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第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖

2018-03-21 50页 doc 285KB 17阅读




第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 打印本页 字体:大 中 小 第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 [题目答案分离版] 一、A1 1、关于腭大孔的叙述。那项是不正确的 A.距硬腭后缘约0.5cm处 B.有腭前神经和血管通过 C.位于腭侧牙槽嵴顶至腭正中缝弓形连线的中点 D.由上颌骨牙槽突与腭骨水平部共同构成 E.是翼腭管的下口 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:腭大孔:位于硬腭后缘前方约0.5cm处,上颌第三磨牙腭侧,相当于腭中缝至龈缘的外、中1,3交界处。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 2、以下关于眶下...
第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖
第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 打印本页 字体:大 中 小 第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 [题目答案分离版] 一、A1 1、关于腭大孔的叙述。那项是不正确的 A.距硬腭后缘约0.5cm处 B.有腭前神经和血管通过 C.位于腭侧牙槽嵴顶至腭正中缝弓形连线的中点 D.由上颌骨牙槽突与腭骨水平部共同构成 E.是翼腭管的下口 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:腭大孔:位于硬腭后缘前方约0.5cm处,上颌第三磨牙腭侧,相当于腭中缝至龈缘的外、中1,3交界处。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 2、以下关于眶下孔的叙述中那项是错误的 A.眶下孔位于眶下缘中点下方约0.5cm处 B.眶下孔内有眶下神经、血管通过 C.眶下孔朝向前内下方,行眶下神经阻滞麻醉时进针方向应为前内下 D.眶下孔向后外上方通入眶下管 E.眶下孔的下方骨面上有尖牙窝 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:行眶下神经阻滞麻醉时,进针的方向是向上、后、外。 眶下孔向后外上方通入眶下管。 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 3、上颌骨的四突不包括 A.额突 B.颧突 C.颞突 D.腭突 E.牙槽突 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:上颌骨的四突分别称为额突、颧突、腭突和牙槽突。 颞突是颧骨的突起之一。 颞突:从体的上部向上延伸,分为深浅两部。颞深脂肪突呈窄舌状,位于蝶骨大翼和颞肌间(颞前间隙内),脂肪突的深面是眶外侧壁的后方和颧骨的体部,后侧贴附于蝶骨大翼上。上端最高点平眼外眦水平或稍下方。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 4、以下哪个解剖结构不位于下颌骨体部外侧面 A.外斜线 B.颏孔 C.正中联合 D.颏棘 E.颏结节 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:下颌体:外侧面中线处有正中联合;正中联合两旁有左右各一的颏结节;从颏结节向后上延至下颌支前缘的骨嵴,称为外斜线,有降下唇肌及降口角肌附着;在外斜线上方,下颌第二前磨牙的下方或第一、第二前磨牙之间的下方,下颌体上、下缘之间略偏上处有颏孔。其内侧面近中线处有两对突起,上颏棘和下颏棘。 因此本题答案选D颏棘。 5、上颌骨不参与以下哪个解剖结构的构成 A.翼上颌裂及眶下裂 B.口腔顶和鼻腔底 C.鼻腔侧壁 D.颞下窝和翼腭窝 E.颞窝 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:颞下窝是上颌骨体和颧骨后方的不规则间隙,容纳咀嚼肌和血管神经等,向上通颞窝。窝前壁为上颌骨体和颧骨,内壁为翼突外侧板,外壁为下颌支,下壁与后壁空缺。此窝向上借卵圆孔和棘孔与颅中窝相通。向前借眶下裂通眶,向内借上颌骨与蝶骨翼突之间的翼上颌裂通翼腭窝。 6、下颌姿势位的生理意义是 A.升降下颌骨肌的张力平衡所产生,可使咀嚼肌得到充分休息 B.升降下颌骨肌不收缩,可使咀嚼肌得到充分休息 C.形成一定的间隙,可使舌位于此间隙内 D.便于下颌处于正中关系 E.便于下颌由正中关系自如地运动到非正中关系 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:下颌姿势位 下颌姿势位曾称为息止颌位。当口腔在不咀嚼、不吞咽、不说话的时候,下颌处于休息状态,上下颌牙弓自然分开,从后向前保持着一个楔形间隙,称the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 之为息止间隙,一般为1,3mm(下颌姿势位的垂直距离与垂直距离之差)。此时下颌所处的位置,称为下颌姿势位。 下颌姿势位多被认为是当个体端坐、头直立位时,为升降下颌诸肌的张力平衡所产生,即肌肉在最小的收缩状态以克服重力所保持的位置。现已明确,下颌姿势位并不是一个稳定的位置,无论从长期还是短期观察,它都是可变的。如躯体直立,头向前倾,间隙就减小;如头向后仰,则结果相反。临床实践明,息止间隙的大小与的类型有关,如深覆者常较小。个体间亦互有差异,但就个体本身而言,此间隙在一生中改变不大,用肌电图及下颌运动轨迹描记仪研究表明,下颌姿势位,严格地说,它不是一个位置,而是一个微小的范围,在上下方向约0.5mm,前后方向约0.3mm。从下颌姿势位向牙尖交错位闭合,在正常情况下,垂直运动距离与前后运动距离之比为1:1,3:1。 【该题针对“第二单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 7、关于翼静脉丛广泛交通描述哪项是正确的 A.向后外经上颌静脉汇入下颌后静脉 B.向前经面深静脉汇入面静脉 C.向上经卵圆孔网和破裂孔导血管等与海绵窦交通 D.收集口腔颌面及眼的静脉血 E.以上都对 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(3讲)”知识点进行考核】 8、髁突颈部骨折时,最可能伤及 A.翼丛 B.上颌动脉 C.面动脉 D.颈内动脉 E.颈内动脉 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:上颌动脉有关的几个临床问题: (1)作颞颌关节成形术或髁突切除术时,应注意保护髁突颈部深面通行的上颌动脉; (2)下颌骨髁突颈部骨折时,可能伤及上颌动脉;(在下颌骨髁突颈部后内方分为上颌动脉和颞浅动脉2终支); (3)上颌骨切除时,可在翼外肌二头之间显露和结扎上颌动脉,以代替结扎颈外动脉; (4)上颌动脉进入翼腭窝时,距翼突上颌缝近(约5mm),手术分离该缝时,勿伤及上颌动脉。 下颌骨髁突颈部骨折时,可能伤及上颌动脉; the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 上颌动脉(颌内动脉):为颈外动脉的终末支之一,在下颌骨髁突颈部的后内方发出,经髁突颈部深面前行至颞下窝,通常在翼外肌的浅面或深面,行向前上,经翼上颌裂进入翼腭窝。主要分支分布于硬脑膜、上、下颌骨、牙齿、腭、鼻窦、咀嚼肌和鼻腔等。 9、面总静脉由 A.面静脉和下颌后静脉前支汇合而成 B.面静脉和下颌后静脉后支汇合而成 C.上颌静脉和颞浅静脉汇合而成 D.下颌后静脉后支和耳后静脉汇合而成 E.上颌静脉和耳后静脉汇合而成 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:下颌后静脉又称为面后静脉。面总静脉由面静脉和下颌后静脉的前支汇合而成,即面静脉和面后静脉。 10、翼丛位于 A.颞窝 B.颞下窝 C.翼腭窝 D.翼肌窝 E.尖牙窝 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:翼丛:位于颞肌与翼外肌之间及翼内、外肌之间的颞下窝。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 11、颈总动脉分为颈内动脉和颈外动脉的部位是 A.平胸锁关节处 B.平甲状软骨上缘 C.平甲状软骨下缘 D.平舌骨大角尖 E.平下颌角处 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:颈内动脉 在颈动脉三角内平甲状软骨上缘处,起自颈总动脉。 颈外动脉 在平对甲状软骨上缘处起于颈总动脉。 颈总动脉在约平甲状软骨上缘处分为颈内动脉和颈外动脉。为此题主要的考察点,起于选项为干扰选项。 舌动脉:于甲状腺上动脉起点的稍上方,舌骨大角尖处,自颈外动脉前壁发出。主要分支分布于舌、舌骨上肌群、下颌下腺、舌下腺及口底黏膜等。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 下颌支后缘与下颌体下缘相连接处称下颌角,下颌角的内面有翼肌粗隆,外面有咬肌粗隆,为相应咀嚼肌附着处。 茎突下颌韧带:起于茎突,止于下颌角和下颌支后缘。 咬肌:浅层起于上颌骨颧突、颧弓下缘前2,3,向下后方走行,止于下颌角和下颌支外面的下半部; 翼内肌:翼内肌有深、浅两头,深头起于翼外板的内侧面和腭骨锥突;浅头起于腭骨锥突和上颌结节,与咬肌纤维方向相似,止于下颌角内侧面及翼肌粗隆。 颈部境界与分区:颈部上端以下颌骨下缘、乳突、上项线及枕外隆突的连线与头部分界;下端以胸骨颈静脉切迹、胸锁关节、锁骨、肩峰和第7颈椎棘突的连线为界。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 12、颈外动脉和颈内动脉鉴别要点中不包括 A.颈内动脉初在颈外动脉的后外侧,继而转至其后内侧 B.颈内动脉在颈部无分支 C.颈外动脉在颈部发出一系列分支 D.暂时阻断颈外动脉同时触摸颞浅动脉暂时无搏动 E.颈内动脉比颈外动脉粗 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:颈内外动脉的鉴别 (1)位置:颈内动脉初在颈外动脉的后外侧,继而转至其后内侧。 (2)分支:颈内动脉在颈部无分支,颈外动脉在颈部发出一系列分支。 (3)搏动:暂时阻断颈外动脉,同时触摸颞浅动脉或面动脉,如无搏动,即可证实所阻的是颈外动脉。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 13、关于舌动脉,错误的叙述是 A.平舌骨大角尖处,自颈外动脉前壁发出 B.舌骨大角尖可作为寻找舌动脉起始位置的标志 C.舌动脉在舌骨舌肌前缘处分为舌下动脉、颏下动脉两终支 D.有时舌下动脉缺如,由颏下动脉的穿支代替 E.临床上可作舌动脉插管,贯注化学药物以治疗舌部的恶性肿瘤 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:舌动脉于舌骨舌肌前缘处分成舌下动脉、舌深动脉两终支。 14、以下哪个肌肉参与颞下颌关节盘前伸部的组成 A.咬肌 B.颞肌 C.翼内肌 D.翼外肌 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine E.二腹肌 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:颞下颌关节盘前伸部较厚,表面有滑膜覆盖。其前方有两个附着,即颞前附着和下颌前附着。两个附着之间有翼外肌上头的肌腱。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 15、下颌开颌运动不参与收缩的肌肉是 A.二腹肌 B.下颌舌骨肌 C.颏舌骨肌 D.翼内肌 E.翼外肌 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:题目考察的是开颌运动,及时降颌运动 升颌肌群:翼内肌,不参与降颌运动 16、翼内肌起始或附着的骨不包括 A.上颌骨 B.下颌骨 C.腭骨 D.蝶骨 E.颞骨 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:翼内肌分深浅两头,深头起自翼外板的内侧和腭骨锥突;浅头起自腭骨锥突和上颌结节;止于下颌角内侧面和翼肌粗隆。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 17、不参与下颌侧方运动的肌肉是 A.咬肌 B.颞肌 C.翼内肌 D.翼外肌 E.舌骨上肌群 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:舌骨上肌群 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 1(二腹肌 位于下颌骨下方,有前、后两腹和中间腱。后腹起自颞骨乳突切迹,向前下外止于中间腱。前腹起自下颌骨二腹肌窝向后下止于中间腱。 2(下颌舌骨肌 起自下颌舌骨线,向后内,在中线处与对侧同名肌相互汇合,构成肌性口底,其最后部纤维止于舌骨体的前面。 3(颏舌骨肌 位于下颌舌骨肌上方中线的两侧,起自颏下棘,向后止丁二舌骨体上部。 4(茎突舌骨肌 位于二腹肌后腹的上方,起自茎突,止于舌骨体和舌骨大角连接处。 舌骨上肌群的主要作用:降下颌作用。 18、狭义的咀嚼肌不包括 A.咬肌 B.颞肌 C.翼内肌 D.翼外肌 E.舌骨上肌群 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:狭义的咀嚼肌是指咬肌、颞肌、翼内肌和翼外肌,广义的咀嚼肌还包括舌骨上肌群。 【该题针对“狭义的咀嚼肌”知识点进行考核】 19、下颌骨的薄弱部位不包括 A.正中联合 B.颏孔区 C.下颌角 D.乙状切迹 E.髁突颈部 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:下颌骨在结构上存在易发生骨折的薄弱部位: 1.正中联合 位置最突出,亦是胚胎发育时两侧下颌突的连接处。 2.颏孔区 此处有颏孔,又有下颌前磨牙牙槽窝。 3.下颌角 为下颌骨的转折处,骨质较薄,且有下颌第三磨牙牙槽窝位于其间。 4.髁突颈部 此处较细小,其上下均较为粗大。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 20、关于下颌支的内面的结构的叙述,不正确的是 A.下颌孔的前方为下颌小舌,为蝶下颌韧带的附着处 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine B.下颌孔的后上方有下颌神经沟 C.下颌孔的前上方有下颌隆突 D.下颌孔的下方有下颌舌骨沟 E.下颌小舌的后下方骨面粗糙称为咬肌粗隆 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:下颌支内侧面中央略偏后上方有下颌孔;孔的前方有下颌小舌,为蝶下颌韧带附着处;孔的后上方有下颌神经沟,下牙槽神经、血管通过此沟进入下颌孔;下颌孔向前下方通入下颌管。下颌支后缘与下颌体下缘相连接处称下颌角,下颌角的内面有翼肌粗隆,外面有咬肌粗隆,为相应咀嚼肌附着处。 【该题针对“关于下颌支的内面的结构的叙述,不正确的是”知识点进行考核】 21、不属于下颌骨内侧面的解剖结构是 A.颏棘 B.颏结节 C.下颌小舌 D.下颌下腺窝 E.舌下腺窝 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:下颌体:外侧面中线处有正中联合;正中联合两旁有左右各一的颏结节。所以颏结节不是下颌骨内侧面的结构。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 22、以下关于上颌骨后面的解剖结构的叙述中哪项是正确的 A.上颌骨后面参与颞窝及颞下窝的构成 B.颧牙槽嵴位于上颌体后面与前面在外侧的移行处 C.后面下部有较粗糙的关节结节 D.后面的中部有数个小骨孔,称为眶下孔 E.上颌骨的后面有翼外肌的附着 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:A上颌骨后面参与翼腭窝窝及颞下窝前壁的构成,C、E后面下部有较粗糙的圆形隆起,称上颌结节,为翼内肌浅头的起始处,D后面的中部有数小孔,称为牙槽孔。 