

2017-11-29 28页 doc 80KB 21阅读




雪莲果栽培技术雪莲果栽培技术 雪莲果~亚贡~或者~即“神果”之意~属菊科~葵花属植物~故又称为菊薯~原产自南美洲的安第斯山脉~是当地印第安人的一种传统根茎食品~已有500年历史。 简介 别名:晶薯、菊薯、神果、地参果,但叫菊薯更确切~更符合实际, 学名:Smallanthus sanchifalius 雪莲果原产自南美洲的安第斯山脉~是当地印第安人的一种传统根茎食品~雪莲果在国外叫"yacon",亚贡,即"神果"之意。雪莲果是热带高山水果~果树貌似苎麻~可生长到2-3米高~成熟时~枝顶会先后开出~五朵美丽娇艳的太阳花~煞是可爱。...
雪莲果栽培技术 雪莲果~亚贡~或者~即“神果”之意~属菊科~葵花属植物~故又称为菊薯~原产自南美洲的安第斯山脉~是当地印第安人的一种传统根茎食品~已有500年历史。 简介 别名:晶薯、菊薯、神果、地参果,但叫菊薯更确切~更符合实际, 学名:Smallanthus sanchifalius 雪莲果原产自南美洲的安第斯山脉~是当地印第安人的一种传统根茎食品~雪莲果在国外叫"yacon",亚贡,即"神果"之意。雪莲果是热带高山水果~果树貌似苎麻~可生长到2-3米高~成熟时~枝顶会先后开出~五朵美丽娇艳的太阳花~煞是可爱。果肉吃起来~口感却很像水梨~汁多而晶莹剔透~香甜脆爽。属低热量食品~但其碳水化合物却并不为人体吸收因此~很适合糖尿病人及减肥者食用。雪莲果的果寡糖含量是所有植物中最高的。 日本研究并发现~每天服用3-6g的果寡糖~3周之内~人的粪便中有毒致癌化合物的含量可减少百分之40以上。 雪莲果果寡糖含量是干物质的60-70%,果寡糖具有: 1.促消化~调理胃肠道, 2.是肠内有益菌丛的促生剂~产生双歧因子, 3.调理血液~清除高血脂~有效地控制胆固醇和糖尿病, 4.通便、防治下痢, the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 5.降火清毒、防治面疱、暗疮, 6.提高免疫力。 形态特征 雪莲果是菊科多年生草本植物。茎杆直立生长~圆形而中空~呈紫红色,叶对生~ 阔叶形如心状~叶上密生绒毛~叶基部各着生有一个腋芽~植株貌似菊芋~可生长到2-3米高。花顶生~有五朵~形如黄色~形如葵花煞是可爱~蒴果~但不结籽。 雪莲果特别适应于生长在海拔1000,2300m之间的沙质土壤上~喜光照~喜欢湿润土壤~生长期约200多天~生长适温在20,30?~在15?以下生长停滞~不耐寒冷~遇霜冻茎枯死。 雪莲果是长日照作物~在长日照条件下促进生长和开花~但不结种籽~以块种无性繁殖为主。 栽培技术 雪莲果的杆、叶像麻类植物~植株高大~一般能长到2—3米~其植株开出象向日葵一样的花朵~正常年景下~一亩地可产果1500公斤以上。南方果实能在地里自然越冬~北方秋天挖出来可象红薯一样贮藏到来年4月~由于雪莲果具有现代人青睐的药理作用~加之可口味美~已在发达国家引起轰动~成为集保健药用和美味兼用的水果明星~美国超市25美元/kg,折合人民币200多元,~台湾超市320元/kg,台币~折合人民币82元,~雪莲果不仅产量高~全国奇缺~种植1亩地可收入万元以上。 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 雪莲果易种好管理~适合现代人食用~特别是老人和儿童和心脑血管病人、消化道疾病患者、手术后的病人极好的滋补上乘果品~对于运动量少的办公室人员和白领阶层不可缺少的保健果品~尤其是便秘患者更是一济天然的绿色药品~避免了吃清肠泻药对身体的负面影响~可以说~今后的家庭的保鲜柜里可以没有苹果、葡萄、橘子、桃等水果~但不能没有雪莲果。雪莲果是一个横空出世的珍奇作物~它不象前些年吵作而起的洋姑娘、油沙豆、人参果~它是一个新兴珍奇的作物~是一个真正的神果~它能让种植者快速致富~使食用者防病健体。 