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南外小升初历年全真智力测试题详解.doc南外小升初历年全真智力测试题详解.doc 南外小升初历年全真智力测试题详解 1( call sb. names You shouldn’t call her names . 你不该骂她。 叫某人名字 The teacher called our names one by one 骂别人 老师逐个点我们的名。 2. buy your story We don’t buy your story. 相信你的鬼话 我们不相信你的鬼话。 3. eleventh hour The policeman turned up...
南外小升初历年全真智力测试详解.doc 南外小升初历年全真智力测试题详解 1( call sb. names You shouldn’t call her names . 你不该骂她。 叫某人名字 The teacher called our names one by one 骂别人 老师逐个点我们的名。 2. buy your story We don’t buy your story. 相信你的鬼话 我们不相信你的鬼话。 3. eleventh hour The policeman turned up at the eleventh hour. 最后关头 警察在最后一刻出现了。 4. best seller War and peace was a famous best seller. 畅销品 《战争与和平》是一本著名的畅销品 5. duck soup Believe it or not, going abroad frequently is duck 易如反掌的事 soup to me. 信不信由你,经常出国是一件很容易的事情 6. eat one’s words She said that no one could beat her at tennis, but she 承认错误,收回前言 had to eat her words after losing several games. 她说网球谁也打不赢她,但是她输了好几场以后,就不得不收回前言。 7. black and blue My uncle came out of the fight black and blue. 遍体鳞伤 我叔叔打完架后遍体鳞伤 8. free hand The director gave me a free hand to see to it. 放手处理的权利 导演委托我全权处理此事。 9. cold fish Don’t depend on him. He is a cold fish. 冷酷无情的人 别想指望他,他是个冷酷无情的人。 10. hot air Don’t pay any attention to him. What he told us was 空话大话 a lot of hot air 不要理会他,他对我们说的都是空话大会。 11. black sheep Tom is the black sheep of his family 害群之马,败家子 Tom 是个败家子 12. eat one’s head off It’s hard to fee them up , for they always 食量惊人 eat their heads off. 养他们可不容易,因为他们食量惊人。 13. have a bite I’m hungry. Shall we have a bite in the restaurant? 吃点东西 我肚子饿了,我们去餐馆吃点东西吧, 14. dead to the world I found him lying under the tree, dead to the world. 熟睡,不闻不问 我发现他躺在树上,睡的很香。 15. bring down the house The girl’s performance brought down the house. 博得满场喝彩或热烈鼓掌 那个女孩的演博得了满场喝彩。 16. busybody Shut up, you busybody. 忙人,好管闲事的人 闭嘴,你这个好管闲事的人 17. bad sailor Please take this medicine with you in case you are 晕船的人 a bad sailor. 请带上这些药品免的你晕船。 18. long run The play had a long run on Broadway before being 长期 made into a movie. 这个剧本在拍成电影之前曾经在百老汇长期上演。 19. the man in the street No wonder the man in the street can not afford 普通人 such expensive furniture. 难怪普通人买不起这昂贵的家具。 20. girl of the old school She’s a girl of the old school, very hard to deal with. 保守,内向的女孩 她是个内向的女孩子,很难打交道。 21. mud in your eye Each time he raised his cup he would say,“well, 祝你好运 here’s mud in your eye.” 每次他端起酒杯她都会说,祝你好运。 22. push and go To his great surprise, these young people are full of 干劲,进取心 push and go . 使他大为吃惊的是这些年轻人干劲冲天 23. pull one’s leg I doubted that he was pulling my leg. 取笑,愚弄 我怀疑他是在愚弄我。 24. pull up one’s socks/pull If he’s hoping to get this position, he will have to one’s sock up pull his socks up. 鼓足干劲,加倍努力 如果他希望得到这个职务,他就应该加倍努力。 25. have a ball “Do you enjoy yourself?” “Sure,I’m having 尽情作乐 a ball.” 玩的开心吗,当然,我玩的开心极了。 26. clean the house for Sooner or later I will clean the house for him. someone跟某人算帐 迟早我将要和他算帐。 27. above board His business dealings were above board. 光明正大的 他的生意往来向来都是光明正大的。 28. on the level This was no fault of mine, on the level. 老实说 老实说,这不是我的错。 29. on the rocks As far as I know, the company is on the rocks. 陷入危机 据我所知,这个公司已经陷入了财政危机。 30. much less He can’t read English, much less speak it. 更不用说 他看不懂英语更不用说英语了。 31. go fly a kite Tom told him to go fly a kite. 让某人滚开,别来麻烦 Tom叫他走开。 32. go and see one’s aunt Wait a minute. I’ll go and see my aunt. 去卫生间 等一下,我要去上一下厕所。 33. go up in the air He goes up in the air for no reason at all. 发怒,发脾气 他常常无缘无故发脾气。 34. put one’s foot into I beg your pardon. I’m always putting my mouth one’s mouth foot into my mouth. 说错话,闯祸 对不起,王女士,我总是说错话/闯祸。 35. chew the rag I am sure that no one is willing to chew the rag. 闲聊 我相信没有人在上班时间闲聊了。 36. crash the gate Tom crashed the gate and ate like a horse. 擅自闯入 Tom擅自闯入了大门并大吃了一顿。 