

2017-08-29 10页 doc 31KB 60阅读




服务意识不强的表现及强化对策和方法服务意识不强的表现及强化对策和方法 核心提示:面对在国际金融危机冲击下保增长、促发展的新形势,作为县级基层工商部门,服务发展是工商工作的根本目的, 目前,在我国面临国际金融危机、国内经济发展的增速缓慢下滑的大背景下,党中央把寻求经济发展的出路定格为经济转型,可以说,这是一个急速转型的社会,向高科技转型,向高附加值的产业转型,向更具有市场竞争力的增长方式转型,这将是目前和今后一段时期的重点,也是我们围绕发展所做工作的重中之重。从2009年开始工商部门先后经历着停征“两费”、机构新“三定”的重大改革转型,面对在国际金融危机冲击...
服务意识不强的表现及强化对策和方法 核心提示:面对在国际金融危机冲击下保增长、促发展的新形势,作为县级基层工商部门,服务发展是工商工作的根本目的, 目前,在我国面临国际金融危机、国内经济发展的增速缓慢下滑的大背景下,党中央把寻求经济发展的出路定格为经济转型,可以说,这是一个急速转型的社会,向高科技转型,向高附加值的产业转型,向更具有市场竞争力的增长方式转型,这将是目前和今后一段时期的重点,也是我们围绕发展所做工作的重中之重。从2009年开始工商部门先后经历着停征“两费”、机构新“三定”的重大改革转型,面对在国际金融危机冲击下保增长、促发展的新形势,作为县级基层工商部门,服务发展是工商工作的根本目的,我认为制约经济发展的因素有很多,服务意识不强的问是其中之一,为此,我们应该立足实际,采取措施,实事求是地努力解决,以科学发展观为指导,加快转型步伐,主动将工作融入经济社会发展的大局,打造服务型工商的新格局。 一、 服务意识不强的表现及原因 一是主动服务意识不浓,宗旨意识不强。主要表现为:对基层和管理对象在思想上仍然存在本位主义,在处理“管理”和“服务”、“公仆”和“主人”的关系时没有摆正自己的位置,甚至还有个别单位和个别人员工作中存在方式方法简单、粗暴,态度蛮横。二是行政效率不高,工作作风不实,责任心事业心不强。主要表现为:部分工作人员对工作拖拉、推诿、扯皮、得过且过、敷衍塞责,效率低下,作风不深入,工作不扎实,只求过的去,不求过的硬,推一推、动一动,当一天和尚撞一天钟,不作为、慢作为的现象在个别机构和人员的身上仍有发生。三是执法行为不,存在随意性。主要表现为:个别机构和个别人员存在以罚代管,不能严格按照程序依法办事的现象。四是组织纪律存在差距。主要表现为:个别干部职工未严格遵守上下班纪律和挂牌上岗、着装纪律,不按规定程序请假。五是对党风廉政建设认识不够。个别干部职工认为党风廉政建设是领导的事,与己无关,对纪检监察工Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 作认为是找碴子、多管闲事,影响业务工作,甚至还有的说怪话、发牢骚,言行上产生抵触情绪等。以上问题的原因是多方面造成的,与新时期转型发展的需要和时代前进的步伐极不适应。一方面与社会的大环境有关,少部分拜金主义、浮躁心态、职业道德意识淡漠等思潮的影响,理想信念被湮灭,使服务意识逐渐淡漠;另一方面,与单位的重视程度以及个人的学习教育有关,由于自我放松纪律约束或政治学习,使工作的热情或主动性大大降低,从而影响了部门的整体形象。 二、 强化服务意识的方法和对策 对工商部门而言,监管是措施,是手段;服务是宗旨,是方法;发展是目的,是责任。三者相辅相成,构成一个有机整体。因此,我们要在改进监管中优化服务,在贴心服务中促进发展。为此,我们需要转变方式,强化职能促服务。主要抓四点:一是变惩罚性监管为指导性服务。在企业办理登记、发布广告、签订、注册商标等方面提供行政指导,避免违法行为的发生,减少企业不必要的损失。对企业的一般违章行为,重在教育规范,采用行政告诫、行政建议、行政指导等非强制性、非处罚性的措施,能教育的不处罚,能少罚的不多罚,不得不罚的实行说理式文书制度。对违法行为未影响他人利益和社会公共利益的,先行书面警示,限期改正;逾期未改,再作处罚。二是变随意性执法为规范性执法。认真落实行政执法责任制和过错责任追究制,切实规范自由裁量权的行使。县局与股室和工商所、工商所与网格责任人,层层签订依法行政责任状,对有违法或者不当行政执法行为的单位,根据后果或影响的程度,实行问责制,分别给予限期整改、通报批评、取消评优资格等处理,并对相关责任人给予诫勉谈话、通报批评、取消评优资格、取消执法资格、待岗培训、引咎辞职、免职、追究法律责任等处理。 三是变开放性服务为规范性服务。在进一步提升服务举措方面,我认为在不超出工商职能的前提下,服务方式完全可以“百花齐放,百家争鸣”。但是,经过几年来实践的探索,我觉得基础工作应该有、有规则、有规定动作。如:为了规范服务,可以尝试制定了“五个一”工作标准:“一块牌子”,即对每个联系企业都授予一块“服务工作联络企业”的牌子,起到挂牌服务的作用。“一个袋子”,对每个联系企Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 业都建立一个档案袋,为企业做好成长记录。“一个公示栏”,在县局和工商所的醒目位置设置一个公示栏,将联系企业名单及对应的联络员、联系方式、联络员职责等内容进行公示,有利于公开接受监督。“一份工作进度表”,县局每个月对帮扶应完成的工作和进展情况进行一次通报,并且对基层工商人员反映的工作情况,采取回访的形式,每季度进行一次抽查或在全局通报。“一本联系手册”,及时将企业的基本情况、企业联系电话、工商联络员联系电话等内容,进行整理汇总后制作一本联系手册,工商人员和企业管理人员人手一册,便于工商人员和企业相互联系、及时沟通。四是变自觉性操作为程序性操作。帮助企业搞好服务工作的开始,我认为,工商人员工作的内容,主要从企业的需求出发,根据工商人员个人能力的大小来开展服务。经过一段时间的实践,我们觉得推进效果不理想。通过调查研究,为了促进工商部门切实履行职责,我们对帮助企业搞好服务应该有重点、有效果,具体落实好开展“一对一”的服务,即时了解企业的基本情况和需求,以及对工商部门的和建议后,要及时向县局局长办公会议报告,局长办公会议研究具体措施和方法后,要及时向企业进行反馈报告。在服务中切实做到“三禁”,即:严禁收受企业的红包礼金礼物,严禁从事与服务企业无关的工作,严禁以服务企业为名拉赞助、办私事、搞吃请等增加企业负担的行为。同时,要建立考核评价机制,对服务工作进行单项考核,对获优秀等次的单位和个人,给予相应奖励,对不达标的单位和个人,实行“一票否决”,最大限度的发挥好工商部门的服务作用。 