雪莲果已在世界许多国家种植~各国的名称各不相同。引进中国后也有几种叫法~如雪莲果、菊薯、雪莲薯、地参果、雅贡及亚贡等。其中雅贡、亚贡的叫法~可能是来源于当地名称yacon的译音。雪莲果属于菊科植物~使用部分形式薯块~我们认为学名叫作“菊薯”比较合适~并将其归属于薯芋类蔬菜。 1985年日本琦玉县引种成功~近年来通过多种途径进入我国~目前已在云南、福建、海南、贵州、湖南、湖北、山东、河南、河北引种栽培成功。生产示范面积逾96公顷。产品多用于出口~部分进入超市。 一、整地与起垄 选择排灌方便的沙壤最好地~每亩施2000—3000公斤的农家肥~撒施均匀后深耕~不施化肥~也不打农药~采用行距1米~株距0.6米~每亩定植1111株~定植前要开沟起垄~将雪莲果种the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 块定植在垄背上~为防止地下害虫的危害~可在定植穴内施入适量的生石灰进行预防。 二、定植 定植时期各地不同~一般春季当5厘米地温稳定在14—15?时即可定植~保护地栽培可提前定植~定植方式可以大田直接栽植种块~也可用营养钵或营养袋在大棚内育苗后再栽入大田~夏季也可将分枝和地下萌生的侧枝进行扦插定植。 三、管理 栽植后当苗高20厘米时要浇水保墒~并结合除草~对植株进行培土~如定植前施肥量不足~此期要再适量施土杂肥补充~注意不要施化肥、农药和除草剂~土壤干旱要浇水~雨后要及时排水~当茎杆生长到1米左右时~会在基部生出分蘖枝~如生长旺盛造成田间郁蔽可掰除分蘖枝~对长势一般的可适当选留1-2个分蘖枝生长~为了扩大繁殖~对掰下的分蘖枝可作为繁殖材料进行扦插~生长到晚秋将有大量的种球收获。 四、果实的收获 到10月前后~植株茎尖的束状的花朵开始凋谢~叶片开始黄化即开始采挖果实~南方可以留在地里越冬~随时采挖出售~北方应在霜冻前采挖后入窖贮存~好像红薯一样保存~茎杆可做优质饲料~叶片和花朵具有很高的营养价值~可晒干泡茶或加工再利用~一般每株产果实3公斤~最高株产10公斤~亩产达3000—4000公斤。 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 五、留种 雪莲果采挖后~将果实上部的种球切下~将伤口凉干~用100倍的高锰酸钾溶液浸泡3分钟~捞出后用湿沙埋于地窖或无冻害的室内~来年春季即可作种。 雪莲果地膜覆盖和育苗移栽技术 为了获得雪莲果的优质高产~采用地膜覆盖和育苗移栽技术~提前播种育苗~延长植物生长期~增加光照时间~增强光合作用~保持土壤温度湿度~对于提高雪莲果的产量与质量~是一项有效得力的措施。 地膜覆盖技术 首先要按我们以前所阐述的那样~施足底肥浇好底墒水~犁好耙平后~按行距85,100厘米规划~用小四轮拖拉机带1.2米至1.3米的打畦机~刮土打畦~起埂高20,25厘米~然后人工整理一下呈鱼脊形~没有机械~可人工刮土打畦起埂。地整好后~覆膜时间掌握在当地早春断霜期前十天左右~选择暖头冷尾~无风晴天进行~覆盖70,80厘米的地膜~如果要搞早春套种西瓜、甜瓜等作物~可选用1.2米至1.3米的地膜~有条件的可用四轮拖拉机挂覆膜机进行覆膜~没有条件的人工覆膜也行~需6,8人流水作业~即前边两人开沟 ,5厘米左右,~两人放地膜~后边两人覆土压膜~最后两人二次覆土压实~防止大风吹起地膜~人少可分次作业。覆盖地膜后~根据适当株距45,60厘米~打眼下种或挖孔栽苗~注意用土盖好膜孔~也可以先下种后覆膜~这样保the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 湿保温的效果更好。 育苗移栽技术 根据移栽时间提前一个半月下种育苗。春地移栽育苗~可在2月底3月初开始~利用大棚温室或普通房增温均可。育苗又分营养钵育苗和温床划块育苗两种。营养钵育苗~先配制营养土~肥沃无病菌的两合土加少量腐熟肥最好。