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螺旋藻危害性分析之螺旋藻有副作用吗螺旋藻危害性分析之螺旋藻有副作用吗 螺旋藻危害性分析之螺旋藻有副作用吗, 很多人了解螺旋藻其实是通过各大螺旋藻宣传平台、养生网站等,大部分的平台都在介绍螺旋藻的好处,其实也有消费者非常关注螺旋藻有没有副作用,今天小编就这个问题给大家简单介绍一下。 天然螺旋藻其实是没有副作用的,只能被称为不良反应。的确有不少的消费者反应在吃了丽江螺旋藻以后会出现一些不良的反应,比如说有些人在吃了以后拉肚子,有些人吃了以后出现了头晕的情况,这种反应都是很正常的,具体分析一下它的原理我们就可以知道这些问题产生的原因。 原因一,螺旋藻具有加速...
螺旋藻危害性之螺旋藻有副作用吗 螺旋藻危害性分析之螺旋藻有副作用吗, 很多人了解螺旋藻其实是通过各大螺旋藻宣传平台、养生网站等,大部分的平台都在介绍螺旋藻的好处,其实也有消费者非常关注螺旋藻有没有副作用,今天小编就这个问题给大家简单介绍一下。 天然螺旋藻其实是没有副作用的,只能被称为不良反应。的确有不少的消费者反应在吃了丽江螺旋藻以后会出现一些不良的反应,比如说有些人在吃了以后拉肚子,有些人吃了以后出现了头晕的情况,这种反应都是很正常的,具体分析一下它的原理我们就可以知道这些问题产生的原因。 原因一,螺旋藻具有加速身体新陈代谢的作用。 在吃了它以后,螺旋藻会在人体内发作用,有的人是在半个小时以后就会有这样的反应,它在体内发挥的主根本的作用就是让废物排出去,体内长期累积的毒素就会随着身体系统的运作就排泄出去,所以吃了以后可能存在拉肚子的情况,但是这种情况过一段时间就会好了,不过具体的反应还是因人而异的。 原因二,天然螺旋藻在人体内具有修复的作用。 当人体如果长期处于疲惫的状态,人体就会有各种不舒适的反应,之所以存在这样的情况是因为各种器官的功能衰退了,此再使用了螺旋藻之后,就会感觉肠胃的一些蠕动,或者伴随着一些肠胃的疼痛感,其实这是因为它将体内的毒素逐渐地排出体外所带来的,根据不同人群的身体所潜在的问题,它所带来的疼痛感是不一定的,有些人生来身体状态不是很好,但是却不会感觉到腹痛,这种情况也是存在的,在刚刚开始吃天然螺旋藻的时候会存在这样的情况,它根据个人服用的剂量和年龄身体状况都会存在差异。 身体状况较差的人可能会有比较明显的反应,吃了它以后可能存在着一些疲惫感,拉肚子和头晕等现象,出现轻度这样的状态是正常的,但是如果这种状态持续多天可能就需要注意了,情况比较严重的还会出现头疼,喘不上气,食欲不振的现象,不同体质的人所带来的反应是不同的。 螺旋藻毕竟是纯天然的食品,它的营养价值都是被国际认可的,像国内比较a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 受欢迎的品牌,程海保尔螺旋藻等,它的生产基地都是在天然碱性湖——中国云南丽江程海湖,生产过程中无任何化学添加。纯天然的食品一般是不会有副作用的。所以我们在购买的时候也要买丽江正宗螺旋藻。 综上所述,对于螺旋藻的不良反应,我们应该客观的看,在服用螺旋藻的前期根据个人不同体质,可能会出现上述的这些状况,但其实也是极少数人的反应。大多数人还是正常的。所以不要因为刚开始的一点点不适就放弃了身体好转的可能性,坚持一段时间之后,你会发现这种状况发生了好转。当然了,如果您连续几天服用都有严重的不良反应,可能您的体质不适合服用螺旋藻。 以上内容来源于网络整理,不代小编个人观点,如想了解更多关于螺旋藻的相关知识,小编为大家奉上一篇文献《螺旋藻的营养价值及培养》,文章刊于《饲料研究》,2006年1期。可是小编辛苦找来的哦。 附: 螺旋藻的营养价值及培养 张立彬 甄二英 河北农业大学动物科学技术学院 李振永 河北唐山冀东油田正田公司 中图分类号:Q949.2 文献码:B 文章编号:1002-2813(2006)01-0031-02 1 螺旋藻的营养价值 螺旋藻是目前常用微藻(小球藻、绿藻和螺旋藻)中蛋白质含量最高、营养最全面、消化吸收和适口性最好,无毒副作用(包括藻体和培养基)、安全性 最高的藻种。既可作为蛋白质原料,又可作为食品及饲料的添加剂。 1.1 蛋白质含量高、组成合理 螺旋藻的蛋白质含量高达60%,70%,且蛋白质品质优良,易于消化吸收、不含任何阻碍消化吸收的因子。螺旋藻蛋白质中至少含有18种以上氨基酸,其氨基酸模式较理想,除硫氨基酸含量稍低,动物体所必需的8种必需氨基酸含量a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 丰富,接近FAO的比值。由于细胞壁结构中纤维素极少,容易被人和动物消化吸收。 1.2 碳水化合物含量适中、组分特殊 碳水化合物约占螺旋藻细胞干重的15%,20%,主要为分枝状的多糖类。其中甘露糖770,9%,甲基糖7%,藻酸24 %,29%,鼠李糖3%,6%,未确定糖14.4%。