

2017-09-01 42页 doc 451KB 62阅读




猪肝的做法大全猪肝的做法大全 猪肝的做法大全 一、猪肝泥 原料: 酱油、精盐各少许。 猪肝50克。辅料 香油1克, 制作方法 1、将猪肝洗净,横剖开,去掉筋膜和脂肪,放在菜板上,用刀轻轻剁成泥状。 2、将肝放入碗内,加入香油、酱油及精盐调匀,上笼蒸20-30分钟即成。 二、猪肝羹 猪肝一具(细切,去筋膜),葱白一根(去须,切),共以豉汁煮作羹,临熟打一鸡蛋投内食之。治营养性视弱、近视,夜盲等症。 三、菠菜猪肝汤 猪肝100克,菠菜50克,煮汤食用。治夜盲症及贫血。 四、猪肝枸杞汤 猪肝100克,枸杞子50克,煮汤食...
猪肝的做法大全 猪肝的做法大全 一、猪肝泥 原料: 酱油、精盐各少许。 猪肝50克。辅料 香油1克, 制作方法 1、将猪肝洗净,横剖开,去掉筋膜和脂肪,放在菜板上,用刀轻轻剁成泥状。 2、将肝放入碗内,加入香油、酱油及精盐调匀,上笼蒸20-30分钟即成。 二、猪肝羹 猪肝一具(细切,去筋膜),葱白一根(去须,切),共以豉汁煮作羹,临熟打一鸡蛋投内食之。治营养性视弱、近视,夜盲等症。 三、菠菜猪肝汤 猪肝100克,菠菜50克,煮汤食用。治夜盲症及贫血。 四、猪肝枸杞汤 猪肝100克,枸杞子50克,煮汤食用。治眼睛迎风流泪,视物模糊等肝肾阴虚之症。 五、 爆炒猪肝 制作材料:猪肝,胡萝卜,黄瓜,料酒,酱油,葱姜蒜 制作做法 1、清洗。据说用清水加几滴白醋把猪肝泡两个小时才最好,时间来不及了,就在自来水龙头下狠狠地拍打猪肝,直到感觉把内部的有害物质打出来为止。 2、切片,用料酒、酱油腌15分钟左右。 3、胡萝卜、葱姜蒜切片,黄瓜切条。 4、跟平常炒菜一样,炒葱姜蒜和胡萝卜,至胡萝卜变软变金黄,放入 猪肝大火不停的翻炒三分钟左右,放入黄瓜条出锅加鸡精即可。 六、炒肝片 菜系:湘菜 特色: good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 原料:猪肝250克、笋1根、芹菜3棵、胡萝卜半根,酒1大匙、蚝油2大匙、糖1茶匙、胡椒粉少许、芡汁半大匙 制作: 1.猪肝切厚片,放入加有1大匙酒的开水中汆一下,待猪肝变白时捞出,浸入冷水。 2.笋先煮熟再切片;芹菜洗净、切小段;胡萝卜去皮,煮熟再切片;将所有调味料调匀成综合调味料。 3.用2大匙油炒笋片、胡萝卜片和芹菜段,接着放入猪肝同炒,然后淋入综合调味料,炒匀即盛出。 重点提示 1.猪肝切厚片,这样比较有弹性,切得太薄一煮就缩反而会变硬。 2.汆烫猪肝时,要多翻动,用手按猪肝片中间,若没有软软的感觉就表示好了,立刻冲冷水可快速降温,保持嫩度。 一般人群均可食用 1. 适宜气血虚弱,面色萎黄,缺铁性贫血者食用;适宜肝血不足所致的视物模糊不清,夜盲.眼干燥症,小儿麻疹病后角膜软化症,内外翳障等眼病者食用;适宜癌症患者及放疗、化疗后食 凉拌猪肝用;适合贫血的人、常在电脑前工作、爱喝酒的人食用; 2. 患有高血压、冠心病、肥胖症及血脂高的人忌食猪肝, 因为肝中胆固醇含量较高。有病而变色或有结节的猪肝忌食。 食物相克 1、忌与荞麦、黄豆、豆腐同食、同食发痼疾。 2、忌与鱼肉同食、否则令人伤神。 3、忌与雀肉、山鸡、鹌鹑肉同食。 4、猪肝与菜花同食降低人身对微量元素的吸收。 5、忌与含大量维生素c的食品,同食会使维生素C失去原有的功效。