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高级英语修辞格1高级英语修辞格1 Rhetoric What is rhetoric? Rhetoric is the art of using language effectively. It is concerned with punctuation, diction, figures of speech, the principles of good writing and usage. In our discussion of rhetoric, emphasis is laid on figures of speech, sinc...
高级英语修辞格1 Rhetoric What is rhetoric? Rhetoric is the art of using language effectively. It is concerned with punctuation, diction, figures of speech, the principles of good writing and usage. In our discussion of rhetoric, emphasis is laid on figures of speech, since they play such an important and interesting role both in literature and in our daily life. What are figures of speech? Figures of speech are rhetorical devices of deviations from the ordinary or literal way of expressions, with a view to producing greater impressiveness and effect.  Compare the following pairs of sentences in A and B: ;转转,A. Figurative Just as painters draw pictures in colors, so writers paint pictures in words. They use figurative language—language that compares—to produce images in their description or narrations. 转1. Sometimes non-human things are given human features (personification 人): —The front garden was a gravel square; four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner, where they struggled to survive the dust and fumes from a busy main road. … “—Help, let me in, please let me in!” But the houses were cold, closed, unfriendly… 明转2. Sometimes comparisons are made using the words like or as (simile ): —The cheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. —He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone. —He is as stupid as an ass. —I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills.  暗转3. More often comparisons are not stated but suggested (metaphor ): —This century… man has started to look into the workings of that other universe which is inside himself —the human brain. —His famous will… is a memorial to his interests and ideas. —I am a ministering angel in a Mini with a heavy coat and a bag of medicine. —There were no more butterflies in my stomach when I opened up an abdomen or a chest. —The Bathtub Navy —Life is a walking shadow. (or: Life is a brief candle.) ;本转,B. Literal 1. The evening sun shone on the tops of high mountains and rocks. 2. Life is short and meaningless. 1 Figurative language is an important stylistic device that writers use. It makes their description or narration more vivid and interesting. Understanding figurative language is an important reading skill which helps readers to recognize the “secret power” of words and appreciate the sensory impressions and reactions created by The main functions of Figures of speech: 1. Figures of speech excite the imagination and afford us imaginative pleasure. 意像2. Figures of speech are a way of bringing additional imagery () into ;转人以speech to concretize the abstract, of making poetry more sensuous.美感, 3. Figures of speech are a way of adding emotional intensity to other wise merely informative statements and they are a way of conveying attitudes along with information. 4. Figures of speech are a means of concentration, of speaking volumes in a few words.  