

2017-09-02 11页 doc 35KB 35阅读




企业宣传片制作企业宣传片制作 企业宣传片制作中的内容要素 企业宣传片的用途 企业专题片是用来促销、参加会展还是招商、产品发布,这对宣传片的要求都是不同的。产品发布会,招商与会议等专题片,要重点介绍的是企业实力,传播新产品信息。面对的受众是第一次接触该产品,所以需要内容详尽,卖点突出。如果企业是在现有渠道中统一形象,那么目标受众明确,对企业和产品有一点的认知和了解,这样的宣传片需要强调的是精练。总之,企业在决定做宣传片之前要仔细分析企业自身的状况,明确目标和用途。不能为了做宣传片而做宣传片。 沈阳地产公司是房地产公司为了推广新楼盘而制...
企业宣传片制作 企业宣传片制作中的内容要素 企业宣传片的用途 企业专题片是用来促销、参加会展还是招商、产品发布,这对宣传片的要求都是不同的。产品发布会,招商与会议等专题片,要重点介绍的是企业实力,传播新产品信息。面对的受众是第一次接触该产品,所以需要内容详尽,卖点突出。如果企业是在现有渠道中统一形象,那么目标受众明确,对企业和产品有一点的认知和了解,这样的宣传片需要强调的是精练。总之,企业在决定做宣传片之前要仔细分析企业自身的状况,明确目标和用途。不能为了做宣传片而做宣传片。 沈阳地产公司是房地产公司为了推广新楼盘而制作的专题,沈阳电厂的专题片是企业为了提高自身形象而做的,而沈阳降压仪则是属于新产品的发布包装专题。因此,不同的专题片类型都有各自不同的用途。 企业宣传片的表现形式 企业宣传片从内容上分主要有两种,一种是企业形象片,另一种是产品直销片。前者主要是整合企业资源,统一企业形象,传递企业信息。它可以促进受众对企业的了解,增强信任感,从而带来商机。而产品直销片主要是通过现场实录配合三维动画,直观生动地展示产品生产过程、突出产品的功能特点和使用方法。从而让消费者或者经销商能够比较深入地了解产品,营造良好的销售环境。企业宣传片的直接用途主要有:促销现场、项目洽谈、会展活动、竞标、招商、产品发布会、统一渠道中产品形象及宣传模式等。 有的企业希望形象专题的内容不是一层不变的,因而制作宣传片也不是只有一套方案,而是针对不同目的和用途做几套方案,做几个宣传片,像一些每年都拍摄一条专题片的企业,每年都会换一个主题,如去年表现的是“科技”,今年就可能是突出“创新”;而有的企业就希望专题片具有长久的生命力,无论在什么场合、什么时间看都不会觉得过时,老套了。从内容上看,企业形象专题包含的内容相当广泛,基本将企业的文化理念、发展历程、社会荣誉、管理团队、生产设备、车间管理、技术研发、产品展示、工程项目、市场版图、售后服务、未来展望等都囊括入内。由于内容之多,需要一个鲜明的主题脉络贯穿、承接通篇各个部分,这个主题就相当于是企业的一根筋,就是企业的神,所谓“形散而神不散”。从理念of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 到行为到视觉,都是统一的。 如沈阳电厂的专题片在展示企业形象的同时还具有很强的艺术观赏性,其生命力是日久长新的。而沈阳汽车制造公司则分别制作了形象片和安全片两部专题以用作不同的用途。 如何把握企业宣传片的长度 从时间上看,企业形象专题片远要比产品影视广告要长。拍摄产品影视广告多为1分钟,然后套剪30秒、15秒、5秒。企业形象专题片长的有一个小时,一般为二三十分钟,而效果较好的应在10-20分钟。如果低于10分钟,可能企业认为这么短时间,企业的亮点都没有能够全部表现,心有不甘;如果高于20分钟,观众则容易对专题片产生视觉疲劳,片子若缺乏表现力的话,反而会给观众留下“又长又闷”的印象。控制在10-20分钟,容易把握好每一章节、得当地调动观众的兴奋点,获得较理想的传播效果。 企业专题片所需的技术支持 一部专题片的问世,与方方面面的各种因素息息相关。导演组、摄影师、灯光师、美容师、制片人、道具组、摄影器材(专业摄影机等)、辅助器材(轨道、摇臂、灯具、相关道具)、服装、专业录配音、三维动画、后期剪辑合成、特效制作、刻录等等。这其中的任何一个环节出了问题,都会直接或间接地影响到专题片的质量。 企业专题片的镜头运用 如何让企业形象在镜头中得到完美的展示呢,这就需要在拍摄的时候对企业的整体形象做一个统一。比如统一人员着装,统一要拍摄的环境风格、现场布置、全体员工要保持良好的精神风貌,这样才能在大众面前树立好的企业形象,让人感觉到企业的活力与精神。如想展现企业的规模和宏伟气势,则多采用远景和全景以及仰摄等拍摄角度。视野广阔,景深悠远,能很好地表现广阔的自然环境和气氛,抒发情感。