掌握湿度50%左右~手握成团~落地就散为宜~然后装进6,8厘米的营养钵内~单芽下种,种子先用多菌灵消毒,~撒土盖住芽眼之后~用喷雾器打水喷湿。控制温度25?左右~最低不能低于15%~高不要超过35?~一般10天左右发芽出苗。平时加强观察管理~待移栽前10天炼苗放风~断霜期后移栽大田~地膜覆盖更好。温床划块育苗~首先准备塑料薄膜~竹片~草苫等物资~再挖苗床。根据所栽面积核算~一般亩栽1500株~苗床30平方米即可。苗床宽2,3米~长度按育苗多少而定~温床土和上边讲的营养土一样~下种后~扎上竹片~蒙好塑料膜~盖好草苫即可。不过草苫要早掀晚盖~以利于吸光增温。温床育苗发芽相比要晚几天~但苗壮而不旺。移栽前十天同样需要放风炼苗。移栽时用铁铲划块取苗~然后轻拿轻放~及时移栽大田~不管是大棚温室营养钵育苗。还是温床划块育苗~移栽大田最好都用地膜覆盖,先盖膜后栽苗,。以利于保温保湿。栽苗后及时浇水覆土。早春移栽苗~要点穴浇水或浇小水~切忌大水漫灌。 食用方法 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 雪莲果的食用部分为根块~形似甘薯。薯块多汁~不含淀粉~生食、炒食或煮食~口感脆嫩、味甜、爽口。很像甜味比较重~而辣味比较轻的白萝卜。薯块和叶可加工制作饮料。用于繁殖的芽块位于根颈处~形似姜块。头状花序~花序边缘生有黄色舌状花瓣。 食用方法~既可以洗净削皮生吃~也可以炖鸡或排骨煲汤。 日本科研人员正在开发雪莲果作为提取低聚果糖的原料~研发一系列加工产品~如腌制品、风干片及糖果。雪莲果片或条在烹饪过程中可以保持脆性~因此有潜力成为爆炒菜肴中的一员。 从土里采雪莲果出来后~只要把表皮土洗掉~削去皮~即可作水果一样直接啃来吃~若能在采摘后放上两三天~更能增加甜度,若以雪莲果炖煮鸡肉或排骨来煲汤~便成了一道原住民的冬令滋补佳肴,可根据各地饮食习惯~制作出各式菜肴~也是不错的烹调方式。现在更有业者看准此市场~以雪莲果为源料~研发出雪莲果茶、雪莲果果冻、雪莲果糕点等~让众人得以尝尽各种不同口感的雪莲果风味。炒肉丝。经过翻炒的雪莲果甜味更加纯粹~连带着肉丝也似乎有了那么一点甜蜜的滋味~配上一碗白米饭~很是开胃。把雪莲果拿来蒸炖也是很好的烹调方式~特别是冬令进补时~在排骨汤里放入几块雪莲果一起炖煮~汤会更加香浓可口~还可以起到开胃健脾的功效。 还有一种方法是将雪莲果切碎后做成甜饼~因为它本身具有甜味~所以不必再另加砂糖调味~便成一道可口的品茶小点~而且也很符合现代都市人追求天the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 然绿色保健食品的理念。 营养功效 国际马铃薯中心的资料表明~雪莲果含丰富的带有甜味的低聚果糖~人体内没有酶可以水解这种碳水化合物~因此难以被人吸收~糖尿病患者亦可使用。雪莲果富含人体所需的20多种氨基酸及多种维生素、矿物质、特别是寡糖含量最高 ~能促进有益微生物的生长。 雪莲果的果寡糖含量是干物质的60-70%~其含量是所有植物中最高的~还含有丰富的矿物质及钙、镁、铁、锌、钾、硒等微量元素。日本研究并发现~每天服用3-6g的果寡糖~3周之内~人的粪便中有毒致癌化合物的含量可减少百分之40以上。雪莲果碳水化合物很少为人体吸收~因此很适合糖尿病人及减肥者食用。果寡糖具有: ?促进消化~调理胃肠道, ?使肠内有益菌丛的促生剂~产生双歧因子, ?调理血液~清除高血脂~有效地控制胆固醇和糖尿病, ?通便、防治下痢, ?降火清毒、防治面疱、暗疮, ?提高免疫力。 负作用:性大寒~肠胃不好者慎食。大量食用后会出现胃寒,便汤,狂泻不止等症状. 注意事项 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 需要注意的是~雪莲果含有一种化学成分——单宁~又称鞣质。雪莲果被切开和去皮后~暴露在空气中就会变成褐色。变色的原因是由于氧化作用~单宁中的酚类产生醌的聚合物形成褐色素~也就是黑色素。