

2017-12-12 29页 doc 93KB 23阅读




氟塑料的品种及性能氟塑料的品种及性能 氟塑料的品种及应用 塑料是各种含氟塑料的总称,由含氟单体如四氟乙烯、六氟丙烯、三氟氯乙烯、偏氟乙烯、氟乙烯、六氟异丁烯、全氟代烷基乙烯基醚及乙烯等单体通过均聚或共聚反应制得。主要的氟塑料品种列下,但按数量及用途来说以聚四氟乙烯为最重要。 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE,简称F4 ) 聚全氟代乙丙烯(FEP,简称F46) 聚三氟氯乙烯(ECTFE,简称F3) 聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF,简称F2) 聚氟乙烯(PVF,简称F1) 偏氟乙烯与三氟氯乙烯共聚物(Kel-F,简称F2 3) 偏氟乙烯与四氟乙烯共聚物(...
氟塑料的品种及性能 氟塑料的品种及应用 塑料是各种含氟塑料的总称,由含氟单体如四氟乙烯、六氟丙烯、三氟氯乙烯、偏氟乙烯、氟乙烯、六氟异丁烯、全氟代烷基乙烯基醚及乙烯等单体通过均聚或共聚反应制得。主要的氟塑料品种列下,但按数量及用途来说以聚四氟乙烯为最重要。 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE,简称F4 ) 聚全氟代乙丙烯(FEP,简称F46) 聚三氟氯乙烯(ECTFE,简称F3) 聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF,简称F2) 聚氟乙烯(PVF,简称F1) 偏氟乙烯与三氟氯乙烯共聚物(Kel-F,简称F2 3) 偏氟乙烯与四氟乙烯共聚物(фOomph,简称F2 4) 偏氟乙烯与六氟丙烯共聚物(vitonA,简称F2 6) 三氟氯乙烯与乙烯共聚物(Halar,简称F3 0) 四氟乙烯与乙烯共聚物(Tefzel,简称F4 0) 偏氟乙烯与六氟异丁烯共聚物(CM-1) 四氟乙烯与全氟代烷基乙烯基醚共聚物一可熔性聚四氟乙烯(PEA) 以F4为代表的氟塑料具有一系列优良的使用特性,耐高温长期使用温度达200?;耐低温在-100?以下仍柔软,耐腐蚀能耐王水和切有机溶剂;耐气候有塑料中最佳的老化寿命;高绝缘体积电阻达1018欧姻?厘米,而且介电性能几乎与温度及频率的变化无关;高润滑具有塑料中最小的静摩擦系数;不粘附有固体材料中最小的表面张力而不粘附任何物质;无毒害具有生理惰性、宜与血液接触。由于氟塑料兼备以上种种实用性能、使它可在国民经济的许多领域大显身手。诸如化工防腐蚀管道及设备上的衬里和涂层、超纯物质的过泸材料、耐高低温的液压传递软管、耐各种 苛刻环境之密封垫圈、低摩擦之桥梁伸缩滑块、各类无油润滑活塞环、高温高频电子仪器的绝缘、可挠电缆、高级印刷线路板,有压电压热性能材料,无油烹调饮具的脱模涂层、人体血管及心肺脏器的代用品等等,都只是它在这些领域的代表性用途。完全可以相信,随着加工技术的进步,必将有更多的氟塑料产品应用在各行各业的各个部门。 在讨论氟塑料的物性时知道,氟塑料由于它的氟碳键键能很高以及氟原子的屏蔽作用,使它具有优良的耐化学腐蚀性能、介电性能、耐气候性能以及不燃不粘、低摩擦系数和较宽的使用温度范围等性能,因此,广泛应用于防腐蚀、密封、支承负荷、防粘、电气绝缘、医疗卫生及家庭日用品等方面,已成为现代尖端科学、国防工业、电子电气、化工、机械工业等不可缺少的重要材料之一。 氟塑料在整个塑料中占有的比例很少,但在我国实现四个现代化的过程中,它却是不可缺少的一个品种。随着经济建设的不断发展,氟塑料必将获得迅速的发展。 F4耐腐蚀管道及其配件的应用 F4管道可以作为输送腐蚀性或粘性液体的管道,也可作为腐蚀性气体的输送管、排气管和蒸气管等。因F4机械强度低,耐压性差,线膨胀系数大,而且,它的机械强度因温度升高而降低,易于变形,特别是在承受高温高压时矛盾更为突出,所以,F4管外及管配件外必须以玻璃钢或金属管加强。它们之间的连接均采用F4管属紧衬里管,即玻璃钢与F4管粘结成一整体。它可克服不同材质间不同线膨胀系数所引起的问题,可作为承受负压系统的输送管道,并能防止大气及环境对管道的腐蚀。由于有些流体在一定流速下与管壁经常发生摩擦,易产生静电而导致管壁击穿,应采取电位相等的导电加以防止,或在成型内管及其配件时加入适量碳墨,以防止产生静电并减少因热胀冷缩而引起的尺寸变化。 