23、切断一侧舌下神经的结果是 A.舌在口中下垂 B.舌缩回 C.伸舌时偏向同侧 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine D.舌前2/3的味觉消失 E.舌的对侧伴发萎缩 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:舌神经管理舌前2/3的味觉 舌咽神经管理舌后1/3味觉 切断一侧舌下神经伸舌时偏向同侧 24、临床上下颌下区切口多选择平行于下颌下缘以下1.5mm,其原因是 A.为了保护面动脉 B.为了保护面神经下颌缘支 C.为了保护舌下神经 D.为了保护面神经颈支 E.为了手术进路方便 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:面神经下颌缘支位置是:在颌外动脉或咬肌前下角以后,下颌缘支绕行于下颌骨下缘下方约1cm处;而在颌外动脉及咬肌前下角处,则大部分平下颌骨下缘;在上述二标志以前,多数行于下颌骨下缘之上,少数(6%)在下颌骨下缘下方继续前行0.8,1.5cm,而后再上行布于三角肌及下唇方肌。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 25、一侧鼻唇沟变浅或消失可能是因为损伤了同侧面神经的 A.颞支 B.颧支 C.颊支 D.下颌缘支 E.颈支 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:面神经颞支损伤可出现同侧额纹消失; 面神经颊支损伤可出现鼻唇沟变浅或消失、鼓腮无力、上唇运动减弱或偏斜以及食物积存于颊部等症状; 下颌缘支损伤可导致患侧口角下垂和流口水; 颈支受损引起颈阔肌运动障碍,影响口角的微笑活动。 26、一侧额纹消失可能是因为损伤了同侧面神经的 A.颞支 B.颧支 C.颊支 D.下颌缘支 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine E.颈支 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:额颞区手术在神经外科中应用十分广泛,但在分离颞肌筋膜时易导致面神经颞支损伤,造成病人出现同侧眼睑下垂,额纹消失。 27、面神经主干是指面神经出茎乳孔至面神经分叉处的一段,长度约为 A.1cm B.1.5cm C.1.5,2cm D.2.5cm E.3cm 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:面神经主干是指面神经出茎乳孔至面神经分叉处的一段,长约1.5,2cm,直径2.5cm. 28、下列面神经走向的描述哪项是错误的 A.穿内耳道底入面神经管 B.经茎乳孔出颅 C.在面神经管内无分支 D.以茎乳孔为界分为面神经管段和颅外段 E.穿腮腺后内侧面,终支分布于面部表情肌 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:面神经穿经面神经管及最后穿出腮腺时都发出许多分支 面神经管内的分支: ?鼓索:传导味觉冲动及支配下颌下腺和舌下腺的分泌; ?岩大神经,也称岩浅大神经,含副交感分泌纤维,支配泪腺、腭及鼻粘膜的腺体分泌; ?镫骨肌神经:支配鼓室内的镫骨肌。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 29、选用2,利多卡因拔除下颌第一磨牙时采用 A.局部浸润麻醉+下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉 B.下牙槽神经+舌神经阻滞麻醉+局部浸润麻醉 C.颊神经+舌神经阻滞麻醉 D.颊神经+下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉 E.颊神经+舌神经阻滞麻醉+局部浸润麻醉 【正确答案】:B the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【答案解析】:下颌第一磨牙的分布神经有下牙槽神经、舌神经及颏神经。拔除时需要下牙槽神经+舌神经阻滞麻醉,加颊侧的浸润麻醉。从选项来看,B选项较为贴切。 30、下颌神经前干中感觉神经是 A.咬肌神经 B.翼外肌神经 C.颞深神经 D.翼外肌神经 E.颊神经 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:下颌神经前干大部分为运动神经(支配咀嚼肌的颞深神经、咬肌神经核翼外肌神经),前干中唯一的感觉神经为颊神经。 31、不属于下颌神经分支的是 A.颊神经 B.舌神经 C.蝶腭神经 D.耳颞神经 E.棘孔神经 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:下颌神经 为混合性神经,是三叉神经中最大的分支。经卵圆孔出颅,发出如下分支: 1.棘孔神经 分布于硬脑膜。 2.翼内肌神经 分布于翼内肌。 3.颞深神经 分布于颞肌。 4.咬肌神经 分布于咬肌。 5.翼外肌神经 分布于翼外肌上下头。 6.颊神经(颊长神经) 分布于下颌后牙颊侧牙龈及颊部粘膜皮肤。 7.耳颞神经 主要分布于颞下颌关节、外耳道、腮腺、颞区皮肤等。 8.舌神经 主要分布于下颌舌侧牙龈、舌前2,3及口底粘膜、舌下腺等。 9.下牙槽神经 主要分布于下颌牙及牙龈、下颌舌骨肌、二腹肌前腹等。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 32、分布于下颌牙齿、牙龈的神经不包括 A.下牙槽神经 B.颏神经 C.舌神经 D.颞深神经 E.颊神经 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:下颌神经 为混合性神经,是三叉神经中最大的分支。经卵圆孔出颅,发出如下分支: (1)脑膜支(棘孔神经):分布于硬脑膜。 (2)翼内肌神经:分布于翼内肌。 (3)颞深神经:分布于颞肌。 (4)咬肌神经:分布于咬肌。 (5)翼外肌神经:分布丁翼外肌上下头。 (6)颊神经(颊长神经):分布于下颌后牙颊侧牙龈及颊部黏膜皮肤。 (7)耳颞神经:主要分布于颞下颌关节、外耳道、腮腺、颞区皮肤等。 (8)舌神经:主要分布于下颌舌侧牙龈、舌前2,3及口底黏膜、舌下腺等。 (9)下牙槽神经:主要分布于下颌牙及牙龈、下颌舌骨肌、二腹肌前腹等。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 33、上颌神经依其行程可分为4段,其中不包括 A.颅中窝段 B.翼腭窝段 C.眶下管段 D.翼肌段 E.面段 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:上颌神经依其行程可分为4段:颅中窝段、翼腭窝段、眶下管段、面段。 【该题针对“上颌神经依其行程可分为4段”知识点进行考核】 34、面神经属于 A.运动神经 B.感觉神经 C.混合性神经 D.交感神经 E.副交感神经 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:面神经是以运动神经为主的混合神经,主要支配面部表情肌和传导舌前2/3的味觉及支配舌下腺、下颌下腺和泪腺的分泌。 35、含有4种纤维的混合性神经 A.三叉神经 B.面神经 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine C.迷走神经 D.舌下神经 E.舌咽神经 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:舌咽神经 为混合性神经,含有运动纤维(支配茎突咽肌),副交感纤维(管理腮腺的分泌),味觉纤维(舌后1/3味觉),感觉纤维(舌后1/3、咽、咽鼓管、鼓室等处的粘膜和颈动脉窦和颈动脉体)。 36、下列哪项不属于面神经 A.鼓索 B.岩大神经 C.耳颞神经 D.颧支 E.颊支 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:面神经的主要分支 (一)面神经管段的分支: 1.岩浅大神经 主要含有副交感节前纤维,其节后纤维分布于泪腺、鼻和腭粘膜的腺体。 2.镫骨神经 支配镫骨肌。 3.鼓索 含有两种纤维:味觉纤维和副交感纤维。 (二)颅外段的分支 面神经出茎乳孔后,在距皮肤表面2,3cm向前外,并稍向下经外耳道软骨和二腹肌后腹之间,在腮腺覆盖下,经茎突根部的浅面,进入腮腺,形成五组分支,由上至下依次为: 1.颞支 分布于额肌、眼轮匝肌上份、耳上肌和耳下肌。 2.颧支 分布于眼轮匝肌、额肌和上唇方肌。 3.颊支 位于腮腺导管上方的称为上颊支,位于导管下方的称为下颊支。分布于颧肌、笑肌、上唇方肌、尖牙肌、口轮匝肌和颊肌等。 4.下颌缘支 分布于三角肌、下唇方肌。 5.颈支 分布于颈阔肌,并有分支与颈皮神经交通。 耳颞神经为三叉神经的分支下颌神经的分支。 37、下列关于颊神经的描述中哪项是错误的 A.是下颌神经的分支 B.分布于颊粘膜及皮肤 C.分布于下颌前磨牙和磨牙颊侧牙龈 D.分布于颊肌 E.属于感觉神经 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:颊神经是下颌神经前干的一个分支,是前干中唯一的感觉神经。 颊神经(颊长神经);自翼外肌上下头之间穿出,下行于颞肌下部的深面或穿行于其内,最终颊神经在颞肌腱前缘处向下行于颊肌的外侧面,在此与面神经的颊支相交织,并发出分布于下颌第二前磨牙与磨牙颊侧牙龈及颊部粘膜与皮肤。颊神经为感觉神经,内无运动纤维。颊肌的运动有面神经支配。 38、若上颌神经在圆孔处折断,可能出现的症状是 A.咀嚼肌麻痹 B.上唇麻木 C.额部感觉丧失 D.口角歪斜 E.下唇麻木 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:三叉神经包括;眼神经,上颌神经,下颌神经。 咀嚼肌麻痹 是损伤下颌神经的分支咬肌神经 下唇麻木 是损伤下颌神经的分支颏神经 额部感觉丧失 是损伤眼神经的分支额神经 口角歪斜 是损伤面神经。 若上颌神经在圆孔处折断,则圆孔以下的神经都会受到影响。 上颌神经得出分支分布于前、中颅凹的硬脑膜、鼻咽、腭、鼻腔、上颌牙、上颌窦、鼻侧部、鼻前庭皮肤、颊部、下睑及上唇的皮肤和粘膜。外伤骨折或上颌窦肿瘤破坏眶底波及眶下神经时,均可导致同侧下睑、前颊部、上唇皮肤及相关牙、牙龈的疼痛(神经刺激症状)或麻木。依据上述内容,选项中符合题意的为B 。 39、以下哪一组神经属纯感觉神经 A.眼神经、颊神经、下牙槽神经 B.耳颞神经、舌神经、鼓索 C.上颌神经、迷走神经、舌咽神经 D.上牙槽后神经、颊神经、眼神经 E.鼻腭神经、面神经、腭前神经 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:颊神经:感觉神经 舌神经:感觉神经,副交感神经 眼神经:感觉神经 上颌神经主要分支有: (一)上牙槽神经 该神经分为前、中、后三支。上牙槽后支在翼腭窝内自上颌神经主干发出,在上颌骨体后方入骨质;上牙槽中支和前支分别在眶下沟和眶下管内由the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 眶下神经发出。上述神经分布于上颌牙齿及牙龈。 (二)蝶腭神经 为两根短小的神经,在翼腭窝内分出,向下连于翼腭神经节,由节发出的分支布于鼻腔和腭部粘膜。 (三)眶下神经 为上颌神经本干的延续,眶下裂入眶,行经眶下沟、眶下管,再经眶下孔出眶,分布于眼睑鼻外侧部,上唇和颊部皮肤,在沿途发出上牙槽中支和前支。 (四)颧神经 较细小,在翼腭窝发出,经眶下裂入眶,在眶内分为两小支,分布于颧颞部皮肤,颧神经发出小支加入泪腺神经,主管泪腺的感觉和分泌(泪腺分泌为岩大神经在翼腭神经节换神经元后,其节后纤维随颧神经分布至泪腺)。 迷走神经为第,,对脑神经,是脑神经中最长,分布最广的一对,含有感觉、运动和副交感神经纤维。 舌咽神经为颅神经第9对神经,属于混合神经 40、颈动脉鞘内不含有 A.颈总动脉 B.颈内动脉 C.颈内静脉 D.迷走神经 E.膈神经 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:颈动脉鞘carotidsheath上起自颅底,下续纵隔。鞘内有颈内静脉和迷走神经贯穿全长,颈内动脉位于鞘的上部,颈总动脉居其下部。在鞘的下部,颈总动脉位于后内侧,颈内静脉位于前外侧,迷走神经位于二者之间的后方;在鞘的上部,颈内动脉居前内侧,颈内静脉居后外侧,迷走神经居二者之间的后内方。颈动脉鞘的浅面有胸锁乳突肌,胸骨舌骨肌,胸骨甲状肌,肩胛舌骨肌下腹,颈袢和甲状腺上、中动脉;鞘的后方有甲状腺下动脉横过(左侧还有胸导管),隔椎前筋膜有颈交感干、椎前肌和颈椎横突等;鞘的内侧有咽和食管、喉与气管、甲状腺叶和喉返神经等 41、以下皱纹线不属于动力性皱纹线的是 A.额纹 B.鱼尾纹 C.“眼袋” D.唇纹 E.鼻根纹 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:动力性皱纹线是系面部表情肌收缩牵拉皮肤的结果,表情肌the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 收缩牵引皮肤形成与肌纤维长轴相垂直的皮肤皱纹。该线一旦形成及时此部表情肌不收缩,皱纹线亦不会完全消失。 42、眶下孔的体表投影为 A.鼻尖至眼内角连线的中点 B.鼻尖至眼外角连线的中点 C.鼻翼至耳屏连线的中点 D.鼻尖至耳屏连线的中点 E.以上叙述均不正确 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:眶下孔:位于眶下缘中点下约0.5?处。 眶下孔的体表定位:位于眶下缘中点以下,相当于鼻尖至眼外角连线的中点。 颏孔的体表定位:位于下颌骨体的外侧面,正对下颌第一、二前磨牙间的下方。 腮腺导管的体表定位:位于颧弓下方约1cm处,耳垂至鼻翼与口角间中点的连线的中1/3段。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 43、腮腺导管的体表投影为 A.外耳孔至鼻翼与口角之间中点连线的中1/3段 B.耳屏至鼻翼与口角之间中点连线的中1/3段 C.耳垂至鼻翼与口角之间中点连线的中1/3段 D.外耳孔至鼻翼连线的中1/3段 E.耳垂至鼻翼连线的中1/3段 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:腮腺导管的体表投影:为耳垂至鼻翼与口角之间中点连线的中1,3处。 【该题针对“腮腺导管的体表投影为”知识点进行考核】 44、下述关于颌面部软组织的特点的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.皮肤薄而柔软,但不易伸展移动 B.富于皮脂腺、毛囊和汗腺 C.血管密集,血运丰富 D.有皮肤皱纹,走向有一定规律 E.皮下组织中有表情肌 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:颌面部软组织的特点 (1)皮肤薄而柔软,皮下组织疏松,易于伸展移动。 (2)富于皮脂腺、毛囊和汗腺。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine (3)血管密集,血运丰富。 (4)有皮肤皱纹,走向有一定的规律。 (5)皮下组织中有表情肌,手术或创伤处理时应注意表情肌的缝合,以免影响表情肌功能。 45、舌下区的内容不包括 A.舌下腺及下颌下腺深部 B.二腹肌前腹 C.下颌下腺导管及舌神经 D.舌下神经 E.舌下动脉 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:舌下区的内容: (1)舌下腺及下颌下腺深部:舌下腺前端与对侧舌下腺相接,后端与下颌下腺深部相邻,外侧为下颌骨的舌下腺窝。 (2)下颌下腺导管及舌神经:舌神经自外上钩绕下颌下腺导管,经导管下方而转至其内侧和上方。 (3)舌下神经及其伴行静脉:舌下神经越过舌骨舌肌浅面,发出分支分布于舌外诸肌,在舌骨舌肌前缘深入舌内,分布于舌内诸肌。 (4)舌下动脉:行于舌下腺与颏舌肌、颏舌骨肌之间,在舌下区前部黏膜下与对侧同名动脉吻合。 【该题针对“舌下区的内容”知识点进行考核】 46、舌下腺和下颌下腺导管位于哪个分区 A.下颌下区 B.舌下区 C.颏下区 D.腮腺咬肌区 E.面侧深区 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:此题选择B选项。 下颌下区:是在下颌骨体覆盖下,下颌骨和舌骨之间的区域,其浅层是在颈部解剖的颏下三角和下颌下三角。 