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快递公司 客服代表考核方案

2018-11-08 26页 doc 62KB 28阅读




快递公司 客服代表考核方案快递公司 客服代表考核方案 快递公司客服代表考核方案 1 目的 对客服代表的绩效进行客观、公平的考核与评价,激励员工提高绩效水平和工作能力, 提升地区客服部门的整体服务水平。 2 适用范围 转正客服代表、高级客服代表。 3 薪酬结构 客服代表工资=岗位工资十加班工资十继续服务奖+绩效奖金十其他 3.1 岗位工资 岗位工资由在岗人员对应的待遇级别确定。 岗位 技能 待遇级别 单技能 3D 客服代表 双技能 3C 三技能 3B 高级客服代表 多技能 3A 3.2加班工资 加班工资以岗位工资作为计算基...
快递公司 客服代表考核方案
快递公司 客服代表考核 快递公司客服代表考核方案 1 目的 对客服代表的绩效进行客观、公平的考核与评价,激励员工提高绩效水平和工作能力, 提升地区客服部门的整体服务水平。 2 适用范围 转正客服代表、高级客服代表。 3 薪酬结构 客服代表工资=岗位工资十加班工资十继续服务奖+绩效奖金十其他 3.1 岗位工资 岗位工资由在岗人员对应的待遇级别确定。 岗位 技能 待遇级别 单技能 3D 客服代表 双技能 3C 三技能 3B 高级客服代表 多技能 3A 3.2加班工资 加班工资以岗位工资作为计算基数。 加班工资=(岗位工资/20.92)*加班天数*法定倍数 3.3继续服务奖 继续服务奖根据在岗员工入司工龄计算,具体如下(全网络统一发放标准): 工龄 第二年 第三年 第四年 第五年 第六年及以上 继续服务奖 40 60 80 100 120 3.4绩效奖金 绩效奖金=奖金基数×考核评分/100 奖金基数标准如下: 岗位 奖金基数标准 客服代表 500 高级客服代表 550 考核评分={各考核项目的评分总和(含业务奖惩分)一起评分(60) }/40×100; may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 3.5其它 3.5.1兼职补贴 兼职其他岗位时,兼职补贴范围为人民币100-300元之间,最高不得超过本人岗位工资的30%; 原则上不建议员工兼任两个以上的岗位,确有需要兼职两个以上岗位的,兼职补贴范围不得超过岗位工资的30%。 3.5.2夜班补贴 按照《夜班补贴管理办法执行》。 4绩效考核办法 4.1考核项目 4.1.1客服代表考核项目包括通话质量、工作失误、人均效能和业务考核。 4.1.2高级客服代表考核项目包括服务质量、工作失误、投诉系统工单抽查质量、时效性、业务考核。 4.2 考核结构 客服代表,高级客服代表考核结构如下: 客服代表 高级客服代表 内容 百分比 得分 百分比 得分 通话质量 35分 30分 35% 30% 工作失误 15分 10分 15% 10% 人均效能 25分 —— —— 25% 业务考核 25分 25分 25% 25% 工单抽查质量 —— —— 20分 20% 时效性 —— —— 15分 15% 合计 100分 100分 100% 100% 4.2.1(通话质量 以上海区质检专员、总部服务监控组每月抽查电话的评估成绩为依据。 通话质量分值=个人电话考核得分(上海区)*30%+个人电话考核得分(总部)*60%+集体考核得分(总部)*10% 4.2.2工作失误 may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 工作失误分为三大类[各类型内容请参阅附件2《工作失误类型表》,按失误次数对应的类型计算扣分值。客服代最高扣分15分,高级客服代表最高扣分10分。 类型 扣分值 备注 一类 1-2分 上海去客服部 二类 3-4分 视具体情况酌情扣分 三类 5-10分 注:上海区客服部按照《工作失误类型表》结合实际情况确定各类型具体扣分值。 