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珍爱生命,预防溺水手抄报珍爱生命,预防溺水手抄报 、预防溺水事故发生的方法 为了确保游泳安全,防止溺水事故的发生,必须做到以下几点: (1)不要独自一人外出游泳,更不要到不摸底和不知水情或比较危险且宜发生溺水伤亡事故的地方去游泳。选择好的游泳场所,对场所的环境,如该水库、浴场是否卫生,水下是否平坦,有无暗礁、暗流、杂草,水域的深浅等情况要了解清楚。 (2)必须要有组织并在老师或熟悉水性的人的带领下去游泳。以便互相照顾。如果集体组织外出游泳,下水前后都要清点人数、并指定救生员做安全保护。 (3)要清楚自己的身体健康状况,平时四肢就容易抽筋者不宜参...
珍爱生命,预防溺水手抄报 、预防溺水事故发生的方法 为了确保游泳安全,防止溺水事故的发生,必须做到以下几点: (1)不要独自一人外出游泳,更不要到不摸底和不知水情或比较危险且宜发生溺水伤亡事故的地方去游泳。选择好的游泳场所,对场所的环境,如该水库、浴场是否卫生,水下是否平坦,有无暗礁、暗流、杂草,水域的深浅等情况要了解清楚。 (2)必须要有组织并在老师或熟悉水性的人的带领下去游泳。以便互相照顾。如果集体组织外出游泳,下水前后都要清点人数、并指定救生员做安全保护。 (3)要清楚自己的身体健康状况,平时四肢就容易抽筋者不宜参加游泳或不要 水区游泳。要做好下水前的准备,先活动活动身体,如水温太低应先在浅水到深 处用水淋洗身体,待适应水温后再下水游泳;镶有假牙的同学,应将假牙取下,以防呛水时假牙落入食管或气管。 (4)对自己的水性要有自知之明,下水后不能逞能,不要贸然跳水和潜泳,更不能互相打闹,以免喝水和溺水。不要在急流和漩涡处游泳。 (在游泳中如果突然觉得身体不舒服,如眩晕、恶心、心慌、气短等,要立 5) 即上岸休息或呼救。 (6)在游泳中,若小腿或脚部抽筋,千万不要惊慌,可用力蹬腿或做跳跃动作,或用力按摩、拉扯抽筋部位,同时呼叫同伴救助。 二、游泳溺水自救方略 如何保证游泳的健康和安全,避免溺水事件的发生,对水情不熟而贸然下水,极易造成生命危险。万一不幸遇上了溺水事件,专家介绍,溺水者切莫慌张,应保持镇静,积极自救: 在水中沉着自救游泳时用鼻子吸气,最容易引起呛水。孩子下水前,家长要向孩子讲清楚这一问:如果呛了水,首先要张大嘴,做深呼吸,哪怕喝上几口水,也一定要张大嘴,而不能用鼻子喘气。 1.不熟悉水性者自救方法: 除呼救外,取仰卧位,头部向后,使鼻部可露出水面呼吸。呼气要浅,吸气要深。因为深吸气时,人体比重降到比水略轻,可浮出水面,此时千万不要将手臂上举乱扑动,而使身体下沉更快。 2.水中抽筋自救法: 抽筋的主要部位是小腿和大腿,有时手指、脚趾及胃部等部位也会抽筋。 shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider (1)游泳时发生抽筋,千万不要惊慌,一定要保持镇静,停止游动,先吸一口气,仰面浮于水面,并根据不同部位采取不同方法进行自救。 (2)若因水温过低而疲劳产生小腿抽筋,则可使身体成仰卧姿势。用手握住抽筋腿的脚趾,用力向上拉,使抽筋腿伸直,并用另一腿踩水,另一手划水,帮助身体上浮,这样连续多次即可恢复正常。上岸后用中、食指尖掐承山穴或委中穴,进行按摩。 (3)要是大腿抽筋的话,可同样采用拉长抽筋肌肉的办法解决。 4)两手抽筋时,应迅速握紧拳头,再用力伸直,反复多次,直至复原。如单( 手抽筋,除做上述动作外,可按摩合谷穴、内关穴、外关穴。 (5)上腹部肌肉抽筋,可掐中脘穴(在脐上四寸),配合掐足三里穴,还可仰卧水里,把双腿向腹壁弯收,再行伸直,重复几次。 6)抽过筋后,改用别种游泳姿势游回岸边。如果不得不仍用同一游泳姿势时,( 就要提防再次抽筋。 3.水草缠身自救法: (1)首先要镇静,切不可踩水或手脚乱动,否则就会使肢体被缠得更难解脱,或在淤泥中越陷越深。 (2)用仰泳方式(两腿伸直、用手掌倒划水)顺原路慢慢退回。或平卧水面,使两腿分开,用手解脱。 (3)如随身携带小刀,可把水草割断,不然试试把水草踢开,或像脱袜那样把水草从手脚上捋下来。自己无法摆脱时,应及时呼救。 (4)摆脱水草后,轻轻踢腿而游,并尽快离开水草丛生的地方。 4.身陷漩涡自救法: (1)有漩涡的地方,一般水面常有垃圾、树叶杂物在漩涡处打转,只要注意就可早发现,应尽量避免接近。 (2)如果已经接近,切勿踩水,应立刻平卧水面,沿着漩涡边,用爬泳快速地游过。因为漩涡边缘处吸引力较弱,不容易卷入面积较大的物体,所以身体必须平卧水面,切不可直立踩水或潜入水中。 5.疲劳过度自救法: (1)觉得寒冷或疲劳,应马上游回岸边。如果离岸甚远,或过度疲乏而不能立即回岸,就仰浮在水上以保留力气。 shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider (2)举起一只手,放松身体,让对方拯救。不要紧抱着拯救者不放。 3)如果没有人来,就继续浮在水上,等到体力恢复后再游回岸边。 ( 在5月18日下午的全体教师会议上,本校大队辅导员为各位班主任老师分发了《南小巷小学防溺水告家长》,要求各班在周二下午班会时间进行学习,对学生进行防溺水知识的宣传,学生学习之后再将告家长书带回家请各位家长阅读,签好责任书交回学校保存。为了让学生将防溺水知识牢记心中,并且落实到自己的实际行动中,我们三四年级的班主任经过讨论之后决定让学生办一期以“防溺水保安全”为题的手抄报,进一步提高学生的安全意识。手抄报展出之后,学生们都能积极参观学习,也使“防溺水”的知识更加具体形象展现在学生面前,取得了良好的教育效果。 shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider shall not exceed the level of stator core, or arc skateboards, protection of stator plate rollover may occur), reasonable to generally should be centralized. Avoid layout vulnerable to mechanical damage, damp, vulnerable to corrosion and vibration, ensure as far as possible with the platform stairs, lifting devices, cover plates, electrical enclosures and other intervals at arm's length. Piping support and hanger set weight of the weight and its insulation shall meet reasonable piping displacement, increase system stability, prevention of pipeline vibration displacement in operation. Process piping support and hanger spacing are shown in table 1. Process piping in the drain pipe must have a certain slope (about 0.002-0.004) to drain. Enter the pipe should be smooth flow to the lateral, intake manifold into the expansion tank should be considered order, low pressure or high pressure drop near the expansion tank inlet. Pipe deflection and expansion must be considered the absorption problem, consider the natural direction of the pipeline using the small pipe to achieve thermal expansion compensation and, if necessary, consider
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