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《红楼梦》章回目录英译比较《红楼梦》章回目录英译比较 原文 杨宪益、戴乃迭译文 大卫·霍克斯译文 A Dream of Red Mansions 杨宪益、戴乃迭译文 The Story of the Stone 大卫·霍克斯译文 1. 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀 Zhen Shiyin in a Dream Sees the Jade of Spiritual Understanding Jia Yucun in His Obscurity Is Charmed by a Maid Zhen Sh...
《红楼梦》章回目录英译比较 原文 杨宪益、戴乃迭译文 大卫·霍克斯译文 A Dream of Red Mansions 杨宪益、戴乃迭译文 The Story of the Stone 大卫·霍克斯译文 1. 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀 Zhen Shiyin in a Dream Sees the Jade of Spiritual Understanding Jia Yucun in His Obscurity Is Charmed by a Maid Zhen Shiyin makes the Stone’s acquaintance in a dream; And Jia Yucun finds that poverty is not incompatible with romantic feeling 2. 贾夫人仙逝扬州城 冷子兴演说荣国府 Lady Jia Dies in the City of Yangzhou Leng Zixing Describes the Rong Mansion A daughter of the Jias ends her days in Yangzhou city; And Leng Zixing discourses on the Jias of Rongguo House 3. 托内兄如海荐西宾 接外孙贾母惜孤女 Lin Ruhai Recommends a Tutor to His Brother-in-law The Lady Dowager Sends for Her Motherless Grand-Daughter Lin Ruhai recommends a private tutor to his brother-in-law; And old Lady Jia extends a compassionate welcome to the motherless child 4. 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫芦僧判断葫芦案 An Ill-Fated Girl Meets an Ill-Fated Man A Confounded Monk Ends a Confounded Case The Bottle-gourd girl meets an unfortunate young man; And the Bottle-gourd monk settles a protracted lawsuit 5. 灵石迷性难解仙机 警幻多情秘垂淫训 贾宝玉神游太虚境 警幻仙曲演红楼梦 The Spiritual Stone Is Too Bemused to Grasp the Fairy’s Riddles The Goddess of Disenchantment in Her Kindness Secretly Expounds on Love Jia Baoyu visits the Land of Illusion; And the fairy Disenchantment performs the “Dream of Golden Days” 6. 贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府 Baoyu Has His First Taste of Love Granny Liu Pays Her First Visit to the Rong Mansion Jia Baoyu conducts his first experiment in the Art of Love; And Grannie Liu makes her first entry into the Rongguo mansion 7. 尤氏女独请王熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟 送宫花贾琏戏熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟 Madam Yu Invites Xifeng Alone At a Feast in the Ning Mansion Baoyu First Meets Qin Zhong Zhou Rui’s wife delivers palace flowers and finds Jia Lian pursuing night sports by day; Jia Baoyu visits the Ningguo mansion and has an agreeable colloquy with Qinshi’s brother 8. 贾宝玉奇缘识金锁 薛宝钗巧合认通灵 Nanny Li Makes a Nuisance of Herself by Warning Against Drinking Baoyu Breaks a Teacup and Flies into a Temper Jia Baoyu is allowed to see the strangely corresponding golden locket; And Xue Baochai has a predestined encounter with the Magic Jade 9. 恋风流情友入家塾 起嫌疑顽童闹学堂 训劣子李贵承申饬 嗔顽童茗烟闹书房 Devoted Friends Join the Clan School Mud-Slinging Boys Brawl in the Classroom A son is admonished and Li Gui receives an alarming warning; A pupil is abused and Tealeaf throws the classroom in an uproar 10. 金寡妇贪利权受辱 张太医论病细穷源 Widow Jin Pockets Her Pride Because of Self-Interest Dr. Zhang Diagnoses Keqing’s Illness Widow Jin’s self-interest gets the better of her righteous indignation; And Doctor Zhang’s diagnosis reveals the origin of a puzzling disease 11. 庆寿辰宁府排家宴 见熙凤贾瑞起淫心 Jia Jing’s Birthday Is Celebrated in the Ning Mansion Jia Rui Meets and Lusts After Xifeng Ningguo House celebrates the birthday of an absent member; And Jia Rui conceives an illicit passion for his attractive cousin 12. 