4.2.3人均效能 人均效能:指人工接听电话的数量。 人均效能分值=5*[(个人效能一组内平均人均效能),(组内最高个人效能一组内平均人均效能)]+20 注释: “人均效能”指标的计算方法: 个人人均效能(日均量)=当月个人工作总量,当月实际工作日 平均人均效能=该技能组总人均效能(日均量)的平均数 说明: 实际工作日:指员工实际工作的天数,如客服代表请事假,病假等会由人事部门另行扣除。 技能组:相同工作内容且技能相同的人员归为同一技能组。例如:接听下单电话,接听查询电话,既接听下单又接听查询电话(即“双技能”),处理问题件,处理调度等技能组。因此计算人均效能时是以技能组为单位分别进行考核,即以所属技能组所有员工的平均人均效能为标准。 4.2.4业务考核 考核内容:业务知识、打字录入、系统应用等。 业务考核分值=个人业务考核成绩×25% 业务考核的考核形式和方法由上海区客服部自订。 4.2.5 工单抽查质量 以上海区每月抽查投诉系统内个人工单质量为依据计算分值。 工单抽查分值=工单抽查实际得分*15% may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 工单抽查实际得分评估方法请参照《投诉系统工单抽查指引》。 以上所指抽查分值为上海区自行抽查结果。每单扣多少分及抽检多少单由上海区来确定。 4.2.6 时效性 目前仍以《查询组限时服务标准》要求为考核依据,超出限时标准的,每次扣1分; 此项评分只计算区内自查和外区反映超时处理未形成客户投诉的情况,已形成客户投诉的按工作失误计算处理。 注:待投诉系统完善后按个人“投诉回复及时率”来考核,即:投诉回复及时率分值=各种投诉类型及时回复的数量,客户总投诉的数量*15%。 4.2.7业务奖惩 将日常业务奖惩纳入绩效考核的范畴,每奖罚1分,可以追加或扣减绩效考核总得分3分,最高可奖励或扣减绩效考核分10分,已在绩效考核中进行扣分的除外。 5薪级调整 5.1业绩综合评价 每年的1月、7月对客服代表进行业绩综合评价。 5.2评定方法 A、综合评分=直属上级评分(评分标准参阅附件1《综合评估表》) B、考核评分=前半年每月考核得分的平均分。 总评分=综合评分30%+考核评分70% C、加分项:若在考评周期内无请事假、病假者(有薪假期除外)[即全勤]均可加分;此加分项的上下限为5分。 5.3薪酬档次的晋升 晋升控制原则:连续两个评定周期内晋升人数控制为在岗人数的20%以内; 1)考评总评高于“80分”(含80分) 2)评定周期内无被客户投诉(客户恶意投诉除外); 3)评定周期内无行政扣分记录; 4)评定周期内出勤率在98%以上(有薪假除外); 凡符合上述所有条件的,薪酬档次自动上浮一档晋级。 5.4薪酬档次的下调 I:考评总评分未达到“70分”; may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and n:1)评定周期内被客户投诉(客户恶意投诉除外); 2)评定周期内有过行政扣分记录(?6分); 3)评定周期内出勤率在90%以下(有薪假除外); 凡上述条件中出现I类且在II类中的三种情况存在两种时,薪酬档次自动下浮一档。连续两次未达到I类条件时需转岗或停岗在岗培训。 5.5原则上工资等级不得跨档变动 6解释说明 ? 试用期客服代表待遇级别为2E,加班工资以岗位工资作为计算基数计发,试用期内不计绩效奖金,绩效考核只作为转正定级的依据。 ? 本方案自2007年8月1日开始试行,方案解释权归区人力资源部及客服部。 