

2017-09-20 24页 doc 459KB 53阅读




正品体恒健牌育之缘片说明正品体恒健牌育之缘片说明 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片是一款男性的保健产品,由济南体恒健生物工程有限公司生产并 销售,官方销售渠道为【体恒健商城】,该产品是国家级科普教育基地单位重点推荐的纯天 然男性补锌补硒产品(经中国兴奋剂检测中心检测),安全无任何副作用,并采用新技术、 新工艺研制而成,执行国家食品药品监督管理局新标准,严格保证产品质量。他的主要成分 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadre...
正品体恒健牌育之缘片说明 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片是一款男性的保健产品,由济南体恒健生物工程有限公司生产并 销售,官方销售渠道为【体恒健商城】,该产品是国家级科普教育基地单位重点推荐的纯天 然男性补锌补硒产品(经中国兴奋剂中心检测),安全无任何副作用,并采用新技术、 新研制而成,执行国家食品药品监督管理局新,严格保证产品质量。他的主要成分 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 是“蛋白锌+蛋白硒+蛋白质”,他是目前市场上非常知名的男性备孕产品~下面,体恒健营养专家来深入介绍下这款体恒健育之缘口嚼片。 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片说明书: 【注册商标】体恒健 【生产企业】济南体恒健生物工程有限公司 【产品名称】育之缘口嚼片 【主要原料】富锌蛋白粉、大豆硒蛋白、白砂糖、淀粉、羟丙甲纤维素 【标志性成分及含量】每100g含:锌4mg、硒0.75mg、蛋白质30g 【保健功能】增强免疫力 【适宜人群】免疫力低下者及备孕人群 【不适宜人群】少年儿童 【一周期量】10小盒/组 【食用及用量】每日3次,每次2片,可服用20天 【产品规格】0.9g/片*12片*10盒 【保 质 期】24个月 【批准文号】国食健字G20070010 【销售地址】体恒健商城 体恒健育之缘口嚼片成份作用: 男性备孕,提高男性免疫力,前列腺保健 体恒健牌育之缘片含蛋白锌蛋白硒蛋白质,且遵循了微量元素微量补充的原则,不会引起营养补充过量,不会引起副作用,由此可见,育之缘的保健效果是相当好的,经验证,育之缘片适用男性备孕人群、免疫力低下男性人群、前列腺保健人群,三大功效成分:锌元素+硒元素+蛋白质——铸就了男性备孕的健康黄金产品! 蛋白硒 硒是精子线粒体外膜硒蛋白的成份之一,可防止膜上的脂质氧化,参胞膜及线粒体有保护作用。若细胞生物膜受到损害,则影响DNA复制及RNA的转录,从而影响蛋白质、粘多糖及酶的合成,进而最终影响精子的形成,严重的甚至可以造成畸形。硒是对抗某些精子毒性作用的代谢元素,可以避免有害物质伤及生殖系统,可维持精子细胞的正常形态。 蛋白锌 锌在男性前列腺的含量高于全身其他器官100倍,微量元素锌硒具有独特的提高抗菌杀菌能力。当锌含量降低时,前列 腺的抗菌能力下降,对炎症的防御能力也下降,从而导致前列腺感染致病,也容易引起男性精液不液化问。前列腺患者在症状消失后,若体内锌硒含量仍不高者,常常容易复发;华中科技大学计生研究所熊承良教授带领科研小组进行了长达3年的研究,研究结果发现,弱精子症患者和少弱精子症患者精子中锌、硒的含量明显低于正常生育的男性。这两种元素的缺乏可直接引起睾丸萎缩,导致精子畸形、少精、弱精和死精,严重缺锌甚至可使精子生成停止。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 蛋白质 蛋白质是组成人体的基本成分,约占人体全部重里的189'0,体内所有组织和细胞都含有蛋白质,而且体内所有的代谢活动也都离不开蛋白质。一些激素、杭体、血浆蛋白等具有重要生理功能的物质。 当体内蛋白质不足时,人的基本生命活动就会受到影响,出现营养不良的情况,可导致生长迟缓.智力发育障碍;疲倦,体重减轻.贫血.血浆白蛋白降低.甚至水肿;每天补充适址的蛋白质还可以降低血浆总胆固醇扭,降低胆固醇对心脏的不利影响。补充蛋白质还可以使人精力旺盛,注意力增强,不易打磕睡,听觉反应时间缩短,增强大脑抵抗疲劳的能力. 纤维蛋白溶解酶是精液液化的一种酶,精子不液化常见的原因是精囊炎和前列腺炎所致前列腺分泌的纤维蛋白溶解酶不足;精液凝固成胶冻状态,是由于精囊腺分泌的凝固蛋白造成的。而精液中由前列腺分泌的蛋白水解酶和纤维蛋白溶酶,可以分解这种凝固蛋白,促使精液液化。 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片优势特点 纯天然生物制剂,安全性高 与市面上其他同类产品相比,育之缘是纯天然生物制剂,通过为身体补充锌、硒等微量元素达到保健的目的。其主要成分是蛋白锌,从蛋白提取,锌的含量符合人体正常需求标准,绝对安全,对人体无任何副作用,可饭前服用。