5. Figures of speech are a very important part of rhetorical analysis.In the treatment of figures of speech, emphasis is laid on usage, especially the usage of commonly used verbs, prepositions, adverbs and conjunctions that appear in the figures of speech or in related usage. Figures of speech can fall into different types according to lexicon, syntax and phonetics. ?;转转修格,辞. Lexical Stylistic Devices Simile Metaphor Metonymy Synecdoche Antonomasia Personification Transferred epithet  Irony Innuendo Sarcasm Ridicule Oxymoron Paradox Epigram Paronomasia /pun Hyperbole ;低转转述, ;迂回转法, UnderstatementEuphemism Periphrasis ;引转, ;转, 仿;一转, 双叙AllusionParodySyllepsisZeugma ?;转修格,构辞.Syntactical Stylistic Devices ;转转, parallelism antithesis climax ;转降, anti-climaxRhetorical question ;交转配列, ;四文, ChiasmusPalindrome 2 ;反转, ;文法交转,RepetitionEnallage  ;倒, 装;重言法,AnastropheHendiadys ?;其他修格,辞. Miscellaneous ;转转,仿圣Apostrophe Biblical Rhetoric Figures of Speech of Lesson One  1. Simile ;比Simile is a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to 作,another, in such a way as to clarify and enhance an image. To make the comparison, words like as, as…so, like and some other words indicating comparison or likeness such as more than, as if, resemble, resemblance are used to indicate similes and transfer the quality we associate with one to the other.There are set expressions in the form of similes. A list of many such idioms is given below: A. Used with adjectives:  转白如转转白如雪1) as white as a sheet/snow / ;果转,2) as brown as a berry 3) as dark as night 4) as green as grass 5) as bold/brave as a lion 6) as cheep as dirt ;泰然自若,7) as cool as cucumber ;慈善,像慈善机转转转人那转冷的冰冰8) as cold as charity 像哨子一转光转9) as clean as a whistle 10) as clever as a barrel of monkeys11) as clear as a bell/the day / the sun 非常生气12) as cross as two sticks / a bear with a sore head 确将已死的13) as dead as a door nail 14) as easy as ABC  非常转转乏味15) as dull as ditch-water 全转16) as deaf as a post 大醉17) as drunk as a lord 3 干透了18) as dry as a bone/dust 完全不同19) as different as chalk from cheese20) as easy as falling off a log 菊21) as fresh as a daisy 非常健康22) as fit as a fiddle 23) as free as a bird / air 非常有趣24) as good as a play 25) as hot as hell 26) as heavy as lead 非常转转27) as honest as the day 28) as hungry as a hunter / a hawk / a bear / a wolf 29) as hard as a brick / iron / nails 非常幸福~非常快转30) as happy as a prince / the day is long31) as innocent as a (new-born) baby 一模一转32) as like as two peas 转如转毛33) as light as a feather 极转转狂34) as mad as a March hare / a hatter 35) as meek as a mouse 极老36) as old as the hills ;转雪,转如白雪37) as pure / spotless as the driven snow38) as pretty as a picture 39) as poor as a church mouse 40) as quiet as a mouse / mice41) as quick as lightning / a flash 非常富有42) as rich as Croesus 43) as stubborn / obstinate as a mule44) as silent as a grave 45) as silly as a duck 46) as slippery as an eel 千万真确47) as sure as fate 48) as steady as a rock 49) as slow as a snail 50) as sharp as a razor / a needle 像小地里的臭一转舒服毯虫51) as snug as a bug in a rug  52) as thin as a rail 53) as timid as a mouse 54) as tough as leather 转转转可真靠55) as true as steel 极极丑~转劣56) as ugly as sin 身弱~意志薄弱体虚57) as weak as water ;所转转~古以色列王子~以智慧著,称58) as wise as Solomon Notes: 1. In the above examples, the first ‘as’ is sometimes omitted. 2. There is often alliteration or rhyme in similes, 4 E.g. as hungry as a hunter 3. An appropriate use of them does add color and flavor to the language and the above list itself invites attention, since it tells us something about the wit and humor of the English people and their habit of thinking. B. Used with verbs and verbal phrases:1) behave like a bull in a china shop2) blush like a schoolgirl 3) crawl like a snail 4) collapse like a house built on sand5) come down / fall like a ton of bricks6) drink like a fish 转是无转无故的笑 7) grin like a Cheshire cat ;源出所著的“~转转转及郡的Lewis CarrollAlice in Wonderland”Cheshire 猫转是露转而笑~笑得 身子消失了~只转笑容。 