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我疯狂我成功(I´m crazy, I´m successful)

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我疯狂我成功(I´m crazy, I´m successful)我疯狂我成功(I´m crazy, I´m successful) 我疯狂我成功(I'm crazy, I'm successful) A little boy who was shy and shut down from childhood, couldn't even answer the phone, and thought his life was gloomy and brilliant. However, when he grew up, he not only spoke good English, but ...
我疯狂我成功(I´m crazy, I´m successful)
我疯狂我成功(I´m crazy, I´m successful) 我疯狂我成功(I'm crazy, I'm successful) A little boy who was shy and shut down from childhood, couldn't even answer the phone, and thought his life was gloomy and brilliant. However, when he grew up, he not only spoke good English, but also toured more than 200 cities in the country, so that about thirty million people shouted after him to learn english. Here, audience friends may have guessed who he is. He is our guest today, Mr. Li Yang, founder of crazy english. Profile 1: Profile Li Yang, born in 1969, was admitted to the Department of engineering mechanics of Lanzhou University in 1986. In 1988, a unique English learning method was summed up, "Crazy English"". In 1990, after graduating from University, he worked for the northwest Electronic Equipment Research Institute of Xi'an. In 1992, he was transferred to Guangdong people's broadcasting station radio station because of his excellent english. In 1994, Li Yang resigned from the radio, founder of Li Yang cliz International English Promotion studio, devoted to "China English, Chinese in popularity" spread to the world business. Li Nan: Hello, Li Yang. Li Yang: hello. Li Nan: you have a lot of titles and rings, one of which we know is called "the godfather of English speaking", and "Godfather" feels a little religious. I think that when the tide of learning English in China is over and over, we must communicate with the godfather well. First of all, we should show the style of the master. Sometimes we joke and say, "how do you feel like a suburb of London, or like a farmer in New York?". Can you find a simple sentence in English and then use different dialects to show us what different English styles look like? Li Yang: actually, there are mainly two kinds of English, one American English, one British english. American English is relatively a little more relaxed, for example, one of the most simple "good morning", the Americans would say Good morning, relative retroflex heavy, relax a little, a little more confident. The English are a little stiff, Good morning, just like a small mouth. Li Nan: very reserved, very gentleman. Li Yang: very formal, yes. Then, except for these two, the rest are dialects, and the Chinese speak English, Good, morning. Indian English is also unique throughout the world. I'm usually joking. They say one, two, three, Indians call it...... What do you mean, you don't understand?. Singapore English is atrocious, Japan is thank you very much English, called Japanese....... Li Nan: unlike Japanese, it doesn't feel like english. Li Yang: Yes, that's right. Therefore, the world is a world of many English varieties, and all kinds of English branches are there. Li Nan: so what English should we learn from that country? Li Yang: I taught us "standard American English"". And I'm not fawning, not that I worship, but I feel English with relatively more widely. Information two: Li Yang can imitate many English dialects perfectly, but he doesn't think he has any language talent. He doesn't know much about Chinese dialect. He can create crazy english", That's because he spends more time on English than anyone else. For more than 10 years, "Crazy English" has become a label for Li Yang, a title with a certain meaning. Li Nan: indeed, speaking of Li Yanglai, you must think of "Crazy English", and then dig out this "English", then you are very interested in the crazy state and the crazy spirit. I knew now that if someone signed for me, I wouldn't be thrilled. I don't know how you feel when you face thousands of people shouting at the table and then raise your arm Li Yang: nothing, just to make yourself in good shape and drive you all. The reason why I do this is to let people not take English too seriously and speak out boldly. It is possible that they have studied English for ten years and haven't called it so far. The purpose is this. Li Nan: no feeling, feel like a, have a kind of heroic feeling. Li Yang: because every day like this, so more is that kind of, say a little big talk, a sense of responsibility in where, that is to say, I want to guide them, and better guide them, I don't mislead them. Li Nan: maybe in our opinion, learning English is boring and boring. You should practice it by memorizing words. In that case, why do you rely on such public revelry to make people understand something? Li Yang: you just described a typical state to learn English, very boring, to the system, from primary school to big, from primary school to junior high school to graduate, doctoral students have been continued, but