吃完猪肝不能喝柠檬汁*猪肝富含铁质柠檬中的维他命c会影响铁质的吸收。 制作指导 1. 肝是体内最大的毒物中转站和解毒器官,所以买回的鲜肝不要急于烹调,应把肝放在自来水龙头下冲洗10分钟,然后放在水中浸泡30分钟; 2. 烹调时间不能太短,至少应该在急火中炒5分钟以上,使肝完全变成灰褐色,看不到血丝才好; 3. 治疗贫血配菠菜最好; 4. 猪肝常有一种特殊的异味,烹制前,首先要用水将肝血洗净,然后剥去薄皮,放 爆炒猪肝入盘中,加放适量牛乳浸泡,几分钟后,猪肝异味即可清除; 5. 猪肝要现切现做,新鲜的猪肝切后放置时间一长胆汁会流出,不仅损失养分,而且炒熟后有许多颗粒凝结在猪肝上,影响外观和质量,所以猪肝切片后应迅速使用调料和湿淀粉拌匀,并尽早下锅。 爆炒肝尖 主料:猪肝 辅料:黄瓜、木耳、葱、姜、蒜 调料:盐、味精、料酒、酱油、醋、淀粉、香油 烹制方法: 1、将猪肝洗净后切成片,加入盐、味精、料酒、酱油拌匀,再加入干淀粉抓匀备用; 2、葱姜蒜切碎加入盐、味精、料酒、酱油、醋、香油、水淀粉搅拌均匀制成料汁; 3、坐锅点火倒油,将猪肝放入滑炒熟后加入黄瓜片、木耳,淋入料汁,大火翻炒均匀即可。 特点:鲜嫩爽口,风味独特。 山药炒猪肝 主料: 山药 200克 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 配料: 莴笋 150克 猪肝 200克 调料: 盐 8克 味精 2克 淀粉(玉米) 10克 各适量 制作方法 1. 山药、青笋去皮、洗净,切成条; 2. 猪肝洗净,切片待用; 3. 山药、青笋、猪肝分别用沸水焯一下;4. 锅内放底油,加适量高汤,调味后下入山药、猪肝、青笋,翻炒数下,勾芡后即成。 菠菜炒猪肝 主料: 菠菜 250克 猪肝 200克 调料: 植物油 25克 盐 3克 味精 2克 各适量 制作方法 1. 将菠菜用食用油煸炒,火要旺,锅要滑,稍煸即盛起; 2. 将猪肝切片后清炒,然后倒入菠菜同炒; 3. 加入适量调味品调味,炒熟即可。 丝瓜虾皮猪肝汤 原料:丝瓜250克,虾皮30克,猪肝50克,葱花、姜丝各适量,食油少许 制作:1、将丝瓜去外棱,洗净,剥两半,切成段;猪肝洗净切片;虾皮用水浸泡 2、起油锅,入姜丝、葱花炒香,再入猪肝,略炒,倒入虾皮和适量清水,烧沸后投入丝瓜,再煮炖3~5分钟即成。 特点:味道鲜美,婴幼儿爱吃 番茄猪肝汤 原料:蕃茄,猪肝,姜,香菜 腌料:姜汁半匙、酒半匙、油半匙、太白粉半匙、酱油一匙 做法如下: 1、蕃茄洗净切片。 2、猪肝洗净切薄片,加入腌料腌十分钟。 3、将锅烧热后,下油半匙爆香蕃茄及姜片,加适量水滚十五分钟,放入猪肝煲煮,下调味料拌匀,放上香菜。 菠菜猪肝汤 特点:猪肝与菠菜都是补血的食物,常吃可起到补血的作用。 做法: 1.将猪肝洗净滤去血水再切片。 2. 水烧开后放入猪肝、生姜及少许猪油。 3. 待水开后再煮二分钟,放入菠菜后,立即放适量盐和味精调味。 4. 慢慢搅动一次,放入香葱便可起锅食用。 菊花猪肝汤 材料 猪肝100克,鲜菊花3、4朵,油、盐、酒适量 做法:猪肝洗净,切薄片,用油、酒腌10分钟;鲜菊花洗净,取花瓣。先将菊花放入清水锅内煮片刻,再放猪肝,煮20分钟调味即成。 有滋养肝血,养颜明目功效。 胡萝卜猪肝汤 配方:胡萝卜200,250克,猪肝100,200克,生姜、精盐适量。 