47、下颌下腺导管的开口位于 A.舌系带前端 B.舌系带后端 C.伞襞 D.舌下肉阜 E.舌下襞 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:下面(舌腹) 黏膜平滑,与舌下区黏膜相延续,并在中线形成舌系带。舌系带两侧各有一条黏膜皱襞,称为伞襞。舌系带两侧的口底黏膜上各有一小突起,称为舌下肉阜,为下颌下腺导管及舌下腺大管的共同开口。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 48、下列有关舌盲孔的描述中哪项是错误的 A.位于舌背 B.位于界沟尖端 C.位于舌下面 D.位于舌体与舌根的交界处 E.是胚胎甲状舌管咽端的遗迹 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:舌体和舌根分界线中心处的小孔,终于盲端。在甲状腺发生时,曾是从咽底陷入的遗迹,甲状腺起初与甲状舌管与咽相连,但是不久甲状舌管退化,连系中断,甲状舌管朝向咽的开口部成为舌盲孔而存在。 49、舌后1/3粘膜无乳头,有许多结节状淋巴组织,称为 A.舌根滤泡 B.舌根乳头 C.舌根淋巴结 D.舌扁桃体 E.腭扁桃体 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:咽鼓管咽口扁桃体位于鼻咽部侧壁上咽鼓管咽口周围到软腭之间,它远不如咽扁桃体发达,为许多小颗粒状的淋巴组织。在舌根部粘膜表面有许多丘状隆起,叫舌滤泡,滤泡的形状及大小不等,直径1,4mm,数目30,100个,它们总称为舌扁桃体。所以舌后1,3粘膜无乳头,有许多结节状淋巴组织,统称为舌扁桃体。 50、不含味蕾的舌乳头是 A.丝状乳头 B.菌状乳头 C.轮廓乳头 D.叶状乳头 E.以上均含味蕾 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:1、丝状乳头:数目最多,但体积甚小,呈天鹅绒状,布于舌体之上面,司一般感觉。 2、菌状乳头:数目较少,色红,分散于丝状乳头之间而稍大,有味蕾,司味觉。 3、轮廓乳头:一般为7~9个,体积最大,排列于界沟前方。乳头周围有深沟环绕,沟内有味蕾,司味觉。 4、叶状乳头:为5~8条并列皱襞,位于舌侧缘后部,含味蕾,司味觉。 所以不含味蕾的舌乳头是:A 丝状乳头。 【该题针对“舌乳头”知识点进行考核】 51、关于舌的描述中正确的是 A.菌状乳头位于舌前2,3,数量最多,司味觉 B.丝状乳头位于舌侧缘,司味觉 C.叶状乳头位于舌背,司味觉 D.轮廓乳头排列于界沟前方,司味觉 E.舌扁桃体为结节状淋巴组织位于舌体部 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:上面(舌背)舌背以界沟为界,分为舌前2,3和舌后1,3。舌前2,3又称为舌体,舌后1/3称为舌根。舌前2,3分布有四种舌乳头: (1)丝状乳头:数量多,分布于舌体上面,司一般感觉。 (2)菌状乳头:散在分布于丝状乳头之间,司味觉。 (3)轮廓乳头:一般为7,9个,排列于界沟前方,司味觉。 (4)叶状乳头:为5,8条并列皱襞,位于舌侧缘后部,司味觉。 52、口腔唾液腺中最大的是 A.腮腺 B.舌下腺 C.下颌下腺 D.腭腺 E.颊腺 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:腮腺是口腔中最大的唾液腺。记忆知识 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 53、关于牙龈叙述错误的是 A.牙龈的边缘呈波浪状 B.无粘膜下层 C.粉红色,桔皮状 D.边缘连续不断,薄如刃状 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine E.行浸润麻醉时,药物应注入牙龈深部,而不应注入口腔前庭的粘膜下层内 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: 54、下述关于软腭的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.粘膜下层中所含粘液腺较少 B.腭腱膜位于软腭前1/3,构成软腭的支架 C.腭肌位于软腭的后2/3,肌肉细小 D.腭腱膜近硬腭部分坚厚,向后则变薄弱 E.腭裂者软腭肌肉的起始正常,但附着点异常 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:软腭的表面标志 腭小凹在软腭前端中线两侧的黏膜上,左右各有一对称的小凹陷,为硬腭后缘的标志。 软腭 位于腭的后1,3,其基础是横纹肌,表面也为粘膜被覆。软腭后部向后下方下垂的部分称腭帆,其后缘游离,后缘的正中部有垂向下方的突起,称腭垂(悬雍垂)。软腭于两侧各向下方分出两个粘膜皱襞,前方一对为腭舌弓,延续于舌根的外侧,后方的一对为腭咽弓,向下延至咽侧壁。 腭垂、腭帆游离缘、两侧的腭舌弓、腭咽弓及舌根共同围成咽峡,它是口腔通向咽的分界,也是口腔和咽之间的狭部。 软腭在静止状态垂向下方,当吞咽或说话时,软腭上提并与咽后壁相贴,这样,将鼻咽与口咽隔开。软腭的上提运动主要由腭帆提肌的收缩来完成的。 软腭内有五对腭肌: (1)腭帆张肌:作用为紧张腭帆,开大咽鼓管。 (2)腭帆提肌:使软腭上提,咽侧壁向内侧运动。 (3)舌腭肌:作用为下降腭帆,紧缩咽门。 (4)咽腭肌:上提咽喉,向前牵引咽腭弓,并使两侧咽腭弓接近。 (5)悬雍垂肌(腭垂肌):上提悬雍垂(腭垂)。 55、以下哪一肌肉不参与软腭的构成 A.腭帆提肌 B.咽上缩肌 C.腭帆张肌 D.腭舌肌 E.腭垂肌 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:软腭内有五对腭肌: (1)腭帆张肌:作用为紧张腭帆,开大咽鼓管。 (2)腭帆提肌:使软腭上提,咽侧壁向内侧运动。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine (3)舌腭肌:作用为下降腭帆,紧缩咽门。 (4)咽腭肌:上提咽喉,向前牵引咽腭弓,并使两侧咽腭弓接近。 (5)悬雍垂肌(腭垂肌):上提悬雍垂(腭垂)。 56、下述关于硬腭软组织特点的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.硬腭前部粘膜下层无腺体,含有少量脂肪 B.腭腺肿瘤多发生在硬腭后部 C.粘骨膜在腭中线处较厚,而在近牙槽骨部较薄 D.在作腭两侧松弛切口时,应尽量靠近牙龈切,以免损伤腭部主要神经血管 E.粘骨膜易于从骨面分离 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:“粘骨膜在腭中线处较厚,而在近牙槽骨部较薄”此句话错在粘骨膜在腭中线处应该是较薄,而在两侧近牙槽骨部分却显著增厚,这是由于在近牙槽骨部分含有腭腺及神经和血管的原因。 57、下唇的主要感觉神经来自 A.舌下神经 B.面神经 C.下颌神经 D.上颌神经 E.舌神经 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:下颌神经中的感觉神经分布于面下部及颊部皮肤、下唇、耳及外耳道、颞区、舌前2/3、下颌牙、乳突小房、颊部黏膜、下颌骨及颅中凹的硬脑膜。 58、下述关于切牙乳头的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.也称腭乳头 B.位于腭中缝前端,左右上中切牙间之腭侧 C.其深面为切牙孔,腭前神经、血管经此孔穿出 D.组织致密,神经丰富 E.阻滞麻醉时应从其侧缘刺入粘膜 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:切牙孔鼻腭神经和血管通过,也是切牙神经出入的地方,支配前牙的牙周膜神经和牙髓神经。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 59、下述关于翼下颌皱襞的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.延伸于上颌结节后内方与磨牙后垫后方之间 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine B.为粘膜皱襞 C.其深面为颊脂垫所衬托 D.是下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉的重要标志 E.是翼下颌间隙和咽旁间隙口内切口的有关标志 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:翼下颌皱襞 为延伸于上颌结节后内方与磨牙后垫后方之间的粘膜皱襞,其深面有翼下颌韧带。该皱襞是下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉的重要标志。 下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉注射标志:病员大张口时,可见磨牙后方,舌腭弓(前柱)之前,有一索条样粘膜皱襞,即翼下颌皱襞。另在颊部有一由脂肪组织突起形成的三角形颊脂垫,其尖端正居翼下颌韧带中点而稍偏外处。此二者即为注射的重要标志。若遇颊脂垫尖不明显或磨牙缺失的病员,可在大张口时,以上下颌牙槽嵴相距的中点线上与翼下颌韧带外侧3,4mm的交点,作为注射标志。 60、颊脂垫尖是下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉的重要标志。在大张口时,此尖相当于 A.乙状切迹平面 B.下颌孔平面 C.喙突平面 D.髁突颈部平面 E.下颌神经分出颊神经的平面 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:颊脂垫尖在大张口时约相当于下颌孔平面。下颌孔是下牙槽神经进入下颌骨的进口,是阻滞麻醉下牙槽神经的重要标志。 61、颊系带为 A.唇颊粘膜移行于牙槽粘膜的皱襞 B.口腔前庭沟上相当于上下尖牙或前磨牙区的扁形粘膜皱襞 C.口腔前庭沟上相当于磨牙区的扁形粘膜皱襞 D.上颌结节后内方与磨牙后垫后方间的粘膜皱襞 E.前庭沟中线上的粘膜皱襞 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 62、舌前2/3的边缘及外侧淋巴管一部分引流至下颌下淋巴结,另一部分引流至 A.颏下淋巴结 B.肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine C.颈深上淋巴结 D.锁骨上窝淋巴结 E.耳后淋巴结 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:颏下淋巴结的淋巴来源主要是下唇中部、颏部、口底、下颌切牙、舌尖。 颈深上淋巴结包括颈二腹肌淋巴结和颈肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结:收集枕淋巴结、耳后淋巴结、腮腺淋巴结、下颌下淋巴结。 锁骨上窝淋巴结 副神经淋巴结、锁骨下淋巴结、颈深下淋巴结。 耳后淋巴结:收集顶区、颞区、乳突区、鼓膜、耳廓的后面和外耳道的淋巴。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 63、舌根的淋巴管引流至 A.下颌下淋巴结 B.颏下淋巴结 C.颈浅淋巴结 D.颈深上淋巴结 E.腮腺淋巴结 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:舌的淋巴管引流 1.舌尖淋巴管 大部分至颏下淋巴结,小部分至颈肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结。 2.舌体边缘或外侧淋巴管 部分至颌下淋巴结,另一部分至颈深上淋巴结。 3.舌中央淋巴管 汇入颈深上淋巴结,亦有汇入颌下淋巴结者。 4.舌根淋巴管 汇入两侧颈深上淋巴结。 舌前2/3及外侧的淋巴管引流部分至颌下淋巴结,另一部分至颈深上淋巴结 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 64、关于舌淋巴引流特点,叙述正确的是 A.舌的淋巴引流丰富,最先汇入颈深下淋巴结 B.近舌尖起的淋巴管,注入颈深上淋巴结的部位愈高 C.近舌根起的淋巴管,注入颈深上淋巴结的部位愈高 D.近舌根起的淋巴管,注入颈深上淋巴结的部位愈低 E.以上叙述均不正确 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:舌的淋巴管引流 (1)舌尖淋巴管:大部分至颏下淋巴结,小部分至颈肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结。 (2)舌体边缘或外侧淋巴管:部分至下颌下淋巴结,另一部分至颈深上淋巴结。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine (3)舌中央淋巴管:汇入颈深上淋巴结,亦有汇入下颌下淋巴结者。 (4)舌根淋巴管:汇入两侧颈深上淋巴结。 65、在口底粘膜的深面,从两侧向中线排列有下列重要的解剖结构,位于最 近中线的是 A.舌下神经 B.舌下动脉 C.下颌下腺导管 D.舌神经 E.下颌下腺深部 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:在口底粘膜的深面,从两侧向中线排列有下列重要的解剖结 构 1.舌下腺及颌下腺深部 2.颌下腺导管及舌神经 3.舌下神经及舌下神经伴行静脉 4.舌下动脉 66、下列关于唇的解剖层次描述哪一项是错误的 A.最外层为皮肤,富于毛囊,皮脂腺和汗腺 B.皮肤下为浅筋膜,较疏松 C.中间为肌层,主要是口轮匝肌 D.肌层内侧紧贴粘膜 E.粘膜上有粘液腺开口 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:唇的结构由外向内分为五层: 1.皮肤 富于毛囊、皮脂腺和汗腺 2.浅筋膜 比较疏松 3.肌层 主要为口轮匝肌 4.粘膜下层 有粘液腺和上、下唇动脉 5.粘膜 有粘液腺开口 67、下述关于口腔前庭沟的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.又称唇颊龈沟 B.为口腔前庭的上、下界 C.为唇、颊粘膜移行于牙槽粘膜的沟槽 D.前庭沟粘膜下组织致密 E.是口腔局麻常用的穿刺及手术切口的部位 【正确答案】:D the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【答案解析】:前庭沟粘膜下组织松软,是口腔局麻常用的穿刺及手术切口的部位。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 68、口角的正常位置约相当于 A.尖牙 B.尖牙和第一前磨牙之间 C.第一前磨牙 D.第一前磨牙和第二前磨牙之间 E.第二前磨牙 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:口角的正常位置约相当于尖牙和第一前磨牙之间。 69、口腔前庭的表面解剖标志不包括 A.唇颊龈沟 B.上、下唇及颊系带 C.翼下颌韧带 D.腮腺导管口 E.磨牙后区 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:口腔前庭沟:口腔前庭沟亦称唇颊龈沟。即口腔前的上、下界。沟呈蹄铁形,为唇颊粘膜移行于牙槽粘膜的沟槽。前庭沟粘膜下组织松软,是口腔局部麻醉常用的穿刺及手术切口部位。 上、下唇系带:上、下唇系带为前庭沟中线上扇形或线形的粘膜小皱襞,上唇系带较下唇系带明显。制作义齿时,基托边缘应注意此关系。儿童的上唇系带较为宽大,并可能与切牙乳头直接相连。随着儿童年龄的增长,唇系带也应逐渐缩小,如果持续存在,则上颌中切牙间隙不能自行消失,影响上颌中切牙的正常排列,需手术治疗。 颊系带:颊系带为口腔前庭沟相当于上、下尖牙或双尖牙区的扁形粘膜皱襞,其数目不定。一般上颊系带较明显,义齿基托边缘应注意此关系。 腮腺导管口:在平对上颌第二磨牙牙冠的颊粘膜上,呈乳头状突起。作腮腺造影或腮腺导管内注射治疗时,须找到此导管口。 磨牙后区:由磨牙后三角及磨牙后垫组成。磨牙后三角位于下颌第三磨牙的后方,该三角的底朝前,为下颌第三磨牙的颈缘,其尖朝向后方;磨牙后垫为覆盖于磨牙后三角表面的软组织,下颌第三磨牙冠周炎时,磨牙后垫常显红肿。 翼下颌皱襞:翼下颌皱襞为伸延于上颌结节后内方与磨牙后垫后方之间的粘膜皱襞,其深面为翼下颌韧带所衬托。该皱襞是下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉的重要标志,也是翼下颌间隙及咽旁间隙口内切口的部位。 