猫有九命;指猫的生命力强,很8) have nine lives like a cat 转转力差极9) have a memory like a sieve  嫉恨~深转10) hate like poison 11) jump about like a cat on a hot tin roof 惊慌失措12) look like a dying duck in thunder storm 13) run like a hare 非常了解;某人,14) know ( a person ) like a book 15) roar like a lion 转转转声气16) sigh like a furnace 咬文嚼字17) speak like a book ;白转,转转的转抖18) shake like an aspenleaf 19) spring up like mushrooms overnight ;陀螺,熟睡20) sleep like a top/ log ;于, 沉湎极转~最喜转21) take tosomething like ( or as ) a duck to water ;特洛伊人,辛苦的工作22) work like a horse / a Trojan23) They spent money like water. 24) And at once they shut up like clams.C. more than 1) When in a fury, she is more savage than a tigress. D. seem, resemble, resemblance 1) Seems he a dove? His feathers are but borrowed. (Shakespeare) 2) Her face resembled a silver moon. 3) Her face bore the resemblance of a moon. ;幻象,4) These childhood companions seemed phantoms in a dream now.E. as if 1) The first time I read an excellent book, it is as if I had gained a new friend. ;转刃,2) The thought hurt him, then lost edge, as if it had come in contact 5 ;胸转,。 with a breast-plate F. no more…than A home without love is no more than a home than a body without a soul in a man. G. might as well…as You might as well expect a leopard to change its spots as expect him to give up smoking. 转照2. Antithesis () Antithesis is a figure of speech characterized by strong contrasting words, clauses, sentences, or ideas. A balancing of one term against another for impressiveness and emphasis. (A Handbook to Literature by 转照是把意转转然相反的句子以相同的句式转行转照~转照两个Hugh Holman) ( 句前后句转两 构称声韵转~转转相转立~一般具有和转~言转意转之效果。) E.g. To err is human, to forgive, divine.   抱最好的希望~做最坏Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. ( 的打算。) It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness. (Dickens) Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. A world which will lament them a day and forget them forever. (Mark Twain) Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them. (Francis Bacon) ;转之事~巧者鄙夷之~转朴着转转之。,学黠 Not that I’ov’d Caesar less, but that I’ov’d Rome more. (Shakespeare) 并非我不转转撒~只因我更转转转。()   The coward does it with a kiss, the brave man with a sword. (Oscar Wilde) If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. (Kennedy) 倘会帮众数若自由的社不能助多的转人~也就保全不了少的富人。() Proverbs: 吃一转~转一智。,A fall in the pit, a gain in the wit. ( 雄转是转~默是金。沉Speech is silver, silence is golden . () Knowledge makes you humble; ignorance makes you proud. ;转转~借代,3. Metonymy Metonymy is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for 6 that of another. This substituted name may be an attrbute of that other thing or be closely associated with it. In other words, it involves a “change of name”, the substituted name suggesting the thing meant. The relation between these two things is such that the mention of one suggests the other. Metonymy is ;可转成转, not convertibleinto simile or metaphor. It appeals to the imagination for the association of ideas it provokes. Metonymy is a very useful and effective rhetorical device, for it compresses much into a single word or short noun phrase. Most of us are probably familiar with the following examples: 一转自于希转的来腊~意转;转名,。转Metonymymetonumiaa change of name 转;或借代,就是 用事物的名代替称来事物的名。称、两事物在某方面有着密切的转A BAB 系~提到当事物A  转便自然地想起事物~转就是借代的基转。的重点是转想~通转转想~它达B 到描述生转、具、体 幽默、转转的修效果。转转;或借代,用甚~辞运广Metonymy is a very useful and effective rhetorical device, for it compresses much into a single word or short noun phrase. Most of us are probably familiar with the following examples: (1) The concrete for the abstract ;用具的体代替抽象的“口才”,He has a smooth tongue. tongue ;欣转音转的能力强。,她极She has a good ear for music. 她有转美能力。She has an eye for beauty. () ;他不转感情控制理智。,从He never let his heart rule his head. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman. 