

2017-09-01 50页 doc 407KB 24阅读




北京市中医医院管理评价指南北京市中医医院管理评价指南 北京市中医医院管理评价指南,试行,实施 细则及评价考核评分方法,草案, 北京市中医管理局 一、医院管理 ,一,依法执业 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1、医院严格执行1、依法执业相关法相关文件和传综合评价~无证据 医疗卫生及中医律、法规贯彻情况~达、执行记录, 证明已执行相关 药管理法律、法规职工教育、相应制查阅会议记录, 的法律法规和规 和规章。 度、督促检查情况。 《中华人民共和章不得分,有缺 国执业医师法》、陷~扣1-3分。 《中华人...
北京市中医医院管理评价指南 北京市中医医院管理评价指南,试行,实施 细则及评价考核评分方法,草案, 北京市中医管理局 一、医院管理 ,一,依法执业 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1、医院严格执行1、依法执业相关法相关文件和传综合评价~无证据 医疗卫生及中医律、法规贯彻情况~达、执行记录, 证明已执行相关 药管理法律、法规职工教育、相应制查阅会议记录, 的法律法规和规 和规章。 度、督促检查情况。 《中华人民共和章不得分,有缺 国执业医师法》、陷~扣1-3分。 《中华人民共和 国中医药条例》、 《医疗机构管理 条例》、《医疗事 故处理条例》、 《北京市发展中 医条例》、《中华 人民共和国药品 管理法》等。 2、建立、健全各医院的规章制度、规章制度及岗位无相关制度不得 项规章制度和岗岗位责任制及落实责任制相关文件 分,有相关制度但位责任制。 情况 不完善~扣1-3分。 3、加强各科室服科室建设及实医院计划、总结无科室建设计划~ 务能力建设~提供际落实情况, 等相关资料,医不得分,有建设计与其功能任务相院科室设臵目录 划但未落实~扣 适应的医疗服务。 1-3分。 4、按照卫生行政1、执业许可证的诊目前运行诊疗科出现一项不符者 部门、中医药管理疗科目范围与运行目的执业许可证不得分。 部门核准的诊疗的诊疗科目一致或其它证明许可 科目执业~依法聘性, 的文件。 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 任和使用专业技2、医院专业技术人在岗专业技术人发现非医疗技术 术人员~严禁使用员岗位聘用情况。 员相关资格证书人员未按技术范非卫生技术人员与注册证书等证围聘用扣1分~发从事诊疗活动。 明文件 现1例医疗技术人 员未按专业范围 聘用扣2分。 3、严禁使用非卫生现场抽查 发现非卫生技术 技术人员从事诊疗人员从事医疗活 活动。 动不得分。 5、专业技术人员1、执业准入管理制准入管理的制度发现有不符合任 具备相应岗位的度落实情况及负责与措施,重点检查职资格的~不得任职资格~不得超部门, 以下人员:ICU 、分,发现有超范围范围执业。 CCU的 医生护执业的~不得分。 士~放射、药剂等, 强制定点培训的 技术人员全部培 训达标~非强制定 点培训的技术人 员有相关培训的 证明资料。 2、卫生技术人员的执业资格注册证发现未经注册~从 执业资格及注册管书 事执业活动不得 理情况。 分,每发现一例未 在规定时间内完 成注册变更扣1 分。 6、医务人员严格医务人员接受法律现场考核 通过现场医师访 遵守医疗卫生及法规培训的情况 谈~全院共访谈不中医药管理法律、少于10名医务人法规、规章、诊疗员。每人不合格扣护理规范和常规。 0.5分。 临床医师执行诊疗诊疗规范性文件 通过现场医师访 规范情况 谈~全院共访谈不 少于10名医务人 员。每人不合格扣 0.5分。 诊断科室医师及技操作规范性文件 通过现场技术人 术人员执行行业规员访谈~全院共访 范的情况 谈不少于10名。 每人不合格扣0.5 分。 1t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 护理人员执行护理护理规范性文件 通过现场护理人 规范的情况 员访谈~全院共访 谈不少于10名。 每人不合格扣0.5 分。 ,二,医院组织机构和管理体制 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1、医院管理组织医院组织机构职责医院组织结构模综合考察医院各部 机构设臵精简、合能涵盖医院管理的式图和各部门职门设臵和运转情 理~运行高效~并情况。 责 况。达不到上述要满足医院各项管求扣1-2分。 理工作的需要。 1、院长负责制实行相关文件 未实行不得分。 情况。 2、院级领导从事管院级领导工作日院级领导日程安排 2、医院实行院长理与其原专业工作程安排 不能满足管理需要负责制~院级领导安排的情况, 扣1-2分。 应把主要精力用3、院级领导深入科院级领导深入科院级领导不能按制 于医院管理工作~室~尤其是深入临床室查房的制度与度要求行政查房扣积极推进医院管一线的工作制度, 查房记录 1-2分。 理职业化进程。 4、院级领导对公众院级领导公众接未落实不得分,执 接待日的情况。 待日的制度与记行有缺陷扣1分。 录 3、院级领导接受1、医院领导接受法接受培训的证明缺一人培训证明文 设区的市级以上律法规培训的情况, 文件。 件扣1分。 中医药管理部门 或卫生行政部门2、院领导掌握国家现场访谈 达不到要求扣1-3 组织的医院管理有关卫生及中医药分。 专业知识培训~了管理法律、法规、解掌握国家有关规章和有关卫生及卫生及中医药管中医药政策。 理法律、法规、规 章和有关卫生及 中医药政策。 4、建立院、科两1、重点是职能管理管理目标责任制每发现一个部门不 级管理责任制及部门负责人的管理文件及考评情况 落实扣1分。 有效的考核评价目标责任制执行情 机制~落实奖惩制况。 range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r2the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material 度。 2、科室目标管理制管理目标责任制每发现一个科室管 及执行情况。 文件及考评情况 理目标责任不落实 扣1分。 3、考核评价机制和相关文件资料 未进行考核评价~ 奖惩制度落实情不得分,落实奖惩 况。 制度有缺陷~扣 1-2分。 1、医院年度工作计医院发展规划,评医院无年度工作计 划和中、长期发展审前2年年度计划扣2分,无中、5、制定年度工作规划及其科学性、划及年度总结 长期发展规划~扣计划和中、长期发可行性。 2分,年度计划及展规划~以及中医中、长期发展规划药继承发展与创执行有不足~扣新的保障措施并1-2分。 组织实施~保证中2、中医药继承发展中医药继承发展无措施不得分,有 医医院功能任务与创新的保障措施与创新的工作总措施未很好组织实的实现。 能保证中医院功能结及案例说明。 施~扣2-3分。 任务的实现。 6、职工对医院管职工对医院管理组满意度调查 满意度不低于 理组织机构和领织机构和领导工作85%。每下降5个百导工作满意。 满意度。 分点扣1分。 ,三,人力资源管理 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1、人力资源配备1、医院人力资源配医院人力资源配医院无人力资源 应合理并满足需臵现状与改进方臵方案 配臵方案~不得 要~不断优化管理案, 分,有缺陷扣1-2人员和专业技术分。 人员的结构~专业2、卫生技术人员配卫生技术人员的卫生技术人员占 技术人员应当具臵及其结构~能否配臵 总人数?70%。每备相应岗位责任适应中医医院功能减少5个百分点扣的任职资格~聘用任务的需要, 1分。 的三级医师结构3、临床医师中三级医师名册 以科室为单位~三 应合理。中医药专医师的结构, 级医师比例符合 业技术人员应达临床需要。缺少高到规定的比例。 级职称医师~不得 分,比例不合理扣 1-3分。 range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid3t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipel 1、职能部门负责人相关文件、参会缺一人培训证明 2、各管理部门负接受法律、法规培记录或其它证明文件扣1分。 责人应当接受相训及落实文件 应法律、法规、部情况, 门规章、卫生及中2、职能部门负责人接受培训的证明缺一人培训证明 医药政策、管理知接受中医药政策、文件 文件扣1分。 识培训~并贯彻执管理培训制度及落行。 实情况, 3、按照中医医院1、中医药专业技术人事档案 中医药卫生技术 建设要求~合理配人员的比例、专业人员占卫生技术 备中医药专业技结构。 人员总数?70%。术人员~建立专业每减少5个百分点技术人员梯队建扣1分~最高扣3设制度以及中医分。 人才培养、老中医2、临床科室专业技人事档案 无专业技术人员 经验继承、西医人术人员梯队建设情梯队建设制度~不员学习中医等继况。 得分,落实有缺 续教育制度~并组陷~扣1-2分。 织实施。 3、老中医经验继承相关文件及财务应开展而未开展 工作的经费保证~预算与支付凭证 老中医继承工作~ 制度及执行效果。 不得分,计划、经 费预算、落实有缺 陷每项扣1分。 4、西医院校毕业生人事档案及相关应开展而未开展 接受中医专业技术的学习证明材料 西学中工作~不得 教育的情况。 分,计划、经费预 算、落实有缺陷每 项扣1分。 5、中医人才培养。 学习证明材料及未开展中医人才 财务凭证 培养工作~不得 分,计划、经费预 算、落实有缺陷每 项扣1分。 4、学科带头人的学科带头人的社会相关证书 重点专科学科带 专业技术水平领职务及技术奖励情头人未达到省市 先。 况 级学会专业委员 会委员资格~每科 扣1分。 5、护理人员的数护理人员的梯队建相关资料 病房0.38名护士/ 量与梯队结构合设情况 每床~每增减0.02理~满足护理质量名护士/每床扣1保证的需要。 分。 range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r4the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material 6、医技、药事人1、医技人员的学历相关资格证书及综合评价~不能完 员的学历和专业与专业技术职务及聘用情况 全满足业务工作 技术职务满足业比例。 需要~酌扣1-2分。 务工作的需要。 2、药事人员的学历相关资格证书及综合评价~不能完 及专业技术职务 聘用情况 全满足业务工作 需要~酌扣1-2分。 7(实行岗位职务实施岗位与职务聘实施岗位与职务未实施岗位责任 聘任制。 任制的情况。 聘任制及考制~不得分,执行 评文件 有缺陷~扣1-2分。 8、有相应的卫生医院专业技术人员相关文件 未开展此项工作 专业技术人员配配臵、聘用及能力不得分,评价组 臵、聘用与实际服评价情况 织、评价规范及考务能力评价的制核记录文件等方 度和程序。 面有缺陷~扣1-2 分。 ,四,医疗、药事、护理和医技管理 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(建立健全医疗1、医疗质量管理组组织机构、人员组无相应的组织及 护理质量、病案、织及履职情况 成、职责与工作记工作制度~不得 药事、感染、输录 分,工作有缺陷扣血等管理组织及1-2分。 其工作制度~明2、药事管理组织及组织机构、人员组无相应的组织及 确职能~履行职履职情况 成、职责与工作记工作制度~不得 责。 录 分,工作有缺陷扣 1-2分。 3、医院感染管理组组织机构、人员组无相应的组织及 织及履职情况 成、职责与工作记工作制度~不得 录 分,工作有缺陷扣 1-2分。 4、输血管理组织及组织机构、人员组无相应的组织及 履职情况 成、职责与工作记工作制度~不得 录 分,工作有缺陷扣 1-2分。 5、病案管理组织及组织机构、人员组无相应的组织及 履职情况 成、职责与工作记工作制度~不得 录 分,工作有缺陷扣 1-2分。 -has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid5t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t 2(医疗管理职能医疗管理职能部门组织机构、人员组医疗管理质量部 部门应当加强对履行质量监督检查成、职责与工作记门未履行质量管 临床科室、药学的规章制度及措施录 理和监督职责~不部门、医技科室及落实情况 得分,工作有缺 质量管理、评价陷~扣1-3分。 和监督工作。 3(建立医疗风险医疗风险预警机制医疗风险应急组未建立医疗风险 预警机制~增强及实行运行情况 织、方案、设备及预警机制~不得 快速反应和处理活动记录 分,实际运行中存能力。 在缺陷~扣1-3分。 4(职能部门能够医院有关部门处理医疗纠纷处理程有管理制度和预 及时、妥善处理与协调医患关系的序及工作记录 案,预案包括预 医疗纠纷~协调情况 防、控制、报告、医患关系。 处理、应急、奖惩 等方面的内容,。 有缺陷扣1-3分。 5(中医特色科室特色科室的设臵数科室清单及相关中医特色科室达 的建设及运行状量 介绍材料 到规定的数量~每况良好。 少1个科室扣2 分。 特色科室的运行状统计报告 特色科室中医治 况,通过门诊量/疗率居于全院先 出院人数、平均住进水平~其余指标 院日、中医治疗率高于同类科室平 等医疗与质量指标均水平。未达到上 进行考核, 述要求~每个科室 扣1分。 6(能充分、合理开展中医诊疗技术开展诊疗技术清检查开展的中医 应用中医诊疗技的情况 单,包括科室、运诊疗技术~项目数术和中药。 行状况等,及相关?22种且符合要 证实开展工作的求。有缺陷扣2分。 文件材料。 每千门诊人次采用统计报表 考察了解 非药物中医技术治 疗人次 每千门诊量中药处统计报表及相关日均门诊中药饮 方数 统计资料 片处方占日均门 诊量的30%~每下 降5个百分点~扣 1分。 6the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r ,五,应急管理 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(制定突发事件突发事件管理工预案及进行演练无预案~不得分, ,包括公共卫生作~重点是预案制的相关材料 未组织演练扣3事件、灾害事故定与修订~组织演分。 等,应急预案~练情况。 并组织演练。 2(承担突发公共承担突发公共卫生承担突发公共卫未承担救援任 卫生事件和灾害事件和灾害事故的生事件和灾害事务~不得分。 事故的紧急救援紧急救援任务及其故的紧急救援任 任务。 完成情况。 务清单 3(能够及时妥善医院内部突发事件相关文件及记录 无预案不得分,有 处理医院内部突处理方案或预案及预案未演练或执 发事件。 实施情况 行有缺陷扣1-3 分。 4(在应急预案和应急预案和紧急救中医药参与的方应激预案中不能 紧急救援措施援措施中~中医药式、物品、设备、保障中医药的充 中~应保障中医措施的落实情况 使用中药的品种分参与~发挥中医药的充分参与。 与应用规范 药作用不得分。 ,六,信息系统 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(能够系统、及1、医院信息在医相关信息分析资医院管理信息系 时、准确地收集、疗质量、安全管理料及应用文件 统能为医疗质量 整理、分析和反中的使用情况, 管理、安全管理提馈有关医疗质供支持。有缺陷每量、安全、服务、项扣1分。 费用和绩效的信2、医院信息系统相关信息分析资医院管理信息系 息。 在费用及绩效管料及应用文件 统能准确提从数 理的使用情况。 据支持费用及绩 效评价。有缺陷每 项扣1分。 7t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 2(制定信息系统1、医院保障信息信息质量与安全医院有保障信息 安全保障措施~质量与安全保障相关文件资料如质量与安全的制确保信息系统运制度及落实情况, 值班、安全检查、度~对相关人员进行稳定、安全。 故障处理记录等 行教育并得到实 施,每缺一项扣, 分,没有不得分。 2、信息系统应急医院信息系统发有应急预案、替代 管理预案及处理生紧急意外事件程序、故障处理记 情况, 的应急预案与替录,每缺一项扣2 代措施、故障处理分,有缺陷每项扣 记录 1分。 3、信息质量与安员工教育相关材相关员工对保障 全员工教育的情料 信息质量与安全 况, 必要性知晓程度。 知晓度?85,,每 减少10,减,分, ?50,不得分。 4、维护病人权利维护病人权利的维护病人权利措 ,如隐私权、连贯措施情况~如隐私施,如病人信息查 医疗服务中信息权、在连贯医疗服阅的授权制度,到 获取的及时性等,务中及时获取信位情况。有病人信 的措施。 息等 息查阅授权制度。 费用清单、查阅权 限、物价公开查 询。有缺陷扣1-2 分。 3(信息系统满足1、医院信息系统医院信息系统网医院信息管理系 医院管理和临床网络覆盖情况, 络覆盖目录及相统对医院管理、医工作需要。 关材料 疗、护理~门诊、 病房等部门与科 室的覆盖率? 80%。每下降5%扣 1分,?50%不得 分。 the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r8 2、医院信息系统医院信息系统提评价医院信息管 提供服务的范围。 供服务的目录及理系统提供的服 相关材料 务范围是否满足 医院各方面的需 求~服务范围目录 ?10项,每减少一 项扣1分。主要是: 挂号、收费、取药、 住院、病房、统计、 医嘱、病案、医技、 检验。 