制作:将胡萝卜、猪肝各洗净,切片备用,锅内加适量水,再放入生姜、精盐同煮,武火烧good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 沸后,先放胡萝卜,后放猪肝,煮至熟后,即可食用。 用法:喝汤,吃猪肝和胡萝卜。 功效:补血,明目,养肝。 应用:适用于维生素A缺乏所致的夜盲症。 爆炒猪肝(图解做法) 原料:猪肝 主料:料酒,盐,泡椒,辣椒,花椒,豆豉,葱,姜,蒜 做法: 1,肝子切片加少许盐和料酒腌一会 2,锅内水开后放入肝片立马关火,搅和两下马上捞出的肝片。 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 3,油热后放入炒料爆香(泡椒,辣椒,花椒,豆豉,葱,姜,蒜根据个人喜好任意添加) 4,放肝片老抽翻炒几下出锅 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 5,成品 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 土匪猪肝 菜系及功效:湘菜 低温环境作业人群食谱 明目食谱 健脾开胃食谱 肢寒畏冷食谱 口味:香辣 工艺:炒 土匪猪肝的制作材料: 主料:猪肝300克 调料:姜10克,泡椒15克,大葱10克,猪油(炼制)25克,盐3克,鸡精2克,辣椒(红,尖,干)25克 教您土匪猪肝怎么做,如何做土匪猪肝才好吃 1. 猪肝切片,用姜丝拌匀备用; 2. 朝天椒斜切成段; 3. 烧水待开加姜丝葱末; 4. 水开加姜和葱出香味后加切好的猪肝,焯到外层变色即刻浸入凉水; 5. 然后沥干,去掉姜丝、葱末之类备用; 6. 热锅放油,放入姜丝爆香,加朝天椒炸出红色的辣椒油; 7. 加入泡椒和蒜片,再放猪肝,爆炒; 8. 加盐、鸡精调味出锅即可。 小帖士-食物相克: 猪肝:猪肝忌与鱼肉、雀肉、荞麦、菜花、黄豆、豆腐、鹌鹑肉、野鸡同食;不宜与豆芽、西红柿、辣椒、毛豆、山楂等富含维生素C的食物同食;动物肝不宜与维生素C、抗凝血药物、左旋多巴、优降灵和苯乙肼等药物同食。 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 溜炒猪肝 溜炒猪肝怎么做才好吃,其实溜炒猪肝的做法非常简单,并不一定要看溜炒猪肝做法的视频菜才能学会,跟着溜炒猪肝的做法图解一样可以学得会,相信自己,马上动手根据自己的口味进行一些细微的调整做一道属于自己的美味吧。 制作材料 溜炒猪肝的做法 猪肝彻底冲洗干净,切成薄片,放在淡盐水中浸30分钟反复换水直至水清(以彻底清除滞留的肝血和毒物),黑木耳温水泡发,其余食材切成片,蒜切蒜片,姜切姜末 将清洗好的猪肝沥除水分,调入干生粉,料酒,少许盐,胡椒粉抓匀上浆 锅中放油烧至4成热,下入浆好的肝片迅速滑散至变色盛出备用 锅中留底油烧后,放入姜末蒜片爆香,接着放入胡萝卜及黑木耳翻炒(黑木耳为了防爆,可事先用沸水氽一下),调入少许盐,糖,料酒,一点点醋炒匀 加入2汤匙蚝油继续翻炒1分钟,最后加入黄瓜片及猪肝片一起翻炒均匀即可 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 划猪肝的火候: 1、划猪肝时火候的掌握很重要。首先要油比较多,油温要合适,油温过高炒出的猪肝片口感比较硬,油温过低,猪肝片挂浆容易脱开而造成失败。 2、肝脏是解毒的器官,所以刚买回来不要急于烹饪,应先彻底清洗干净后切成片放在淡盐水中浸泡30分钟,反复换水至水清为止。