颊垫尖:大张口时,平对上、下颌后牙面间颊粘膜上有一三角形隆起,称颊垫。其尖称颊垫尖,向后邻近翼下颌皱襞前缘,此尖约相当于下颌孔平the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 面,为下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉的重要标志。颊垫深面为颊脂垫。该垫因是脂肪组织构成,因而颊垫尖的位置有时不恒定,该尖可偏上或偏下,甚或远离翼下颌皱襞,此时麻醉穿刺点应作相应的调整。 故本题选择答案C 70、关于口腔境界叙述中错误的是 A.前界为上、下牙齿 B.后界为咽门 C.两界为颊 D.上界为腭 E.下界为舌下区 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:口腔的境界 前界为上下唇,后界为咽门,两侧为颊,上界为腭,下以舌下区为界。由上下牙列、牙龈和牙槽骨弓将口腔分为两部分,牙列的唇颊侧部分称为口腔前庭。牙列的舌侧部分称为固有口腔。 71、下颌骨相对薄弱的部位不包括 A.颏孔区 B.颏部 C.下颌角部 D.髁状突颈部 E.喙突 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:下颌骨有四个相对薄弱区,即下颌颏部正中联合区、颏孔区、下颌角区及髁状突颈部,在受到暴力打击时,易发生骨折。下颌骨上附有强大的咀嚼肌肉,这些肌肉附着于下颌骨的不同部位,在下颌骨骨折后,附着在骨折层上肌肉牵拉,造成骨折移位。 【该题针对“下颌骨相对薄弱的部位”知识点进行考核】 72、下颌隆突是较常引起义齿压痛的部位,它位于 A.下颌双尖牙的颊侧 B.下颌双尖牙的舌侧 C.下颌磨牙颊侧 D.下颌磨牙舌侧 E.下前牙舌侧 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:解剖学规定下颌隆突是位于下颌孔的前上方,由喙突和髁突分别往后下方和前上方汇合而成的骨嵴,此处由前向后有颊神经、舌神经和the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 下牙槽神经越过。为具体解剖标志。 在修复学中无牙下颌的解剖标志见下颌隆突,位于下颌双尖牙的舌侧,表面黏膜薄,受压时有疼痛或不适感。虽然是同一词,但在不同学科中有不同定位,加深记忆。本题考查修复学定位,故选择B,下颌双尖牙的舌侧。 73、鼻面角代表 A.上颌的突缩程度 B.下颌的突缩程度 C.面部的突度 D.下中切牙的突度 E.上中切牙的突度 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: 74、在拔除下颌低位阻生智齿时最常损伤的神经为 A.下牙槽神经 B.颊神经 C.舌神经 D.颏神经 E.下颌神经 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:下颌第三磨牙牙根与下颌管关系密切,在拔牙时应注意器械的用力方向,以免将牙根推入下颌管,损伤下牙槽神经。 75、位于上颌骨的是 A.关节突 B.关节窝 C.翼腭窝 D.翼肌窝 E.尖牙窝 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:上颌体:前外面有眶下孔、尖牙窝,眶下孔位于眶下缘中点下方约0.5cm处,眶下孔向后、上、外方通入眶下管;后面(颞下面)有颧牙槽嵴、牙槽孔和上颌结节;上面(眶面)有眶下管;内面(鼻面)参与鼻腔外侧壁的构成,有上颌窦裂孔、向前下方的沟与蝶骨翼突和腭骨垂直部相接构成翼腭管。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 76、属于面侧深区的解剖结构是 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine A.翼丛、颌外动脉、翼外肌 B.下颌神经、颌外动脉、翼内肌 C.翼丛、翼外肌、下颌神经 D.颌外动脉、翼内肌、翼外肌 E.翼丛、颌外动脉、翼内肌 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:面侧深区 (一)境界 前为上领骨后面,后界腮腺鞘,内为翼外板,外以下颌支为界。 (二)内容 1.翼丛 位于颞肌与翼外肌之间及翼内、外肌之间。 2.颌内动脉 伴随其下方的颌内静脉,贴下颌骨髁状突颈部的深面向前走行。颌内动脉周围有面深淋巴结。 3.翼外肌 与翼丛、颌内动脉、下颌神经等关系密切,故将翼外肌视为面侧深区的解剖关键。 4.下颌神经及其分支 于翼外肌深面发出分支。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 77、面神经出颅经 A.圆孔 B.卵圆孔 C.棘孔 D.茎乳孔 E.面神经管 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:面神经穿内耳道入面神经管,经茎乳孔出颅。向前穿过腮腺,呈扇形分布于面部表情肌。以茎乳孔为界,可将面神经分为面神经管段和颅外段。 78、上唇癌淋巴结转移多见 A.颏下淋巴结 B.下颌下淋巴结 C.颈深淋巴结 D.颏下+下颌下+颈深淋巴结 E.耳前+下颌下+颈深淋巴结 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:下唇癌常向颏下及下颌下淋巴结转移;而上唇癌则向耳前、下颌下及颈淋巴结转移。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 79、舌前2/3边缘的舌癌早期转移侵及的淋巴结是 A.颈肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结 B.锁骨上淋巴结 C.颈二腹肌下淋巴结 D.颏下淋巴结 E.颈浅淋巴结 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: 80、口腔的后界为 A.腭垂 B.舌腭弓 C.咽腭弓 D.咽门 E.舌根 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:口腔的境界:前界为上下唇,后界为咽门,两侧为颊,上界为腭,下以舌下区为界。由上下牙列、牙龈和牙槽骨弓将口腔分为两部分,牙列的唇颊侧部分称为口腔前庭。牙列的舌侧部分称为固有口腔。 81、舌尖部淋巴管大部分引流至 A.颏下淋巴结 B.颌下淋巴结 C.咽淋巴结 D.颈深下淋巴结 E.颈深上淋巴结 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:(1)舌尖淋巴管:大部分至颏下淋巴结,小部分至颈肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结 (2)舌体边缘或外侧淋巴管:部分至下颌下淋巴结,另一部分至颈深上淋巴结 (3)舌中央淋巴管:汇入颈深上淋巴结,亦有汇入下颌下淋巴结者 (4)舌根淋巴管:汇入两侧颈深上淋巴结 82、唇系带是 A.唇颊黏膜移行于牙槽黏膜的皱襞 B.磨牙后垫后方的线形黏膜小皱襞 C.口腔前庭沟上的扁形黏膜小皱襞 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine D.前庭沟中线上的扇形黏膜小皱襞 E.上颌结节后方的线形黏膜小皱襞 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:唇系带:为前庭沟中线上扇形或线形的黏膜小皱襞。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 83、气管颈段前面可能存在的结构不包括 A.食管 B.胸腺 C.甲状腺下动脉 D.头臂干 E.主动脉弓 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:气管颈段前面包括胸腺,甲状腺下动脉,左头臂静脉,头臂干,主动脉弓,食管在气管的后面。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 84、下述关于舌神经与下颌下腺导管的鉴别叙述中,哪项是错误的 A.舌神经下方连于下颌下神经节,通过该节,再以节后纤维与下颌下腺相连 B.下颌下腺导管直接发自下颌下腺深部 C.在舌骨舌肌表面,舌神经位于下颌下腺导管上方 D.若将下颌舌骨肌向前拉开,可见舌神经自外上钩绕下颌下腺导管,经其下方转至其内侧和上方 E.舌神经较下颌下腺导管细而略扁,且坚韧 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:舌神经与颌下腺导管关系密切,从解剖关系上可作以下鉴别: 1.联系 舌神经连于颌下神经节,导管则直接发自颌下腺 2.位置 在舌骨舌肌表面,舌神经位于导管的上方 3.形态 舌神经比颌下腺导管粗而略扁,且坚韧 85、下颌下区舌骨舌肌浅面,自上而下依次排列是 A.舌神经,下颌下腺导管和舌下神经 B.下颌下腺导管,舌神经和舌下神经 C.舌神经,舌下神经和下颌下腺导管 D.下颌下腺导管,舌下神经和舌神经 E.舌下神经,舌神经和下颌下腺导管 【正确答案】:A the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【答案解析】:舌神经、下颌下腺导管和舌下神经均位于下颌下腺深面,在舌骨舌肌的浅面,自上而下依次排列: (1)舌神经。 (2)下颌下腺导管。 (3)舌下神经。 86、关于下颌下淋巴结,以下叙述哪项是错误的 A.主要位于下颌下腺鞘内,下颌下腺与下颌下缘之间 B.其中有一淋巴结位于下颌下腺腺体前极 C.有两个淋巴结分居面动脉的前后 D.在下颌下腺腺体内或腺鞘的浅面没有淋巴结 E.临床上口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤转移时,常将下颌下淋巴结连同下颌下腺一并摘除 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:下颌下淋巴结:主要位于下颌下腺鞘内、下颌下腺与下颌下缘之间。与周围组织也是临界关系,病变时候相互影响。 87、下列那个结构不属于下颌下三角的内容 A.下颌下腺 B.面动脉 C.面静脉 D.舌下腺 E.舌神经 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:下颌下三角(下颌下区)的境界及解剖结构特点 1(下颌下三角的境界 上界为下颌骨下缘,下界为二腹肌的前后腹。其底由下颌舌骨肌、舌骨舌肌和咽上缩肌等构成。 2(下颌下三角的内容 (1)下颌下腺:为主要内容物。下颌下腺深部及其导管,在舌骨舌肌浅面,经下颌舌骨肌后缘进入舌下区。 (2)下颌下淋巴结:主要位于下颌下腺鞘内、下颌下腺与下颌下缘之间 (3)面静脉:在面动脉稍后方与该动脉并列于咬肌附着处的前缘,向后下方进入颈动脉三角。 (4)面动脉:经下颌下腺深面和上面走行,在咬肌附着处的前缘,绕下颌骨下缘至面部。舌神经、下颌下腺导管和舌下神经均位于下颌下腺深面,在舌骨舌肌的浅面,自上而下依次排列: (1)舌神经。 (2)下颌下腺导管。 (3)舌下神经。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 88、关于下颌下三角的境界,叙述正确的是 A.界于胸锁乳突肌、二腹肌后腹及肩胛舌骨肌上腹之间 B.界于两侧二腹肌前腹与舌骨之间 C.界于胸锁乳突肌、肩胛舌骨肌上腹及颈前正中线之间 D.界于二腹肌前、后腹与下颌骨下缘之间 E.界于两侧胸锁乳突肌及下颌骨下缘之间 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:下颌下三角位于下颌骨下缘与二腹肌前、后腹之间,又名二腹肌三角。此三角浅面有皮肤、浅筋膜、颈阔肌和颈筋膜浅层,深面由浅入深依次为下颌舌骨肌、舌骨舌肌及咽中缩肌。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 89、下述关于翼腭间隙的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.位于眶尖下方 B.前界为上颌骨体 C.后界为蝶骨翼突 D.上为蝶骨大翼 E.内以鼻甲为界 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:位于眶尖的下方、颞下窝的内侧。前界上颌骨体部,后界蝶骨翼突,上为蝶骨大翼,内以腭骨垂直板为界。间隙内主要有上颌神经、蝶腭神经节、颌内动脉及其分支。翼腭间隙向前经眶下裂通眼眶,向内经蝶腭孔通鼻腔,向外经翼上颌裂通颞下间隙,向下经翼腭管通口腔,向后上经圆孔通颅腔。 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 90、下述关于颞下间隙的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.该间隙处于颌面深部诸间隙的中央 B.位于翼颌间隙的上方 C.前界上颌骨的后面,后界茎突及茎突诸肌 D.上界蝶骨大翼的颞下面、颞下嵴,内界蝶骨翼内板 E.间隙中有翼丛、上颌动脉及上、下颌神经的分支通过 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:颞下间隙位于翼下颌间隙的上方,前界为上颌骨的后面;后界为茎突及茎突诸肌;内侧为蝶骨翼突外侧板;外侧界为下颌支上份及颧弓;上界抵蝶骨大翼的颞下嵴及颞下面;下界为翼外肌下缘平面。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 91、向下经翼腭管通口腔的间隙是 A.颞下间隙 B.颞间隙 C.翼腭间隙 D.翼颌间隙 E.咽旁间隙 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:翼腭间隙(翼腭窝) 位于眶尖的下方、颞下窝的内侧。前界上颌骨体部,后界蝶骨翼突,上为蝶骨大翼,内以腭骨垂直板为界。间隙内主要有上颌神经、蝶腭神经节、上颌动脉及其分支。翼腭间隙向前经眶下裂通眼眶,向内经蝶腭孔通鼻腔,向外经翼上颌裂通颞下间隙,向下经翼腭管通口腔,向后上经圆孔通颅腔。 【该题针对“向下经翼腭管通口腔的间隙是”知识点进行考核】 92、以下间隙下界为翼外肌下缘平面的是 A.颞间隙 B.颞下间隙 C.颊间隙 D.咽旁间隙 E.咬肌间隙 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:颞下间隙位于颅中窝底。前界为上颌结节及上颌颧突后面;后界为茎突及茎突诸肌;内界为蝶骨翼突外板的外侧面;外界为下颌支上份及颧弓;上界为蝶骨大翼的颞下面和颞下嵴;下界是翼外肌下缘平面,并与翼下颌间隙分界。该间隙中的脂肪组织、上颌动静脉、翼静脉丛及三叉神经上、下颌支的分支分别与颞、翼下颌、咽旁、颊、翼腭等间隙相通;还可借眶下裂、卵圆孔和棘孔分别与眶内、颅内通连。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 93、腮腺咬肌筋膜来自于 A.颈浅筋膜 B.颈深筋膜浅层 C.颈深筋膜中层 D.颈鞘 E.颈脏器筋膜 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:腮腺咬肌筋膜为颈深筋膜浅层向上的延续,在腮腺后缘分为深、浅两层,包绕腮腺形成腮腺鞘,两层在腮腺前缘处融合,覆盖于咬肌表the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 面,称为咬肌筋膜。 94、在“腮腺床”内,越过颈内静脉上段浅面的是 A.副神经 B.迷走神经 C.颈内动脉 D.舌下神经 E.舌咽神经 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:“腮腺床”内各重要血管神经可以下列骨性标志进行辨别和寻找: 茎突将其浅面的颈外动脉和其深面的颈内动脉分开; 环椎横突位于乳头尖端与下颌角连线的上、中1/3交界处; 颈内动、静脉和第?,?对脑神经位位于环椎横突的前方和茎突的深面; 第?,?对脑神经在环椎横突前方开始分开,舌咽神经在下颌角上方向前穿过颈内外动脉之间,舌下神经在下颌角下方,向前越过颈、内外动脉的浅面,进入颌下三角,迷走神经下行于颈内动、静脉之间的后方;副神经多越过颈内静脉的浅面行向后外下。 95、下述关于“腮腺鞘”的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.“腮腺鞘”来自颈深筋膜浅层 B.“腮腺鞘”与腮腺紧密结合,并发出间隔伸入腺体 C.鞘的浅层致密,深层薄弱 D.