3、医疗信息资料医疗信息分析资未开展该项工作~ ,如中医治疗率、料或报表 不得分,有缺陷扣 医院感染率、疗效1-2分。 与费用等,动态分 析情况。 4(医院信息系统1、医院信息系统相应资料或文件 信息化符合 ,HIS,应符合,HIS,符合《中《中医医院信息《中医医院信息医医院信息化建化建设基本规范》化建设基本规范设基本规范,试要求?85,,否则(试行)》的规定~行,》的要求情况。 不得分。 与其他医疗机 构、卫生行政部 门、中医药管理 部门能够实现信 息共享。 ,七,财务管理 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(只能设臵一个财务部门设臵与财务管理相关文发现多个财务管 财务管理部门~并医院财务管理情件 理部门~不得分,按工作需要科学况 收支管理核算有设臵会计岗位。医缺陷~扣1-3分。 院的一切财务收 支、核算工作必须 纳入财务部门统 一管理。 2(按照《会计法》、1、财务部门负责部门负责人访谈 访谈3-5名财务人 《医院会计制人掌握及执行国员~有缺陷扣1,3度》、《医院财务制家有关会计制度分。 度》及国家有关规的情况, 9t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 定~设臵会计科2、财务人员掌握财务人员访谈 访谈3-5名财务人 目~建立账簿~进医院相关财务制员~有缺陷扣1,3行会计核算及债度的情况, 分。 权债务的核算~编3、医院财务管理医院财务管理制医院无财务制度 制会计报表。 制度及执行情度 或有制度未执行 况。 不得分~有缺陷扣 1-4分。 3(按照《预算法》1、财务预算执行财务预算材料 无预算或有预算 和财政部门关于情况 未执行不得分~违预算管理的有关规超预算执行扣 规定~科学、合理、1-3分。 真实、完整的编制2、专项经费使用财务凭证 无专项经费使用 医院收支预算~并情况 管理制度或有制 严格执行预算。 度未执行不得分~ 有缺陷扣1-2分。 4(加强中医专项中医专项经费筹财务预算及财务按规定从医院收 经费筹集、管理与集、管理与使用凭证 入中筹集使用中 使用。 情况 医专项经费。无中 医专项经费预算 不得分~专项经费 使用有缺陷扣1-2 分。 5(建立医院内部1、财务内部稽核财务内部稽核制无内部稽核制度 财务管理和内部制度及落实情况 度 或有制度未执行 稽核、控制制度。不得分~执行有缺加强医院成本核陷扣1-3分。 算~降低运行成2、实行成本核相关文件、财务年医院无成本控制 本。 算~降低运营成度报表 措施不得分,有缺 本。 陷扣1-3分。 6(建立规范的经1、资金使用审批相关资料 重大项目、大额资 济活动决策机制流程管理,重点金使用无审批流 和程序~重大项目是重大项目、大程、监管措施不得集体讨论后按规额资金使用,执分,有缺陷扣1-2定程序报批。实行行情况。 分。 重大经济事项领2、重大经济事项未实行不得分。 导负责制和责任领导负责制和责 追究制~责任到任追究制的制 人。 度。 7(建立医院奖金医院奖金分配制相关制度及奖金医院奖金分配制 分配综合目标考度及的执行情况 分配资料 度违反有关规定 核制度。 不得分。 l, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r10the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should faci 8(严格执行国家1、医疗收费制度物价部门检查报发现违反物价政 价格政策~严格管及执行情况 告 策、违规收费、不理医疗服务收费提供收费票据不 和药品价格。 得分。 2、药品价格定价原始购销凭证 发现药品定价不 制度及执行情况 符合有关规定不 得分。 ,八,建设、设备与后勤保障管理 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(医院发展建设应医院设臵情况 批准文件 医院设臵与建设 当符合区域卫生规违反区域卫生规 划和医疗机构设臵划和医疗机构设 规划。 臵规划不得分。 2(医院建筑布局应医疗设施与服务现场检查 流程合理~能体现 当体现“以病人为流程的合理性 以病人为中心~有中心”的服务理念~缺陷扣1-2分。 满足医疗服务流程 需要。 3(按国家法律、法基本建设项目审批准文件 发现基本建设项 规、规定组织实施批及实施情况 目未规定报批准 基本建设项目。 后实施的不得分~ 执行有缺陷者扣 1-2分。 4(对设备实行科学1、评审前二年内相关文件资料 购入大型设备未 管理~购臵大型设购臵大型备的论进行可行性论证 备必须经过严格的证。 不得分。该设备的可行性论证。属于技术资料、可行性《大型医用设备配论证文件不完善 臵与使用管理办扣1-2分。 法》规定的甲、乙2、甲、乙类品目配臵许可文件 甲、乙类品目大型 类品目的大型医用大型医用设备的医用设备应全部 设备~按照规定申配臵许可情况。 获得配臵许可。每请配臵许可。 缺少一台扣1分。 5(建立健全医疗设1、医疗器械、设医疗器械、设备维无制度或有制度 备采购、保养、维备维修服务制度修服务制度 未落实不得分,执修与更新制度~设及执行情况, 行有缺陷扣1-2备处于完好状态。 分。 11t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 2、医疗器械、设设施的维护及保设备维护、保养记 备维护保养制度养记录~人员上岗录及人员上岗证 及其执行的情证 应齐全,每缺1项 况, 扣1-2分。 3、设备更新制度相关文件资料 无制度或有制度 及其执行情况 未执行不得分,执 行有缺陷扣1-2 分。 6(加强大中型医疗1、大中型设备的提供50万元以上重点抽查4-6台50 设备合理应用情况运行、维护与运大型设备的运行、万元以上大型设 分析。 行成本分析的情维修记录及成本备。无运行维修记 况。 分析资料,查CT、录、成本分析记录 MRI、彩超、X线不得分,每缺一台 血管造影机、大型设备材料扣2分, 生化分析仪、血气材料不全扣1分。 分析仪, 7(后勤保障应满足1、提供医疗饮食相关资料 能提供与医院功 临床需要。向住院情况 现场检查 能任务相适应的 患者提供治疗饮医疗饮食。不能提食~其种类、质量供医疗饮食不得 能够满足患者治疗分~提供饮食不达需要~能够提供中标扣1-2分。 医食疗服务。 2、中医食疗服务相关资料 应提供中医治疗 情况 现场检查 需要的服务。不能 提供不得分。有缺 陷扣1-2分。 8(职工对医疗器1、员工对医疗器满意度调查,急诊满意度应?85%。 械、设备维修服务械、设备维修服科、手术室、ICU、每减少5个百分点满意,医务人员及务的满意度, 血液透析室等部扣1分。 患者对后勤服务满门, 意。 2、医院员工对后满意度调查 满意度?85%得5 勤保障工作的满分,每减少5个百 意度。 分点扣1分。 3、患者对后勤保满意度调查 满意度?85%得5 障工作的满意分,每减少5个百 度。 分点扣1分。 range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r12the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material 二、质量安全管理与持续改进 ,一,建立健全院、科两级质量管理组织 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(医疗质量管理1、院、科两级质质量管理组织体系未建立质量管理组 组织人员结构合量管理与改进组图示,院长、副院长织体系不得分,查理~院、科二级质织体系, 及职能部门领导质看会议记录~院领量管理组织分工 量管理与改进工作导及职能部门负责明确~协作机制健的会议纪要 人出席医院各类质全。 量会议在2/3以下、 缺少措施扣3分, 会议记录有缺陷扣 1-2分。 2、质量管理与改职能部门的职责与职能部门责任不明 进职能部门职责督查质量情况的记确~不利于开展工 明确, 录 作不得分。 3、相关的质量管医疗质量、病案、药无上述质量管理委 理与改进组织工事、医院感染、输血、员会组成文件不得 作开展情况,人员医学伦理、医疗废弃分,缺一个委员会 组成合理,职责明物等管理委员会开扣1分未定期开展 确,定期召开工作展工作的文字记录 工作扣1-2分。 会议,切实进行监 督~并对决策提供 依据,。 4、医院质量管理向职工传达质量安无传达及培训工作 与持续改进工作全管理与持续改进的记录不得分,记 的情况应定期传工作的记录、各科质录不完整扣1-2分。 达到相关职工~并控员培训记录 有相应的培训。 2(院长作为医院院长履行质量管听取院长对质量工院长未对质量管理 医疗质量管理第理与持续改进职作的意见、查看院办与改进工作进行专一责任人~领导医责的情况, 公会议记录以及有门研究并组织实施疗质量管理工作。 关决定落实情况 不得分,有决议无 落实扣3分。 13t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 3(医院医疗质量1、医务、护理等职能部门组成人员有一个部门未定 管理职能部门行质量管理主要职及其分工的文件 期、有效地开展工使指导、检查、考能部门开展工作作不得分,检查、核、评价和监督职的情况, 考核、评价和监督能。 的资料不全扣1-3 分。 2、药剂质量管理工作记录文件 未定期、有效地开 组织健全~能有效 展工作不得分,检 开展工作。 查、考核、评价和 监督的资料不全扣 1-3分。 4(科室主任全面各科室主任履行科主任质量管理工科主任对本科室质 负责本科室医疗医疗质量管理职作记录 量管理应有培训、质量管理工作。 责的情况, 有督查。每缺一项 扣1-3分。 5(医疗质量管理医疗质量管理责相关制度与工作记无责任追究制度不 实行责任追究制。 任追究制度与执录 得分,有制度未执 行情况, 行扣3分,执行有 缺陷扣1-2分。 合计: 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: ,二,实施全程医疗质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(制定医疗质量1、质量管理与持质量管理与改进方无方案、无计划不得 管理和持续改进续改进方案全面、案~本年度工作安排 分,方案涵盖不全面方案并组织实施。 系统~能监督医院 扣2-3分。 各组成部分, 2、医院质量管理质量管理相关文件、无制度不得分,有制 制度及其落实情医院办公会记录及度未落实扣3分,会 况。 督查记录 议记录与督查记录 缺项扣1-2分。 14the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 2(认真执行医疗1、医疗质量和医核心制度及实施情核心制度齐全、内容 质量和医疗安全疗安全的核心制况的资料 完善得5分,每缺一的核心制度~有效度, 项制度扣一分。 防范、控制医疗风 2、有效防范、控防范、控制医疗风险无方案不得分,发现 险~及时发现医疗 制医疗风险~及时和安全隐患的措施一例医疗风险和隐质量和安全隐患。 发现医疗质量和和执行情况的资料 患未采取措施不得 安全隐患。 分。 3(加强医疗质量l、1、加强医疗质质量关键过程管理质量关键过程管理 关键环节、重点部量关键环节管理制度,或流程,、应制度,或流程,与应门和重要岗位的,如危重病人、围急方案与工作记录 急方案?5个~并有管理。 手术期、输血与药 具体措施。每缺一个 物不良反应、有创扣1分,内容不完备 诊疗操作管理扣1-2分。 等,, 2、加强重点部门重点部门和重要岗无重点部门和岗位 和重要岗位的管位的管理制度、应急的管理措施不得分, 理。,如ICU、CCU、方案与工作记录 未进行监控扣3分, 急诊室、手术室、每缺一个部门扣1 供应室等。, 分。 4(加强全员质量1、对全员进行质全员质量与安全培询问5名职工对培 和安全教育~牢固量和安全教育~树训计划、制度和培训训内容与本人职责树立质量和安全立质量和安全意实施记录 的知晓程度。每一人意识~提高全员质识~提高全员质量 不合格扣1分。 量管理与改进的管理与改进的意 意识和参与能力。识和参与能力情 按照有关要求~严况。 格执行中医、中西2、院、科两级督督查记录 无定期督查不得分, 医结合等有关医查质量安全各项 督查工作有缺陷扣疗技术操作规范规章制度执行的1-2分。 和常规。医务人员情况, “基础理论、基本3、严格执行中医、本院已经实施的中询问3名医务人员 知识、基本技能”中西医结合等有医、中西医结合等有了解对中医、中西医必须人人达标。 关医疗技术操作关医疗技术操作规结合等有关医疗技 规范和常规。 范、常规等资料 术操作规范和常规 的知晓情况~ 1人 不达标扣1分。 4、对医务人员进培训制度、院内考核无医务人员“三基” 行“三基”培训与资料与记录 培训制度不得分,有 达标考核情况。 现场考核 制度未实施考核扣 3分。 range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid15t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipel 抽查3名医务人员 的达标情况。1人不 合格扣2分。 5(通过检查、分充分发挥中医特实施检查、分析、评对中医药特色优势 析、评价、反馈等色优势~持续改进价、反馈等措施的相未进行评价、检查、措施~充分发挥中医疗质量的具体关资料或记录 分析、反馈等措施不医特色优势~持续措施。 得分工作有缺陷扣改进医疗质量。 1-3分。 6(不断提高中医中医辨证论治、理检查病历 抽查出院病历10 辨证论治水平、理法方药应用情况, 份~综合评价~得分法方药应用水平。 1-5分。 合计: 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: ,三,医疗技术管理 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(医疗技术管理1、开展的医疗技评审前三年中已开开展新技术、新业务 符合国家有关规术,包括新技术、展新技术新业务的缺少法律法规依据定。建立健全并贯新业务,有法律法目录及批准文件 和完整的审批资料彻落实医疗技术规依据, 不得分。 准入、应用、监督、 评价制度~建立完2、建立健全并贯提供相关管理制度~无新技术、新业务管 善医疗技术损害彻落实医疗技术包括审批程序与新理制度不得分,发现处臵预案。建立医准入、应用、监督、技术档案资料。 一项已应用的新技疗技术风险预警评价制度, 术未经过审批不得机制~并组织实 分。未进行监督、评施。 价扣3分, 3、科室对新技术本年度已开展的新无操作规程和质量 新业务有明确的技术新业务的目录、安全保障措施。不得 操作规程和质量诊疗操作规程与病分。 安全保障措施, 历资料 16the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 4、建立完善医疗相关资料 无医疗技术损害处 技术损害处臵预 臵预案不得分。 案。 5、建立医疗技术相关资料及实施记无医疗技术风险预 风险预警机制~并录或案例 警机制不得分,发现 组织实施。 风险未按方案实施~ 扣3分。 2(具有与开展的1、配备与开展新人员资质、相关工作人员配备与资质不 技术或项目相适技术、新业务相适程序、操作规范等资符合技术要求~不得应的技术力量、设应的专业技术人料, 分。 备与设施~以及确员, 保患者安全的方2、配备相应设备、现场调查 设备设施配臵符合 案。当技术力量、设施~工作人员能要求、现场考核工作设备和设施发生熟练操作, 人员能熟练操作。有改变~可能影响到 一项缺陷扣1分。 医疗技术的安全3、对可能影响到应急预案、安全豫警无方案不得分,工作 和质量时~应当中医疗技术安全和方案~案例说明 程序、安全预警方案止该技术。按规定质量的技术力量、 及应急预案、内容不进行评估后~符合设备和设施制定完备~扣1-3分。 规定的~方可重新相关预警、中止及 开展。 重新开展方案。 3(对新开展的医1、对新开展的医全程追踪管理制度~没有管理制度~不得 疗技术的安全、质疗技术的安全、质评价的记录文件~案分,未进行有效安量、疗效、费用等量、疗效、费用等例说明 全、质量、疗效、费情况进行全程追进行评价的情况, 用等评估~扣3分。 踪管理和评价~及 时发现医疗技术 风险~并采取相应 2、及时发现和降制度及案例说明 无措施不得分。 措施~以避免医疗 低医疗技术风险 技术风险或将其的措施。 降到最低限度。 4(建立新开展的新开展的医疗技评审前三年新开展有清单、技术档案资 医疗技术档案~以术档案保存完好、的医疗技术档案资料齐备。有一项缺陷备查。 内容齐全。 料 扣一分。 5(进行医疗技术1、进行医疗技术临床科研实验审批没有制度不得分。 科研~必须符合伦科研有明确的审制度或文件 理道德规范~按规批制度, 定审批。在科研过 17t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 程中~充分尊重患2、专门审查组织专门审查组织工作有专门审核组织、有 者的知情权和选,医学伦理委员文件与会议记录、审会议记录及档案资择权~并注意保护会、质量安全管理批档案资料 料。每项有缺陷扣患者安全。同时~委员会,履职与发 1-3分。 不得向患者收取挥作用情况。 相关费用。 3、在科研工作中科研病历资料 在病历中发现缺陷 的落实情况。 扣1-3分。没有知情 同意书~不得分。 6(医院应当鼓励1、制定继承与发提供制定的方案、实没有方案或规划~不 对中医药传统疗扬中医药传统疗施材料~近三年来开得分。 法的继承与发扬~法的方案或规划, 展的中医药新技术 积极探索临床诊 目录及审批档案资 疗新技术~不得应料。 