淡盐水呈高渗状态,能有效吸附滞留于肝组织中的毒性物质。 3、猪肝炒制前必须经过一个加入料酒,酱油,干淀粉等拌匀上浆的过程,可以有效避免猪肝的异味问题,料酒还可以起到解毒杀菌的作用。 1、猪肝中铁质丰富,是补血食品中最常用的食物,食用猪肝可调节和改善贫血病人造血系统的生理功能。 2、猪肝中含有丰富的维生素A,具有维持正常生长和生殖机能的作用;能保护眼睛,维持正常视力,防止眼睛干涩、疲劳,维持健康的肤色,对皮肤的健美具有重要意义。 3、经常食用动物肝还能补充维生素B2,这对补充机体重要的辅酶,完成机体对一些有毒成分的去毒有重要作用。 4、猪肝中还具有一般肉类食品不含的维生素,和微量元素硒,能增强人体的免疫反应,抗氧化,防衰老,并能抑制肿瘤细胞的产生,也可治急性传染性肝炎。 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 火爆猪肝 说起猪肝,我总会想起上大学时学校隔壁的“小黑店”里的溜肝尖。 我上大学的时候学校周围不像现在这么繁华,而且那时候北京的餐饮业也不发达,学校周围 没几家像样的餐馆,其实,就算真有学生们也消费不起。在学校后面的胡同里,有个没招牌 没名称没执照的三无餐馆,在几间平房里摆着简单的桌椅,由一对老夫妻经营着,我们都管 这餐馆叫“小黑店”。 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection “小黑店”有着学校食堂没有的美味,新鲜出炉的单锅小炒以及水煮肉等华丽丽的菜肴,所以,那时候聚众去小黑店吃一顿是件浓重而奢侈的事情。大学一二的我们没什么钱,也就没能力到外面消费,到了大学三四年级,开始干私活有了一点积蓄,于是同学们常常聚众到“小黑店”爆搓一顿改善生活。 大学四年级的有一段时间,我们一帮同学的午饭几乎天天都在“小黑店”解决,木须肉、宫保鸡丁、醋溜土豆丝、溜肝尖、水煮肉是常点的菜,后来一帮人去了老板就知道我们要吃什么。 我在外吃饭很少点猪肝,所以这辈子在餐馆吃的猪肝几乎都集中在大学的那段时间,以至于现在一说到“溜肝尖”我总会生出一些温暖的、感怀的、和猪肝无关的情愫出来。 我有个同学,被大家公认为是个吃货,因为他的所有记忆或多或少都和吃有关,听他讲述一段尘封的记忆,一开始是如文艺片般的抒情,带着被稀释了饱和度的色调,但最后,总会落实到浓油赤酱、烟熏火燎的吃喝上,他的很多回忆片段也因为吃喝得以串联起来,连接成完整的记忆。举例说明:童年他总想爬到四合院的水缸上面,只因为那样可以看见对面的烤鸭店;想起父亲带着他去公园摸鱼是因为后来在路边小饭馆的一顿鱼香肉丝。。。 其实我自己又何尝不是一个吃货呢,记忆里美食无数,这些美食串起那些或欢笑或感动的,连接成我完整的人生。 火爆猪肝 “火爆”是川菜的一种做法,指大火快炒,有火爆腰花、火爆环喉等。 材料: 猪肝250克、洋葱100克(或者用青椒、玉兰片等)、红辣椒(或者红尖椒)20克 姜5克、蒜10克、泡红辣椒10克、盐适量、料酒1茶匙(5m)、淀粉1汤匙(15ml)、油3汤匙(45ml)、肉汤或者水1.5汤匙(25ml)、酱油1茶匙(5ml)、糖1/2茶匙(3ml) 做法: 1、 将洋葱切洗净成细丝,红辣椒去蒂去籽切成细丝,姜切成细丝,蒜切成蒜片,泡红辣椒切细丝。 