you mentioned two things, one is the word back, one is to do practice. That's exactly what I'm going to do. Let's not do that. Memorizing words and doing exercises are the two most useless ways to learn a foreign language. So I let you just blurt out "these four words, a lot of imitation of the tape, a paragraph, a back English, because a passage back down, grammar naturally, words will naturally. Li Nan: is it natural? Li Yang: naturally, because it is useless to recite a word by yourself, because the basic unit of communication with people is not the word, and it is useless to memorize the word "dead end" in isolation. You will find that all the people in the country are reciting words. At that time, 200 people were recited two times a day without any help. The foreigners who saw them couldn't even make sentences and couldn't even form sentences. Information three: Li Yang is very outspoken in expressing his views. He believes that the traditional method of learning English is incorrect. He argues that learning language is for communication, so first of all learn to speak". In fact, the original intention of Crazy English is only to solve the problem of "dumb English" in traditional English teaching. And emphasizing "Crazy" is not Li Yang's idea. Li Nan: I've read your book, I'm crazy, I'm successful. I found a lot of words. I was in the book of success, including some of the guests I interviewed, and they saw similar things inside. And your experience with some of the guests I've interviewed before, There seems to be some kind of similarity. Let's now take a look at what we have interviewed before. Chen Anzhi: I'm the best madman. I wonder what day it is. What's my day like?. When I was in college, everyone was carrying a bag there for class. I was carrying a briefcase, wearing a shirt and tie to sell the kitchen knife. I am working, want to become the first place to sell kitchen knife, so I am the first madman. Later, I found that almost successful people were almost insane before they succeeded. So we have a popular saying, "to be successful, go crazy first, and go straight ahead."". Li Nan: Chen Anzhi is a friend you know well. Li Yang: Yes, I don't know when he is misunderstood, but we exchange many times later, I think it is really very good, he is easy to study the success of the study, he was very deep, but he speaks out, even the street just young people are able to absorb. Very good. Li Nan: what were your misconceptions about him before? Li Yang: I think, because he was in Taiwan at that time, I read his book very early in foreign countries, I think this is how people always dressy or foppish. Li Nan: well dressed, dressy or foppish. Li Yang: I felt this way at the time, but I found there was a misunderstanding when I saw it. This man is very comprehensive. I also expressed my appreciation for his face. Information four: At the scene of the speech, Li Yang managed to bring thousands of people crazy with him, but for a goal that requires perseverance and perseverance, it seemed that it was not enough. Our reporter found in the investigation, there are a lot of people in the speech scene with Li Yang passion, but in a few days, this enthusiasm disappeared, and returned to the original state of slack. So, in Li Yang's view, how crazy is the role? How can this madness continue? Li Nan: in fact, the state of this craziness is not only sustained for a while, but it should continue until you can succeed. Li Yang: but you know, just like I asked you, you might also answer whether it's difficult to make a plan, whether it's three days of heat or not. It's a common problem for people, and so do i.. My only determination to succeed was to succeed in learning English. My other resolutions were unsuccessful. Li Nan: how do you go to your students, and what advice do they have to keep them in class so that they can survive as much as possible? Li Yang: Yes, the best way to keep up is to make him feel successful and feel good. What is called "tasting sweetness"? I will rule that after my speech, we use a day, nothing, a day of more than a dozen hours listening to tapes, only listen to a paragraph, this paragraph of about one hundred or two hundred words. After the last ten hours, he imitated almost exactly the same as the tape, which he had not done for ten years, Once he's done it, you don't have to worry about him. He's usually successful. Like golf, you don't feel, you find a good coach for ten hours, to the night you hand lift, but when you swing the great feeling, tasted the sweetness, this is the people, people need to have a sense of achievement. Li Nan: sounds so easy. Li Yang: it's really easy. And how about this method? Now it seems very few Chinese people use it. How do the Chinese like it? You'd better tell me a lot of things in a class. I've taken a lot of notes. I think it's a good value for money. In fact, this is a huge misunderstanding, a misunderstanding of psychological knowledge. In the end, I gave you everything, everything was lost, nothing was