鞘的上部与外耳道紧密相连,并有纤维束伸入外耳道 E.鞘的深层附于颅底,且增厚成蝶下颌韧带 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:腮腺咬肌筋膜形成腮腺鞘,特点为浅层特别致密,深层薄弱;鞘与腺体结合紧密,并发出许多间隔伸入腺体;鞘的上部与外耳道紧密相连,并发出索状纤维束伸入外耳道前下壁软骨部的裂隙(Santorini裂隙)。 鞘浅层密切连于腺而附于颧弓,深层附于颅底,且增厚成茎突下颌韧带。 96、“腮腺床”不包括 A.颈内动脉 B.颈外动脉 C.颈内静脉 D.舌咽神经 E.舌下神经 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:腮腺深叶的深面与茎突诸肌及围以蜂窝组织的深部血管神经(颈内动、静脉和第IX~XII对脑神经)向毗邻。上述结构称为“腮腺床”。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 腮腺床: 由三组结构组成:1.颈内血管(av) 2.起于茎突(乳突后内侧)的茎突舌骨肌,茎突舌肌,茎突咽肌 3.后四对脑神经:舌咽、迷走、副、舌下神经 【该题针对“第三单元 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 97、排列于腮腺浅叶前缘的解剖结构不包括 A.面横动脉 B.面神经 C.腮腺导管 D.副腮腺 E.耳大神经 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:腮腺浅叶上缘神经血管排列从后向前依次为:颞浅静脉、耳颞神经、颞浅动脉、面神经颞支及颧支;无耳大神经,因此选择。 腮腺浅叶前缘神经血管排列从上向下依次为:面横动脉、面神经颧支、面神经上颊支、腮腺管、面神经下颊支及下颌缘支; 腮腺浅叶下端神经血管排列从前向后依次为:面神经下颌缘支、面神经颈支、下颌后静脉。腮腺深叶的神经血管为:颈内动脉、第?,?对脑神经。 98、有关腮腺咬肌区的描述中,错误的是 A.前界为咬肌前缘 B.后界为下颌骨后缘 C.上为颧弓及外耳道 D.下为下颌骨下缘 E.内容包括腮腺及咬肌 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:腮腺咬肌区的境界前界为咬肌前缘,后界为胸锁乳突肌、乳突及二腹肌后腹的前缘,上为颧弓及外耳道,下以下颌骨下缘为界。 【该题针对“有关腮腺咬肌区的描述中,错误的是”知识点进行考核】 99、以下有关咬合高度与颞下颌关节关系的说法中正确的是 A.咬合高度正常,咬合力主要由颞下颌关节承担 B.咬合高度正常,咬合力由牙周和颞下颌关节共同承担 C.咬合高度降低,颞下颌关节受力加大 D.咬合高度降低,咬合力由牙周和颞下颌关节各承担一半 E.咬合高度不影响颞下颌关节的受力 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: 一般来说,无论咬合高度怎样,咬合压力承受的主体都是牙the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 槽骨。此题考察的主要是,咬合高度过低的时候,患者会努力适应咬合,此时颞下颌关节受力相比正常情况下加大。 100、包被气管的是 A.颈浅筋膜 B.颈深筋膜浅层 C.颈深筋膜中层 D.颈脏器筋膜 E.颈深筋膜浅层 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:颈筋膜的层次结构颈部筋膜由浅入深可分为五层: (1)颈浅筋膜:为全身浅筋膜的一部分,包绕颈部,颈阔肌在此层内。 (2)颈深筋膜浅层:形成完整的封套包绕颈部,除颈阔肌和浅层的脉管、神经外,几乎包被着颈部全部结构。 (3)颈深筋膜中层:上连舌骨,两侧至肩胛舌骨肌外缘,向下附着于锁骨和胸骨柄的后缘,并包被舌骨下肌群。 (4)颈脏器筋膜:包被颈部脏器,如喉、气管、甲状腺、咽及食管等。 (5)椎前筋膜(颈深筋膜深层):覆盖于椎前肌和斜角肌的前面,上达颅底,下继胸内筋膜。 【该题针对“包被气管的是”知识点进行考核】 101、颞下颌关节的功能面是 A.关节结节前斜面和髁状突前斜面 B.关节结节后斜面和髁状突后斜面 C.关节结节后斜面和髁状突前斜面 D.关节结节后斜面和髁状突后斜面 E.关节结节前后斜面和髁状突横嵴 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:颞下颌关节的功能面是关节结节后斜面和髁状突前斜面。 【该题针对“颞下颌关节的功能面是”知识点进行考核】 102、在下颌骨的外侧面可见 A.颏结节 B.下颌小舌 C.下颌孔 D.下颌隆突 E.下颌舌骨线 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:下颌体:外侧面中线处有正中联合;正中联合两旁有左右各the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 一的颏结节;从颏结节向后上延至下颌支前缘的骨嵴,称为外斜线,有降下唇肌及降口角肌附着;在外斜线上方,下颌第二前磨牙的下方或第一、第二前磨牙之间的下方,下颌体上、下缘之间略偏上处有颏孔。其内侧面近中线处有两对突起,上颏棘和下颏棘;自下颏棘斜向后上与外斜线相应的骨嵴称为内斜线(下颌舌骨线);内斜线上方,颏棘两侧有舌下腺窝;内斜线下方,近下颌体下缘有下颌下腺窝和二腹肌窝。 103、以下各项中,颧骨颧弓骨折的特征不包括 A.颧面部塌陷 B.张口受限 C.眶周瘀斑 D.咬合紊乱 E.复视 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:咬合紊乱是上颌骨和下颌骨骨折的特征性表现。 (1)颧面部塌陷:颧骨、颧弓骨折后骨折块移位方向主要取决于外力作用的方向,多发生内陷移位。在伤后早期,可见颧面部塌陷;随后,由于局部肿胀,塌陷畸形并不明显,易被误认为单纯软组织损伤;数日后肿胀消退,又出现局部塌陷。 (2)张口受限:由于骨折块发生内陷移位,压迫颞肌和咬肌,阻碍冠突运动,导致张口疼痛和张口受限。 (3)复视:颧骨构成眶外侧壁和眶下缘的大部分。颧骨骨折移位后,可因眼球移位,外展肌渗血和局部水肿以及撕裂的眼下斜肌嵌入骨折线中,限制眼球运动等原因而发生复视。 (4)瘀斑:颧骨眶壁有闭合性骨折时,眶周皮下、眼睑和结膜下可有出血性瘀斑。 (5)神经症状:颧骨上颌突部骨折移位可造成眶下神经损伤,致使该神经支配区有麻木感。骨折时如同时损伤面神经颧支,则发生眼睑闭合不全。 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 104、上颌窦底壁距上颌哪颗牙的根尖最近 A.上颌第一前磨牙 B.上颌第二前磨牙 C.上颌第一磨牙 D.上颌第二磨牙 E.上颌第三磨牙 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:上颌窦与牙根尖的关系 上颌窦位于上颌骨内,上颌窦的底壁由前向后盖过上颌第二前磨牙到上颌第三磨牙的根尖,与上述牙根尖之间隔以较薄的骨质,甚至无骨质而仅覆以黏膜。其中以上颌第一磨牙根尖距上颌窦底壁最近,上颌第二磨牙次之,第二前磨牙与第三磨牙再次之。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【该题针对“上颌窦底壁距上颌哪颗牙的根尖最近”知识点进行考核】 105、以下哪个解剖结构属于上颌骨 A.腭突 B.颞突 C.翼突 D.锥突 E.喙突 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:喙突是下颌骨的解剖结构;翼突为一对从蝶骨体与大翼连接处伸向下方的突起,属于蝶骨的解剖结构;锥突为腭骨的解剖结构;颞突为颧骨的解剖结构。 106、下列哪项叙述是不正确的 A.关节翼肌窝为翼外肌附着处 B.下颌小舌为翼下颌韧带附着处 C.翼肌粗隆为翼内肌附着处 D.茎突下颌韧带附着于下颌角处 E.上颏棘为颏舌肌的附着处 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:下颌小舌为蝶下颌韧带附着处。 翼下颌皱襞为延伸于上颌结节后内方与磨牙后垫后方之间的粘膜皱襞,其深面有翼下颌韧带。 107、下述关于翼丛的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.分布于颞肌及翼内、外肌之间 B.凡于上颌动脉分支伴行的静脉均参与此丛的构成 C.其血液主要汇入面静脉 D.该丛与颅内、外静脉有广泛的交通 E.施行上牙槽后神经阻滞麻醉时应注意避免刺破翼丛发生血肿 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:翼丛位于颞下窝内,颞肌与翼内、外肌之间,为面深部较大的静脉丛,收纳上颌动脉分布区的静脉血,最后形成上颌静脉。 108、关于口腔颌面颈部静脉的叙述错误的 A.分为浅静脉和深静脉两类 B.浅静脉接受浅层组织的血液,汇入深静脉 C.静脉血主要通过颈内静脉和颈外静脉向心脏回流 D.静脉的行径、分布大多与动脉一致 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine E.面部静脉较少,变异相对较少 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: 109、上颌动脉翼腭段的分支不包括 A.上牙槽后动脉 B.眶下动脉 C.腭降动脉 D.蝶腭动脉 E.下牙槽动脉 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:1)上牙槽后动脉:于颌内动脉即将进入翼腭窝处发出,沿上颌骨体后面下行,发出分支穿牙槽孔,进入上颌窦后壁的牙槽管,分布于上颌磨牙、前磨牙及上颌窦粘膜。另有分支沿骨面继续向前下行,供应上颌磨牙及前磨牙牙槽突颊侧粘膜和牙龈。 2)眶下动脉:起于颌内动脉之上牙槽后动脉起点附近,或与上牙槽后动脉共干发出,经眶下裂进入眶腔,沿眶下沟、眶下管前行,出眶下孔至面部,在上唇方肌深面,供应颊的前部、上唇根部及唇侧牙龈,并与上唇动脉、内眦动脉相吻合。 3)蝶腭动脉:经蝶腭孔入鼻腔并分支到蝶窦和咽顶,然后又分为鼻后外侧动脉和鼻腭动脉,前者分布于鼻腔外侧壁,后者分布于鼻中隔后下部,其末支经切牙孔入口腔。 4)腭降动脉:伴腭神经经翼腭管,出腭大孔至硬腭,易名腭大动脉。 此题选E:下牙槽动脉 110、下颌牙齿的血供来自 A.舌动脉 B.下唇动脉 C.面动脉 D.颞浅动脉 E.上颌动脉 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:上颌动脉(颌内动脉):为颈外动脉的终末支之一,在下颌骨髁突颈部的后内方发出,经髁突颈部深面前行至颞下窝,通常在翼外肌的浅面或深面,行向前上,经翼上颌裂进入翼腭窝。主要分支分布于硬脑膜、上、下颌骨、牙齿、腭、鼻窦、咀嚼肌和鼻腔等。 111、面动脉的主要分支不包括 A.上唇动脉 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine B.下唇动脉 C.内眦动脉 D.颏下动脉 E.咽升动脉 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:面动脉(颌外动脉):通常在舌骨大角的稍上方,二腹肌后腹下缘处,起于颈外动脉的前壁。主要分支分布于上、下唇、鼻背与鼻翼、舌下腺、软腭及腭扁桃体、颏部各肌与皮肤等。 主要分支有下唇动脉、上唇动脉、内眦动脉、颏下动脉、腭升动脉。 112、以下哪支动脉不是颈外动脉的分支 A.甲状腺上动脉 B.舌动脉 C.面动脉 D.上颌动脉 E.眼动脉 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:眼球及眼副器的血液供应,除眼睑浅层组织和泪囊的一部分来自颈外动脉的分支面动脉外,几乎完全是由颈内动脉的分支眼动脉供应。 【该题针对“颈外动脉的分支”知识点进行考核】 113、颈外动脉的两终支为 A.甲状腺上动脉及舌动脉 B.舌动脉及面动脉 C.面动脉及上颌动脉 D.上颌动脉及颞浅动脉 E.颞浅动脉及枕动脉 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:上颌动脉(颌内动脉):为颈外动脉的终末支之一,在下颌骨髁突颈部的后内方发出,经髁突颈部深面前行至颞下窝,通常在翼外肌的浅面或深面,行向前上,经翼上颌裂进入翼腭窝。主要分支分布于硬脑膜、上、下颌骨、牙齿、腭、鼻窦、咀嚼肌和鼻腔等。 颞浅动脉:为颈外动脉的另一终末支,在下颌骨髁突颈平面发出。主要分支分布腮腺、颞下颌关节及颅顶部软组织等。 【该题针对“颈外动脉的两终支”知识点进行考核】 114、附着于下颌骨内斜线的肌肉是 A.二腹肌 B.下颌舌骨肌 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine C.颏舌骨肌 D.颏舌肌 E.茎突舌骨肌 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:二腹肌:位于下颌骨下方,有前、后两腹和中间腱。后腹起自颞骨乳突切迹,向前下外止于中间腱。前腹起自下颌骨二腹肌窝向后下止于中间腱。 下颌舌骨肌:起自下颌舌骨线,向后内,在中线处与对侧同名肌相互汇合,构成肌性口底,其最后部纤维止于舌骨体的前面。 颏舌骨肌:位于下颌舌骨肌上方中线的两侧,起自颏下棘,向后止于舌骨体上部。 茎突舌骨肌:位于二腹肌后腹的上方,起自茎突,止于舌骨体和舌骨大角连接处。 舌外肌起自舌外,止于舌内,共有四对,其中以颏舌肌在临床上较为重要,这是一对强有力的肌,起自下颌体后面的颏棘,肌纤维呈扇形向后上方分散,止于舌中线两侧。两侧颏舌肌同时收缩,拉舌向前下方,即伸舌。单侧收缩使舌伸向对侧。 115、下列关于翼外肌的叙述,那项正确 A.翼外肌位于翼腭窝 B.翼外肌分为上下两头,上头起自翼外板的外面 C.由于翼外肌肌纤维的方向,当髁状突颈部骨折时,常牵拉髁状突向前内方移位 D.当左侧翼外肌出现病变,则向左偏颌时患者自觉疼痛剧烈 E.翼外肌的肌纤维斜向后下止于翼肌粗隆 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:翼外肌位于颞下窝。 翼外肌有上、下两头。上头起于蝶骨大翼的颞下面和颞下嵴,下头起于翼外板的外侧面,向后外方走行,止于髁状突颈部的关节翼肌窝、关节囊和关节盘,功能:使下颌骨向前并降下颌骨。 翼外肌功能遭到破坏,常不能作侧方运动,从而明显地降低咀嚼功能。左侧翼外肌功能受损时,右偏疼痛。 116、不属于咀嚼肌范畴的肌是 A.咬肌 B.颞肌 C.茎突舌肌 D.翼外肌 E.翼内肌 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:咀嚼肌比表情肌强大而有力,包括咬肌、颞肌、翼内肌、翼外肌。广义的咀嚼肌还包括舌骨上肌群。咀嚼肌均为左右成对,其起止、作用、血液供应及神经支配见下表。 咀嚼肌是上提下颌骨、使口闭合的一组头肌。咬肌位于下颌角的外面,起于颧弓下缘及内面,止于下颌角和下颌支外面,由三叉神经支配,作用是上提下颌骨。颞肌位于颞窝内,起于颞窝和颞筋膜,止于下颌骨肌突,由三叉神经支配,作用是向后上牵下颌骨。翼外肌起于蝶骨大翼及上颌骨体后部,止于下颌颈及下颌关节囊,如双侧收缩,可前拉下颌骨,如单侧收缩,可牵下颌骨向对侧。翼内肌起于翼突窝,止于下颌支内侧面,如双侧收缩,可上提下颌骨,如单侧收缩,牵下颌骨向对侧。 117、翼外肌在髁突上的附着处为 A.前斜面 B.后斜面 C.髁突外侧的粗糙面 D.髁突内侧 E.关节翼肌窝 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:翼外肌有上、下两头,上头起于蝶骨大翼的颞下面和颞下嵴;下头起于翼外板的外侧面,向后外方走行,止于髁突颈部的关节翼肌窝、关节囊和关节盘。功能:使下颌骨向前并降下颌骨。 118、咬肌的起始部位为 A.颞窝 B.翼外板内侧 C.腭骨锥突 D.蝶骨大翼 E.上颌骨颧突及颧弓下缘的前2/3和颧弓深面 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:咬肌:浅层起于上颌骨颧突、颧弓下缘前2,3,向下后方走行,止于下颌角和下颌支外面的下半部;中层起于颧弓前2,3的深面及后1,3的下缘,止于下颌支的中分;深层起于颧弓深面,止于下颌支的上部和喙突。功能:上提下颌骨并使下颌骨微向前伸,也参与下颌侧方运动。 119、成人颏孔多朝向 A.后、上、外方 B.后、上、内方 C.后、下、内方 D.前、下、内方 E.后、下、外方 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: 120、关于上颌骨支柱及支架结构的叙述中错误的是 A.