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刮腻子乳胶漆合同刮腻子乳胶漆合同 建设工程施工合同 (项目编号: ) 本建设工程施工合同条件采用国家工商行政管理局和建设部颁发的《建设工程施工合同》(GF-99-0201)的合同条件。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadr...
刮腻子乳胶漆 建设工程施工合同 (项目编号: ) 本建设工程施工合同条件采用国家工商行政管理局和建设部颁发的《建设工程施工合同》(GF-99-0201)的合同条件。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. 1 / 10In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 合同条款 第一部分 协议书 发包人(全称): 承包人(全称):_张坤 _ 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》及其他有关法律、行政法规,遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,双方就本建设工程施工事项协商一致,订立本合同。 一、工程概况 工程名称:北海中国电子海湾公园小区会所。 工程地点:北海市工业电子园区。 工程内容: 建筑物内墙面、天棚面、梁柱面需进行表涂腻子抹灰饰面的全部工程所消耗的人工费、辅材费、机械费及其它全部费用(不含乳胶漆材料费)。 1、 腻子抹灰饰面工程所需的脚手架搭杆,人工费及辅材费。 2、 现场施工所需要的安全帽、安全带、保险绳的投入使用,维护费。 二、合同价款及计算方式: 1、双方约定:按腻子抹灰实涂面积每平方米,单价为: 30.5 元/?,不因任何原因进行调整。 2.计算方式:以双方委派的人员现场收方计量计算工程价款。 三( 涂抹工程施工工艺及施工措施: 1.墙面腻子抹灰面及未抹灰的混凝土梁、柱、顶棚面基底清理,底灰、底料满刷腻子二遍,阴阳角找方,线口补直。 2.双方约定:内墙装饰墙面、天棚面、腻子抹灰面的施工用脚手架由乙方自行搭设解决,其脚手架的租用费、工料费用由发包方支付计入工程量清单内。 二、工程承包范围 承包范围:包辅材、人工费,不包含乳胶漆,工程量清单及施工图纸所包含的内容。 三、合同工期 开工日期:2013年7月 18日 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 竣工日期:2013年8月 10日 合同工期总日历天数 22 天。 四、质量 工程质量标准:达到国家施工验收合格标准 六、组成合同的文件 组成本合同的文件包括: 1、本合同协议书 2、本合同专用条款 3、本合同通用条款 4、标准、规范及有关技术文件 5、图纸 6、工程量清单及工程预(决)算书 双方有关工程听洽商、变更等书面协议或文件视为本合同的组成部分。 七、本协议书中有关词语义与本合同第二部分《通用条款》中分别赋予它们的定义相同。 八、承包人向发包人承诺按照合同约定进行施工、竣工并在质量保修期内承担工程质量保修责任。 九、发包人向承包人承诺按照合同约定的期限和方式支付合同价款及其他应当支付的款项。 十、合同生效 合同订立时间:_2013_年_7_月__18__日 合同订立地点:_ 北海市 本合同双方约定__本合同经双方法人代表或委托代理人签字并加盖单位公章后生效。 发 包 人:(公章) 承 包 人:(公章) 法定代表人: 法定代表人: 委托代理人: 委托代理人: 电 话: 电 话: masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 传 真: 传 真: 第二部分 通用条款 采用国家工商行政管理局和建设部颁发的《建设工程施工合同》(GF-1999-0202)的通用条款。 第三部分 专用条款 一、词语定义及合同文件 2、合同文件及解释顺序 合同文件组成及解释顺序:本合同协议书,中标通知书,投标书及其附件,本合同专用条款,本合同通用条款,标准、规范及有关技术文件,图纸,工程量清单报价表。 3、语言文字和适用法律、标准及规范 3.1 本合同使用汉语。 3.2 适用法律和法规 需要明示的法律、行政法规:《建筑法》、《合同法》及国家、广西有关主管部门的现行法规 3.3 适用标准、规范 适用标准、规范的名称:_房屋建筑、验收规范、质量检验评定标准_ 发包人提供标准、规范的时间:_____无___________ 国内没有相应标准、规范时的约定:_________无________ 4、图纸 4.1 发包人向承包人提供图纸日期和套数:__合同签订后五个工作日内,免费向承包人提供完整的施工图纸和有关技术资料。套数:陆套。