37. have one’s fingers crossed Have your fingers crossed that I get the job. 希望交好运 祝愿我找到那份工作吧。 38. shake a leg We’d better shake a leg, otherwise, we’ll miss 赶快,抓紧时间 the train 我们最好赶快,否则就赶不上时间了。 39. paint the town red It was the first time that they had a picnic, they 狂欢,痛饮作乐 painted the town red. 这是他们第一次野炊,所以他们痛饮作乐 40 . wear the pants Anyone can tell that she wears the pants in that 掌权当家 family.谁都知道她在家里是掌权当家的。 41. for a song He sold the invention for a song and its buyers were the ones who got rich. 以低价转让 他低价的转让了自己的发明,而买主却发了财。 42. go to the dogs The team went to the dogs when its best player got hurt. 一蹶不振 队里最优秀的选手受伤以后,这支队伍元气大伤。 43. green-eyed Don’t say more about your new house, he is 妒心很强的忌 such a green-eyed monster. 不要提起你的新房子,他容不得别人比他强。 44. hot potato Bingo parties and church raffles have developed 热土豆 into such a hot potato that everyone concerned now is seeking some easy solution. 难于处理之事 赌博成风和由教会发起的抽彩义卖已成了一个棘手的问题,每一个有关的人都在寻找某种可行的解决办法。 45. hot water John lost his credit card and he was in hot water. 如坐针毡,焦急 约翰丢失了他的信用卡,现在他如坐针毡。 46. worth the salt Tom was worth his salt for the pay 盐买得值 best one in the office. 当之无愧 他也是对得起自己的那份薪水啦~ 47. white elephant It seems to be a white elephant to me. I’m poor and 华贵但无实用价 I can’t have it. 谢谢你送我这么昂贵的德国轿车。对我来说它太珍 值的物品 贵了。我是个穷人,用不起这样豪华的车。 48. fall between two You must make a choice between Mary and Lily, or stools you’ll fall between two stools. 落在两个板凳之间, 你必须在玛丽和莉莉之间做出选择,不然 一无所获,鸡飞蛋打 两个你都会失去。 49. full of beans The children were full of beans when they were told 装满豆子 the picnic would be held the next Friday. 但当孩子 兴高采烈 得知下周五要野餐时个个兴高采烈。 50. get the sack/ax Poor Joe got the ax at the office yesterday. 除名,开除,分手 可怜的乔昨天被公司开除了。 51. go against the grain Mrs. Green is a gentle and warm-hearted woman. It 践踏谷物 could go against the grain to ask her to speak bill of anybody. 不按规律做事,行不通 格林夫人是一位温和、热心肠的人。要她去诽谤、攻击他人是 行不通的。 52. grease the wheels William’s father tried to grease the wheels for him to给轮子加油, get the job. 使事物发展顺利 威廉的父亲想方设法为他求得那份工作。 53. heart of gold Mr. Burns has a heart of gold, he is always ready t 金子一样的心 lend anyone a hand when he is in trouble. 伯恩斯 乐于助人 生是个热心乐于助人的善良肠的人,任何人有难处的时候他都会 伸出援助之手。 本性;热心肠的 54. hide/bury one’s Seeing the policeman walking towards him, the thief head in the sand couldn’t but hide his head in the sand . 把头藏在沙里 看到警察走过来,小偷只好低下头去佯装没有看见他 。 逃避现实,假装躲避 55. high-hat Jones acted high-hat toward everyone poorer than he. 盛气凌人,傲慢 琼斯对比他穷的人不屑一顾。 56. handwriting on The new increase in electricity is the writing on the wall the wall for many small businesses. 墙上的法 电价的再次上涨对诸多小企业说来是不祥之兆。 不祥之兆 57. hit the nail on The professor’s talk on economic situation hit the nail the head on the head. 一针见血,切中要害 教授关于经济形势的谈话切中要害。 58. in the soup Make sure how much money there is in your credit card, or 在汤里 you’ll find yourself in the soup.核对一下你的信用卡上有多 陷入困境难以自拔 少钱,否则你可就不好办啦~ 59. in the wind A gunshot echoed in the woods and broke the dead silence 在风中 in the morning. “Something was in the wind,” I thought. 酝酿,发生 枪声在林间回荡,打破了清晨的沉寂。“发生什么事了吧,”我 思忖着。 60. It’s a dog-eat-dog During the California gold rush, men had a dog-eat-dog world 是个狗咬狗 life. 在加利福尼亚那场淘金热中,人们过着一种为了利益拼得 的世界,相互竞争激烈的 你死我活的生活。 世界 61. have one’s number I thought he was a friend but now I’ve got his number. 了解底细 过去我一直把他当作我的朋友,但是现在我知道他的为人了。 62. in a circle/in circles He seemed to be working hard, but was just going in 没有任何进展 circles. 他看上去工作很卖力气,但不见成效。 63. ins and outs He was very busy Saturday and was ins and outs all day. 里里外外 他星期六很忙,整日出出进进。 事物的方方面面 64. keep up with the Miss Jones never keeps up with the Joneses. She spends Joneses most of her spare time reading. 跟上琼斯 琼斯小姐从不同其他女孩攀比,她大部分业余时间都用来读书。 由忌妒心驱使同他人攀比 65. keep one’s nose It’s the best to keep your nose clean in the office. You’re clean 保持某人 new here. 