2、对继承与发扬医院没有继承与发 用未经批准或安中医药传统疗法扬中医药传统疗法全性和有效性未采取的鼓励措施, 鼓励措施~不得分。 经临床实践证明 的技术。 3、临床中医药诊没有审批制度、审批 疗新技术审批程材料~不得分。发现 序及实施情况。 一例已应用的新技 术~未经过审批~扣 3分。 合计: 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: ,四,重点中医专科质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 18the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 1(制定专科建设1、专科建设发展专科发展规划及实无规划及~ 发展规划、工作计规划、工作计划及施情况的资料~案例不得分,有规划未实划~并组织实施。 实施情况, 说明或统计资料 施~扣3分,具体落 实中~工作有不足~ 扣1-2分。 2、重点中医专科财务报表、科室资重点中医专科经费 经费的投入、匹料、特色门诊病种和按规划投入、匹配~ 配、使用与设备配技术项目清单 使用与设备配臵合 臵, 理、到位。无经费投 入~不得分,工作有 不足~扣1-2分。 3、门诊及病房设开设特色门诊5个 臵情况,有特色门病种或3种技术项 诊~床位数?30目~病房床位数?30 张,。 张。未达标~不得分, 无门诊扣1分~病床 每减少10张扣1分。 2(学术,科,带1、学术,科,带学术,科,带头人、学术,科,带头人为 头人及人才梯队头人的职称、学术人才梯队的学术档正高级职称~学会专应能满足专科中水平和学术地位案 业委员会委员、对本医内涵建设需要。 以及对本专业的 专业学术有一定贡 学术贡献, 献。一项不符合扣1 分。 2、科室人才梯队初、中、高级人员结 状况。 构合理。有一级不达 标~扣1分。 3(制定发挥中医1、对专科技术人培训计划和记录 未进行该项培训~不 特色的具体措施~员进行中医专科 得分。 并组织实施。 知识培训, 2、不断提高特色现场考核 考核医生5人~对特 病种诊疗技术水 色病种诊疗技术熟 平, 悉。每一人不合格扣 1分。 3、有发挥中医特现场检查、相关资料 无措施~不得分,有 色的管理措施~并措施无落实~扣3 落实, 分。 4、老中医药专家相关材料 资料显示有老中医 作用的发挥,包括 药专家师承教育、老 师承教育情况和中医药专家查房~没 老中医药专家查有不得分,缺一项内 房,。 容~扣2分。 19t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 5、有本科独特的本科独特的中医诊 中医诊疗方法。 疗方法?3个。缺一 个扣2分。 4(制定并不断完1、本科常见病、本科的诊疗规范与有本科的诊疗规范 善常见病及特色特色病种诊疗规特色技术操作规程 与特色技术操作规病种诊疗常规~并范与特色技术操程?5个。每缺少一在临床工作中执作规程, 个病种扣1分。 行。 2、医生、护士在现场考核、抽查病历 现场考核3名医生 临床工作能熟练或护士操作~有一人 运用诊疗规范与不合格~扣1分,病 特色技术的操作历中~发现一例不符 规程, 合诊疗规范~不得 分。 3、专科建设所确近三年来的统计资特色病种属于本科 定的全部特色病料 收治的前三位病种~ 种及本科收治的 有一种不符合~扣1 前三位病种, 分。 4、临床医生能够科室常用方剂目录~考核3名医生对常 熟悉常用方剂不现场考核 用中药方剂的掌握 少于100首。 情况。1人不合格扣 2分。 5(提高处理本专1、本科急危重症急危重症诊疗规范 有针对本科室急危 科急危重症的能的诊疗规范, 重症的诊疗规范?5力和诊疗质量~在个。每缺一个扣1急危重症救治中分。 积极应用中医药。 2、配备符合处理负责主持处理急危负责主持处理急危 急危重症资格与重症人员的资格与重症人员的资格为 能力的人员与设能力情况、本专业处主治医师以上并经 施、设备, 理急危重症所要求过专业培训。有缺陷 的设施、设备目录 每项扣2分。 设施、设备应符合抢 救急危重症需要。有 缺陷每项扣1分。 3、医护人员熟悉现场考核 现场考核3名医护 急危重症的诊疗 人员对急危重症诊 规范,医护人员熟疗规范和操作抢救 练操作相关抢救设备的熟悉程度,一 设备, 人不合格~扣2分。 4、在急危重症救近一年统计资料 在急危重症救治中 治中应用中医药 应用中医药?50%。 情况。 每减少5个百分点 扣一分。 range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r20the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material 6(提高特色病种1、特色病种辨证调查科室前三位病发现一份理法方药 的辨证论治水平、论治准确~理法方种~每个特色病种抽不一致不得分,每份诊断与鉴别诊断药一致, 查病历2份 辨证不准确~扣2水平~提高检查与 分。 治疗的适宜性以2、三级医师查房三级医师未按时查 及药物使用的安作用明显, 房~不得分,有指导全性、合理性。 意见不明显或无中 医内容扣3分,缺一 级查房~扣2分。 3、诊断及鉴别诊首次病程、病程记录 断正确性, 中无诊断和鉴别诊 断内容~不得分,内 容有缺陷~每项扣 1-3分。 4、检查与治疗的临床检验、重大检查 适宜性、合理性, 项目及治疗方案运 用适宜、合理。发现 严重缺陷~不得分, 发现一项不合理~扣 1-3分。 5、药物治疗的适中成药辨证使用、抗 宜性、安全性,重生素合理使用、无重 点是中成药、抗生复使用情况。每发现 素使用~抗生素使一处不合格扣1-3 用有无细菌培养分。 与药敏检查结果 的支持,, 6、对药物不良反对药物不良反应有 应有安全评估及评估、处理意见和记 处臵意见~药物过载~应记未记~每项 敏有记载。 扣2分,药物过敏未 记载~不得分。 7(提高重点专科1、提高重点中医提供文字资料及实无具体措施~不得 中医治疗率。 专科中医治疗率施记录 分,重点中医专科治 的措施及实施情疗率?70%。每减少 况, 5个百分点~扣1分。 2、本科特色病种近一年来前三位病前三位病种为本科 的中医治疗情况, 种的统计数据资料 特色病种。有一种不 符合扣1分。 21t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 8(发挥重点中医本专业特色中药病历及相关资料 有本专业的中药院内 专科的特色优势~院内制剂及使用, 制剂?2种、病历中积极研发能显著有使用记录或证明使提高临床疗效的用的资料。每减少一医疗机构中药制种或未使用扣2分~剂。 无特色制剂不得分。 合计: 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: ,五,主要专业部门质量管理与持续改进 1(非手术科室质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,制定、完善1、有本科常见病本科前五位病种诊本科规范?5个。每 常见病及特色病诊疗规范与特色疗规范与特色技术缺一个扣1分。 种中医、中西医结技术的操作规程, 的操作规程 合诊疗常规并执2、医生、护士能抽查病历、现场考核 发现病历中~不符 行。 熟练掌握并运用合诊疗规范~不得 诊疗操作规范。 分,抽查3位医护 人员~每一人不合 格扣1分。 ,2,持续提高诊1、中医辨证论治抽查运行的病历3份 发现理法方药不一 断、治疗质量~包准确性~理法方药 致~不得分,辨证括:住院患者均有一致性, 论治不准确~扣1-3适宜的诊疗计划~分。 诊断及中医辨证2、诊断与鉴别诊首次病程、病程记 论治准确~治疗安断正确性, 录中无诊断和鉴别全、及时、有效、诊断内容~不得分,经济。 内容有缺陷每项扣 1-3分。 22the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 3、住院病人诊疗诊疗计划适宜、治 计划适宜~治疗及疗及时、有效、经 时、有效、经济~济~诊疗方案中有 诊疗方案中有避避免并发症的内 免并发症的内容, 容。发现严重缺陷~ 不得分,记录不完 整~扣1-3分。 4、药物治疗的适中成药辨证使用、 宜性,重点是中成抗生素合理使用、 药辨证使用、抗生无重复使用、有药 素使用的适宜性~敏检查结果~发现 有无细菌培养与一处不合格~扣1-3药敏检查结果的分,药物过敏未记 支持,,对药物不载~不得分。 良反应有安全评 估及处臵意见,药 物过敏有记载, 5、临床检验、检临床检验和重大检 查项目使用与有查项目运用适宜~ 创操作的适宜性有严重缺陷~不得 ,CT、MRI、彩超、分,发现一例运用 介入诊疗、内窥不合理~扣1-3分。 镜、血管造影等,, 6、处理急危重症本科处理急危重症无针对本科室急危 的救治方案与反的救治方案、相关人重症的应急预案~ 应能力,包括人员员资质证明、现场考不得分,内容不完 资格与能力、设施核应急反应 整扣1-3分。 配备及科内医护 负责主持处理急危 人员对急危重症重症人员的资格为 救治方案的知晓主治医师以上并经 程度,, 过专业培训~一项 不达标~扣2分。 设施符合抢救需 要。缺一项扣1分。 现场考核3名医护 人员对急危重症应 急预案的熟悉情 况~一人不合格扣2 分。 有设备操作规程且 医务人员能熟练操 作~一人不合格扣2 分。 23t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 7、中医药在急危中医药在急危重症 检查有抢救记录的重症中的使用情抢救的使用率?病历~每个特色病种况, 30%。每减少5个百抽查2份病历 分点~扣一分。 运行病历管理制运行病历管理制度有病历环节质量管 度与监控情况~重与监控记录、抽查运理制度,包括环节,3,对病历环节点是与病人安全行病历 管理、疑难病历讨质量,运行病历,和医疗质量相关论、三级医师查房进行监控与管理~的内容。 对病情变化、合并重点是与病人安症、急危重症的处全和医疗质量相理意见等,、并实施关的内容。 监控。缺一项扣1 分。 考核卫生行政部近一年来的统计资特色病种属于本科 门、中医药管理部料,抽查病历 收治的前三位病,4,重点考核卫门规定的单病种 种~有一种不符合~生行政部门、中医病例和本科前三扣1分。 药管理部门规定位住院病种。 有特色病种诊疗规 的单病种病例和 范~诊断治疗安全、本科前三位住院及时得5分~有缺病种。 陷每项扣2分~无 诊疗规范不得分。 ,5,建立健全科1、科室质量管理科室的质量管理文有科室管理制度 室内的质量、安全与持续改进的措件~抽查病历 ,包括查房制度、管理制度及应急施及落实情况, 知情同意制度、病机制并执行。 历讨论制度、新技 术新业务准入制度 等,、制度针对本专 业特点。缺1项扣1 分,。无针对性扣2 分。 2、突发事件应急应急预案 无本科室特点的突 预案与反应能力。 发事件应急预案~ 不得分。 抽查5位医护人员~ 的知晓情况~一人 不合格扣1分。 ,6,特色科室中特色科室中医治特色科室中医治疗 近一年统计资料~抽医治疗率~其它科疗率~ 率?70%。每减少5查出院病历各3份。 室中西医结合治 个百分点扣1分。 24the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 疗率。 其它科室中西医其它科室中西医结 结合治疗率 合治疗率?50%。每 减少5个百分点扣 1分。 合计 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 2、手术科室质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,持续提高诊1、诊断与鉴别诊断现场抽查运行病历病程记录中无诊断 断、治疗质量~正确性, 5份/科~要求包含及鉴别诊断内容~不包括:住院患者 无菌手术、输血、得分,每份病历内容均有适宜的诊疗麻醉、病理结果、有缺陷~扣1-2分。 计划~诊断及中新技术新业务以及2、住院病人诊疗计诊疗计划的适宜性~ 医辨证论治准中医内容。 划的适宜性~诊疗诊疗方案中有避免确~治疗安全、方案中有避免并发并发症的内容。诊疗及时、有效、经症的内容, 方案有严重缺陷~不济~积极开展特得分,记录不全~扣色中医药疗法。 1分。 3、对主病中医辨证理法方药不一致~不 准确性、施治及时得分,辨证论治准 性、理法方药的一确~有缺陷~每次扣 致性, 1分。 4、药物治疗的适宜中成药辨证使用、抗 性:,重点是中成药生素合理使用、无重 辨证使用、抗生素复使用、有药敏检查 使用的适宜性~有结果。每发现一处不 无细菌培养与药敏合格扣1分。 检查结果的支持,, 25t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 5、对药物不良反应对药物不良反应有 有安全评估及处臵安全评估及处臵意 意见~药物过敏有见~应记录而未记 记载。 录~扣2分,药物过 敏未记载~不得分。 6、本科开展的中医开展中医药疗法?5 药疗法,小夹板、项。缺一项扣1分。 药浴、中药外用、 中药灌肠、推拿等, 的情况。 ,2,实行手术分1、手术医师分级管提供资料~抽查运落实手术医师分级 级管理~落实重理制度及执行情行病历3份 管理、疑难手术或新大手术报告、审况, 开展手术审查与批批制度。 准制度~缺一项扣2 分。 2、重大手术报告、无重大手术报告、审 审批制度及落实情批制度~不得分,发 况。 现一例重大手术未 报告~扣3分。 ,3,严格执行大1、大中型手术术前大中型手术术前讨无术前讨论制度~不 中型手术术前讨讨论制度~重点是论制度~ 得分,发现一例手术论制度~重点是:术前诊断、手术适检查运行病历3份 未进行术前讨论~扣术前诊断、手术应症、术式、麻醉 3分,术前讨论记录适应症、术式、与输血选择、预防有欠缺~扣1-2分。 麻醉与输血选性应用抗菌药物 择、预防性应用等。 抗菌药物等。 2、合理使用血液与无相关规范~不得 血液制品、中成药分,发现一次使用不 等的规范, 符合规范要求~扣3 分。 3、抗生素预防性使抗生素预防性使用 用的适宜性,I类的适宜,I类切口手 切口手术前后使用术前后使用时间? 时间?72小时,。 72小时,。预防性使 用抗生素超过72小 时不得分,有欠缺每 项扣1-2分。 26the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r ,4,围手术期管1、由具备本专业资由具备本专业资格 理措施到位: 格的术者,或一助,的术者,或一助,负术前:诊断、手负责制定手术方责制定手术知情同术适应症明确~案~病人知情同意意书~病人知情同意术式选择合理~书由术者,或一助,书由术者,或一助,患者准备充分~负责谈话及签署, 负责谈话、签署~发与患者签署手术现不符合~不得分。 和麻醉同意书、2、术前:诊断、手手术病历无术前讨 输血同意书等。术适应症明确~术论记录~不得分,记手术查对无误。 式选择合理~患者录中~记录内容不完术中:意外处理准备充分~与患者整~扣1-3分,缺同措施果断、合理~签署手术和麻醉同意书~每份扣2分。 术中改变术式等意书、输血同意书 及时告知家属或等。 代理人等。 3、术中意外处理及无相应流程或制度~ 术后:术前诊断术中改变术式的流不得分,发现一例未与病理诊断相程适宜性,术中意按要求执行~扣3分。 符~并发症预防外处理及术中改变 措施科学~术后术式由具备资格的 观察及时、严密~医生负责谈话, 早期发现并发症4、科室对危重疑难发现一例未讨论~不 并妥善处理。 病例、开展新技术、得分,记录资料不完围手术期充分发新业务、手术并发整~扣1-2分。 挥中医药作用~症与死亡病例讨 以提高临床疗论, 效~促进患者康6、新开展手术由科新开展手术由科主 复。 主任负责谈话及签任负责谈话及签署~ 署, 不符合不得分。 7、手术记录由术者手术记录由术者,或 ,或一助,负责记一助,负责记录~不 录, 符合不得分。 8、围手术期充分发提供3份病历资料~ 挥中医药作用~以没有中医内容~不得 提高临床疗效~促分。 进患者康复。 ,5,麻醉安全管1、麻醉科负责人与麻醉科人员名录及麻醉科负责人具有 理:麻醉工作程麻醉医师的资质情资质相关证明 副主任医师以上职序规范~术前麻况, 称~麻醉医师具有医醉准备充分~麻师以上职称并经过醉意外处理及专业培训。有一项不时、正确~输血达标扣2分。 27t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 正确~麻醉复苏2、科室的质量管理科室的质量管理制有科室质量管理小 实施全程观察制度~麻醉工作程度~术前麻醉查房组~有针对本专业特等。 序规范,麻醉方案记录、术中麻醉效点的制度。缺1项扣 确认与实施流程的果评定与术后随访1分。 合理性, 记录 3、麻醉意外处理及麻醉意外的应急预没有麻醉意外的应 反应能力, 案 急预案~不得分。 4、、认真执行知情相关材料 没有知情同意制度~ 同意制度, 不得分,未认真执 行~发现一例扣3分, 知情同意书签署不 规范~扣1-2分。 5、麻醉药品的管实地考核 没有麻醉药品管理 理。 规范~不得分,发现 一处缺陷~扣3分, 管理不规范~扣1-2 分。 ,6,采取有效措主要病种手术前平抽查病历3份 主要病种手术前平 施~缩短择期手均住院日,疑难、均住院日,疑难、危术患者术前平均危重、新开展除重、新开展除外,?住院日。 外,。 3天。每增加一天扣 1分,?7天不得分。 ,7,制定、完善1、本科有常见病、本科常见病、特色每科有规范性文件 常见病及特色病特色病种的诊疗规病种的诊疗规范与?5个~缺少一个扣种中医、中西医范与特色技术的操特色技术的操作规1分。 结合诊疗常规并作规程, 程, 执行。 