__ 发包人对图纸的保密要求:___无_____;使用国外图纸的要求及费用承担:________无______ 二、双方一般权利和义务 5、工程师 5.2 监理单位委派的工程师 姓名:_________________ 职务:_________________ 发包人委托的职权:_____________________________________________ 需要取得发包人批准才能行使的职权:_____________________________ 5.3 发包人派驻的工程师 姓名:_________________ 职务:_________________ 职权:__________________________________________________________ 5.6 不实行监理的,工程师的职权:_________________________________ 7、项目经理 姓名:__段超宏________ 职务:_项目经理___ 8、发包人工作 8.1 发包人应按约定的时间和要求完成以下工作: (1)施工场地具备施工条件的要求及完成的时间:开工前七天,办理土地征用、拆迁补偿、三通一平等工作,使施工场地具备施工条件,在开工后继续负责解决以上事项遗留问题。 (2)将施工所需的水、电、电讯线路接至施工场地的时间、地点和供应要求:开工前七天将施工所需的水、电线路从施工场地外部接至承包人的施工现场总平面布置图指定的位置,保证水电供应满足施工期间的需要。 (3)施工场地与公共道路通道开通时间和要求:_开工前七天将施工场地与公共道路的通道开通至施工场地内,满足施工运输的需要,保证施工期间的畅通。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further (4)工程地质和地下管线资料的提供时间:__开工前七天,随施工图一起配套提供给承包人,并对资料的真实性、准确性负责。_ (5)由发包人办理的施工所需证件、批件的名称和完成时间:_开工前七天,办理好施工许可证及其他施工所需证件、批件和临时用地、停水、停电、中断道路交通、爆破作业等申请批准手续。 (6)水准点与坐标控制点交验要求:开工前七天确定水准点与坐标控制点,发包人以书面形式交给承包人,双方在现场进行交验。 (7)图纸会审和设计交底时间:_在开工前七天,由发包人组织承包人和设计单位进行图纸会审和设计交底。 (8)协调处理施工场地周围地下管线和邻近建筑物、构筑物(含文物保护建筑)、古树名木的保护工作:视实际情况由双方商定保护措施,发包人承担有关费用。 (9)双方约定发包人应做的其他工作:_双方另行商定。 8.2 发包人委托承包人办理的工作: _双方另行商定。 9、承包人工作 9.1 承包人应按约定时间和要求,完成以下工作: (1)需由设计资质等级和业务范围允许的承包人完成的设计文件提交时间: 无 (2)应提供计划、报表的名称及完成时间: (3)承担施工安全保卫工作及非夜间施工照明的责任和要求:_根据工程需要,提供和维修非夜间是施工使用的照明、围栏设施,并负责施工场地范围内的安全保卫。 (4)向发包人提供的办公和生活房屋及设施的要求:__待定____ (5)需承包人办理的有关施工场地交通、环卫和施工噪音管理等手续 按本合同第二部分通用条款第9.1(5)款规定执行。 (6)已完工程成品保护的特殊要求及费用承担:_已竣工工程未交付发包人之前,承包人负责已完工程的成品保护工作,保护期间发生损坏,承包人自费予以修复。工程已交付发包人或发包人擅自提前使用后而的损坏及所需的修理费用、工程成品毁损的风险,由发包人承担。若发包人要求承包人采购特殊措施保护的,由发包人就保护的工程部位和相应的追加合同价款另外进行协商。其余按本合同通用条款第9.1(6)款规定执行。 (7)施工场地周围地下管线和邻近建筑物、构筑物(含文物保护建筑)、古树名木的保护要求及费用承担:__视实际情况由双方商定保护措施,由承包人负责保护,费用由发包人承担。_ (8)施工场地清洁卫生的要求:_ 符合文明施工要求,负责及时清理由承包人所造成的建筑垃圾和施工人员所造成的生活垃圾,做好施工场地围护隔离,符合建设部15号令《建设工程施工现场管理规定》及当地政府关于城市卫生市容管理条例等,承包人承担由自身原因违反有关规定造成的损失和罚款。_ (9)双方约定承包人应做的其他工作:____双方另行商定。 三、施工组织设计和工期 10、进度计划 10.1 承包人提供施工组织设计(施工)和进度计划的时间:_承包人在图纸会审和设计交底后,3天内提供施工组织设计和工程进度计划。 工程师确认的时间:__从收到承包人提供的施工方案及工程进度计划后三天内予以确认或提出修改意见。逾期不确认也不提出书面意见的,视为同意该施工方案及工程进度计划。 10.2 群体工程中有关进度计划的要求:__无_ 13、工期延误 13.1 双方约定工期顺延的情况: (1)在施工过程中遇到地下管线的; (2)因发包人应承担责任的原因,发包人未能按合同要求配合施工造成停工时; (3)政府指令性要求停工的; (4)非承包人责任而造成的工期延误及工程师同意顺延工期的其他情况。 (5)其余工期顺延的情况按本合同通用条款第13.1条第(1),(6)款的规定执行。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 14、工程竣工 14.1承包人必须按照协议书约定的竣工日期或合同约定可顺延的工期竣工。 14.2因承包人原因不能按照协议书约定的竣工日期或合同约定可顺延的工期竣工的,承包人承担违约责任。 14.3施工中发包人如需提前竣工,双方协商一致后应签订提前竣工协议,作为合同文件组成部分。提前竣工协议应包括承包人为保证工程质量和安全采取的措施、发包人为提前竣工提供的条件以及提前竣工所需的追加合同价款等内容。 四、质量与验收 16、工程质量 16.1工程质量要求达到 合格 ,验收达不到合格时无条件返工 17、隐蔽工程和中间验收 17.1 双方约定中间验收部位:___基础及线路、管道安装____ 19、工程试车 19.5 试车费用的承担:__无__ 五、安全施工 六、合同价款与支付 23、合同价款及调整 23.2本合同价款采用固定单价合同方式确定。合同价款中包括的风险范围:除工程变更及政策性调整以外的其他风险。 风险范围以外合同价款调整方法: (一)因设计变更引起工程项目、工程量变化的,变更合同价款按下列方法进行:(1)、合同中已有适用于变更工程的价格,按合同已有的价格变更合同价款;(2)、合同中只有类似于变更工程的价格,可以参照类似价格变更合同价款;(3)、合同中没有适用或类似于变更工程的价格,则有定额的套定额计算(土石方除外),并乘以下浮系数(中标价/工程预算控制价)计算,其中材料价格有信息价的按施工期间的信息价进行计算,无信息价的按市场价;无定额可套的,由发包人、承包人根据市场价格协商确定;新增项目的单价必须经建设单位、监理工程师审定。 (二)国家和自治区政策性调整有关费用标准的,按文件规定执行。 23.3 双方约定合同价款的其他调整因素:_竣工结算的工程量按现场实际完成数量和签证单确定。 24、工程预付款:按施工合同30%支付工程辅助材料款。签定合同后3天内支付20000元(贰万元整)。 25、工程量确认 25.1 承包人向工程师提交已完成工程量报告的时间:双方进行计量和确认。 26、工程款(进度款)支付 双方约定的工程款(进度款)支付的方式和时间:本项工程竣工验收完成后3天内支付工程款97% 保修期为两个月,3% 质保金在保修期过后5天内支付。 七、材料设备供应 27、发包人供应材料设备 27.4 发包人供应的材料设备与一览表不符时,双方约定发包人承担责任如下: (1)材料设备单价与一览表不符:__________________无_____________ (2)材料设备的品种、规格、型号、质量等级与一览表不符:__无_____ (3)承包人可代为调剂串换的材料:_______________无____________ (4)到货地点与一览表不符:_______________无__________________ (5)供应数量与一览表不符:_________无_______________________ (6)到货时间与一览表不符:_____________无___________________ 27.6 发包人供应材料设备的结算方法:_______无_________________ 28、承包人采购材料设备 28.1 承包人采购材料设备的约定:_本合同工程实行承包人材料设备包干方式,由承包人自购。所购材masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 料必须有产品合格证,试验或检验报告,并由发包人派驻的工程师验证后才能投入施工。装饰材料及安装材料在订购前要征得发包人的许可。本工程约定: 。 八、竣工验收与结算 32、竣工验收 32.1 承包人提供竣工图的约定:__竣工前3天向发包人提供一式二份竣工图__ 32.6 中间交工工程的范围和竣工时间:______无_______ 33、竣工结算 33.1 竣工结算由承包人提交相关结算资料(主要包括合同、投标文件、工程量计算书、结算书、签证单、竣工图)齐全后,由发包人委托具有相应造价咨询资质机构审核。 33.2 工程结算审定单发出后3天内,工程款支付至审定总价的100%。 34.1承包人应按法律、行政法规或国家关于工程质量保修的有关规定,对交付发包人使用的工程在质量保修期内承担质量保修责任。 34.2质量保修工作的实施。承包人应在工程竣工验收之前,与发包人签订质量保修书,作为本合同附件(附件3)。 34.3质量保修书的主要内容包括: 质量保修项目内容及范围; ? ? 质量保修期; ? 质量保修责任; ? 质量保修金的支付方法。 九、违约、索赔和争议 35、违约 35.1 本合同中关于发包人违约的具体责任如下: 本合同通用条款第24条约定发包人违约应承担的违约责任: 工期顺延。 