对病人及家属,陪护人员,讲授如“发热电器切莫用~遇到火灾不要慌、低身捂鼻快逃生~善用通道、莫入电梯”等浅显易懂的消防安全常识、逃生要领及在火灾时配合医务人员有序疏散的方法~并向其发放《住院患者及其家属,陪护,安全告知书》及印有本层疏散逃生平面图的《火场逃生十三招》宣传卡~使其熟悉应急情况时如何配合医务人员进行疏散逃生自救。,护士站展示手册、相关资料, 4、统一消防标识标牌。医院统一了室内消火栓、the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight 室外消火栓、水泵结合器、灭火器、消防水泵等消防设施的标识标牌~在灭火器和室内消火栓上张贴了使用方法图示,在每栋建筑各楼层显眼位置张贴了疏散平面图、“四个能力”消防宣传画以及“三提示”标语,在楼层显眼位置添置了消防重点部位指引牌。在危险场所或重点部位设施禁止性标语~在重点部位悬挂警示牌。以此让全体医患人员认识了解常见消防设施种类、使用方法及作用、疏散方法及路线等基本消防知识。,沿途展示消防标识标牌, 二、建立消防安全隐患排查整治机制 ,一,建立责任区三级火灾隐患巡查检查机制 医院门诊住院部按每个护士站护理单元为单位划分责任区~每个责任区以护士站为中心建立安全隐患检查站~由值班护士和责任区保安组成巡查小组,医院其他部位按管理科室划分责任区。建立责任区三级火灾隐患巡查检查机制~即院消防安全领导小组对责任区每月防火检查、院保卫处对各责任区部门、科室每周检查、责任区巡查小组每日岗位防火检查。 1、医院在每个护士站里设置了日常消防隐患检查表~责任区值班护士在日常巡房时对责任区有无使用明火取暖、使用非医疗电热器具、超负荷用电情况、责任区常闭式防火门关闭情况、室内消火栓、疏散指示标志、应急照明灯是否完好等日常消防安全情况进行检查~并填写检查表~并the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight 在每日交班会时对检查情况进行交接。责任区巡查保安每日对责任区检查情况进行汇总并填写巡查记录。,在护士站展示检查记录表~询问护士检查内容, 2、院保卫处每周对各责任区护士站日常检查记录情况进行督察~并对各责任区消防安全情况进行检查~在检查中发现问题的~立即向责任区部门、科室发出火灾隐患整改通知书~并由责任区科室科主任、护士长双人签字确认。,在护士站展示由保卫处下发的火灾隐患整改通知书, 3、院消防安全领导小组每月初随机抽取4个部门、科室进行检查~对各部门、科室、护士站负责的责任区内消防设施是否完好、安全通道是否畅通、常闭式防火门是否常关闭、病房内是否存在使用大功率电器、责任区在岗人员是否掌握一般消防常识等进行检查和考评。,展示院消防安全领导小组检查记录~各科室考评公示, 4、院内病人及家属,陪护,也可在护士站宣传资料栏里取用检查表~对发现的隐患填写后交由护士站值班护士~值班护士接收后立即到现场确认~并向保卫处抄告。,在护士站展示宣传资料栏中的检查记录表, ,二,建立火灾隐患整改机制 1、医院在三级火灾隐患巡查检查机制下~对发现的隐患~根据情况~如病房内使用大功率电器、责任区内防火门未关闭等能够当场整改的隐患~由责任区检查组当场进行整the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight 改。 2、对责任区应急照明灯损坏、防火门闭门器损坏等不能当场整改的隐患~由责任区检查组填写检查记录及《火灾隐患登记册》备案~由保卫处向分管院领导报告~提出整改后抄告基建办公室限期进行整改。 3、基建办公室在接到整改通知书后按照整改方案要求~立即落实整改负责人~在期限内进行整改~如需延期~需在到期前一天书面向院消防安全领导小组办公室上报备案。隐患整改完毕后报送院消防安全领导小组组织复查验收~整改完毕后由分管院长签字后存档。 4、医院在火灾隐患整改期间 三、建立两级初起火灾扑救机制 ,一,初起火灾报警及扑救准备。医务人员或责任区巡查保安在发现火灾时~立即按下起火房间最近的火灾手动报警按钮~同时向附近人员喊话发出警报~然后立即拨打119报警。消防控制室值班人员在保安对火灾核实确认后立即向广播播报火情~启动应急响应预案。 ,二,初起火灾扑救两级力量部署。医院着重建立两支灭火力量~第一灭火力量由失火现场责任区的医生与护士在1分钟内自发形成的灭火救援力量利用附近灭火器、室内消火栓自救卷盘进行灭火~并由本责任区附近巡逻的保卫人员组成补充力量,第二灭火力量由医院灭火组~即医院志愿消the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight 防队在3分钟内组成扑救力量到达现场~利用失火区域附近室内消火栓连接水枪、水带出水扑救火灾。第一灭火力量在第二灭火力量到达现场后停止灭火~按预案中各自职责分工进行行动。 四、建立火灾预警三级响应机制 ,一,医院以全院为单位按照火灾大小、危险程度~建立了蓝色、黄色、红色由低到高的三级预警制度~并制作了相应的三级疏散预案。在三级疏散预案下~医院根据各科室病人的不同生病程度明确了各科室履行火场疏散引导员职责~并按科室有针对性制定了疏散预案。,科室护士站内展示应急疏散预案, 1、制定三级预警响应疏散预案。 1,蓝色预警。