聚四氟乙烯是目前氟塑料中用量最大的品种,约占其总需求量的60,,它的性能优异,受用户信赖。其他氟塑料在半导体、医疗、电线被覆等领域的应用也在扩大。氟塑料的用途可为: 1.利用其耐药品性 撅塑料在耐药品性方面的应用早已不局限于制造密封圈、衬垫、管件,在其他需要耐腐蚀的部件(如管道)上的用星也日益增加。随着原料和加工技术的进步,氟塑料的成型方式又扩大厂选择幅度:如采用注射成型可大幅度提高生产效率,小批量生产时可采用切削加工工艺,聚四氟乙烯粘接和焊接技术的开发使制造大型贮槽和设备衬里有了可能,FEP粉末喷涂工艺使加工更加灵活、方便。半导体生产过程中防腐蚀、防污染已更多地采用氟塑料。 2(机械工业领域 聚四氟乙烯的的摩擦系数小,其静摩擦系数低于动摩擦系数,可用于低速高负荷领域,如在土建、化工、桥梁等结构件中可解决热膨胀和震动引起的伸缩问题。具体应用有: of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and (1)防污染机械(如纺织、造纸、制药、食品机械)的轴承轴套; (2)输送碱、溶剂等非润滑液体的机械(如搅拌机、染色机、泵); (3)在酸、碱等腐蚀性环境(如电镀浴槽化工设备)下工作的轴套; (4)禁油润滑(如制氧设备); (5)元油润滑(如超低温冷冻机、液体燃料泵); (6)油润滑效果不良的环境下(加高温干燥机、炉内台午、炉内传送带)工作的滑动部件; (7)低速高负荷状态下的滑动部件〔可动支承)。 3(电气领域 氟塑料是难燃材料(临界氧指数高又而腐蚀,可作电线的绝缘层。 ETFElPvDF的绝缘电阻、绝缘强度都高,机械强度也优(qT用于计算机、通信机电缆。利用其耐候性、耐辐照等特性可用于油井及核反应堆小的电缆。利用其高频下相对介电常数与介电损耗均低的特点可用于通信设备、高频电了仪器,将PTFE与炭黑、碳纤维这类导电物质混合可作为防静电材料和发热元件材料。PvDF也可制成压电元件用于无线电行业及仪器仪表行业。 4(不粘性 利用氟塑料的不粘性可以制造厨房设备(如不粘锅、点心模具)、高级建筑物的外墙涂层、泡沫塑料成型模具、复印机辊筒等。此外在人造血管、心脏瓣片等医学土物工程材料、气体分离膜、防水透气复合织物等方面的用途也日益广泛。 聚四氟乙烯的性能及用途 作者:洛阳轴承研究所 张素娥 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)以其优异的耐高低温性能和化学稳定性、很好的电绝缘性能、非粘附性、耐候性、阻燃性和良好的自润滑性,已在化工、石油、纺织、电子电气、医疗、机械等领域获得了广泛应用。 在氟塑料中聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)的消耗量最大,用途最广,是氟塑料中的一个重要品种。PTFE具有优异的耐高低温性能和化学稳定性、很好的电绝缘性能、非粘附性、耐候性、阻燃性和良好的自润滑性,有“塑料王”之美称。该材料最早是为国防和尖端技术需要而开发的,而后逐渐推广到民用,其用途涉及航空航天和民用的许多方面,目前在其应用领域已成为不可或缺的材料。 PTFE的性能特点 PTFE是由四氟乙烯单体聚合而成的聚合物,是一种类似于PE的透明或不透明的蜡状物,其密度为2.2g/cm3,吸水率小于0.01%。它的化学结构与PE相似,只是聚乙烯中的全部氢原子都被氟原子所取代。由于C-F键键能高,性能稳定,因而其耐化学腐蚀性极佳,能够承受除了熔融的碱金属、氟化介质以及高于300?的氢氧化钠之外的所有强酸(包括王水),以及强氧化剂、还原剂和各种有机溶剂的作用;PTFE分子中F原子对称,C-F键中两种元素以共价键结合,分子中没有游离的电子,使整个分子呈中性,因此它具有优良的介电性能,而且其电绝缘性不受环境及频率的影响。它的体积电阻大于1017健 m,介电损耗小,击穿电压高、耐电弧性好,能在250?的电气环境下长期工作;因PTFE分子结构中没有氢键,结构对称,所以它的结晶度很高(一般结晶度为55%~75%,有时高达94%),使PTFE 耐热性能极好,其熔融温度为324?,分解温度为415?,最高使用温度为250?,脆化温度为-190?,热变形温度(0.46MPa条件下)为120?。PTFE的力学性能良好,其拉伸强度为21~28MPa,弯曲强度为11~14MPa,伸长率为250%~300%,对钢的动静摩擦系数均为0.04,比尼龙、聚甲醛、聚酯塑料的摩擦系数都小,具体数值见表1。 