2、医生、护士熟练诊疗操作规范培训抽查3位医护人员~ 运用诊疗操作规记录、现场考核3每一人不合格扣1 范。 人 分。 3、临床医生能够熟现场考核3人 考核3名医生对常用 练掌握本科常用方方剂的熟练掌握情 剂不少于100首。 况~有一人不合格扣 2分。 ,8,加强运行病运行病历管理制度运行病历管理制度有病历环节质量管 历的监控与管与监控情况~重点与监控记录、抽查理制度,包括环节管理~重点检查与是与病人安全和医运行病历 理、疑难病历讨论、医疗质量和患者疗质量相关的内三级医师查房对病安全相关的内容。 情变化、合并症、急容。 危重症及围手术期 的处理意见等,、并 实施监控。缺一项扣 1分。 l, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r28the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should faci ,9,加强卫生行考核卫生行政部近一年来的统计资特色病种属于本科 政部门、中医药门、中医药管理部料,抽查病历 收治的前三位病种~管理部门规定的门规定的单病种病 一种不合格~扣1分。 单病种和本科前例和本科前三位住有特色病种诊疗规 三位住院病种的院病种。 范?3个~每缺一个~质量管理。 扣1分。 ,10,提高特色特色科室中医治疗抽查出院病历各3特色科室中医治疗 病种中医治疗率率~ 份。 率?70%。每减少5和其它病种中西个百分点扣1分。 医结合治疗率。 其它科室中西医结其它科室中西医结 合治疗率 合治疗率?50%。每 减少5个百分点扣1 分。 合计 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 3(门诊工作质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,依据工作1、门诊服务流程,实地考核门诊服务门诊服务流程合理 量及需求~合理门诊分诊、预检制流程 适宜。有缺陷扣1安排专业技术度的执行情况, 分。 人员~提高门诊实行门诊分诊预检 确诊能力~保证科室占全部门诊 门诊诊疗质量。 100,。每少一个科 室扣1分。 2、门诊医师的安相关统计资料 人员配臵适宜~能 排、调配及替代情保障医疗质量。配 况,门诊各级各类臵不合理不得分, 出诊医师比例, 有缺陷扣1分。 29t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 3、突发意外紧急情相关预案的文字材有预案、有措施、 况处理的预案与反料 有培训、有演练~ 应性,需用案例说缺一项扣1分。 明,, 5、外院进修人员出授权批准的程序、制没有外院进修人员 门诊授权批准程序度及执行情况 出门诊授权批准程 及执行情况, 序~不得分,发现 一人未执行~扣2 分。 6、特殊,专家,门相关管理制度 无特殊,专家,门 诊管理情况。 诊有管理制度~不 得分,制度不健全~ 扣1-2分。 7、门诊病人投诉记医疗投诉与处理的医疗投诉有处理程 录及处理情况, 程序、制度及投诉接序~投诉有记录、 待记录 有答复、有处理及 改进记录~缺一项 扣1分。 ,2,规范门诊1、门诊病历管理情抽查门诊病历及处门诊病历管理规 医疗文书书写。 况及门诊甲级病案方~工作统计数据 范~每发现一项不 率, 合格扣2分~发现 一份病历丢失不得 分。 2、处方权及处方书相关制度得到执 写管理制度及执行行、处方合格率? 情况,处方合格率, 90%。毎发现1例次 缺陷、处方合格率 每减少5个百分点 扣1分。 3、检查报告单等管门诊检验报告单管 理情况 理规范~每发现一 项不合格扣2分~ 发现一份检查报告 单丢失不得分。 ,3,规范医疗门诊医疗证明文件管理制度、实地考核 门诊医疗证明文件 证明文件管理。 管理制度及执行情管理制度落实到 况, 位~每发生一起违 规未处理扣1分。 30the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r ,4,建立门诊首诊负责制、疑难管理制度 门诊管理职能部门 疑难病例会诊病例转会诊制度等建立有相应的质量制度~并组织实实施情况 管理制度并落实~施。 无制度不得分,有 制度未落实扣2分~ 有缺陷扣1分。 合计 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 4(急诊质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,急诊专业设1、急诊专业人员医院对急诊专业人由具备急诊专业能 臵合理~人员相对配臵符合当地卫员配臵与人员空缺力的副主任医师及固定。值班医师能生部门的规定并与应急时的调配方以上人员主持工作~够胜任急诊抢救有人员空缺与应案 不符合~不得分。 工作。 急时的调配方由具备急诊专业能 案, 力的主管护师及以 上人员主持护理工 作~不符合~不得分。 医师、护理人员配臵 符合本地区卫生及 中医卫生行政主管 部门的规定~能确保 提供24小时×7天 的急诊服务。有一个 二级学科不符合要 求扣2分。 科内有各类各级人 员空缺替代程序与 有效的联络途径~每 发现一个学科有缺 陷扣2分。 31t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 职能部门,或医院总 值班人员,对人员、 物资的空缺与紧急 需求有可行的调配 方案并落实~有缺陷 扣2分。 向本科及其它临床 科室职工了解对急 诊专业人员胜任急 诊工作的评价,重点 是急诊科主任、护士 长、副主任医师以上 人员,。一人不胜任 扣1分。 2、对各级医师的专业培训计划~本科未进行培训~不得 专业培训、知识人员名录与专业培分,培训的内容~参 更新与开展新技训的证明文件 加人员及记录有缺 术、新业务的培陷~每项扣1分。 训规划与落实情 况。 ,2,建立急诊、1、医院提供24医院设臵的二级学能提供24小时急诊 入院、手术“绿色小时急诊服务的科与提供24小时急服务的二级临床学通道”~急诊服务项目,妇、儿等诊服务的目录,急诊科?4个。缺一个学及时、安全、便捷、各科室对急诊工工作流程、管理文件科扣2分。 有效。急诊留观时作的协调性, 资料~对各支持系统各科对急诊工作协 间平均不超过72服务的规范 调配合~有一科不协小时。重点检查急调或不配合工作扣2诊检验、放射、输分。 血、药房、会诊、2、急诊、入院、现场检查 对危重抢救病人十 留观、手术、住院、手术“绿色通道”分钟内诊疗处臵情转诊等环节。 运行情况, 况。抽查3人次~每 1人次不在规定时间 内到达现场扣2分。 急诊手术可在院内 提供24小时×7天 的服务~并有优先程 序规定~没有不得 分。 对成批伤病员有检 伤分类程序~无分类 检伤程序不得分。 32the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 3、急诊检验、放随机抽取10份留观急诊用血可在院内 射、用血、药剂、病历记录,要求提供提供24小时×7天 会诊、留观、手的病历应包含急危的服务~并有优先程 术、住院、转诊重症抢救、输血、新序规定~没有不得 等环节是否及技术新业务,, 分。 时、安全、便捷、急诊检验可在急诊 有效。 科或院内就近提供 24小时×7天的服 务并有优先程序规 定,没有不得分。 急诊放射等医学影 像检查可在急诊科 或院内就近提供24 小时×7天的服务并 有优先程序规定得5 分,没有不得分。 急诊药事可在急诊 科或院内就近提供 24小时×7天的服 务并有优先程序规 定~没有不得分。 ,3,急诊抢救工1、认真执行首诊科室有质量管理持 作及时~由上级医负责制、交接班续改进、首诊负责制 师进行指导或主制度、抢救制度、等诊疗程序齐全~缺 持。急危重症患者依据病情优先获一项扣1分。 抢救成功率较高。 得诊疗的程序 等, 2、急诊抢救工作危重抢救病人院内 及时~由上级医会诊医师十分钟内 师进行指导或主全部到达。抽查3人抽查留观病历5份 持 次~每1人次不在规,要求提供的病历 定时间内到达现场应包含急危重症抢 扣2分。 救, 由具备急诊专业能 力的副主任医师及 以上人员主持工作~ 不符合要求不得分。 3、急危重症患者急危重症患者抢救 抢救成功率。 成功率?85%。每减 少5个百分点扣1 分。 33t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid ,4,加强运行病运行病历管理制管理制度与监控记有病历环节质量管 历的监控与管理~度与监控情况~录 理制度,包括环节管重点检查与医疗重点是与病人安理、疑难病历讨论、质量和患者安全全和医疗质量相三级医师查房对病相关的内容。 关的内容。 情变化、合并症、急 危重症的处理意见 等,、并实施监控~ 缺一项扣1分。 ,5,急救设备齐1、基本设备完急诊专业主要设备配臵有性能良好的 备完好~满足急救备~并有性能良与设施配臵目录~空心肺复苏设备~设备工作需要~医护人好、数量充足的缺与应急时的调配不能使用不得分。 员能够熟练、正确复苏和其它设方案~设备操作规程抢救设备100%完好~ 使用。急诊专业医备~抢救设备完与保养记录 有查验与维护记录~护人员熟练掌握好率为l00%~医 有缺陷每项扣1分。 中、西医急诊知识护人员实际操作抽检3名医生、2名 和技能~并能正确熟练。 护士掌握中西医急应用。 诊知识和技能、对主 要设备操作的熟练 程度。每人/项不合 格扣1分。 2、急诊专业的医现场考核3-5人 抽查3名医生~2名 护人员心肺复苏护士现场考核~每一 技能达到的水人有缺陷扣1分。 平。重点考核主 治医师及以上人 员、护师的心肺 复苏技能是否达 到高级水平。 ,6,建立并不断1、本科有常见常见病、特色病种的本科规范性文件?5 完善中医、中西医病、特色病种的诊疗规范与特色技个~没有不得分,缺结合急诊诊疗常诊疗规范与特色术的操作规程 一个扣1分。 规~并加以落实。 技术的操作规 程, 2、医护人员中医现场考核3-5人 抽查3位医师、2名 急症知识和技护士对中医急症知 能。 识的了解情况~每人 不合格扣1分。 ,7,提高急诊中1、中医诊疗技术现场检查、抽查留观中医诊疗技术在急 医药使用率。 在急诊中的应病历5份 诊应用?3项~没有 用, 不得分,每少1项扣 2分。 range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r34the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material 2、急诊中成药的每发现一次不辨证 辨证使用, 使用中成药扣1分, 无使用不得分。 3、中药汤剂煎煮无急煎服务和应用 的及时性和使用不得分。 情况, 4、急危重症的中急危重症中医药使 医药使用率。 用率?30%。每下降 5个百分点扣1分。 合计 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 5(重症监护病房质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,设臵符合效1、科主任和学科人力资源配臵情况科主任、学科带头人 率原则~人力资源带头人、护士长与专业培训方案~及护士长未经过ICU配臵专业化~保证的资格~实际水ICU或CCU工作人或CCU专业培训~不临床工作需要。重平~能力和工作员名册~资格与专得分,有培训无证明点考核专业技术状况, 业培训证明文件~ 文件扣 1-2分。 人员的业务水平2、人力资源配臵人员配臵不合理~不 及运用中医药知与专业培训情况 能满足重症监护病识技术的能力。 房需要得~扣2-3 分。有缺陷扣1-2 分。 90%护士接受过ICU 或CCU训练。每减少 5个百分点扣1分。 现场抽查2名医师 心肺复苏能力。有一 人不合格不得分。 35t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 中医类师占医师总 数?50%。每减少5 个百分点扣1分~没 有不得分。 3、综合急诊救治现场考核3人 考核3名医生对综 医学知识、水平, 合急诊救治的熟练 掌握情况。有一人不 合格扣2分。 4、运用中医药知考核3名医生对运 识、技术的能力。 用中医药知识、技 术的熟练程度。有一 人不合格扣2分。 ,2,医务人员坚保障病人获得连近二个月的医护人主治医师提供24小 守岗位~严密观察贯医疗的措施~员排班表 时×7天的服务。不病情变化。 根据所设专业的能达到不得分。 需要~医师、护ICU或CCU护士配备 士应满足24小时为1.5名/每床。每 ×7天的连贯服减少0.3名/每床~ 务。 扣1分。 查看值班医师交接 班记录本~每缺一天 /次的交接班记录扣 1分。 护理记录有缺陷每 项扣1分。 ,3,严格执行患患者入、出重症随机抽取近6个月从入院登记本和病 者入、出重症监护监护病房符合标的入住ICU或CCU历了解对“病人收病房标准。 准。 的病历5-10份。 入、转出ICU或CCU 标准与原则”的执行 情况。每发现1例不 符合要求扣1分。 ,4,加强运行病病历环节质量提供运行病历 病历环节质量管理 历的监控与管理~,运行病历,管制度,包括环节管重点检查与医疗理制度与监控情理、疑难病历讨论、质量和患者安全况~重点是与病三级医师查房对病相关的内容。 人安全和医疗质情变化、合并症、急 量相关的内容。 危重症的处理意见 等,、并实施监控~ 每缺一项扣1分。 ,5,提高中医药1、中医诊疗技术未应用任何中医诊 在重症抢救过程应用, 抽查病历及抢救记疗技术~不得分,应中的参与程度。 录 用中医诊疗技术~有 缺陷扣2分。 l, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r36the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should faci 2、中成药的辨证使用中成药不辨证~ 使用, 不得分,使用不合 理~扣1-2分。 3、重症监护病人中医药使用率? 的中医药参与情30,。每下降5,扣 况。 1分。 ,6,设备、设施以1、医院设臵ICUICU或CCU的设臵ICU或CCU床位/全 及相关医技科室的或CCU的适宜性方案 院床位为1/100。每 服务能够保证临床方案, 少一床扣1分。 工作需要。 每床均有监护仪:? 1台,心电、血压、 血氧饱和度,/每床。 每减少0.2台/每床 扣1分。 呼吸机:?0.4台/ 每床。每减少0.1台 /每床扣2分。 输液泵?1台/每床。 每减少0.2台/每床2、应具有确保危 扣1分。 重症病人救治安 全的必备设施设没有有创压力设备~ 不得分,没有备用有备,如每床监护 创压力设备~扣2仪、呼吸机、血必备的设施设备、 氧仪~并应有输基本设施设备目录 分。 液泵、有创压力没有心排量测定装 等,及其它设备~臵~不得分。 诊疗设备、能源没有呼吸检测装臵~ 应急供应等。 不得分。 护士站不能看到全 部病人~且无监视装 臵作补充~不得分, 可看到部分病人~扣 3分。 监护室应有其它基 本设备、诊疗设备、 能源应急供应设备。 每缺一项扣2分。 3、相关医技科室现场考核 现场考核放射、检 的服务及时性、协验、功能检查等医技同性。 科室及时和协同服 务~紧急呼叫?10 分钟。每一科不达标 扣2分。 -has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid37t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t 合计 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 6(传染病管理 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 2 2 1 0 ,1,严格执行传染1、医院贯彻和执会议记录、培训记无贯彻落实的会议 病防治的法律、法行传染病防治的录、相关制度、现记录、发放的文件资规、规章和技术操法律、法规、规章场考核 料和培训记录不得作规范、常规~建和技术操作规范、分,有缺项~每缺一立健全规章制度并常规的情况, 项扣2分。 组织实施~有效预2、建立健全规章相关规章制度及医院应有防治传染 防和控制传染病的制度并组织实施,督查记录 病相关管理和报告传播和医源性感制度,包括消毒隔染。 离、疫情报告、应急 处理等制度齐全,~ 有落实督查记录。有 缺项每项扣2分,没 有不得分。 3、预防和控制传现场调查消毒隔布局、流程合理~三 染病传播和医源离、医务人员防护区划分清楚~各项工 性感染的具体措和流程布局及“三作符合规定。有缺陷 施。 区”划分情况 每项扣2分,严重缺 陷不得分。 抽查3名医务人员 个人防护着装及洗 手~一人不合格扣2 分。 4、严格执行医疗现场调查 医疗垃圾分类收集、 垃圾分类管理。 包装符合要求、严格 与生活垃圾分开、记 录与签字齐全、保存 完整。有一项缺陷扣 1分。 38the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r ,2,有专门部门或1、负责传染病疫专门部门人员名无专职传染病报告 人员负责传染病疫情报告工作的部单、疫情报告登记人员或有专职人员情报告工作~并按门和人员设臵, 本及数据统计资不按规定进行报告~照规定报告,具备料 不得分。 网络直报条件的医2、传染病疫情报发现漏报一例不得 院按照规定进行网告工作程序和执分,报告时限、程序络直报。 行情况, 有缺陷每项扣2分。 3、传染病网络直传染病网络直报的 报的设施运行情设施运行正常、有定 况。 期检修维护。现场检 查不能运行不得分。 ,3,感染性疾病科1、医院按规定设科室设臵及人员未按规定设传染病 或传染病科建设符立感染性疾病科名单, 科~不得分,人员配合规定。 