为了防止变色~可将去皮切开的雪莲果放在清水中浸泡~使其与空气隔绝~可防止氧化变色。 雪莲果的药用价值和保健功效 1、调理血液~能降低血糖、血脂和胆固醇~可预防和治疗高血压、糖尿病~对心脑血管疾病和肥胖症等也有一定疗效。 2、帮助消化~调理和改善消化系统的不良状况。因雪莲果富含水溶性膳食纤维和所有植物含量最高的果寡糖~所以能显著促进肠胃蠕动~润肠通便~不仅能消除便秘~还可防治下痢~是肠胃道疾病的克星。 最神妙之处还在于它是肠内双忮菌的增殖因子~克服了由于生活节奏紧张~过量使用抗生素等原因造成的双忮杆菌等肠内有益菌减少失衡引起的系统疾病~可清除由食物带入人体内的环境污染物~是肠胃的清道夫和保护神。 3、能抗氧化~消除自由基~可减少或避免结石症的发生。 4、具有清肝解毒~降火降血压的功效~是有效的防治面痘、暗疮~养颜美容的天然保健品。雪莲果另 含有20多种人体必须的氨基酸和钙、铁、钾、硒等矿物质和微量元素~经常食用可提高人体的免疫力,有 强身健体的功效~也是男子壮阳增强性功能的天然威而刚。雪莲果是当今吃出美丽的新潮果品。雪莲果是一个横空出世的珍奇作物~它的出现~宣告一个新的保健水果时代the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 的开始~它将在10年内会一直供不应求。它能让种植者生财致富~使用者可以壮身健体。 雪莲果菜谱 滋润的雪莲果汤 材料:雪莲果一个、红萝卜一根、牛腱半斤、鸡爪两对、水一升半 做法:牛腱和鸡爪加水先煮~水开后撇到肉沫~慢火熬起码一到一个半小时~然后加进雪莲果和红萝卜~再熬半小时即可。 特点:这个汤味道鲜美~汤色清澈~非常的滋润。对胆固醇偏高者和糖尿病人还有食疗的作用~具有解毒、防暗疮、降脂调压和消滞润肠的作用。 雪莲果肉骨汤 材料:雪莲果~肉骨~姜~无花果~盐 做法: 1、肉骨飞水~加入清水、姜、无花果猛火熬煮半小时 2、加入雪莲果文火煲一小时~下盐调味即可 雪莲果鸡汤 材料:雪莲果500克~老母鸡1只~姜3片~盐适量 烹制方法(三人份): 1、老母鸡洗净~斩成大块~放入沸水中焯一下~捞起沥干水。 2、雪莲果去皮切成滚刀块~姜切片。 3、瓦煲内注入适量清水~放入鸡块、姜片大火煮沸~改小火the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 煲1小时。 4、加入雪莲果~再大火煮沸~小火煲半小时~加盐调味即可 一、雪莲果概况 ,一,雪莲果生产发展状况 雪莲果原产于南美洲海拔1000米以上的安第斯高山上~是印第安人的传统根茎食品~种植已有500多年历史~国外称它为"亚贡",神果之意,~学名YAGON。 "亚贡",YAGON,--雪莲果~适应环境要求极为挑剔~需热带无霜冻~昼夜温差大~云雾缭绕的高凉山上生长。雪莲果为向日葵属~其貌似蕃薯~叶与枝杆像苎麻~可生长到2-3米~接近成熟时枝顶开五朵小太阳花。 随着人类的发展进步~人们饮食由温饱型向肉脂高热量型的食膳发展~导致难予治疗的多种疾病困绕着人们的健康~促使科学家们四处寻找"灵丹妙药"~结果发现"亚贡",YAGON,--雪莲果对人体有神奇的保健作用。雪莲果的种植得以发展。目前有秘鲁、阿根廷、委内瑞拉~我国和台湾等6个国家和地区高山上种植雪莲果~我国相继在海南、江西、安徽、云南等高山上已引进雪莲果种植。2001年至2005年我省个旧、嵩明、楚雄、曲靖等地陆续开始雪莲果的引进种植~其中个旧市雪莲果种植技术、产品品质在省内领先。 ,二,雪莲果的营养及药用价值 雪莲果营养丰富~富含多种维生素、果肉晶莹剔透~脆、甜爽可口、解渴,可烹、炒、配菜~做汤可谓佳品~还可加工成果the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 汁、果冻、果糕或提纯果寡糖~它属于纯天然高营养、低热量的食品。 