of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and 纯PTFE强度低、耐磨性差以及耐蠕变性不好,通常要在PTFE聚合物中添加一些无机颗粒,如石墨、二硫化钼、三氧化二铝、玻纤、碳纤维等来提高其力学性能;也可利用与其他聚合物如聚苯酯(PHB)、聚苯硫醚(PPS)、聚醚醚酮(PEEK)、聚全氟(乙烯/丙烯)共聚物(PFEP)等共混的方法来扩展其阻尼温度范围,提高其耐蠕变性。 PTFE的用途 PTFE独特的性能使其在化工、石油、纺织、食品、造纸、医学、电子和机械等工业和海洋作业领域都有着广泛的应用。 1、防腐蚀性能的应用 由于橡胶、玻璃、金属合金等材料在耐腐蚀方面存在缺陷,难以满足条件苛刻的温度、压力和化学介质共存的环境,由此造成的损失相当惊人。而PTFE材料以其卓越的耐腐蚀性能,业已成为石油、化工、纺织等行业的主要耐腐蚀材料。其具体应用包括:输送腐蚀性气体的输送管、排气管、蒸汽管,轧钢机高压油管,飞机液压系统和冷压系统的高中低压管道,精馏塔、热交换器,釜、塔、槽的衬里,阀门等化工设备。 密封件的性能好坏对整个机器设备的效率与性能都有很大的影响。PTFE材料具有的耐腐蚀、耐老化、低摩擦系数及不粘性、耐温范围广、弹性好的特性使其非常适合应用于制造耐腐蚀要求高,使用温度高于100?的密封件。如机器、热交换器、高压容器、大直径容器、阀门、泵的槽形法兰的密封件,玻璃反应锅、平面法兰、大直径法兰的密封件,轴、活塞杆、阀门杆、蜗轮泵、拉杆的密封件等等。 2、低摩擦性能在载荷方面的应用 由于有的设备的摩擦部分不宜加油润滑,比如在润滑油脂会被溶剂溶解而失效的场合或者造纸、制药、食品、纺织等工业领域的产品需要避免润滑油沾污,这就使填充PTFE材料成为机械设备零件无油润滑(直接承受载荷)的最理想材料。这是因为该材料的摩擦系数是已知固体材料中最低的。其具体用途包括用于化工设备、造纸机械、农业机械的轴承,用作活塞环、机床导轨、导向环;在土木建筑工程广泛用作桥梁、隧道、钢结构屋架、大型化工管道、贮槽的支承滑块,以及用作桥梁支座和架桥转体等。 3、在电子电气方面的应用 PTFE材料固有的低损耗与小介电常数使其可做成漆包线,以用于微型电机、热电偶、控制装置等;PTFE薄膜是制造电容器、无线电绝缘衬垫、绝缘电缆、马达及变压器的理想绝缘材料,也是航空航天等工业电子部件不可缺少的材料之一;利用氟塑料薄膜对氧气透过性大,而对水蒸汽的透过性小的这种选择透过性,可制造氧气传感器;利用氟塑料在高温、高压下发生极向电荷偏离现象的特性,可制造麦克风、扬声器、机器人上的零件等;利用其低折射率的特性,可制造光导纤维。 4、在医疗医药方面的应用 膨体PTFE材料是纯惰性的,具有非常强的生物适应性,不会引起机体的排斥,对人体无生理副作用,可用任何方法消毒,且具有多微孔结构,从而可用于多种康复解决,包括用于软组织再生的人造血管和补片以及用于血管、心脏、普通外科和整形外科的手术缝合。 5、防粘性能的应用 PTFE材料具有固体材料中最小的表面张力,不粘附任何物质,同时还具有耐高低温优良的特性,从而使其在诸如制造不粘锅的防粘方面的应用非常广泛。其防粘工艺主要包括两种:把PTFE部件或薄片安装在基体上,以及把PTFE涂层或与玻璃复合的漆布经过热收缩而套在基材上。 随着材料应用技术的不断发展,PTFE材料的三大缺点:冷流性、难焊接性、难熔融加工性正在逐渐被克服,从而使它在光学、电子、医学、石油化工输油防渗等多种领域的应用前景更加广阔。 (end) 三、氟塑料绝缘耐高温防腐控制电缆的使用特性与结构 ?1、产品执行:Q/HBF010-2004 ?2、交流额定电压:U0/U 450/750V 。 ?3、聚全氟乙丙烯(F46)绝缘聚全氟乙丙烯(F46)护套电缆导体的长期允许工作温度为200?,短路时(最长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体的最高温度不超of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and 过500?。可溶性聚四氟乙烯(F4)绝缘可溶性聚四氟乙烯(F4)护套电缆导体的长期允许工作温度为250?。短路时(最长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体的最 高温度不超过600?。 ?4、电缆的敷设环境温度:固定敷设不低于-60?,非固定敷设不低于-20?。推荐的允许弯曲半径:无铠装层的电缆,应不小于电缆外径的10倍。有铠装或 铜带屏蔽结构的电缆,应不小于电缆外径的12倍。采用第五类导体结构的软电缆(包括有屏蔽层 结构的),应不小于电缆外径的8倍。 ?5、电缆结构参数(见表1) 表 1 20?时直流电阻不大于 Ω/km 最高工作温度 2导体标称截面mm 导体种类 绝缘电阻不小于 铜导体或 其它镀金属 MΩ?km 镀银铜导体 铜导体 0.5 5 39.0 40.1 0.0130 0.75 1 24.5 24.8 0.0110 0.75 2 24.5 24.8 0.0110 0.75 5 26.0 26.7 0.0110 1.0 1 18.1 18.2 0.0100 1.0 2 18.1 18.2 0.0100 1.0 5 19.5 20.0 0.0100 1.5 1 12.1 12.2 0.0100 1.5 2 12.1 12.2 0.0100 1.5 5 13.3 13.7 0.0100 2.5 1 7.41 7.56 0.0100 2.5 2 7.41 7.56 0.0090 2.5 5 7.98 8.21 0.0090 4 1 4.61 4.70 0.0085 4 2 4.61 4.70 0.0085 4 5 4.61 4.70 0.0070 6 1 3.08 3.11 0.0065 6 2 3.08 3.11 0.0065 6 5 3.08 3.11 0.0060 10 2 1.83 1.84 0.0050 四、氟塑料绝缘耐高温防腐电力电缆的使用特性 ?1、产品执行企业标准。 ?2、交流额定电压:U0/U 0.6/1kV 。 ?3、聚全氟乙丙烯(F46)绝缘聚全氟乙丙烯(F46)护套电缆导体的长期允许工作温度为200?,短路时(最长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体的最高温度不超过500?。 可溶性聚四氟乙烯(F4)绝缘可溶性聚四氟乙烯(F4)护套电缆导体的长期允许工作温度为250?。短路时(最长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体的最高温度不超过600?。 ?4、电缆的敷设环境温度:固定敷设不低于-60?,非固定敷设不低于-20?。推荐的允许弯曲半径:无铠装层的电缆,应不小于电缆外径的10倍。 有铠装或铜带屏蔽结构的电缆,应不小于电缆外径的12倍。采用第五类导体结构的软电缆(包括有屏蔽层结构的),应不小于电缆外径的8倍。 of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and F26 F30 F4(PTFE) F40(PETFE) F46(FEP) PFA 3 密度:2.1,2.2g/cm3 33 3 密度:2.17g/cm 密度:1.78g/cm密度:1.73,1.75g/cm密度:2.1,2.2g/cm抗拉强度:20,30MPa(悬浮) 机械 熔点;265,270? 熔点;260,266? 熔点;302,310? 16,25 MPa(分散) 抗拉强度:42,51MPa 抗拉强度:20,30MPa 抗拉强度:31MPa 断裂伸长率:250,400% 性能 断裂伸长率:100,400% 断裂伸长率:250,330% 断裂伸长率:300% 相对介电常数1kHZ :2.1 相对介电常数1000HZ :相对介电常数1MHZ :2.1 相对介电常数1kHZ :2.1 181818体积电阻率,10Ω.cm 2.6 体积电阻率,2*10体积电阻率,10Ω.cm 介电强度:400,500F40的介质损耗角正切Ω.cm F4的介质损耗角正切tg(V/0.001in) tgδ在1000HZ时为击穿场强:20-25MV /m δ在1000HZ时为0.002 电性能 F4的介质损耗角正切tgδ在0.0008 F46的介质损耗角正切击穿场强:20-25MV /m 1000HZ时为0.0002 室温时体积电阻率可达tgδ在1000HZ时为 16击穿场强:200kV/mm 到10Ω.cm 0.0002 击穿场强:16MV /m 它在-200,+180?的范-200,+260?可以短时可以在-60,+260?下使具有相当高的耐热性和耐低围内能保持有实际所需间使用,在-85,+200?