均下起上颌骨的牙槽突,上达颅底 B.在承受咀嚼压力明显的部位,骨质较厚,利于将咀嚼压力传导到颅底 C.尖牙支柱起于上颌尖牙区的牙槽突,上行经眶内缘至额骨 D.颧突支柱主要承受前磨牙区的咀嚼压力 E.翼突支柱主要承受磨牙区的咀嚼压力 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:颧突支柱主要传导第一磨牙区的咀嚼压力,该支柱起于上颌第一磨牙区的牙槽突,沿颧牙槽嵴上行达颧骨分支为两支,一支经眶外缘至额骨;另一支向外后经颧弓而达颅底。因此D选项的论述有误。 上颌骨的支柱结构 上颌骨与咀嚼功能关系密切,在承受咀嚼压力明显的部位,骨质比较厚,形成三对支柱,均下起上颌骨牙槽突,上达颅底。 1.尖牙支柱(鼻额支柱) 主要承受尖牙区的咀嚼压力,起于上颌尖牙区的牙槽突,上行经眶内缘至额骨。 2.颧突支柱 主要承受第一磨牙区的咀嚼压力,起于上颌第一磨牙区的牙槽突,沿颧牙槽嵴上行达颧骨后分为二支:一支经眶外缘至额骨,另一支经颧弓至颅底。 3.翼突支柱 主要承受磨牙区的咀嚼压力,由蝶骨翼突构成,翼突与上颌骨牙槽突的后端(第二第三磨牙区)连接,将咀嚼压力传导至颅底。 121、腭前神经出自 A.牙槽孔 B.腭大孔 C.腭小孔 D.蝶腭孔 E.切牙孔 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:蝶腭神经节发出四大支即眶支,腭神经,鼻支和咽神经。 眶支分2-3条细支,分布到眶骨膜和眶肌,部分纤维穿过筛后孔分布至蝶窦与筛窦。 腭神经分布到口腔顶,软腭,腭扁桃体以及鼻腔粘膜。分为大小两支。腭大神经分布至硬腭的牙龈,粘膜和腺体,与鼻睫神经的终末支有交通。另一支腭小神经经腭骨结节的腭小孔穿出,发出分支至腭垂,腭扁桃体及软腭。 鼻神经由蝶腭孔入鼻腔,形成内侧组和外侧组。大约6条鼻外后上神经分布至上中鼻甲后部以及后筛窦内的粘膜。约2-3条鼻内后上神经在蝶窦开口下方跨越鼻腔顶,分布于鼻腔顶及鼻中隔后部的粘膜。其中最大的鼻腭神the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 经,分布在鼻中隔,在此与腭大神经相交通。 咽神经起自蝶腭神经节后部,与上颌动脉咽支一起穿过腭鞘管,分布至鼻咽腔咽鼓管以后的粘膜。 腭神经:分为前、中、后三支,均下行于翼腭管内。前支最粗大,称为腭大神经或腭前神经,出腭大孔,向前分布于8-3 | 3-8的腭侧粘骨膜及牙龈,并在3|3的腭侧粘骨膜内与鼻腭神经吻合。中、后支较小,称为腭小神经或分别称腭中、后神经,下行出腭小孔,分布于软腭及腭扁桃体。 122、伸舌运动时舌尖偏向左侧,其损伤可能在 A.左侧舌咽神经 B.右侧舌神经 C.左侧舌神经 D.右侧舌下神经 E.左侧舌下神经 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:舌咽神经为混合性神经,主要分布于咽粘腹、颈动脉窦、颈动脉体、舌后1,3、腭扁桃体等。 舌下神经为运动神经,分布于舌外诸肌和舌内肌群。 根据题干提示“舌尖偏向左侧”可以确定损伤的为舌下神经。 舌下神经损伤时在伸舌头时会偏向患侧,因此选择E 123、舌下神经穿什么结构出颅 A.圆孔 B.卵圆孔 C.舌下神经管 D.颈静脉孔 E.眶下管 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:上颌神经为感觉神经,经圆孔出颅; 下颌神经为混合性神经,是三叉神经中最大的分支。经卵圆孔出颅; 面神经穿内耳道入面神经管,经茎乳孔出颅。 124、舌的运动神经是 A.舌下神经 B.舌神经 C.舌咽神经 D.面神经分支 E.三叉神经分支 【正确答案】:A the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【答案解析】:正确答案是A B.舌神经 舌神经在行程中有来自面神经的鼓索加入,故鼓索内的味觉纤维随着舌神经分布到舌前2/3司味觉,故鼓索内的副交感纤维随舌神经到下颌下神经节,换神经元后发出的节后纤维分布于下颌下腺及舌下腺,支持腺体的分泌。 C.舌咽神经 主要控制茎突咽肌,腮腺体,部分味蕾和收集来自耳部后部的感觉等。 D.面神经分支 此处涵盖太广 E.三叉神经分支 三叉神经分为三支,第一支为眼神经,为三支中最小的一支,属于感觉神经;第二支为上颌神经,也属于感觉神经;第三支为下颌神经,为三支中最大的一支,属于混合性神经,大部分为感觉纤维,小部分为运动纤维。 125、支配面部表情肌的神经是 A.面神经 B.三叉神经 C.舌下神经 D.三叉神经和面神经 E.面神经和舌下神经 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:面神经为混合性神经,含有三种纤维,即运动纤维、副交感纤维和味觉纤维。面神经穿内耳道入面神经管,经茎乳孔出颅。向前穿过腮腺,呈扇形分布于面部表情肌。以茎乳孔为界,可将面神经分为面神经管段和颅外段。 126、面神经出茎乳孔后分成5支,分别是 A.眼神经、上颌神经、下颌神经、颊神经、颈神经 B.眼神经、耳颞神经、下颌神经、颊神经、颈神经 C.眼神经、上颌支、下颌支、下颌缘支、颈支 D.颞支、颧支、颊支、下颌缘支、颈支 E.颞支、颧支、下颌缘支、颊支、舌下支 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:答案是D。面神经出茎乳孔后,主干前行进入腮腺实质,在腺内分支组成腮腺内丛发分支至腮腺前缘,分布于面部诸表情肌。 ? 颞支:支配额肌和眼轮匝肌; ? 颧支:3-4支,支配眼轮匝肌及颧肌; ? 颊支:3-4支,支配颊肌,口轮匝肌及其他口周围肌, ?下颌缘支:分布于下唇诸肌, ? 颈支:支配颈阔肌。 【该题针对“面神经出茎乳孔后分成5支”知识点进行考核】 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 127、下述关于面神经的叙述中哪项是错误的 A.面神经有两根,其中运动根较大 B.其副交感纤维支配泪腺、舌下腺和下颌下腺 C.其味觉纤维司舌前2/3味觉 D.其运动纤维支配面部表情肌及全部咀嚼肌 E.以茎乳孔为界,可将面神经分为面神经管段和颅外段 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:面神经是以运动神经为主的混合神经,主要支配面部表情肌和传导舌前2/3的味觉及支配舌下腺、下颌下腺和泪腺的分泌。 128、拔除上颌第一磨牙时需麻醉 A.上牙槽中神经、腭前神经 B.上牙槽后神经、腭前神经 C.上牙槽中神经、上牙槽后神经 D.上牙槽后神经、上牙槽中神经、鼻腭神经 E.上牙槽后神经、上牙槽中神经、腭前神经 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:上下颌神经在口腔的分布 (1)鼻腭神经:321|123的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (2)腭前神经:876543|345678的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (3)上牙槽后神经:87|78以及6|6的腭根和远中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧牙龈。 (4)上牙槽中神经:54|45以及6|6的近中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧牙龈。 (5)上牙槽前神经:321|123及其牙周膜、牙槽骨、唇侧牙龈。 129、下列哪条神经不是上颌神经的分支 A.脑膜中神经 B.上牙槽后神经 C.蝶腭神经 D.颧神经 E.颞深神经 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:上颌神经为感觉神经,经圆孔出颅,根据其行程可分为四段: (1)颅中窝段:发出脑膜中神经,分布于硬脑膜。 (2)翼腭窝段:发出颧神经、翼腭神经(包括鼻腭神经和腭前、腭中、腭后神经)和上牙槽后神经。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine (3)眶下管段:上颌神经进入眶下裂后改称眶下神经。发出上牙槽中神经和上牙槽前神经。 (4)面段:于眶下孔处发出睑下支、鼻内侧支、鼻外侧支和上唇支。 颞深神经为下颌神经前干的一分支。颞深神经一般分为颞深前神经和颞深后神经,此外还有中间神经,均沿翼外肌上缘分布于颞肌。 130、面部的主要感觉神经是 A.面神经 B.三叉神经 C.耳颞神经 D.舌神经 E.舌下神经 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:三叉神经为最大的一对脑神经,是口腔颌面部主要的感觉神经和咀嚼肌的运动及本体感觉神经。三叉神经为以感觉为主的混合神经。 131、最大的一对脑神经是 A.面神经 B.三叉神经 C.迷走神经 D.舌下神经 E.舌咽神经 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:脑神经亦称“颅神经”。从脑发出左右成对的神经。共12对,其排列顺序通常用罗马顺序表示。依次为嗅神经、视神经、动眼神经、滑车神经、三叉神经、展神经、面神经、位听神经、舌咽神经、迷走神经、副神经和舌下神经,其中三叉神经分别由眼神经、上颌神经和下颌神经组成。 132、平行皮肤天然皱纹的切口 A.可避免粗大瘢痕,是由于切断了所有皮肤弹力纤维 B.可避免粗大瘢痕,是由于较少切断了皮肤弹力纤维 C.可能造成粗大瘢痕,是由于切断了所有皮肤弹力纤维 D.可能造成粗大瘢痕,是由于较少切断了皮肤弹力纤维 E.可避免粗大瘢痕,是由于较少切断与其平行的神经和血管 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: 133、腮腺导管开口于 A.平对上颌第一双尖牙牙冠的颊粘膜上 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine B.平对上颌第二双尖牙牙冠的颊粘膜上 C.平对上颌第一磨牙牙冠的颊粘膜上 D.平对上颌第二磨牙牙冠的颊粘膜上 E.平对上颌第三磨牙牙冠的颊粘膜上 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: 二、A2 1、男性,55岁,面瘫5天,经检查,表现为:面肌麻痹、舌前2,3味觉丧失,唾液分泌障碍。提示面神经哪一部位损伤 A.面神经主干损伤 B.面神经在鼓索与镫骨肌神经之间损伤 C.面神经在镫骨肌神经与膝状神经节之间损伤 D.面神经在鼓索分出处的远端损伤 E.面神经在膝状神经节与内耳门之间损伤 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:1、面神经在茎乳孔以外 损伤 面瘫。 2、面神经在鼓索与镫骨肌神经之间损伤 面瘫+味觉丧失+唾液腺分泌障碍。 3、面神经在镫骨肌神经与膝状神经节之间损伤 面瘫+味觉丧失+唾液腺分泌障碍+听觉改变。 4、膝状神经节 面瘫+味觉丧失+唾液腺、泪腺分泌障碍+听觉改变 5、桥脑与膝状神经节之间 除面瘫外,感觉和分泌功能障碍一般较轻。 6、核性损伤 面瘫+轻度感觉和分泌障碍。 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 2、一患者因腮腺区外伤,临床检查出现额纹消失,常为面神经哪个分支损伤 A.下颌缘支 B.额支 C.上颊支 D.颞支 E.颧支 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:本试题属理解分析考题,考核知识点是面神经分支与分布。面神经为混合性神经,含有运动纤维、副交感纤维、味觉纤维及一般躯体感觉纤维。其中运动纤维为主要组成部分,支配面部表情肌等。在腮腺内分支有五支:?颞支,分布于额肌等,受损后,同侧额纹消失;?颧支,分布于上下眼轮匝肌等,受损后眼睑不能闭合;?颊支,分布于上唇肌、鼻翼肌等,受损后出现鼻唇沟变浅、鼓腮无力等;?下颌缘支,分布于降口角肌等,受损后患侧口角下垂和流口水;?颈支,分布于颈阔肌,受损后,影响颈阔肌运动。答案B为干扰答案,面神经无此分支。 【该题针对“第三章 口腔颌面颈部解剖 单元测试”知识点进行考核】 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 3、一男性患者,外伤致左侧髁突完全性骨折,此时的髁突向何方移位 A.向前,向外 B.向前,向内 C.向后,向外 D.向后,向内 E.向前,向上 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:解析:本题属理解分析试题,考核知识点是咀嚼肌的附着部位与功能。翼外肌呈水平位,起于蝶骨大翼的颞下面、颞下嵴及翼外板的外面,行向后外,止于髁突颈前方的关节翼肌窝。因此髁突完全骨折后,受翼外肌牵引,髁突向前内移位。答案B正确。 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(3讲)”知识点进行考核】 4、男性,30岁。张口受限1周,下颌前伸时左侧颞下区疼痛,开口型偏左,诊断为咀嚼肌痉挛,是何肌痉挛 A.左侧颞肌 B.右翼内肌 C.左翼内肌 D.右翼外肌 E.左翼外肌 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:解析:本题属基本概念试题,考核知识点是咀嚼肌的功能。根据咀嚼肌功能可以知道,颞肌、翼内肌、咬肌主要功能为提下颌骨; 翼外肌痉挛:主要表现是疼痛和开口受限,引起疼痛和开口受限的机制是翼外肌痉挛。检查时开口中度受限,开口度2,2.5cm,被动开口度大于自然开口度,开口时下颌偏向患侧。翼外肌相应面部(下关穴处和上颌结节后上方)有压痛,但无红肿,关节区无压痛。 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(3讲)”知识点进行考核】 5、女性,48岁。右下第一磨牙残冠,邻牙未见松动,建议拔除后义齿修复。拔除时需麻醉哪些神经 A.下牙槽神经、舌下神经和颏神经 B.舌神经、颊神经和颏神经 C.下牙槽神经、舌下神经和颊神经 D.舌神经、舌下神经和颏神经 E.颊神经、舌神经和下牙槽神经 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:解析:本题属理解分析试题,考核知识点是三叉神经在口腔the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 内的分布。根据三叉神经在口腔内的分布,下牙槽神经支配下颌牙齿及其牙周膜,舌神经支配下颌牙齿的舌侧牙龈,颏神经支配下颌前牙的唇侧牙龈,颊神经支配下颌后牙的颊侧牙龈。因此在拔除下颌第一磨牙时,下牙槽神经、舌神经、颊神经必须麻醉。答案E是正确的。 6、一外伤患者,左侧发际处可见一长1.5cm挫裂伤,出血量较大。最可能是何动脉的分支破裂 A.颞浅动脉 B.上颌动脉 C.颌外动脉 D.眶上动脉 E.眼动脉 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:解析:本题属基本概念试题,考核知识点是颈外动脉的分支及分布。颈外动脉在上行过程中分出八个分支,其中终末支为颞浅动脉和上颌动脉。颞浅动脉越过颞骨颧突根部表面,至其上方3cm处分为额支、顶支两终支,额支行于额部皮下组织内。因此发际处挫伤出血,最可能是颞浅动脉额支破裂。答案A正确。 7、临床在行颞下颌关节手术时,需注意保护位于髁突颈部深面的动脉是 A.上颌动脉(颌内动脉) B.上牙槽后动脉 C.颞浅动脉 D.面横动脉 E.咬肌动脉 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:解析:本题属基本知识试题,考核知识点是颈外动脉分支走向。颈外动脉在上行过程中分出八个分支,其中终末支为颞浅动脉和上颌动脉(颌内动脉)。上颌动脉于上颌骨髁突颈部的内后方起于颈外动脉,经髁突深面前行。因此颞下颌关节手术需要保护此动脉。 8、某患者患下颌骨恶性肿物,进行性张口困难,下唇麻木,出现这些症状的可能原因为 A.颊长神经及颞下颌关节受累 B.下颌缘支及升颌肌群受累 C.下牙槽神经及升颌肌群受累 D.颊长神经及升颌肌群受累 E.下颌缘支及颞下颌关节受累 【正确答案】:C the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【答案解析】:本题属理解分析试题,考核知识点是三叉神经分支分布及升颌肌群的作用。在此病例中,临床出现下唇麻木的最可能原因肿瘤压迫了支配下唇的感觉神经,根据三叉神经的分布,我们知道颊长神经是支配下颌后牙颊侧牙龈及颊部黏膜的;支配下唇的感觉神经是下牙槽神经;而下颌缘支为面神经分支,属于运动神经,支配降口角肌群等。