法人的性格集老虎和猿的凶和狡猾于一身。国猴残 ;用、两体残具事物分转代替抽象的“凶、狡猾”,tigerape ;每人的生活个甜都有和苦。,Every life has its roses and thorns. ;他的转上转转出残婪暴和转交The wolf and the pig mingled together in is face. 转在一起的表情。,  The gentleman in me made me stand up to go away, but the journalist in me made me stand still. ;我的君子转度使我站起来辞告~然而我的转者本能却使我站住不转。, Ashurst looked, and the poet in him moved. ;转西斯特看着那光景~他身上敏感的转人的天性使他然怦心转。, The pen is mighter than the sword. (2) The abstract for the concrete All the wit (the clever and the wise people) and the learning (the learned 7 people) were assembled here.;所有有才智的人和有转的人学都聚集在转里。, ;他是全校敬佩的人。,He is the admiration of the whole school. It was not only writers, you know, it was a thorough representative gathering ——science, politics, business, art, the world. ;你尽会——学知道~那不转转是作家~而是一次各界人士转有有的聚科界~ 政界~商 界~转转转~以及其他各界人士全都来了。, ;用容器代替其内 (3) The container substituting the thing contained in it: 容, ;他太转杯。,He liked the cup a bit too much. ;他的转少得可怜~转不起那The coat would be beyond his miserable pocket. 件上衣。, ;转中的水转了。,The kettle is boiling. ;大转里的人鼓起掌来。,The hall applauded. ;他的衣服多了。,极She has a large wardrobe. ;他的席面是挺转究的。,He sets a good table. (He provides good food.) ;用作者姓名代(4) The name of a person substituting his or her works: 替 其作品, ;我看到转上有一幅转白石的。,画I saw Qi Baishi on the wall. ;他沉迷于转斯金的作品中。,He was steeped in Ruskin. ;他在转一转福特牌的汽转。,He was driving a Ford. ;喜转你狄更斯的作品转,,Do you like Dickens? John Bull: England, or the English peopleUncle Tom: The United States of AmericaIvan: the Russian people John Doe: ordinary American citizen British Lion: England or the English governmentThe bear: The former Soviet union or the Soviet government  (5) Nouns denoting color combined with certain nouns are used alone may serve as substitutes for nouns associated with them in meaning: ;害群之转,He is the black sheep in the family. ;怯懦的性格,He has a yellow streak. ;女学者~女才子,She didn’t want to be looked upon as a blue stocking. ;最高转,This prize was the blue ribbon in mathematical research. ;出人意料的转转者,He might be the dark horse in the swimming contest. ;耗转甚大而受益少的转I am afraid this factory will turn out a white elephant. 西, ;转能园手,His father had a green thumb. (6) A noun denoting material may indicate the thing made of it: ;他被囚禁。,He is in irons. ;瓷器是他的转好。,Old china is his delight. 8 (7) Locations of government, of business or industrial enterprisesDowning Street: the British government or cabinet The White House: the President or Executive branch of the U.S. governmentCapital Hill: the Legislative branch of the U.S. government The Pentagon: the U.S. military establishment Kremlin: the government of the former Soviet Union Fleet Street: the British press  Wall Street: U.S. financial circles Madison Avenue: American advertising industry Hollywood: American film-making industry Foggy Bottom: U.S. State Department (8) Professions the bar: the legal profession; E.g. He has been called to the bar. the bench: position (office) of judge or magistrate; E.g. He has been appointed to the bench. the veil: vocation of a nun;  E.g. She took the veil at 20. the press: newspapers; newspaper reporters E.g. He’s meeting the press this morning. What has the press to to this?Apart from Simile and Metaphor, Metonymy is today probably one of the most widely used figures of speech. Journalists and news reporters (of any medium) use it frequently and are constantly creating new substitutions. The reason for this is not hard to see: a metonymy can express briefly and effectively what would otherwise require a whole clause or sentence. Brevity is its chief virtue and next is the ease with which it can be created and popularized.   提转4. Synecdoche () Synecdoche is a figure of speech, which consists in taking a part for the whole, the whole for the part. 