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王子复仇记 Hamlet 03 中英文

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王子复仇记 Hamlet 03 中英文王子复仇记 Hamlet 03 中英文 The queen hurried to the king and told him that Hamlet had killed Polonius in his madness. Upon hearing this, he thought of an evil plan. He said to himself, "Hamlet was mad enough to kill his lover's father. He may kill me, too. I must send him...
王子复仇记 Hamlet 03 中英文
王子复仇记 Hamlet 03 中英文 The queen hurried to the king and told him that Hamlet had killed Polonius in his madness. Upon hearing this, he thought of an evil plan. He said to himself, "Hamlet was mad enough to kill his lover's father. He may kill me, too. I must send him somewhere else. I cannot live with such a dangerous person." 皇后急忙跑去见国王,并告诉他哈姆雷特已经在疯狂之下杀死了普罗尼尔斯。国王 划。他自言自语道:『哈姆雷特已经疯狂到一听到这件事,就想到了一个恶毒的计 杀死他爱人的父亲,他也会杀死我。我必须把他遣送到别的地方去。我不能跟这幺 危险的人生活在一起。』 Claudius made up his mind to send Hamlet over to England with his two men who used to be Hamlet's old friends. He had the two men deliver a letter to the English king, in which he asked him to kill Hamlet as soon as they arrived in England. Though Hamlet had killed one of Claudius's noblemen, all the people in the nation loved him very much. That was why Claudius could not kill Hamlet. 克劳迪斯决定把哈姆雷特连同他两名手下一起送到英格兰,这两名手下曾经是哈姆 雷特的老友。他叫这两名手下带一封信给英格兰国王。信中他要求英格兰国王在他 们一到达英格兰时就杀死哈姆雷特。虽然哈姆雷特曾经杀死一个克劳迪斯的贵族, 但是全国百姓仍然很爱戴他,那就是为什幺克劳迪斯不能杀死哈姆雷特的原因。 Hamlet and the two men set sail for England. While on board the ship, Hamlet asked himself why he was being sent abroad. He became very uneasy. He suspected that Claudius must have planned something bad. He didn't trust his two old friends, either. 哈姆雷特和那两名手下坐船出发前往英格兰。在船上的时候,哈姆雷特自问为什幺 他会被送往国外。他显得非常不安。他怀疑克劳迪斯一定有什幺恶毒的。他也 不相信他那两个老朋友。 While the two men were sleeping on the ship, Hamlet found the letter written by the king. He read it and knew the king's plan. Hamlet had a good idea. He rubbed out his name and wrote the names of the two men instead. 趁着这两个人在船上睡觉的时候,哈姆雷特发现这封国王写的信。他看了这封信也 知道了国王的计划。哈姆雷特想到了一个好主意,他擦掉信上自己的名字,改写上 这两个人的名字。 The next day Hamlet's ship was attacked by pirates. Hamlet was so brave that he jumped onto the pirates' ship and fought against them. While Hamlet was fighting, his ship sailed away. At last he was caught as a prisoner by several strong pirates. He told them that he was the Prince of Denmark. Then they suddenly became kind to him and promised his safe return to Denmark. Hamlet thanked them and promised to reward them after he became king of Denmark. 隔天,哈姆雷特的船遭到海盗的攻击。哈姆雷特很勇敢地跳上海盗船跟他们战斗。 当哈姆雷特在战斗之际,他的船趁机开走了。最后他被几个强壮的海盗抓住而沦为 阶下囚。他告诉海盗们他是丹麦的王子。这时,海盗们突然对他仁慈起来,并答应 让他安全返回丹麦。哈姆雷特很感谢他们,并且允诺在他当了丹麦国王以后会奖赏 他们。 When Hamlet went ashore, he wrote to Claudius, telling him of his return to Denmark. He said in the letter that he would like to tell him everything that had happened at sea. He did not refer to the letter written to the English king. He also wrote to his best friend, Horatio, asking him to come to meet him the next day. 