left. You may have heard of it, including interviews with a lot of successful people. In fact, it's a good habit to get into a good habit and become a habit a year. But what do we want? It's best for you to give me a good habit a day. This is the case, a habit a year, a person can succeed. Li Nan: it's habit to settle into your own, not what you see in books or other people. You find it hard to keep it up. Li Yang: it's hard, too. Don't believe in your own resolve. Use other methods. Of course, there are many ways for teacher Chen Anzhi to make up your mind. But I was also inspired by teacher Chen Anzhi, and I said I must make up my mind, but it seems like the second day is still gone. Li Nan: you have your way. Li Yang: I can't help it. What can I do then? That is to say, we must find a partner, find a man who is strong in this respect, you are zero in this respect, he is one hundred in this respect, you integrate with him, this is the first method. The second way, for example, if you are determined to exercise regularly by bike, keep your bike directly in front of the door. That is to say, when you open the door in the morning, the bike is right there, and you are more likely to ride a bicycle. If you put it in the storage room of your house, you would say, "forget it, don't ride, it's so troublesome, the ash is very thick, don't ride it, it's easy for people to make excuses for themselves.". Li Nan: when the transaction cost is relatively low, it's very convenient. Take it and ride it. It will be better then. Li Yang: Yes, or that one time I had a terrible determination, in fact I don't call the book "my" Crazy "my success", was called "my" abnormal "I succeed", but "abnormal" can not be published, I ask the publishing agency, after the application can not be said "I" abnormal "my success". "I had a lot of bad thoughts," I said. "In order to motivate myself to run, I put my shoes around my neck and went to work.". Li Nan: what do you think is the best way? The way for you or for all of us to learn is to do it the way you can. Li Yang: the way to insist, for example, I insist on reading English is like this, my pillow next to the English book, my bathroom next to the English book, and then my inside of any bag, I've brought my English book along with me on my way. So I take English books with me anytime, and before dinner, as long as I'm with someone, I have to read English 5 minutes before dinner. Information five: It should be said that Li Yang was successful, he successfully created "Crazy English" such a learning method, and spread widely among about thirty million people. Who can think of, this is a lot of people to learn, was a very humble child, in the first two years of college, he has failed 13 courses, even now, he is very good at English and then make-up for two consecutive years. And Li Yang's childhood memories, there is too much gray. Brennan: now we are faced with a very confident person, Li Yang. I know that Li Yang has been saying that he used to be a very humble person, and even felt that buying a bottle of soy sauce would be a great achievement if you could buy it successfully. The scar on your face is a famous story, the famous story of inferiority. Li Yang: also called "autistic personality" story, that is, to the hospital to do physical therapy, and now remember very clearly, very clear. Li Nan: how old were you then? Li Yang: that's great, too. It's really humiliating. It should be the third grade. Because I am particularly afraid of doctors, especially afraid of the salesman, to the hospital after the doctor's attitude at that time were very bad, "lie down."!" No one likes that tone. After lying down, put the instrument up, make sure you knit a sweater or go, and leave. It's really simple, too. If you're hot, you'll end up shouting. I didn't shout for 20 minutes, and I thought of Qiu Shaoyun. Li Yang: and Dong Cunrui, we used to think so, when we learned these stories. But people Dong Cunrui, Qiu Shaoyun, at least wet mud, you can handle it, at least there are some grass, I was lying on the plastic sheeting, there is no way, it is entirely their own problems. Li Nan: it was burned and burned for 20 minutes. Li Yang: the whole plastic sheet is covered with a layer of water. It was red at that time. After returning, it became two, so big. Li Nan: it's swollen and swollen. Then your mother will feel sorry for you when you see her. Why don't you shout, do you? Li Yang: I didn't remember it at the time, but I think the reaction must have been bad for me, because our parents didn't know how to feel bad at that time. I think this example is very typical, very typical, and this kind of thing, so far is this inferiority complex, and now is still a major part of my personality. Li Nan: at that time, why did a child feel inferior to that extent? No one else can imagine. Li Yang: because I was born in Jiangsu, Changzhou. I was brought up by my grandmother. Then, when I was three or four years old, I went back to Xinjiang to live with my parents. Between