你在公司里最好少说话,少介入,你对情况不 的鼻子干净 熟悉。 不要招惹是非 66. keep one’s shirt on Mrs. White’ dog kept barking through the night and Smith couldn’t fall sleep, but he kept his shirt on 穿着衬衫 .. 怀特太太的狗叫了一夜,吵得 控制住情绪 史密斯无法入睡,但他忍住火没有发作。 67. keep the wolf Richard earned very little money and could hardly from the door keep the wolf from the door. 不让豺狼进门 理查德收入微薄,忍饥挨饿是常见的事。 糊口,度日 68. tail between Seeing the policeman in the distance, the two thieves one’s legs ran away with their tails between their legs. 腿里夹着尾巴 看到远处有警察来了,这两个小偷望风而逃。 狼狈逃窜 69. take one’s life Driving that car with those worn tires would be taking in one’s hands your life in your hands. 冒着生命危险去做事 驾驶轮船如此老化的汽车简直拿你的生命做赌注。 70. step on one’s toes In Britain, you must avoid asking a woman about her 踩某人的脚 family or her age. If so, you will step on her toes. 侵犯他人的权利 在英国,你不要询问妇女她的家庭和年龄。如果你这样做,会侵犯 她的隐私权。 71. kill the goose that The boss has raised your salary, but remember not to kill laid the golden egg the goose that laid the golden egg by asking him for more. 杀鹅取金蛋 老板给你加了薪,不过你要切记不能得意忘形,否则将一无 杀鸡取卵 获。 72. lay an egg Sometimes he is a successful speaker, but sometimes he 产蛋 lays an egg. 有时候他的演说很成功,然而有时却不能在听 心中未产生共鸣或 激起丝毫波澜。 任何效果 73. Lay one’s cards Peterson laid his cards on the table about his plans for the on the table project. 摊牌,毫不隐讳 彼得森把他对项目的和盘托出。 74. lose one’s heart She lost her heart to the soldier with the broad shoulders 灰心丧气 and the deep voice. 她对那个宽肩膀、声音浑厚的士兵产生了爱慕 倾心于某人或某物 之情。(注意:lose heart意为:灰心丧气) 75. lose one’s shirt Sam, the richest merchant in the city, lost his shirt when 丢了衬衫 his company went bankrupt. 破产,一文不名 城里最富有的山姆先生由于公司破产成了穷光蛋。 76. loud mouth/big Fritz is a loud mouth who can not be trusted with secrets. mouth大嘴 费瑞兹是一个信口开河的人,不能把机密告诉他。 不负责任地随口乱说 77. kick up one’s heels When the exams were over, the students went to town to 踢脚后跟 kick up their heels. 各门考试都结束了,学生们到小镇上 喜庆 尽情玩耍、庆祝。 78. land on one’s feet It seemed they would die since they didn’t have any food 脚踩地 to eat, but they landed on their feet, rescuers came at last. 在危险或不幸中安 粮食吃光了,眼看他们就要被困死。然而他们却绝处逢生,因 然无恙 为救援人员终于赶到了。 79. lift a finger/hand We all worked hard except Joe. He would not lift a finger. 举起指头/手 除了乔之外,我们大家都很卖力气,他却袖手旁观。 举手之劳,袖手旁观 80. let sleeping dogs Don’t talk about the big fire in the office last week before lie the manager. Let sleeping dogs lie. 让狗继续睡 别再经理面前提起上星期公司着大火的事。别没事找事。 别招惹是非 81. look like the cat that When she won the prize, she went home looking like ate swallowed canary the cat that ate the canary. 像爱喝红葡萄酒的小猫 中奖之后,她带着一种自鸣得意的心情回家了。 飘飘然,忘乎所以 82. lose one’s head When the fire broke out in the building, people there lost 丢了性命 their head and ran in all directions. 当大楼起火的时候, 惊惶失措 里面的人们乱作一团,到处乱跑。 83. lump in one’s throat I felt a lump in my throat on seeing the picture of the 咽喉突出 poor children who became homeless in the war. 由于难过而觉得心 每当我看到那些在战争中失去了家庭的悲惨儿童 情沉重 的照片,心里就非常难过。 84. like water off a duck’s Advice and orders roll off him like water off a duck’s back.不湿水的鸭子 对他来说,所有建议和命令都似过眼云烟,毫无 对他人的劝告无 作用。 动于衷,置若罔闻 85. look a gift horse in It’s a general custom not to look a gift horse in the the mouth 口头许诺 mouth when you get some sort of gift from others. 的玩具马 不对别人送的礼物表示不满是一种普遍的习俗。 对别人赠送之物百 般挑剔;吹毛求疵 86. make one’s blood boil When someone calls me a liar, it made my blood boil. 使某人热血沸腾 听到有人把我称作骗子真把我的肚皮都气破了。 怒发冲冠;勃然大怒 87. make a night of it On the evening of our graduation, we all went out and 干通宵 made a night of it. 举行毕业典礼的那天晚上,我们大家 狂欢,喜庆 全体出动,通宵庆祝。 88. make a play for Tom made a big play for the girl, but she didn’t讨好 某人,奉承某人… seem to favor him. 汤姆竭尽全力讨好,但是她看上去对汤姆并没有好感。 南外小升初历年全真智力测试题详解 89. make one’s hair The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end. stand on end 那个死人的面容使他毛骨悚然。 使人胆战心惊 90. make it hot for The senators made things hot for the president during 给某人制造麻烦 the meeting 使其难过 参议员们给总统出了许多难题,使会议陷入窘境。 