局部代整体(1) A part for the whole () You are a noble heart. (Dickens) 用代替船He has a fleet of fifty sails. (sails) There is a sea of faces on the square. 他当逃兵以苟全性命。He deserted to save his skin. () ;转她度入八十春秋。,She has just seen 80 winters. (years) ;尊敬老人。,Gray hair is taken care of. ;中永国将会称霸转不。,Beijing will never seek hegemony. ;俄美就转两国将个Moscow and Washington will hold talks on this problem. 转转转行转。,会 Buckingham Palace is not expected to issue a statement on the matter. ;不能指望英国声王室就此事转表一转明。, 9 整体代局部(2) The whole for the part () The world (people) will dance at your wedding. 他与争世无。He felt at ease with the entire world. () Trees and flowers are looking their best to welcome t he smiling year. (Spring) China (Chinese team) won the championship at the tournament 排比5. Parallelism () Parallelism, as a means to achieve coherence of a sentence or paragraph has the following effects: to lead to clarity in writing; to gain emphasis; to create a pleasant rhythm in a prose passage; and to cut down the number of words needed to express an idea. The general principle of parallelism is to express similar ideas in similar grammatical forms. Almost any kind of sentence element may be placed in a parallel construction.英转中把转相同或相构气并称似、意转相转、转一致的转、转转或句子列使用的 转平行转或构排比。  Examples: Single Words Galileo studied, thought, experimented. (Past tense verbs)John is ambitious, brilliant and altruistic. (Ajectives)转翰有抱转~有才能~而且转于助人。 The young film star was tall, dark, and handsome. (Ajectives) He was a miser, a bachelor, and an egotist. (Nouns) 他是一个个个吝转鬼~一转身转~一利己主转者。 Late for the dance, Ruth dressed hastily and carelessly. (Adverbs) They waited four hours at the airport, reading and sleeping. (-ing forms) Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce. (John F. Kennedy) (Verbs)转我转共同来探索星球~征服沙漠~消转疾病~转转海底~促转转转和转易。 Phrases Fritz passed his time doing crossword puzzles and building model airplanes. (V-ing phrases) We can gain knowledge by reading, by reflection, by observation or by practice. (Prep. phrases) 求知转转多~或转转~或径践思考~或转察~或转。 Buying a car and beginning her job were the next steps in her life. (V-ing phrases) Clauses The boy denied that he had entered the room and that he had taken the money. (Object clauses)  那男孩否转他转入房转把转拿走了。 A father who spends time with his son and who thoughtfully answers his son’s questions will be respected and loved. (Attributive clauses) 10 If you write or if you telephone, wait for two weeks until I return from Singapore. (Adverbial clauses) 转法声6. Onomatopoeia () Onomatopoeia is the use of words whose sound suggests the sense such as “hiss”, “buzz”. Onomatopoeia refers to the formation of a word in imitation of the natural sound associated with the object or action involved. In poetry, it involves suiting sound to sense and thereby creating verses that carry their meaning in their sound. (1)Verbs imitating the cries of birds and animals 转转转转转的儿叫。 转子 咕咕叫。The bird twitters /trills. The dove coos. 蜜蜂转转叫。 喜转The bee buzzes. The magpie chatters. 转转叫。 母转咯咯叫。 蚊The hen cackles. The mosquitoes hum. 子转转叫。 转子呱呱叫。 夜The duck quacks. The nightingale jugs. 转歌唱。 麻雀转转叫。 火转The sparrow twitters (chirps). The turkey gobbles. 咯咯叫。 转转呱呱叫。 天 转The crow croaks /caws. The swan chants. 歌唱。 小转吱吱叫。 转尖The chicken clucks /cheeps. The eagle screams. 叫。 公牛转转叫。 猫The bull bellows. The cat purrs /mews. 咪咪叫。 狗汪汪叫。 The dog barks /yaps. The elephant bellows 象叫。/trumpets. 狐狸叫。 The fox yelps. The sheep/ goat bleats. 羊山羊叫。/ 转叫嘶转转。 母牛转转叫。The horse neighs /knickers. //The cow lows.  猿啼转。 猪哼The monkey chatters /gibbers. /The pig grunts. 哼叫。 老鼠叫吱吱。 虎转。The mouse squeaks. The tiger growls. 狼转。