或传染病科, 备和培训有缺项~每 项扣1分。 感染性疾病科单独 设区、单独出入口、 通风良好、三区划分 清楚、流程合理、符 合消毒技术规范。有 缺陷扣1分,未单独 设区、无单独出入口 不得分。 2、感染性疾病科科室管理制度、工科室管理制度齐全、 或传染病科开展作流程及工作统有工作流程或规范~ 工作情况。 计资料 没有不得分。 科室对日常工作有 检查、有记录、有报 告资料。缺一项扣1 分。 ,4,定期对工作人1、对工作人员进提供培训资料和医院对员工有培训 员进行传染病防治行传染病防治知记录 和考核的记录~没有知识和技能的培识和技能的培训不得分,有缺陷扣训。 情况, 1-2分。 2、对医务人员进现场抽查3人 抽查3名医护人员 行中医药防治传 对中医药防治传染 染病知识和技能病的知晓程度~1人 的培训情况, 不合格扣2分。 3、工作人员传染抽查3名医护人员 病防治知识知晓对传染病防治知识 和技能的掌握情与技能的掌握程度~ 况。 1人不合格扣2分。 合计 -has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid39t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 7、临床检验质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,贯彻落实1、贯彻落实《病检查医院办公会记有贯彻落实的会议记 《病原微生物原微生物实验室录~ 录、发放的文件资料、实验室生物安生物安全管理条培训记录。每缺一项全管理条例》等例》、《医院感染扣2分。 有关规定。 控制与废弃物的 处理程序》等有 关规定的情况, 2、实验室工作人现场调查3-5人~实达到生物安全二级~ 员对《病原微生地考察 实验室入口处有标 物实验室生物安识。有缺陷扣1分~ 全管理条例》等未达到不得分。 有关规定的知晓标本与废弃物处理符 和执行情况~ 合医院感染控制要 求~有详细记录,日 期及数量、消毒人、 监控人、接收人,。缺 一项扣1分~没有不 得分。 ,2,临床检验1、临床对检验工检验服务项目清单、有常规、急诊服务项 项目满足临床作的认可程度~急诊检验登记本 目清单~急诊检验服需要~并能提供重点是能否提供务项目能提供24小临床需要项目24小时急诊服时服务。无清单扣2的24小时急诊务, 分~不能提供24小时检验服务。 服务不得分。 2、对临床科室申相关规定、证明材料对新项目有质控标 请新项目采取的或案例说明 准、操作规范、审批 措施及落实情程序等资料。发现一 况。 项缺陷扣2分。 40the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r ,3,临床检验1、临床检验实验现场调查~抽查出院临床检验实验室集中 实验室集中设室是否集中设病历10份 设臵~统一管理、资臵~资源共享~臵~能否资源共源共享。发现一项未统一标准~统一享, 统一管理项目扣2质控~保证质分。 量。 2、实验室统一标临床实验室有统一标 准~统一质控~准~定期质控~有保 保证质量。 证质量的安全措施。 没有不得分。 ,4,临床检验1、生物安全管医院感染控制与废弃达到生物安全二级~ 实验室布局与理、废弃物的处物的处理程序 实验室入口处有标流程应当安全、理制度及执行情识。有缺陷扣1分~合理~并符合医况。 未达标不得分。 院感染控制和标本与废弃物处理符 生物安全要求。 合医院感染控制要 求~有详细记录,日 期及数量、消毒人、 监控人、接收人,。缺 一项扣1分~没有不 得分。 2、科室布局与检检验、检查流程文件 各专业部门工作环境 验、检查流程。 布局合理、流程顺畅 ,适宜的空间与温 度、湿度记录~室内 整洁安全~电压恒 定,。每缺一项扣1 分。 ,5,落实全面1、卫生行政部门卫生行政管理部门、没有卫生行政主管部 质量管理与改指定的临床检验临床检验中心验收合门临床质控中心检查进制度~建立并质控中心验收情格证明文件与资料通过合格的证明文执行标本核对况, ,评审前一年, 件~不得分。 制度~按照规定 开展室内质控、2、科室内部质量室内质控制度与原始科室内部质量管理制 参加室间质评。管理制度及实施记录。室内质控失控度全面、有定期质量没有质控的临情况~职工对本处理程序与记录、质管理会议记录、整改床检验项目或科质量管理内容控管理会议制度与记措施。缺一项扣1分。 科研项目~不得知晓程度, 录 室内质控制度失控处 以创收为目的~理程序及操作程序合同时不得向临格~标准SOP和失控床出具检验报处理程序记录完整。告。 有缺陷扣1分~不合 格不得分。 41t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 生化室内质控达标~ 失控处理程序完整合 格。每缺一项不得分。 免疫室内质控达标~ 失控处理程序完整合 格。每缺一项不得分。 临床基础室内质控达 标~控处理程序完整 合格。每缺一项不得 分。 微生物室内质控达 标~失控处理程序完 整合格。每缺一项不 得分。 血清室内质控达标~ 失控处理程序完整合 格。每缺一项不得分。 特殊检验室内质控达 标~失控处理程序完 整合格。每缺一项不 得分。 评审前12个月~每三 个月召开一次室内质 量管理与持续改进的 工作会议~并有记录~ 措施到位。每缺一项 扣1分。 对本科不具备条件~ 临床有需求的外送项 目,定点医院检验科, 应有服务质量保证合 同及质量证明文件。 没有合同扣2分~没 有质量证明文件不得 分。 3、参加室间质评近一年参加室间质评对EQA回报不及格结 的情况。 的原始记录~对EQA果的处理程序与记 回报不合格情况的处录~分析及记录完整。 理程序与职工培训记有缺陷扣1分~无记 录~提供卫生部,市,录不得分。 and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r42the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litate 临检中心室间质评证生化室间质控达标~ 明文件及职工培训记全国及市二级合格得 录 5分~市级合格扣1 分。 免疫室间质控达标~ 全国及市二级合格得 5分~市级合格扣1 分。 血液室间质控达标~ 全国及市二级合格得 5分~市级合格扣1 分。 微生物室间质控达 标~全国及市二级合 格得5分~市级合格 扣1分。 血库室间质控达标~ 全国及市二级合格得 5分~市级合格扣1 分。 特殊实验室间质控达 标得5分~未达标不 得分~有对比证明文 件为有条件合格~无 特殊项目不参评。 ,6,遵守设备1、设备操作规程操作规程文件 现场考核~检测数据 操作规程、定期及实施情况, 合格~SOP操作熟练。 校准、及时淘汰不熟练扣1分,检测 经检定不合格数据不合格不得分。 的设备与试剂。 2、定期校准仪各种证明文件及记录 没有国家强检仪器、 器、量具的程序器具有证明文件~不 文件和执行情得分。 况, 没有仪器定期校准记 录~不得分。 3、设备的维护保设备维护保养记录 设备定期保养记录不 养情况, 完整扣1分。 4、对不合格的设万元以上设备与试剂抽检5份设备与试剂 备和试剂的处理的国家许可证明文件 的证明材料~有一项 情况。 不符合要求~扣1分。 设备与试剂淘汰与处淘汰经检定不合格的 理记录及相关文件 设备与试剂的记录及 手续完整。缺一项扣 1分~没有不得分。 43t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 仪器没有各种标识~ 不得分。 ,7,按照规定1、检验报告人员检验报告人员资质证检查5名检验报告人 及时出具规范资质认定的程序明材料 资质。每发现1名不的检验报告。 与所承担的责合格扣1分。 任, 各类检验报告未归口 管理~不得分,有缺 陷~扣1分。 能运用计算机适宜的 软件进行数据管理~ 运用中有缺陷扣1 分~正在准备运用扣 3分~无运用不得分。 2、检验报告管理相关制度 各专业抽查二份报 与签发制度, 告~所有项目的检验 检查报告均应有签发 人与复核人。每份不 合格扣1分。 3、检验报告的时现场考核 常规检验报告时限~ 限、报告的中文急诊报告?30分钟~ 形式、正常参考平诊报告?24小时。 值范围标注情发现一例未达到扣1 况。 分。 抽查所有项目的检查 报告单各2分~均有 中文形势并注明正常 值范围。每出现一份 不合格扣1分。 ,8,患者、医患者、医师与护检验人员向临床科室有记录、措施到位。 师与护理人员理人员对检验科主动征求意见与改进缺一项扣1分。 对检验科室服室服务满意。 服务措施到位的记录 务满意。 调查临床科室对检验临床医生对检验与病 工作的满意度 理服务项目满足需 求、满意度?85%。每 下降5%扣1分。 合计 44the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 8(病理质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,病理工作1、病理科人员设科室管理制度、人员科室管理制度、工 能够满足临床臵合理、制定管状况名单 作规范~体现为临 工作需要。 理工作制度~重床服务的理念。有 点是以为临床服缺陷每项扣1分。 务为核心, 科内人员配臵、结 构与梯队合理性 ,应与工作质量、 数量相匹配,职工 中大专以上学历? 50%。每下降5个百 分点扣1分。 职工继续教育到 位、有计划、有措 施、有证书。缺一 项扣1分。 2、病理科配备必设施设备清单 设施设备能满足工 要的设备设施~作需要~设备运行 能满足病理工作状态良好。有一项 需要, 不合格扣1分。 3、定期向临床征向临床科室主动征有记录、措施到位。 求意见~能及时求意见与改进服务缺一项扣1分。 改进临床科室对措施到位的记录 病理工作的要 求。 ,2,建立并执标本核对制度及抽查相关制度和记标本登记、核对、 行标本核对制其执行情况 录 签名齐全。有一项 度。 不合格扣1分。无 标本核对制度不得 分。 45t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid ,3,病理报告1、病理报告回报抽查病历3-5份 普通病理切片回报 及时、规范、准是否及时, 时间?3天。每增 确~有审核制加一天扣1分。 度。 2、病理报告书写病理报告书写规 是否规范、准确~范、准确~有审核 有无审核制度。 签字。有缺陷扣1 分~无审核扣2分。 ,4,冰冻切片冰冻切片与石蜡统计资料 冰冻切片与石蜡切 与石蜡切片的切片的诊断符合片诊断符合率? 诊断符合率较率 90%。每减少5个百高。 分点扣1分。 ,5,病理切片、病理切片、蜡块现场调查 病理切片、蜡块保 蜡块保存符合保存符合规定。 存符合规定,储存 规定。 条件、标识清楚、 便于查询、有借阅 登记,。有一项不合 格扣1分。 ,6,患者、医1、临床科室对病现场调查满意度 临床科室对病理工 师与护理人员理工作的满意度 作的满意度?85%。对病理部门服每减少5个百分点务满意。 扣1分。 2、患者对病理工患者对病理工作的 作的满意度 满意度?85%。每减 少5个百分点扣1 分。 合计 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 9(医学影像质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 46the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r ,1,专业设臵1、医学影像,包医学影像,包括放临床医生对医学影 及其设备、设施括放射、超声、核射、超声、核医学像专业服务项目的 满足临床需要~医学等功能检查等功能检查专业,满意度?85%。每减能提供临床需专业,服务项目满服务项目清单; 少5个百分点扣1要项目的24小足临床日常诊疗分。 时急诊检查服与急诊需求的程无外送影像检查项 务。 度, 目有服务质量保障 合同~不得分。 2、急诊值班人员急诊值班表 医学影像专业按常 安排情况 规、急诊的服务项目 清单提供24小时服 务。不能提供24小 时服务扣3分~无清 单扣2分。 3、设备的保养、设备的保养、维护、设备的保养、检修与 维护、检修与应急检修与应急的制度 应急有制度、有记录 的制度与实施情文件。缺一份扣1 况。 分。 ,2,执行技术1、科室管理制度~医学影像各科室质无科室管理制度、操 操作规范~实行包括操作规程及量管理文件与工作作规程及质量控制 科学的质量控质量控制标准, 会议记录~临床随标准~不得分,有缺制标准~开展临访制度~职工教育陷~扣1-2分。 床随访~定期进资料 无科内有质量评价 行质量评价。 与改进制度文件~不 得分,有缺陷~扣 1-2分。 评审前12个月每三 个月召开一次科内 质量管理与持续改 进的工作会议~并有 记录~措施到位。每 减少一次扣1分。 2、定期质量评价 评审前12个月每六 的情况~随访制度个月召开一次与临 落实情况, 床科室的联席工作 会议~有记录~措施 到位。每减少一次扣 2分。 临床随访制度到位。 有缺陷扣1分。 47t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 3、检查科内人员调查5名职工对本 对本科质量管理科室及所在专业的 内容的知晓程度。 质量监控指标与持 续改进措施的知晓 程度。1人不合格扣 1分。 ,3,医学影像1、各类医学影像各类医学影像资料抽查10份普通放射 资料质量符合资料的质量是否的质量指标、诊断片~阳性率?50%、 临床工作要求。 达标, 报告、质量缺陷整甲片率?70%、废片 改记录,现场抽查率?3.0%。一项不达 各类影象片各10张 标扣2分。 CR片甲片率?90%。 每下降5个百分点 扣1分。 CT片阳性率?70%、 甲片率?70%。每下 降5%扣1分。 抽查10份超声报告 单~超声阳性率? 60%。每下降5个百 分点扣1分。 凡阳性与特殊的阴 性图像资料保存完 整~无缺失、损坏、 霉变~易于查找。有 缺陷每项扣1分。 2、集体读片会制有集体读片会制度 度是否落实及对并落实~对质量缺陷 质量缺陷的整改有整改措施和记录。 措施。 有缺陷每项扣1分。 1、医学影像报告医学影像诊断报告 人资质认定的程必须由具备资格的 序与所承担的责人员签发~符合要提供医学影像报告任, 求。发现1份不符合人资质认定的程序要求不得分。 与所承担的责任资2、在医院规定的报告时限~急诊报告 ,4,报告及时、料~报告签发制度~时限内签发报告。 ?30分钟、平诊报准确、规范~有报告时限规定~为告?24小时。发现1审核制度。 临床提供咨询服务份超时报告扣1分。 制度和征求临床科3、诊断报告的内诊断报告的书写符 室意见的记录及有涵及书写是否符合基本规范~叙述表关病历 合基本规范,报告达清楚~使用专业术 审查签发制度的语。有缺陷扣1分。 落实状况。 range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r48the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material 1、卫生防疫站、执法部门对环境与本地区卫生防疫、技 技术监督局及其设备监测报告~人术监督及其它执法 它执法部门对环员培训与体检合格部门对环境与设备 境与设备监测的的上岗证,设备的监测报告均达标。有 报告, 保养、检修的制度一项不达标扣2分。 ,5,环境保护2、人员培训与体及记录文件,主要放射防护、培训与体 与个人防护达医学影像设备,50检合格的上岗证, 检合格人员的上岗到标准。 万元及以上,资料证均符合要求。有缺 与维修记录 陷每例次扣1分。 3、工作人员与病必要的防护设施设 人防护设备配备备配备齐全。有一项 情况。 不达标扣2分。 1、医师与护理人现场调查满意情况 临床科室对影象工 员对医学影像部作的满意度?85%。,6,患者、医门服务满意程度, 每减少5个百分点师与护理人员扣1分。 对医学影像部2、患者对医学影患者对影象工作的 门服务满意。 像部门服务满意满意度?85%。每减 程度。 少5个百分点扣1 分。 合计 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 10(药事质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,贯彻落实1、医院及药学部院、科两级工作制度无相关工作及会议 《中华人民共贯彻落实有关法与会议记录。 记录不得分~有记录和国药品管理律法规的情况, 未传达和落实扣3法》、《医疗机构分~有缺陷扣1-2药事管理暂行分。 49t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 规定》、《抗菌药2、医院执行相关现场考核 抽查科主任及各专 物临床应用指法律法规的情况。 业组负责人5名对导原则》和《处有关法律法规、规定方管理办法,试的知晓程度。一人不行,》、《医疗机合格扣1分。 构中药饮片质 量管理办法》等 有关规定。 ,2,药学部门1、为病人提供安实地考核 不能做到上述服务 布局合理~管理全、及时的服务不得分~服务不完善规范~具有提供,如:进货渠道与扣1-2分。 中药服务的设方式~药品的保管 备、设施~能为环境能否保障药 患者提供安全、品质量安全~夜间 及时、人性化的和节假日用药的 服务。 及时性等服务措 施,, 2、具有提供中药提供设施设备清单,门诊中药饮片调剂、 服务的设备、设施现场考查 取药窗口未向病人 ,如中药饮片调讲清用法、用量及注 剂、煎煮、发放等意事项、特殊煎法或 设施和措施,。 