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高级工程师论文高级工程师论文 关于干线公路改造项目的一些探讨 [摘 要]: 笔者从干线公路改造项目的四个方面进行了分析探讨。1、项目建设的必要性,2、项目的运作,3、项目的设计,4、项目的实施。 [关键词]:干线公路 改造 [ 作 者]: 全锋 [ 日 期]: 2010年7月26日 前言: 自2006年起~湖南正式拉开了“十一.五”干线公路改造的序幕~衡阳地区改造里程共计400余公里~总投资20余亿元。一场干线公路网改造的春风顿时吹遍了衡州大地~干线公路施工的热潮立即席卷过来。笔者有幸参与了本区域干线公路改造的设计工作~对干线公路...
高级工程师论文 关于干线公路改造项目的一些探讨 [摘 要]: 笔者从干线公路改造项目的四个方面进行了分析探讨。1、项目建设的必要性,2、项目的运作,3、项目的设计,4、项目的实施。 [关键词]:干线公路 改造 [ 作 者]: 全锋 [ 日 期]: 2010年7月26日 前言: 自2006年起~湖南正式拉开了“十一.五”干线公路改造的序幕~衡阳地区改造里程共计400余公里~总投资20余亿元。一场干线公路网改造的春风顿时吹遍了衡州大地~干线公路施工的热潮立即席卷过来。笔者有幸参与了本区域干线公路改造的设计工作~对干线公路的建设有些许的体会和认识。 1、 项目建设的必要性。 近年来~随着国民经济的快速发展~交通量迅猛增长~现有的干线公路已不堪重负~难以承担交通运输发展的需求,逐年的干线公路养护工作~投入不菲~却难以解决根本问题。因此在国家及地方各级部门加大了对交通基础设施的投入的大背景下~湖南省提出对干线公路网实施分阶段的优化改造。 本区域内干线公路的雏形一般建于20世纪六、七十年代~建造时一般无正规的平、纵线形设计~路基宽度一般在6m-7m左右。后期在逐年的通乡工程改造及公路大中修工程的实施后~对道路的平纵线形有一定的优化~路面状况有一定的改善~但并未解决问题。所以老路的平纵线形通常达不到干线公路要求,如弯道多、偏角大、半径小、交点间距极短~且受地形、地物的限制导致行车视距不足、在过集镇路段~道路街道化现象明显等等一些问题摆在了面前。想要提高干线公路的通行能力~真正起到区域交通的集散功能~老路状况必须得到彻底的改dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 善~包括道路线形、路基宽度、路面结构、沿线桥梁、交通工程设施、路基防护措施等等方面应全面优化。 2、项目的运作 干线公路的项目建设有别于其他一些高等级公路项目。由于整个区域项目建设里程长~建设的成本大~然而资金与成本间存在巨大缺口~故采取计划资金,工程款,+当地政府配套征地拆迁费用的模式。由于一个项目的实施~征地拆迁必须先行~这也就意味着~当地政府对该项目的积极性直接影响到项目的开展。从这几年的干线公路实施的经验来看~如果当地政府对该项目非常重视~积极的投入到项目建设中来~那项目实施的进度将提速数倍,若当地政府一旦较为冷漠~项目实施将非常的困难。 所以笔者认为~就干线公路的运作模式可看出~项目进入到具体的实施阶段~主动权往往是业主单位无法完全掌控的。换位至当地政府而言~对该项目的实施~政府会通盘考虑:1,.当地财政的合理调度,2,.项目在本区域的合理位臵,3,.项目对本区域发展的重要性和迫切性。只有以上几点达到高度统一的时候~项目的实施就能坐上一趟高铁~而不是一辆观光的“慢慢游”。 3(项目的设计 干线公路改造项目的设计是从项目立项之后就开始了~从《工程可行性研究》到《一阶段施工图设计》~前后历时一般在2年左右。由于干线公路改造的特殊性~项目的设计还是花费了广大设计人员的心血和精力~对此笔者深有体会。 干线公路改造的设计最大的特点就是让有限的资金发挥最大的效益。 3(1设计指导原则 A(充分利用老路。 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 干线公路基本上都是区域经济的交通干线~常年的交通流量使得老路路基非常的稳定~路基强度较高。如何利用老路、利用好老路、全线利用老路的比例就成为:降低工程造价、保证工程质量以及减少新增用地、降低当地政府配套资金的压力的重要指标。 B(基本达标准。 干线公路改造的设计标准是二级公路~就设计时速而言~处于80-40Km/h之间。所以干线公路改造的平、纵、横设计标准也较为灵活。根据道路线形、地形位臵以及与当地政府的规划等因素~设计也有很大的区别。 在路线线形允许、工程量大小增加不多的情况下~技术指标采用就高不就低的原则~尽量使改建公路达到较高标准~保证项目资金的投入能达到提高效能的目的~避免重复建设,若老路线形较差~提升标准需增加巨额费用时~设计时将执行较低标准~在满足规范的要求下~达到道路改造目的,若遇到当地政府有特殊的规划要求时~以上原则将被打破~在业主与当地政府在意见达成一致的情况下~设计将会遵循规划要求~对路线线形进行调整。 C(设计更加人性化 干线公路在各区域之间是重要的联系纽带~沿线居民的出行基本都是依靠干线公路~所以干线公路的改造对沿线居民的影响非常大。设计过程中必须要考虑到“人路结合”~因为一条道路的修筑就是为了方便人们出行~做到不扰民、少扰民~让人们走好路~走舒服的路。在这个大的思想框架下~路线的设计过程中尽量做到人性化~少拆迁~少征地是主旨。 3(2设计过程 由于干线公路改造的设计属于道路改建设计~其过程有别于其他项目~基本过程如下: 3(2(1原始资料的准备 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 设计的原始资料是保证设计合理性、精密性、准确性的关键。 