强化服务意识,就要树立“多设路标、不设路障,不是主角、胜似主角”的工作理念,要在这种理念推动下,不断创新体制机制和服务方式,取消一切法律法规规定以外的前置审批手续;扶持高科技、新产业进入市场,提高开放型经济发展水平;以现代产权制度为基础,发展多种形式的集体经济、合作经济;发挥个私协会桥梁纽带作用,完善项目对接服务,推动各类市场主体快速发展。在营造竞争有序的市场环境上,要深入开展重点商品质量监管工作,加强对农资、家电、汽车、建材等商品市场的监管,切实保护农村消费者合法权益,确保国家支农惠农政策落到实处;加快打击传销网络平台建设,加强日常监管,严查大案要案,Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 形成了预防、发现、查处有机结合的打击传销工作体系和群防群控的工作局面。要加大驰名商标、著名商标保护力度,严查工程建设、产权交易等领域商业贿赂案件,重点查处医疗行业商业贿赂案件,利用12315平台的统一指挥、综合协调功能,提高快速处置突发事件、举报投诉案件的能力。在营造安全健康的消费环境上,要大力开展食品安全示范店创建活动,实现一村(社区)一个食品安全示范店,大力推进12315进商场、进市场、进社区、进农村、进学校活动,形成一个内部协作、横向联动、社会监督的消费维权联动机制。在优化服务经济发展环境上,要在增强干部服务意识上下功夫,提出“爱护工商形象像爱护自己的眼睛一样,保护工商形象像保护自己的生命一样”的口号,要求日常工作做到“五明”,即领导要开明、工作要文明、办事要透明、管理要精明、执法要严明,逐步形成一系列服务地方经济发展的制度,如政务公开制度、限时办结制度、责任追究制度等。 强化服务意识,还要改变过去原有很多不适应的工作状态和工作方式,以建设一支“政治上过硬、业务上过硬、作风上过硬”的高素质队伍为目标,当前,对我们工商部门来说,激发队伍活力是最现实的挑战,实现“四个转变”是最重要的使命,提升队伍的执法能力和服务水平是最根本的出路,这就要求我们必须加强“学习型工商”建设,不断提高队伍履行职责、服务发展、科学监管、执政为民的水平和能力。建设“学习型工商”首先要树立终身学习的理念。针对目前工商行政管理队伍所面临的整体年龄偏大、知识结构老化、学养素质参差不齐的现状,单纯地寄希望于通过“招考新人”来解决历史遗留的这些问题,势必陷于被动,因此,要倡导全员学习、强化分层培训、构建终身教育体系就显得十分必要,刻不容缓。其次要出台优惠政策,健全学习制度,采取强制措施,强化考核达标力度,形成学历教育、任职岗位培训、任职基础教育三级教育体系,激励全体人员通过不断地学习,来更新自己的知识结构,提高自己消化新知识、理解新思想、掌握新技术的能力和水平,以适应不断发展的新事物、新观念、新技术的要求。最后,我们要不惜重力,把有限的教育培训经费投入到基层执法一线,加强教育培训的实效性和针对性,切实提高基层一线执法人员的政治素质、业务素质和作风素质,使基层一线执法人员的开拓创新能力、监管执法能力和服务发展Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number 能力有一个质的飞跃,从而让服务意识变成每个工商人员的自觉行动,为进一步推动我县经 济转型跨越发展做出新的更大的贡献。 Therapy. (D) respiratory diseases (2 months) 1. Rotary objective diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in respiratory medicine, familiar with the imaging changes of common respiratory diseases; correct analysis of arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture result, familiar with application of antibiotics. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease species cases number (?) Shang respiratory infection 10 pneumonia 10 acute or chronic support bronchitis 5 chronic blocked sex lung disease 5 breathing failure 5 (2) basic skills requirements: type cases number (?) sucking phlegm operation 10 times chest puncture operation 2 cases lung x line read tablets 20 Zhang lung CT read tablets 20 Zhang breathing machine operation 5... (G) psychiatric 2 months 1. purpose rotary master mental illness history, physical examination and scale testing requirements and methods. Learn about common diseases in psychiatric clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements for studying diseases and the number of cases required: name number (?) 20 20 emotional disorder of schizophrenia 20 neurosis (VIII) medical imaging department 1 1 purpose, rotary control system, normal CT, MRI reading methods and neuroimaging manifestations of common diseases of the nervous system. 2, basic requirements for studying diseases and the number
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