用。 耐温 温性能,可以在-60,+260? 要的强度和伸长率。 的温度范围内连续使用。 冲击脆化温度,-80? 下使用。 冲击脆化温度,-80? 冲击脆化温度,-80? 性能 脆化温度为-190?, 1.有很好的耐湿性和耐水性,1.机械强度高、耐应力1.具有突出的耐化学稳1.优良的电绝缘性能,tg侵水后绝缘电阻基本不变。 开裂性好,重量轻,成定性, δ和ε受频率的影响很2.耐气候性优良, 本低, 2.抗氧化性能非常好, 小,介电特性优良。 3.具有突出的耐化学稳定性,2.电绝缘性能优良 耐大气稳定性高。 2.具有优异的热稳定性 使用 不受强腐蚀性的化学试剂侵3.耐大气老化性能优3.耐辐照性能比F4好 3.耐化学药品性能优良, 蚀。 良,耐辐照性能优良 4.常温下具有较好的耐4.易于加工,宜采用挤管性能 4.加工困难,工艺性能较差,4.F40具有优良的耐切蠕变性, 式拉伸模具 不能连续挤制,生产效率低。 割性,高温下的耐蠕变5. 耐辐照性能差。 5. 耐辐照性能优良。 5.耐辐照性能差。 性和低温下的耐冲击性 能均优于F4。 变频电缆结构设计 变频装置的节能效果十分明显,在大功率电机中采用变频调速电机,整个发电机组可节电30,。并且使用变频调速后,实现了电机的软启动,使电机工作平稳,电机轴承磨损减小,延长了电机使用寿命和维护周期。因此,变频调速技术在石油、冶金、发电、铁路、矿山等工业方面得到了广泛的使用。 1(电缆对称性设计 对于1.8,3KV及以下变频电机专用电缆,和对称3,1芯和4芯电缆仅可用于主电源的输入缆,但最好使用对称结构电缆。变频器与变频电机间用电缆均需采用对称电缆结构,对称电缆结构有3芯和3+3芯两种, 3+3芯电缆结构是将三大一小四芯绝缘线芯中第四芯(中性线芯)分解为三个截面较小的绝缘线芯,把三大三小线芯对称成缆,对于6,10kV变频电机专用电缆,该电缆结构与6,10kV普通电力电缆有所不同,普通电力电缆是将三根绝缘线芯采用铜带屏蔽后成缆,而变频电机专用电缆是由铜丝铜带屏蔽后挤包分相护套,然后对称成缆,对称电缆结构由于导线的互换性,有更好的电磁相容性,对抑制电磁干扰起到一定的作用,能抵消高次谐彼中的奇次频率,提高变频电机专用电缆的抗干扰性,减少了整个系统中的电磁辐射。 2(屏蔽结构的设计 of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and 1.8/3kV及以下变频电机专用电缆的屏蔽一般采用总屏蔽, 6/10kv变频电机专用电缆屏蔽由分相屏蔽和总屏蔽构成,分相屏蔽一般可采用铜带屏蔽或铜丝铜带组合屏蔽。总屏蔽结构可采用铜丝铜带组合屏蔽、铜丝编织屏蔽、铜带屏蔽、铜丝编织铜带屏蔽等,屏蔽层截面与主线芯截面按一定比例。此结构的屏蔽电缆可抗电磁感应、接地不良和电源线传导干扰,减小电感,防止感应电动势过大。屏蔽层既起到抑制电磁波对外发射的作用,又可作为短路电流的通道,能起到中性线芯的保护作用。6/10kV变频电机专用电缆,考虑到电缆在使用过程中经常受到径向外力作用,在电缆屏蔽层外增加镀锌钢带销装层(在屏蔽层和钢带销装层之间加隔离套)。钢带铠装主要是作为电缆的径向机械保护层,同时它也起到附加性总屏蔽作用,特别是钢带铠装和铜丝、铜带屏蔽,是采用了两种不同屏蔽材料,在电磁波屏蔽上起到一定的互补作用,屏蔽效果将更好。 3(电缆电气性能设计 1.8,3kV及以下变频电机专用电缆电气性能均按GB/Tl2706, 2002标准设计。6/10kV变频电机专用电缆在满足GBT/l2706(2002标准外, 增加了电容和电感等电性能要求。根据变频电机专用电缆的实际使用情况并参照GB/T 12706(2002和ABB日公司对电力传动电缆的技术条件,确定了电缆的电气性能参数。 4(电缆的主要制造工艺技求 在变频电机专用电缆生产过程中,绝缘线芯挤包工序、成缆工序等是最关键的工序。 绝缘线芯挤包工序绝缘线芯的质量将直接影响到电缆的电气性能。为了提高电缆的质量,我们选择高电性能绝缘材料生产,例如1.8/3kv变频电机专用电缆,采用10kV交联绝缘材料,6/10kv变频电机专用电缆采用35kv交联绝缘材料,导体屏蔽、绝缘屏蔽和绝缘材料均采用了进口材料。在生产过程中,我们特别注重原材料的净化,屏蔽与绝缘材料挤包紧密,控制绝缘偏心度和绝缘外径的均匀一致,这样可减少界面效应,提高电缆电气性能。 