91. make short of Judy made short work of the English test. 使变短 朱蒂不费吹灰之力就答完了这份 英语试卷。 将复杂的事情简单化 92. month of Sundays I haven’t seen my parents for month of Sundays. Now I 月月的周日 miss them very much. 我很久没有见到我的父母了,现 相当长的一段时间 在我十分想念他们。 93. make good time We drove on a zigzag road and we couldn’t 好好利用时间 make good time. 比计划时间提前 我们在崎岖不平的山路上行驶,我们不能按时到达。 94. man in the street The newspaper took a poll of the man in the street. 大街上的人, 百姓 针对这一问题,报纸在民众中进行了民意测验。 平民 95. meet one’s Waterloo After seven victories, the team met its Waterloo. 在滑铁卢相见 这支球队在连胜七局之后惨遭淘汰。 彻底失败 96. burn the midnight oil Entrance examination was near, and more and more 夜里点灯 pupils were burning the midnight oil. 通宵达旦地辛勤工作 入学考试临近,越来越多的学生每天要学习到深夜。 97. mind one’s p’s and q’s If you wish your success, you must mind your p’s 注意你写的p和q and q’s. 小心免出易犯的错误。 如果你想取得成功,就必须脚踏实地做好每一件事情。 98( miss the boat Ted could have married Lena, but he put off asking 误了船 her and missed the boat. 错过时机 特德本来可以同莉娜喜结良缘的, 是他迟迟未向她表露 爱慕之情,莉娜竟成了他人之妻。 99( money to burn Dick’s uncle died and left him money to burn. 烧钱 迪克的叔叔死了,给他留下了大笔财产。 拥有大笔财富;挥金如土 100. on the rocks Mr. Jones’ business was on the rocks. 在岩石上 琼斯先生的经营陷入绝境。 山穷水尽,处于险境 101. the more the merrier Come with us the boat ride; the more the merrier. 越来越高兴,多多益善 都来和我们一起划船吧,人越多越好。 102. move heaven and He had to move heaven and earth to get the job. earth 移动天地 为了得到那份工作,他不得不采取一切可能的办法。 想尽一切办法达到 目的,千方百计 103. mum is the word We are planning a surprise party for John and 妈妈是个单词 mum is he word. 守口如瓶;严守机密 我们要办一个舞会,要告诉约翰,到时候让他吃一惊。 104. neck and neck During the competition, our team was fighting against their 伸着脖子 team neck and neck for the gold medal. 旗鼓相当;不相上下; 在比赛中,我们队同对手势均力敌为夺金牌而全力拼搏。 105. no love lost between There was no love between the sales and the someone accounting departments. 双方势不两立; 在销售和财务两部门之间存在着宿怨。 106. not a leg to stand I’m sure they broke the window. I don’t think they on 没有腿站 could have a leg to stand on. 我确信是他们打碎了窗缺乏充足的证据户。 我还认为他们无法证明他们与此事无关。 107. not let grass grow He has offered the lowest price. You can’t let the under your feet grass grow under your feet. 不让草长到你的脚下 他已经让出了最低价,你别犹豫了,机不可失,时不再来。 莫失良机;机不可失 108. not hold water Galileo found the theory before him couldn’t hold 漏水不能自圆其说; water. 站不住脚 伽利略发现在他之前的理论没有足够的事实依据。 109. off one’s hands I wonder if you would like to take the house off my 脱手 hands while I am away. 替他人分担工作 我不知道我出门这段时间你可否为我照看一下我的家。 110. off the cuff This is not the kind of question that can be answered 从袖口掉下 off the cuff. 即兴讲话 这可不是那种可以不经过事先思考就信口回答 111. out of the blue I had been eager to get that job for a long time and it 从蓝色中 was offered to me yesterday out of the blue. 突如其来;出人意料; 我想得到那个工作已经很长时间了。昨天,完全出乎我的预晴天霹雳 料,老板把它给了我。 112. promise the moon When the banker said he would lend you as much 向天发誓 money as you wanted, he promised the moon. 向别人做出根本无 当那位银行家对你说你需要多少钱他都可以借给你时 法实现的许诺他实际 上是向你开口头支票。 113. pull one’s leg Don’t take his words seriously! He was just pulling 拉某人的腿 your leg. 开玩笑 别拿他的话当真~他,实际上在同你开玩笑。 114. polish the apple Mary polished the apple at work because she wanted a 抹干净苹果 day off. 玛丽在工作中极力讨好老板,因为她想请 假。 巴结奉承;讨好 115. pot call the kettle Bill said that John was cheating at the game but John black replied that pot was calling the kettle black. 锅说壶黑 比尔指责约翰在比赛中做手脚,但是约翰说比尔自己的屁股 只看到他人的缺点却 也不干净。 忘了检查自己 116. press one’s luck If you are lucky at first, don’t press your luck. 得寸进尺 如果你在一开始就交了好运,可不要得寸进尺 由于贪心企图得到更多好处; 117. pull strings “You have to pull strings if you want to get the job in the 拉绳子 Customs House,” said Tom. 托人情,走后门; 汤姆对我说:“你要想在海关找份工作非得有关系不可”。 118. pull the rug out Tom pulled the rug out from under us and played for from under the other club. 从下面拉出破布 比赛那天,汤姆拆了我们的台。他为别的俱乐部踢球去了。 暗中拆别人的台 119. pull the wool over The secretary didn’t post the letter, but she decided to one’s eyes pull the wool over the manager’s eyes. 