它的活性高,可有效促进人体对各种营养素的吸收和利用,且不会拮抗钙铁等营养素的吸收,从而最终达到使人体从膳食来补充各种营养素的效果。 吸收好、口感好、见效快 通过反复的临床验证,育之缘产品更容易被人体吸收。消费者在服用大约一个月后就可以明显感觉体的显著变化。育之缘口嚼片采用特殊的干压制片工艺,充分保证了其产品的活性。 生产环境好,GMP认证企业 育之缘口嚼片由山东新稀宝股份有限公司全线生产,是山东首家通过保健食品GMP认证的生产企业,小批量生产,确保了产品的新鲜。 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片是国家批准销售的保健食品,批准文号是国食健字:G20070010,蓝帽子认证。国家对保健食品的规定是很严格的, 《保健食品注册#管理办法#(试行)》规定,保健食品是指声称具有特定保健功能或者以补充维生素、矿物质为目的的食品,即适宜于特定人群食用,具有调节机体功能,不以治疗疾病为目的,并且对人体不产生任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害。安全无副作用。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 体恒健牌育之缘片针对的人群及症状 男性不育(少精、弱精、精液不液化) 精液异常是导致男性不育的重要原因,主要包括有无精、少精弱精、血精、精子畸形和死精等,其中,少精弱精症不育、无精症不育、死精症不育和血精症不育是主因。 研究发现,微量元素尤其是锌、硒两种元素对男性的生殖健康有着举足轻重的作用,有效合理的补充对男性不育和前列腺炎等疾病能起到很好的预防和辅助治疗的效果。 锌元素可以维持和助长男性性技能、提高精子数量。缺锌会使男性性激素分泌减少,从而使性功能不全、睾丸缩小,从而影响精子的生成、成熟,最终使得精子数目减少、活力下降精液液化延迟。 硒元素是精浆中过氧化物酶的重要组成部分,当精液中硒元素含量降低时,这个酶的活性就降低,不能抑制精子细胞膜脂质过氧化反应,造成精子损伤,死精增多,活性下降。 前列腺炎 锌在男性前列腺含量高于全身任何器官,如此高的含量与前列腺的抗菌杀菌能力有关。当锌含量降低时,前列腺的抗菌能力下降,对炎症的防御能力也下降,从而导致前列腺易感染疾病。而且临床研究发现,前列腺炎症状在治疗消失后,但锌含量仍不高者,这类患者常常会复发。而那些随着慢性前列腺炎病情的改善和治愈,锌含量逐渐增高及恢复正常的患者,复发的可能性则大为降低。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 孕前保健 当前生活压力大、环境污染严重,许多人加班工作或者应酬多,导致身体长期处于亚健康状态,许多男性在备孕前的身体状况不达标,免疫力下降、活力不足、精子质量不达标等。通过补充锌、硒元素后可显著提高身体免疫力、提高男人活力,改善精子质量。大大提高自然受孕几率,胎儿发育也更健康。 体恒健牌育之缘片的价格是多少 体恒健牌育之缘片价格(10小盒) 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片10小盒装,富含蛋白锌、蛋白硒、蛋白质,是男性健康的黄金of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 组合,适用于男性备孕人群以及前列腺保健人群。体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片10小盒装市场价为739元,体恒健商城优惠价为665元。 体恒健牌育之缘片价格(20小盒) 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片20小盒装,是男性备孕的黄金组合,蛋白锌、蛋白硒、蛋白质合力保护男性健康,适用于备孕男性人群、免疫力低下的男性人群、前列腺保健人群,体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片20小盒装市场价为1480元,体恒健商城优惠价为1300元。 体恒健牌育之缘片价格(30小盒) 体恒健牌育之缘片30小盒装,作为男性备孕的独家秘方,一直深受男性消费者的厚爱,每天6片,锌硒蛋白质三效同补,更有利于男性备孕。体恒健牌育之缘片30小盒装市场价为2217元,体恒健商城优惠价为1950元。 注:登陆【体恒健商城】注册会员,还可享受会员专属优惠,质量不变让利更多。 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 体恒健牌育之缘片要吃多久 体恒健牌育之缘片的适用人群为:备孕男性、前列腺保健人群、免疫力低下男性,体恒健牌育之缘片遵循微微理论,微量元素微量补充,平衡补充,高活性补充,绝对不会出现锌硒过量的情况,体恒健男性保健专家建议需要补锌补硒保健的男性,可以长期服用,以达到保健的最佳效果。