2、 猪肝切片用2茶匙(10ml)的淀粉和酱油、料酒拌匀腌制10分钟,将1茶匙(5ml)淀粉、盐、糖、肉汤搅拌均匀兑成芡汁待用。 3、 炒锅烧热,放入油,放入猪肝炒变色。 4、 放入泡红辣椒、姜丝、蒜片一起炒出香味。 5、 加入洋葱丝炒匀。 6、 倒入芡汁,炒匀即可出锅。 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 姜葱爆猪肝的做法 菜系及功效:沪菜 家常菜谱 明目食谱 工艺:葱爆 姜葱爆猪肝的制作材料: 主料:猪肝350克 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 调料: 料酒20克,味精15克,白砂糖15克,大葱10克,姜10克,胡椒粉10克,花生油50克,香油10克,淀粉(豌豆)15克,盐10克 姜葱爆猪肝的特色:鲜嫩爽口,香味诱人。 姜葱爆猪肝的做法: 1.将猪肝洗净切片,放入碗内,加入黄酒,盐,味精,干淀粉拌和浆匀。 2.锅上火烧热,加油烧至三四成热,倒入猪肝,滑熟取出,锅内放姜片,葱段煸香,放入猪肝,加黄酒,盐,味精,胡椒粉,糖,少许清水,烧开后,用湿淀粉勾芡,淋麻油出锅。 食物相克 猪肝:猪肝忌与鱼肉、雀肉、荞麦、菜花、黄豆、豆腐、鹌鹑肉、野鸡同食;不宜与豆芽、西红柿、辣椒、毛豆、山楂等富含维生素C的食物同食;动物肝不宜与维生素C、抗凝血药物、左旋多巴、优降灵和苯乙肼等药物同食。 茭白炒猪肝 材料:猪肝适量、茭白两根 配料:酱油、料酒、淀粉、盐、白糖、白醋,葱花适量,葱片、姜片、蒜片适量 做法: 1、猪肝切小块,加入酱油、料酒腌上15分钟后加入淀粉拌匀。 2、锅中烧热油,倒入茭白煸炒至八分熟,盛盘备用。 3、另起锅烧热油,加入葱、姜、蒜片爆香,然后倒入腌好的猪肝,大火快炒,不停地煸炒。 4、倒入茭白一起翻炒,依次加适量盐、白糖、白醋,翻炒至熟,再撒上葱花即可。 注:喜欢滑嫩口味的,煸炒的时间短一些。 good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 卤猪肝做法与去腥 卤菜猪肝中维生素A的含量超过奶、蛋、肉、鱼等食品,能保护眼睛,维持正常视力。所以我们一定要吃些猪肝,防止眼睛干涩、疲劳。卤菜卤猪肝美味可口,非常适合当作下酒菜,大家不妨做来尝一尝。下面我就把卤菜卤猪肝的做法介绍给大家,并说说卤猪肝怎么去腥, 卤菜卤猪肝一:猪肝、料酒、生姜、香葱、卤汁。猪肝洗净(多冲洗),沥干水,放冷水中加姜片煮,煮沸后撇去浮沫,加料油,再次煮开,撇去浮沫,取出沥干水。锅中入水烧开,加入卤汁料,烧开,放入猪肝,加葱,大火煮开,转小火,中途看看,如有浮沫则撇去。40分钟后,用筷子插一下猪肝,无血水,则关火。取猪肝出来切片。然后把猪肝片浸入卤汁中,浸泡4小时以上,最好浸泡一晚上,就可以吃了。 卤菜卤猪肝二:猪肝切大块,放开水锅焯水以去除血水,水里放姜片去腥。锅内放少量油,2小勺白糖,开小火,用炒勺不停朝一个方向地搅,糖全部溶化了(在起沫前),锅里倒酱油,加八角、姜片、葱段、盐,放入猪肝,再添点水。盖上锅盖,大火烧开转小火约15分钟(用根筷子插入猪肝内,看看有没有血水),关掉火再焖一会。然后盛盘。吃时切成片,如果觉得淡了可以蘸着卤汁吃。 卤菜卤猪肝制作要点:选料要准,必须是杀死不超两小时的产品,病死的猪的肝不能卤制,颜色紫红光鲜,手按挺实有弹性,无胆汁污染,气味正常,冰冻的猪肝不适合卤制。 