特殊保存要求等发 现一例扣1分。 中药服务的基本设 施设备,如中药饮片 调剂室、煎药室、为 病人供应的设施设 备,不完善~每缺一 项扣2分。 ,3,药品供应1、医院能保证医药品供应目录 医疗医保要求占医 满足临床需要。疗基本药品供应,院药品品种的80%~建立突发事件急救药物齐全、供每下降2百分点扣1药品供应与药应及时, 分,急救药品配备不事管理机制。 齐、供应不及时扣2 分. 相关文字资料 无突发事件药品紧 2、突发事件药品急供应机制不得分。 供应预案。 50the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r ,4,药学部门制定、落实药事质管理规范、考核办法无管理规范、考核办 要建立“以病人量管理规范、考核等资料 法不得分~有缺陷扣为中心”的药学办法并持续改进。 1-2分。 管理工作模式~ 开展以合理用 药为核心的临 床药学工作。制 定、落实药事质 量管理规范、考 核办法并持续 改进。 ,5,药学专业1、药物不良反应制度及报告登记记无药物不良反应报 技术人员负责监测和报告制度录 告制度不得分~有制合理用药的监和实施情况, 度未落实扣3分 督、指导、评价~ 2、抗菌药物临床无抗生素临床临床 开展药物安全 应用监测制度和应用监测制度不得性监测~特别是 实施情况, 制度及监测记录 分~有制度无监测记对用药失误、滥 录或未认真实施扣用药物的监测。 2分。 指导医师开展 3、为患者提供合未做到推广个体化 药物不良反应 理用药的咨询服给药方案不得分,有监测和报告~开 务~积极推广个体缺陷扣1分分。 展抗菌药物临 化给药方案,如药床应用监测~协 学专业技术人员合理用药咨询服务助临床做好细 在指导临床合理措施或方案的文字菌耐药监测。为 使用抗生素与肠资料及工作记录 患者提供合理 胃道外营养所采用药的咨询服 取的措施以及合务~积极推广个 理使用中成药、中体化给药方案。 药饮片情况,。 药剂师及以上人员 占药剂科职工数? 75%~每下降5个百1、人员结构与梯,6,药事部门分点扣1分。 队的建设的合理的人力资源配中药技术人员占药 性~科主任及学科臵合理~能适应剂人员?70%~每下带头人的资格、实本科职工名录、执业中医医院业务降5个百分点扣1际水平、能力和工许可证明文件~继续需要。禁止非药分。 作状况,执业许可教育方案 学专业技术人证明文件,大专以员从事药学技上学历人员所占术工作。 比例, 大专学历人员?50% 得5分~每下降5 个百分点扣1分。 51t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 2、继续教育实施继续教育方案 无继续教育方案不 情况, 得分~有方案无培训 记录或培训证明文 件扣3分。 3、科室内外职工满意度?85%~每减 调查科内外职工对对科主任和学科少5个百分点扣1科主任和学科带头带头人实际水平、分。 人实际水平、能力和工作能力和业绩工作业绩的满意度 的评价。 ,7,开展临床1、药师参与临床药师参与临床工作药师参与临床工作、 药学工作~建立工作的情况。 记录文件,包括相关病例讨论状况~重点临床药师制。临的住院病历, 是对严重感染与危床药师数量合重病人合理使用抗理~负责临床药生素与胃肠道外营物遴选、处方审养及中药辨证使用核~参与查房、等。检查5份住院病会诊等。 历及相关记录。有一 份不符合要求扣1 分。 2、临床药物遴选、临床药物遴选、处方检查近1年的为临 处方审核制度落审核制度 床医师提供合理用 实状况, 药的讲座情况,至少 每季度一次,.无讲 座记录不得分。 无临床药物遴选、处 方审核制度不得分~ 有制度未实施扣2 分。 对特殊管理药品无特殊药品的管理 的管理状况,包括制度,包括毒性药 毒性药品、麻醉药品、麻醉药品、精神,8,加强对特品、精神药品、放药品、放射药品的购提供特殊管理药品殊管理药品的射药品的购臵、使臵、使用与安全保管理制度、药品购管理~包括毒性用与安全保管,。 管,不得分有缺陷扣臵、使用与安全保管药品、麻醉药1-3分。 的资料。 品、精神药品、 放射药品购臵、 使用与安全保 管。 ,9,加强中药1、中药饮片采购中药饮片采购资料 中药饮片采购资料饮片采购的质的质量控制情况。 不齐全~无质量控制 及质量控制记录 量管理,严格中记录扣2-3分。 52the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 药饮片调剂、煎2、中药饮片调剂、中药饮片调剂、煎无中药饮片调剂、煎 煮及医疗机构煎煮、医院中药制煮、医院中药制剂的煮、医院中药制剂的中药制剂的质剂的质量控制情质量控制资料 质量控制记录不得 量控制。 况。 分~有缺陷扣1-3 分 服务对象,病人、满表意度调查 临床科室对药学工 医师与护理人员,作的满意度?85%~ 对药剂科服务质每减少5个百分点,10,患者与医 量的评价和满意扣1分。 师、护理人员对 度。 药学部门服务患者对药学工作的 满意。 满意度?85%~每减 少5个百分点扣1 分。 合计 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 11(输血质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,落实《中1、医院落实《中华《医疗机构临床用医院无落实措施不 华人民共和国人民共和国献血血管理办法》《临床得分, 献血法》有关法》、《医疗机构临输血技术规范》的考核输血科,血库, 规定~执行《临床用血管理办法》职工教育情况的资和临床医生共5名~床输血管理办《临床输血技术规料 有1人不合格扣1法》、《临床输范》的措施到位情分。 血技术规范》。况~相关人员的知 医院严禁非法晓程度, 擅自采血。 2、输血科,血库,输血科,血库,建无证明文件不得分。 设臵与建设要求的设检查达标证明文 检查达标情况。 件 53t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid ,2,具备为临输血科为临床提供收、发血记录 通过收发血记录可 床提供24小时24小时供血服务的证实输血科,血库,供血服务的能情况。 能满足24小时临床力~满足临床供血。不能满足24需要。 小时临床供血不得 分。 ,3,建立质量建立输血质量考核医院输血管理组无输血管理组织及 监测、考核和指标和信息反馈制织、工作制度、技监测、考核和信息反信息反馈制度。 术操作规程和质量馈制度不得分~每缺度。 考核指标和质量管1项扣2分。 理信息反馈的执行血库有血液入库、核 记录 对、交叉配血与发血 出库技术操作规程 文件~登记本内容符 合规范要求。有缺陷 扣1分。 血液于血库专用冰 箱分层贮存~有温度 自动记录与报警装 臵。每1项缺陷扣2 分。 血库冰箱有定期消 毒与细菌培养记录。 有缺陷扣1分。 输血质量考核指标 纳入临床科室监控 范围有监控考核记 录。无不得分。 ,4,制定、实建立输血管理组控制输血感染的管无严格的控制输血 施控制输血感织、工作制度、技理文件资料 感染的方案、输血技染的方案~严术操作规程及输血相关案例 术规范血液输入的 格执行输血技感染疾病的登记报流程规范不得分。 术操作规范。 告和调查处理制度现场抽查2人考核 及落实情况。 对输血技术规范的 知晓程度~一人不合 格扣2.5分。 无输血感染登记报 告制度、事件调查与 处理制度不得分。 ,5,落实临床1、用血申请、登记、临床用血制度及执查看申请登记本~一 用血申请、登审批制度及其落实行记录文件 项不合格扣1分。 54the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 记制度~履行情况, 无明确的急诊用血 用血报批手输血规定并落实到 续~执行输血位不得分~有缺陷扣前检验和核对1分。 制度。完善输无规范的病人签署 血反应及输血输血知情同意书的感染疾病的登程序和文件不得分~记、报告和调有缺陷扣1分。 查处理制度。 2、临床用血前检验临床用血安全管理输血前检验项目不 和核对制度及执行制度及执行记录文规范不得分,发现取 情况。 件 血与输血核不到位 扣2-3分。 3、输血反应及输血输血反应及输血感无预防输血感染与 感染疾病的登记、染疾病的登记、报不良反应的管理制 报告和调查处理制告和调查处理制度度不得分。 度 文件 无临床输血不良反 应与输血感染的报 告程序与处理规范 不得分。 无对发生输血不良 反应与输血感染的 血液样本再核对检 查的流程不得分。 ,6,掌握输血掌握输血适应症工抽查病历 抽查5份输血病历~ 适应症~科学、作情况。 一份不合格扣1分。 合理用血。 合计 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 12(医院感染质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 55t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid ,1,根据国家有1、院、科两级医院、科两级医院感染医院未将“医院感 关的法律、法规、院感染管理组织管理组织结构 染”工作纳入全院 规章和规范、常及专职医院感染质量管理与持续 规~制定并落实管理人员的结改进工作方案之 医院感染管理的构。 中不得分。 各项规章制度。 医院感染管理委 员会定期,每三个 月一次,召开工作 会议能解决实际 问题并有记录。缺 一次扣1分。 院级医院感染管 理委员会工作未 由院长主持不得 分。 医院感染管理科 非单独设科~不是 由院长领导不得 分。 医院感染管理的 职能部门不是由 医师负责~无指导 临床抗生素合理 使用的能力不得 分。 医院感染管理的 职能部门未能做 到计算机管理及 定期出具相关报 表、分析报告不得 分。 专职人员未能每 年都接受“医院感 染管理”专业知识 学习与更新不得 分。 科级医院感染管 理组织不是由科 主任,或副主任、 或护士长,主持工 作不得分。 l, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r56the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should faci 2、规章制度、监医院感染管理的规未将医院感染管 管程序与措施落章制度和监管程序理监控指标纳入 实情况。 与措施, 全院对科室的医 疗质量管理与考 核的范围不得分。 对院感染控制工 作中涉及需多科 协同进行的有明 确的分工、责任、 监督保障的规定。 有缺陷扣1分。 新职工上岗前培 训无“医院感染” 的内容不得分。 未做到每年至少 一次全院性的“医 院感染”教育不得 分。 未做到定期向医 务人员与管理部 门通报并有记录 不得分。 未做到定期对消 毒灭菌装臵用生 物学检测的方法 进效果的评价不 得分。 未做到监督检查 医院消毒、灭菌效 果并进行环境卫 生学监测~定期分 析监测结果~并有 监测结果不得分~ 有缺陷扣1-3分。 未做到定期对血 液透析装臵及透 析液用生物学检 测的方法进行效 果的评价不得分。 应写医院内感染 突发事件的调查 报告而未写不得 分。 ube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid57t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemen 未做到监测医院 感染发病率~发现 问题并采取相应 的措施不得分~有 缺陷扣1-3分。 医院内感染率? 10%~每上升1个 百分点扣1分。 I类切口甲级愈合 率?95%~每下降5 个百分点扣2分。 院内感染漏报率 ?20%~每上升2 个百分点扣1分。 未将感染控制监 控指标纳入全院 对科室的医疗质 量管理与考核的 范围不得分。 3、严格执行医疗现场调查 医疗垃圾分类收 垃圾分类处理制集、包装符合要 度。 求、严格与生活垃 圾分开、记录与签 字齐全、保存完 整。有一项缺陷扣 1分。 ,2,医院的布医院的布局、设现场抽查 医院门诊布局和 局、设施和工作施和工作流程符工作流程符合医 流程符合医院感合医院感染预防院预防和控制感 染预防与控制的与控制的情况。 染的要求。有缺陷 要求。 扣2分。 医院病房布局和 工作流程符合医 院预防和控制感 染的要求。有缺陷 扣2分。 手术室布局和工 作流程符合医院 预防和控制感染 的要求。有缺陷扣 2分。 58the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 供应室布局和工 作流程符合医院 预防和控制感染 的要求。有缺陷扣 2分。 各治疗室、换药室 布局和工作流程 符合医院预防和 控制感染的要求。 有缺陷扣2分。 ,3,落实医院感医院感染的监提供资料 医院感染无监测 染的监测、诊断测、诊断和报告制度、并定期进行和报告制度。 制度及执行情监测不得分~有缺 况。 陷扣2分。 无医院感染报告 制度、报告程序及 诊断标准并及时 记录不得分~有缺 陷扣2分。 ,4,加强对医院1、制定对重点部相关制度、重点监控无对科室监测的 感染控制重点部门监测的管理制科室的原始监测记制度、制定监测方门的管理~包括度, 录、数据分析资料及法、频率及落实相感染性疾病科、整改记录 关责任制不得分~口腔科、手术室、有缺陷扣1分。 重症监护室、新2、对重点部门实感染重点监控科 生儿病房、产房、施监测的工作情室部门的原始监 内窥镜室、血液况, 测记录不完整扣 透析室、导管室、1-3分。 临床检验部门和检验科能按时对 消毒供应室等。 重点部门进行有 关细菌学的检查 ,检验科原始记 录与定期分析报 告,、中医诊疗器 具的消毒使用流 程、措施符合要 求。有缺陷扣2分。 消毒供应室未能 做到对空气、物 品、设备定期进行 细菌学检测不得 分,有缺陷扣2分。 59t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 3、对监测数据定未对监测数据定 期分析并指导被期分析并指导被 监测部门工作, 监测部门工作不 得分。 4、对发现的异未对发生异常信 常、缺陷~及时息时采取的整改 纠正及采取的整对策到位~,还需 改措施到位情用案例与相关数 况。 据采说明其措施 的有效性,不得 分。 ,5,医务人员严医务人员掌握无定期进行监测的原查看对医务人员 格执行无菌技术菌技术操作、消始记录文件 执行规范的培训、操作、消毒隔离毒隔离工作制现场抽查 监测和考核的记 工作制度、手卫度、手卫生规范录。有缺陷扣2分。 生规范。 情况。 现场抽查2名医务 人员对无菌技术 操作、消毒隔离工 作制度、手卫生规 范的知晓情况~一 人不合格扣2.5 分。 ,6,按规定可以可以重复使用的检查供应室及使用检查供应室的消 重复使用的医疗医疗器械消毒、部门的消毒物品,可毒灭菌程序、记录器械~应当进行灭菌情况。 复用医疗器械的消内容。发现一次不严格的消毒或者毒记录 合格扣1分。 灭菌。 检查供应室各消 毒物品的运送流 程。发现一次不合 格不得分。 检查使用部门,外 科换药室、口腔 科、抢救室等,的 消毒物品标签符 合规定。发现一次 不合格扣1分。 ,7,合理使用抗1、执行卫生部合抗生素合理使用相医院未制定“合理 菌药物~开展耐理使用抗菌药物关制度与措施 使用抗生素”的制药菌株监测。 规范情况, 药剂科提供临床常度不得分。 用抗生素目录 抗生素使用率? 抽查病历10份 50%~每上升2个 百分点扣1分。 60the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 抽查使用抗生素 的病历~在药敏指 导下抗生素应用 合理、有细菌培养 结果、无不合理重 复。有缺陷扣1-4 分。 药剂科未对严重 感染病例能适时 参加临床查房、病 例讨论~提供有关 临床药学的支持 ,可用评审前六 个月中的典型案 例表明其能力,不 得分。 甲类切口手术预 防性抗生素使用 时间?72小时。否 则不得分。 2、耐药菌株监耐药菌株监测相关检验科未能及时 测。 资料 准确地为临床提 供有关细菌学与 药物敏感度检查 不得分。 检验科可以提供 药敏试验的抗生 素品种占本院常 用抗生素总数? 50%~每下降5个 百分点扣1分。 未能做到及时向 临床医师提供有 关近期细菌学与 药物敏感度、耐药 菌株信息分析~引 导合理使用抗生 素不得分。 合计 -has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid61t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: 13(病案质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 ,1,贯彻落实贯彻、落实卫生提供落实和改进医院为贯彻《医疗事故 《医疗事故处部、国家中医药措施的文件,培训处理条例》、《医疗机构理条例》、《医管理局《医疗机记录及资料, 病历管理规定》、《中医、疗机构病历管构病历管理规中西医结合病历书写规 理规定》、《中定》、《中医、中范》的情况所采取改进 医、中西医结西医结合病历书措施到位并有文件记 合病历书写基写规范》的情况。 录。每缺一项扣2分。 本规范,试 行,》等有关规 定。 ,2,医疗文书医疗文书书写质现场检查病历10无制度不得分~有制度 书写及时、准量状况 份 无培训和检查扣3分。 确、完整、规 范。 ,3,建立、健1、病历全程质量病历质量管理制无病历质量全程管理、 全病历全程质监控、评价、反度、质量评价制监控、评价及反馈的制 量监控、评价、馈制度 度、 度~如环节管理、终末 反馈制度~提管理等不得分~未做到 高甲级病历对全程管理扣2分~有率。 其它缺陷扣1-2分。 