而针对精子质量 低下男性人群、备孕男性人群,时间则可根据实际需求变动而变动,精子从产生到排出体外约90天,根据这个天数而定,一般改善精子质量问题的时间为三个月, 精子质量低下的男性切不可在90内妄下定论,建议精子质量低下的男性,服用体恒健牌育之缘3个月再进行精子复查。 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片哪里卖: 方式:体恒健商城 【体恒健商城】是济南体恒健生物工程有限公司指定的官方商城,可以百度搜索:体恒健商城,体恒健,tihengjian等关键词查找登陆商城。商城支持货到付款,您可以先验货后付款,最大限度保障您的利益 体恒健商城介绍 【体恒健商城】隶属于济南体恒健生物工程有限公司旗下,于2009年开始创办,并于2015年进行全面升级,打破原有的网购局限性,扩大产品品类,加强运营管理,成为网上销售体恒健牌各类保健营养食品的指定官方商城。真正做到将产品从工厂直接运到客户手中,没有中间商赚钱差价。 商城简介 【体恒健商城】,在主打微量元素产品的基础上,扩大产品品类,满足更多的用户需求。目前该商城网罗了体恒健牌产品有:玛咖、蜂胶软胶囊、灵芝孢子粉、DHA、B族维生素、补钙产品钙之缘、乳酸钙、补铁产品铁之缘、补硒龙头产品硒维康、男性备孕必备育之缘、护肝产品养肝片、及补锌行业领导产品新稀宝锌硒宝片,加拿大进口产品海豹油软胶囊,另外,公司还在积极开发其他营养保健产品及美妆产品用以满足越来越多的用户健康需求。 购物保障体系 全场正品 假一赔三 如果您对所购买商品是否为正品有质疑,登录【体恒健商城】,联系客服来投诉处理。of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 如商品为非正品,将“假一赔三”。 官方认证 优质商家 【体恒健商城】与支付宝等建立了亲密的合作关系,成为支付宝的认证商家,并签订正式的合作协议,。【体恒健商城】检查组为客户严格把关商品质量,保障客户的权益。 3大权威平台认证、信誉保障 【体恒健商城】为CCTV合作伙伴、360及百度安全认证商家,保障信誉。 资质证书展示 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood. 商城主营产品列表 商品名称 商品作用 商城售价(1瓶) 体恒健牌养肝片 养肝护肝,改善化学性肝损伤 169元 体恒健牌硒维康口嚼片 科学补硒,提高免疫力 238元 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片 男性备孕必备,提高精子活力 665元(10盒) 体恒健牌铁之缘片 补铁,预防改善缺铁性贫血 90元 体恒健牌钙之缘片 碳酸钙+VD科学补钙 76元 体恒健牌DHA 补充儿童所需DHA 99元 体恒健牌B组维生素 补充B组维生素 55元 体恒健牌孕多维 补充叶酸及多种维生素 68元 体恒健牌玛卡 抗击疲劳,提高男性能力 88元 体恒健牌蜂胶软胶囊 有效降血糖,预防改善糖尿病 68元 体恒健牌破壁灵芝孢子粉 补充营养,提高免疫 128元 新稀宝牌锌硒宝片 补锌第一品牌 106元 新稀宝牌海豹油软胶囊 进口产品,有效降三高 198元 盖思贝牌鳕鱼肝油 有效补充DHA 79元 体恒健:专注营养保健品20年 of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertake for the bitter and tired of the work, the lack of courage to play a positive attitude." corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, effectively solve the enterprise less, help is not enough. In order to "turn style, solve problems, and do practical things, heart to heart" as the core, in accordance with the provisions of division of Labor Bureau, by the Bureau of Party members and cadres room composition the working group , to help enterprises solve problems, promote the construction of major projects; close ties with the masses, to ask for the people, ask for people to know the people, public opinion, the people, improve people's livelihood.
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