王熙凤毒设相思局 贾天祥正照风月鉴 Xifeng Sets a Vicious Trap for a Lover Jia Rui Looks into the Wrong Side of the Precious Mirror of Love Wang Xifeng sets a trap for her admirer; And Jia Rui looks into the wrong side of the mirror 13. 秦可卿死封龙禁尉 王熙凤协理宁国府 Keqing Dies and a Captain of the Imperial Guard Is Appointed Xifeng Helps to Manage Affairs in the Ning Mansion Qinshi posthumously acquires the status of a Noble Dame; And Xifeng takes on the management of a neighbouring establishment 14. 林如海捐馆扬州城 贾宝玉路谒北静王 林如海灵返苏州郡 贾宝玉路谒北静王 Lin Ruhai Dies in Yangzhou Baoyu Meets the Prince of Beijing on the Road Lin Ruhai is conveyed to his last resting-place in Suzhou; And Jia Baoyu is presented to the Prince of Beijing at a roadside halt 15. 王凤姐弄权铁槛寺 秦鲸卿得趣馒头庵 Xifeng Abuses Her Power at Iron Threshold Temple Qin Zhong Amuses Himself in Steamed-Bread Convent At Water-moon Priory Xifeng finds how much profit may be procured by the abuse of power; And Qin Zhong discovers the pleasures that are to be had under the cover of darkness 16. 贾元春才选凤藻宫 秦鲸卿夭逝黄泉路 Yuanchun Is Selected as Imperial Consort in Phoenix Palace Qin Zhong Dying Before His Time Sets Off for the Nether Regions Jia Yuanchun is selected for glorious promotion to the Imperial Bedchamber; And Qin Zhong is summoned for premature departure on the Journey into Night 17. 大观园试才题对额 怡红院迷路探深幽 大观园试才题对额 荣国府归省庆元宵 Literary Talent Is Tested by Composing Inscriptions in Grand View Garden Those Losing Their Way at Happy Red Court Explore a Secluded Retreat The inspection of the new garden becomes a test of talent; And Rongguo House makes itself ready for an important visitor 18. 庆元宵贾元春归省 助情人林黛玉传诗 皇恩重元妃省父母 天伦乐宝玉呈才藻 Yuanchun Visits Her Parents on the Feast of Lanterns Daiyu Helps Her True Love by Passing Him a Poem A brief family reunion is permitted by the magnanimity of a gracious Emperor; And an Imperial Concubine takes pleasure in the literary progress of a younger brother 19. 情切切良宵花解语 意绵绵静日玉生香 An Eloquent Maid Offers Earnest Advice One Fine Night A Sweet Girl Shows Deep Feeling One Quiet Day A very earnest young woman offers counsel by night; And a very endearing one is found to be a source of fragrance by day 20. 王熙凤正言弹妒意 林黛玉俏语谑娇音 Xifeng Reproves a Jealous Woman Daiyu Mocks a Prattling Girl Wang Xifeng castigates a jealous attitude with some forthright speaking; And Lin Daiyu makes a not unattractive speech impediment the subject of a jest 21. 贤袭人娇嗔箴宝玉 俏平儿软语救贾琏 Prudent Xiren Gently Takes Baoyu to Task Pretty Ping’er Quietly Comes to Jia Lian’s Rescue Righteous Aroma discovers how to rebuke her master by saying nothing; And artful Patience is able to rescue hers by being somewhat less than truthful 22. 听曲文宝玉悟禅机 制灯谜贾政悲谶语 A Song Awakens Baoyu to Esoteric Truths Lantern-Riddles Grieve Jia Zheng with Their Ill Omens Baoyu finds Zen enlightenment in an operatic aria; And Jia Zheng sees portents of doom in lantern riddles 23. 西厢记妙词通戏语 牡丹亭艳曲警芳心 Lines from The Western Chamber Are Quoted in Fun A Song from Peony Pavilion Distresses a Tender Heart The Western Chamber Peony Pavilion Words from the “Western Chamber” supply a joke that offends; And songs from the “Soul’s Return” move a tender heart to anguish 24. 