2、医疗文书书写医疗文书书写制无病历书写制度,住院、 制度及落实情度及培训、检查记门诊、急诊病历,不得 况, 录 分~有制度无培训记录 扣3分。 无护理病历书写制度 ,住院、门诊、急诊病 历,不得分~有制度无 培训记录扣3分。 62the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 3、病历内涵质量病历内涵质量检无专人对病历内涵质量 有专人监控~并查记录和报表,医进行检查、监控、评价 与科室医疗质量院科室评价报表 不得分。监控工作有缺 评价挂钩, 陷扣1-3分。 病历监控未与科室评价 挂钩不得分。 4、提高病历甲级近三年来病历质提供近三年病历质量年 病案率及所采取量统计数据资料 报、近一年月报表。报 的措施。 表齐全、甲级率,住院, ?90%~报表不全或甲级 率每减少5%扣1分。 无对病历质量进行分析 和采取的改进措施的材 料不得分~有缺陷扣1-3 分。 ,4,建立病案1、建立健全病历病历管理制度 病历管理制度包括门 管理制度并组,住院、门急诊,诊、急诊、住院病历管 织落实。 管理制度, 理、回收、查阅等。缺 一项管理制度扣2分~ 有缺陷每项扣1分。 2、病历归档与使现场调查,包括病随机抽取病历30份~有 用情况, 历保管、回收、借发现一份病历丢失或非 阅、查阅登记或记法使用不得分。 录, ,5,为医疗、1、病案科,室,病案室提供服务无为医、教、研服务的 教学、科研提为医疗、教学、方式,相关统计及制度和记录不得分~有 供相关服务,科研服务的状分析报表 缺陷扣1-2分。 按规定为患者况, 不能为临床提供基本的 或其代理人、统计数据如工作量、病 卫生行政部种、费用等不得分~有 门、中医药管缺陷扣1-2分。 理部门、医学2、病历复制、封病历复制、封存管无复印或复制病历资 会、保险机构、存及患者隐私保理制度与登记本,料、封存病历的规定不 公安司法等部护执行情况。 病历传递的安全得分~有缺陷每项扣1门复印或复制制度。 分。 病历资料~并无为患者保护隐私的规 按规定保护患定和工作制度不得分。 者隐私。 合计 63t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 附记: 评审员签名: 日期: ,六,护理质量管理与持续改进 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(健全护理管理,1,根据医院护理管理结构图等未建立相应的护理管 组织体系。 的功能任务~建文字资料 理组织体系不得分。 立完善的护理有缺陷扣1-2分。 管理组织体系。 ,2,护理管理管理目标文件及考护理管理部门无明确 部门实行目标评资料 目标、职责不得分~ 管理责任制~职执行或考核有缺陷扣 责明确。 1-2分 ,3,护理管理护理工作制度等相无护理工作制度或未 部门结合医院关资料 监督落实不得分,制 实际情况~制订度不完善或执行不得 护理工作制度~力扣1-2分。 并有相应的监 督与协调机制。 ,4,设臵有护相关文件及工作记无相应的组织、工作 理质量管理委录 制度不得分。护理质 员会进行护理量管理工作有缺陷扣 质量管理。 1-2分。 ,5,有院内紧预案~实施或演练无预案不得分~演练 急意外事件的的相关材料 实施有缺陷扣1-3 应急预案。 分。 2(护理人力资源,1,对各级各在岗护理专业人员发现特殊岗位的护理 管理。 类护士的资质、执业证书 专业人员未取合格资 各岗位的技术质不得分 能力有明确要 求。对各护理单 64the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 元护士人力的护理人员名单、近各护理单元护士人力 配臵有明确的三个月护士排班的配臵不能满足护理 原则与标准~确表。 质量与病人安全需要 保满足实施等扣1-3分。 级护理的质量 与病人安全的 需要。 ,2,有紧急状相关方案 无方案不得分。 态下对护理人 力资源调配的 方案。 ,3,西医院校学习证明材料及评开展该项工作不得 毕业的护士应价记录 分~未全部完成每降 接受至少100低5个百分点扣1分。 学时的中医基 础知识与技能 培训。 ,4,有各级各近三年培训计划及无培训计划不得分。 类护士的在职实施记录 实施有缺陷扣1-2 培训计划。 分。 ,5,实施对护护士技术档案 未开展工作不得分~ 士的绩效考核实施有缺陷扣1-2 和工作评价。 分。 3(建立健全护理,1,有健全的规范性文件及相关无相应的规范性文件 管理与业务工作护理工作制度、检查记录 不得分~执行与监督制度。 护理常规、操作有不足扣1-2分。 规程等文件或 手册~并有执行 与监督的体制。 ,2,各护理岗相关资料 全院访谈10名护士~ 位护士明确岗护士访谈 每发现1名护士不明 位职责和工作确自己岗位职责和工 标准。 作标准扣0.5-1分 ,3,落实相关现场考核 全院考核5名护士~ 护理工作制度、每发现1名护士操作 护理常规、操作不合格扣1分 规程。 4(制定并落实护,1,建立并实相关文件、检查记未建立基础护理质量 理质量考核标准、施基础护理质录 评价标准不得分,实考核办法和持续量评价标准。 施有缺陷扣1-3分。 改进方案。 ,2,建立并实相关文件、检查记未建立专科护理质量 施专科护理质录 评价标准不得分,实 量标准。 施有缺陷扣1-3分。 ube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid65t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemen ,3,建立质量相关文件、检查记未进行护理质量标准 可追溯的机制~录、现场考核 的效果评价不得分。 定期与不定期未能体现在持续改进 对护理质量标过程中扣1-3分。 准进行效果评 价~并能体现在 持续改进的过 程中。 ,4,按照《病督查记录、抽查部未执行《病历书写基 历书写基本基分运行病历 本基本规范,试行,》本规范,试行,》不得分,质量评价工 进行护理文件作有欠缺扣1-2分。 书写~有定期的 质量评价。 ,5,有重点护重点部门ICU、急诊未开展重点护理环节 理环节的管理、,室,科、手术室、管理不得分~管理工 应急预案与处供应室等的现场考作有缺陷扣1-2分。 理程序。 查 相关文件 无应急预案与处理程 序不得分~预案演练 及落实有缺陷扣1-2 分。 5(以病人为中心~,1,临床护理现场考察 落实知情同意、保护 开展基础护理服工作体现人性护士访谈 隐私有缺陷扣1-3 务和护理专业技化服务~体现患分。 术服务。 者知情同意与 隐私保护的责 任。 ,2,基础护理督查记录 调查1、2级护理病人 与等级护理的现场检查 各3名的基础护理到 措施到位。 位情况~发现1名病 人基础护理不到位扣 1分。 医院无督查扣1-2 分。 ,3,护士对住督查记录、现场检护士对住院患者的临 院患者的临床查 床用药、治疗提供规 用药、治疗提供范服务有缺陷扣1-2 规范服务。 分。 66the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r ,4,对围手术病历等记录 未执行围手术期的患 期的患者有规现场检查 者的术前访视和术后 范的术前访视支持服务不得分~执 和术后支持服行有缺陷扣1-2分。 务制度与程序。 ,5,提供适宜督查记录、现场检不能提供康复和健康 的康复和健康查 指导不得分。 指导。 ,6,各种医技督查记录、现场检不能提供医技检查护 检查的护理措查 理服务不得分~有缺 施到位。 陷扣1-2分。 ,7,严格执行督查记录、现场检发现违反医嘱的护理 医嘱~密切观察查 活动不得分。病情观 病情~根据要求察及记录有缺陷扣 正确记录。 1-2分。 6(中医护理开展,1,开展整体相关资料 未开展该工作不得 情况及质量管理。 护理与辨证施现场检查 分,有缺陷扣1-2分。 护。 ,2,建立完善规范性文件、相关无规范性文件或有规 专病中医护理资料及现场检查 范性文件但未执行不 常规与中医护得分,有缺陷扣1-2 理技术操作规分。 程~并加以执 行。 ,3,在专科,专开展项目及运行情专科中未开展中医特 病,中开展中医况、相关护理论文色护理不得分,有缺 特色护理。 和论著 陷扣1-2分。 7(急危重症患者,1,对急危重相关文件及工作记无危重患者护理的规 的护理质量。 患者有护理常录、现场检查 范性文件或有规范性 规~措施具体~文件但未执行不得 记录规范完整。 分,执行、记录等有 缺陷扣1-2分。 ,2,护理管理相关资文件资料 护理管理部门未对上 部门对急诊科、现场检查 述重点部门进行重点 重症监护病房、管理、检查不得分, 手术室、血液净改进措施不到位扣 化等部门进行1-2分。 重点管理~定期 检查、改进。 -has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid67t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t ,3,能够保证现场检查 发现监护与抢救仪器 监护与抢救仪相关资料 设备不能正常使用、 器设备使用中无消毒灭菌记录不得 的有效性和消分。 毒与灭菌的可 靠性。 ,4,保证对危工作记录 发现违反操作规程行 重患者实施安现场考核 为不得分。 全的护理操作。 ,5,建立并完讨论记录本 未开展护理查房、护 善护理查房、护理会诊、护理病例讨 理会诊、护理病论不得分,有缺陷扣 例讨论制度。 1-2分。 8(护理差错报告,1,建立与实近三年内对偶发事无制度或有制度未执 和管理制度。 施护理差错报件,纠纷、事故、行不得分~有缺陷扣 告和管理制度。 差错,处理结果与1-2分。 重点整改措施的文 字资料。 ,2,完善专项相关文件及工作记无专项护理质量管理 护理质量管理录、现场检查 制度或有制度未执行 制度~如各类导不得分~有缺陷扣 管脱落、病人跌1-2分。 倒、压疮等。 ,3,能够应用相关文件及工作记开展差错评价并用于 对护理差错评录、现场检查 改进护理工作。有缺 价的结果~改进陷扣1-2分。 相应的运行机 制与工作流程、 工作制度。 9(手术室与中心,1,手术室与相关文件及工作记不符合预防和控制医 供应室的管理。 中心供应室工录、现场检查 院感染管理要求不得 作流程合理~符分。 合预防和控制 医院感染的要 求。 ,2,制订并实相关文件及工作记无相关规范性文件或 施相关的工作录 有相关规范性文件但 制度、程序、操未执行不得分~执行 作常规。 有缺陷扣1-3分。 ,3,主动配合满足临床工作需要应能够满足临床需 临床工作~满足的现状调查 要。发现影响质量与 临床需要。 安全的事件不得分。 range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r68the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material 三、医疗安全 医院应当采取有效措施~加强医疗服务全程的安全监督管理~保障就诊者、工作人员以及其他来院人员的安全~特别是要有效预防医疗事故以及其他意外事故所造成的人身损害。 ,一,医疗服务安全 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(加强医疗服务1、医院领导重视院办公会工作记医院领导未专门研 安全管理~坚持医疗安全管理工录, 究讨论医疗服务安 “严格要求、严作, 全工作~不得分,有密组织、严谨作研究~未落实扣3分, 风”~开展医疗服2、医疗服务安全建立医疗服务安全无医疗服务安全工 务安全监督、评管理体系健全~经管理组织体系相关作体系不得分,有组价、改进工作。 常开展督促评价文件~ 织未开展监督评价 工作~针对存在的监督评价工作记改进工作扣3分,开 问题~制定改进措录~改进措施的资展工作但有缺陷~扣 施。 料以及措施落实的2分。 情况。 2(开展全员医疗医院职工接受医医疗服务安全教育未开展不得分,对现 服务安全教育~疗服务安全教育培训记录, 场考核5名职工医疗树立医疗服务安情况, 现场考核 安全服务意识进行综全意识。 合评价~有一名职工 不合格扣1分~最多 扣3分。 3(定期开展医疗1、医院制定的提相关资料 无提高医疗质量和 质量和医疗服务高医疗质量和保保障医疗服务安全 安全分析~努力障医疗服务安全的措施~扣3分~有减少医疗安全隐的措施, 措施但没有落实~扣患。 2分。 2、医疗质量和医相关资料 无分析资料不得分, 疗服务安全分析发现安全隐患~扣2 资料, 分, 69t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 4(研究、分析重医院对重大医疗查近3年来的医院医院对重大医疗过 大医疗过失行为过失和行为进行所有的医疗纠纷相失行为和医疗事故 和医疗事故~改研究和分析。 关原始资料 未进行研究分析~不进医疗服务质得分,有分析无改 量、提高医疗服进~扣3分。 务安全。 1、防范非医疗因无措施不得分,措施 相关资料 不完善~扣1-2分。 素引起的意外伤 害事件的措施 5(有防范非医疗2、医院经常组织没有经常性检查和改 因素引起的意外防范非医疗因素进~扣3分,未开展伤害事件的措施。 意外伤害事件的现场调查 工作不得分。 安全检查~并对安 全隐患进行改进。 医院有对职工进行1、相关科室医务医院对职工进行职职业安全教育的培人员职业防护措业安全教育的培训训和考核资料得5施落实情况。 和考核资料。 分,有缺陷扣1分。 医院有职工定期健 康检查制度及职工2、对职工进行定职工定期健康检查健康档案得5分~无期健康检查~建立制度及职工健康档定期健康检查制度职工健康档案。 案 扣2分~无职工健康6(有保护医务人 员职业安全的措档案扣3分。 施。 1、医院对遭受感染有紧急处理程序得5 分~有缺陷扣1分。 ,包括化学污染, 与职业损伤后的紧3、医院对遭受感急处理程序与规染与职业损伤事定, 件的处理程序与2、防止感染,包括医院有防止感染,包 整改措施。 化学污染,与职业括化学污染,与职业 损伤后的指南、手损伤后的指南或手 册等。 册得5分~无不得分。 ,二,建筑、设备、设施安全 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 70the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 1(医院的建筑应医院的建筑符合相关规定, 医院建筑规范~符合 当符合有关规范有关规定~不会对现场察看 相关规定得5分~发的规定。 人员造成危害。 现一处不符合规范 扣2分~问题明显者 不得分。 2(医院设备、设医院设备、设施运医院主要设备、设评审前一年主要设 施安全运转~防止转情况~能否防止施维护记录, 备、设施维护记录完漏电、漏气、漏水漏电、漏气、漏水~现场考核主要设整~现场抽查的设等。 保证医疗和财产备、设施运转情况 备、设施运转正常得 安全。 5分~维护记录不完 整扣1分~发现主要 设备或设施一处运 转不正常不得分。 3(消防通道畅通~1、医院经常检查医院检查消防通道评审前一年记录完 无障碍。消防设备消防通道和消防和消防设备的记录整得5分~有缺陷发齐全~标志醒目~设备的记录, 资料, 现一处扣1分。 专人管理~设有消现场察看 现场察看消防通道 防预警系统。有火畅通~消防设备齐全灾事故的应急预得5分~发现一处不案并定期演练。遇合格扣2分~主要位紧急状态时应有臵不符合消防要求与外界通讯联络不得分。 的可靠方式和安2、火灾事故处理火灾事故处理的应有应急预案~评审前 全畅通的疏散路的应急预案及定急预案及定期演练一年记录完整得5线。 期演练记录 记录资料, 分~无应急预案扣3 分~无定期演练记录 扣2分。 现场考核 现场考核医院遇火 灾时与外界通讯联 络的可靠方式和安 全畅通的疏散路线 符合要求得5分~有 缺陷扣2分~存在重 大问题不得分。 4(具有双路供电1、医院供电系统现场察看 医院供电系统能够 系统和自备发电和自备发电配送满足患者基本的医配送能力~保证手能力, 疗护理需要得5分~术室、导管室、产否则不得分。 71t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 房、重症监护病2、供电系统是否供电系统能安全、有 房、急诊科、血液能安全、有效地支效地支持手术室、导透析室、输血科持手术室、导管管室、产房、重症监,血库,等部门的室、产房、重症监护病房、急诊科、血用电需要。 护病房、急诊科、液透析室、输血科 血液透析室、输血,血库,等部门的临 科,血库,等部门床需要得5分~不能 的临床服务。 满足上述一个科室 的需要不得分。 医疗废弃物及污水医疗废弃物及污 医疗废弃物及污水5(医疗废物及污水处理的相关规处理符合相关规定处理相关规定、卫生水处理符合有关定及落实情况 得5分~发现一处不监督部门检查记录、规定。 合格扣2分~存在明相关票证 显问题不得分。 ,三,危险物品及要害部门安全 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(建立医用放射医用放射性物质、医用放射性物质、无相关管理制度不 性物质、剧毒试剂剧毒试剂等危险剧毒试剂等危险物得分,有制度不完善等危险物品的安物品的安全管理品的安全管理制度扣2分,没落实扣3全管理制度并认制度及落实情况 及落实情况的资分。 真落实。 料。 现场考核 2(有处理放射事医用放射性物质、相关资料 无预案不得分,有预 故等意外事件的剧毒试剂等危险 案不完善扣2分。 预案。 物品造成意外伤 害的应急预案。 3(加强对放射科、上述部门,部位,相关资料 发现一个部门,部 检验科、医用氧的设臵和运行是现场察看 位,未达到国家强制舱、同位素室、氧否符合政府有关标准~不得分,无安气供应室、危险品管理部门的要求~全措施扣2分,发现仓库、配电室、压是否制定了安全安全隐患扣1-3分。 