such words certainly with parents are not very close, plus the parents when intellectuals were labeled as "well", the cultural revolution, life is also very unhappy. After that, these things are vented to children, Children are a vent tool, there is nothing wrong with the outside, after coming back may beat scold, think it is their children, playing is hurt, scold is love. Now I see the point, but I remember it very, very clearly at the time. Li Nan: it was very small and very young, but you remember it very, very clearly. For example, what kind of words? Li Yang: say "you idiot", "you will dig dung." so, anyway, is something like this. Li Nan: you see now, will you hate them? Li Yang: I don't hate them now, but I think it's hard to turn things around. How to put it? I envy other people's children. They can hug their parents, hug their children, and hug me. I can get goose bumps. Li Nan: are you going to hug your kids now? Li Yang: I will. It's different. It's quite different. It's forcing yourself to change. Don't pass on any more. Don't pass on that kind of thing to the next generation. Li Nan: is the circulation of false reports? Li Yang: Yes, yes, the handshake can not be held. I remember calling my father "I can't call". I have to go to him. For example, I want him to be called from behind. I have to go in front of him. "Hey," that's all. Li Nan: do you call your father "ah"? Li Yang: Daddy, will face "wow" red, of course, these things, is a kind of analysis, what will not hurt people. Parents are sure that he does not want his children to be in such a state, but that is the situation. I have had some classes, a course in mind, I want to go beyond, and I want to talk with my parents, hug, and let the floodgates of emotion open. So far, I haven't succeeded. Li Nan: you think such a possibility is that you can not overstep, and the cost and energy of life may be insurmountable. Li Yang: Yes, if I were not so busy right now, I might have crossed the line and might have gone beyond it. Because I think it is true that parents are now big, older are great, Liushiwuliu, the body will have some disease, don't wait until it's too late to go to regret, sometimes struggle. Information six: Family education in Li Yang's heart left a lingering shadow, he was timid, inferiority complex, dare not speak. When he grew up, by chance, he found that shouting English would help him find confidence, so he never stopped yelling. Through constant self transcendence, Li Yang sets an example for thousands of people struggling on the path of life! Transcending yourself and facing the difficult position of life, this is almost the only way for all successful people. Li Nan: in fact, including our national habits, you found that branded on everyone's face, brand, and even are reserved, are repressed, a bit autistic like that. Well, really, if you are so eager to succeed, you need to break such a cage and shackles. What I've found is, for example, Yu Minhong, whose experience seems to be the same as yours. He used to like a girl, But I dare not to talk to her, followed her for three months, finally take advantage of a dark and stormy night, the library without electricity, the lamp is off, just do an action, help the girl picked up the bag, thus to catch the line. He calls himself a very humble man, but his success is obvious to all. Let's take a look at an interview I had with him. Q: what kind of things and experiences do you feel particularly profound about "looking for hope in despair", and then take it as a lesson for New Oriental? Yu Minhong: because I am on 1991, after resigning from the north, in fact no can do, not easy to outside the training department to teach, is ten dollars a night abroad, there is no hope, for three and a half years abroad without success. Probably these things melt together, and finally give yourself, in fact, originally written in his notebook on a word, and later with the New Oriental, became the New Oriental School motto. Li Nan: This is Yu Minhong, the three time he failed, and countless suffering. Li Yang: Yes, so he is more successful than me. He has more experience than me. Li Nan: he used to fail more than you do. Li Yang: more than I failed, more than I experienced. My success is much easier than mine, so my success is not as big as his. Li Nan: it's proportional to how much you're being pushed down and how high you're being played. He's so depressed, isn't he? Li Yang: Yes, but these successful people, I found that Chen Anzhi is the most care of their own, like Yu Minhong, I think they are very vicissitudes of life, and pay great. Li Nan: you were talking about Chen Anzhi, Chen Anzhi is always buying Louis Weedon's latest bag, wearing a new Versace shirt, and then hair silk is not messy, the face is very delicate. But he had failed 18 times, and he himself said so. Let's take a look at Chen Anzhi's experience. Q: what is the cause of your failure at the time, in turn, to reflect on you? James Bond: first, I didn't find the right coach. I think that