附件1、综合评估表(此表为每半年级别评核员工的综合评估表) 综合评估表 评估周期: 评估日期: 评价尺度与标准 优秀:5分 良好:4分 一般:3分 勉强:2分 较差:1分 极差:1分 内容 评估细则 分值 评分 上下班是否迟到早退,上班时是否穿工作服佩戴工牌、工服工牌是否保持整洁 5分 工作方法是否正确、有条理,执行是否准确、效率高 5分 工作 是否具有熟练的业务知识及相关的其他知识 5分 表现 工作成果与期望值比较,其符合程度(准确性、反复率如何) 5分 是否能迅速、适当地处理工作中的失误及临时追加任务 5分 是否明确自己岗位职责,自觉主动对自己的行为及后果负责 5分 是否以团队精神上作,协助上级,配事 5分 工作 不打乱工作秩序,不妨碍他人工作 5分 态度 对上级的指示、决议、是否能执行程度如何 5分 接受批评、指导的能力如何,是否愿与其他员工共享信息或帮助他人 5分 是否合理地使用公司资源 责任5分 感 工作时问是否擅离职守、是否有做与工作无关的事情 5分 may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 组织纪律性强,能带头遵守公司规章制度,并督促他人遵守 5分 是否有责任心,能自觉完成分内工作 5分 是否具备集体荣誉感、责任感 5分 问题意识强否,为有效工作,在改进工作方而的主动性及效果如何 5分 即使是自己分外的事,也能企划或提出提案 5分 自我 接受新知识的能力如何,是否能记忆,能遵循,并予以应用, 5分 启发 是否为满足未来需求而制定计划 5分 是否具有学识、涵养,可塑程度 5分 总分 100分 被评估人: 评估人: 附件2:工作失误类型表 上海区客服部奖惩制度 奖励 项目 依据 评分方法 奖励 总评成绩第一名(接单组选 包括总部录音考核、区部考核取总评成绩前两名,电话营 总评考核成(总部考核占50%、区内业务销及内务组区选取区内考 绩(网络考笔试考核占30%,区内录音考核一名[总部考核占50%、下月放假一天(每二个月请组核总评均分核占10%、组长评分10%、)[名区内业务笔试考核占30%,长对于话务量较底的人员进数线以上,额划分方式:接单2名、接线区内录音考核占10%、组长行打字速度测试) 给予奖励) 1名、文书1名、电话营销1评分10%],接线组和文书 名] 组总评成绩各一名)共5名 人员 小组内总部考核录音第一总部考核 加奖金系数3分、小奖品一份 (网络考核总部录音考核月度评分表(小名 总评均分数组划分方式:接单l小组、查小组内总部考核录音第二 加奖金系数2分、小奖品,份 线以上,给询l小组、文书l小组) 名 予奖励) 小组内总部考核录音第三加奖金系数1分、小奖品一份 may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 名 整体全网络排名第一名 组长、主管加行政分3分 月度全网络总部考核 整体全网络排名第二名 组长、主管加行政分2分 整体全网络排名第三名 组长、主管加行政分1分 月度全网络总部考核 单组成绩第一名 组长、主管加行政分1分 月度总部考核总评成绩接单、 接线在93分以上、个案跟进 一次 给予奖金系数加分3分 在94分以上且为小组排名前 三强者 若录音被总部评为优秀录音 一次 给予奖金系数加分2分 小组内业务笔试第一名 小奖品一份 小组内业务笔试第二名 小奖品一份 小组内业务笔试第三名 小奖品一份 小组内区内录音考核总评 加奖金系数2分 分第一名 业务笔试月度考核区内录音 区部考核 小组内区内录音考核总评 考核 加奖金系数1分 分第二名 小组内区内录音考核总评 加奖金系数0.5分 分第三名 一周内每一条区内录音考 加奖金系数1分 核中均有主动营销 连续2个月组长评分95分 查柯备案委托件员 奖励当月奖金系数分2分 以上人员 连续3个月开发月结客户量 电话营销代表开发月结 加行政分2分 第一 其它 连续3个月成功沟通电话量 电话营销成功沟通量 加行政分1分 第一名 对1:作提出合理化建议并 工作建议 加奖金系数2分 采纳的 may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 根据具体情况给予奖励当月 为公司业务挽回重大损失 为公司业务挽回苇大损失 奖金系数分1-5分 受客户表扬 