其组分不同于常规植物性饲料,尤其是藻酸、甘露醇是水产珍贵动物所必需,所含的多糖有调节和提高机体免疫力、抑癌和抗辐射作用,其能值为10. 46 MJ/kg。 1.3 细胞壁中纤维含量极少 螺旋藻藻体细胞壁主要由粗蛋白组成,纤维素含量仅为4%,5%,因此,无需任何加工处理即可被动物消化吸收,消化率超过75%,尤其作为对虾的开口饵料,效果更佳。 1.4不饱和脂肪酸所占比例高、品质好 有关螺旋藻脂肪含量的报道差异较大,范围占干重的1.5%,12%,但一般为5%,6%,其中70%,80%为不饱和脂肪酸。y-亚麻酸等必需脂肪酸(EFA)含量高,占干重的1.1%。γ—亚麻酸是对虾等水产品的EFA,它不仅具有促生长作用,而且还可增强机体抗病力。螺旋藻所含的甾醇类,主要是高质量的胆甾醇和β—谷甾醇具有增强机体免疫力、延缓细胞衰老、降低胆固醇等功效,还与螺旋藻的抗a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 微生物活性有关。 1.5 维生素含量高 螺旋藻的维生素含量丰富,种类多达13种,尤以类胡萝卜素、B、B、B、126B、VC等功能性维生素为主,其维生素含量见表2。螺旋藻含有丰富的类胡萝卜12 素(0.2%,0.4%),为其他植物(包括胡萝卜)的10,15倍。类胡萝素、素在动物体内吸收转化率较高,转化后能达到良好的着色效果,从而可以提高虾、海珍品、观赏鱼、宠物、肉鸡及鸡蛋等的商品价值。另外,β—胡萝卜素是VA的前体,VA具有提高机体免疫力,防止上皮细胞癌变,增强细胞膜韧性,增强对细胞和霉菌类疾病的抵抗力及其对低氧环境的耐受力,从而有效提高幼龄动物的成活率。Mikuton和Soin(1975)发现,在胚胎发育期间卵黄囊中的类胡萝卜素消化量相当大,便推知,类胡萝卜素含量的高低与孵化成活率有关。类胡萝卜素还是 一种天然抗氧化剂,与α—生育酚作用相似,保护敏感组织及反映化合物受到氧化损伤。 1.6矿物质含量丰富、易吸收 螺旋藻所含矿物质元素种类有50多种,含量丰富且易于吸收利用,尤其富含碘520,580 mg/kg,钾1 700,2 200 mg/kg,钠15 000,18 000 mg/kg,铁475,580 mg/kg,且这些矿物质在藻体内以螯合状态存在,易于消化吸收,消化利用率很高。 1.7 生物活性物质 螺旋藻中所含的生物活性物质可直接促进营养物质的消化吸收,具有多种非a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 营养性添加剂的功能:1)含有多种酶,能促进营养物质的消化吸收,从而提高饲料利用率。2)含有促进动物生长的未知生长因子。3)含有提高动物免疫能力和抗病能力的免疫物质及抗热应激作用因子。4)含有对调控机体代谢起重要作用的生物活性激素及其抗菌抗病毒物质,具有防病治病功能。 2 螺旋藻的培养 螺旋藻的大规模培养,基本上可分为2个不同的系统: 2.1 封闭系统 采用铺在地面有一定倾斜度的透明聚乙烯管作为培养的密封管道系统,在有充分光照的条件下,螺旋藻在管内流动的培养液中大量生长繁殖。这个培养系统,虽可获得高纯度、无砂尘杂质的螺旋藻,但是投资大,且在温带及热带地区,由于管内培养液长时间受长波光辐射,使温度升高,所以还要加装冷却系统,这就使操作运行复杂化。 2.2 开放的培养系统。 包括培养池及沟渠道和搅拌装置。有藻体的培养液沿有一定倾斜度的渠道流动,并加搅拌,然后在渠道末端低处,把培养的藻体收集进池中,再用泵送回高位池中循环回流。Soeder报道,用这种方法培养,每千克培养液最高可获得3 9藻体。在培养过程中,培养液的深度以10,20 cm较好。 在大量的培养中,影响螺旋藻生长的因素有营养、光照、温度和酸碱度等。在营养方面,主要是供给藻细胞进行光合作用所需的各种矿物质。各地科研生产单位常按实际情况就地取材,制备培养液,或用清水、或用海水,稀盐湖水,因而所用矿物质的数量各有不同,现介绍一配方如下: 硝酸钠0. 7g;磷酸氢二钾0.02 g;硫酸镁0.038 g;氯化钙0.018 g;柠檬酸0.003 g;硫酸亚铁0.002 g;乙二胺四乙酸钠0.0005 g;碳酸钠0.02 g;微量元素混合液1.0 mL;自来水1 000 mL。pH8.3。微量元素混合液的成分包括硼酸2. 86 mg/mL,氯化锰1.81 mg/mL,硫酸锌0.222 mg/mL,钼酸钠0. 39 mg/mL,硫酸铜0.079 mg/mL,硝酸钴0.049 4 mg/mL,按此浓度分别配制后,于每升培a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the 养基中加入混合的微量元素溶液1 mL即可。 现在用于培养的是钝顶螺旋藻或巨大螺旋藻,它们都喜欢在偏碱性的培养中生长,培养液的酸碱度常要求在8.0,10.5之间。光照方面,要求每一个培养中的螺旋藻细胞或藻丝都能获得充分的光照,因此,培养中的藻液要有一定的流动速度,每秒不少于50,70 cm(以保证有充分光照,并使细胞获得均匀的养分供应。