
工业企业 用水量计算

2017-12-09 14页 doc 39KB 191阅读




工业企业 用水量计算工业企业 用水量计算 摘要:论述了工业企业工程设计时,合理计算全厂平均小时用水量和最大小时用水量的重要性,并通过对工业用水过程中连续用水最大小时用水量同时发生的概率和各间断用水量同时发生的概率分析,提出全厂用水量的计算方法。 关键词:工业企业 用水量 1 水量计算的重要性 333 水量计量的单位为m/h或m/d。在工业企业中常用的水量为日用水量(以m/d计),平 3均小时用水量和最大小时用水量(以m/h计)。工业企业前期设计(可行性研究和初步设计)阶段中,给排水专业一个重要任务是进行全厂用水量计算。全厂的平均小时用水量...
工业企业 用水量计算
工业企业 用水量计算 摘要:论述了工业企业设计时,合理计算全厂平均小时用水量和最大小时用水量的重要性,并通过对工业用水过程中连续用水最大小时用水量同时发生的概率和各间断用水量同时发生的概率分析,提出全厂用水量的计算方法。 关键词:工业企业 用水量 1 水量计算的重要性 333 水量计量的单位为m/h或m/d。在工业企业中常用的水量为日用水量(以m/d计),平 3均小时用水量和最大小时用水量(以m/h计)。工业企业前期设计(可行性研究和初步设计)阶段中,给排水专业一个重要任务是进行全厂用水量计算。全厂的平均小时用水量和最大小时用水量是工业企业用水量的重要参数,因为它决定着工业企业内部管网的管径和从市政管网引入给水管的管径以及初次水增容费的多少。同时,如果该企业远离城市或城市供水量不能满足企业自身的用水量需求时,企业一般需要自建水厂,需要的话,还要自建污水处理场。如一些大型的化工厂或石油化工企业等。此时,上述两个用水量又决定着自建水厂和污水处理场的规模。换句话说,平均时用水量和最大时用水量影响着待建企业的给排水部分的投资。因此,此阶段的给排水专业的水量计算是十分重要的。合理计算全厂中各种用水量,正确绘制水平衡图,对设计中确定工厂自建取水厂、污水处理场规模,合理缴纳水增容费及控制水资源、节约用水等有非常重要的意义和积极的指导作用。 2 工业企业用水量分类 根据《工业用水分类及定义》(CJ19-87)中的有关规定,工业企业用水量是指工业企业完成全部生产过程所需要的各种水量的总和。它包括间接冷却水量、工艺用水量、锅炉用水量和生活用水量。除此以外,工厂中还有消防用水量。 3 工业企业用水量计算重点 在上述各用水量中,间接冷却水一个较稳定的用水量,补充水量计入工厂生产用新鲜水量中,一般是个相对稳定的数值。消防用水量是根据相关规范确定的,水量固定。因此企业用水量的计算重点和难点在于工业企业全厂新鲜水用量的平均时用水量和最大时用水量。 4 工业企业新鲜用水量的计算 为讨论问题方便,下述用水量均指企业用新鲜水量。 从水量的单位可以看出,决定工业企业全厂用水量的因素有两个:一个是用水立方米数,另一个是用掉这些水的用水时间。但,要正确计算小时用水量,除对这两个因素进行必要的分析外,还需对各用水设备或用水点的最大用水量是否在同一时间段发生进行概率分析。 对于生活用水量,一般根据《建筑给水排水设计规范》中的用水定额和工艺专业向给排水专业提供的最大班人数,经计算确定,此用水量记为Q。此外还有工业企业中淋浴用水S1 量,记为Q。职工生活用水最大用水量和淋浴用水量,通常不同时发生。也就是说,这两S2 个水量同时发生的概率很小。这可以通过对职工上班、下班的生活规律的分析,得出这个结论。因此,在计算工业企业总的生活用水最大小时流量(记为Q)时,宜取淋浴小时用水量S3 和职工生活用水平均时用水量之和。随着人们对生活环境要求的越来越高,工业企业的绿化用水量也不容忽视。它的计算可根据《建筑给水排水设计规范》中规定的绿化用水定额和企业中绿化面积进行计算。此部分一般归类为生活用水量范畴,记为Q。 