受客户表扬(书而、电话) 加奖金系数1分 月度业务量第一名(文书完 业务量 成工单量,接单、接线处理加奖金系数1分 话务量第一名,) 临时项目 临时项日完成最优秀人员 加奖金系数1-2分 每季度各小组评定一名特 特殊贡献奖 加奖金系数3分 殊共享奖 第一部分:座席 处罚 三类责任 不论何种理由与客户争 执,出现粗言秽语,辱骂 客户,导致客户强烈投 扣除奖金系数分10分 诉,影响公司形象,与客 一类:与客户直接争吵,(以录音为准,发现一次 户发生争执、威胁客户、1次 辱骂客户 停岗培训并严重警告、二 辱骂客户(包括客户挂线 次辞退处理。) 后,在录音中能听到不耐 烦或辱骂的字眼)挂客户 电话 隐瞒他人操作失误,不按 实际情况反映问题,阻碍 扣除奖金系数分5,10二类:不以事实说话,隐对方客服部的查询工作, 1次 分(邮件、内部说明、下情不报(针对于客户) 隐情不报(如:每月累积 拷记录为准) 5次超过时间须下追拷的 情部而下为改拷) may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 回答或询问客户时带有 轻视、责问,反问的语气, 跟客户故意抢话且语速 逐渐变快,语气不耐烦。扣除奖金系数分5分(以 三类:使用不当语言 (反问、责问的语句,如:1次 录音为准,发现四次辞退你有手机号码为什么不处理。) 告诉我们呀,抢话:提高 音调不让客户说话,一句 接一句的说。) 受客户情绪影响语调不 稳定,语气生硬。(强制 四类:语气生硬、通话过扣除资金系数分2分(以客户按自己思维理解某1次 程中情绪不稳定 录音为准) 事物。突然提高自己的音 调。) 对客户的需求置之不理 (例如:1、客户来电要 求知晓我司收派员上门 取件的时间,且客户已反 馈打过N次的电话,但 业务员仍未回电的情况 扣除奖金系数分5分(以下,客服人员依然知会客 1次 录音为准,发现四次辞退户,我会通知同事给您回五类:主动服务意识差 处理。) 电。2、收方客户无单号 查件,称已,与寄方联系 但仍无单号,且此件较 急,但客户人员依然回复 客户,没有单号是不好查 件的等。) 对我司暂未能提供的服1次 扣除资金系数分2分(以 may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 务或业务不对客户进行录音为准) 引导或解释(例如:客户 来电查询Y87970的件, 已知我司正常的派送时 间为晚上19,但不能理 解为什么中午有提到货 要到晚上才能派到,客服 人员不能给到客户一个 解释或引导,只是回复, 正常情况X点派送到等 六类:不服从组长或其他不服从组长或其他上级扣除当月奖金系数分5 1次 上级工作安排 工作安排 分 七类:故意挑拨同事之间扣除当月奖金系数分5 故意挑拨同事之间的关 的关系,工作态度不认真1次 分(组长负有连带责任扣 系,工作态度不认真者 者 除当月奖金系数分2分) 连续2个月总部考核名八类:连续2个月总部考连续2个月总部考核名 列本组最后一名者,且总核名列本组最后一名者,列本组最后一名者,次月1次 评成绩低于89分的,次次月工奖为底薪。 工奖为底薪。 月工奖为底薪。 二类责任 由于个人原因漏收、发邮 一类:个人失误,未及时件或与同事未有效的沟扣除奖金系数分3分(内 1次 跟进投诉 通,使问题严重化,导致部监察为准) 客户投诉。 