用羊毛遮挡,掩盖事实; 秘书没有把信发出去,但她决定不把这事告诉经理。 120. pull one’s weight The boss warned us that anyone who didn’t pull his 增加体重 weight will be fired. 做好自己的工作; 老板警告我们在工作中不出力的人将被除名。 尽职尽责 121. push/hit/press Keep cool! Don’t hit the panic button! panic button 冷静点,不要慌乱~ 按电钮, 由于突发事件而惊 慌失措;惊恐万状 122. put all ones eggs He warned me that I would put all my eggs in one in one basket basket if I invested all my money in the adventure. 把鸡蛋放在篮子里 他警告我说如果我把全部资金投到这项风险中去那就是全部希望寄托在某一 背水一战了。 人或事上;孤注一掷 123. put one’s foot in When she told Mrs. John that she didn’t favor one’s mouth/put a talkative woman, Mary put her foot in her mouth. one’s foot in it Mrs. John was just that kind of woman. 站错地方 当玛丽对约翰夫人说她最看不上饶舌之人时,她犯了一无意中说出不得体的话 个大忌,因为约翰夫人正是那种人。 124. put in one’s two You might not invite him to the meeting as he cents(worth) always puts in his two cents worth. 投两枚硬币 你最好不要请他出席会议,因为他在会上的发言总是不能插入一些无足轻重的话 博得大家的赞同。 125. put one’s best Sally put his best foot forward when he invited foot forward Susan to dance with him. But it was a pity she 把最好的脚放在前面 didn’t notice that and danced with Tom instead. 尽力以自己的最佳 萨利在苏珊面前做出种种姿态请她同自己跳舞。可是很 表演取悦于人 遗憾苏珊没有注意到他的良苦用心反而同汤姆一起了。 126. put one’s shoulder Everyone must put his shoulder to the wheel and to the wheel overcome the difficulties. 用肩膀扛轮子 每个人都必须尽其所能共度难关。 在工作中竭尽全力;全力以赴 127. paint oneself into A clever employer never makes too many promises to the a corner employees because he knows that will paint himself 在墙角独自油漆 into a corner. 使某人陷入困境 一位精明的雇主永远不轻易向雇员许诺,他知使自己陷入困 境道这会给他自己带来麻烦。 128. play cat-and-mouse The police decided to play cat-and-mouse with him in with order to catch all of them. 和猫和老鼠玩 警方决定对这个窃贼采取欲擒故纵的策略,以便将他的同伙戏耍他人;欲擒故纵 一网打尽。 129. rat race The dance last night was a rat race. It was too noisy 老鼠大赛 and crowded. 争名夺利,尔虞我诈; 昨天晚上的舞会真是乌七八糟,吵吵闹闹毫无节奏。 乌合之众的聚会 130. read between the If you read between the lines, this letter is really a lines request for money. 在两行之间读 如果你仔细琢磨它的弦外之音,这封信实际上是一张催单。 揣摩其中的含义 131. rough diamond Look at the long legs of the girl. She is a real rough 粗糙的钻石 diamond. I’m sure she’ll be an excellent athlete. 外表粗糙而心 看那个姑娘的两条长腿。她是块没经打磨得金刚石。我肯定她会是个极有发展前途的运动员。 132. rainy day Each week Mrs. Carlson saves a little money for a 雨季 rainy day. 为日后急需存钱或 卡尔松夫人每周都存一点钱以备急用。 做其他准备;未雨绸缪 133. ring a bell The old song rang a bell with him, which reminded打铃 him of his boyhood. 唤起某人对过去 这支久违的歌曲唤起了他的回忆,使他想起了自己的孩提事物的回忆 时代。 134. rob Peter to Bill owed Sam a dollar, so he borrowed another from pay Paul Joe to pay Sam back. He robbed Peter to pay Paul. 抢劫Peter去还 比尔欠萨姆一块钱。他从乔那儿借了一块钱还给了萨姆。他Paul拆东墙补 是拆东墙补西墙。 西墙;剜肉补疮 135. raise the devil The boys raised the devil when they knew their team had lost 举起魔鬼 the game and damaged a lot of property. 吵闹得天翻地覆 男孩子们知道他们的球队输了比赛时,大吵大闹毁坏了许多物 品 136. right and left Factories were standing idle, and wages were being cut 左右 right and left. 方方面面,普遍地 工厂处于停产状态,普遍削减了工人的工资。 137. roll out the They rolled out the red carpet for the Queen when red carpet she arrived in Australia. 摊开红地毯 当女王来到澳大利亚时,他们举行了隆重的欢迎仪式。 举行隆重的仪式;隆重欢迎 138. sacred cow Many young people had no respect for the sculpture 神牛 before the building, which was the scared cow to 神圣不可侵犯的 old people. 许多年轻人对矗立在建筑物前的雕像不屑一人或 物 顾,而这在老年人的心目中是神圣不可侵犯的。 139. save face Bill would not play in the game because he knew he 一级救护 could not do well and he wanted to save face. 找出借口保住脸面; 比尔不会去打比赛,因为他知道自己打得不好,他不想再众人挽 回脸面 面前丢脸。 140. save one’s breath Tell him to save his breath. There’s no possibility 节省力气 of going to the football match this afternoon. 少说为佳 告诉他别再说了,说也白说,下午看足球赛 的 事已经黄了。 141. save one’s neck I am not related to the cheating in the exam. He neck/skin only charged me so as to save his neck. 挽救生命 我同这次考试作弊毫无瓜葛。他只是为了保住自己才反咬我报护自己 免受伤害; 一口。 