卤猪肝怎么去腥 猪肝常有一种特殊的异味,或说它有一种腥味,那么去除这种腥味就成了我们烹制猪肝菜肴前的关键。首先,我们要将从超市买来的猪肝洗净,横剖开,去掉筋膜和脂肪,当然,如果是买来小块的超市在售卖时已经将筋膜与脂肪去掉了,只需清洗一下即可。 然后将猪肝用清水浸泡半小时,捞出后再反复用清水冲洗,尽量冲掉更多的血水,这样会减good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 少我们说的所谓的腥味。冲洗后,将猪肝放置在笊篱上,控一下水。准备腌制。腌制时我们需要大葱、大姜、盐、鸡粉、生粉、料酒。首先我们将大葱和大姜用刀拍碎,然后切成小块和小段。 接下来取适量的盐、鸡粉、生粉与料酒调和后,放入猪肝中,顺时针用手轻轻搅拌,而后,再放入大葱段和姜块。搅拌均匀。放置30分钟后,就可以烹制我们喜爱的猪肝菜肴了。 经过上述方法处理的猪肝,制作出的菜肴就不会有腥味了。 提醒:新鲜猪肝有颜色,褐色紫色都不错,手摸坚实无黏液,闻无异味是好货。患有高血压、冠心病、肥胖症及血脂高的人忌食猪肝,因为肝中胆固醇含量较高。猪肝味美,也不要贪吃,偶而吃一次就好。 洋葱炒猪肝--炒出嫩嫩猪肝的小窍门 猪肝含有丰富的铁、磷,它是造血不可缺少的原料,猪肝中富含蛋白质、卵磷脂和微量元素,有利于儿童的智力发育和身体发育。猪肝中含有丰富的维生索A,常吃猪肝,可逐渐消除眼科病症。据近代医学研究发现,猪肝具有多种抗癌物质,如维生素c、硒等,而且肝脏还具有较强的抑癌能力和抗疲劳的特殊物质肝脏是贮存养料的器官,同时又是解毒器官,不断发挥其解毒作用,经肝脏代谢后,有毒物质和解毒产物可以随胆汁的分泌而排出,体外,所以,正常的肝脏本身是无毒的,可以放心食用。猪肝可分类:黄沙肝、油肝、猪母肝、血肝。黄沙肝:肝身柔软带微黄。油肝:(绵肝)肝身特柔软,带光泽。猪母肝:肝身粗糙较硬,,多带网纹根颜色带微蓝,。血肝:身充血常有血水渗出,颜色带微蓝,有腥枯。1.肝是体内最大的毒物中转站和解毒器官,所以买回的鲜肝不要急于烹调,应把肝放在自来水龙头下冲洗10分钟,然后放在水中浸泡30分钟;2.治疗贫血配菠菜最好;3.猪肝要现切现做,新鲜的猪肝切后放置时间一长胆汁会流出,不仅损失养分,而且炒熟后有许多颗粒凝结在猪肝上,影响外观和质量,所以猪肝切片后应迅速使用调料和湿淀粉拌匀,并尽早下锅。 猪肝要炒的嫩,一个是不能切的太薄,太薄的话非常容易炒老.还有我常用的一个方法就是煮开一锅水,关火,把泡好切成片的猪肝迅速投入水中,马上捞起,冲凉沥干再炒,这样处理过的猪肝炒出来就很嫩,你们也可以试试这个办法. 洋葱炒猪肝 材料:猪肝,洋葱 做法:1.猪肝在水龙头下反复冲洗至没有血水,然后在清水中泡半个小时,取出切成大概 0.5CM左右的片状.再用水反复冲洗至没有血水. 2.烧开一锅水,关火.把切好的猪肝投入水中,马上用漏勺捞起,用凉水冲凉沥干 待 用. 3.洋葱洗净剥去外皮,切成粗丝.准备一个小碗,放一小勺淀粉,加水调匀成水淀 粉. 4.烧热油锅,放油,入洋葱丝煸炒至软,入猪肝煸炒片刻,放少许料酒,老抽,盐,白 糖,鸡精迅速炒匀,然后放水淀粉拌匀,淋少许香油出锅. good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection
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