二类:内部同事来电投诉内部同事来电投诉服务扣除当月奖金系数分3 1次 服务态度经确认属实者 态度经确认属实者 分 未经批准私自更换班次, 扣除奖金系数分3分(系三类:未经允许私自调班 影响工作正常运作(可自1次 统签入日期为准) 行找到替班人员除外) may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 在办公场所员工大声喧 扣除奖金系数分3分(以四类:在办公场所吵闹 哗、相互争吵,影响他人1次 电话录音为准) 工作 未留意系统故障(有接听 客户电话但未下柯收件 扣除奖金系数分1,3分五类:未正确使用系统 操作的,未生成工单,1次 (以录音为准) 未正确结束工单、错误回 退工单) 一类责任 累计2次没有按相应的 操作将拷下给相应人员, 扣除奖金系数分1分(内一类:下错拷 如:同一个拷下给两个人1次 部监察) 员等等(自己发现之后更 正除外) 客户查询快件时,半个工 扣除奖金系数分0.5,1二类:未及时回复客户 作日内未回复工作进度,1次 分(内部监察) 导致客户投诉 接到外区的查询邮件,未 在查看后30分钟内回 复,或直接在“内部说明” 三类:未及时将反馈信息扣除奖金系数分0.5,1 中备注,未告知对方客服1次 跟进与备注引发投诉 分(内部监察) 未将客户反映的信息录 入系统进行备注,导致投 诉 给予客户错误的承诺,导 致客户投诉,产生的后果扣除奖金系数分1分(以四类:错误承诺客户 1次 由责任人承担(包括运费录音为准) 和理赔的承担等方面) 五类:建错客户奖料 在新建客户奖料时,将客1次 扣除奖金系数分0.5分may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 户的联系人、联系电话或(以录音为准) 联系地址等相关内容建 错 A、迟到,早退10分钟 以内扣除奖金系数分0.5 分;B、迟到,早退10 分钟以上半小时以内(含 半小时);每次扣除奖金 六类:擅自迟到早退5分未按公司规定正常上下系数分1分;C、迟到, 1次 钟以上 班,擅自迟到早退 早退半小时以上一小时 以内(含一小时),每次 扣除奖金系数分1.5分; D、迟到,早退一小时以 上三小时以内,每次扣除 奖金系数分2分 七类:各项考核总评分小总部考核、区内业务笔试 1次 扣除奖金系数分1分 组最后一名 考核、区内录音考核 抽查录音中一条无主动 营销扣0.2分,一周最高 扣分为1分,发本月人均 八类:区内录音考核主动周区内录音考核无主动 1次 效能达标,但主运营销完营销单项 营销扣分 成情况在小组平均水平 之下的,扣2分奖金系数 分 每天抽查前一日修改客 新建客户卡需及时做好户奖料情况全面查找未九类:完善客户奖料 1次 完善客户奖料工作 完善奖料每次扣0.5奖金 系数分 十类:占用公司资源 利用公司资源做私事(如1次 扣除奖金系数分l,2分 may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and 占用公司电话打私人电(以录音为准) 话) 打断客户讲话;答非所问以总部考核录音为准,扣 十一类:聆听 1次 等 除当月奖金系数分0.5分 招呼语与结束语不规范以总部考核录音为准,扣 十二类:规范用语 1次 等 除当月奖金系数分1分 其它类将视问题的严重种度界定责任级别 第二部分:管理人员 处罚 当月直属上级评分低于 一类 1次 扣除奖金系数分1分 60分者为不及格 在监察管理过程中,对于 座席人员发生的错误,隐 二类 1次 扣除奖金系数分1分 情不报(如包庇本组座席 所犯错误等) 本小组座席人员违反1 三类 级责任,将按监察不力进1次 扣除奖金系数分1分 行处罚 小组区内电话录音考核 主动营销完成率未达到组长扣除奖金系数分2四类 1次 60%(新员工录音情况包分,主管扣行政分1分 括在内) 总部考核全网络排名整 四类 1次 扣行政分1分 体水平在倒数三名的 总部考核全网络排名小 五类 1次 扣行政分1分 组水平在倒数一名的 如管理人员违反座席类处罚条例双倍扣分 may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work () [single topics] option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and
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