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民事法律事实的概念和作用民事法律事实的概念和作用 (一)民事法律事实的概念 民事法律事实是根据民法的规定,能够引起民事法律关系的产生、变更或消灭的客观情况。 民事法律关系是当事人之间的民事权利义务关系,其产生、变更或消灭,首先必须符合民法的规定。但是,民法的规定本身,并不能直接引起民事权利义务的产生、变更或消灭。例如,民法规定,民事主体可以对合法取得的财产享有所有权。但这一规定并不能直接使某个具体的当事人享有某项具体的所有权。当事人要实际地享有所有权,必须通过自己的行为(如买卖、赠与等)才能取得对特定财产的所有权。因此,在符合民法规定的前提之下...
民事法律事实的概念和作用 (一)民事法律事实的概念 民事法律事实是根据民法的规定,能够引起民事法律关系的产生、变更或消灭的客观情况。 民事法律关系是当事人之间的民事权利义务关系,其产生、变更或消灭,首先必须符合民法的规定。但是,民法的规定本身,并不能直接引起民事权利义务的产生、变更或消灭。例如,民法规定,民事主体可以对合法取得的财产享有所有权。但这一规定并不能直接使某个具体的当事人享有某项具体的所有权。当事人要实际地享有所有权,必须通过自己的行为(如买卖、赠与等)才能取得对特定财产的所有权。因此,在符合民法规定的前提之下,当出现某种可以导致民事后果的客观情况时,民事法律关系才能产生、变更或消灭。这些能够依法引起民事后果的客观情况,被称为民事法律事实。 就民事法律、民事法律事实以及民事法律关系三者的关系而言,民事法律规范是确认民事法律事实的依据,民事法律事实是引起民事法律关系产生、变更或消灭的具体原因,民事法律关系 的产生、变更或消灭则是民事法律事实所必然导致的结果。而从根本上讲,民事法律关系的产生、变更或消灭,是民事法律规范作用于社会的客观现。这就表明: ,(只有当民法规范把某种客观情况与一定的法律后果相联系时,这种客观情况才具有法律意义,才被认为是民事法律事实。例如,根据民法的规定,损害他人财产应予赔偿,即损害他人财产的行为应当引起赔偿的法律后果。因此,这种行为是民事法律事实。但是,一般的生活中的行为(如读书、看报),则不引起任何法律后果,因而不构成民事法律事实。 ,(随着社会生活的发展和法律对各种行为评价的变化,民事法律事实的种类、范围及其导致的法律后果也会发生变化。例如,在我国《民法通则》颁布以前,损害他人名誉权的行为不能导致财产赔偿后果,即精神损害不能成为产生损害赔偿后果的民事法律事实。但在《民法通则》颁布以后,精神损害赔偿为法律所确定,即同样的行为便成为引起赔偿后果的民事法律事实。 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 根据导致民事法律关系产生、变更或消灭的客观情况的不同性质,民事法律事实可以分为以下种类: (一)事件 事件是指不以当事人主观意志为转移的客观现象。 能够成为民事法律事实的事件主要有: ,(不可抗力 不可抗力是指不能预见、不能避免,也不能克服的客观情况,包括自然灾害(地震、台风、冰雹、洪水等)和意外事故(战争等)。不可抗力的出现可以使合同关系发生变更或解除,也可以使当事人免除侵权责任等。 ,(时间的经过 一定时间的经过可以依法导致一定法律后果的发生。如根据时效的规定,时效期间的届满,可以使权利人的权利归于消灭;根据知识产权法的规定,法定保护时间的届满,可以使当事人享有的专利权、商标权及著作权归于消灭。 ,(人的出生和死亡 自然人的出生导致该自然人人身权利的产生。自然人的死亡导致继承关系的产生,也可导致婚姻法律关系的消灭。 除上述情形之外,在符合法律规定和合同约定的情况下,其他自然现象和客观事实,也可成为法律事实而引起民事法律后果。 (二)行为 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 行为是民事主体有意识的活动。行为包括积极的活动(称为“作为”),也包括消极的不 活动(称为“不作为”)。 