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R.B Sherdian

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R.B SherdiannullRICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN The School for Sandal (Act I , Scene I) P264 P264 Richard Brinsley Sherand (1751---1816) 理查德 . 布林斯利.谢立丹 谢立丹为著名的喜剧作家。他代表了18世纪英国戏剧艺术的最高成就。谢立丹出生于爱尔兰的都柏林...
R.B Sherdian
nullRICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN The School for Sandal (Act I , Scene I) P264 P264 Richard Brinsley Sherand (1751---1816) 理查德 . 布林斯利.谢立丹 谢立丹为著名的喜剧作家。他代表了18世纪英国戏剧艺术的最高成就。谢立丹出生于爱尔兰的都柏林,祖父是教师,也是斯威夫特(Jonashan Swift)的知心朋友。父亲是著名的演员和剧院经理,后来又把全家迁到英格兰,成为英语演讲艺术的权威。母亲更是多才多艺,既是剧作家,又是小说家,作品受塞缪尔理查逊影响很深。谢立丹幼年在都柏林的文法学校读书,爱尔兰世代消遣的方法之一就是编写喜剧,有句俗话说:想要当喜剧家,诞生在爱尔兰就足够了。该传统加上家庭熏陶,使谢立丹产生了对喜剧的兴趣。 null爱情遇情敌    他爱上了当地一个颇走红的歌星--林利小姐。当时有四个人都在追求这位小姐,除了谢立丹之外,还有谢立丹的哥哥、谢立丹的好友、以及一个军人,前二位知趣地避开了,唯有上尉恼羞成怒,中伤小姐,致使小姐与谢立丹私奔法国,1772年在法国加莱举行了婚礼。新娘的父亲反对这门婚事,到法国把她带回家里关禁闭,据说谢立丹装扮成马车夫救出了妻子。新郎的父亲也反对这门婚事。经过斗争,终于在1773年重新举行婚礼,不过谢立丹的父亲还是没有参加。与此同时,谢立丹与造谣者上尉决斗两次,显些丧命。本来,妻子是位红极一时的歌星,收入可观,不过谢立丹不希望让妻子继续登台,二人先用某位老绅士送给妻子的三千英磅过了一段田园生活,然后,迫于生计,谢立丹开始写作戏剧。 个人作品    1774年,他用两个月的时间写出了《情敌》,首演不成功,换了主演后,第二次演出掌声雷动。此后在一年里谢立丹上演了三部戏剧,名声大噪,收入颇丰。谢立丹很会做生意,金融方面玩得转,他仅用了1300磅现钞,在年内,就成了英国最大剧院的经理和最大股东。1777年《造谣学校》The School for Scandal公演,著名的世态剧,有对生活的批评,又有喜剧的娱乐性,轰动一时。谢立丹的戏剧生涯仅仅从1775年持续到1779年,28岁的谢立丹转向政治领域去发挥才干了。他先进了议院,以雄辨著称,有一次演讲长达五个半小说,完毕时赢得了持久而热烈的欢呼声,还有一次演讲的门票是50磅,居然用了三天。同时,他继续经营剧院,每年收入一万磅,但更善于花钱,“英国最豪爽的老板” 个人作品    1774年,他用两个月的时间写出了《情敌》,首演不成功,换了主演后,第二次演出掌声雷动。此后在一年里谢立丹上演了三部戏剧,名声大噪,收入颇丰。谢立丹很会做生意,金融方面玩得转,他仅用了1300磅现钞,在年内,就成了英国最大剧院的经理和最大股东。1777年《造谣学校》The School for Scandal公演,著名的世态剧,有对生活的批评,又有喜剧的娱乐性,轰动一时。谢立丹的戏剧生涯仅仅从1775年持续到1779年,28岁的谢立丹转向政治领域去发挥才干了。他先进了议院,以雄辨著称,有一次演讲长达五个半小说,完毕时赢得了持久而热烈的欢呼声,还有一次演讲的门票是50磅,居然用了三天。同时,他继续经营剧院,每年收入一万磅,但更善于花钱,“英国最豪爽的老板”null晚年   谢立丹晚景不佳,一场大火烧了刚修缮完的剧院,他在对面的咖啡馆要了杯葡萄酒:“一位绅士难道不能在自家的炉火旁静静地品尝一杯葡萄酒吗。”从此退出经营,竞选中也因财务问而失败。1813年,又因负债而被拘禁。1816年,谢立丹因脑病去世,终年65岁。拜伦写了著名的《吊谢立丹》,葬礼十分隆重,葬于威斯敏斯特教堂的“诗人之角”。Famous comedies Famous comedies 主要作品介绍主要作品介绍《斯卡波罗之游》(1777) 《皮札罗》(1799) 《圣帕特里克日》(1775) 《陪媪》 (1775) 《批评家》讽刺喜剧(1779) 为谢立丹带来巨大声誉的是他的喜剧《情敌》和《造谣学校》《情敌》《情敌》《情敌》(1775)是24岁的谢立丹的成名作。出身贵族之家的阿布索鲁特爱上了浪漫感伤的丽迪亚,为迎合她的浪漫情趣,装成贫穷的下等军官贝弗利。丽迪亚与阿布索鲁特结婚,但仍为没有私奔等浪漫情节而遗憾。在人物塑造上,谢立丹受到本·琼生“气质喜剧”的影响,夸张人物身上的某一品性进行描写。老阿布索鲁特爵士是典型的坏脾气的父亲,追求者爱克斯胆小又爱吹牛,而最为人称道的是马拉普劳夫人形像,她无知偏又爱显示学问,总喜欢用些自己也并不确知其义的大词或美丽字句,以后衍生出“马拉普劳风格”一词指用词不当的可笑谬误。《批评家》《批评家》讽刺了当时的感伤喜剧和伪古典悲剧,指出当时流行的戏剧技巧的简陋幼稚、语言的浮夸铺张、舞台音响的滥用等弊病。  《造谣学校》《造谣学校》谢立丹创作《造谣学校》(1777)时不过26岁,却写出英国最优秀的喜剧之一。戏中有两条情节线索:一条线索写约瑟夫和查尔斯兄弟俩。约瑟夫是伪善者,极端利己却道貌岸然,查尔斯行为不检但心地善良,他们都追求彼得·提泽尔爵士的保护人玛丽亚。他们的叔父从国外归来,化装成高利贷者和穷亲戚,分别去试控兄弟俩,揭露了约瑟夫,查尔斯以他的慷慨和善良得到了叔父的财产、赢得心上人。null另一条线索则是出身寒微、嫁给年老的爵土的提泽尔夫人,在道德败坏的“文明”风气影响下,染上贵族女子的一些恶习,险些失身给约瑟夫;在丈夫的感化下,她悔悟自己的行为,夫妇和好。 谢立丹精心布置结构,两条线索协调统一,剧中充满出色的喜剧场面The Content SummaryThe Content SummaryThe Content SummaryThe Content SummaryThe school for scandal, main layout is to write two character different brother, brother Charles is a splurge confront the prodigal son, but home heart upright and true kindness; Brother is on the surface to the rules, full of virtue and morality gentle gentleman, but in fact is greed hypocrisy SIMS. After passing test, and finally show the true colors, display on the escape of true form, meanwhile climax, interest of wit and humour, stage effect is very great. Gossip is a common one type, specially good talking about somebody else's private affairs, jealous people have, laugh a man without, for fame wealth have happy life of people, and especially like to spread rumors, total want to "crabbing" find out a little bit can criticize things to be slander ridicule, non so is not pleased, sometimes it is invented, out of fabricated. CharacterCharacterLady Sneer: The principal Snake: The talebearer Mrs. Canodur: A yenta Mr. Crabtree: Benjamin Backbite’s uncle Benjamin Backbite: Want to marry Maria Sir Peter: A rich and integrity old man Charles: A splurge confront the prodigal man, but his heart is true kindness Maria: Charles’s girlfriend Joseph surface: Charles brother, attempt