成缆工序变频电缆要求结构对称,成缆时必须保证绝缘线芯张力均匀,使成缆后的线芯长度尽量保持一致,否则会引起结构变化,导致电容和电感的不均匀性,影响电缆的电气性能。 变频电缆的结构及附加试验讨论 了解变频电缆工作特点之后,就不难从电缆结构改进来解决上述三个问题。 1.绝缘的电气击穿问题 变频电机大量应用后,大多数情况选用一般电力电缆,如聚氯乙烯绝缘、护套电缆或交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆,由于电缆本身耐压水平较高,很少发生电缆本体击穿。这与上述深井油泵电缆击穿事故显然不同,深井油泵电缆采用聚酰亚胺/聚全氟乙丙烯复合薄膜绕包烧结和乙丙橡胶双层绝缘,从厚度和绝缘密实来看并不理想,油泵电缆长度超过3千米,油井的工作环境严酷,电缆处在高温、高压、含油和含水的条件中工作,其绝缘性能比较脆弱,当运行过程中受到多种恶劣因素的侵蚀后发生电、热因子交错作用而导致绝缘击穿。为何电缆在工频下能长期运行而变频下几小时内击穿? 这决不是老化问题,基本上可归结于高频脉冲电压的影响。一般陆用情况下,采用聚氯of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and 乙烯绝缘并不理想,因为其介质损耗偏大。交联聚乙烯绝缘较为满意,它兼有机、电、热等优良性能。电缆绝缘厚度可采用1kV 电压等级的规定,若适当加厚,当然更为可靠,这对变频电缆更为有利。 2.高频电磁波对环境污染问题 虽然目前没有国家规定电缆发射电磁波造成环境污染的考核指标,但抑制对外高频干扰是必须做到的。对于四芯低压电缆,首先是改善绝缘线芯的排列,假如电缆的四个芯直接成缆,是不对称结构,如果将第四芯分解为三个截面较小的绝缘芯,把三大三小线芯对称成缆,二种情况相比较,对称型比较有利。第二应认为更重要的是加强总屏蔽结构。制造者习惯采用铜线编织屏蔽,实际上这并不是好方法,材料消耗大、加工速度慢、屏蔽效应不是最理想。采用铜带搭盖纵包并轧纹是较为先进的结构和工艺,形成了全封闭金属层,只要厚度适当,可达到有效的屏蔽功能。而这种工艺及其所用的材料在光缆领域中已十分普遍,铜带厚度不能太薄,以保证抑制电磁波对外发射。 3.屏蔽层接地措施 屏蔽层接地良好是抑制电磁波对外发射的必要条件,铜线编织屏蔽的接地方式较容易解决,而纵包铜带轧纹屏蔽需用专用夹具接地,夹具与轧纹铜管的接触面应当吻合,接地线由夹具尾端引出。 4.外护套 这种电缆大多数敷设在室内,一般不需铠装,虽然不完全排除用聚氯乙烯护套,但选用高密度聚乙烯更为合适。 5.电缆的附加试验一般低压电缆不需要进行脉冲电压试验,如IEC 60502 标准仅对 3.6/6 kV 及以上的电缆才规定进行脉冲电压试验。变频电机的连接电缆情况略有不同,需要承受高频脉冲电压。高频波振幅可达1200,1900 V ,振铃频率约 100,2000 kHz ,对电缆进行脉冲电压试验(型式试验)是体现电缆绝缘水平。试验可参考IEC 60502 标准,即施加正负各十次脉冲电压试验,试验电压可考虑 40 kV ,但需要进一步验证,是否必要工厂也可自行决定。 三、3.6/6 , 6/10 kV中压变频电缆的发展由于机械装备大型化,需要电机容量也配套扩大,相应变频电源的输出电流也要求增大,但受到大电流变频元件的限制,进一步提高电流容量技术发展受到限制。但另一方面提高变频电源输出电压相对比较容易,提高电压后,中压变频电机功率可大幅度增加,此时电缆的电压等级也必须跟上。目前3.6/6 , 6/10 kV中压变频电缆已有投入使用,从绝缘结构和电气、机械、物理性能上说,可以与电力电缆等同,交联聚乙烯显然是首选绝缘材料,如果在敷设时要求柔软,采用乙丙橡胶绝缘也有一定的优点。由于工作电压的提高,高频电磁波的发射能力明显增强,所以屏蔽结构要求更完善。在变频电缆工作条件下,同轴电缆是一种合适的结构,所以变频电缆的三个主线芯采用同轴结构,总屏蔽的结构与低压变频电缆相同。四、结束语变频电机用交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆是一种新的系列产品,目前还不能说很成熟,技术上比较容易解决。尽管市场的总需求量并不很大,但这种电缆的发展很有前途,中型及以上的变频电机应当采用这类专用电缆,至于小型变频电机用变频电缆,归入此范畴也未尝不可,当前对这类产品的行业标准也可提上日程。 of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then from tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into--will its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear heads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the top of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags allow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the product, when, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can be collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When sterile samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the additional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteristics of the sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativeness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sample preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on the kamaboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, four in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long-term preservation of grinding pad between the instruments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboratory water GB/T6682-1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorganic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 ?)--5.0-7.5 conductivity rate (25 ?), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L-? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-evaporation residue (105 ? ? 2 ?), mg/L-? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/L-section III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two substance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached the molecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous system. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solution) and solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid solution. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid and
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