成为民事法律事实的行为必须能够依法引起民事法律后果的产生,其主要包括以下几种: ,(事实行为 事实行为是法律仅凭行为所产生的一定事实而直接赋予其法律后果的行为。该行为引起一定的法律后果,与行为人的主观意志以及行为本身是否具有合法性质无关。其主要包括: (,)不当得利 不当得利是指无法律上的原因,造成他人损失而获得利益。如甲的鸡跑入乙的鸡群,乙占有甲的鸡无法律上的根据。又如甲拾得乙丢失的钱包据为己有,等等。不当得利对不当得利人产生返还不当得利的义务,对受损一方产生请求返还的权利。 (,)无因管理 无因管理是指无法定或约定义务,为他人利益而管理他人事务并支出费用的行为。如当事人主动为邻人抢修房屋以避免倒塌并付出修理费用或遭受经济损失。无因管理对本人(事务被管理的人)产生补偿管理费用的义务,对无因管理人产生请求补偿管理费用的权利。 除不当得利、无因管理行为之外,民事主体所进行的生产、创作、发明创造等活动,也是引起民事法律关系产生的事实行为。 ,(民事行为 民事行为是指民事主体在民事活动中实施的、试图发生一定民事法律后果的行为。其主要包括: (,)民事法律行为 民事法律行为是民事主体依法实施的旨在引起预期的民事法律后果的行为。民事法律行为是合法的民事行为,具有法律效力。民事法律行为可以依行为人的意愿而产生民事权利义务产生、变更 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 或消灭的后果。这种行为以行为人的意思表示为基本特征,即法律直接根据行为人的意思表示赋予其法律效果,属于合法的“表意行为”。如订立合同的行为、设立遗嘱的行为、委托授权行为等等。 民事法律行为是产生、变更或消灭民事法律关系最主要的法律事实。 (,)效力未定的民事行为 效力未定的民事行为是行为成立后,其是否发生法律效力尚不确定,必须等待法律规定的事实的出现才能具有效力的民事行为。如限制行为能力人超出法定范围独立实施的行为,必须等待其法定代理人承认才能有效。 (,)可变更、撤销的民事行为 可变更、撤销的民事行为是不完全具备民事法律行为的条件,经当事人主张即可变更或撤销的民事行为。这种民事行为经当事人请求变更后,即成为有效的民事行为;经当事人请求撤销,则发生无效的后果。如果当事人不在法定时间内提出撤销请求,该行为即确定地具有法律效力。 (,)无效的民事行为 无效的民事行为是不具备民事法律行为的条件,依法不能产生行为人预期的民事法律后果的民事行为。如内容违法的民事行为,从行为开始起即不具备法律效力。无效的民事行为可以在当事人之间产生返还财产、损害赔偿的法律后果。 ,(违法行为 违法行为是当事人实施的违背法律禁止性规定,损害他人合法利益的行为。主要包括: (,)侵权行为 民法上的侵权行为是指非法侵权他人财产权利或人身权利的行为。如侵权他人所有权、知识产权或人格权的行为等。侵权行为依法产生损害赔偿及其他法律后果。 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. (,)违约行为 违约行为是违反合同义务的行为。合同订立以后,如果当事人不履行合同义务,又无法定免责原因,则违约行为人依法承担违反合同的民事责任。 除以上行为之外,某些能够引起民事法律后果的行政行为、财政行为、司法行为以及仲裁行为等,也属于民事法律事实。 民事法律事实构成(简称“事实构成”)是指一个民事法律关系的产生、变更或消灭,必 须因两个以上的民事法律事实的出现才能发生。 这些相互结合,共同引起某一民事法律关系产生、变更或消灭的民事法律事实的总和,称为事实构成。例如,遗嘱继承法律关系的产生,必须由被继承人订立遗嘱的行为(民事法律行为)以及被继承人死亡(事件)两个民事法律事实的出现才能引起。 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU.
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