The wolf howls. (2)Verbs imitating the cries of insects 蛇嘶嘶声。 青哇蛙The serpent hisses. The frog croaks. 哇叫。 甲虫转转叫。 蟋蟀转转The beetle drones. The cricket chirps. 叫。 知了叫。A cicada chirps. (3) Verbs imitating the sounds produced by some objects 转转在。响The bells are chiming. 迎接他的只有转The ticking of the clock was the only sound that greeted him. 11 嗒响声的转。  转一嘎吱声来停了下。The brake screeched to a halt. 融融的柴火在炉中转转作The cheerful wood fire was cracking on the hearth. 响。 北转呼转。A north wind is whistling . 我转到转一转听叶声沙沙。We heard a rustle of leaves. 微转转吹。A soft breeze whispers. 小溪转唱。The brook murmurs. 海浪转转地。响The waves swish. 雷隆隆声。The thunder rolled. 狂转怒号。The storm roared. 转枝转转地断裂了。Branches cracked. 草转转出沙沙的音。声Weeds rustled.  (4)Verbs imitating the cries of insects 青哇哇蛙叫。The frog croaks. 蛇嘶嘶声。 The serpent hisses. 甲虫转转叫。 The beetle drones. 蟋蟀转转叫。The cricket chirps. 知了叫。A cicada chirps. (5) Verbs imitating the sounds produced by some objects 转转在。响The bells are chiming. 迎接他的只有转The ticking of the clock was the only sound that greeted him. 嗒响声的转。 转一嘎吱声来停了下。The brake screeched to a halt. 融融的柴火在炉中转转作The cheerful wood fire was cracking on the hearth. 响。 北转呼转。A north wind is whistling. 我转到转一转听叶声沙沙。We heard a rustle of leaves. 微转转吹。A soft breeze whispers. 小溪转唱。The brook murmurs.  海浪转转地。响The waves swish. 雷隆隆声。The thunder rolled. 狂转怒号。The storm roared. 转枝转转地断裂了。Branches cracked. 草转转出沙沙的音。声Weeds rustled. 7. Personification Personification is a figure of speech that gives human form, character, or sensibility to animals, plants objects, ideas or abstractions. Personification is produced by the use of adjectives, verbs, nouns or phrases. Functions of personification: 1. To achieve picturesqueness of description2. To bring the characteristics of a thing into bold relief 3. To express feelings and emotions vividly and appealingly 12  4. To achieve humor 5. To achieve conciseness and effectiveness, especially in proverbs Examples: A. Nouns We can see the smiles of Spring now. Power is the arbiter. (Jack London) Time and tide wait for no man. B. Verbs: The kettle is singing joyfully. 那儿流感十分猖獗。The flu is raging very fiercely there.  Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. (Noel Grove) 转引得全个声世界转出转转笑的人;转克吐温,~自己却转受了辛酸。? An idea spoke within him, racing through his mind. The wind whistled through the trees. Note: Such verbs as see, find, notice, discover, witness and take can be personified. E.g. Dusk found the little boy crying in the street because he was lost. 天黑转~小孩迷路了~就在转路上大哭起了。来 Leukemia took the country girl to town to see a doctor.转位转村姑娘因患白血病转城去求。医 The past years witnessed great changes in my home town.我的家转在转去的几年转转里转生了巨大的转化。 The 1990s saw the great economic development of our country with the opening-up policy to the outside world. 二十世转九十年代~着转随国外转放政策的转施~我转转有了巨大的转化。 C. Adjectives: ;除了,;转The country was blind and deaf to everything savethe glint 转,and ring of the dollar. The blushing rose nodded at me as I passed. Being lack of rains, the thirty g round opened his mouth and was anxious for water. D. Adverbs: His words were bitingly sarcastic. Overhead the stars winked mischievously at us. The letter was crouched in crawlingly civil terms. 8. Metaphor A metaphor is an implied comparison/simile. It differs from a simile in that comparison is only implied, instead of being formally expressed. Many consider metaphor the most important and basic poetic figure. It is also the commonest and most beautiful. 本~体即被比转的事物A metaphor is composed of the tenor ()and the ;转~用做比转的事物,~体即来vehicleboth appear in the metaphor.  ? Noun metaphors 13 1T.+ to be + V. Age is my alarm clock. All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 大千世界是一个舞台~男人和女人只不转是舞台上的演转转了。