142. twist one’s arm The police have to twist the drivers’ arms to reduce the 扭动胳膊 number of traffic accidents in the area. 用强制的办法约束 警方不得不采取强硬手段来减少这一地区的车祸。 别人;强人所难 143. under one’s belt Once he had a good meal under his belt, the man 藏在皮带下 loosened his tie and went to sleep. 通过个人努力 每次酒足饭饱之后,他都舒舒服服地睡上一觉。 取得成功 144. wait on hand foot Although he is in his seventies, he doesn’t like to be 站着等待 waited on hand and foot. 过着完全由别人照 虽然他已经七十多岁了,但不喜欢事事由人照料。 料的生活;精心护理 145. say/cry uncle The other team was beating us, but we wouldn’t say 叫大叔 uncle. 承认失败;认输;告饶 对方球队占了明显的优势,但我们绝不认输。 146. walking papers The boss was not satisfied with Paul’s work and gave 飞纸 him his walking papers. 被炒鱿鱼 老板对保罗的工作极为不满,已经他另找工作。 147. born with a silver Generally speaking, few of those who were born with spoon in one’s mouth a silver spoon in their mouths will make the mark. 天生吃饭用银餐勺 一般说来,生在富贵人家的孩子很少有什么出息。 生在富贵人家 148. scratch the surface Mrs. Green had said a lot about that problem. But I’m sorry to say she just scratched the surface. 挠痒痒 关于这一问题,格林太太说了不少,但是很遗憾她没有谈及问 肤浅的认识; 题的实质。 149. screw up one’s The small boy screwed up his courage and went upstairs courage/pluck in the dark. up one’s courage 这个小男孩鼓足勇气,摸黑走上了楼。 勇气十足, 鼓足勇气 150. search one’s heart The night-watcher searched his heart and felt he must 找某人的心 be responsible for the big fire. 反省自己的言行 周围守夜的人自我反省,认为自己应对火灾负责。 151. second wind I hadn’t played tennis for some time. I felt tired at first 第二场风 but I got my second wind and played better in the rest 恢复体力 hours. 重新开始 我许久没打网球了。起初很吃力,但后来恢复过来,在余下的时间里打得很顺手。 152. see beyond one’s He couldn’t save money or make plans for the future; he nose just never saw beyond his nose. 目光短浅 他不为将来存钱也没有什么安排,他只图眼下。 眼光放远一些 153. kill someone with She’d kill people with kindness. kindness 她那般热情简直让人受不了。 杀善良的人, 热情的让人受不了 154. walk on air When he heard that the girl liked him, he was 在空中行走 walking on air. 美滋滋的 当他听说那个女孩子喜欢他时,他乐得美滋滋的。 155. see eye-to-eye I’m glad to hear that you see eye-to-eye with me on this 面对面 question. 我很高兴你在这个问题上的看法同我完全一致。(注意:见解一致;完全一致 face-to-face和 heart-to-heart“面对面地,推心置腹的”) 156. see stars When Ted was hit on the head by the ball, he saw stars. 看到星星 当球打在特德头上时,他眼前金星乱晃。 受到重击眼冒金星;金星乱晃 157. see the light I did not approve of his action, but he explained his reason 看到光线 and then I saw the light. 得其要旨,觉察到 我起初不赞成他的行为,但他向我说明原委之后我恍然大悟。 某种迹象;茅塞顿开 158. see red Don’t mention his name. I always see red whenever I hear it. 看到红色 不要提他~只要听到他的名字我就气得要死。 气愤至极;火冒三丈; 159. serve one’s right I once told you to work harder, but you always turned a deaf ear to me. Now you’ve lost your job, it serves your right. 自食苦果;自作 我曾经告诉你要努力工作,但是你总是不听,现在你失去了 自受;活该作工 真是自食苦果 160. sell down the The traitor sold his country down the river to the river enemy 出卖 这个叛徒向敌军出卖了自己的祖国。 161. set one’s teeth Please don’t drag the heavy desk over the floor. It set my on edge teeth on edge 咬紧牙关 请不要在地板上拖这张沉重的桌子。这声音让我觉得太难受由于某种刺激使人觉得不适; 162. ship come in Mr. Green promised his wife he would buy her a 船来了 diamond ring when his ship came in. 发财,交好运 格林先生向他年轻的太太许诺他发财的时候给她买一个 钻石戒指。 163. six of one and half- I don’t care who will do the work. It seems to me it’s a-dozen of the other six of one and half-a-dozen of the other. 八斤对八两 我不在乎由谁来做这项工作。这对我来说无所谓。 无所谓,无关紧要 164. song and dance Bill gave the teacher a song and dance about his 歌舞 mother being sick as an excuse for being late. 编造谎言骗得 比尔向老师编造谎言说她母亲病了,作为他迟到的借口。 他人的同情 165. spring chicken If Mrs. Gray is not an old woman, she is no spring 小鸡 chicken now. 刚刚成年的年轻人 格雷夫人算不上是老太太,但她也不年轻了。 166. snake in the grass I didn’t realize that he was a snake in the grass until he 草中的蛇 was caught stealing my money one day when I was out. 将其坏的本质隐 直到有一天他乘我不在时偷我的钱,我才知道他是个假仁假 藏起来的人 义的家伙。 167. steal the spotlight When the maid walked on the stage , She 偷聚光灯 stole the spotlight from the leading players. 当女仆出 喧宾夺主 现在舞台上再侧幕跳起舞时,她优美的舞姿压倒了主角的表演。 