醉金刚轻财尚义侠 痴女儿遗帕惹相思 The Drunken Diamond Proves Himself Generous and Gallant An Ambitious Girl Loses Her Handkerchief as an Enticement The Drunken Diamond shows nobility of character in handling his money; And the Quiet-voiced Girl provides material for fantasy by losing her handkerchief 25. 魇魔法姊弟逢五鬼 红楼梦通灵遇双真 魇魔法叔嫂逢五鬼 通灵玉蒙蔽遇双真 Five Devils Invoked by Sorcery Take Possession of Baoyu and Xifeng Two Sages See the Jade of Spiritual Understanding in the Dream of Red Mansions Two cousins are subjected by witchcraft to the assaults of demons; And the Magic Jade meets an old acquaintance while rather the worse for wear 26. 蜂腰桥设言传心事 潇湘馆春困发幽情 On Wasp-Waist Bridge, Xiaohong Hints at Her Feelings In Bamboo Lodge, Drowsy in Spring, Daiyu Bares Her Heart A conversation on Wasp Waist Bridge is a cover for communication of a different kind; And a soliloquy overheard in the Naiad’s House reveals unsuspected depths of feeling 27. 滴翠亭杨妃戏彩蝶 埋香冢飞燕泣残红 Baochai Chases a Butterfly to Dripping Emerald Pavilion Daiyu Weeps over Fallen Blossom by the Tomb of Flowers Beauty Perspiring sports with butterflies by the Raindrop Pavilion; And Beauty Suspiring weeps for fallen blossoms by the Flowers’ Grave 28. 蒋玉函情赠茜香罗 薛宝钗羞笼红麝串 Jiang Yuhan Gives a New Friend a Scarlet Perfumed Sash Baochai Bashfully Shows Her Red Bracelet Scented with Musk A Crimson cummerbund becomes a pledge of friendship; And a chaplet of medicine-beads becomes a source of embarrassment 29. 享福人福深还祷福 多情女情重愈斟情 Favourites of Fortune Pray for Better Fortune An Absurd, Loving Girl Falls Deeper in Love In which the greatly blessed pray for yet greater blessings; And the highly strung rise to new heights of passion 30. 宝钗借扇机带双敲 椿龄画蔷痴及局外 Baochai Uses a Fan to Make an Insinuation Lingguan Writes on the Ground and a Foolish Young Man Is Touched. Baochai speaks of a fan and castigates her deriders; Charmante scratches a “qiang” and mystifies a beholder 31. 撕扇子作千金一笑 因麒麟伏白首双星 A Torn Fan Wins a Smile from a Maid A Pair of Unicorns Suggest a Match A torn fan is the price of silver laughter; And a lost kylin is the clue to a happy marriage 32. 诉肺腑心迷活宝玉 含耻辱情烈死金钏 An Avowal Leaves Baoyu Bemused Disgrace Drives Jinchuan to Suicide Baoyu demonstrates confusion of mind by making his declaration to the wrong person; And Golden shows an unconquerable spirit by ending her humiliation in death 33. 手足眈眈小动唇舌 不肖种种大承笞挞 A Jealous Younger Brother Tells Tales A Worthless Son Receives a Fearful Flogging An envious younger brother puts in a malicious word or two; And a scapegrace elder brother receives a terrible chastisement 34. 情中情因情感妹妹 错里错以错劝哥哥 Moved by Affection, Baoyu Moves His Cousin A Wrong Report Makes Baochai Wrong Her Brother A wordless message meets with silent understanding; And a groundless imputation leads to undeserved rebukes 35. 白玉钏亲尝莲叶羹 黄金莺巧结梅花络 Yuchuan Tastes Some Lotus-Leaf Broth Ying’er Skilfully Makes a Plum-Blossom Net Sulky Sister takes some lotus-leaf soup; And Golden Oriole knots a flower-patterned fringe 36. 绣鸳鸯梦兆绛芸轩 识分定情悟梨香院 A Dream During the Embroidering of Mandarin Ducks in Red Rue Studio Foretells the Future Baoyu Learns in Pear Fragrance Court that Each Has His Share of Love Baochai visits Green Delights and hears strange words from a sleeper; Baoyu visits Pear-tree Court and learns hard facts from a performer 37. 