蓝色预警等级响应预案为楼层疏散预案。当发现初起火灾火势在一个房间内局部时~启动该预案~对失火楼层人员进行疏散~同时全院广播通知做好黄色预警疏散准备。 2,黄色预警。黄色预警等级响应预案为区域疏散预案。当火灾火势在一个房间完全蔓延~并有向相邻房间扩大蔓延趋势时~启动该预案~对失火楼层及上下相邻楼层人员进行疏散~同时全院广播通知做好红色预警疏散准备。 3,红色预警。红色预警等级响应预案为全院疏散预案。当火势在两个以上房间蔓延扩大~无法控制时~启动该预案~the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight 对大楼内全体人员进行疏散。 2、制定专项疏散预案~在火灾发生时根据医院启动的预案等级疏散范围~相应科室启动本科室针对病人病情等级的专项疏散预案。 医院首先对在应急情况下需疏散转移的病员~按病情轻重~以“蓝、黄、红” 分别代表病情较轻,能够自主行动,、重,在他人协助下能够行动,、危重,不能行动,的病情卡贴在病员左胸前作出标志,对在火灾中救护组救助的受伤的人员除三色病情卡外~增加“黑卡”,代表已无生命体征,。 专项预案中对三个病情等级的病人~分别制定对应疏散方法~如红卡病人在疏散时由值班医生负责观察病员病情~由病员责任护士操作相应便携仪器维持重病员生命体征~利用非失火防火分区竖向分区的消防电梯进行“一对一”疏散~由专业电梯工操作电梯,黄卡病人在家属,陪护,协助本责任区护士利用本责任区指定楼梯间进行有序疏散,蓝卡病人在本责任区疏散引导员组织引导下利用本责任区指定楼梯间进行自行有序疏散。,护士站展示四色卡, ,二,以护士站为中心建立疏散引导起点站。 医院在每个护士站的显眼位置设置应急疏散装备箱。在火灾发生时~疏散引导组组长,护士长,迅速通知各楼层疏散引导员,值班护士,~利用楼层疏散引导箱内的防毒面具、荧光棒、移动疏散指示标志、手电筒、口哨等装备组织引导the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight 顾客进行疏散。首位疏散引导员按医院疏散指示标志的方向引导宾客从就近的安全出口进行疏散~并用湿毛巾捂住口、鼻~尽量放低身体或匍匐前进向安全出口逃生。末位疏散引导员应对所负责护理单元内的病房、治疗室、配药室等所有房间进行逐一搜查~确认本护理单元内人员安全撤离后迅速疏散到室外安全地带~并向组长报告情况。疏散引导员在搜索房间确定无人员被困后关好房门~并在门上中部用红色记号笔画“X”表示已搜索。,护士站展示应急疏散箱内装备, 五、建立消防安全管理奖惩机制 医院为进一步深入推进“防火墙”工程建设~落实主体责任~提升全院消防安全工作~做到全院参与~与各部门签订了《消防安全目标责任书》落实部门目标职责~并专门制定了《科室、部门消防安全考评细则》。 《细则》规定每月由院消防安全领导小组带队随机抽取4个部门、科室责任区进行检查~在检查中根据发现的火灾隐患情节轻重程度进行扣分,如:抽责任区查医务人员消防安全知识掌握情况时~抽问3题~部分答错或回答不完全扣1分~全部答错扣2分,未发现消防安全隐患及发现隐患后未向保卫处抄告的视隐患轻重程度扣1-2分,~每月满分10分~未被抽中的科室每月按7分计算计入年终总分。单月考评得分6分以下,含6分,的科室~由领导小组在全院通报批评~扣除科室奖金500元~并在公示栏进行公示,连续2the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight 次检查考评6分以下,含6分,的科室~由领导小组在全院通报批评~扣除科室奖金1000元~年终在医院的各项创先评优、科室科主任、护士长在医院“十佳科主任护士长”评选中均一票否决,单月考评满分或连续两次考评9分以上的科室由院消防安全领导小组颁发“消防安全先进科室”流动红旗~并发放奖金500元,年终总分第一名的科室评选为院“年度消防安全先进科室”~进行全院通报表彰~并奖励科室2000元~科室科主任、护士长在医院“十佳科主任护士长”评选中加2分。 《细则》还规定对积极参与火灾隐患排查整改、提出消防安全管理创新建议被医院采纳的医务人员~根据实际情况从给予50至500元的现金奖励。,展示公示牌、在肾内科护士站展示流动红旗, the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the city's economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is "accurate, full and deep, precise, fast" on hard work. "Quasi", is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. "Full" is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. "Deep" is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight
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