哈姆雷特上岸时,就写信给克劳迪斯,告诉他他已经返回丹麦了。他在信中表示他 想将海上所发生的事一一告诉克劳迪斯。他没有提到那封写给英格兰国王的信。他 也写信给他的挚友荷瑞修,要荷瑞修次日来见他。 The following day they met, and Hamlet told Horatio that the king had planned to kill him in England. They began walking toward the castle. 第二天他们见面了,哈姆雷特把国王计划在英格兰要杀死他的事告诉了荷瑞修。他 们开始朝城堡的方向走去。 As they came near the castle, they saw two old men digging a grave. "Whose grave are you digging, old men?" asked Hamlet. They answered so uncertainly and strangely that Hamlet could not understand what they were saying. Little did he think that it was a grave for his dear Ophelia. 他们来到城堡附近时,看见两个老人家正在挖一个墓穴。『老伯,你们正在挖谁的 墓穴呢,』哈姆雷特问道。他们的回答既不确定又很怪异,以致哈姆雷特无法了解 他们在说些什幺。他万万没想到这个墓穴是用来埋葬他心爱的欧菲莉亚的。 While Hamlet was away from Denmark, a very sad thing had happened to Ophelia. She began to lose her mind after she learned that her father had been killed by Hamlet. From then on she often walked around the castle alone, singing sadly. One day when she was walking near a stream, singing a sad love song, she found some pretty flowers there. Trying to pick them up, she slipped down the bank into the stream. Some time later she was found drowned. Neither Hamlet nor Horatio knew about this unhappy event. 哈姆雷特离开丹麦的时候,一件令人非常伤心的事发生在欧菲莉亚的身上。在她获 知她的父亲被哈姆雷特杀死之后,她便失去理智了。从那时起,她就经常一个人悲 伤地唱着歌绕着城堡走。有一天当她唱着一首哀伤的情歌,走近一条小溪流时,她 发现那里有一些美丽的花朵。她设法要去摘那些花,却从溪岸失足滑落溪里去。过 了一段时间被人发现时,她已经溺死了。哈姆雷特和荷瑞修都不知道这件不幸的 事。 A few minutes later, a group of men and women came to the grave. Hamlet and Horatio saw, among them, the king and queen, and Laertes, Ophelia's brother. They were carrying the dead body of Ophelia. Hamlet and Horatio hid themselves behind the bushes in order that they might not be seen by them. 过了几分钟,一群男女来到墓穴边。在人群之中哈姆雷特和荷瑞修看到国王和皇 后,以及欧菲莉亚的哥哥莱尔提斯,他们正在搬运欧菲莉亚的遗体。哈姆雷特和荷 瑞修躲在矮树丛后面,以免被他们看见。 Ophelia was laid into the grave. The priest began the funeral service for her. While the priest was praying, the queen threw some beautiful flowers into the grave, saying, "Now that you are dead, I hope you may have peace in heaven, my dear sweet lady. I had hoped that you would become my Hamlet's wife." 欧菲莉亚被安置在墓穴内。牧师开始为她举行葬礼仪式。当牧师正在祷告的时候, 皇后撒了一些花到墓穴里,同时说道:『我亲爱的小姐,既然你已经去世了,我希 望你在天堂可以得到安宁。我曾希望你能成为我的儿子哈姆雷特的妻子。』 Then suddenly Laertes jumped into the grave and held her in his arms. "You were the loveliest sister in the world. Why did you kill yourself? Bury me alive beside you," cried Laertes. 墓穴中,将欧菲莉亚抱在怀中。『你是世上最美丽的妹就在那时莱尔提斯突然跳进 妹。为什幺你要自杀呢,将我活埋在你身边吧,』莱尔提斯哭着说。 Upon hearing Laertes' words, Hamlet rushed out of the bushes and jumped into the grave. He intended to take Ophelia into his arms. "I loved Ophelia much more than you, Laertes. Give me back my Ophelia," cried Hamlet to him. 哈姆雷特一听到莱尔提斯的话,立刻从矮树丛后冲出来跳进墓穴中。他想要把欧菲 莉亚抱入怀中。『我比你更爱欧菲莉亚,莱尔提斯,把我的欧菲莉亚还给我。』哈 姆雷特对莱尔提斯大叫。 As Laertes thought Hamlet was responsible for his sister's death as well as for his father's, he wanted to kill him. He said to Hamlet, "It is you, Hamlet, who killed my father and sister. Though you are the prince of our country, I cannot forgive you. I will kill you here, today, for my poor family." 