S4 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 工业企业生产用新鲜水中的间接冷却循环水的补充水量,是一个较衡定的用水量,它的值在确定了循环水系统的循环水量和循环水处理方式后也就确定下来,记为QX。除循环水补充水以外的生产用的其它新鲜水,随着生产工艺不同而有差异,用水时间也是长短不一。企业在安排产品生产时是根据市场需要而进行的。同一套生产设备,会因它在不同阶段使用不同的原材料生产不同的产品而使用水量发生变化。由此带来的水量计算,尤其是最大时用水量更难准确把握。以下,就某一化工厂的初步设计来探讨一下水量的计算。 表1 用水量条件 3-13-1连续用水量/(m.h) 间断用水量/(m.h) 每次最长 序号 用水设备 用途 备注 每次用水每天用水 平均 最大 用水时间3量/m 次数 /h 轴承冷却 冷却 1 2 3 水 液压站 冷却 2 1 1.5 生产用水 工艺水 不排出 3 8 10.5 装置冲洗 生产用水 4 1 0.5 1 水 厂房冲洗 生产用水 5 2 0.5 1 水 洗涤水 6 6 9 泵密封水 7 1 1 地坪冲洗 8 3 1 3 水 反应等用 工艺水 不排出 9 29 36 水 循环上水 冷却 10 700 750 地坪冲洗11 5 2.5 1 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 水 盐溶解槽 溶盐 不排出 12 2.5 0.5 8 洗涤、中 合成槽 13 1.2 2 8 和 离心机 洗涤 14 1.2 2 8 地坪冲洗 15 2 0.5 1 水 表1中摘录了某化工厂初步设计时,化工工艺等专业向给排水专业所提的用水量条件表内容中的一部分。 从表1中可以看出:生产用新鲜水主要分为两大类,一类为生产连续用水量,一类为间断用水量。连续用水量中又分为平均时用水量和最大时用水量。在计算连续用水的平均时用水量时,可以直接将表1的平均用水量数据相加即可。而计算连续用水的最大小时用水量时,在计算时却有两种方法:第一种是将表1的最大用水量数据直接相加,取其和;第二种是将表1的最大用水量数据相加,再乘以一个折减系数,将所得出的结果作为最大小时用水量。第一种方法所表达的意义是指所有产生最大时用水量的事件在同一时间发生。这种概率是存在的,但它发生的概率随着用水项序号的增加而减小。 表1中,间断用水中却有每次用水量、每次最长用水时间、每天用水次数三个因素控制。将表1的间断用水量单独取出来,制成表2。 表2 用水量表 3-1间断用水量/(m.h) 小时用水 日用水量每次最长 序号 用水设备 用途 量/备注 每次用水每天用水3-1/(m.h) 用水时间3-13(m.h) 量/m 次数 /h 生产用水 装置冲洗 4 1.0 0.5 1 2.0 1.0 生产用水 厂房冲洗 5 2.0 0.5 1 4.0 2.0 地坪冲洗 8 3.0 1.0 3 3.0 9.0 水 地坪冲洗 11 5.0 2.0 1 2.0 5.0 水 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 盐溶解槽 溶盐 不排水 12 2.5 0.5 8 5.0 20.0 洗涤、中 合成槽 13 1.2 2.0 8 0.6 9.6 和 离心机 洗涤 14 1.2 2.0 8 0.6 9.6 地坪冲洗 15 2.0 0.5 1 4.0 2.0 水 由表2可以看出,一天中,就某一次间断用水量发生而言,其一次用水时间并不长,一次用水量也并不太大,但将其折合成小时用水量时却比较大。把表2中“小时用水量”直接相 3加得出用水量为21.20m/h。如果将此水量作为间断用水量的小时用水量的话,显然偏大。因为这个水量代表的意义同样是所有间断用水量发生在同一时间段。