秋爽斋偶结海棠社 蘅芜院夜拟菊花题 Begonia Club Takes Form One Day in the Studio of Autumn Freshness Themes for Poems on Chrysanthemums Are Prepared One Evening in Alpinia Park A happy inspiration prompts Tanchun to found the Crab-flower Club; And an ingenious arrangement enables Baochai to settle the chrysanthemum poem titles 38. 林潇湘魁夺菊花诗 薛蘅芜讽和螃蟹咏 The Queen of Bamboos Wins First Place with Her Poems on Chrysanthemums The Lady of the Alpinia Writes a Satire upon Crabs River Queen triumphs in her treatment of chrysanthemum themes; And Lady Allspice is satirical on the subject of crabs 39. 村姥姥是信口开河 情哥哥偏寻根究底 An Old Village Woman Tells Tall Stories A Romantic Youth Insists on Following Them Up An inventive old countrywoman tells a story of somewhat questionable veracity; And an impressionable young listener insists on getting to the bottom of the matter 40. 史太君两宴大观园 金鸳鸯三宣牙牌令 The Lady Dowager Feasts Again in Grand View Garden Yuanyang Presides over a Drinking Game Lady Jia holds two feasts in one day in the Prospect Garden; And Faithful makes four calls on three dominoes in the Painted Chamber 41. 贾宝玉品茶栊翠庵 刘姥姥醉卧怡红院 Baoyu Sips Tea in Green Lattice Nunnery Granny Liu Succumbs to Wine in Happy Red Court Jia Baoyu tastes some superior tea at Green Bower Hermitage; And Grannie Liu samples the sleeping accommodation at Green Delights 42. 蘅芜君兰言解疑癖 潇湘子雅谑补余音 The Lady of the Alpinia Warns Against Dubious Tastes in Literature The Queen of Bamboos’ Quips Add to the General Enjoyment Lady Allspice wins over a suspicious nature with some well-intentioned advice; And River Queen enhances her reputation as a wit with some amusing sarcasms 43. 闲取乐偶攒金庆寿 不了情暂撮土为香 To Kill Time Money Is Raised to Celebrate a Birthday Incense Is Burned on the Ground to Undying Love An old woman’s whim is the occasion of a birthday collection; And a young man’s remorse finds solace in a simple ceremony 44. 变生不测凤姐泼醋 喜出望外平儿理妆 Xifeng, Taken by Surprise, Gives Way to Jealousy Ping’er, Unexpectedly Gratified, Makes Her Toilet Xifeng’s jealousy is the object of an unexpected provocation; And Patience’s toilet is a source of unexpected delight 45. 金兰契互剖金兰语 风雨夕闷制风雨词 Two Girls Pledge Friendship After a Heart-to-Heart Talk A Plaintive Poem Is Written One Windy, Rainy Evening Sisterly understanding finds expression in words of sisterly frankness; And autumnal pluviousness is celebrated in verses of autumnal melancholy 46. 尴尬人难免尴尬事 鸳鸯女誓绝鸳鸯偶 An Old Reprobate Makes an Unseemly Proposal Yuanyang Vows Never to Marry An awkward person is given an awkward mission; And a faithful maid vows faithfulness unto death 47. 呆霸王调情遭苦打 冷郎君惧祸走他乡 A Stupid Bully Is Beaten Up for His Amorous Advances A Cool Young Gentleman Leaves Home for Fear of Reprisals In pursuit of love the Oaf King takes a fearful beating; And from fear of reprisal the Reluctant Playboy makes a hasty getaway 48. 滥情人情误思游艺 慕雅女雅集苦吟诗 A Rebuffed Reprobate Decides on a Journey An Aspiring Maid Racks Her Brains to Write Poetry The Love-Deluded One turns his thoughts to trade and travel; And the Poetry Enthusiast applies herself to making verses 49. 琉璃世界白雪红梅 脂粉香娃割腥啖膻 White Snow and Red Plum-Blossom Make the Garden Entrancing Girls Enjoy Rustic Fare at a Venison Barbecue Red flowers bloom brighter in dazzling snow; And venison reeks strangely on rosebud lips 50. 