to have Maria Lady Teazle: Peter’s wife Sir Oliver Surface: Charles’s unclenullCharlesMariaSir Peter TeazleLady TeazleLady SneerwellJoseph Sir Oliver SurfaceLove Love Instigate (怂恿)pursueSeduce(引诱)Fabricate(造谣) Young wifeWard(养女)chooseFabricate (造谣)nullCommentnullRichard Brinsley Sheridan is famous for "The School for Scandal" which in many ways epitomizes the wit and the morals of the 18th century. It looks back toward Restoration Comedy of the century before, but Sheridan's wit is less bitter and more good-humored than his predecessors. Of course Restoration comedy came from men who had survived a bitter Civil War whether or not they had actually been participants. Their cynicism and the deliberate artificiality of say "The Way of the World" along with deliberate cruelty exhibited toward persons whose only vice is to fail being being "witty" makes for uncomfortable reading, the sort of twinge which exists in a lot of 20th century drama, Joe Orton for example.nullSheridan on the other hand likes a joke, likes to ridicule worthy subjects and has a wonderfully light hand with dialogue. He came from a theatrical family and knew in his bones (his first play "The Rivals" was written when he was barely out of his teens!) what would work on the stage. nullThree of Sheridan's most famous works. "The Rivals" and "The Critic" are both fine plays, but the best by far is "The School for Scandal", a droll farce which lampoons gossip-mongers. The high point of the play is the famous "screen scene", in which one character after another takes refuge behind a screen to eavesdrop. The humor is sharp but never bitter, and the characters are wholly believable. It is easy to see why this play is still being performed after two hundred years.Great comedy more than two centuries laterGreat comedy more than two centuries laterThe School for Scandal was a pleasant surprise. We meet devious and unscrupulous characters, not the ragtag pickpockets found in later stories by Dickens, but self-centered members of the leisure class in London. Names Names Lady Sneerwell, Mr. Snake, Mr. Crabtree, Sir Benjamin Backbite, Mrs. Candour, And the superficial Mr. Surface The cast includes the appropriately named ---- individuals all too capable of undermining the most refined and honest reputations with innuendoes and ingenious fabrications.null Unlike the literature and poetry of the preceding centuries, footnotes are not needed for this late eighteenth century play. I read the entire play in two weeks, and clearly this is a comedy to be relished, one whose enjoyment comes as naturally today as when it was first staged at Drury Lane theater in London in 1777. Why does Richard Brinsley Sheridan's play still resonate with today's audience? Why does Richard Brinsley Sheridan's play still resonate with today's audience? Lady Sneerwell rationalizes: Wounded myself in the early part of my life by the envenomed tongue of slander, I have since known no pleasure equal to the reducing others to the level of my own injured reputation. (P268)静坐常思己过,闲谈勿论人非。静坐常思己过,闲谈勿论人非。Sheridan offers a deliciously humorous look at that fascinating and seemingly unchanging human characteristic, the propensity to gossip, to tell tales about others with only limited concern for the truth. Like Mrs. Candour, we all claim to abhor gossip, and would not ourselves consider creating fictitious tales, but are we immune from conveying stories about others, even stories which are suspect?nullThe School for Scandal is a classic example of an English comedy of manners. The dialogue is witty and entertaining. The plot is elaborate and contrived, but always maintains interest and momentum as Sheridan brings his intertwined subplots to an entertaining and satisfactory conclusion. Along the way we encounter devious plots and counterplots, disguised identities, and outrageous behavior. It is great fun. The End The End Thank You For Your Time!
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