专家研究证实:雪莲果果寡糖含量是干物质的60-70%~含有20种人体必需的氨基酸~并含有较高的钾、钙、锌、镁等微量元素~果寡糖纯度高~热量低~富含水溶性食膳纤维故具有润肠通便~调理肠胃~调理血液~降低血糖、血脂、血压~有效地控制胆固醇和糖尿病~增强机体免疫功能,具日本专家研究发现~每天服用3-6g的果寡糖~3周内人的粪便中有毒致癌化合物的含量可减少40%以上。 雪莲果全身都是宝~枝杆、叶片和果皮可以加工成减肥、降血压茶。雪莲果有较高的营养价值及其药理作用~越来越被人们重视~因此国际市场价格昂高不减。 二、雪莲果的栽培技术 雪莲果的栽培过程包括整地、施肥、播种、管理和采收等环节。 ,一,雪莲果的生长环境、气候、水质和土壤的要求 雪莲果惧霜、畏寒~最适宜生长环境温度在18-24?之间~海拔在1000米以上的高山上~而且要在昼夜温差大~有夜潮、云雾缭绕的地方生长~雾气对雪莲果成长储存营养最为有益,水质的要求很高~最好用蓄积起来的泉水或山泉水~否则对雪莲果的品质不利,需土质疏松、通气良好的红砂土、红土及砂壤土~其它土壤即使长得根茎大品质也不佳。 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote ,二,肥料选择和施肥技术 雪莲果由枝叶、种球、雪莲果和根系组成~枝杆的末端盘绕着像姜饼一样的种球~种球下就是雪莲果及其根系。所有最长的根系不超过35厘米~其中1/4的根系从中上部向两端成长膨大成雪莲果~3/4的根系吸收养份供给叶枝成长~叶枝利用热、气、阳光、雨露、雾等外界有益物和光合作用得到养分反哺雪莲果及种球而进行成长。这一特殊的生物结构与其它作物的生物因子有着根本的不同~雪莲果的生物因子如果受到农药、化学肥料及污染的水质或光合作用差~土壤水份过量过干及土质不适宜均会影响生物因子的正常活动或阻止雪莲果有效成份的形成~经不同的种植取样检测证实:凡采用农药、化肥施肥、种植密度大光合作用差~生育期低于10个月的雪莲果的有效成份几乎无几~进一步证实了雪莲果是天生的纯天然绿色食品。使雪莲果品质~产量兼优~该作物种植是一个系统工程~有一定的科技含量。 1、肥料必须选用完全腐熟后的家畜肥~最好是牛、马、猪粪进行腐熟后的肥料比较温和。其忌不能单独或大量使用羊、鸡、鹅、鸭粪热性大的做肥料。 2、施肥宜采用深层施肥与分层施肥相结合~粗肥深施与细肥浅施相结合~由于雪莲果和根系都分布在30厘米左右深的土层内~所以基肥要施在30厘米深的土层才有利吸收~加之雪莲果生长期长~根系不发达~生长前期气温低~雨水较少~肥料分解慢~所以施用基肥时粗肥放入底部~细肥放在上部~对雪莲果生长初期the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 吸收养分有益。若有腐植土的地区拌合部分腐植土在肥料中更佳。 3、施壮苗肥~肥要细、要早施少施~雪莲果采用种球栽插~种球出苗后成长靠自身积蓄的养分供给成长~尚未长根~自身有限的养分是无法保证它的成长~适当施壮苗肥并保持小苗周围土壤湿润~才能有壮苗长出。施肥时应从墒沟里提土覆盖肥料~注意肥料要离小苗适当距离~以免伤害幼苗成长。 4、追肥是雪莲果施上层肥~施用多少~根据土层肥力和枝杆健壮而定~一般整个施肥量为产一吨雪莲果施肥一吨计算追肥用量。 ,三,整地施基肥 1、雪莲果是根茎作物~要求土层深厚~土质疏松和通气良好的红砂土、红土及砂松土~种前必须深耕细作~为雪莲果创造良好的土壤环境~深耕在35厘米左右~过深生土翻上~肥力不足~过浅对雪莲果成长不利形成的果成球型~产量低。土质板结或土粒大对雪莲果成长非常不利~长出的果也是弯曲凸凹不光滑。 2、挖塘消毒~塘一定要深挖和宽大~深度35厘米左右~塘底宽30厘米左右~以利雪莲果广范吸收养分~行距100厘米~珠距80厘米~雪莲果枝叶的光合作用比任何作物都强~嵩明县常年西南风向~行距也应西南方向为宜~行距~珠距要整齐~力求行对行~珠对珠~保证四面透风透光。否则产量及品质都会下降。 