如襄樊电厂的专题片中运用了很多航拍的画面来表现地理位置与环境,在拍摄角度上,多采用仰拍与俯拍相结合的方式,配合广角镜头的使用,使画面更具气势,从而体现企业的综合实力。 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 企业宣传片制作 智慧联盟品牌策划 企业形象专题片后期制作 后期制作当中,特效的运用,背景音乐的烘托也会为专题片增色不少。在沈阳电厂的形象专题片中,用三维制作,特技合成的红色光团贯穿全片,表现形式特别,突出了沈阳电厂依靠火力发电的基本特性,寓意深刻。画面精美、气势恢宏,艺术感极强。全片并无多少解说词,完全依靠音乐来贯穿始终,激帛、雄壮的交响乐这种新颖的表现形式显得大气磅礴,与众不同,也是形象专题片的一种新模式。 企业形象专题片怎样选择制作机构 现在,有很多的多媒体制作单位宣称可以为企业制作多媒体广告、宣传片。很多的小企业喜欢选择这样的公司来做宣传片,因为成本比较低。也许这些公司在技术上是没问题的,然而企业宣传片毕竟不只是技术上的一个拍摄和光盘制作,它是企业的一种广告方式。是广告就需要精心的设计,合理的策划和创意。而大多的多媒体制作公司都还不具备这样的实力。因此,企业在选择做宣传片的时候要慎重考虑应该选择什么样的制作单位。因此,最好是选择一个具备很强专业能力的公司,,他们可以给企业做合理的策划分析,告诉企业该怎么做。实际上,用专业制作影视广告的公司来做企业宣传片,才可能将宣传片的营销作用更好地发挥。 高品质企业形象专题片的传播方式 从应用上看,企业形象专题片很少在电视媒体上出现,大多刻录成VCD、DVD放在企业的展厅里播放,供行业分管领导和政府领导莅临视察和社会各界人士参观企业时观摩;也有将企业形象专题片的VCD、DVD直接邮寄给自己的大客户、经销商;还有的将之附在招标书内做招标附加筹码;另外某些大型企业还将专题片作为向海外寻求合作伙伴的重要宣传工具。 武汉大田影视公司致力于创作高品质的影视内容和如何运用最新颖的影视技术展示这些内容从而使人们更有效地达到交流和沟通的目的,而那些高低影视制作技术和影视制作设备对我们来说只不过是工具而已。 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 企业建立视频档案的重要性 通常,形象就是信誉和实力的标志。随着中国对外开放的加快,中国企业的管理和营销越来越趋于国际化,企业视频形象包装所创造的产值也越来越大。 按照世界顶级策划大师的观点,视频是形成企业文化的重要手段和载体。不做宣传片,不等于不搞企业文化。无论逢年过节搞欢庆,还是厂庆、表彰会,忘年会、纳凉会、招商订货会等,播放视频短片都是凝聚人气、展示企业文化的最佳卖点。 现代企业之间交流已逐步走向桌面数字时代,双方的了解咨询已不限于文字 画册的简单沟通。一张集文字、解说、画面、音效、视频合一的光盘可以让客户 身临其境般感受到您公司的整体面貌:视觉的惟美、听觉的震撼无疑会给客户留 下深刻的印象。 当客户来到你公司的会客厅,您只需按一下遥控器在大屏幕上播放您企业自己的介绍影片就行了。同样,当您到国内外出差探访贸易伙伴的时候,您也不必没完没了地说话,为他们播放企业宣传片就可以了。现代商务交往中,人们总是相信眼睛所看到的。随着网络技术的进步,总有一天,商人,尤其是那些参加各种展会和行业订货会的商家,不必再辛苦地背着沉重的宣传册到处跑,而是凭一张“视频名片”便轻松走天下。人嘴再会说,也说不过精心设计的宣传片,何不请它代劳呢,这也就印证了为什么在国内外大型展览会上,会有越来越多的展商选择播放各种类型的企业介绍片、产品展示片,并且靠赠送光盘来推销企业了。 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine 企业宣传片制作 智慧联盟品牌策划 一部有内容的企业形象片需要立体拍摄,不仅要展示现状实力,还要展示企业成长的历史过程。由于很多企业没有自己的视频档案库,所以很难拍摄一部即真实又给人印象深刻的宣传片。 然而建立企业的视频档案需要巨大的投资,不仅要购买昂贵的影视设备,还要养专门的技术人才,对大多数企业来说,不仅不经济,也不现实。不过,把这件事儿交给我们,您就可以放心了。 武汉大田影视公司专注于塑造企业的视觉形象、专注于企事业的视频档案的建立、保密、保管和综合利用。职能相当于企事业单位的宣传部。 我们为会员单位建立和充实视频库。企业迎来送往、各种重要会议、各种有纪念意义的企业活动,只要电话预约,我们的摄制组就会赶赴指定的地点拍摄。在需要的时候,用这些素材来剪辑企业所需要的各种短片。 