168. step into one’s shoes The little boy is a promising football player. Everyone 沿袭前人的做法 says he will step into his father’s shoes. 这个男孩子是个十分有发展前途的足球运动员。大家都说他会像他父亲那样出名的。 169. skeleton in Mrs. Green is reluctant to talk about her past with anyone. I the closet guess she must have a couple of skeletons in her 壁橱里的骨头 cupboard/closet. 家丑不可外扬 格林夫人从不对任何人提起她的过去。 我猜想她一定有过不光彩的历史。 170. smell a rat Every time Tom visits me, one of my ashtrays disappears. 嗅到老鼠 I’m beginning to smell a rat. 怀疑;有异常感觉 每次汤姆来看我,我的烟灰缸就不翼而飞。我开始怀疑是他 的毛病了。 171. sticky fingers The girl with sticky fingers was fired by our boss. 蜇人的指头 那个三只手的女孩子被我们老板开除了。 有偷偷摸摸的行为 172. take a back seat Women are asking for more rights; they refuse to take a 坐在后排 back seat to men in the society. 居于次要位置;屈 妇女要求更多的权利,她们拒绝在社会上接受男子们不愿做的 就于;居他人之下 工作。 173. take a dim view of I took a dim view of his passing the exam at first. But he 观点不明确 went through it without any difficulty. 对某事持悲观态度 我起初对他参加这次考试忧虑重重,但他十分顺利地通过了 考试。 174. a bolt from Their only daughter died of the traffic accident. the blue It was like a bolt out of the blue. 闪电霹雳 他们惟一的女儿死于交通事故,说来真是晴天霹雳。 出乎意料的事情 175. a dog in the manger She refuses to share the big room with the others, 马槽里的狗 She is really like a dog in the manger. 自私自利一毛不拔 她自己一人住在这样一套大房子里却不让其他人住进来,她真是一个极端自私的人。 176. after one’s own heart We both football, and he is a man after my own 按自己的想法 heart. 情意相投;情投意合; 我们两人都喜欢足球,是情投意合的好朋友。 177. air/wash one’s dirty Tom is a drug addict, but the family never air linen in linen in public its dirty linen in pubic. 在公开场合洗脏衣服 汤姆吸毒成瘾,但他的家人对此守口如瓶。 暴露秘密;家丑外扬 178. ants in one’s pants The boy is not fully prepared for the final exam. 锅中蚂蚁 He now has ants in his pants. 坐立不安;坐卧不宁; 这个男生对于大考没做好充分准备。他现在如坐针毡。 热锅上的蚂蚁 179. apple of one’s Charles is the apple of his mother’s eye. eye 苹果眼 查尔斯是他母亲的心肝宝贝。 心爱之物;掌上明珠; 180. ask/cry for When you hope the teacher will leave us no 要月亮 homework, the moon you are crying for the 天开;痴人说梦 moon. 你如果有让老师不给我们留作业这样的怪念头,那可真的是异想想入非非;异想天开了。 181. ax to grind He is an honest man, and he never has an ax to 磨斧头 grind. 花言巧语哄骗他人 他是一个诚实的人,他从不带有个人目的。 182. at sixes and They held a party last night and everything was sevens at sixes and sevens when the guests left. 六六七七 他们昨晚招待了一些朋友。当客人散尽之后,一切物品都乱混乱,没有条理 糟糟的。 183. bell the cat Everybody made suggestions but no one actually 给猫挂铃 offered to bell the cat. 甘冒风险 大家都提出了各自的见解,但实际上没有任何人主动 去冒这个风险。 184. black sheep All the students in our class except Jim, are 黑色的绵羊 well-behaved. He’s the black sheep. 品行不端之人; 我们班里的同学除了吉姆之外,品行都很好。他真是 害群之马。败家子;害群之马 185( born in the Since he was born in the purple, he showed a purple special interest in artcrafts. 在花园出生 由于出身显贵之家,他对艺术品表现了特殊的兴趣。 出生于名门望族 186. break the ice The atmosphere of the party was at first very stiff, 打破冰层 but the host broke the ice with an amusing story. 打破僵局,创造新 晚会的气氛起初非常沉闷,但主任的那个有趣的故事使气 局面;打破沉默 氛热烈起来了。 187. bite(on) Taking everything into consideration, I decided to bite the bullet the bullet and accept the tough job. 咬住子弹 对所有因素作了全面考虑之后,我决定背水一战,接受迎接迎接挑战, 这件棘手的工作。 克服困难 188. bite off more He started to repair the car himself, but realized than one can chew that he had bitten off more than he could chew. 贪多嚼不烂 他自己动手修理这辆汽车,但是现在他认识到自己不自量力做超出自己能力的 了。 事情;好高骛远 189. black-and-white Everything is black-and-white to Bill, if you are 黑白相间 not his friend, you are his enemy. 决不迁就;明确判断 比尔没有其他选择,你不是他的朋友,便是他的敌人。 190. bet on the Tom thought he would make a fortune when he bought wrong horse the lottery ticket, but he bet on the wrong horse, 赌错马 he lost his two dollars on that. 做出错误估计 汤姆买彩票时,盼着发一笔财,但是他的美梦落空了,他连 买彩票的2元钱都没捞回来。 191. blow the lid off The article blew the lid off the mystery of the life 吹掉上盖 for the savages. 昭示秘密;真相 这篇文章揭去了这些野人生活的神秘面纱。 大白;水落石出 192. borrow trouble/ask If you just stick to your own job, you won’t be for trouble borrowing any trouble. 