本合同通用条款第26.4款约定发包人违约应承担的违约责任:如发生,从违约之日起,发包人每天按延付金额的万分之四向承包人支付违约金 ,承包人的损失按实际发生计,所耽误的工期相应顺延。 本合同通用条款第33.3款约定发包人违约应承担的违约责任:如发生,从违约之日起,发包人每天按拖欠工程价款的万分之一向承包人支付违约金。 35.2 本合同中关于承包人违约的具体责任如下: 本合同通用条款第14.2款约定承包人违约应承担的违约责任:承包人延误工期每天应付违约金按合同价的0.04%给发包人,工期延误违约金的限额为合同价的4%。_ masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 本合同通用条款第15.1款约定承包人违约应承担的违约责任:因承包人责任工程质量达不到本合同约定 的质量标准,由承包人负责整改至达到本合同约定的合格标准 。 双方约定的承包人其他违约责任:___按本合同通用条款规定执行。_______ 37、争议 37.1双方约定,在履行合同过程中产生争议时: (1)由工程所在地的建设行政主管部门调解,如调解不成,可依法向有管辖权的人民法院起诉。 十、其他 38、工程分包 38.1 本工程发包人同意承包人分包的工程:须书面征得甲方同意 39、不可抗力 39.1 双方关于不可抗力的约定: (1) 6 级以上的地震; (2) 8级以上持续1天的大风; (3) 中雨级以上持续1天的大雨; (4) 20年以上未发生过,持续2天的高温天气; (5) 20年以上未发生过,持续2天的低温天气; (6) 50年以上未发生过的海啸; (7) 其余按本合同通用条款第39条执行。 对上述几种形式,应以造成灾害和影响施工的程度,并以国家有关部门规定为准。 40、保险 40.6 本工程双方约定投保内容如下: (1)发包人投保内容:______按本合同通用条款第40条规定执行。____________ 发包人委托承包人办理的保险事项:____按本合同通用条款第40条规定执行。___ (2)承包人投保内容:____按本合同通用条款第40条规定执行。__________ 41、担保 41.3 本工程双方约定担保事项如下: ? 发包人向承包人提供履约担保,担保方式为:无 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further ? 承包人向发包人提供履约担保,担保方式为:无 42、合同份数 42.1 双方约定合同副本份数:__叁份__ masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 附件2: 工 程 质 量 保 修 书 发包人(全称):_中国电子海湾公园小区会所_ 承包人(全称):_张坤_ 为保证_ 中国电子海湾公园小区会所_(工程名称)在合理使用期限内正常使用,发包人承包人协商一致签订工程质量保修书。承包人在质量保修期内按照有关管理规定及双方约定承担工程质量保修责任。 一、工程质量保修范围和内容 质量保修范围包括墙面腻子抹灰面及未抹灰的混凝土梁、柱、顶棚面基底清理,底灰、底料满刷腻子二遍,阴阳角找方,线口补直,乳胶漆饰面。具体质量保修内容双方约定如下: 二、质量保修期 质量保修期从工程实际竣工之日算起。分单项竣工验收的工程,按单项工程分别计算质量保修期。 双方根据国家有关规定,结合具体工程约定质量保修期。 三、质量保修责任 1、属于保修范围和内容的项目,承包人应在接到修理通知之日后7天内派人处理。承包人不在约定期限内派人修理,发包人可委托其他人员修理,保修费用从质量保修金扣除。 2、发生须紧急抢修事故承包人接到事故通知后,应立即到在事故现场抢修。非承包人施工质量引起事故,抢修费用由发包人承担。 3、在国家规定的工程合理使用期限内,承包人确保地基础工程和主体结构的质量。因承包人原因致使工程在合理使用期限内造成人身和财产损害的,承包人应承担损害赔偿责任。 四、质量保修金的支付 本工程约定的工程质量保修金为结算价款的 零 。 质量保修金银行利率为________零__________。 五、质量保修金的返还 六、其它 双方约定的其他工程质量保修事项:__________________ ______________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 本工程质量保修书作为施工合同附件,由施工合同发包人承包人双方共同签署。 发 包 人(公章): 承 包 人(公章): 法定代表人(签字): 法定代表人(签字): ____年____月____日 ____年____月____日 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further
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