any person's success, should find a teacher to guide, self exploration, so made a lot of mistakes should not be made. Q: was it very distressing at that time? Chen Anzhi: very upset, once I really want to see the Dutch act, the deposit is 0 yuan, can not afford to pay the rent, the remaining 1/4 gasoline, everywhere to borrow money, I think the situation never happened to me. Li Nan: you three have a common characteristic, you three say yourself, I used to be very unsuccessful, very low self-esteem, successful people have been miserable. Li Yang: it's the same, because it's like that. What's success? Success must be on the mind, anti frustration ability is very strong, this is the first. Second, must have proficiency in a particular line two together, it will succeed. If these two things did not give you the family, the school did not give you, only yourself to spoil yourself, yourself upon yourself, yourself to failure, failure failure, After the failure, these two have been successful. Li Nan: what kind of people are most successful people? Li Yang: This is a success, success is like lightning, lightning and rain, "Chi Chi Chi" split to others, too little. Information seven: Li Yang believes that successful people always have to go through failures again and again before they can succeed. Therefore, he stressed the need to face the courage to face setbacks, and be good at learning from failure, so that people will eventually succeed. Li Nan: you said, so far, that is their own inferiority of a major character and defects, so you will have so many words, such as what "enjoy, welcome back" and so on these things, I think Chinese advocated "Frustration Education" which has a long time. But the frustration education is so out and out, may be non Li Yang. Li Yang: "Frustration Education", my concept is not to artificially create setbacks. Just tell your child, "even if you fail, I still love you."." This sentence is very important. Then there was another word, "my love for you is unconditional."." That means you're still the best dad in the twenty place, and you don't have one hundred points to score. But Chinese parents don't do that. You have to take twenty Li Nan: I don't recognize you. Li Yang: is it easy for me? Is it easy for me to help you go to school? You just leave it alone. It hurts the child, so I don't think I have to create a setback. He has had a lot of setbacks in his life. How many setbacks do you have when you grow up? Don't try to create setbacks artificially. Just do it a little bit. You ask him what you can learn from this setback, and the second one. Do you have a better way to avoid this setback and the next time you can do better?. For example, touch the table, China's parents are playing table, American parents say you just why will encounter, the next time should pay attention to, will not touch. It's so nice, isn't it? So I think Chinese education, I talked wildly, really is in a complete mess. Li Nan: why do you call everyone "love losing face"? Is not to damage must be humiliated or even some self-esteem for a result of this success? Li Yang: you don't have to look for a chance to lose face. The key is to lose your face. Don't be like a flower. A little bit frustrated, just give it away and never let it go. I think the main thing is the psychological problem, Chen Anzhi's words are also dealt with in this regard. In fact, as president Yu Minhong said a lot of things, we are talking about the same, he is talking about suffering, people want to create brilliant from the suffering, from despair to find hope, are all like this. Li Nan: do you think this book is what you just said, "I was" abnormal "I", "I finally become" Crazy "my success", it seems "Crazy" and "success" in you, give us a summary at the end is what kind of relationship? Li Yang: Crazy means to go all out and invest one hundred percent places, Well, if you put in one hundred percent, you can succeed. So I'm crazy here, that is, just like you said in the program of the two masters of the characters said, is to go all out, will be able to succeed. Li Nan: I hope you can make a lot of friends in front of our TV set with this inspiring effect. Li Yang: I also hope that they feel that successful people are very, very difficult behind them, [Conclusion] A million people English speech in Beijing in the Shanghai ancestral temple, the Bund do English classroom interaction, in the old revolutionary base in Zunyi, so that tens of thousands of kids crazy shout with her for more than 10 years, Li Yang is on its way to the "Crazy English" spread across the country, even to break abroad, in Japan, South Korea, the United States has established a "Crazy English" reputation. For Li Yang, "Crazy" can make him succeed, but success is not just crazy, and the establishment of a mature and perfect business operation mechanism may need another kind of reason. Please continue to pay attention to Li Yang and pay attention to our program next week.
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