(Shakespeare) ;转族的转转,;精转,Your lordshipis the flowerof courtesy.Dr. Grey is a walking encyclopedia.All reactionaries are paper tigers. ? a (the, etc.) + V. + of + T.A veil of smoke hung over the garden.A violent gust of irritation swept him to action. (H.G. Wells)? a (the, etc.) + V. + of a + T.It is a vast somber cavern of a room.  He was a tyrant of a landlord. 她是天使般的妻子。She is a angle of a wife. ? T. + and + V. 恋转如同咳嗽~转逃人转的耳目。Love and cough cannot be hidden. (Proverb) 真玫瑰理像那转多刺。Truth and rose have thorns about them. (Proverb) 转出的转就抛出去了的石转~使收A word and stone let go cannot be recalled. 不回的。(Proverb) 转放三天转臭~人住三天生嫌。 Fish and visitors stink in three days. (Proverb)? Verb metaphors The tenor doesn’t appear while the verb acts as the vehicle.  他被工作转倒了。;如同厚雪转在他的身上He was snowed under by work. 一般。, She was consumed with curiosity (or: anger, jealousy, indignation, grief, regret, etc.) 她妒因;好奇、转愁、嫉、转怒、悲转、后悔,而转得憔悴。 他欣然接受了我转的建转。He embraced our offer. ? Adjectival metaphors 她很挖转转转转苦。He spoke in bitter irony. 他色迷迷地看了一她眼。He gave her a dirty look. 转是一个棘手的转转。It is a thorny problem. ? Adverbial metaphors The charcoal fire glowed and dimmed rhythmically to the strokes of the bellows 木炭火随着转箱一次次地拉转有转奏地一明一暗。 他然地断拒转了我。He flatly refused me. ? Phrases The news set her nerves on edge. = The news made her very tense.He hit on the solution at a leap. His life hung in the balance. 他生命垂危。= He is in great danger. 14 他转转幸地逃脱了。They escaped by a hair’s breath. They smashed the plot at one blow.  ? Proverbs serving as vehicles: 静水流深。Still waters run deep. The early bird gets (catches) the worm. 无转不起浪。No smoke without fire. 转转先转转。 ;转,上梁不正下梁歪。,Fish stinks at the head. 新官上任三把火。A new broom sweeps clean. 得小病的人多转。寿Creaky doors hang the longest. 凡人都有得意之日。 ;转,转水转流转。,Every dog has its day. 安逸生活bed of roses 假慈悲crocodile tears 花言巧转banana oil 微不足道的人small potatoes 转转的事物或人cup of tea ;移位修转转,9. Transferred Epithet  ;描转性形容转~Transferred epithet is a qualifying ( modifying ) adjective 包括某些转在分转和转去分转,transferred from a person to a thing, often from a person that is denoted by the subject of a thing that is related to it. A dictionary of Literary Terms defines it as “A figure of speech in which the epithet is transferred from the appropriate to modify another to which it does not really belong.” Considering the relationship between the modifying word and the word ,modified, we can divide transferred epithets into three groups? Parallel Relationship 她既尬转转~又高转。She sat with embarrassed delight.  She watched him in trembling silence. She was filled with agitated bewilderment. 她既面色转转~但又滑稽。He had a dry humor. ? Cause-effect Relationship He answered with delighted smile. The child gazed in wide-eyed (or open-mouthed or goggle-eyed) amazement.The warrant officer shook his head in numb astonishment.? Modifying Relationship In this admirable fable the ant spent a laborious summer. He answered with a helpless smile. 转人转惶逃命。The enemy fled in a blind haste. 他昨转转转反转~度转了一不个眠She tossed on her sleepless bed all last night. 之夜。  他转切地转着我的肩膀安慰He threw a reassuring arm round my shoulder. 我。 She is shedding crocodile tears. The embarrassed five minutes were gone. 15 He ate with a wolfish appetite. Above us hung a sullen sky. ;站不住的借口,What a lame excuse you have made! The angry storm has passed off! She closed her busy life at the age of eighty. 我一转不留神~把After an unthinking moment, I put my pen into my mouth. 转笔含在嘴里了。 Other phrases 梦转 死囚牢房 在焦sleepy language the condemned cell anxious hours 急中度转的转刻 转转兢兢的招供 貌似转转而转转易破trembling confession treacherous ice 碎的转冰 酷冷 一幅狂妄的架转 pitiless cold imprudent posture passionate throat 充转激情的歌喉 移位修转转之所以在散文中不乏其例~在转歌中屡它转不转~主要是因转Note: 具有转转凝转、新转生转、渲染气氛辞、耐人转味的修特点。   ;转,夸10. Hyperbole The figure of speech, hyperbole, is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis. The exaggerated statements cannot be understood literally. Usually, hyperbole is achieved. A. By using words such as pole(s), pile(s), mile(s), flood(s), world(s), scale(s), etc. to denote a very high degree:? 我今天有大量的工作要做。I’ve got piles and piles of work to do today. ? It will do you a world (worlds) of good. ? He is on top of the world. ? I have a sea of sentiments and a world of worlds to speak to him, but fail to tell them with my poor pen. ? The two views are miles (poles, worlds) apart. ? 她泪转转成河。She shed a flood of tears.  B. By using words as die, death(s), dead, deadly, deathly to denote a high degree or precision: ? You’ll just die when I tell you how much. ? 疲乏I am tired (sore, frightened, sick, worn ) to death. ? I have caught the death of a cold. ? He was dead (deathly) keen on golf. ? You think I am joking, but I am deadly serious. C. By using verbs, which exaggerate:? His speech brought the house down. ? The trial rocked the world. ? Sweat streamed down from his forehead. ? He nearly exploded with indignation. ? My feet were killing me.  ? They bombarded me with a number of questions. 16 ? I was destroyed with fatigue. D. By using numerals: ? The gang deserves to die a thousand deaths. ? I beg you a thousand pardons. ? You’re right a thousand times. ? Hamlet: I loved Ophelia: forty thousand brothers cold not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum. 我转欧个她菲利转的转转转转四万兄弟转的转。(Shakespeare) ? 情人Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object. —Proverb 眼里出西施。 ? 他牢转转腹~而且有千万理条He complains, and with millions of reasons. 由。 E. By using word or phrase denoting large quantity or high degree: ? Haven’t seen you for an age (a perfect age, ages, many a century). ? I have waited for a perfect age. ? She wept floods/ oceans of tears. ? Dr. Johnson swallowed his tea in oceans.  ? I have tried heaps of times. ? It was raining cats and dogs (or: pitchforks ). ? There are clouds of clerks in the office. ? It needed a mine of practice. ? Here was wealth beyond computation, almost beyond imagination. 转里的转富多得无法转算~转直转以想象。 ? 老The old professor’s students are living and working from China to Peru. 教授转在是桃李转天下。 F. By using prepositional phrase “to…” or “up to…” to denote the highest degree: ? He is up to his ears (eyes, neck) in work (or: debt).? I’m full to the throat. G. By using adjectives and adverbs:? We had disastrous weather on the way. ? He is dreadfully (or: terribly) unhappy. ? 他非常转明。He is fearfully clever. ? 他精通中医。He has an encyclopedic knowledge of Chinese medicine. H. By using superlative degree:  ? “I’m the happiest man in the world,” he whispered. (Albert Maltz) ? She is the prettiest girl in the world. ? And consequently, Marx was the best hated and most calumniated of his time. 正因转如此~转克思成转代最当妒遭嫉和受到最多转蔑的人。 I. By using exaggerated similes or metaphors:? He smoked like a chimney. ? He sighed like a furnace. ? You are sitting on a volcano, which might erupt any moment. 17 J. By using object complement:? He will gamble himself out of house and home. ? She is worrying her head off.  ? Her stubbornness nearly drove me mad (or: crazy). K. By using the subjunctive mood:? I could have said to see how thin and pale and old she looked. ? I might have gone mad with worry for all she cared. 2No one could be more industrious. 3Others ? The sound of drums and gongs reached the stars. ? The noise was loud enough to wake up the dead. ? He knows his job inside out.       18     19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
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