芦雪庭争联即景诗 暖香坞雅制春灯谜 In Reed Snow Cottage Girls Vie in Composing a Collective Poem In Warm Scented Arbour Fine Lantern Riddles Are Made Linked verses in Snowy Rushes Retreat; And lantern riddles in the Spring In Winter Room 51. 薛小妹新编怀古诗 胡庸医乱用虎狼药 Baoqin Composes Poems Recalling the Past An Incompetent Physician Prescribes Strong Medicine A clever cousin composes some ingenious riddles; And an unskilful physician prescribes a barbarous remedy 52. 俏平儿情掩虾须镯 勇晴雯病补孔雀裘 Tactful Ping’er Conceals the Theft of Her Gold Bracelet Plucky Qingwen Mends a Peacock-Feather Cape in Bed Kind Patience conceals the theft of a Shrimp Whisker bracelet; And brave Skybright repairs the hole in a Peacock Gold snow-cape 53. 宁国府除夕祭宗祠 荣国府元宵开夜宴 Ancestral Sacrifice Is Carried Out on New Year’s Eve in the Ning Mansion An Evening Banquet Is Held on the Feast of Lanterns in the Rong Mansion Ningguo House sacrifices to the ancestors on New Year’s Eve; And Rongguo House entertains the whole family on Fifteenth Night 54. 史太君破陈腐旧套 王熙凤效戏彩斑衣 The Lady Dowager Debunks Trite Stories Xifeng Clowns to Amuse Her Elders Lady Jia ridicules the clichéé of romantic fiction; And Wang Xifeng emulates the filial antics of Lao Laizi 55. 辱亲女愚妾争闲气 欺幼主刁奴蓄险心 A Stupid Concubine Insults Her Own Daughter in a Futile Squabble A Spiteful Servant Imposes upon Her Young Mistress A foolish concubine seeks to humiliate her own daughter; And an ill-natured stewardess tries to outwit her young mistress 56. 敏探春兴利除宿弊 贤宝钗小惠全大体 Clever Tanchun Devises a Scheme to Make a Profit and End Abuses Understanding Baochai Rounds It Out with a Small Act of Kindness Resourceful Tanchun abolishes abuses in the interests of economy; And sapient Baochai shows how small concessions can be made without loss of dignity 57. 慧紫鹃情辞试莽玉 慈姨妈爱语慰痴颦 Artful Zijuan Tests Baoyu’s Feelings Kindly Aunt Xue Comforts Daiyu Nightingale tests Jade Boy with a startling message; And Aunt Xue comforts Frowner with words of loving kindness 58. 杏子阴假凤泣虚凰 茜纱窗真情揆痴理 Under the Shade of an Apricot Tree an Actress Mourns Her Stage Lover The Master of Happy Red Court Sympathizes with the Girl’s Infatuation In which the cock-bird who mourns his mate is found to be a hen; And a true heart is able to sympathize with a strange kind of love 59. 柳叶渚边嗔莺叱燕 绛芸轩里召将飞符 Ying’er and Chunyan Are Scolded by Willow Bank And Red Rue Studio Sends for Reinforcements By Willow Walk the conservers of property resort to violence and abuse; And at Green Delights the defenders of law and order invoke a higher authority 60. 茉莉粉替去蔷薇硝 玫瑰露引出茯苓霜 Jasmine Powder Is Substituted for Rose-Nitric Powder Rose Flavoured Juice Is Repaid with Pachyma Cocos As a substitute for rose-orris Jia Huan is given jasmine face-powder; And in return for rose essence Cook Liu is given lycoperdon snow 61. 投鼠忌器宝玉瞒赃 判冤决狱平儿行权 Baoyu Covers Up a Girl’s Theft to Protect His Sister Ping’er Wields Authority to Right a Wrong Baoyu owns up to a crime he did not commit; And Patience bends authority in order that the innocent may be spared 62. 憨湘云醉眠芍药茵 呆香菱情解石榴裙 Sweet Xiangyun Sleeps Tipsily Among Peonies Silly Xiangling Coyly Takes Off Her Pomegranate Skirt A tipsy Xiangyun sleeps on a peony-petal pillow; And a grateful Caltrop unfastens her pomegranate skirt 63. 