力容器及电梯等管理措施。 重要部门的安全 管理。 72the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 四、医院服务 坚持“以病人为中心”~树立良好的服务理念和意识~加强职业道德和医德医风建设~充分体现尊重患者、关爱患者、方便患者、服务患者的人文精神。要不断改善服务态度~转变服务作风~做到服务形式多样化和规范化~服务流程合理、便捷~医疗收费合理、透明~并持续改进。尊重和维护患者的合法权益~构建和谐的医患关系~不断满足患者的医疗服务需求。 ,一,维护患者合法权益 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(能够提供多1、医院为患者提供相关资料 根据普通门诊、专家 层次的医疗护多层次医疗服务的现场考察 门诊、特需医疗服务理服务~满足患情况。 情况~综合评价。 者不同层次的 需求。 2(尊重和维护1、医院维护与尊重 通过医院提供的文 患者的知情同病人权益的服务规维护与尊重病人权件~评价该院对病人意权、隐私权、范。重点是:知情益的服务规范与措权益的重视程度。有选择权等权利。权、隐私权、选择施文件资料, 服务规范得5分。有按照法律、法权等权利, 缺陷扣1分~没有不规、规章等有关 得分。 规定~进行临床2、措施具体~责任相关措施与文件齐 试验、药品试到人, 全完备得5分~有缺验、医疗器械试陷每项扣1分。 验、手术、麻醉、3、对职工进行维护采用调查表形式抽评价职工对自己应 输血以及特殊与尊重病人权益的查部分员工 尽的责任与义务的 检查、特殊治疗教育与知晓程度。 知晓程度。?90%得等~应当事先获5分,每减少5个百得患者的书面分点扣1分。 知情同意。进行4、医院有需要特别需要特别取得知情有文件~项目目录符 医患沟通时~应取得知情同意的诊同意的诊断、治疗合国家有关法规得 当使用患者及断、治疗和操作等和操作项目的文字5分~不符合规范每其家属易于接服务项目的文件与资料。 处扣1分~没有不得受的方式和理规范, 分。 73t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 解的语言。在医5、在日常诊疗活动相关病历3份 出院病历中了解医 疗服务过程中~中的执行情况 院相关制度文件的 应当保护患者知晓程度与落实情 的隐私。 况。病历中有相关材 料且符合相关要求 得5分,没有不得 分。 6、相关人员医务人医院内部已有的知查阅格式化知情同 员用规范的明白的情同意的格式化资意书是否能为一般方式和语言向病人料 文化水平的人所正,家属,交待相关确理解。了解员工对的诊疗信息~并能维护病人隐私权的维护病人的隐私熟知程度。?90%得权, 5分,一人不熟知扣 1分。 7、由具备资格的医符合规定得5分~发 师,或其它卫技人现一处不合格扣1员,对手术、麻醉、分。 输血和使用血液制 品以及其他高危诊 疗操作前向病人提供相关病历3份 ,家属,交待诊疗 信息~在获得书面 知情同意后方可进 行~并在病历中记 录, 8、有对危及病人生调阅病历、考查对知 命安全紧急处臵的情同意书所描述危规定。 险情况的预防措施实地调查 及实施情况。有针对 性~个性化方案得5 分,没有不得分。 9、医院开展人体临临床试验的批准文批准文件齐全、合格 床研究、调查和试件 得5分,不齐全扣2验的制度应符合法分,无批准文件不得律法规的要求, 分。 litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r74the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 10、对可能造成的伦理委员会,专家委考核医院对病人参 意外、后果与费用员会,论证会议记录 加临床试验的安全 应作明确的交待~提供相关病历3份 性及利益给予的重 同时采取保障措施视与保障程度。根据 并在病历中记录, 会议记录及病历打 分。符合要求得5 分~发现一处不合格 扣1分~ 在获得书面知情同从“临床研究、调查 意后方可进行。 和试验”的病历资料 中了解相关制度文 件落实情况。根据提 供的病历资料打分。 符合要求得5分~发 现一处不合格扣1 分。 3(适时发布有医院发布有关医疗评审前一年医院适 医院发布有关医疗关医疗服务信服务信息 时发布有关医疗服服务信息的资料~如息~如单病种平务信息的资料得5单病种平均住院日、均住院日、单病单病种费用等。 分~没有不得分。, 种费用等。 医患沟通制度 无医患沟通制度不 4(建立并落实医患沟通制度及落得分,有制度未落实医患沟通制度。 实记录资料 扣3分。 有收集患者投诉的,医院有投诉的渠 5(及时、妥善渠道与记录文件,相关制度及记录资道~能对投诉及时处处理和反馈患对投诉能采取切实料 理并有记录得5分,者的投诉。 措施。 没有不得分。 6(尊重患者的有相应的措施并得没有措施不得分,有 民族风俗习惯到落实。 相关资料 措施未落实扣3分。 及宗教信仰。 ,二,服务行为和医德医风 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 75t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 1(贯彻落实法1、医院贯彻落实医相关资料 抽查医务人员对相 律、法规、规章务人员服务行为的关法律、法规和规章等有关规定。尊法律、法规、规章以及岗位职责、行为重、关爱患者~的情况 规范的知晓情况。?主动、热情、周90%合格得5分,每到、文明服务患减少5个百分点扣1者。 分。 2、医务人员执行医现场考察 抽查门,急,诊、病 疗行为规范~尊重、房等5名医务人员对 关爱患者~主动、患者的服务情况~一 热情、周到、文明人不合格扣1分。 服务患者。 2(有医德医风医院负责医德医风医德医风建设的组对医院提供的有关 建设的制度、奖管理的组织体系~织体系、制度、奖医德医风管理的组惩措施并认真制定相关的规范与惩措施及落实资织体系文字材料进落实。 制度及落实情况。 料。 行评估~考核主要负 责人、相关部门对医 德医风管理的重视 程度。根据本条要求 综合评价。 3(严禁使用无检查药品有无无批现场检查 发现任何一种情况 批号、过期、变号、过期、变质、不得分。 质、失效药品~失效药品~或者擅 或者擅自生产、自生产、销售、使 销售、使用未经用未经批准的制 批准的制剂。 剂。 4(不得索要、1、医院的管理措施相关资料 无管理措施不得分, 收受患者红包、及检查落实情况。 有管理措施未落实~物品、有价证券扣3分, 和谋取其他不 正当利益。 2、违规情况的调查问卷调查 调查证实有违规情 及其处理。 况不得分。 5(不得索要、医院有对不得索要相关制度及落实情抽查部分职工对不 收受医疗器械、回扣等廉洁行医的况。可以案例进行得索要回扣等廉洁药品、试剂等生规定和制度。 说明。 行医要求的知晓程产、销售企业或度?90%得5分~每人员以各种名减少5个百分点扣1义、形式给予的分。 回扣、统方费、有定期与不定期检检查制度落实情况。 开单提成等。 查制度。 有检查记录得5分, 没有不得分。 76the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r 对投诉有调查、有对投诉的及时处理 结果、有处理。 情况。有记录得5 分,没有不得分。 6(严禁通过介1、医院有对不得索相关制度及落实情抽查部分职工对不 绍患者到其他要回扣或提成等廉况。可以案例进行得索要回扣或提成 单位检查、治疗洁行医的规定和制说明。 等廉洁行医要求的 或购买药品、医度。 知晓程度?90%得5疗器械等收取分~每减少5个百分回扣或提成。 点扣1分。 2、有定期与不定期检查制度落实情况。 检查制度。 有检查记录得5分, 没有不得分。 3、对投诉有调查、对投诉的及时处理 有结果、有处理。 情况。有记录得5 分,没有不得分。 7(严禁利用回1、有定期与不定期相关制度及落实情检查制度落实情况。 扣或提成以及检查制度。 况。可以案例进行有检查记录得5分,其他不正当手说明。 没有不得分。 段诱使其他医2、对投诉有调查、对投诉的及时处理 疗机构及其医有结果、有处理。 情况。有记录得5务人员转诊患分,没有不得分。 者。 8(严禁推诿、相关制度及落实情相关资料 无制度不得分,发现 拒诊患者。 况 推诿、拒诊患者的情 况不得分。 9(患者和社会1、医院定期对医疗抽查调查记录 医院对病人及相关 对医疗服务比服务满意度进行调 单位的定期满意度 较满意。 查。 调查中提出意见的 改进措施落实到位 得5分~有缺陷扣2 分。 2、对调查结果的分相关资料 职工对调查结果分 析与评价意见能传 析与评价意见的知 达到职工~起到激晓程度?80%得5 励与促进作用。 分,每减少5个百分 点扣1分。 77t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid ,三,服务环境和服务流程 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(门诊应当提医院无此项服务不 门诊提供就诊咨询、供就诊咨询、导得分,有但不完善扣导诊以及其他便民现场考察 诊以及其他便1-2分。 服务情况 民服务。 1、病房、门诊的服不符合要求扣1-2 务环境、设施满足病分~一处未满足病人2(服务环境和现场考察 人基本需求~并能得基本需求扣1分。 设施清洁、舒到不断的提升和改适、温馨~服务善。 标识规范、清2、医院的服务标示无服务标示不得分, 楚、醒目。 服务标识规范、清现场考察 不符合要求扣1-2 楚、醒目。 分。 3(入院与出院、1、医院对入院与出相关制度,急诊入无相关制度不得分, 诊断与治疗、转院、诊断与治疗、转院病历、转科病历。 病历检查中发现流科与转院等连科与转院等连续性程不合理~扣1-3续性服务流程服务流程, 分, 合理、便捷。 2、定期与不定期对无前三年的相关工 能否保持连贯便捷检查前三年有关资作记录不得分,缺一 服务的程度进行检料。 年扣2分。 查与改进。 4(优化流程~l、服务窗口布局和现场考察 布局和流程不合理~ 简化环节。挂流程合理。 扣2-3分。 号、划价、收费、 取药、采血等服2、缩短患者等候时现场考察 等候时间超过相关 务窗口的数量、间~无重复排队。 规定~扣1-2分。 布局合理~缩短 患者等候时间。 5(采取有效措医院急诊检查、检验抽查门诊、病房病查20项常规主要检 施~提高医技科项目及普通检查、检历 查项目~一项达不到室工作效率~缩验项目平均出报告要求~扣0.5分~最短出具检验、检时间等方便病人~符多扣5分。 查报告时间。 合快捷服务要求。 医院会诊制度,新标现场考核 现场抽查2名医生~ 准, 按医院会诊制度中6(会诊医师按规定时间及时到位规定及时到位。 得5分~一人不合格 扣2.5分。 l, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r78the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should faci ,四,严格价格管理~杜绝不合理收费 得分 评价考核要点 检查主要内容 考核评价与计分方法 5 4 3 2 1 0 1(因病施治~l、用《诊疗常规》《诊疗常规》与有诊疗常规占3分:其 合理检查、合理与有关规定、规范关规定 中有规范检查与用用药、合理收指导医师的诊疗工年度统计资料 药的内容得3分~有费。无自定收费作, 缺陷扣1分~无相关项目、超标收内容不得分 费、重复收费、统计资料占2分:年分解收费和比均门诊费用与住院照项目收费等平均人次费用与上现象。 年相比不超过9%或 处于同类同级医院 平均水平高9%以内 得2分~每增加1 个百分点扣0.1分。 2、能为所有病人特种医疗服务的管除生活服务设施条 ,包括一般病人和理制度与执行情况 件外~在三级查房、 特需服务病人,提诊疗方案确认与实 供同样质量的医施等方面应保持同 疗、护理、医技的样质量的服务。符合 服务。 要求得5分~有服务 质量差别每发现一 项扣1分。 2(不得设立账医院财务管理制相关文件资料 有账外账和“小金 外账和“小金度。 财务帐目 库”不得分, 库”。严禁将医 务人员的收入 与科室经济效奖金分配制度。 医务人员的收入与 益挂钩。 科室经济效益挂钩~ 不得分。 3(执行国家有医院执行国家有关集中招标的相关文未参加招标采购的 关药品、高值耗药品集中招标采购件, 不得分,执行有不材集中招标采规定及中标药品采供货合同,支付凭足~扣1-3分。 购政策规定~对购使用情况。 据。 中标药品、高值 耗材按照合同 采购~合理使 79t should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,ine material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangemenube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipelrange easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother t-has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short allowsine of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipelation am end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronizxis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high sted frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end aside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam en-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-es, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sid 用。 医院执行有关高值未参加招标采购的 耗材集中招标采购不得分,执行有不 规定及中标药品采足~扣1-3分。 购使用情况。 4(不得向患者不得向患者收取有查科研病历 发现一项有收费情 收取有关临床关临床试验、药品况不得分。 试验、药品试试验、医疗器械试 验、医疗器械试验以及为评价试验 验以及为评价效果进行的相关检 试验效果进行验、检查费用。 的相关检验、检 查费用。 5(实行医疗服1、医疗服务价格公查相关制度, 价格公示比例未达 务价格公示制示、查询措施到位, 现场考察。 到有关规定要求~不度。向社会公开得分,无查询制度不收费项目和标得分。 准~建立完善价2、服务收费规范~现场抽查 无收费的明细清单~ 格公示制、查询出院有明细清单, 不得分。 制、费用清单3、专人负责服务价价格与投诉管理的无管理制度~不得 制~提高收费透格管理、对投诉有管理制度与投诉记分,对投诉调查处理明度。能够及时调查、有答复, 录 不及时~扣2分。 答复患者的费4、对上级部门提出检查记录资料 无整改措施及记录 用查询。 的服务价格检查问 资料~不得分。 题有整改措施。 6(费用结算方费用结算方式是否现场检查 结算方式不便捷~扣 式便捷。 便捷 1分。 80the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, litateand specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facil, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any paralle-system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to shortr and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against ramete... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run pa, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotore ropeular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wirling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapside slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coup-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-otor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steamslightly lowered the field side, the steam end r
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