3、对雪莲果的病虫害防治~雪莲果的天敌是白蚂蚁和土蚕~要在挖塘后进行~每塘用熟石灰粉或木炭灰0.06-0.08千克自然the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 环保型的烧碱拌匀在塘中杀虫,不能拌入肥料~造成酸碱中合~减少肥效,。叶枝长出后常有青叶虫伤害~必须随时检查人工捕足。 4、施足基肥~每亩种植雪莲果800珠左右~每塘施基肥2.5-3公斤~每亩施用2-2.5吨~然后~理墒沟深10-15厘米~用土覆盖基肥3-5厘米厚~以便栽种种球时基肥离种球一定距离~避免伤害种球发芽。 ,四,栽种雪莲果的全生育期12个月~其中生长期10个月~果寡糖转化储蓄期2个月~栽种过早~幼苗出土后受霜冻伤害~过迟生长旺盛时霜冻来临伤害叶片~影响品质和收成~因此入春后的2月份就要即早栽种~栽种时将储存好的种球用刀切开~每塘留生长点,芽口,3-4个~用熟石灰粉拌匀外表消毒后~用线拉直~整齐地按入塘中~按种球时具不能过深接着基肥~也不能过浅让种球露在外面。栽种后即时浇透水~一直保持塘内土壤湿润~种球就开始发芽成长。 在水源困难的山地~可以同一方法~采取营养袋装种球育苗法~集中浇水~待接近雨水落地再将营养袋破开放入塘中栽种。 ,五,锄草施壮苗肥~当雪莲果叶枝未茂盛时~地里小草不段从生~此时锄草提墒施壮苗肥,如何施肥见肥料选择和施肥技术3,~一并进行。 ,六,施追肥是提升产量和品质的重要工序之一~一般在雨季来临前进行~水源具备的地方越早越好~使其肥料充分溶解吸收~对作物大有好处~施肥时将肥料铺在枝杆四周~提沟培土在the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 墒上~土越培得高越好~沟深不低于40厘米~以利排涝~沟越窄越好~雪莲果怕涝~忌干~受涝引起根系和雪莲果腐烂~过干会阻止雪莲果的正常生长。 ,七,田,地,间管理~雪莲果通过一系列的栽培管理工序及肥料的精心施用~排涝保旱后~长势是可观的~但放松管理势必影响品质、产量丰收~每珠雪莲果枝杆只保留2-3根壮苗~其余发出的枝叉要及时剪除,不能用手采,烤干后出售。管理工作中要认真保护已留的主枝~不能损伤每一根茎杆和叶片。若按时栽种~不受干旱影响~11月底即可采枝出售、采枝应从土表层采收。 ,八,采收雪莲果应在枝杆采割后两个月进行~即下年1月底采收~采收时先深挖松两面墒沟~慢慢拔取雪莲果往上翻~再用尖刀从种球底切除~切除面直径不得大于2厘米~整个采收过程千万不要破伤雪莲果~否则增产不增收。 (九)完成生长期和果寡糖转化储蓄期后采收的雪莲果其品质及产量才达标~此时雪莲果的水份含量适中~表皮裂口少~出售定有个好价钱。 ,十,采收时将留做种的种球用湿润砂土分层盖上土~上面盖上厚草储存起来等过霜冻后再栽种。 三、土地轮作 各种植物在土壤里吸收的营养各有其特性和差异~长期在同一块地,田,种植同一种作物会造成土壤里的营养失调~同时会the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 滋生和繁殖病虫害~加之雪莲果生长期长~采收时间慢~所以种植雪莲果的土地尤其要轮作生产~轮作过程中要考虑最好不要与同一属性作物轮作~以免效果不佳。 雪莲果是高营养的物植~也是地下虫害的最佳食品~采收时一是要清理干净雪莲果的大小、破烂块茎的残余~杜绝虫害的继续繁殖生长。 四、雪莲果的贮藏 雪莲果采收后~由于含水量高、皮薄、呼吸旺盛与空气接触外表会产生变色~尤其与水接触很快就变为绿色~虽然品质影响不大~但时间不宜摆放过长。目前雪莲果的贮藏技术尚未研究~值得注意的是雪莲果采收期到时还可继续在地里贮藏2至3个月~其品质有增无减。 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote
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