张口受限可能的原因有肌肉受累或关节受累。因此,综合分析答案C是正确的。 9、腮腺区肿块如要做穿刺检查,可能会损伤其他的结构,其中最不可能损伤的是 A.颞浅动静脉 B.下颌后静脉 C.面神经颊支 D.舌下神经 E.耳颞神经 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:解析:本题属理解分析试题,考核知识点是腮腺区神经血管走向。腮腺咬肌区有许多重要的神经血管通过,可分为纵行和横行两组:纵形组为颞浅动静脉、耳颞神经、下颌后静脉及颈外静脉;横行组为面神经、上颌动静脉及面横动脉。而舌下神经行走于下颌角水平时,即弯曲向前,行于二腹肌、茎突舌骨肌与舌骨舌肌之间。因此行走过程中与腮腺区没有任何关系。腮腺区穿刺是不会损伤舌下神经的,而A、B、C、E选项中的任何一个都是有可能损伤的。 三、B 1、A(圆孔 B(棘孔 C(卵圆孔 D(颈静脉孔 E(茎乳孔 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 <1>、面神经出颅的部位是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 <2>、上颌神经出颅的部位是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 <3>、下颌神经出颅的部位是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 <4>、舌咽神经出颅的部位是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 2、A(颞下颌韧带 B(蝶下颌韧带 C. 关节囊 D(茎突下颌韧带 E(盘锤韧带 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 <1>、限制下颌过度向前运动的是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:此题考核关节韧带的功能。与下颌运动有关的关节韧带共有3对。 颞下颌韧带起于颧弓和关节结节,止于下颌骨髁突和关节盘,其固定点在关节前方,故根据其起止点及纤维方向,判断其作用为限制下颌过度向后向下运动及防止关节向侧方脱位; 蝶下颌韧带起卡蝶骨角棘,止于下颌小舌,作用为悬吊下颌及保护进入下颌孔的血管和神经。 茎突下颌韧带起于茎突止于下颌角及下颌支后缘,其作用为防止下颌过度前伸; 盘锤韧带起自锤骨颈和锤骨前突,止于关节囊、关节盘及蝶下颌韧带,牵拉此韧带可引起听小骨和鼓膜运动。 此题问的是限制下颌过度前伸的韧带,应选择D,因茎突下颌韧带的起止点及纤维方向决定了它可防止下颌过度前伸。要认真分析韧带起止点及纤维方向,方可得出正确结论。 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(2讲)”知识点进行考核】 <2>、悬吊下颌并保护进入下颌孔的血管、神经的是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:考试实践结果分析难度为0.2837,属难题。错选答案D者几乎与选对者相差无几,而错选答案A者反超过选对者。蝶下颌韧带起于蝶骨角棘,止于下颌小舌。下颌小舌的后方为下颌孔,故此韧带可悬吊下颌并保护进入下颌孔的下牙槽神经、血管。 <3>、防止下颌侧方脱位的是: A. the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:本题考试实践结果分析难度为0.2768,属难题。错选C者最 多,几乎与正确选择者接近,其次为错选D、B、E者。从颞下颌韧带的起止 点及纤维方向分析,左右一对颞下颌韧带有防止关节向侧方脱位的作用。 3、A.腭帆张肌 B.腭帆提肌 C.腭舌肌 D.腭咽肌 E.腭垂肌 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(3讲)”知识点进行考核】 <1>、参与腭咽闭合的主要肌肉是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(3讲)”知识点进行考核】 <2>、腭裂修复术时,需凿断翼钩,使在翼钩上滑行的那块肌肉肌腱失去紧张 软腭的作用 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:软腭内有五对腭肌: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine (1)腭帆张肌:作用为紧张腭帆,开大咽鼓管。 (2)腭帆提肌:使软腭上提,咽侧壁向内侧运动。 (3)舌腭肌:作用为下降腭帆,紧缩咽门。 (4)咽腭肌:上提咽喉,向前牵引咽腭弓,并使两侧咽腭弓接近。 (5)悬雍垂肌(腭垂肌):上提悬雍垂(腭垂)。 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(3讲)”知识点进行考核】 4、A.三叉神经 B.面神经 C.舌咽神经 D.迷走神经 E.舌下神经 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(3讲)”知识点进行考核】 <1>、支配舌前2/3的一般感觉的神经是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:面神经包含舌神经 分部到舌的神经有: (1)舌下神经:支配舌肌的运动。 (2)舌神经:管理舌前2,3的味觉。 (3)三叉神经:管理舌前2,3的一般感觉。 (4)舌咽神经:管理舌后1,3的一般感觉和味觉。 舌神经在行程中有来自面神经的鼓索加入,故鼓索内的味觉纤维随着舌神经分 布到舌前2/3司味觉 <2>、支配舌后1/3的一般感觉的神经是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【答案解析】:面神经包含舌神经 分部到舌的神经有: (1)舌下神经:支配舌肌的运动。 (2)舌神经:管理舌前2,3的味觉。 (3)三叉神经:管理舌前2,3的一般感觉。 (4)舌咽神经:管理舌后1,3的一般感觉和味觉。 舌神经在行程中有来自面神经的鼓索加入,故鼓索内的味觉纤维随着舌神经分 布到舌前2/3司味觉 <3>、支配舌前2/3味觉的神经是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:面神经包含舌神经 分部到舌的神经有: (1)舌下神经:支配舌肌的运动。 (2)舌神经:管理舌前2,3的味觉。 (3)三叉神经:管理舌前2,3的一般感觉。 (4)舌咽神经:管理舌后1,3的一般感觉和味觉。 舌神经在行程中有来自面神经的鼓索加入,故鼓索内的味觉纤维随着舌神经分 布到舌前2/3司味觉 <4>、支配舌后1/3味觉的神经是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:舌前2/3的味觉由面神经的中间神经支配;舌后1/3的味觉由 舌咽神经支配;会厌部的味觉则由迷走神经支配。由于味觉的中枢传导通路 是由第?、?、?脑神经共同进行的,因而味觉完全丧失少见。 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(3讲)”知识点进行考核】 <5>、舌的运动神经是 A. B. C. the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:舌下神经主要由躯体运动纤维组成。 由舌下神经核 发出,自延髓的前外侧沟出脑,经舌下神经管出颅,下行于颈 内动、静脉之间,弓形向 前达舌骨舌肌的浅面,在舌神经和下颌下腺管的下 方穿颏舌肌入舌,支配全部舌内肌和舌外肌。 【该题针对“第三章单元测试(3讲)”知识点进行考核】 5、A.眶下间隙 B.颊间隙 C.咬肌间隙 D.翼下颌间隙 E.颞下间隙 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、位于颊肌与咬肌之间,略呈倒立的锥形的间隙是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:颊间隙:位于颊肌与咬肌之间。前界咬肌前缘,后界下颌支 前缘及颞肌前缘。 <2>、位于咬肌与下颌支之间的间隙是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:咬肌间隙 位于咬肌与下颌支之间。前界为磨牙后区黏膜,后 界腮腺。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine <3>、位于下颌支与翼内肌之间的间隙是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:翼下颌间隙(翼颌间隙) 位于下颌支与翼内肌之间。前界颞肌及颊肌,后界腮腺,上界翼外肌下缘,下以翼内肌附着于下颌支处为界。间隙内主要有舌神经、下牙槽神经和下牙槽动、静脉通过。翼下颌间隙向上与颞下间隙及颞间隙通连,向前通颊间隙,向下与舌下、下颌下间隙相通,向后与咽旁间隙相通,向外通咬肌间隙。尚可经颅底血管神经通颅内。 <4>、位于翼下颌间隙的上方,处于颌面部诸间隙中央的间隙是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:颞下间隙 位于翼下颌间隙上方。前界上颌骨后面,后界茎突及茎突诸肌,内界蝶骨翼突外侧板,外界下颌支上份及颧弓,上界蝶骨大翼的颞下面和颞下嵴,下以翼外肌下缘平面为界。 6、A.圆孔 B.翼上颌裂 C.眶下裂 D.蝶腭孔 E.翼腭管 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、翼腭间隙向前和眼眶相通的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: <2>、翼腭间隙向内和鼻腔相通的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: <3>、翼腭间隙向外和颞下间隙相通的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: <4>、翼腭间隙向下和口腔相通的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: <5>、翼腭间隙向后上和颅腔相通的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: 7、A.唇红 B.人中点 C.唇弓 D.唇峰 E.唇珠 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、唇弓两侧的最高点是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:唇的表面标志 (1)口角:即口裂的两端,其正常位置相当于尖牙和第一前磨牙之间。 (2)唇红:为上下唇的游离缘,是皮肤和黏膜的移行区。 (3)唇红缘:为唇红和皮肤的交界处。 (4)唇弓:上唇的全部唇红缘呈弓背状,故名。 (5)人中点(人中切迹):为唇弓在中线稍低并微向前突处。 (6)唇峰:两侧的唇弓最高点。 (7)唇珠:上唇正中唇红星珠状向前下方的突起。 (8)人中:上唇正中由鼻小柱向下至唇红缘的纵行浅沟。 (9)人中嵴;人中的两侧各有一条与其并行的皮肤嵴,自鼻底延伸至唇峰。 <2>、唇弓在正中线并微向前突,此处称为 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:唇的表面标志 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine (1)口角:即口裂的两端,其正常位置相当于尖牙和第一前磨牙之间。 (2)唇红:为上下唇的游离缘,是皮肤和黏膜的移行区。 (3)唇红缘:为唇红和皮肤的交界处。 (4)唇弓:上唇的全部唇红缘呈弓背状,故名。 (5)人中点(人中切迹):为唇弓在中线稍低并微向前突处。 (6)唇峰:两侧的唇弓最高点。 (7)唇珠:上唇正中唇红星珠状向前下方的突起。 (8)人中:上唇正中由鼻小柱向下至唇红缘的纵行浅沟。 (9)人中嵴;人中的两侧各有一条与其并行的皮肤嵴,自鼻底延伸至唇峰。 <3>、上下唇的游离缘,即皮肤和粘膜的移行区 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:唇的表面标志 (1)口角:即口裂的两端,其正常位置相当于尖牙和第一前磨牙之间。 (2)唇红:为上下唇的游离缘,是皮肤和黏膜的移行区。 (3)唇红缘:为唇红和皮肤的交界处。 (4)唇弓:上唇的全部唇红缘呈弓背状,故名。 (5)人中点(人中切迹):为唇弓在中线稍低并微向前突处。 (6)唇峰:两侧的唇弓最高点。 (7)唇珠:上唇正中唇红星珠状向前下方的突起。 (8)人中:上唇正中由鼻小柱向下至唇红缘的纵行浅沟。 (9)人中嵴;人中的两侧各有一条与其并行的皮肤嵴,自鼻底延伸至唇峰。 <4>、上唇正中唇红呈珠状向前下方突起 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:唇的表面标志 (1)口角:即口裂的两端,其正常位置相当于尖牙和第一前磨牙之间。 (2)唇红:为上下唇的游离缘,是皮肤和黏膜的移行区。 (3)唇红缘:为唇红和皮肤的交界处。 (4)唇弓:上唇的全部唇红缘呈弓背状,故名。 (5)人中点(人中切迹):为唇弓在中线稍低并微向前突处。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine (6)唇峰:两侧的唇弓最高点。 (7)唇珠:上唇正中唇红星珠状向前下方的突起。 (8)人中:上唇正中由鼻小柱向下至唇红缘的纵行浅沟。 (9)人中嵴;人中的两侧各有一条与其并行的皮肤嵴,自鼻底延伸至唇峰。 <5>、上唇的整个唇红缘。呈弓背状 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:唇的表面标志 (1)口角:即口裂的两端,其正常位置相当于尖牙和第一前磨牙之间。 (2)唇红:为上下唇的游离缘,是皮肤和黏膜的移行区。 (3)唇红缘:为唇红和皮肤的交界处。 (4)唇弓:上唇的全部唇红缘呈弓背状,故名。 (5)人中点(人中切迹):为唇弓在中线稍低并微向前突处。 (6)唇峰:两侧的唇弓最高点。 (7)唇珠:上唇正中唇红星珠状向前下方的突起。 (8)人中:上唇正中由鼻小柱向下至唇红缘的纵行浅沟。 (9)人中嵴;人中的两侧各有一条与其并行的皮肤嵴,自鼻底延伸至唇峰。 8、A.患侧口角下垂,流口水 B.同侧面肌麻痹,同侧舌前2,3味觉丧失,唾液分泌障碍 C.鼻唇沟变浅或消失、上唇运动力减弱或偏斜以及食物积存于颊部等症状 D.眼睑不能闭合 E.同侧额纹消失 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、面神经颞支损伤,临床上可出现的症状是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine <2>、面神经颧支损伤,临床上可出现的症状是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: <3>、面神经颊支损伤,临床上可出现的症状是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: <4>、面神经下颌缘支损伤。临床上可出现的症状是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: 9、A.双侧上颌123的腭侧粘骨膜及牙龈 B.双侧下颌5678的颊侧牙龈、颊部的皮肤和粘膜 C.双侧下颌12345678的舌侧牙龈,口底及舌前2/3的粘膜和舌下腺 D.双侧上颌78及6的腭根及远中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨、颊侧牙龈 E.双侧下颌1234的唇颊侧牙龈及下唇粘膜 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、上牙槽后神经分布于 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: 上下颌神经在口腔的分布 (1)鼻腭神经:321|123的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (2)腭前神经:876543|345678的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (3)上牙槽后神经:87|78以及6|6的腭根和远中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨 和颊侧牙龈。 (4)上牙槽中神经:54|45以及6|6的近中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧 牙龈。 (5)上牙槽前神经:321|123及其牙周膜、牙槽骨、唇侧牙龈。 —————— (6)颊神经:8-5|5-8颊侧牙龈、颊部皮肤黏膜。 —————— (7)舌神经:8-1|1-8舌侧牙龈、口底及舌前2,3的黏膜、舌下腺。 —————— (8)下牙槽神经:8-1|1-8及其牙周膜、牙槽骨。 —————— (9)颏神经:4-1|1-4唇颊侧牙龈、下唇黏膜。 <2>、鼻腭神经分布于 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 上下颌神经在口腔的分布 (1)鼻腭神经:321|123的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (2)腭前神经:876543|345678的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (3)上牙槽后神经:87|78以及6|6的腭根和远中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧牙龈。 (4)上牙槽中神经:54|45以及6|6的近中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧牙龈。 (5)上牙槽前神经:321|123及其牙周膜、牙槽骨、唇侧牙龈。 —————— (6)颊神经:8-5|5-8颊侧牙龈、颊部皮肤黏膜。 —————— (7)舌神经:8-1|1-8舌侧牙龈、口底及舌前2,3的黏膜、舌下腺。 —————— (8)下牙槽神经:8-1|1-8及其牙周膜、牙槽骨。 —————— (9)颏神经:4-1|1-4唇颊侧牙龈、下唇黏膜。 <3>、舌神经分布于 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: 上下颌神经在口腔的分布 (1)鼻腭神经:321|123的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (2)腭前神经:876543|345678的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (3)上牙槽后神经:87|78以及6|6的腭根和远中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 和颊侧牙龈。 (4)上牙槽中神经:54|45以及6|6的近中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧牙龈。 (5)上牙槽前神经:321|123及其牙周膜、牙槽骨、唇侧牙龈。 —————— (6)颊神经:8-5|5-8颊侧牙龈、颊部皮肤黏膜。 —————— (7)舌神经:8-1|1-8舌侧牙龈、口底及舌前2,3的黏膜、舌下腺。 —————— (8)下牙槽神经:8-1|1-8及其牙周膜、牙槽骨。 —————— (9)颏神经:4-1|1-4唇颊侧牙龈、下唇黏膜。 <4>、颊神经分布于 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: 上下颌神经在口腔的分布 (1)鼻腭神经:321|123的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (2)腭前神经:876543|345678的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (3)上牙槽后神经:87|78以及6|6的腭根和远中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧牙龈。 (4)上牙槽中神经:54|45以及6|6的近中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧牙龈。 (5)上牙槽前神经:321|123及其牙周膜、牙槽骨、唇侧牙龈。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine —————— (6)颊神经:8-5|5-8颊侧牙龈、颊部皮肤黏膜。 —————— (7)舌神经:8-1|1-8舌侧牙龈、口底及舌前2,3的黏膜、舌下腺。 —————— (8)下牙槽神经:8-1|1-8及其牙周膜、牙槽骨。 —————— (9)颏神经:4-1|1-4唇颊侧牙龈、下唇黏膜。 <5>、颏神经分布于 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: 上下颌神经在口腔的分布 (1)鼻腭神经:321|123的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (2)腭前神经:876543|345678的腭侧黏骨膜和牙龈。 (3)上牙槽后神经:87|78以及6|6的腭根和远中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧牙龈。 (4)上牙槽中神经:54|45以及6|6的近中颊根、牙周膜、牙槽骨和颊侧牙龈。 (5)上牙槽前神经:321|123及其牙周膜、牙槽骨、唇侧牙龈。 —————— (6)颊神经:8-5|5-8颊侧牙龈、颊部皮肤黏膜。 —————— (7)舌神经:8-1|1-8舌侧牙龈、口底及舌前2,3的黏膜、舌下腺。 —————— (8)下牙槽神经:8-1|1-8及其牙周膜、牙槽骨。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine —————— (9)颏神经:4-1|1-4唇颊侧牙龈、下唇黏膜。 10、A.圆孔 B.卵圆孔 C.棘孔 D.眶上裂 E.茎乳孔 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、眼神经出颅的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: <2>、上颌神经出颅的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: <3>、下颌神经出颅的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【答案解析】: <4>、面神经出颅的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: <5>、脑膜中动脉入颅的位置是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: 11、A.面总静脉 B.下颌后静脉 C.上颌静脉 D.颈内静脉 E.颈外静脉 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、头面颈部血管回流的主要静脉是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine <2>、颞浅静脉和上颌静脉汇合成 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:下颌后静脉(面后静脉):由颞浅静脉和上颌静脉合成,走 行一段后又分为前后两支,前支与面静脉汇合成面总静脉,后支与耳后静脉 汇合成颈外静脉。 <3>、面静脉和下颌后静脉前支汇合成 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: <4>、下颌后静脉后支和耳后静脉汇合成 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: <5>、翼丛的血液主要经上颌静脉汇入 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【答案解析】: 12、A.上颌动脉 B.面动脉 C.舌动脉 D.脑膜中动脉 E.甲状腺上动脉 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、属于上颌动脉分支的是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: <2>、面部软组织血供主要来自 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: <3>、上、下唇动脉属于哪一动脉的分支 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:面动脉的主要分支有:上唇动脉,下唇动脉,內眦动脉,颏 下动脉,腭升动脉。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine <4>、上颌骨血供主要来自 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: <5>、在平舌骨大角稍下方发自颈外动脉的是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: <6>、在平舌骨大角尖处发自颈外动脉的是 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: 13、A.牵拉颏部向后下,参与张口运动 B.参于口底的组成,收缩时抬高口底,参与降下颌 C.牵拉舌骨向前 D.提下颌骨向上,参与下颌侧方和后退运动 E.使下颌前伸并下降,参与下颌侧方运动,同时有稳定关节盘的作用 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、二腹肌的主要作用 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:舌骨上肌群的主要作用是:二腹肌牵拉颏部向后下,参与张 口运动。茎突舌骨肌牵拉舌骨向后以延伸口底,下颌舌骨肌及其上下面的筋 膜参与口底的构成,收缩时抬高口底。在闭口时,抬高口底可增加舌向上的 压力,使之能压迫食物向后由口咽部进入喉咽部。下颌舌骨肌也可降下颌骨。 颏舌骨肌牵拉舌骨向前移动,是茎突舌骨肌的拮抗肌,当舌骨相对固定时, 亦可降下颌骨。 所以答案为A。 <2>、下颌舌骨肌的主要作用 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: <3>、颏舌骨肌的主要作用 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: <4>、颞肌的主要作用 A. B. C. D. E. the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:起于颞窝及颞深筋膜的深面,通过颧弓深面,止于喙突及下颌支前缘直至第三磨牙远中。功能:上提下颌骨,也参与侧方运动。 <5>、翼外肌的主要作用 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:翼外肌有上、下两头,上头起于蝶骨大翼的颞下面和颞下嵴;下头起于翼外板的外侧面,向后外方走行,止于髁突颈部的关节翼肌窝、关节囊和关节盘。功能:使下颌骨向前并降下颌骨。 14、A.上颌骨颧突及颧弓下缘的前2/3及颧弓深面 B.颞窝及颞深筋膜深面 C.翼外板内面,腭骨锥突及上颌结节 D.蝶骨大翼的颞下面,颞下嵴及翼外板的外侧面 E.上颌骨的眶下缘及额突 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、翼外肌的起始部位为 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:翼外肌有上、下两头,上头起于蝶骨大翼的颞下面和颞下嵴;下头起于翼外板的外侧面,向后外方走行,止于髁突颈部的关节翼肌窝、关节囊和关节盘。功能:使下颌骨向前并降下颌骨。 <2>、咬肌的起始部位为 A. B. the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:浅层起于上颌骨颧突、颧弓下缘前2,3,向下后方走行,止于下颌角和下颌支外面的下半部;中层起于颧弓前2,3的深面及后1,3的下缘,止于下颌支的中分;深层起于颧弓深面,止于下颌支的上部和喙突。功能:上提下颌骨并使下颌骨微向前伸,也参与下颌侧方运动。 <3>、翼内肌的起始部位为 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:翼内肌有深、浅两头,深头起于翼外板的内侧面和腭骨锥突;浅头起于腭骨锥突和上颌结节,与咬肌纤维方向相似,止于下颌角内侧面及翼肌粗隆。功能:上提下颌骨。亦参与下颌前伸和侧方运动。 <4>、颞肌的起始部位为 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:起于颞窝及颞深筋膜的深面,通过颧弓深面,止于喙突及下颌支前缘直至第三磨牙远中。功能:上提下颌骨,也参与侧方运动。 15、A.在上颌骨前面、眶下缘中点下方椭圆形的孔称为 B.在上颌骨后面中部有数个小孔,上牙槽后神经和血管经此孔通过称为 C.在上颌骨内面有一个三角形的孔称为 D.在上颌骨牙槽突与腭骨水平部共同围成的孔称为 E.在上颌骨腭突下面于上颌中切牙之腭侧、腭中缝与两侧尖牙的连线交点上的孔称为 【正确答案】: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 【答案解析】: <1>、上颌窦裂孔 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: <2>、眶下孔 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: <3>、牙槽孔 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: <4>、切牙孔 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine <5>、腭大孔 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: 16、A.颞窝 B.颞下窝 C.翼腭窝 D.翼突窝 E.尖牙窝 【正确答案】: 【答案解析】: <1>、位于上颌骨前面,眶下孔下方骨面的窝称为 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:E 【答案解析】:颞下窝是上颌骨体和颧骨后方的不规则间隙,容纳咀嚼肌和血管神经等,向上通颞窝。窝前壁为上颌骨体和颧骨,内壁为翼突外侧板,外壁为下颌支,下壁与后壁空缺。此窝向上借卵圆孔和棘孔与颅中窝相通。向前借眶下裂通眶,向内借上颌骨与蝶骨翼突之间的翼上颌裂通翼腭窝。 翼腭窝位于颞下窝前内侧,是一个更小的空间,前方有上颌骨,后方有蝶骨翼突,内侧以腭骨垂直板与鼻腔分隔。翼腭窝后方经圆孔通颅腔,经翼管通破裂孔,前方经眶下裂通眶,内侧经蝶腭孔通鼻腔,外侧与颞下窝相通,向下经翼腭管出腭大孔和腭小孔通口腔。窝内主要有三叉神经第二支(上颌神经)及其分支和血管通过。 翼突窝:为翼内肌的起始处. 尖牙窝:上颌骨前面,上颌尖牙之上的窝,称为尖牙窝 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine <2>、颞肌的起始处称为 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】: <3>、翼内肌的起始处称为 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】: <4>、上颌神经自圆孔出颅进入 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】: <5>、下颌神经自卵圆孔出颅进入 A. B. C. D. E. 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】: the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine
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