我公司首创这项服务,最了解它的奥妙和效益,最了解它的运作模式。选择我们,就是选择了效益。我们保证您同步与世界最先进的形象设计理念。我们相信,好的企业系列片一定能给客户带来更多合作伙伴,更多信赖的订单,更多银行资金,更多关注的眼球。 of the accident to develop preventive and corrective measures to prevent accidents from happening again. 8.8.3 telephone company Office Tel: 2814263 (24 hours) Safety Department: 2814828 Safety Department: 7720936 municipal work safety supervision Bureau Tel: 2823733 municipal work safety supervision station Tel: 2825983 first aid of focus construction, and guarantee progress plans of smooth implementation for purpose, in engineering implementation Qian, developed detailed of material production, and processing, and stacked, and transport plans, and the jobs construction team into exit adjustment plans. While working out the concrete implementation of these programmes, strictly in accordance with the standards and other regulations, construction management of graphic Sciences, civilization. (2) stress management plans construction of plane scientific management is the key to the science of planning and careful detail specific plans. Formed in the project schedule based on the materials, machinery, labour of advance and retreat, vertical transportation and installation plans to ensure that balanced progress and fully use the plane as a target, work out a realistic plane management to implement the plan. While the plan into a computer, dynamic regulation. (3) stress management plan according to the construction schedule of implementation and adjustment phases publish plane management to implement the plan, including time schedule, responsibility, performance standards, reward and punishment criteria. Plan implementation, not scheduled will be held on a regular basis, after sufficient coordination, research, publish plans to adjust. 2) stress management construction plane managed by the project manager in overall charge, project foreman, material, machine
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