这种概率,同样随着间断用水量个数的增加而减小。因此,计算间断用水的小时用水量,也同样不能将其折合成小时用水量后简单地叠加。 以表1中的数据为例,本文推荐一种工业企业小时用水量的计算方法,方法如下: 4.1 计算连续用水部分的平均小时用水量Q L1 将工艺等专业所提的连续用水量的平均时用水量相加,此用水量记为Q,即表1中序L13号为第3、6、7、9的平均用水量相加得出:Q,44.0m/h; L1 4.2 计算循环水的补充水量Q; X 4.3 计算连续用水部分的最大小时用水量Q L3 将连续用水量的最大时用水量相加,此用水量记为Q,即表1中序号为第3、6、7、9L23的最大用水量,相加得出:Q,,, ,m/h。考虑到若干项连续用水量的最大小时用水L1 量在同一小时内发生的概率,因此将Q乘以一个系数k(k?1),即Q,kQ,把Q作为L2L3L2L3连续用水部分的最大小时用水量。k的取值,依据连续最大用水量个数可取0.6,1。当连续最大用水量个数多时,取小值;当连续最大用水量个数少时,取大值;当连续最大用水量个数只有一个时,取1。 5 计算间断用水部分的小时用水量Q J 间断用水部分的小时用水量分为以下三部分: 5.1 选取单项一天用水总时间超过8 h的用水项目,认定这些间断小时用水量为准连续用水3,这部分小时用水量之和记为Q量 即表1中的序号13、14。本例中Q,1.2m/h。 J1J15.2 取间断用水量中最大一个小时用水量 即表1中的序号12 ,这部分小时用水量记为Q。本例中Q,5.0 m3/h。 J2J2 5.3 除去上述准连续用水量和间断用水量后,将其它间断用水(即表1中的序号4、5、8、311、15)一天用水量之和(1,2,3×3,5,2,19.0 m/h。) 除以用这些水所需总用水时间3 (0.5,0.5,3×1,2.5,0.5,7.0 h),得出一平均用水量,记为Q。本例中Q,2.7 m/h。 J3J3 那么,间断用水小时用水量Q可取上述三部分用水量之和。本例中Q,Q,Q,QJJJ1J2J33,8.9 m/h。 综合上述分析,工业企业生产生活用新鲜水量可以用下式计算:(不包括消防用水量) 平均小时用水量: of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out Q,K(Q,Q,Q,Q,Q) (1) L1JXS1S4 最大小时用水量: Qmax,K(KQ,Q,Q,Q) L2JXS3 ,K(Q,Q,Q,Q,Q) (2) L3JXS3S4 式中,K—为管网损失量系数,可以视管网大小,取1.1,1.2 上述关于连续用水量中最大小时用水量系数,的附加,大家可以从数学的概率论中得到解释。同样,间断用水量从上述三个方面计算得出的结果Q,基本上可以代表不同的间断J 用水量在同一时间发生较有代表性概率时的用水量。 6 结语 6.1 工业企业新鲜水连续用水最大小时用水量的计算,宜分析各不同用水设备或用水点最大小时用水量在同一时间内发生的概率大小,从而选取“k”值; 6.2 工业企业新鲜水间断用水小时用水量的计算,宜对各不同间断用水量的用水特点进行必要的分析,从中选取一个较合理的计算方法,以期使计算得出的用水量值既满足使用需要又是一个经济用水量值。 同样,如果计算工业企业中全厂最大小时排水量,也可以参照用水量的计算方法进行计算。 本文根据多年的设计实践,探讨了如何合理地计算工业企业中正常生产生活时所需的新鲜水量。以上用水量计算方法是否正确、合理,请广大给排水工作者给与评论和指导,并欢迎各位同行参与讨论。 作者简介: 孙雅平 (1965, ),女,高级工程师。 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out
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