Vonshak (1982)等的试验表明,在温度为25,30'C,光强度为80 klx时,细胞生长最好。温度超过35。C,则影响生长。 3 螺旋藻开发存在的问题 3.1 生产成本问题 目前,尽管螺旋藻的开发早己进入了工业化生产阶段,但在畜牧业中的应用并未得到普及,其中最重要的因素是生产成本过高。降低生产成本最有效的措施有:1)充分利用各种自然资源进行工厂化生产。由于螺旋藻对环境的适应性较强,通过对藻种的筛选、驯化,可获得一些能在天然湖泊甚至海水中养殖的藻株,进一步降低生产成本。2)研制高光合效率的光反映器,提高单位面积产量,降低生产成本。3)应用基因技术培育各种不同特性,适应性广的品种。 2.9 养殖的营养源问题 培养螺旋藻需要大量的碳源和氮源及其他无机营养成分。虽然目前用废水或动物粪便培养螺旋藻己取得初步成功,但作为食品的螺旋藻用废水培养是极不可靠的。因废水中的有毒物质和病毒因子会富集于藻体内,作为食物是很危险的,所以必须购买纯净的培养基原料。有人作过预算,碳酸氢钠占营养物成本的60%,因此解决其来源是降低成本的关键。 3.3 改善加工工艺问题 螺旋藻藻体小,采收困难,离心分离需大量能量,并且在洗涤藻粉的时候容易污染到微生物,所以在采收、分离、干燥、加工等技术方面尚需研制出高效节能、保质的设备和工艺,降低成本。 a firewall. Guarantees network moments stable security run. can support external attack prevention, and network security, and flow monitoring, and mail filter, and page filter, and application layer filter, function, can effective of guarantee network of security, firewall full consider network application on high reliability of requirements, business interface card support hot plug pulled, full meet network maintenance, and upgrade, and optimization of needs; support double machine state hot prepared, support Active/Active and Active/Passive two species work mode. Can provides variety intelligent analysis and management means, support mail alarm, support variety log, provides network management monitoring, assist network administrator completed network of security management; support variety VPN business, as L2TP VPN, and GRE VPN, and IPSec VPN, and dynamic VPN,; support RIP/OSPF/BGP/routing strategy and the strategy routing; support rich of QoS characteristics, provides flow regulatory, and flow plastic and the variety queue scheduling strategy. Information room at medical floor, an area of 110 square meters, rooms are designed in accordance with the code for design of electronic computer room located ... (HIS,PACS,LIS system) equipped with mini computers, servers, SAN storage, disk array, such as a computer network, electronic equipment power supply required. designed electricity capacity for one hour. According to the computer room situation, to further ensure the reliability of the
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