找麻烦 如果你安心工作,就不用担心会有什么麻烦。 自寻苦恼;自寻烦恼 193. bread and butter Tom Atkins earned his bread and butter as a 面包和黄油 repairman in the garage, and he didn’t have 基本的生活需要 any extra money. 汤姆.阿特金斯在一家汽车修理厂工作。他的收入 只够自己的生活必需,没有多余的钱。 194. bring home Life was hard for the first settlers, who could the bacon not always bring home the bacon. 带咸肉回家 早期定居者的生活十分艰苦,他们经常搞不到吃的东西。 养活家庭;凯旋而归 195. cart before To get married first and then get a job is getting the the horse cart before the horse. 马前的车 先结婚后找工作,那可是本末倒置。 本末倒置;舍本求末 196. cat get one’s tongue Mr. George took the youn, , , g lady’s notebook by mistake at the meeting. When she told him that 猫得到舌头 politely, the cat got his tongue. 由于窘迫无言以对 乔治先生在会场上拿错了那位年轻女士的笔记本。当她 十分礼貌地向他指出时,乔治先生十分难为情。 197. with clean hands John grew up in a bad neighbourhood, but he grew 两手干净 up with clean hands. 天真无邪;摆脱 约翰的邻居们染有恶习,但他从小到大一直洁身自好。 邪恶;两袖清风 198. clip one’s wings When the new president tried to become a dictator, 剪下翅膀 the generals clipped his wings. 剪断某人的羽翼; 当新任总统企图独揽大权时,将军们削弱了他的实力。 约束;削弱实力 199. cold feet Some students always get cold feet when the 凉脚,害怕 entrance examination is drawing near. 临阵退缩 有些学生总是在升学考试临近时变得紧张胆小。 200. cast pearls It’s a waste of time to talk to her. She always before swine turns a deaf ear to others. Don’t cast pearls 向野猪投珍珠 before swine. 明珠暗投;对牛 再劝她 就是浪费时间了。她听不进别人的话。别对牛 弹琴;自作多情 弹琴了。 201. give sb. the She was deeply hurt at getting the cold shoulder cold shoulder from her old friend. 给某人凉肩膀 老朋友对她冷冰冰的态度使她受到了极大的伤害。 受到冷落;视如路人; 不屑一顾 202. dirty one’s hands I would not dirty my hands by going with bad 弄脏手 people and doing bad things. 声名狼藉;自毁形象 我不会和坏人一起去做坏事而玷污我的名声。 小学常考不规则动词汇编 1) AAA型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形) cost(花费) cost cost cut(割) cut cut hit(打) hit hit hurt 伤害) hurt hurt let(让) let let put(放) put put read (读) read read spread (伸展/ 传播) spread spread (2) AAB型 (动词原形与过去式同形) beat(跳动) beat beaten (3) ABA型(动词原形与过去分词同形) become(变成) became become come(来) came come run(跑) ran run (4) ABB型(过去式与过去分词同形) dig(挖) dug dug get(得到) got got hang(吊死) hanged hanged hang(悬挂) hung hung hold(抓住) held held lay (产卵) laid laid shine(照耀) shone shone sit(坐) sat sat win (赢) won won meet(遇见) met met keep (保持) kept kept sleep(睡) slept slept sweep(扫) swept swept feel(感觉) felt felt flee (逃跑) fled fled smell(闻) smelt smelt leave(离开) left left build(建设) built built lend(借出) lent lent send (传送) sent sent spend(花费) spent spent sink (沉下) sank sunk lose (丢失) lost lost burn (燃烧) burnt burnt learn(学习) learnt learnt mean(意思是) meant meant catch(抓住) caught caught teach(教) taught taught bring(带来) brought brought fight (战斗) fought fought buy(买) bought bought think(想) thought thought hear (听见) heard &nbs, p; heard sell(卖) sold sold tell(告诉) told told say(说) said said find(找到) found found feed ( 饲养 ) fed fed have/has(有) had had make(制造) made made stand(站) stood stood smell (闻) smelled smelt stick (粘贴 /刺) stuck stuck spell (拼 写) spelt/spelled spelt/spelled spit (吐唾沫) spat spat understand(明白) understood understood (5) ABC型(动词原形、过去式与过去分词三者不同形) begin(开始) began begun drink(喝) drank drunk hide (躲藏) hid hidden ring(铃响) rang rung sing (唱) sang sung swim(游泳) swam swum blow(吹) blew blown draw (画) drew drawn fly(飞) flew flown grow(生长) grew grown know(知道) knew known throw(投掷) threw thrown show(出示) showed shown break(打破) broke broken choose(选择) chose chosen forget(忘记) forgot forgotten freeze (结冰, 凝固) froze frozen speak(说) spoke spoken wake(醒) woke woke drive(驾驶) drove driven eat(吃) ate eaten fall(落下) fell fallen give(给) gave given rise(升高) rose risen take(取) took taken mistake(弄错) mistook mistaken ride(骑) rode ridden write(写) wrote written do(做) did done go(去) went gone lie(平躺) lay lain see(看见) saw seen wear (穿) wore worn
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