寿怡红群芳开夜宴 死金丹独艳理亲丧 Girls Feast at Night to Celebrate Baoyu’s Birthday Jia Jing Dies of an Elixir and Madam Yu Manages the Funeral Single-Handed Flower-maidens combine for nocturnal birthday revels; And a grass widow copes with funeral arrangements single-handed 64. 幽淑女悲题五美吟 浪荡子情遗九龙佩 A Chaste Girl in Sad Seclusion Writes Poems on Five Beauties An Amorous Libertine Drops His Nine-Dragon Pendant Five fair women make subjects for a chaste maid’s verse; And nine jade dragons make a love-gift for a flirt 65. 膏粱子惧内偷娶妾 淫奔女改行自择夫 贾二舍偷娶尤二姨 尤三姐思嫁柳二郎 A Hen-Pecked Young Profligate Takes a Concubine in Secret A Wanton Girl Mends Her Ways and Picks Herself a Husband Jia Lian’s second marriage is celebrated in secret; And the future marriage of Sanjie becomes a matter of speculation 66. 情小妹耻情归地府 冷二郎一冷入空门 A Girl in Love Is Rejected and Kills Herself A Cold-Hearted Man Repents and Turns to Religion Shame drives a warm-hearted young woman to take her life; And shock leads a cold-hearted young gentleman to renounce the world 67. 见土仪颦卿思故里 闻秘事凤姐讯家童 A Gift of Local Products Makes Daiyu Homesick Xifeng Questions a Page Boy and Hatches a Plot Frowner sees something that makes her homesick; And Xifeng hears something that rouses her suspicions 68. 苦尤娘赚入大观园 酸凤姐大闹宁国府 Unhappy Second Sister Yu Is Decoyed into Grand View Garden Jealous Xifeng Makes a Scene in the Ning Mansion Erjie takes up residence in Prospect Garden; And Xifeng makes a disturbance in Ningguo House 69. 弄小巧用借剑杀人 觉大限吞生金自逝 Crafty Xifeng Kills Her Rival by Proxy And Second Sister Swallows Gold and Dies A scheming woman kills with a borrowed knife; And one who has ceased to hope swallows gold and dies 70. 林黛玉重建桃花社 史湘云偶填柳絮词 Daiyu Starts Another Poetry Club -- Peach-Blossom Society Xiangyun Dashes Off a Poem on Willow Catkins Lin Daiyu resuscitates the Poetry Club; And Shi Xiangyun tries her hand at a song lyric 71. 嫌隙人有心生嫌隙 鸳鸯女无意遇鸳鸯 Lady Xing Feeling Wronged Puts Xifeng in the Wrong Yuanyang Happens upon Two Lovers Lady Xing deliberately humiliates her daughter-in-law; And Faithful inadvertently interrupts a pair of love-birds 72. 王熙凤恃强羞说病 来旺妇倚势霸成亲 Xifeng Puts up a Bold Front, Ashamed to Admit Her Illness Lai Wang’s Wife Relies on Her Mistress’ Power to Force Through a Match for Her Son Wang Xifeng refuses to see a doctor; And Brightie’s wife seeks help with a betrothal 73. 痴丫头误拾绣春囊 懦小姐不问累金凤 A Foolish Maid by Chance Picks up a Pornographic Pouch A Timid Young Lady Ignores the Loss of Her Gold Phoenix Tiara A half-witted servant-girl picks up a highly embarrassing object; And an easy-going young mistress refuses to inquire into a theft 74. 惑奸谗抄检大观园 避嫌隙杜绝宁国府 Malicious Talk Makes Lady Wang Have a Search Made of the Garden To Guard Her Integrity Xichun Breaks with the Ning Mansion Lady Wang authorizes a raid on Prospect Garden; And Jia Xichun breaks off relations with Ningguo House 75. 开夜宴异兆发悲音 赏中秋新词得佳谶 At a Feast One Night Portentous Sighing Is Heard New Poems on the Moon Festival Are Taken as Good Omens Midnight revellers are startled by a sound of evil omen; And Mid-Autumn moon-watchers listen to quatrains of unequal merit 76. 凸碧堂品笛感凄清 凹晶馆联诗悲寂寞 By Convex Emerald Hall Fluting Fills an Old Lady with Grief In Concave Crystal Lodge Girls Composing a Poem Lament Their Loneliness Flute-playing at Convex Pavilion Provokes too much melancholy; And linked verses at Concav
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