A(测量资料:由于是老路改造~就又要提及老路利用~利用老路线形~老路路基、甚至是老路路面~只有精准的测量原始数据~设计过程才能精确把握设计的尺度。 B(调查资料: a(平、纵线形现状 只有对老路的平纵线形有基本了解~才能决定线形调整的幅度~一般情况下~对老路平面需测试弯道数、偏角大小、弯道半径、交点间距等~对老路纵断面需测试坡度、坡长等指标。老路如果线型较好或者可以通过微调能达标的~在平纵面设计中均考虑充分利用老路,如果老路线形极差~如弯道多、偏角大、半径小、交点间距极短~且受地形、地物的限制~则考虑改线。 b(路基、路面现状 路基、路面现状调查包括路基、路面宽度、结构形式及近几年大修改造情况等。只有对老路路基、路面情况充分了解~在路面结构补强设计时才能心中有数~#设计#才能经济合理。 c(弯沉测试 为老路路面结构的整体强度~应对老路面进行弯沉测试~对测试结果应根据弯沉值大小、路面结构情况分段整理计算~以便于下阶段路面结构补强设计。 d(桥涵现状 区域内河网密集~一般公路上桥涵较多~对老桥涵拓宽改造还是拆除重建由老桥涵现状决定~所以应对老桥涵的跨径、净宽、荷载标准、结构形式、使用情况、是否为碍航建筑物、桥头接线线形等做充分、详细的调查~对大、中桥荷载标准不能确认时~应做承载能力试验。 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 3.2.2项目设计标准的定位 A(公路等级应根据公路网的规划和远景交通量~结合公路的功能、性质从全局出发综合确定。 B(设计车速一般根据公路等级采用~但是在实际应用中~应结合公路的功能、性质、交通组成等综合确定~特别是对于老路改造工程~应顺应地形地物~在保证行车安全、舒适的前提下~从经济合理的角度出发~灵活地选用。对于本区域二级公路~一般情况下应采用60km/h设计车速~具体设计车速标准在设计过程中可灵活调整。 C(路基横断面直接影响到工程的规模和投资~路基标准横断面应根据公路等级、交通量预测分析结果选择~同时又应综合考虑路段功能性质及交通组成~结合地形、地物、城镇规划~注意到绿化美化和环保~采用既能满足道路通行能力、与城镇规划相适应又经济合理、适应地形地物的横断面。本区域二级公路路基横断面一般采用一幅路形式~宽度根据交通量及交通组成采用~一般情况采用路基全宽12m~路面宽9m,路肩可根据实际情况采用土路肩或采取硬化措施。 3.2.3道路“平、纵、横”设计 公路是一种带状构造物~在保证使用任务和经济合理的前提下~应尽可能保持较高的安全性和舒适性。公路线形是三维的立体线形~为方便设计施工操作~将其简化为平、纵、横三方面描述~保持各要素间的协调一致~做到平面顺适、纵坡均衡、横面合理。公路的线形运用在很大程度上取决于工程投资与线形舒适性的平衡。在线形设计中应着重考虑线形的连续流畅和立体线形设计~并应顺应地形~地物~注意和环境协调一致~对于老路改造工程应灵活运用线形设计指标~在困难地段适当调整~在满足线形要求的前提下~充分利用老路。 A(平面线形设计时~在一般较为顺直的路段~尽可能采用较高的指标进行调整~以求改造后的良好行驶条件下,在较困难路段~应充分利用规范允许的曲线组合~在满足技术指标的前提下~充分利用老路,在老路线形极差且又受地形dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 地物限制无法调整时~应考虑改线方案。在平面线形方案初步形成后~应征求沿线地方政府及交通主管部门意见~尽量让路线方案使各方满意。 B(纵断面设计时~应注意以下几方面: a、满足各控制点的高程要求,纵断面控制点一般有桥梁、相交道路、城镇等。桥梁设计高程应满足桥下通航净空要求及设计洪水频率要求的泄洪断面要求,对立体相交的道路要满足本路和被交路的行车净空要求~对平面交叉的道路要顺适衔接,路线穿越城镇时应尽量和地形、地物相一致。 b、充分利用老路路面结构 在一般路段~路线的纵断面设计与路面结构的补强设计是相辅相成的~纵断面拉坡时~应尽量拟合老路~避免大填大挖。在老路路面情况较好时~为充分利用老路路面结构~尽量不要开挖老路~使补强厚度最大限度地接近填高。 C、老路改造纵断面设计时~为充分利用老路~一般纵坡较碎~坡长较短~但在有条件时~还应尽可能取较高的指标~以求良好的行驶条件~并适当注意平纵组合~使纵断面方案不但经济合理~而且有良好的线形。 3.2.4 桥涵改造设计 对老路改造工程~桥涵一般需拆除重建或拓宽改造~决定桥涵拆除重建还是拓宽改造主要从以下几个方面考虑: A、原桥涵是否满足设计荷载标准~不满足~能否通过适当加固达标, B、原桥涵是否满足排洪要求~航道上桥梁是否满足通航要求, C、是否限制路线平、纵面线形~使路线指标不能满足技术指标~或能满足而导致不能充分利用老路~在经济上得不偿失。 对老桥涵进行上述三方面分析~在经济上、技术上进行比选~根据实际情况决定老桥涵拆除重建或拓宽改造。本区域内一般老桥涵均荷载标准低~结构形式dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis 较差~加固改造技术复杂~工程难度大~而且许多老桥为保证桥梁和河道正交~桥头接线线形较差~所以老路改造时大多数拆除重建~小部分情况较好的拓宽改造。 3.2.5设计难点 干线公路改造设计基本都是沿老路加宽路基~这将导致道路有新老路基的共存现象~必然存在新老路基沉降不均匀~然而克服沉降一直是公路建设的一道世纪难题~如何在干线公路改造过程中克服新老路基沉降~是设计人员一直在摸索、研究的方向。