由于莱尔提斯想到哈姆雷特要为他妹妹和父亲的死负责时,巴不得想杀死他。他对 哈姆雷特说:『哈姆雷特,杀死我父亲和妹妹的是你。虽然你是我国的王子,但是 我不会宽恕你。今天我要在这里为我可怜的家人杀死你。』 They started fighting in the grave. But soon they were separated by the other men who were there. After Hamlet and Horatio had left the grave of Ophelia, the king called Laertes to him and told him that he had an idea. He advised Laertes to have a friendly sword fight with Hamlet at the hall of the castle the next day. Upon hearing the king's plan, Laertes agreed with him. This wicked king, Claudius, was going to capitalize on the grief and anger of Laertes for the death of his father and sister to destroy Hamlet. 他们开始在墓穴中打斗。但是很快地他们被在场的其它人拉开了。哈姆雷特和荷瑞 修离开基穴之后,国王召唤莱尔提斯到他面前,告诉他说他有一个好主意。国王建 议莱尔提斯隔天在城堡的大厅跟哈姆雷特举行一场剑击友谊赛。莱尔提斯听到国王 的计划时,立刻表示同意。克劳迪斯这个邪恶的国王打算利用莱尔提斯因为他父亲 和妹妹的死而产生的悲伤和愤怒来铲除哈姆雷特。 The king suggested that Laertes should use a sharp sword with poison on the tip of it. Such a sword was very dangerous, so, of course, it was not allowed in a friendly fight. If Laertes struck Hamlet hard with the sword, he would be killed within a few minutes. Laertes was so good at fencing that the king was sure that he would kill Hamlet during the match. The king intended to have Hamlet use a blunt sword. However, in case Hamlet should win the contest, he prepared a glass of poisoned wine. He was going to offer it to Hamlet, pretending to admire his victory. He hoped Hamlet would drink it and die. 国王建议莱尔提斯使用一把尖端涂有剧毒的利剑。这种剑相当危险,因此友谊赛中 当然是不可以使用这种剑的。如果莱尔提斯用这种剑把哈姆雷特杀成重伤,那幺他 在几分钟之内就会丧命。莱尔提斯是一位剑术高手,因此国王相信他一定能在比赛 中杀死哈姆雷特。国王想让哈姆雷特使用一把钝剑。然而,万一哈姆雷特赢了这场 比赛,国王已准备了一杯毒酒。他会假装庆贺哈姆雷特的胜利,把这杯毒酒赐给 他。国王希望哈姆雷特喝了这杯酒后就死去。 One of the king's men came to Hamlet to tell him about the contest between Hamlet and Laertes the next day. He accepted the proposal at once, as he thought it was just a friendly contest. 国王的一位手下来见哈姆雷特,告诉他关于隔天他和莱尔提斯之间的比赛。哈姆雷 特立刻接受这个提议,因为他认为那只是一场友谊赛而已。 The next day a number of people came to the hall where the contest was to be held. They had been looking forward to seeing the contest between the two young men. The king and queen sat at the table on which the glass of poisoned wine had been placed. 隔天一群人来到即将举行比赛的大厅。他们一直期望能欣赏到这两位年轻人的比 赛。国王和皇后坐在放有那杯毒酒的这一桌。 Before the contest, Hamlet asked Laertes to forgive him for killing his father by accident. They shook hands with each other. At first Hamlet seemed to be winning. He fought more skillfully than Laertes, but both of them seemed to become very tired. The king said, "Stop the fight. Have a rest for a while." They stopped fighting. All the people watching gave them a big hand. Hamlet's mother was very glad to see how strong her son was. Claudius offered the glass of the poisoned wine to Hamlet, saying, "Have a drink, Hamlet." 比赛开始之前,哈姆雷特为意外杀死莱尔提斯的父亲,请求莱尔提斯原谅他。他们 彼此互相握手。起初,哈姆雷特似乎会打赢。他的剑术比莱尔提斯更加高明,但他 们两人似乎都显得非常疲累。国王开口说:『比赛暂停,休息一会儿。』他们便停 止打斗。所有在场观看的人都对他们两人报以热烈的掌声。哈姆雷特的母亲看到她 儿子如此地强壮,感到非常高兴。克劳迪斯赐给哈姆雷特那杯毒酒说:『喝杯酒 吧,哈姆雷特。』 "No, thank you. I will drink it after the contest," said Hamlet. After a short while, they began to fight again. 『不必了,多谢。比赛结束后我再喝。』哈姆雷特说。片刻之后,他们又开始比 赛。 This time Laertes seemed to fight better and at last he struck Hamlet slightly on the shoulder with his sharp sword. Seeing this, the queen became very excited. She felt so thirsty that she picked up the poisoned glass of wine from the table and drank half of it. The king was too absorbed in watching the fight to notice her drinking the poisoned wine. To his deep regret, he had not said anything to her about the poisoned wine. 这一次莱尔提斯似乎表现得比较好,最后他用利剑轻微地刺伤哈姆雷特的肩膀。皇 后看到这一幕显得很激动。她觉得很口渴因此顺手拿起桌上的毒酒喝了半杯。国王 太专注观看这场比赛了,所以没有注意到她喝了那杯毒酒。令国王深感后悔的是, 他没有把关于毒酒的事告诉她。 During the second half of the fight, the two men dropped their swords and each man happened to pick up the other man's sword. Soon Hamlet gave Laertes a deadly blow with the poisoned sword. No sooner had Laertes fallen to the floor than the queen fell from her chair, crying, "I have been poisoned! The wine was poisoned! The poisoned drink! Oh, my dear Hamlet!" Gertrude soon lay dead. Laertes was still alive, though he was mortally wounded. 在下半场的比赛中,两个人的剑都掉在地上,而碰巧的是他们各自都捡到对方的 剑。不久哈姆雷特用这把毒剑给莱尔提斯致命的一击。莱尔提斯一被刺倒在地上, 皇后同时也从椅子上跌倒在地,大叫说:『我中毒了~这酒有毒~是杯毒酒~啊~ 我亲爱的哈姆雷特~』葛楚德很快就倒在地上死了。莱尔提斯虽然受了致命的剑 伤,但他仍然活着。 He cried, "The king planned everything. He is responsible for this unfair sword contest and the poisoned wine. He is to blame. I am very sorry, Hamlet." Soon after saying this, he died. Hamlet now knew about Claudius's evil plan. He also realized that his own life was slipping away because of the poisoned sword. With the last ounce of his strength, Hamlet rushed to the king and struck him with the poisoned sword, saying, "You wicked man! You are sure to go to hell." He also forced the king to drink the rest of the poisoned wine. At last he carried out his promise to his father's ghost. 莱尔提斯叫着说:『这一切都是国王的计谋。他必须为这场不公平的剑击比赛和这 杯毒酒负责。他应该受到责罚。我感到非常抱歉,哈姆雷特。』说完这些话不久他 就死了。哈姆雷特如今已经知道克劳迪斯恶毒的计谋,他也知道由于这把毒剑他的 生命即将结束。哈姆雷特用尽最后的一点力气,冲向国王用这把毒剑刺杀他,并 说:『你这个恶毒的人~你一定会下地狱。』他也逼国王喝下剩余的毒酒。终于他 实现对父亲的鬼魂所做的承诺。 Hamlet was barely able to breathe. Then he became aware that Horatio was trying to kill himself with his own sword. Horatio wanted to join the prince in death."Stop it, Horatio! Listen! You must live to tell this sad story to the world," cried Hamlet gaspingly. Horatio threw away the sword when he heard the last words of Hamlet and said, "Yes, Hamlet. I will, my dear Prince of Denmark." 哈姆雷特快要断气了。接着他知道荷瑞修企图用自己的剑自杀。荷瑞修想追随王子 而死。『住手,荷瑞修~听着~你必须活着把这个悲惨的故事告诉全世界的人。』 哈姆雷特喘息地叫说。当荷瑞修听到哈姆雷特说的最后一句话时,便把剑丢掉说: 『好的,哈姆雷特。我会的,我亲爱的丹麦王子。』 He firmly promised that he would tell the true story of Hamlet to the world. As soon as Hamlet heard these words from Horatio, he felt happy and his noble heart stopped beating. Everyone present at this terrible scene prayed to God that Hamlet might rest in peace. 他坚定地承诺一定会将哈姆雷特的真实故事告诉世人。哈姆雷特听到荷瑞修说的 话,感到很欣慰,他那颗高贵的心也停止跳动了。每一个目睹此一悲惨情景的人都 向上帝祷告,祈求哈姆雷特能得到安息。
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