希望通过近几年各个项目的实施~得到宝贵经验。 4(项目的实施 干线公路改造项目进入到实施阶段~一般工期在2年左右~项目在实施过程中一般有以下实际问题: 1,、项目实施初期~一般进展缓慢~由于地方政府的配套资金压力~导致征地拆迁工作进展缓慢。 2)、施工作业面很分散~在施工前期阶段很难达到理想的施工效果。 3,、由于干线公路的交通通达功能强~施工过程中~沿线的保通压力非常大。 ,、干线公路沿线居民点甚多~与当地居民的良好沟通和关系协调成了工程实施的关键。 4 5,、道路改造多为路基加宽工程~如何克服施工工作面窄~且施工质量达标准成了各个施工单位的首要课题。 6,、由于项目资金压力大~业主对项目实施的干涉比较频繁~施工单位要做好百折不饶的思想准备和工作态度。 总结: 以上是笔者就近年来干线公路改造项目的一些和感想。干线公路改造的实施~是政府解决民生问题的一重大举措~通过干线公路改造~不仅提升了干线公路的等级~更重要的是解决了广大老百姓出行的大问题~对区域经济的加速~增进区域间的联系起到重要作用。目前摆在公路人面前的问题是:如何利用干线公路改造的大好时机~锻炼队伍、培养人才、不仅让干线公路改造达到等级和质量要求~更是要让公路人成为行业先锋。 dialogue. Can professional internships and intern ... Superiors may engage in certain research work under the guidance of a doctor. (B) the Neurology ICU or emergency room (4 months) 1. familiar Rotary purpose: ICU or emergency room diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in neurology procedures, focusing on mastering multiple organ failure, status epilepticus, increased intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia diagnosis and first aid; About: rational application of anti-infective drugs. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and case number: the number of disease cases (?) high intracranial pressure and cerebral hernia in 5 more than 5 status epilepticus with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in 5 heart and lung failure, 5 (2) basic skills: skilled in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation operations, and be able to master the proper use of respiratory machine. (C) internal medicine of heart (2 months) 1. purpose rotary master medical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the heart, the proper use of antiarrhythmic drugs, familiar with the medical physical examination and result analysis of electrocardiogram of the heart. 2. basic requirements learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) myocardial infarction 10 congestive heart failure 10 rhythm disorders 10 primary hypertension disease 15 valve, and myocardial disease 5 basic skills requirements name cases (times) ECG operation 30 24 hours dynamic ECG monitoring 10 heart electrical cardioversion law 2 master acute myocardial infarction diagnosis and processing; hypertension disease and the anti-rhythm disorders of medication principles; master congestive heart failure of diagnosis
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